2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
28 /* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
30 * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1995
31 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
33 * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
34 * Rick Macklem at The University of Guelph.
36 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
37 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
39 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
40 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
41 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
42 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
43 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
44 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
45 * must display the following acknowledgement:
46 * This product includes software developed by the University of
47 * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
48 * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
49 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
50 * without specific prior written permission.
64 * @(#)nfs.h 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/1/95
65 * FreeBSD-Id: nfs.h,v 1.32 1997/10/12 20:25:38 phk Exp $
71 #include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
72 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
76 * Tunable constants for nfs
79 #define NFS_TICKINTVL 5 /* Desired time for a tick (msec) */
80 #define NFS_HZ (hz / nfs_ticks) /* Ticks/sec */
82 #define NFS_TIMEO (1 * NFS_HZ) /* Default timeout = 1 second */
83 #define NFS_MINTIMEO (1 * NFS_HZ) /* Min timeout to use */
84 #define NFS_MAXTIMEO (60 * NFS_HZ) /* Max timeout to backoff to */
85 #define NFS_MINIDEMTIMEO (5 * NFS_HZ) /* Min timeout for non-idempotent ops*/
86 #define NFS_MAXREXMIT 100 /* Stop counting after this many */
87 #define NFS_RETRANS 10 /* Num of retrans for soft mounts */
88 #define NFS_TRYLATERDEL 4 /* Initial try later delay (sec) */
89 #define NFS_MAXGRPS 16U /* Max. size of groups list */
90 #define NFS_MINATTRTIMO 5 /* Attribute cache timeout in sec */
91 #define NFS_MAXATTRTIMO 60
92 #define NFS_MINDIRATTRTIMO 5 /* directory attribute cache timeout in sec */
94 #define NFS_IOSIZE (1024 * 1024) /* suggested I/O size */
95 #define NFS_RWSIZE 32768 /* Def. read/write data size <= 32K */
96 #define NFS_WSIZE NFS_RWSIZE /* Def. write data size <= 32K */
97 #define NFS_RSIZE NFS_RWSIZE /* Def. read data size <= 32K */
98 #define NFS_DGRAM_WSIZE 8192 /* UDP Def. write data size <= 8K */
99 #define NFS_DGRAM_RSIZE 8192 /* UDP Def. read data size <= 8K */
100 #define NFS_READDIRSIZE 32768 /* Def. readdir size */
101 #define NFS_DEFRAHEAD 16 /* Def. read ahead # blocks */
102 #define NFS_MAXRAHEAD 128 /* Max. read ahead # blocks */
103 #define NFS_DEFMAXASYNCWRITES 128 /* Def. max # concurrent async write RPCs */
104 #define NFS_DEFASYNCTHREAD 16 /* Def. # nfsiod threads */
105 #define NFS_MAXASYNCTHREAD 64 /* max # nfsiod threads */
106 #define NFS_ASYNCTHREADMAXIDLE 60 /* Seconds before idle nfsiods are reaped */
107 #define NFS_DEFSTATFSRATELIMIT 10 /* Def. max # statfs RPCs per second */
108 #define NFS_REQUESTDELAY 10 /* ms interval to check request queue */
109 #define NFSRV_MAXWGATHERDELAY 100 /* Max. write gather delay (msec) */
111 #define NFSRV_WGATHERDELAY 1 /* Default write gather delay (msec) */
113 #define NFS_DIRBLKSIZ 4096 /* size of NFS directory buffers */
114 #if defined(KERNEL) && !defined(DIRBLKSIZ)
115 #define DIRBLKSIZ 512 /* XXX we used to use ufs's DIRBLKSIZ */
116 /* can't be larger than NFS_FABLKSIZE */
119 /* default values for unresponsive mount timeouts */
121 #define NFS_TPRINTF_DELAY 30
126 #define NFS_CMPFH(n, f, s) \
127 ((n)->n_fhsize == (s) && !bcmp((caddr_t)(n)->n_fhp, (caddr_t)(f), (s)))
128 #define NFSRV_NDMAXDATA(n) \
129 (((n)->nd_vers == NFS_VER3) ? (((n)->nd_nam2) ? \
133 * The IO_METASYNC flag should be implemented for local file systems.
134 * (Until then, it is nothin at all.)
137 #define IO_METASYNC 0
141 * Expected allocation sizes for major data structures. If the actual size
142 * of the structure exceeds these sizes, then malloc() will be allocating
143 * almost twice the memory required. This is used in nfs_init() to warn
144 * the sysadmin that the size of a structure should be reduced.
145 * (These sizes are always a power of 2. If the kernel malloc() changes
146 * to one that does not allocate space in powers of 2 size, then this all
148 * Note that some of these structures come out of their own nfs zones.
