]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - bsd/hfs/hfs_format.h
[apple/xnu.git] / bsd / hfs / hfs_format.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 #ifndef __HFS_FORMAT__
29 #define __HFS_FORMAT__
31 #include <sys/types.h>
32 #include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
33 #include <hfs/hfs_unistr.h>
35 /*
36 * hfs_format.h
37 *
38 * This file describes the on-disk format for HFS and HFS Plus volumes.
39 * The HFS Plus volume format is desciibed in detail in Apple Technote 1150.
40 *
41 * http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1150.html
42 *
43 * Note: Starting 10.9, definition of struct HFSUniStr255 exists in hfs_unitstr.h
44 *
45 */
47 #ifdef __cplusplus
48 extern "C" {
49 #endif
51 /* some on-disk hfs structures have 68K alignment (misaligned) */
53 /* Signatures used to differentiate between HFS and HFS Plus volumes */
54 enum {
55 kHFSSigWord = 0x4244, /* 'BD' in ASCII */
56 kHFSPlusSigWord = 0x482B, /* 'H+' in ASCII */
57 kHFSXSigWord = 0x4858, /* 'HX' in ASCII */
59 kHFSPlusVersion = 0x0004, /* 'H+' volumes are version 4 only */
60 kHFSXVersion = 0x0005, /* 'HX' volumes start with version 5 */
62 kHFSPlusMountVersion = 0x31302E30, /* '10.0' for Mac OS X */
63 kHFSJMountVersion = 0x4846534a, /* 'HFSJ' for journaled HFS+ on OS X */
64 kFSKMountVersion = 0x46534b21 /* 'FSK!' for failed journal replay */
65 };
69 /*
70 * Mac OS X has two special directories on HFS+ volumes for hardlinked files
71 * and hardlinked directories as well as for open-unlinked files.
72 *
73 * These directories and their contents are not exported from the filesystem
74 * under Mac OS X.
75 */
76 #define HFSPLUSMETADATAFOLDER "\xE2\x90\x80\xE2\x90\x80\xE2\x90\x80\xE2\x90\x80HFS+ Private Data"
77 #define HFSPLUS_DIR_METADATA_FOLDER ".HFS+ Private Directory Data\xd"
79 /*
80 * Files in the "HFS+ Private Data" folder have one of the following prefixes
81 * followed by a decimal number (no leading zeros) for the file ID.
82 *
83 * Note: Earlier version of Mac OS X used a 32 bit random number for the link
84 * ref number instead of the file id.
85 *
86 * e.g. iNode7182000 and temp3296
87 */
88 #define HFS_INODE_PREFIX "iNode"
89 #define HFS_DELETE_PREFIX "temp"
91 /*
92 * Files in the ".HFS+ Private Directory Data" folder have the following
93 * prefix followed by a decimal number (no leading zeros) for the file ID.
94 *
95 * e.g. dir_555
96 */
97 #define HFS_DIRINODE_PREFIX "dir_"
99 /*
100 * Hardlink inodes save the head of the link chain in
101 * an extended attribute named FIRST_LINK_XATTR_NAME.
102 * The attribute data is the decimal value in ASCII
103 * of the cnid for the first link in the chain.
104 *
105 * This extended attribute is private (i.e. its not
106 * exported in the getxattr/listxattr POSIX APIs).
107 */
108 #define FIRST_LINK_XATTR_NAME "com.apple.system.hfs.firstlink"
109 #define FIRST_LINK_XATTR_REC_SIZE (sizeof(HFSPlusAttrData) - 2 + 12)
111 /*
112 * The name space ID for generating an HFS volume UUID
113 *
114 * B3E20F39-F292-11D6-97A4-00306543ECAC
115 */
116 #define HFS_UUID_NAMESPACE_ID "\xB3\xE2\x0F\x39\xF2\x92\x11\xD6\x97\xA4\x00\x30\x65\x43\xEC\xAC"
118 #endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
120 /*
121 * Indirect link files (hard links) have the following type/creator.
