]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - osfmk/i386/idt64.s
[apple/xnu.git] / osfmk / i386 / idt64.s
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 #include <i386/asm.h>
29 #include <i386/asm64.h>
30 #include <assym.s>
31 #include <mach_kdb.h>
32 #include <i386/eflags.h>
33 #include <i386/trap.h>
34 #define _ARCH_I386_ASM_HELP_H_ /* Prevent inclusion of user header */
35 #include <mach/i386/syscall_sw.h>
36 #include <i386/postcode.h>
37 #include <i386/proc_reg.h>
39 /*
40 * Locore handlers.
41 */
42 #define LO_ALLINTRS EXT(lo_allintrs)
43 #define LO_ALLTRAPS EXT(lo_alltraps)
44 #define LO_SYSCALL EXT(lo_syscall)
45 #define LO_UNIX_SCALL EXT(lo_unix_scall)
46 #define LO_MACH_SCALL EXT(lo_mach_scall)
47 #define LO_MDEP_SCALL EXT(lo_mdep_scall)
48 #define LO_DIAG_SCALL EXT(lo_diag_scall)
49 #define LO_DOUBLE_FAULT EXT(lo_df64)
50 #define LO_MACHINE_CHECK EXT(lo_mc64)
52 /*
53 * Interrupt descriptor table and code vectors for it.
54 *
55 * The IDT64_BASE_ENTRY macro lays down a fake descriptor that must be
56 * reformatted ("fixed") before use.
57 * All vector are rebased in uber-space.
58 * Special vectors (e.g. double-fault) use a non-0 IST.
59 */
60 #define IDT64_BASE_ENTRY(vec,seg,ist,type) \
61 .data ;\
62 .long vec ;\
63 .long KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32 ;\
64 .word seg ;\
65 .byte ist*16 ;\
66 .byte type ;\
67 .long 0 ;\
68 .text
70 #define IDT64_ENTRY(vec,ist,type) \
71 IDT64_BASE_ENTRY(EXT(vec),KERNEL64_CS,ist,type)
72 #define IDT64_ENTRY_LOCAL(vec,ist,type) \
73 IDT64_BASE_ENTRY(vec,KERNEL64_CS,ist,type)
75 /*
76 * Push trap number and address of compatibility mode handler,
77 * then branch to common trampoline. Error already pushed.
78 */
79 #define EXCEP64_ERR(n,name) \
80 IDT64_ENTRY(name,0,K_INTR_GATE) ;\
81 Entry(name) ;\
82 push $(n) ;\
83 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), 4(%rsp) ;\
84 jmp L_enter_lohandler
87 /*
88 * Push error(0), trap number and address of compatibility mode handler,
89 * then branch to common trampoline.
90 */
91 #define EXCEPTION64(n,name) \
92 IDT64_ENTRY(name,0,K_INTR_GATE) ;\
93 Entry(name) ;\
94 push $0 ;\
95 push $(n) ;\
96 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), 4(%rsp) ;\
97 jmp L_enter_lohandler
100 /*
101 * Interrupt from user.
102 * Push error (0), trap number and address of compatibility mode handler,
103 * then branch to common trampoline.
104 */
105 #define EXCEP64_USR(n,name) \
106 IDT64_ENTRY(name,0,U_INTR_GATE) ;\
107 Entry(name) ;\
108 push $0 ;\
109 push $(n) ;\
110 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), 4(%rsp) ;\
111 jmp L_enter_lohandler
114 /*
115 * Special interrupt code from user.
116 */
117 #define EXCEP64_SPC_USR(n,name) \
118 IDT64_ENTRY(name,0,U_INTR_GATE)
121 /*
122 * Special interrupt code.
123 * In 64-bit mode we may use an IST slot instead of task gates.
124 */
125 #define EXCEP64_IST(n,name,ist) \
126 IDT64_ENTRY(name,ist,K_INTR_GATE)
127 #define EXCEP64_SPC(n,name) \
128 IDT64_ENTRY(name,0,K_INTR_GATE)
131 /*
132 * Interrupt.
133 * Push zero err, interrupt vector and address of compatibility mode handler,
134 * then branch to common trampoline.