150 #define NFS_NODEALLOC 1024
151 #define NFS_MNTALLOC 1024
152 #define NFS_SVCALLOC 512
154 #define NFS_ARGSVERSION_XDR 88 /* NFS mount args are in XDR format */
156 #define NFS_XDRARGS_VERSION_0 0
157 #define NFS_MATTR_BITMAP_LEN 1 /* length of mount attributes bitmap */
158 #define NFS_MFLAG_BITMAP_LEN 1 /* length of mount flags bitmap */
160 /* NFS mount attributes */
161 #define NFS_MATTR_FLAGS 0 /* mount flags (NFS_MATTR_*) */
162 #define NFS_MATTR_NFS_VERSION 1 /* NFS protocol version */
163 #define NFS_MATTR_NFS_MINOR_VERSION 2 /* NFS protocol minor version */
164 #define NFS_MATTR_READ_SIZE 3 /* READ RPC size */
165 #define NFS_MATTR_WRITE_SIZE 4 /* WRITE RPC size */
166 #define NFS_MATTR_READDIR_SIZE 5 /* READDIR RPC size */
167 #define NFS_MATTR_READAHEAD 6 /* block readahead count */
168 #define NFS_MATTR_ATTRCACHE_REG_MIN 7 /* minimum attribute cache time */
169 #define NFS_MATTR_ATTRCACHE_REG_MAX 8 /* maximum attribute cache time */
170 #define NFS_MATTR_ATTRCACHE_DIR_MIN 9 /* minimum attribute cache time for dirs */
171 #define NFS_MATTR_ATTRCACHE_DIR_MAX 10 /* maximum attribute cache time for dirs */
172 #define NFS_MATTR_LOCK_MODE 11 /* advisory file locking mode (NFS_LOCK_MODE_*) */
173 #define NFS_MATTR_SECURITY 12 /* RPC security flavors to use */
174 #define NFS_MATTR_MAX_GROUP_LIST 13 /* max # of RPC AUTH_SYS groups */
175 #define NFS_MATTR_SOCKET_TYPE 14 /* socket transport type as a netid-like string */
176 #define NFS_MATTR_NFS_PORT 15 /* port # to use for NFS protocol */
177 #define NFS_MATTR_MOUNT_PORT 16 /* port # to use for MOUNT protocol */
178 #define NFS_MATTR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 17 /* initial RPC request timeout value */
179 #define NFS_MATTR_SOFT_RETRY_COUNT 18 /* max RPC retransmissions for soft mounts */
180 #define NFS_MATTR_DEAD_TIMEOUT 19 /* how long until unresponsive mount is considered dead */
181 #define NFS_MATTR_FH 20 /* file handle for mount directory */
182 #define NFS_MATTR_FS_LOCATIONS 21 /* list of locations for the file system */
183 #define NFS_MATTR_MNTFLAGS 22 /* VFS mount flags (MNT_*) */
184 #define NFS_MATTR_MNTFROM 23 /* fixed string to use for "f_mntfromname" */
185 #define NFS_MATTR_REALM 24 /* Realm to authenticate with */
186 #define NFS_MATTR_PRINCIPAL 25 /* GSS principal to authenticate with */
187 #define NFS_MATTR_SVCPRINCIPAL 26 /* GSS principal to authenticate to, the server principal */
188 #define NFS_MATTR_NFS_VERSION_RANGE 27 /* Packed version range to try */
189 #define NFS_MATTR_KERB_ETYPE 28 /* Enctype to use for kerberos mounts */
191 /* NFS mount flags */
192 #define NFS_MFLAG_SOFT 0 /* soft mount (requests fail if unresponsive) */
193 #define NFS_MFLAG_INTR 1 /* allow operations to be interrupted */
194 #define NFS_MFLAG_RESVPORT 2 /* use a reserved port */
195 #define NFS_MFLAG_NOCONNECT 3 /* don't connect the socket (UDP) */
196 #define NFS_MFLAG_DUMBTIMER 4 /* don't estimate RTT dynamically */
197 #define NFS_MFLAG_CALLUMNT 5 /* call MOUNTPROC_UMNT on unmount */
198 #define NFS_MFLAG_RDIRPLUS 6 /* request additional info when reading directories */
199 #define NFS_MFLAG_NONEGNAMECACHE 7 /* don't do negative name caching */
200 #define NFS_MFLAG_MUTEJUKEBOX 8 /* don't treat jukebox errors as unresponsive */
201 #define NFS_MFLAG_EPHEMERAL 9 /* ephemeral (mirror) mount */
202 #define NFS_MFLAG_NOCALLBACK 10 /* don't provide callback RPC service */
203 #define NFS_MFLAG_NAMEDATTR 11 /* don't use named attributes */
204 #define NFS_MFLAG_NOACL 12 /* don't support ACLs */
205 #define NFS_MFLAG_ACLONLY 13 /* only support ACLs - not mode */
206 #define NFS_MFLAG_NFC 14 /* send NFC strings */
207 #define NFS_MFLAG_NOQUOTA 15 /* don't support QUOTA requests */
208 #define NFS_MFLAG_MNTUDP 16 /* MOUNT protocol should use UDP */
209 #define NFS_MFLAG_MNTQUICK 17 /* use short timeouts while mounting */
211 /* Macros for packing and unpacking packed versions */
212 #define PVER2MAJOR(M) ((uint32_t)(((M) >> 16) & 0xffff))
213 #define PVER2MINOR(m) ((uint32_t)((m) & 0xffff))
214 #define VER2PVER(M, m) ((uint32_t)((M) << 16) | ((m) & 0xffff))
216 /* NFS advisory file locking modes */
217 #define NFS_LOCK_MODE_ENABLED 0 /* advisory file locking enabled */
218 #define NFS_LOCK_MODE_DISABLED 1 /* do not support advisory file locking */
219 #define NFS_LOCK_MODE_LOCAL 2 /* perform advisory file locking locally */
222 /* Supported encryption types for kerberos session keys */
223 typedef enum nfs_supported_kerberos_etypes
= 16,
= 17,
= 18
227 } nfs_supported_kerberos_etypes
229 /* Structure to hold an array of kerberos enctypes to allow on a mount */
230 #define NFS_MAX_ETYPES 3
233 uint32_t selected
; /* index in etypes that is being used. Set to count if nothing has been selected */
234 nfs_supported_kerberos_etypes etypes
238 * Old-style arguments to mount NFS
240 #define NFS_ARGSVERSION 6 /* change when nfs_args changes */
242 int version
; /* args structure version number */
244 user32_addr_t addr
; /* file server address */
246 struct sockaddr
; /* file server address */
248 int addrlen
; /* length of address */
249 int sotype
; /* Socket type */
250 int proto
; /* and Protocol */
252 user32_addr_t fh
; /* File handle to be mounted */
254 u_char
; /* File handle to be mounted */
256 int fhsize
; /* Size, in bytes, of fh */
257 int flags
; /* flags */
258 int wsize
; /* write size in bytes */
259 int rsize
; /* read size in bytes */
260 int readdirsize
; /* readdir size in bytes */
261 int timeo
; /* initial timeout in .1 secs */
262 int retrans
; /* times to retry send */
263 int maxgrouplist
; /* Max. size of group list */
264 int readahead
; /* # of blocks to readahead */
265 int leaseterm
; /* obsolete: Term (sec) of lease */
266 int deadthresh
; /* obsolete: Retrans threshold */
268 user32_addr_t hostname
; /* server's name */
270 char *hostname
; /* server's name */
272 /* NFS_ARGSVERSION 3 ends here */
273 int acregmin
; /* reg file min attr cache timeout */
274 int acregmax
; /* reg file max attr cache timeout */
275 int acdirmin
; /* dir min attr cache timeout */
276 int acdirmax
; /* dir max attr cache timeout */
277 /* NFS_ARGSVERSION 4 ends here */
278 uint32_t auth
; /* security mechanism flavor */
279 /* NFS_ARGSVERSION 5 ends here */
280 uint32_t deadtimeout
; /* secs until unresponsive mount considered dead */
283 /* incremental size additions in each version of nfs_args */
284 #define NFS_ARGSVERSION4_INCSIZE (4 * sizeof(int))
285 #define NFS_ARGSVERSION5_INCSIZE (sizeof(uint32_t))
286 #define NFS_ARGSVERSION6_INCSIZE (sizeof(uint32_t))
289 /* LP64 version of nfs_args. all pointers and longs
290 * grow when we're dealing with a 64-bit process.