122 */
123 enum {
124 kHardLinkFileType = 0x686C6E6B, /* 'hlnk' */
125 kHFSPlusCreator = 0x6866732B /* 'hfs+' */
126 };
129 /*
130 * File type and creator for symbolic links
131 */
132 enum {
133 kSymLinkFileType = 0x736C6E6B, /* 'slnk' */
134 kSymLinkCreator = 0x72686170 /* 'rhap' */
135 };
138 enum {
139 kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars = 27,
140 kHFSMaxFileNameChars = 31,
141 kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars = 255
142 };
145 /* Extent overflow file data structures */
147 /* HFS Extent key */
148 struct HFSExtentKey {
149 u_int8_t keyLength; /* length of key, excluding this field */
150 u_int8_t forkType; /* 0 = data fork, FF = resource fork */
151 u_int32_t fileID; /* file ID */
152 u_int16_t startBlock; /* first file allocation block number in this extent */
153 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
154 typedef struct HFSExtentKey HFSExtentKey;
156 /* HFS Plus Extent key */
157 struct HFSPlusExtentKey {
158 u_int16_t keyLength; /* length of key, excluding this field */
159 u_int8_t forkType; /* 0 = data fork, FF = resource fork */
160 u_int8_t pad; /* make the other fields align on 32-bit boundary */
161 u_int32_t fileID; /* file ID */
162 u_int32_t startBlock; /* first file allocation block number in this extent */
163 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
164 typedef struct HFSPlusExtentKey HFSPlusExtentKey;
166 /* Number of extent descriptors per extent record */
167 enum {
168 kHFSExtentDensity = 3,
169 kHFSPlusExtentDensity = 8
170 };
172 /* HFS extent descriptor */
173 struct HFSExtentDescriptor {
174 u_int16_t startBlock; /* first allocation block */
175 u_int16_t blockCount; /* number of allocation blocks */
176 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
177 typedef struct HFSExtentDescriptor HFSExtentDescriptor;
179 /* HFS Plus extent descriptor */
180 struct HFSPlusExtentDescriptor {
181 u_int32_t startBlock; /* first allocation block */
182 u_int32_t blockCount; /* number of allocation blocks */
183 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
184 typedef struct HFSPlusExtentDescriptor HFSPlusExtentDescriptor;
186 /* HFS extent record */
187 typedef HFSExtentDescriptor HFSExtentRecord[3];
189 /* HFS Plus extent record */
190 typedef HFSPlusExtentDescriptor HFSPlusExtentRecord[8];
193 /* Finder information */
194 struct FndrFileInfo {
195 u_int32_t fdType; /* file type */
196 u_int32_t fdCreator; /* file creator */
197 u_int16_t fdFlags; /* Finder flags */
198 struct {
199 int16_t v; /* file's location */
200 int16_t h;
201 } fdLocation;
202 int16_t opaque;
203 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
204 typedef struct FndrFileInfo FndrFileInfo;
206 struct FndrDirInfo {
207 struct { /* folder's window rectangle */
208 int16_t top;
209 int16_t left;
210 int16_t bottom;
211 int16_t right;
212 } frRect;
213 unsigned short frFlags; /* Finder flags */
214 struct {
215 u_int16_t v; /* folder's location */
216 u_int16_t h;
217 } frLocation;
218 int16_t opaque;
219 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
220 typedef struct FndrDirInfo FndrDirInfo;
222 struct FndrOpaqueInfo {
223 int8_t opaque[16];
224 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
225 typedef struct FndrOpaqueInfo FndrOpaqueInfo;
227 struct FndrExtendedDirInfo {
228 u_int32_t document_id;
229 u_int32_t date_added;
230 u_int16_t extended_flags;
231 u_int16_t reserved3;
232 u_int32_t write_gen_counter;
233 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
235 struct FndrExtendedFileInfo {
236 u_int32_t document_id;
237 u_int32_t date_added;
238 u_int16_t extended_flags;
239 u_int16_t reserved2;
240 u_int32_t write_gen_counter;
241 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
243 /* HFS Plus Fork data info - 80 bytes */
244 struct HFSPlusForkData {
245 u_int64_t logicalSize; /* fork's logical size in bytes */
246 u_int32_t clumpSize; /* fork's clump size in bytes */
247 u_int32_t totalBlocks; /* total blocks used by this fork */
248 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents; /* initial set of extents */
249 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
250 typedef struct HFSPlusForkData HFSPlusForkData;
253 /* Mac OS X has 16 bytes worth of "BSD" info.
254 *
255 * Note: Mac OS 9 implementations and applications
256 * should preserve, but not change, this information.