135 */
136 #define INTERRUPT64(n) \
137 IDT64_ENTRY_LOCAL(L_ ## n,0,K_INTR_GATE) ;\
138 .align FALIGN ;\
139 L_ ## n: ;\
140 push $0 ;\
141 push $(n) ;\
142 movl $(LO_ALLINTRS), 4(%rsp) ;\
143 jmp L_enter_lohandler
146 .data
147 .align 12
148 Entry(master_idt64)
149 Entry(hi64_data_base)
150 .text
151 .code64
152 Entry(hi64_text_base)
154 EXCEPTION64(0x00,t64_zero_div)
155 EXCEP64_SPC(0x01,hi64_debug)
156 INTERRUPT64(0x02) /* NMI */
157 EXCEP64_USR(0x03,t64_int3)
158 EXCEP64_USR(0x04,t64_into)
159 EXCEP64_USR(0x05,t64_bounds)
160 EXCEPTION64(0x06,t64_invop)
161 EXCEPTION64(0x07,t64_nofpu)
162 #if MACH_KDB
163 EXCEP64_IST(0x08,db_task_dbl_fault64,1)
164 #else
165 EXCEP64_IST(0x08,hi64_double_fault,1)
166 #endif
167 EXCEPTION64(0x09,a64_fpu_over)
168 EXCEPTION64(0x0a,a64_inv_tss)
169 EXCEP64_SPC(0x0b,hi64_segnp)
170 #if MACH_KDB
171 EXCEP64_IST(0x0c,db_task_stk_fault64,1)
172 #else
173 EXCEP64_SPC(0x0c,hi64_stack_fault)
174 #endif
175 EXCEP64_SPC(0x0d,hi64_gen_prot)
176 EXCEP64_SPC(0x0e, hi64_page_fault)
177 EXCEPTION64(0x0f,t64_trap_0f)
178 EXCEPTION64(0x10,t64_fpu_err)
179 EXCEPTION64(0x11,t64_trap_11)
180 EXCEP64_IST(0x12,mc64,1)
181 EXCEPTION64(0x13,t64_sse_err)
182 EXCEPTION64(0x14,t64_trap_14)
183 EXCEPTION64(0x15,t64_trap_15)
184 EXCEPTION64(0x16,t64_trap_16)
185 EXCEPTION64(0x17,t64_trap_17)
186 EXCEPTION64(0x18,t64_trap_18)
187 EXCEPTION64(0x19,t64_trap_19)
188 EXCEPTION64(0x1a,t64_trap_1a)
189 EXCEPTION64(0x1b,t64_trap_1b)
190 EXCEPTION64(0x1c,t64_trap_1c)
191 EXCEPTION64(0x1d,t64_trap_1d)
192 EXCEPTION64(0x1e,t64_trap_1e)
193 EXCEPTION64(0x1f,t64_trap_1f)
195 INTERRUPT64(0x20)
196 INTERRUPT64(0x21)
197 INTERRUPT64(0x22)
198 INTERRUPT64(0x23)
199 INTERRUPT64(0x24)
200 INTERRUPT64(0x25)
201 INTERRUPT64(0x26)
202 INTERRUPT64(0x27)
203 INTERRUPT64(0x28)
204 INTERRUPT64(0x29)
205 INTERRUPT64(0x2a)
206 INTERRUPT64(0x2b)
207 INTERRUPT64(0x2c)
208 INTERRUPT64(0x2d)
209 INTERRUPT64(0x2e)
210 INTERRUPT64(0x2f)
212 INTERRUPT64(0x30)
213 INTERRUPT64(0x31)
214 INTERRUPT64(0x32)
215 INTERRUPT64(0x33)
216 INTERRUPT64(0x34)
217 INTERRUPT64(0x35)
218 INTERRUPT64(0x36)
219 INTERRUPT64(0x37)
220 INTERRUPT64(0x38)
221 INTERRUPT64(0x39)
222 INTERRUPT64(0x3a)
223 INTERRUPT64(0x3b)
224 INTERRUPT64(0x3c)
225 INTERRUPT64(0x3d)
226 INTERRUPT64(0x3e)
227 INTERRUPT64(0x3f)
229 INTERRUPT64(0x40)
230 INTERRUPT64(0x41)
231 INTERRUPT64(0x42)
232 INTERRUPT64(0x43)
233 INTERRUPT64(0x44)
234 INTERRUPT64(0x45)
235 INTERRUPT64(0x46)
236 INTERRUPT64(0x47)
237 INTERRUPT64(0x48)
238 INTERRUPT64(0x49)
239 INTERRUPT64(0x4a)
240 INTERRUPT64(0x4b)
241 INTERRUPT64(0x4c)
242 INTERRUPT64(0x4d)
243 INTERRUPT64(0x4e)
244 INTERRUPT64(0x4f)
246 INTERRUPT64(0x50)
247 INTERRUPT64(0x51)
248 INTERRUPT64(0x52)
249 INTERRUPT64(0x53)
250 INTERRUPT64(0x54)
251 INTERRUPT64(0x55)
252 INTERRUPT64(0x56)
253 INTERRUPT64(0x57)
254 INTERRUPT64(0x58)
255 INTERRUPT64(0x59)
256 INTERRUPT64(0x5a)
257 INTERRUPT64(0x5b)
258 INTERRUPT64(0x5c)
259 INTERRUPT64(0x5d)
260 INTERRUPT64(0x5e)
261 INTERRUPT64(0x5f)
263 INTERRUPT64(0x60)
264 INTERRUPT64(0x61)
265 INTERRUPT64(0x62)
266 INTERRUPT64(0x63)
267 INTERRUPT64(0x64)
268 INTERRUPT64(0x65)
269 INTERRUPT64(0x66)
270 INTERRUPT64(0x67)
271 INTERRUPT64(0x68)
272 INTERRUPT64(0x69)
273 INTERRUPT64(0x6a)
274 INTERRUPT64(0x6b)
275 INTERRUPT64(0x6c)
276 INTERRUPT64(0x6d)
277 INTERRUPT64(0x6e)
278 INTERRUPT64(0x6f)
280 INTERRUPT64(0x70)
281 INTERRUPT64(0x71)
282 INTERRUPT64(0x72)
283 INTERRUPT64(0x73)
284 INTERRUPT64(0x74)
285 INTERRUPT64(0x75)
286 INTERRUPT64(0x76)
287 INTERRUPT64(0x77)
288 INTERRUPT64(0x78)
289 INTERRUPT64(0x79)
290 INTERRUPT64(0x7a)
291 INTERRUPT64(0x7b)
292 INTERRUPT64(0x7c)
293 INTERRUPT64(0x7d)
294 INTERRUPT64(0x7e)
295 EXCEP64_USR(0x7f, t64_dtrace_ret)