291 * WARNING - keep in sync with nfs_args
293 struct user_nfs_args
294 int version
; /* args structure version number */
295 user_addr_t addr
__attribute((aligned(8))); /* file server address */
296 int addrlen
; /* length of address */
297 int sotype
; /* Socket type */
298 int proto
; /* and Protocol */
299 user_addr_t fh
__attribute((aligned(8))); /* File handle to be mounted */
300 int fhsize
; /* Size, in bytes, of fh */
301 int flags
; /* flags */
302 int wsize
; /* write size in bytes */
303 int rsize
; /* read size in bytes */
304 int readdirsize
; /* readdir size in bytes */
305 int timeo
; /* initial timeout in .1 secs */
306 int retrans
; /* times to retry send */
307 int maxgrouplist
; /* Max. size of group list */
308 int readahead
; /* # of blocks to readahead */
309 int leaseterm
; /* obsolete: Term (sec) of lease */
310 int deadthresh
; /* obsolete: Retrans threshold */
311 user_addr_t hostname
__attribute((aligned(8))); /* server's name */
312 /* NFS_ARGSVERSION 3 ends here */
313 int acregmin
; /* reg file min attr cache timeout */
314 int acregmax
; /* reg file max attr cache timeout */
315 int acdirmin
; /* dir min attr cache timeout */
316 int acdirmax
; /* dir max attr cache timeout */
317 /* NFS_ARGSVERSION 4 ends here */
318 uint32_t auth
; /* security mechanism flavor */
319 /* NFS_ARGSVERSION 5 ends here */
320 uint32_t deadtimeout
; /* secs until unresponsive mount considered dead */
325 * Old-style NFS mount option flags
327 #define NFSMNT_SOFT 0x00000001 /* soft mount (hard is default) */
328 #define NFSMNT_WSIZE 0x00000002 /* set write size */
329 #define NFSMNT_RSIZE 0x00000004 /* set read size */
330 #define NFSMNT_TIMEO 0x00000008 /* set initial timeout */
331 #define NFSMNT_RETRANS 0x00000010 /* set number of request retries */
332 #define NFSMNT_MAXGRPS 0x00000020 /* set maximum grouplist size */
333 #define NFSMNT_INT 0x00000040 /* allow interrupts on hard mount */
334 #define NFSMNT_NOCONN 0x00000080 /* Don't Connect the socket */
335 #define NFSMNT_NONEGNAMECACHE 0x00000100 /* Don't do negative name caching */
336 #define NFSMNT_NFSV3 0x00000200 /* Use NFS Version 3 protocol */
337 #define NFSMNT_NFSV4 0x00000400 /* Use NFS Version 4 protocol */
338 #define NFSMNT_DUMBTIMR 0x00000800 /* Don't estimate rtt dynamically */
339 #define NFSMNT_DEADTIMEOUT 0x00001000 /* unmount after a period of unresponsiveness */
340 #define NFSMNT_READAHEAD 0x00002000 /* set read ahead */
341 #define NFSMNT_CALLUMNT 0x00004000 /* call MOUNTPROC_UMNT on unmount */
342 #define NFSMNT_RESVPORT 0x00008000 /* Allocate a reserved port */
343 #define NFSMNT_RDIRPLUS 0x00010000 /* Use Readdirplus for V3 */
344 #define NFSMNT_READDIRSIZE 0x00020000 /* Set readdir size */
345 #define NFSMNT_NOLOCKS 0x00040000 /* don't support file locking */
346 #define NFSMNT_LOCALLOCKS 0x00080000 /* do file locking locally on client */
347 #define NFSMNT_ACREGMIN 0x00100000 /* reg min attr cache timeout */
348 #define NFSMNT_ACREGMAX 0x00200000 /* reg max attr cache timeout */
349 #define NFSMNT_ACDIRMIN 0x00400000 /* dir min attr cache timeout */
350 #define NFSMNT_ACDIRMAX 0x00800000 /* dir max attr cache timeout */
351 #define NFSMNT_SECFLAVOR 0x01000000 /* Use security flavor */
352 #define NFSMNT_SECSYSOK 0x02000000 /* Server can support auth sys */
353 #define NFSMNT_MUTEJUKEBOX 0x04000000 /* don't treat jukebox errors as unresponsive */
354 #define NFSMNT_NOQUOTA 0x08000000 /* don't support QUOTA requests */
358 * fs.nfs sysctl(3) NFS_MOUNTINFO defines
360 #define NFS_MOUNT_INFO_VERSION 0 /* nfsstat mount information version */
361 #define NFS_MIATTR_BITMAP_LEN 1 /* length of mount info attributes bitmap */
362 #define NFS_MIFLAG_BITMAP_LEN 1 /* length of mount info flags bitmap */
364 /* NFS mount info attributes */
365 #define NFS_MIATTR_FLAGS 0 /* mount info flags bitmap (MIFLAG_*) */
366 #define NFS_MIATTR_ORIG_ARGS 1 /* original mount args passed into mount call */
367 #define NFS_MIATTR_CUR_ARGS 2 /* current mount args values */
368 #define NFS_MIATTR_CUR_LOC_INDEX 3 /* current fs location index */
370 /* NFS mount info flags */
371 #define NFS_MIFLAG_DEAD 0 /* mount is dead */
372 #define NFS_MIFLAG_NOTRESP 1 /* server is unresponsive */
373 #define NFS_MIFLAG_RECOVERY 2 /* mount in recovery */
377 * Structures for the nfssvc(2) syscall. Not that anyone but nfsd
378 * should ever try and use it.
381 int sock
; /* Socket to serve */
383 user32_addr_t name
; /* Client addr for connection based sockets */
385 caddr_t name
; /* Client addr for connection based sockets */
387 int namelen
; /* Length of name */
391 /* LP64 version of nfsd_args. all pointers and longs
392 * grow when we're dealing with a 64-bit process.