257 */
258 struct HFSPlusBSDInfo {
259 u_int32_t ownerID; /* user-id of owner or hard link chain previous link */
260 u_int32_t groupID; /* group-id of owner or hard link chain next link */
261 u_int8_t adminFlags; /* super-user changeable flags */
262 u_int8_t ownerFlags; /* owner changeable flags */
263 u_int16_t fileMode; /* file type and permission bits */
264 union {
265 u_int32_t iNodeNum; /* indirect node number (hard links only) */
266 u_int32_t linkCount; /* links that refer to this indirect node */
267 u_int32_t rawDevice; /* special file device (FBLK and FCHR only) */
268 } special;
269 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
270 typedef struct HFSPlusBSDInfo HFSPlusBSDInfo;
272 /*
273 * Hardlink "links" resolve to an inode
274 * and the actual uid/gid comes from that
275 * inode.
276 *
277 * We repurpose the links's uid/gid fields
278 * for the hardlink link chain. The chain
279 * consists of a doubly linked list of file
280 * ids.
281 */
283 #define hl_firstLinkID reserved1 /* Valid only if HasLinkChain flag is set (indirect nodes only) */
285 #define hl_prevLinkID bsdInfo.ownerID /* Valid only if HasLinkChain flag is set */
286 #define hl_nextLinkID bsdInfo.groupID /* Valid only if HasLinkChain flag is set */
288 #define hl_linkReference bsdInfo.special.iNodeNum
289 #define hl_linkCount bsdInfo.special.linkCount
292 /* Catalog file data structures */
294 enum {
295 kHFSRootParentID = 1, /* Parent ID of the root folder */
296 kHFSRootFolderID = 2, /* Folder ID of the root folder */
297 kHFSExtentsFileID = 3, /* File ID of the extents file */
298 kHFSCatalogFileID = 4, /* File ID of the catalog file */
299 kHFSBadBlockFileID = 5, /* File ID of the bad allocation block file */
300 kHFSAllocationFileID = 6, /* File ID of the allocation file (HFS Plus only) */
301 kHFSStartupFileID = 7, /* File ID of the startup file (HFS Plus only) */
302 kHFSAttributesFileID = 8, /* File ID of the attribute file (HFS Plus only) */
303 kHFSAttributeDataFileID = 13, /* Used in Mac OS X runtime for extent based attributes */
304 /* kHFSAttributeDataFileID is never stored on disk. */
305 kHFSRepairCatalogFileID = 14, /* Used when rebuilding Catalog B-tree */
306 kHFSBogusExtentFileID = 15, /* Used for exchanging extents in extents file */
307 kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID = 16
308 };
310 /* HFS catalog key */
311 struct HFSCatalogKey {
312 u_int8_t keyLength; /* key length (in bytes) */
313 u_int8_t reserved; /* reserved (set to zero) */
314 u_int32_t parentID; /* parent folder ID */
315 u_int8_t nodeName[kHFSMaxFileNameChars + 1]; /* catalog node name */
316 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
317 typedef struct HFSCatalogKey HFSCatalogKey;
319 /* HFS Plus catalog key */
320 struct HFSPlusCatalogKey {
321 u_int16_t keyLength; /* key length (in bytes) */
322 u_int32_t parentID; /* parent folder ID */
323 HFSUniStr255 nodeName; /* catalog node name */
324 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
325 typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogKey HFSPlusCatalogKey;
327 /* Catalog record types */
328 enum {
329 /* HFS Catalog Records */
330 kHFSFolderRecord = 0x0100, /* Folder record */
331 kHFSFileRecord = 0x0200, /* File record */
332 kHFSFolderThreadRecord = 0x0300, /* Folder thread record */
333 kHFSFileThreadRecord = 0x0400, /* File thread record */
335 /* HFS Plus Catalog Records */
336 kHFSPlusFolderRecord = 1, /* Folder record */
337 kHFSPlusFileRecord = 2, /* File record */
338 kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord = 3, /* Folder thread record */
339 kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord = 4 /* File thread record */
340 };
343 /* Catalog file record flags */
344 enum {
345 kHFSFileLockedBit = 0x0000, /* file is locked and cannot be written to */
346 kHFSFileLockedMask = 0x0001,
348 kHFSThreadExistsBit = 0x0001, /* a file thread record exists for this file */
349 kHFSThreadExistsMask = 0x0002,
351 kHFSHasAttributesBit = 0x0002, /* object has extended attributes */
352 kHFSHasAttributesMask = 0x0004,
354 kHFSHasSecurityBit = 0x0003, /* object has security data (ACLs) */