297 EXCEP64_SPC_USR(0x80,hi64_unix_scall)
298 EXCEP64_SPC_USR(0x81,hi64_mach_scall)
299 EXCEP64_SPC_USR(0x82,hi64_mdep_scall)
300 EXCEP64_SPC_USR(0x83,hi64_diag_scall)
302 INTERRUPT64(0x84)
303 INTERRUPT64(0x85)
304 INTERRUPT64(0x86)
305 INTERRUPT64(0x87)
306 INTERRUPT64(0x88)
307 INTERRUPT64(0x89)
308 INTERRUPT64(0x8a)
309 INTERRUPT64(0x8b)
310 INTERRUPT64(0x8c)
311 INTERRUPT64(0x8d)
312 INTERRUPT64(0x8e)
313 INTERRUPT64(0x8f)
315 INTERRUPT64(0x90)
316 INTERRUPT64(0x91)
317 INTERRUPT64(0x92)
318 INTERRUPT64(0x93)
319 INTERRUPT64(0x94)
320 INTERRUPT64(0x95)
321 INTERRUPT64(0x96)
322 INTERRUPT64(0x97)
323 INTERRUPT64(0x98)
324 INTERRUPT64(0x99)
325 INTERRUPT64(0x9a)
326 INTERRUPT64(0x9b)
327 INTERRUPT64(0x9c)
328 INTERRUPT64(0x9d)
329 INTERRUPT64(0x9e)
330 INTERRUPT64(0x9f)
332 INTERRUPT64(0xa0)
333 INTERRUPT64(0xa1)
334 INTERRUPT64(0xa2)
335 INTERRUPT64(0xa3)
336 INTERRUPT64(0xa4)
337 INTERRUPT64(0xa5)
338 INTERRUPT64(0xa6)
339 INTERRUPT64(0xa7)
340 INTERRUPT64(0xa8)
341 INTERRUPT64(0xa9)
342 INTERRUPT64(0xaa)
343 INTERRUPT64(0xab)
344 INTERRUPT64(0xac)
345 INTERRUPT64(0xad)
346 INTERRUPT64(0xae)
347 INTERRUPT64(0xaf)
349 INTERRUPT64(0xb0)
350 INTERRUPT64(0xb1)
351 INTERRUPT64(0xb2)
352 INTERRUPT64(0xb3)
353 INTERRUPT64(0xb4)
354 INTERRUPT64(0xb5)
355 INTERRUPT64(0xb6)
356 INTERRUPT64(0xb7)
357 INTERRUPT64(0xb8)
358 INTERRUPT64(0xb9)
359 INTERRUPT64(0xba)
360 INTERRUPT64(0xbb)
361 INTERRUPT64(0xbc)
362 INTERRUPT64(0xbd)
363 INTERRUPT64(0xbe)
364 INTERRUPT64(0xbf)
366 INTERRUPT64(0xc0)
367 INTERRUPT64(0xc1)
368 INTERRUPT64(0xc2)
369 INTERRUPT64(0xc3)
370 INTERRUPT64(0xc4)
371 INTERRUPT64(0xc5)
372 INTERRUPT64(0xc6)
373 INTERRUPT64(0xc7)
374 INTERRUPT64(0xc8)
375 INTERRUPT64(0xc9)
376 INTERRUPT64(0xca)
377 INTERRUPT64(0xcb)
378 INTERRUPT64(0xcc)
379 INTERRUPT64(0xcd)
380 INTERRUPT64(0xce)
381 INTERRUPT64(0xcf)
383 INTERRUPT64(0xd0)
384 INTERRUPT64(0xd1)
385 INTERRUPT64(0xd2)
386 INTERRUPT64(0xd3)
387 INTERRUPT64(0xd4)
388 INTERRUPT64(0xd5)
389 INTERRUPT64(0xd6)
390 INTERRUPT64(0xd7)
391 INTERRUPT64(0xd8)
392 INTERRUPT64(0xd9)
393 INTERRUPT64(0xda)
394 INTERRUPT64(0xdb)
395 INTERRUPT64(0xdc)
396 INTERRUPT64(0xdd)
397 INTERRUPT64(0xde)
398 INTERRUPT64(0xdf)
400 INTERRUPT64(0xe0)
401 INTERRUPT64(0xe1)
402 INTERRUPT64(0xe2)
403 INTERRUPT64(0xe3)
404 INTERRUPT64(0xe4)
405 INTERRUPT64(0xe5)
406 INTERRUPT64(0xe6)
407 INTERRUPT64(0xe7)
408 INTERRUPT64(0xe8)
409 INTERRUPT64(0xe9)
410 INTERRUPT64(0xea)
411 INTERRUPT64(0xeb)
412 INTERRUPT64(0xec)
413 INTERRUPT64(0xed)
414 INTERRUPT64(0xee)
415 INTERRUPT64(0xef)
417 INTERRUPT64(0xf0)
418 INTERRUPT64(0xf1)
419 INTERRUPT64(0xf2)
420 INTERRUPT64(0xf3)
421 INTERRUPT64(0xf4)
422 INTERRUPT64(0xf5)
423 INTERRUPT64(0xf6)
424 INTERRUPT64(0xf7)
425 INTERRUPT64(0xf8)
426 INTERRUPT64(0xf9)
427 INTERRUPT64(0xfa)
428 INTERRUPT64(0xfb)
429 INTERRUPT64(0xfc)
430 INTERRUPT64(0xfd)
431 INTERRUPT64(0xfe)
432 EXCEPTION64(0xff,t64_preempt)
435 .text
436 /*
437 *
438 * Trap/interrupt entry points.
439 *
440 * All traps must create the following 32-bit save area on the PCB "stack"
441 * - this is identical to the legacy mode 32-bit case:
442 *
443 * gs
444 * fs
445 * es
446 * ds
447 * edi
448 * esi
449 * ebp
450 * cr2 (defined only for page fault)
451 * ebx
452 * edx
453 * ecx
454 * eax
455 * trap number
456 * error code
457 * eip
458 * cs
459 * eflags
460 * user esp - if from user
461 * user ss - if from user
462 *
463 * Above this is the trap number and compatibility mode handler address
464 * (packed into an 8-byte stack entry) and the 64-bit interrupt stack frame:
465 *
466 * (trapno, trapfn)
467 * err
468 * rip
469 * cs
470 * rflags
471 * rsp
472 * ss
473 *
474 */
476 .code32
477 /*
478 * Control is passed here to return to the compatibility mode user.