393 * WARNING - keep in sync with nfsd_args
395 struct user_nfsd_args
396 int sock
; /* Socket to serve */
397 user_addr_t name
__attribute((aligned(8))); /* Client addr for connection based sockets */
398 int namelen
; /* Length of name */
404 * NFS Server File Handle structures
407 /* NFS export handle identifies which NFS export */
408 #define NFS_FH_VERSION 0x4e580000 /* 'NX00' */
409 struct nfs_exphandle
410 uint32_t nxh_version
; /* data structure version */
411 uint32_t nxh_fsid
; /* File System Export ID */
412 uint32_t nxh_expid
; /* Export ID */
413 uint16_t nxh_flags
; /* export handle flags */
414 uint8_t nxh_reserved
; /* future use */
415 uint8_t nxh_fidlen
; /* length of File ID */
419 #define NXHF_INVALIDFH 0x0001 /* file handle is invalid */
421 #define NFS_MAX_FID_SIZE (NFS_MAX_FH_SIZE - sizeof(struct nfs_exphandle))
422 #define NFSV4_MAX_FID_SIZE (NFSV4_MAX_FH_SIZE - sizeof(struct nfs_exphandle))
423 #define NFSV3_MAX_FID_SIZE (NFSV3_MAX_FH_SIZE - sizeof(struct nfs_exphandle))
424 #define NFSV2_MAX_FID_SIZE (NFSV2_MAX_FH_SIZE - sizeof(struct nfs_exphandle))
426 /* NFS server internal view of fhandle_t */
427 /* The first sizeof(fhandle_t) bytes must match what goes into fhandle_t. */
428 /* (fhp is used to allow use of an external buffer) */
429 struct nfs_filehandle
430 uint32_t nfh_len
; /* total length of file handle */
431 struct nfs_exphandle nfh_xh
; /* export handle */
432 unsigned char nfh_fid
]; /* File ID */
433 unsigned char *nfh_fhp
; /* pointer to file handle */
437 * NFS export data structures
440 /* Structure to hold an array of security flavors */
441 #define NX_MAX_SEC_FLAVORS 5
444 uint32_t flavors
447 struct nfs_export_net_args
448 uint32_t nxna_flags
; /* export flags */
449 struct xucred nxna_cred
; /* mapped credential for root/all user */
450 struct sockaddr_storage nxna_addr
; /* net address to which exported */
451 struct sockaddr_storage nxna_mask
; /* mask for net address */
452 struct nfs_sec nxna_sec
; /* security mechanism flavors */
455 struct nfs_export_args
456 uint32_t nxa_fsid
; /* export FS ID */
457 uint32_t nxa_expid
; /* export ID */
459 user32_addr_t nxa_fspath
; /* export FS path */
460 user32_addr_t nxa_exppath
; /* export sub-path */
462 char *nxa_fspath
; /* export FS path */
463 char *nxa_exppath
; /* export sub-path */
465 uint32_t nxa_flags
; /* export arg flags */
466 uint32_t nxa_netcount
; /* #entries in ex_nets array */
468 user32_addr_t nxa_nets
; /* array of net args */
470 struct nfs_export_net_args
; /* array of net args */
475 /* LP64 version of export_args */
477 struct user_nfs_export_args
478 uint32_t nxa_fsid
; /* export FS ID */
479 uint32_t nxa_expid
; /* export ID */
480 user_addr_t nxa_fspath
; /* export FS path */
481 user_addr_t nxa_exppath
; /* export sub-path */
482 uint32_t nxa_flags
; /* export arg flags */
483 uint32_t nxa_netcount
; /* #entries in ex_nets array */
484 user_addr_t nxa_nets
; /* array of net args */
489 /* nfs export arg flags */
490 #define NXA_DELETE 0x0001 /* delete the specified export(s) */
491 #define NXA_ADD 0x0002 /* add the specified export(s) */
492 #define NXA_REPLACE 0x0003 /* delete and add the specified export(s) */
493 #define NXA_DELETE_ALL 0x0004 /* delete all exports */
494 #define NXA_OFFLINE 0x0008 /* export is offline */
495 #define NXA_CHECK 0x0010 /* check if exportable */
497 /* export option flags */
498 #define NX_READONLY 0x0001 /* exported read-only */
499 #define NX_DEFAULTEXPORT 0x0002 /* exported to the world */
500 #define NX_MAPROOT 0x0004 /* map root access to anon credential */
501 #define NX_MAPALL 0x0008 /* map all access to anon credential */
502 #define NX_32BITCLIENTS 0x0020 /* restrict directory cookies to 32 bits */
503 #define NX_OFFLINE 0x0040 /* export is offline */
504 #define NX_MANGLEDNAMES 0x0080 /* export will return mangled names for names > 255 bytes */
507 * fs.nfs sysctl(3) export stats record structures
509 #define NFS_EXPORT_STAT_REC_VERSION 1 /* export stat record version */
510 #define NFS_USER_STAT_REC_VERSION 1 /* active user list record version */
512 /* descriptor describing following records */
513 struct nfs_export_stat_desc
515 uint32_t rec_vers
; /* version of export stat records */
516 uint32_t rec_count
; /* total record count */
517 }__attribute__((__packed__
519 /* export stat record containing path and stat counters */
520 struct nfs_export_stat_rec
521 char path
+ 1];
522 uint64_t ops
; /* Count of NFS Requests received for this export */
523 uint64_t bytes_read
; /* Count of bytes read from this export */
524 uint64_t bytes_written
; /* Count of bytes written to this export */
525 }__attribute__((__packed__
527 /* Active user list stat buffer descriptor */
528 struct nfs_user_stat_desc
530 uint32_t rec_vers
; /* version of active user stat records */
531 uint32_t rec_count
; /* total record count */
532 }__attribute__((__packed__
534 /* Active user list user stat record format */
535 struct nfs_user_stat_user_rec
538 struct sockaddr_storage sock
541 uint64_t bytes_written
544 }__attribute__((__packed__
546 /* Active user list path record format */
547 struct nfs_user_stat_path_rec
549 char path
+ 1];
550 }__attribute__((__packed__
552 /* Defines for rec_type field of
553 * nfs_user_stat_rec & nfs_user_stat_rec
556 #define NFS_USER_STAT_USER_REC 0
557 #define NFS_USER_STAT_PATH_REC 1
563 struct nfs_export_options
564 uint32_t nxo_flags
; /* export options */
565 kauth_cred_t nxo_cred
; /* mapped credential */
566 struct nfs_sec nxo_sec
; /* security mechanism flavors */
569 /* Network address lookup element and individual export options */
571 struct radix_node no_rnodes
[2]; /* radix tree glue */
572 struct nfs_export_options no_opt
; /* export options */
575 /* statistic counters for each exported directory