355 kHFSHasSecurityMask = 0x0008,
357 kHFSHasFolderCountBit = 0x0004, /* only for HFSX, folder maintains a separate sub-folder count */
358 kHFSHasFolderCountMask = 0x0010, /* (sum of folder records and directory hard links) */
360 kHFSHasLinkChainBit = 0x0005, /* has hardlink chain (inode or link) */
361 kHFSHasLinkChainMask = 0x0020,
363 kHFSHasChildLinkBit = 0x0006, /* folder has a child that's a dir link */
364 kHFSHasChildLinkMask = 0x0040,
366 kHFSHasDateAddedBit = 0x0007, /* File/Folder has the date-added stored in the finder info. */
367 kHFSHasDateAddedMask = 0x0080
368 };
371 /* HFS catalog folder record - 70 bytes */
372 struct HFSCatalogFolder {
373 int16_t recordType; /* == kHFSFolderRecord */
374 u_int16_t flags; /* folder flags */
375 u_int16_t valence; /* folder valence */
376 u_int32_t folderID; /* folder ID */
377 u_int32_t createDate; /* date and time of creation */
378 u_int32_t modifyDate; /* date and time of last modification */
379 u_int32_t backupDate; /* date and time of last backup */
380 FndrDirInfo userInfo; /* Finder information */
381 FndrOpaqueInfo finderInfo; /* additional Finder information */
382 u_int32_t reserved[4]; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
383 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
384 typedef struct HFSCatalogFolder HFSCatalogFolder;
386 /* HFS Plus catalog folder record - 88 bytes */
387 struct HFSPlusCatalogFolder {
388 int16_t recordType; /* == kHFSPlusFolderRecord */
389 u_int16_t flags; /* file flags */
390 u_int32_t valence; /* folder's item count */
391 u_int32_t folderID; /* folder ID */
392 u_int32_t createDate; /* date and time of creation */
393 u_int32_t contentModDate; /* date and time of last content modification */
394 u_int32_t attributeModDate; /* date and time of last attribute modification */
395 u_int32_t accessDate; /* date and time of last access (MacOS X only) */
396 u_int32_t backupDate; /* date and time of last backup */
397 HFSPlusBSDInfo bsdInfo; /* permissions (for MacOS X) */
398 FndrDirInfo userInfo; /* Finder information */
399 FndrOpaqueInfo finderInfo; /* additional Finder information */
400 u_int32_t textEncoding; /* hint for name conversions */
401 u_int32_t folderCount; /* number of enclosed folders, active when HasFolderCount is set */
402 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
403 typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogFolder HFSPlusCatalogFolder;
405 /* HFS catalog file record - 102 bytes */
406 struct HFSCatalogFile {
407 int16_t recordType; /* == kHFSFileRecord */
408 u_int8_t flags; /* file flags */
409 int8_t fileType; /* file type (unused ?) */
410 FndrFileInfo userInfo; /* Finder information */
411 u_int32_t fileID; /* file ID */
412 u_int16_t dataStartBlock; /* not used - set to zero */
413 int32_t dataLogicalSize; /* logical EOF of data fork */
414 int32_t dataPhysicalSize; /* physical EOF of data fork */
415 u_int16_t rsrcStartBlock; /* not used - set to zero */
416 int32_t rsrcLogicalSize; /* logical EOF of resource fork */
417 int32_t rsrcPhysicalSize; /* physical EOF of resource fork */
418 u_int32_t createDate; /* date and time of creation */
419 u_int32_t modifyDate; /* date and time of last modification */
420 u_int32_t backupDate; /* date and time of last backup */
421 FndrOpaqueInfo finderInfo; /* additional Finder information */
422 u_int16_t clumpSize; /* file clump size (not used) */
423 HFSExtentRecord dataExtents; /* first data fork extent record */
424 HFSExtentRecord rsrcExtents; /* first resource fork extent record */
425 u_int32_t reserved; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
426 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
427 typedef struct HFSCatalogFile HFSCatalogFile;
429 /* HFS Plus catalog file record - 248 bytes */
430 struct HFSPlusCatalogFile {
431 int16_t recordType; /* == kHFSPlusFileRecord */
432 u_int16_t flags; /* file flags */
433 u_int32_t reserved1; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
434 u_int32_t fileID; /* file ID */
435 u_int32_t createDate; /* date and time of creation */
436 u_int32_t contentModDate; /* date and time of last content modification */