479 * At this stage we're in kernel space in compatibility mode
480 * but we need to switch into 64-bit mode in the 4G-based trampoline
481 * space before performing the iret.
482 */
483 Entry(lo64_ret_to_user)
484 movl %gs:CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD,%ecx
486 movl ACT_PCB_IDS(%ecx),%eax /* Obtain this thread's debug state */
487 cmpl $0,%eax /* Is there a debug register context? */
488 je 2f /* branch if not */
489 cmpl $(TASK_MAP_32BIT), %gs:CPU_TASK_MAP /* Are we a 32-bit task? */
490 jne 1f
491 movl DS_DR0(%eax), %ecx /* If so, load the 32 bit DRs */
492 movl %ecx, %db0
493 movl DS_DR1(%eax), %ecx
494 movl %ecx, %db1
495 movl DS_DR2(%eax), %ecx
496 movl %ecx, %db2
497 movl DS_DR3(%eax), %ecx
498 movl %ecx, %db3
499 movl DS_DR7(%eax), %ecx
500 movl %ecx, %gs:CPU_DR7
501 movl $0, %gs:CPU_DR7 + 4
502 jmp 2f
503 1:
504 ENTER_64BIT_MODE() /* Enter long mode */
505 mov DS64_DR0(%eax), %rcx /* Load the full width DRs*/
506 mov %rcx, %dr0
507 mov DS64_DR1(%eax), %rcx
508 mov %rcx, %dr1
509 mov DS64_DR2(%eax), %rcx
510 mov %rcx, %dr2
511 mov DS64_DR3(%eax), %rcx
512 mov %rcx, %dr3
513 mov DS64_DR7(%eax), %rcx
514 mov %rcx, %gs:CPU_DR7
515 jmp 3f /* Enter uberspace */
516 2:
518 3:
521 /*
522 * Now switch %cr3, if necessary.
523 */
524 swapgs /* switch back to uber-kernel gs base */
525 mov %gs:CPU_TASK_CR3,%rcx
526 mov %rcx,%gs:CPU_ACTIVE_CR3
527 mov %cr3, %rax
528 cmp %rcx, %rax
529 je 1f
530 /* flag the copyio engine state as WINDOWS_CLEAN */
531 mov %gs:CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD,%eax
533 mov %rcx,%cr3 /* switch to user's address space */
534 1:
536 mov %gs:CPU_DR7, %rax /* Is there a debug control register?*/
537 cmp $0, %rax
538 je 1f
539 mov %rax, %dr7 /* Set DR7 */
540 movq $0, %gs:CPU_DR7
541 1:
543 /*
544 * Adjust stack to use uber-space.
545 */
546 mov $(KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32), %rax
547 shl $32, %rsp
548 shrd $32, %rax, %rsp /* relocate into uber-space */
550 cmpl $(SS_32), SS_FLAVOR(%rsp) /* 32-bit state? */
551 jne L_64bit_return
552 jmp L_32bit_return
554 Entry(lo64_ret_to_kernel)
558 swapgs /* switch back to uber-kernel gs base */
560 /*
561 * Adjust stack to use uber-space.
562 */
563 mov $(KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32), %rax
564 shl $32, %rsp
565 shrd $32, %rax, %rsp /* relocate into uber-space */
567 /* Check for return to 64-bit kernel space (EFI today) */
568 cmpl $(SS_32), SS_FLAVOR(%rsp) /* 32-bit state? */
569 jne L_64bit_return
570 /* fall through for 32-bit return */
572 L_32bit_return:
573 /*
574 * Restore registers into the machine state for iret.
575 */
576 movl R_EIP(%rsp), %eax
577 movl %eax, ISC32_RIP(%rsp)
578 movl R_EFLAGS(%rsp), %eax
579 movl %eax, ISC32_RFLAGS(%rsp)
580 movl R_CS(%rsp), %eax
581 movl %eax, ISC32_CS(%rsp)
582 movl R_UESP(%rsp), %eax
583 movl %eax, ISC32_RSP(%rsp)
584 movl R_SS(%rsp), %eax
585 movl %eax, ISC32_SS(%rsp)
587 /*
588 * Restore general 32-bit registers
589 */
590 movl R_EAX(%rsp), %eax
591 movl R_EBX(%rsp), %ebx
592 movl R_ECX(%rsp), %ecx
593 movl R_EDX(%rsp), %edx
594 movl R_EBP(%rsp), %ebp
595 movl R_ESI(%rsp), %esi
596 movl R_EDI(%rsp), %edi
598 /*
599 * Restore segment registers. We make take an exception here but
600 * we've got enough space left in the save frame area to absorb
601 * a hardware frame plus the trapfn and trapno
602 */
603 swapgs
604 EXT(ret32_set_ds):
605 movw R_DS(%rsp), %ds
606 EXT(ret32_set_es):
607 movw R_ES(%rsp), %es
608 EXT(ret32_set_fs):
609 movw R_FS(%rsp), %fs
610 EXT(ret32_set_gs):
611 movw R_GS(%rsp), %gs
613 add $(ISC32_OFFSET)+8+8, %rsp /* pop compat frame +
614 trapno/trapfn and error */
615 cmp $(SYSENTER_CS),ISF64_CS-8-8(%rsp)
616 /* test for fast entry/exit */
617 je L_fast_exit
618 EXT(ret32_iret):
619 iretq /* return from interrupt */
621 L_fast_exit:
622 pop %rdx /* user return eip */
623 pop %rcx /* pop and toss cs */
624 andl $(~EFL_IF), (%rsp) /* clear interrupts enable, sti below */
625 popf /* flags - carry denotes failure */
626 pop %rcx /* user return esp */
627 .code32
628 sti /* interrupts enabled after sysexit */
629 sysexit /* 32-bit sysexit */
630 .code64
632 L_64bit_return:
633 /*
634 * Set the GS Base MSR with the user's gs base.