577 * Since 64-bit atomic operations are not available on 32-bit platforms,
578 * 64-bit counters are implemented using 32-bit integers and 32-bit
581 typedef struct nfsstatcount64
586 struct nfs_export_stat_counters
587 struct nfsstatcount64 ops
; /* Count of NFS Requests received for this export */
588 struct nfsstatcount64 bytes_read
; /* Count of bytes read from this export */
589 struct nfsstatcount64 bytes_written
; /* Count of bytes written to his export */
592 /* Macro for updating nfs export stat counters */
593 #define NFSStatAdd64(PTR, VAL) \
595 uint32_t NFSSA_OldValue = \
596 OSAddAtomic((VAL), &(PTR)->lo); \
597 if ((NFSSA_OldValue + (VAL)) < NFSSA_OldValue) \
598 OSAddAtomic(1, &(PTR)->hi); \
601 /* Some defines for dealing with active user list stats */
602 #define NFSRV_USER_STAT_DEF_MAX_NODES 1024 /* default active user list size limit */
603 #define NFSRV_USER_STAT_DEF_IDLE_SEC 7200 /* default idle seconds (node no longer considered active) */
605 /* active user list globals */
606 extern uint32_t nfsrv_user_stat_enabled
; /* enable/disable active user list */
607 extern uint32_t nfsrv_user_stat_node_count
; /* current count of user stat nodes */
608 extern uint32_t nfsrv_user_stat_max_idle_sec
; /* idle seconds (node no longer considered active) */
609 extern uint32_t nfsrv_user_stat_max_nodes
; /* active user list size limit */
610 extern lck_grp_t
612 /* An active user node represented in the kernel */
613 struct nfs_user_stat_node
614 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfs_user_stat_node
) lru_link
615 LIST_ENTRY(nfs_user_stat_node
) hash_link
617 struct sockaddr_storage sock
620 uint64_t bytes_written
625 /* Hash table for active user nodes */
626 #define NFS_USER_STAT_HASH_SIZE 16 /* MUST be a power of 2 */
627 #define NFS_USER_STAT_HASH(userhashtbl, uid) \
628 &((userhashtbl)[(uid) & (NFS_USER_STAT_HASH_SIZE - 1)])
630 TAILQ_HEAD(nfs_user_stat_lru_head
, nfs_user_stat_node
631 LIST_HEAD(nfs_user_stat_hashtbl_head
, nfs_user_stat_node
633 /* Active user list data structure */
634 /* One per exported directory */
635 struct nfs_active_user_list
636 struct nfs_user_stat_lru_head user_lru
637 struct nfs_user_stat_hashtbl_head user_hashtbl
639 lck_mtx_t user_mutex
643 /* Network export information */
644 /* one of these for each exported directory */
646 LIST_ENTRY(nfs_export
) nx_next
; /* FS export list */
647 LIST_ENTRY(nfs_export
) nx_hash
; /* export hash chain */
648 struct nfs_export
; /* parent export */
649 uint32_t nx_id
; /* export ID */
650 uint32_t nx_flags
; /* export flags */
651 struct nfs_exportfs
; /* exported file system */
652 char *nx_path
; /* exported file system sub-path */
653 struct nfs_filehandle nx_fh
; /* export root file handle */
654 struct nfs_export_options nx_defopt
; /* default options */
655 uint32_t nx_expcnt
; /* # exports in table */
656 struct radix_node_head
+1]; /* table of exports (netopts) */
657 struct nfs_export_stat_counters nx_stats
; /* statistic counters for this exported directory */
658 struct nfs_active_user_list nx_user_list
; /* Active User List for this exported directory */
659 struct timeval nx_exptime
; /* time of export for write verifier */
662 /* NFS exported file system info */
663 /* one of these for each exported file system */
664 struct nfs_exportfs
665 LIST_ENTRY(nfs_exportfs
) nxfs_next
; /* exported file system list */
666 uint32_t nxfs_id
; /* exported file system ID */
667 char *nxfs_path
; /* exported file system path */
668 LIST_HEAD(,nfs_export
) nxfs_exports
; /* list of exports for this file system */
671 extern LIST_HEAD(nfsrv_expfs_list
, nfs_exportfs
) nfsrv_exports
672 extern lck_rw_t nfsrv_export_rwlock
; // lock for export data structures
673 #define NFSRVEXPHASHSZ 64
675 (((FSID) >> 24) ^ ((FSID) >> 16) ^ ((FSID) >> 8) ^ (EXPID))
677 (&nfsrv_export_hashtbl[NFSRVEXPHASHVAL((FSID),(EXPID)) & nfsrv_export_hash])
678 extern LIST_HEAD(nfsrv_export_hashhead
, nfs_export
) *nfsrv_export_hashtbl
679 extern u_long nfsrv_export_hash
683 * NFS server file mod fsevents
686 LIST_ENTRY(nfsrv_fmod
) fm_link
688 struct vfs_context fm_context
689 uint64_t fm_deadline
692 #define NFSRVFMODHASHSZ 128
693 #define NFSRVFMODHASH(vp) (((uintptr_t) vp) & nfsrv_fmod_hash)
694 extern LIST_HEAD(nfsrv_fmod_hashhead
, nfsrv_fmod
) *nfsrv_fmod_hashtbl
695 extern u_long nfsrv_fmod_hash
696 extern lck_mtx_t
697 extern int nfsrv_fmod_pending
, nfsrv_fsevents_enabled
700 extern int nfsrv_async
, nfsrv_export_hash_size
701 nfsrv_reqcache_size
, nfsrv_sock_max_rec_queue_length
702 extern uint32_t nfsrv_gss_context_ttl
703 extern struct nfsstats nfsstats
704 #define NFS_UC_Q_DEBUG
705 #ifdef NFS_UC_Q_DEBUG
706 extern int nfsrv_uc_use_proxy
707 extern uint32_t nfsrv_uc_queue_limit
708 extern uint32_t nfsrv_uc_queue_max_seen
709 extern volatile uint32_t nfsrv_uc_queue_count
715 * XXX to allow amd to include nfs.h without nfsproto.h
722 uint64_t attrcache_hits
723 uint64_t attrcache_misses
724 uint64_t lookupcache_hits
725 uint64_t lookupcache_misses
726 uint64_t direofcache_hits
727 uint64_t direofcache_misses
728 uint64_t biocache_reads
730 uint64_t read_physios
731 uint64_t biocache_writes
733 uint64_t write_physios
734 uint64_t biocache_readlinks
735 uint64_t readlink_bios
736 uint64_t biocache_readdirs
737 uint64_t readdir_bios
738 uint64_t rpccnt
740 uint64_t srvrpccnt
741 uint64_t srvrpc_errs
743 uint64_t rpcrequests
744 uint64_t rpctimeouts
745 uint64_t rpcunexpected
747 uint64_t srvcache_inproghits
748 uint64_t srvcache_idemdonehits
749 uint64_t srvcache_nonidemdonehits
750 uint64_t srvcache_misses
751 uint64_t srvvop_writes
758 * Flags for nfssvc() system call.
760 #define NFSSVC_NFSD 0x004
761 #define NFSSVC_ADDSOCK 0x008
762 #define NFSSVC_EXPORT 0x200
765 * Flags for nfsclnt() system call.