437 u_int32_t attributeModDate; /* date and time of last attribute modification */
438 u_int32_t accessDate; /* date and time of last access (MacOS X only) */
439 u_int32_t backupDate; /* date and time of last backup */
440 HFSPlusBSDInfo bsdInfo; /* permissions (for MacOS X) */
441 FndrFileInfo userInfo; /* Finder information */
442 FndrOpaqueInfo finderInfo; /* additional Finder information */
443 u_int32_t textEncoding; /* hint for name conversions */
444 u_int32_t reserved2; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
446 /* Note: these start on double long (64 bit) boundary */
447 HFSPlusForkData dataFork; /* size and block data for data fork */
448 HFSPlusForkData resourceFork; /* size and block data for resource fork */
449 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
450 typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogFile HFSPlusCatalogFile;
452 /* HFS catalog thread record - 46 bytes */
453 struct HFSCatalogThread {
454 int16_t recordType; /* == kHFSFolderThreadRecord or kHFSFileThreadRecord */
455 int32_t reserved[2]; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
456 u_int32_t parentID; /* parent ID for this catalog node */
457 u_int8_t nodeName[kHFSMaxFileNameChars + 1]; /* name of this catalog node */
458 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
459 typedef struct HFSCatalogThread HFSCatalogThread;
461 /* HFS Plus catalog thread record -- 264 bytes */
462 struct HFSPlusCatalogThread {
463 int16_t recordType; /* == kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord or kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord */
464 int16_t reserved; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
465 u_int32_t parentID; /* parent ID for this catalog node */
466 HFSUniStr255 nodeName; /* name of this catalog node (variable length) */
467 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
468 typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogThread HFSPlusCatalogThread;
471 /*
472 * These are the types of records in the attribute B-tree. The values were
473 * chosen so that they wouldn't conflict with the catalog record types.
474 */
475 enum {
476 kHFSPlusAttrInlineData = 0x10, /* attributes whose data fits in a b-tree node */
477 kHFSPlusAttrForkData = 0x20, /* extent based attributes (data lives in extents) */
478 kHFSPlusAttrExtents = 0x30 /* overflow extents for large attributes */
479 };
482 /*
483 * HFSPlusAttrForkData
484 * For larger attributes, whose value is stored in allocation blocks.
485 * If the attribute has more than 8 extents, there will be additional
486 * records (of type HFSPlusAttrExtents) for this attribute.
487 */
488 struct HFSPlusAttrForkData {
489 u_int32_t recordType; /* == kHFSPlusAttrForkData*/
490 u_int32_t reserved;
491 HFSPlusForkData theFork; /* size and first extents of value*/
492 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
493 typedef struct HFSPlusAttrForkData HFSPlusAttrForkData;
495 /*
496 * HFSPlusAttrExtents
497 * This record contains information about overflow extents for large,
498 * fragmented attributes.
499 */
500 struct HFSPlusAttrExtents {
501 u_int32_t recordType; /* == kHFSPlusAttrExtents*/
502 u_int32_t reserved;
503 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents; /* additional extents*/
504 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
505 typedef struct HFSPlusAttrExtents HFSPlusAttrExtents;
507 /*
508 * Atrributes B-tree Data Record
509 *
510 * For small attributes, whose entire value is stored
511 * within a single B-tree record.
512 */
513 struct HFSPlusAttrData {
514 u_int32_t recordType; /* == kHFSPlusAttrInlineData */
515 u_int32_t reserved[2];
516 u_int32_t attrSize; /* size of attribute data in bytes */
517 u_int8_t attrData[2]; /* variable length */
518 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
519 typedef struct HFSPlusAttrData HFSPlusAttrData;
522 /* HFSPlusAttrInlineData is obsolete use HFSPlusAttrData instead */
523 struct HFSPlusAttrInlineData {
524 u_int32_t recordType;
525 u_int32_t reserved;
526 u_int32_t logicalSize;
527 u_int8_t userData[2];
528 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