635 */
636 movl %gs:CPU_UBER_USER_GS_BASE, %eax
637 movl %gs:CPU_UBER_USER_GS_BASE+4, %edx
638 movl $(MSR_IA32_GS_BASE), %ecx
639 swapgs
640 testb $3, R64_CS(%rsp) /* returning to user-space? */
641 jz 1f
642 wrmsr /* set 64-bit base */
643 1:
645 /*
646 * Restore general 64-bit registers
647 */
648 mov R64_R15(%rsp), %r15
649 mov R64_R14(%rsp), %r14
650 mov R64_R13(%rsp), %r13
651 mov R64_R12(%rsp), %r12
652 mov R64_R11(%rsp), %r11
653 mov R64_R10(%rsp), %r10
654 mov R64_R9(%rsp), %r9
655 mov R64_R8(%rsp), %r8
656 mov R64_RSI(%rsp), %rsi
657 mov R64_RDI(%rsp), %rdi
658 mov R64_RBP(%rsp), %rbp
659 mov R64_RDX(%rsp), %rdx
660 mov R64_RBX(%rsp), %rbx
661 mov R64_RCX(%rsp), %rcx
662 mov R64_RAX(%rsp), %rax
664 add $(ISS64_OFFSET)+8+8, %rsp /* pop saved state frame +
665 trapno/trapfn and error */
666 cmpl $(SYSCALL_CS),ISF64_CS-8-8(%rsp)
667 /* test for fast entry/exit */
668 je L_sysret
669 EXT(ret64_iret):
670 iretq /* return from interrupt */
672 L_sysret:
673 /*
674 * Here to load rcx/r11/rsp and perform the sysret back to user-space.
675 * rcx user rip
676 * r1 user rflags
677 * rsp user stack pointer
678 */
679 mov ISF64_RIP-16(%rsp), %rcx
680 mov ISF64_RFLAGS-16(%rsp), %r11
681 mov ISF64_RSP-16(%rsp), %rsp
682 sysretq /* return from system call */
684 /*
685 * Common path to enter locore handlers.
686 */
687 L_enter_lohandler:
688 swapgs /* switch to kernel gs (cpu_data) */
689 L_enter_lohandler_continue:
690 cmpl $(USER64_CS), ISF64_CS(%rsp)
691 je L_64bit_enter /* this is a 64-bit user task */
692 cmpl $(KERNEL64_CS), ISF64_CS(%rsp)
693 je L_64bit_enter /* we're in 64-bit (EFI) code */
694 jmp L_32bit_enter
696 /*
697 * System call handlers.
698 * These are entered via a syscall interrupt. The system call number in %rax
699 * is saved to the error code slot in the stack frame. We then branch to the
700 * common state saving code.
701 */
703 Entry(hi64_unix_scall)
704 swapgs /* switch to kernel gs (cpu_data) */
705 L_unix_scall_continue:
706 push %rax /* save system call number */
707 push $(UNIX_INT)
708 movl $(LO_UNIX_SCALL), 4(%rsp)
709 jmp L_32bit_enter_check
712 Entry(hi64_mach_scall)
713 swapgs /* switch to kernel gs (cpu_data) */
714 L_mach_scall_continue:
715 push %rax /* save system call number */
716 push $(MACH_INT)
717 movl $(LO_MACH_SCALL), 4(%rsp)
718 jmp L_32bit_enter_check
721 Entry(hi64_mdep_scall)
722 swapgs /* switch to kernel gs (cpu_data) */
723 L_mdep_scall_continue:
724 push %rax /* save system call number */
725 push $(MACHDEP_INT)
726 movl $(LO_MDEP_SCALL), 4(%rsp)
727 jmp L_32bit_enter_check
730 Entry(hi64_diag_scall)
731 swapgs /* switch to kernel gs (cpu_data) */
732 L_diag_scall_continue:
733 push %rax /* save system call number */
734 push $(DIAG_INT)
735 movl $(LO_DIAG_SCALL), 4(%rsp)
736 jmp L_32bit_enter_check
738 Entry(hi64_syscall)
739 swapgs /* Kapow! get per-cpu data area */
740 L_syscall_continue:
741 mov %rsp, %gs:CPU_UBER_TMP /* save user stack */
742 mov %gs:CPU_UBER_ISF, %rsp /* switch stack to pcb */
744 /*
745 * Save values in the ISF frame in the PCB
746 * to cons up the saved machine state.
747 */
748 movl $(USER_DS), ISF64_SS(%rsp)
749 movl $(SYSCALL_CS), ISF64_CS(%rsp) /* cs - a pseudo-segment */
750 mov %r11, ISF64_RFLAGS(%rsp) /* rflags */
751 mov %rcx, ISF64_RIP(%rsp) /* rip */
752 mov %gs:CPU_UBER_TMP, %rcx
753 mov %rcx, ISF64_RSP(%rsp) /* user stack */
754 mov %rax, ISF64_ERR(%rsp) /* err/rax - syscall code */
755 movl $(0), ISF64_TRAPNO(%rsp) /* trapno */
756 movl $(LO_SYSCALL), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
757 jmp L_64bit_enter /* this can only be a 64-bit task */
760 L_32bit_enter_check:
761 /*
762 * Check we're not a confused 64-bit user.
763 */
764 cmpl $(TASK_MAP_32BIT), %gs:CPU_TASK_MAP
765 jne L_64bit_entry_reject
766 jmp L_32bit_enter
767 /*
768 * sysenter entry point
769 * Requires user code to set up:
770 * edx: user instruction pointer (return address)
771 * ecx: user stack pointer
772 * on which is pushed stub ret addr and saved ebx
773 * Return to user-space is made using sysexit.