767 #define NFSCLNT_LOCKDANS 0x200
768 #define NFSCLNT_LOCKDNOTIFY 0x400
769 #define NFSCLNT_TESTIDMAP 0x001
771 #include <sys/_types/_guid_t.h> /* for guid_t below */
772 #define MAXIDNAMELEN 1024
773 struct nfs_testmapid
774 uint32_t ntm_lookup
; /* lookup name 2 id or id 2 name */
775 uint32_t ntm_grpflag
; /* Is this a group or user maping */
776 uint32_t ntm_id
; /* id to map or return */
778 guid_t ntm_guid
; /* intermidiate guid used in conversion */
779 char ntm_name
]; /* name to map or return */
782 #define NTM_ID2NAME 0
783 #define NTM_NAME2ID 1
784 #define NTM_NAME2GUID 2
785 #define NTM_GUID2NAME 3
788 * fs.nfs sysctl(3) identifiers
790 #define NFS_NFSSTATS 1 /* struct: struct nfsstats */
791 #define NFS_EXPORTSTATS 3 /* gets exported directory stats */
792 #define NFS_USERSTATS 4 /* gets exported directory active user stats */
793 #define NFS_USERCOUNT 5 /* gets current count of active nfs users */
794 #define NFS_MOUNTINFO 6 /* gets information about an NFS mount */
797 #define NFS_WDELAYHASHSIZ 16 /* and with this */
801 #include <sys/kernel_types.h>
802 #include <kern/thread_call.h>
803 #include <sys/kdebug.h>
807 /* kernel debug trace macros */
808 #define FSDBG(A, B, C, D, E) \
810 (int)(B), (int)(C), (int)(D), (int)(E), 0)
811 #define FSDBG_TOP(A, B, C, D, E) \
813 (int)(B), (int)(C), (int)(D), (int)(E), 0)
814 #define FSDBG_BOT(A, B, C, D, E) \
816 (int)(B), (int)(C), (int)(D), (int)(E), 0)
827 struct vnode_attr
; struct nameidata
; struct dqblk
; struct sockaddr_in
; /* XXX */
832 typedef struct nfsnode
* nfsnode_t
833 struct nfs_open_owner
834 struct nfs_open_file
835 struct nfs_lock_owner
836 struct nfs_file_lock
838 struct nfs_rpc_record_state
839 struct nfs_fs_locations
840 struct nfs_location_index
842 struct nfs_socket_search
846 * The set of signals the interrupt an I/O in progress for NFSMNT_INT mounts.
847 * What should be in this set is open to debate, but I believe that since
848 * I/O system calls on ufs are never interrupted by signals the set should
849 * be minimal. My reasoning is that many current programs that use signals
850 * such as SIGALRM will not expect file I/O system calls to be interrupted
853 #define NFSINT_SIGMASK (sigmask(SIGINT)|sigmask(SIGTERM)|sigmask(SIGKILL)| \
854 sigmask(SIGHUP)|sigmask(SIGQUIT))
856 extern size_t nfs_mbuf_mhlen
, nfs_mbuf_minclsize
859 * NFS mbuf chain structure used for managing the building/dissection of RPCs
862 mbuf_t nmc_mhead
; /* mbuf chain head */
863 mbuf_t nmc_mcur
; /* current mbuf */
864 caddr_t nmc_ptr
; /* pointer into current mbuf */
865 uint32_t nmc_left
; /* bytes remaining in current mbuf */
866 uint32_t nmc_flags
; /* flags for this nfsm_chain */
868 #define NFSM_CHAIN_FLAG_ADD_CLUSTERS 0x1 /* always add mbuf clusters */
871 * Each retransmission of an RPCSEC_GSS request
872 * has an additional sequence number.
875 SLIST_ENTRY(gss_seq
) gss_seqnext
880 * async NFS request callback info
882 struct nfsreq_cbinfo
883 void (*rcb_func
)(struct nfsreq
*); /* async request callback function */
884 struct nfsbuf
; /* buffer I/O RPC is for */
885 uint32_t rcb_args
[3]; /* additional callback args */
889 * Arguments to use if a request needs to call SECINFO to handle a WRONGSEC error
891 * If only node is set, use the parent file handle and this node's name; otherwise,
892 * use any file handle and name provided.
894 struct nfsreq_secinfo_args
895 nfsnode_t rsia_np
; /* the node */
896 const char *rsia_name
; /* alternate name string */
897 u_char
; /* alternate file handle */
898 uint32_t rsia_namelen
; /* length of string */
899 uint32_t rsia_fhsize
; /* length of fh */
903 (SI)->rsia_np = (NP); \
904 (SI)->rsia_fh = (FH); \
905 (SI)->rsia_fhsize = (FHSIZE); \
906 (SI)->rsia_name = (NAME); \
907 (SI)->rsia_namelen = (NAMELEN); \
911 * NFS outstanding request list element
914 lck_mtx_t r_mtx
; /* NFS request mutex */
915 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsreq
) r_chain
; /* request queue chain */
916 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsreq
) r_achain
; /* mount's async I/O request queue chain */
917 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsreq
) r_rchain
; /* mount's async I/O resend queue chain */
918 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsreq
) r_cchain
; /* mount's cwnd queue chain */
919 mbuf_t r_mrest
; /* request body mbufs */
920 mbuf_t r_mhead
; /* request header mbufs */
921 struct nfsm_chain r_nmrep
; /* reply mbufs */
922 nfsnode_t r_np
; /* NFS node */
923 struct nfsmount
; /* NFS mount point */
924 uint64_t r_xid
; /* RPC transaction ID */
925 uint32_t r_procnum
; /* NFS procedure number */
926 uint32_t r_mreqlen
; /* request length */
927 int r_flags
; /* flags on request, see below */
928 int r_lflags
; /* flags protected by list mutex, see below */
929 int r_refs
; /* # outstanding references */
930 uint8_t r_delay
; /* delay to use for jukebox error */
931 uint8_t r_retry
; /* max retransmission count */
932 uint8_t r_rexmit
; /* current retrans count */
933 int r_rtt
; /* RTT for rpc */
934 thread_t r_thread
; /* thread that did I/O system call */
935 kauth_cred_t r_cred
; /* credential used for request */
936 time_t r_start
; /* request start time */
937 time_t r_lastmsg
; /* time of last tprintf */
938 time_t r_resendtime
; /* time of next jukebox error resend */
939 struct nfs_gss_clnt_ctx
; /* RPCSEC_GSS context */
940 SLIST_HEAD(, gss_seq
) r_gss_seqlist
; /* RPCSEC_GSS sequence numbers */
941 uint32_t r_gss_argoff
; /* RPCSEC_GSS offset to args */
942 uint32_t r_gss_arglen
; /* RPCSEC_GSS arg length */
943 uint32_t r_auth
; /* security flavor request sent with */
944 uint32_t *r_wrongsec
; /* wrongsec: other flavors to try */
945 int r_error
; /* request error */
946 struct nfsreq_cbinfo r_callback
; /* callback info */
947 struct nfsreq_secinfo_args r_secinfo
; /* secinfo args */
951 * Queue head for nfsreq's
953 TAILQ_HEAD(nfs_reqqhead
, nfsreq