529 typedef struct HFSPlusAttrInlineData HFSPlusAttrInlineData;
532 /* A generic Attribute Record */
533 union HFSPlusAttrRecord {
534 u_int32_t recordType;
535 HFSPlusAttrInlineData inlineData; /* NOT USED */
536 HFSPlusAttrData attrData;
537 HFSPlusAttrForkData forkData;
538 HFSPlusAttrExtents overflowExtents;
539 };
540 typedef union HFSPlusAttrRecord HFSPlusAttrRecord;
542 /* Attribute key */
543 enum { kHFSMaxAttrNameLen = 127 };
544 struct HFSPlusAttrKey {
545 u_int16_t keyLength; /* key length (in bytes) */
546 u_int16_t pad; /* set to zero */
547 u_int32_t fileID; /* file associated with attribute */
548 u_int32_t startBlock; /* first allocation block number for extents */
549 u_int16_t attrNameLen; /* number of unicode characters */
550 u_int16_t attrName[kHFSMaxAttrNameLen]; /* attribute name (Unicode) */
551 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
552 typedef struct HFSPlusAttrKey HFSPlusAttrKey;
554 #define kHFSPlusAttrKeyMaximumLength (sizeof(HFSPlusAttrKey) - sizeof(u_int16_t))
555 #define kHFSPlusAttrKeyMinimumLength (kHFSPlusAttrKeyMaximumLength - kHFSMaxAttrNameLen*sizeof(u_int16_t))
557 #endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
560 /* Key and node lengths */
561 enum {
562 kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentKey) - sizeof(u_int16_t),
563 kHFSExtentKeyMaximumLength = sizeof(HFSExtentKey) - sizeof(u_int8_t),
564 kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMaximumLength = sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogKey) - sizeof(u_int16_t),
565 kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMinimumLength = kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMaximumLength - sizeof(HFSUniStr255) + sizeof(u_int16_t),
566 kHFSCatalogKeyMaximumLength = sizeof(HFSCatalogKey) - sizeof(u_int8_t),
567 kHFSCatalogKeyMinimumLength = kHFSCatalogKeyMaximumLength - (kHFSMaxFileNameChars + 1) + sizeof(u_int8_t),
568 kHFSPlusCatalogMinNodeSize = 4096,
569 kHFSPlusExtentMinNodeSize = 512,
570 kHFSPlusAttrMinNodeSize = 4096
571 };
573 /* HFS and HFS Plus volume attribute bits */
574 enum {
575 /* Bits 0-6 are reserved (always cleared by MountVol call) */
576 kHFSVolumeHardwareLockBit = 7, /* volume is locked by hardware */
577 kHFSVolumeUnmountedBit = 8, /* volume was successfully unmounted */
578 kHFSVolumeSparedBlocksBit = 9, /* volume has bad blocks spared */
579 kHFSVolumeNoCacheRequiredBit = 10, /* don't cache volume blocks (i.e. RAM or ROM disk) */
580 kHFSBootVolumeInconsistentBit = 11, /* boot volume is inconsistent (System 7.6 and later) */
581 kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReusedBit = 12,
582 kHFSVolumeJournaledBit = 13, /* this volume has a journal on it */
583 kHFSVolumeInconsistentBit = 14, /* serious inconsistencies detected at runtime */
584 kHFSVolumeSoftwareLockBit = 15, /* volume is locked by software */
585 /*
586 * HFS only has 16 bits of attributes in the MDB, but HFS Plus has 32 bits.
587 * Therefore, bits 16-31 can only be used on HFS Plus.
588 */
589 kHFSUnusedNodeFixBit = 31, /* Unused nodes in the Catalog B-tree have been zero-filled. See Radar #6947811. */
590 kHFSContentProtectionBit = 30, /* Volume has per-file content protection */
592 /*** Keep these in sync with the bits above ! ****/
593 kHFSVolumeHardwareLockMask = 0x00000080,
594 kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask = 0x00000100,
595 kHFSVolumeSparedBlocksMask = 0x00000200,
596 kHFSVolumeNoCacheRequiredMask = 0x00000400,
597 kHFSBootVolumeInconsistentMask = 0x00000800,
598 kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReusedMask = 0x00001000,
599 kHFSVolumeJournaledMask = 0x00002000,
600 kHFSVolumeInconsistentMask = 0x00004000,
601 kHFSVolumeSoftwareLockMask = 0x00008000,
603 /* Bits 16-31 are allocated from high to low */
605 kHFSContentProtectionMask = 0x40000000,
606 kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask = 0x80000000,
608 kHFSMDBAttributesMask = 0x8380
609 };
611 enum {
612 kHFSUnusedNodesFixDate = 0xc5ef2480 /* March 25, 2009 */
613 };
615 /* HFS Master Directory Block - 162 bytes */
616 /* Stored at sector #2 (3rd sector) and second-to-last sector. */