774 * Note: sysenter/sysexit cannot be used for calls returning a value in edx,
775 * or requiring ecx to be preserved.
776 */
777 Entry(hi64_sysenter)
778 mov (%rsp), %rsp /* switch from temporary stack to pcb */
779 /*
780 * Push values on to the PCB stack
781 * to cons up the saved machine state.
782 */
783 push $(USER_DS) /* ss */
784 push %rcx /* uesp */
785 pushf /* flags */
786 /*
787 * Clear, among others, the Nested Task (NT) flags bit;
788 * this is zeroed by INT, but not by SYSENTER.
789 */
790 push $0
791 popf
792 push $(SYSENTER_CS) /* cs */
793 swapgs /* switch to kernel gs (cpu_data) */
794 L_sysenter_continue:
795 push %rdx /* eip */
796 push %rax /* err/eax - syscall code */
797 push $(0)
798 orl $(EFL_IF), ISF64_RFLAGS(%rsp)
799 movl $(LO_MACH_SCALL), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
800 testl %eax, %eax
801 js L_32bit_enter_check
802 movl $(LO_UNIX_SCALL), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
803 cmpl $(TASK_MAP_32BIT), %gs:CPU_TASK_MAP
804 jne L_64bit_entry_reject
805 /* If the caller (typically LibSystem) has recorded the cumulative size of
806 * the arguments in EAX, copy them over from the user stack directly.
807 * We recover from exceptions inline--if the copy loop doesn't complete
808 * due to an exception, we fall back to copyin from compatibility mode.
809 * We can potentially extend this mechanism to mach traps as well (DRK).
810 */
811 L_sysenter_copy_args:
812 testl $(I386_SYSCALL_ARG_BYTES_MASK), %eax
813 jz L_32bit_enter
814 xor %r9, %r9
815 mov %gs:CPU_UBER_ARG_STORE, %r8
816 movl %eax, %r9d
817 mov %gs:CPU_UBER_ARG_STORE_VALID, %r12
818 xor %r10, %r10
819 shrl $(I386_SYSCALL_ARG_DWORDS_SHIFT), %r9d
820 andl $(I386_SYSCALL_ARG_DWORDS_MASK), %r9d
821 movl $0, (%r12)
822 EXT(hi64_sysenter_user_arg_copy):
823 0:
824 movl 4(%rcx, %r10, 4), %r11d
825 movl %r11d, (%r8, %r10, 4)
826 incl %r10d
827 decl %r9d
828 jnz 0b
829 movl $1, (%r12)
830 /* Fall through to 32-bit handler */
832 L_32bit_enter:
833 /*
834 * Make space for the compatibility save area.
835 */
836 sub $(ISC32_OFFSET), %rsp
837 movl $(SS_32), SS_FLAVOR(%rsp)
839 /*
840 * Save segment regs
841 */
842 mov %ds, R_DS(%rsp)
843 mov %es, R_ES(%rsp)
844 mov %fs, R_FS(%rsp)
845 mov %gs, R_GS(%rsp)
847 /*
848 * Save general 32-bit registers
849 */
850 mov %eax, R_EAX(%rsp)
851 mov %ebx, R_EBX(%rsp)
852 mov %ecx, R_ECX(%rsp)
853 mov %edx, R_EDX(%rsp)
854 mov %ebp, R_EBP(%rsp)
855 mov %esi, R_ESI(%rsp)
856 mov %edi, R_EDI(%rsp)
858 /* Unconditionally save cr2; only meaningful on page faults */
859 mov %cr2, %rax
860 mov %eax, R_CR2(%rsp)
862 /*
863 * Copy registers already saved in the machine state
864 * (in the interrupt stack frame) into the compat save area.
865 */
866 mov ISC32_RIP(%rsp), %eax
867 mov %eax, R_EIP(%rsp)
868 mov ISC32_RFLAGS(%rsp), %eax
869 mov %eax, R_EFLAGS(%rsp)
870 mov ISC32_CS(%rsp), %eax
871 mov %eax, R_CS(%rsp)
872 mov ISC32_RSP(%rsp), %eax
873 mov %eax, R_UESP(%rsp)
874 mov ISC32_SS(%rsp), %eax
875 mov %eax, R_SS(%rsp)
876 L_32bit_enter_after_fault:
877 mov ISC32_TRAPNO(%rsp), %ebx /* %ebx := trapno for later */
878 mov %ebx, R_TRAPNO(%rsp)
879 mov ISC32_ERR(%rsp), %eax
880 mov %eax, R_ERR(%rsp)
881 mov ISC32_TRAPFN(%rsp), %edx
883 /*
884 * Common point to enter lo_handler in compatibilty mode:
885 * %ebx trapno
886 * %edx locore handler address
887 */
888 L_enter_lohandler2:
889 /*
890 * Switch address space to kernel
891 * if not shared space and not already mapped.
892 * Note: cpu_task_map is valid only if cpu_task_cr3 is loaded in cr3.
893 */
894 mov %cr3, %rax
895 mov %gs:CPU_TASK_CR3, %rcx
896 cmp %rax, %rcx /* is the task's cr3 loaded? */
897 jne 1f
899 je 2f
900 1:
901 mov %gs:CPU_KERNEL_CR3, %rcx
902 cmp %rax, %rcx
903 je 2f
904 mov %rcx, %cr3
905 mov %rcx, %gs:CPU_ACTIVE_CR3
906 2:
907 /*
908 * Switch to compatibility mode.
909 * Then establish kernel segments.
910 */
911 swapgs /* Done with uber-kernel gs */
914 /*
915 * Now in compatibility mode and running in compatibility space
916 * prepare to enter the locore handler.
917 * %ebx trapno
918 * %edx lo_handler pointer
919 * Note: the stack pointer (now 32-bit) is now directly addressing the
920 * the kernel below 4G and therefore is automagically re-based.