954 extern struct nfs_reqqhead nfs_reqq
955 extern lck_grp_t
957 #define R_XID32(x) ((x) & 0xffffffff)
959 #define NFSNOLIST ((void *)0x0badcafe) /* sentinel value for nfs lists */
960 #define NFSREQNOLIST NFSNOLIST /* sentinel value for nfsreq lists */
962 /* Flag values for r_flags */
963 #define R_TIMING 0x00000001 /* timing request (in mntp) */
964 #define R_CWND 0x00000002 /* request accounted for in congestion window */
965 #define R_SOFTTERM 0x00000004 /* request terminated (e.g. soft mnt) */
966 #define R_RESTART 0x00000008 /* RPC should be restarted. */
967 #define R_INITTED 0x00000010 /* request has been initialized */
968 #define R_TPRINTFMSG 0x00000020 /* Did a tprintf msg. */
969 #define R_MUSTRESEND 0x00000040 /* Must resend request */
970 #define R_ALLOCATED 0x00000080 /* request was allocated */
971 #define R_SENT 0x00000100 /* request has been sent */
972 #define R_WAITSENT 0x00000200 /* someone is waiting for request to be sent */
973 #define R_RESENDERR 0x00000400 /* resend failed */
974 #define R_JBTPRINTFMSG 0x00000800 /* Did a tprintf msg for jukebox error */
975 #define R_ASYNC 0x00001000 /* async request */
976 #define R_ASYNCWAIT 0x00002000 /* async request now being waited on */
977 #define R_RESENDQ 0x00004000 /* async request currently on resendq */
978 #define R_SENDING 0x00008000 /* request currently being sent */
979 #define R_SOFT 0x00010000 /* request is soft - don't retry or reconnect */
980 #define R_IOD 0x00020000 /* request is being managed by an IOD */
982 #define R_NOINTR 0x20000000 /* request should not be interupted by a signal */
983 #define R_RECOVER 0x40000000 /* a state recovery RPC - during NFSSTA_RECOVER */
984 #define R_SETUP 0x80000000 /* a setup RPC - during (re)connection */
985 #define R_OPTMASK 0xe0000000 /* mask of all RPC option flags */
987 /* Flag values for r_lflags */
988 #define RL_BUSY 0x0001 /* Locked. */
989 #define RL_WAITING 0x0002 /* Someone waiting for lock. */
990 #define RL_QUEUED 0x0004 /* request is on the queue */
992 extern u_int32_t nfs_xid
, nfs_xidwrap
993 extern int nfs_iosize
, nfs_allow_async
, nfs_statfs_rate_limit
994 extern int nfs_access_cache_timeout
, nfs_access_delete
, nfs_access_dotzfs
, nfs_access_for_getattr
995 extern int nfs_lockd_mounts
, nfs_lockd_request_sent
996 extern int nfs_tprintf_initial_delay
, nfs_tprintf_delay
997 extern int nfsiod_thread_count
, nfsiod_thread_max
, nfs_max_async_writes
998 extern int nfs_idmap_ctrl
, nfs_callback_port
999 extern int nfs_is_mobile
, nfs_readlink_nocache
, nfs_root_steals_ctx
1000 extern uint32_t nfs_squishy_flags
1001 extern uint32_t nfs_debug_ctl
1003 /* bits for nfs_idmap_ctrl: */
1004 #define NFS_IDMAP_CTRL_USE_IDMAP_SERVICE 0x00000001 /* use the ID mapping service */
1005 #define NFS_IDMAP_CTRL_FALLBACK_NO_COMMON_IDS 0x00000002 /* fallback should NOT handle common IDs like "root" and "nobody" */
1006 #define NFS_IDMAP_CTRL_LOG_FAILED_MAPPINGS 0x00000020 /* log failed ID mapping attempts */
1007 #define NFS_IDMAP_CTRL_LOG_SUCCESSFUL_MAPPINGS 0x00000040 /* log successful ID mapping attempts */
1009 #define NFSIOD_MAX (MIN(nfsiod_thread_max, NFS_MAXASYNCTHREAD))
1011 struct nfs_dulookup
1012 int du_flags
; /* state of ._ lookup */
1013 #define NFS_DULOOKUP_DOIT 0x1
1014 #define NFS_DULOOKUP_INPROG 0x2
1015 struct componentname du_cn
; /* ._ name being looked up */
1016 struct nfsreq du_req
; /* NFS request for lookup */
1017 char du_smallname
[48]; /* buffer for small names */
1021 * One nfsrv_sock structure is maintained for each socket the
1022 * server is servicing requests on.
1025 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsrv_sock
) ns_chain
; /* List of all nfsrv_sock's */
1026 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsrv_sock
) ns_svcq
; /* List of sockets needing servicing */
1027 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsrv_sock
) ns_wgq
; /* List of sockets with a pending write gather */
1028 struct nfsrv_uc_arg
; /* Opaque pointer to upcall */
1029 lck_rw_t ns_rwlock
; /* lock for most fields */
1043 time_t ns_timestamp
; /* socket timestamp */
1044 lck_mtx_t ns_wgmutex
; /* mutex for write gather fields */
1045 u_quad_t ns_wgtime
; /* next Write deadline (usec) */
1046 LIST_HEAD(, nfsrv_descript
) ns_tq
; /* Write gather lists */
1047 LIST_HEAD(nfsrv_wg_delayhash
, nfsrv_descript
) ns_wdelayhashtbl
1050 /* Bits for "ns_flag" */
1051 #define SLP_VALID 0x0001 /* nfs sock valid */
1052 #define SLP_DOREC 0x0002 /* nfs sock has received data to process */
1053 #define SLP_NEEDQ 0x0004 /* network socket has data to receive */
1054 #define SLP_DISCONN 0x0008 /* socket needs to be zapped */
1055 #define SLP_GETSTREAM 0x0010 /* currently in nfsrv_getstream() */
1056 #define SLP_LASTFRAG 0x0020 /* on last fragment of RPC record */
1057 #define SLP_DOWRITES 0x0040 /* nfs sock has gathered writes to service */
1058 #define SLP_WORKTODO 0x004e /* mask of all "work to do" flags */
1059 #define SLP_ALLFLAGS 0x007f
1060 #define SLP_WAITQ 0x4000 /* nfs sock is on the wait queue */
1061 #define SLP_WORKQ 0x8000 /* nfs sock is on the work queue */
1062 #define SLP_QUEUED 0xc000 /* nfs sock is on a queue */
1064 #define SLPNOLIST ((struct nfsrv_sock *)0xdeadbeef) /* sentinel value for sockets not in the nfsrv_sockwg list */
1066 extern struct nfsrv_sock
, *nfsrv_udp6sock
1069 * global NFS server socket lists:
1071 * nfsrv_socklist - list of all sockets (ns_chain)
1072 * nfsrv_sockwait - sockets w/new data waiting to be worked on (ns_svcq)
1073 * nfsrv_sockwork - sockets being worked on which may have more work to do (ns_svcq)
1074 * nfsrv_sockwg - sockets with pending write gather input (ns_wgq)
1076 extern TAILQ_HEAD(nfsrv_sockhead
, nfsrv_sock
) nfsrv_socklist
, nfsrv_sockwg
1077 nfsrv_sockwait
, nfsrv_sockwork
1079 /* lock groups for nfsrv_sock's */
1080 extern lck_grp_t
1081 extern lck_grp_t
1084 * One of these structures is allocated for each nfsd.