617 struct HFSMasterDirectoryBlock {
618 u_int16_t drSigWord; /* == kHFSSigWord */
619 u_int32_t drCrDate; /* date and time of volume creation */
620 u_int32_t drLsMod; /* date and time of last modification */
621 u_int16_t drAtrb; /* volume attributes */
622 u_int16_t drNmFls; /* number of files in root folder */
623 u_int16_t drVBMSt; /* first block of volume bitmap */
624 u_int16_t drAllocPtr; /* start of next allocation search */
625 u_int16_t drNmAlBlks; /* number of allocation blocks in volume */
626 u_int32_t drAlBlkSiz; /* size (in bytes) of allocation blocks */
627 u_int32_t drClpSiz; /* default clump size */
628 u_int16_t drAlBlSt; /* first allocation block in volume */
629 u_int32_t drNxtCNID; /* next unused catalog node ID */
630 u_int16_t drFreeBks; /* number of unused allocation blocks */
631 u_int8_t drVN[kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars + 1]; /* volume name */
632 u_int32_t drVolBkUp; /* date and time of last backup */
633 u_int16_t drVSeqNum; /* volume backup sequence number */
634 u_int32_t drWrCnt; /* volume write count */
635 u_int32_t drXTClpSiz; /* clump size for extents overflow file */
636 u_int32_t drCTClpSiz; /* clump size for catalog file */
637 u_int16_t drNmRtDirs; /* number of directories in root folder */
638 u_int32_t drFilCnt; /* number of files in volume */
639 u_int32_t drDirCnt; /* number of directories in volume */
640 u_int32_t drFndrInfo[8]; /* information used by the Finder */
641 u_int16_t drEmbedSigWord; /* embedded volume signature (formerly drVCSize) */
642 HFSExtentDescriptor drEmbedExtent; /* embedded volume location and size (formerly drVBMCSize and drCtlCSize) */
643 u_int32_t drXTFlSize; /* size of extents overflow file */
644 HFSExtentRecord drXTExtRec; /* extent record for extents overflow file */
645 u_int32_t drCTFlSize; /* size of catalog file */
646 HFSExtentRecord drCTExtRec; /* extent record for catalog file */
647 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
648 typedef struct HFSMasterDirectoryBlock HFSMasterDirectoryBlock;
652 #define SET_HFS_TEXT_ENCODING(hint) \
653 (0x656e6300 | ((hint) & 0xff))
654 #define GET_HFS_TEXT_ENCODING(hint) \
655 (((hint) & 0xffffff00) == 0x656e6300 ? (hint) & 0x000000ff : 0xffffffffU)
656 #endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
659 /* HFS Plus Volume Header - 512 bytes */
660 /* Stored at sector #2 (3rd sector) and second-to-last sector. */
661 struct HFSPlusVolumeHeader {
662 u_int16_t signature; /* == kHFSPlusSigWord */
663 u_int16_t version; /* == kHFSPlusVersion */
664 u_int32_t attributes; /* volume attributes */
665 u_int32_t lastMountedVersion; /* implementation version which last mounted volume */
666 u_int32_t journalInfoBlock; /* block addr of journal info (if volume is journaled, zero otherwise) */
668 u_int32_t createDate; /* date and time of volume creation */
669 u_int32_t modifyDate; /* date and time of last modification */
670 u_int32_t backupDate; /* date and time of last backup */
671 u_int32_t checkedDate; /* date and time of last disk check */
673 u_int32_t fileCount; /* number of files in volume */
674 u_int32_t folderCount; /* number of directories in volume */
676 u_int32_t blockSize; /* size (in bytes) of allocation blocks */
677 u_int32_t totalBlocks; /* number of allocation blocks in volume (includes this header and VBM*/
678 u_int32_t freeBlocks; /* number of unused allocation blocks */
680 u_int32_t nextAllocation; /* start of next allocation search */
681 u_int32_t rsrcClumpSize; /* default resource fork clump size */
682 u_int32_t dataClumpSize; /* default data fork clump size */
683 u_int32_t nextCatalogID; /* next unused catalog node ID */
685 u_int32_t writeCount; /* volume write count */
686 u_int64_t encodingsBitmap; /* which encodings have been use on this volume */
688 u_int8_t finderInfo[32]; /* information used by the Finder */
690 HFSPlusForkData allocationFile; /* allocation bitmap file */
691 HFSPlusForkData extentsFile; /* extents B-tree file */
692 HFSPlusForkData catalogFile; /* catalog B-tree file */
693 HFSPlusForkData attributesFile; /* extended attributes B-tree file */