921 */
922 mov $(KERNEL_DS), %eax
923 mov %eax, %ss
924 mov %eax, %ds
925 mov %eax, %es
926 mov %eax, %fs
927 mov $(CPU_DATA_GS), %eax
928 mov %eax, %gs
930 movl %gs:CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD,%ecx /* Get the active thread */
931 cmpl $0, ACT_PCB_IDS(%ecx) /* Is there a debug register state? */
932 je 1f
933 movl $0, %ecx /* If so, reset DR7 (the control) */
934 movl %ecx, %dr7
935 1:
936 addl $1,%gs:hwIntCnt(,%ebx,4) // Bump the trap/intr count
938 /* Dispatch the designated lo handler */
939 jmp *%edx
941 .code64
942 L_64bit_entry_reject:
943 /*
944 * Here for a 64-bit user attempting an invalid kernel entry.
945 */
946 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
947 movl $(T_INVALID_OPCODE), ISF64_TRAPNO(%rsp)
948 /* Fall through... */
950 L_64bit_enter:
951 /*
952 * Here for a 64-bit user task, or special 64-bit kernel code.
953 * Make space for the save area.
954 */
955 sub $(ISS64_OFFSET), %rsp
956 movl $(SS_64), SS_FLAVOR(%rsp)
958 /*
959 * Save segment regs
960 */
961 mov %fs, R64_FS(%rsp)
962 mov %gs, R64_GS(%rsp)
964 /* Save general-purpose registers */
965 mov %rax, R64_RAX(%rsp)
966 mov %rcx, R64_RCX(%rsp)
967 mov %rbx, R64_RBX(%rsp)
968 mov %rbp, R64_RBP(%rsp)
969 mov %r11, R64_R11(%rsp)
970 mov %r12, R64_R12(%rsp)
971 mov %r13, R64_R13(%rsp)
972 mov %r14, R64_R14(%rsp)
973 mov %r15, R64_R15(%rsp)
975 /* cr2 is significant only for page-faults */
976 mov %cr2, %rax
977 mov %rax, R64_CR2(%rsp)
979 /* Other registers (which may contain syscall args) */
980 mov %rdi, R64_RDI(%rsp) /* arg0 .. */
981 mov %rsi, R64_RSI(%rsp)
982 mov %rdx, R64_RDX(%rsp)
983 mov %r10, R64_R10(%rsp)
984 mov %r8, R64_R8(%rsp)
985 mov %r9, R64_R9(%rsp) /* .. arg5 */
987 L_64bit_enter_after_fault:
988 /*
989 * At this point we're almost ready to join the common lo-entry code.
990 */
991 mov R64_TRAPNO(%rsp), %ebx
992 mov R64_TRAPFN(%rsp), %edx
994 jmp L_enter_lohandler2
996 Entry(hi64_page_fault)
997 push $(T_PAGE_FAULT)
998 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), 4(%rsp)
999 cmpl $(KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32), ISF64_RIP+4(%rsp)
1000 jne L_enter_lohandler
1001 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_sysenter_user_arg_copy)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1002 jne L_enter_lohandler
1003 mov ISF64_RSP(%rsp), %rsp
1004 jmp L_32bit_enter
1006 /*
1007 * Debug trap. Check for single-stepping across system call into
1008 * kernel. If this is the case, taking the debug trap has turned
1009 * off single-stepping - save the flags register with the trace
1010 * bit set.
1011 */
1012 Entry(hi64_debug)
1013 swapgs /* set %gs for cpu data */
1014 push $0 /* error code */
1015 push $(T_DEBUG)
1016 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
1018 testb $3, ISF64_CS(%rsp)
1019 jnz L_enter_lohandler_continue
1021 /*
1022 * trap came from kernel mode
1023 */
1024 cmpl $(KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32), ISF64_RIP+4(%rsp)
1025 jne L_enter_lohandler_continue /* trap not in uber-space */
1027 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_mach_scall)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1028 jne 6f
1029 add $(ISF64_SIZE),%rsp /* remove entire intr stack frame */
1030 jmp L_mach_scall_continue /* continue system call entry */
1031 6:
1032 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_mdep_scall)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1033 jne 5f
1034 add $(ISF64_SIZE),%rsp /* remove entire intr stack frame */
1035 jmp L_mdep_scall_continue /* continue system call entry */
1036 5:
1037 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_unix_scall)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1038 jne 4f
1039 add $(ISF64_SIZE),%rsp /* remove entire intr stack frame */
1040 jmp L_unix_scall_continue /* continue system call entry */
1041 4:
1042 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_sysenter)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1043 jne L_enter_lohandler_continue
1044 /*
1045 * Interrupt stack frame has been pushed on the temporary stack.
1046 * We have to switch to pcb stack and copy eflags.
1047 */
1048 add $32,%rsp /* remove trapno/trapfn/err/rip/cs */
1049 push %rcx /* save %rcx - user stack pointer */
1050 mov 32(%rsp),%rcx /* top of intr stack -> pcb stack */
1051 xchg %rcx,%rsp /* switch to pcb stack */
1052 push $(USER_DS) /* ss */
1053 push (%rcx) /* saved %rcx into rsp slot */
1054 push 8(%rcx) /* rflags */
1055 mov (%rcx),%rcx /* restore %rcx */
1056 push $(SYSENTER_TF_CS) /* cs - not SYSENTER_CS for iret path */
1057 jmp L_sysenter_continue /* continue sysenter entry */
1060 Entry(hi64_double_fault)
1061 swapgs /* set %gs for cpu data */
1062 push $(T_DOUBLE_FAULT)
1063 movl $(LO_DOUBLE_FAULT), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
1065 cmpl $(KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32), ISF64_RIP+4(%rsp)
1066 jne L_enter_lohandler_continue /* trap not in uber-space */
1068 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_syscall)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1069 jne L_enter_lohandler_continue
1071 mov ISF64_RSP(%rsp), %rsp
1072 jmp L_syscall_continue
1075 /*
1076 * General protection or segment-not-present fault.
1077 * Check for a GP/NP fault in the kernel_return
1078 * sequence; if there, report it as a GP/NP fault on the user's instruction.
1079 *
1080 * rsp-> 0: trap code (NP or GP) and trap function
1081 * 8: segment number in error (error code)
1082 * 16 rip
1083 * 24 cs
1084 * 32 rflags
1085 * 40 rsp
1086 * 48 ss
1087 * 56 old registers (trap is from kernel)
1088 */
1089 Entry(hi64_gen_prot)
1091 jmp trap_check_kernel_exit /* check for kernel exit sequence */
1093 Entry(hi64_stack_fault)
1094 push $(T_STACK_FAULT)
1095 jmp trap_check_kernel_exit /* check for kernel exit sequence */
1097 Entry(hi64_segnp)
1099 /* indicate fault type */
1100 trap_check_kernel_exit:
1101 movl $(LO_ALLTRAPS), 4(%rsp)
1102 testb $3,24(%rsp)
1103 jnz hi64_take_trap
1104 /* trap was from kernel mode, so */
1105 /* check for the kernel exit sequence */
1106 cmpl $(KERNEL_UBER_BASE_HI32), 16+4(%rsp)
1107 jne hi64_take_trap /* trap not in uber-space */
1109 cmpl $(EXT(ret32_iret)), 16(%rsp)
1110 je L_fault_iret32
1111 cmpl $(EXT(ret32_set_ds)), 16(%rsp)
1112 je L_32bit_fault_set_seg
1113 cmpl $(EXT(ret32_set_es)), 16(%rsp)
1114 je L_32bit_fault_set_seg
1115 cmpl $(EXT(ret32_set_fs)), 16(%rsp)
1116 je L_32bit_fault_set_seg
1117 cmpl $(EXT(ret32_set_gs)), 16(%rsp)
1118 je L_32bit_fault_set_seg
1120 cmpl $(EXT(ret64_iret)), 16(%rsp)
1121 je L_fault_iret64
1123 cmpl $(EXT(hi64_sysenter_user_arg_copy)), ISF64_RIP(%rsp)
1124 jne hi64_take_trap
1125 mov ISF64_RSP(%rsp), %rsp
1126 jmp L_32bit_enter
1127 hi64_take_trap:
1128 jmp L_enter_lohandler
1131 /*
1132 * GP/NP fault on IRET: CS or SS is in error.
1133 * All registers contain the user's values.
1134 *
1135 * on SP is
1136 * 0 trap number/function
1137 * 8 errcode
1138 * 16 rip
1139 * 24 cs
1140 * 32 rflags
1141 * 40 rsp
1142 * 48 ss --> new trapno/trapfn
1143 * 56 (16-byte padding) --> new errcode
1144 * 64 user rip
1145 * 72 user cs
1146 * 80 user rflags
1147 * 88 user rsp
1148 * 96 user ss
1149 */
1150 L_fault_iret32:
1151 mov %rax, 16(%rsp) /* save rax (we don`t need saved rip) */
1152 mov 0(%rsp), %rax /* get trap number */
1153 mov %rax, 48(%rsp) /* put in user trap number */
1154 mov 8(%rsp), %rax /* get error code */
1155 mov %rax, 56(%rsp) /* put in user errcode */
1156 mov 16(%rsp), %rax /* restore rax */
1157 add $48, %rsp /* reset to original frame */
1158 /* now treat as fault from user */
1159 swapgs
1160 jmp L_32bit_enter
1162 L_fault_iret64:
1163 mov %rax, 16(%rsp) /* save rax (we don`t need saved rip) */
1164 mov 0(%rsp), %rax /* get trap number */
1165 mov %rax, 48(%rsp) /* put in user trap number */
1166 mov 8(%rsp), %rax /* get error code */
1167 mov %rax, 56(%rsp) /* put in user errcode */
1168 mov 16(%rsp), %rax /* restore rax */
1169 add $48, %rsp /* reset to original frame */
1170 /* now treat as fault from user */
1171 swapgs
1172 jmp L_64bit_enter
1174 /*
1175 * Fault restoring a segment register. All of the saved state is still
1176 * on the stack untouched since we didn't move the stack pointer.
1177 */
1178 L_32bit_fault_set_seg:
1179 mov 0(%rsp), %rax /* get trap number/function */
1180 mov 8(%rsp), %rdx /* get error code */
1181 mov 40(%rsp), %rsp /* reload stack prior to fault */
1182 mov %rax,ISC32_TRAPNO(%rsp)
1183 mov %rdx,ISC32_ERR(%rsp)
1184 /* now treat as fault from user */
1185 /* except that all the state is */
1186 /* already saved - we just have to */
1187 /* move the trapno and error into */
1188 /* the compatibility frame */
1189 swapgs
1190 jmp L_32bit_enter_after_fault
1193 /*
1194 * Fatal exception handlers:
1195 */
1196 Entry(db_task_dbl_fault64)
1197 push $(T_DOUBLE_FAULT)
1198 movl $(LO_DOUBLE_FAULT), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
1199 jmp L_enter_lohandler
1201 Entry(db_task_stk_fault64)
1202 push $(T_STACK_FAULT)
1203 movl $(LO_DOUBLE_FAULT), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
1204 jmp L_enter_lohandler
1206 Entry(mc64)
1207 push $(0) /* Error */
1208 push $(T_MACHINE_CHECK)
1209 movl $(LO_MACHINE_CHECK), ISF64_TRAPFN(%rsp)
1210 jmp L_enter_lohandler