694 HFSPlusForkData startupFile; /* boot file (secondary loader) */
695 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
696 typedef struct HFSPlusVolumeHeader HFSPlusVolumeHeader;
699 /* B-tree structures */
701 enum BTreeKeyLimits{
702 kMaxKeyLength = 520
703 };
705 union BTreeKey{
706 u_int8_t length8;
707 u_int16_t length16;
708 u_int8_t rawData [kMaxKeyLength+2];
709 };
710 typedef union BTreeKey BTreeKey;
712 /* BTNodeDescriptor -- Every B-tree node starts with these fields. */
713 struct BTNodeDescriptor {
714 u_int32_t fLink; /* next node at this level*/
715 u_int32_t bLink; /* previous node at this level*/
716 int8_t kind; /* kind of node (leaf, index, header, map)*/
717 u_int8_t height; /* zero for header, map; child is one more than parent*/
718 u_int16_t numRecords; /* number of records in this node*/
719 u_int16_t reserved; /* reserved - initialized as zero */
720 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
721 typedef struct BTNodeDescriptor BTNodeDescriptor;
723 /* Constants for BTNodeDescriptor kind */
724 enum {
725 kBTLeafNode = -1,
726 kBTIndexNode = 0,
727 kBTHeaderNode = 1,
728 kBTMapNode = 2
729 };
731 /* BTHeaderRec -- The first record of a B-tree header node */
732 struct BTHeaderRec {
733 u_int16_t treeDepth; /* maximum height (usually leaf nodes) */
734 u_int32_t rootNode; /* node number of root node */
735 u_int32_t leafRecords; /* number of leaf records in all leaf nodes */
736 u_int32_t firstLeafNode; /* node number of first leaf node */
737 u_int32_t lastLeafNode; /* node number of last leaf node */
738 u_int16_t nodeSize; /* size of a node, in bytes */
739 u_int16_t maxKeyLength; /* reserved */
740 u_int32_t totalNodes; /* total number of nodes in tree */
741 u_int32_t freeNodes; /* number of unused (free) nodes in tree */
742 u_int16_t reserved1; /* unused */
743 u_int32_t clumpSize; /* reserved */
744 u_int8_t btreeType; /* reserved */
745 u_int8_t keyCompareType; /* Key string Comparison Type */
746 u_int32_t attributes; /* persistent attributes about the tree */
747 u_int32_t reserved3[16]; /* reserved */
748 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
749 typedef struct BTHeaderRec BTHeaderRec;
751 /* Constants for BTHeaderRec attributes */
752 enum {
753 kBTBadCloseMask = 0x00000001, /* reserved */
754 kBTBigKeysMask = 0x00000002, /* key length field is 16 bits */
755 kBTVariableIndexKeysMask = 0x00000004 /* keys in index nodes are variable length */
756 };
759 /* Catalog Key Name Comparison Type */
760 enum {
761 kHFSCaseFolding = 0xCF, /* case folding (case-insensitive) */
762 kHFSBinaryCompare = 0xBC /* binary compare (case-sensitive) */
763 };
765 #include <uuid/uuid.h>
767 /* JournalInfoBlock - Structure that describes where our journal lives */
769 // the original size of the reserved field in the JournalInfoBlock was
770 // 32*sizeof(u_int32_t). To keep the total size of the structure the
771 // same we subtract the size of new fields (currently: ext_jnl_uuid and
772 // machine_uuid). If you add additional fields, place them before the
773 // reserved field and subtract their size in this macro.
774 //
775 #define JIB_RESERVED_SIZE ((32*sizeof(u_int32_t)) - sizeof(uuid_string_t) - 48)
777 struct JournalInfoBlock {
778 u_int32_t flags;
779 u_int32_t device_signature[8]; // signature used to locate our device.
780 u_int64_t offset; // byte offset to the journal on the device
781 u_int64_t size; // size in bytes of the journal
782 uuid_string_t ext_jnl_uuid;
783 char machine_serial_num[48];
784 char reserved[JIB_RESERVED_SIZE];
785 } __attribute__((aligned(2), packed));
786 typedef struct JournalInfoBlock JournalInfoBlock;
788 enum {
789 kJIJournalInFSMask = 0x00000001,
790 kJIJournalOnOtherDeviceMask = 0x00000002,
791 kJIJournalNeedInitMask = 0x00000004
792 };
794 //
795 // This the content type uuid for "external journal" GPT
796 // partitions. Each instance of a partition also has a
797 // uuid that uniquely identifies that instance.
798 //
799 #define EXTJNL_CONTENT_TYPE_UUID "4A6F7572-6E61-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC"
802 #ifdef __cplusplus
803 }
804 #endif
806 #endif /* __HFS_FORMAT__ */