1087 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsd
) nfsd_chain
; /* List of all nfsd's */
1088 TAILQ_ENTRY(nfsd
) nfsd_queue
; /* List of waiting nfsd's */
1089 int nfsd_flag
; /* NFSD_ flags */
1090 struct nfsrv_sock
; /* Current socket */
1091 struct nfsrv_descript
; /* Associated nfsrv_descript */
1094 /* Bits for "nfsd_flag" */
1095 #define NFSD_WAITING 0x01
1096 #define NFSD_REQINPROG 0x02
1099 * This structure is used by the server for describing each request.
1100 * Some fields are used only when write request gathering is performed.
1102 struct nfsrv_descript
1103 u_quad_t nd_time
; /* Write deadline (usec) */
1104 off_t nd_off
; /* Start byte offset */
1105 off_t nd_eoff
; /* and end byte offset */
1106 LIST_ENTRY(nfsrv_descript
) nd_hash
; /* Hash list */
1107 LIST_ENTRY(nfsrv_descript
) nd_tq
; /* and timer list */
1108 LIST_HEAD(,nfsrv_descript
) nd_coalesce
; /* coalesced writes */
1109 struct nfsm_chain nd_nmreq
; /* Request mbuf chain */
1110 mbuf_t nd_mrep
; /* Reply mbuf list (WG) */
1111 mbuf_t nd_nam
; /* and socket addr */
1112 mbuf_t nd_nam2
; /* return socket addr */
1113 u_int32_t nd_procnum
; /* RPC # */
1114 int nd_stable
; /* storage type */
1115 int nd_vers
; /* NFS version */
1116 int nd_len
; /* Length of this write */
1117 int nd_repstat
; /* Reply status */
1118 u_int32_t nd_retxid
; /* Reply xid */
1119 struct timeval nd_starttime
; /* Time RPC initiated */
1120 struct nfs_filehandle nd_fh
; /* File handle */
1121 uint32_t nd_sec
; /* Security flavor */
1122 struct nfs_gss_svc_ctx
;/* RPCSEC_GSS context */
1123 uint32_t nd_gss_seqnum
; /* RPCSEC_GSS seq num */
1124 mbuf_t nd_gss_mb
; /* RPCSEC_GSS results mbuf */
1125 kauth_cred_t nd_cr
; /* Credentials */
1128 extern TAILQ_HEAD(nfsd_head
, nfsd
) nfsd_head
, nfsd_queue
1130 typedef int (*nfsrv_proc_t
)(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
1131 vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1133 /* mutex for nfs server */
1134 extern lck_mtx_t
1135 extern int nfsd_thread_count
, nfsd_thread_max
1137 /* request list mutex */
1138 extern lck_mtx_t
1139 extern int nfs_request_timer_on
1141 /* mutex for nfs client globals */
1142 extern lck_mtx_t
1144 /* NFSv4 callback globals */
1145 extern int nfs4_callback_timer_on
1146 extern in_port_t nfs4_cb_port
, nfs4_cb_port6
1148 /* nfs timer call structures */
1149 extern thread_call_t nfs_request_timer_call
1150 extern thread_call_t nfs_buf_timer_call
1151 extern thread_call_t nfs4_callback_timer_call
1152 extern thread_call_t nfsrv_idlesock_timer_call
1154 extern thread_call_t nfsrv_fmod_timer_call
1157 /* nfs 4 default domain for user mapping */
1158 extern char nfs4_default_domain
1162 nfstype
vtonfs_type(enum vtype
, int);
1163 enum vtype
, int);
1164 int vtonfsv2_mode(enum vtype
, mode_t
1166 void nfs_mbuf_init(void);
1168 void nfs_nhinit(void);
1169 void nfs_nhinit_finish(void);
1170 u_long
*, int);
1172 int nfs4_init_clientid(struct nfsmount
1173 int nfs4_setclientid(struct nfsmount
1174 int nfs4_renew(struct nfsmount
*, int);
1175 void nfs4_renew_timer(void *, void *);
1176 void nfs4_mount_callback_setup(struct nfsmount
1177 void nfs4_mount_callback_shutdown(struct nfsmount
1178 void nfs4_cb_accept(socket_t
, void *, int);
1179 void nfs4_cb_rcv(socket_t
, void *, int);
1180 void nfs4_callback_timer(void *, void *);
1181 int nfs4_secinfo_rpc(struct nfsmount
*, struct nfsreq_secinfo_args
*, kauth_cred_t
, uint32_t *, int *);
1182 int nfs4_get_fs_locations(struct nfsmount
*, nfsnode_t
, u_char
*, int, const char *, vfs_context_t
, struct nfs_fs_locations
1183 void nfs_fs_locations_cleanup(struct nfs_fs_locations
1184 void nfs4_default_attrs_for_referral_trigger(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, struct nfs_vattr
*, fhandle_t
1186 int nfs_sockaddr_cmp(struct sockaddr
*, struct sockaddr
1187 int nfs_connect(struct nfsmount
*, int, int);
1188 void nfs_disconnect(struct nfsmount
1189 void nfs_need_reconnect(struct nfsmount
1190 void nfs_mount_sock_thread_wake(struct nfsmount
1191 int nfs_mount_check_dead_timeout(struct nfsmount
1192 int nfs_mount_gone(struct nfsmount
1193 void nfs_mount_rele(struct nfsmount
1194 void nfs_mount_zombie(struct nfsmount
*, int);
1195 void nfs_mount_make_zombie(struct nfsmount
1197 void nfs_rpc_record_state_init(struct nfs_rpc_record_state
1198 void nfs_rpc_record_state_cleanup(struct nfs_rpc_record_state
1199 int nfs_rpc_record_read(socket_t
, struct nfs_rpc_record_state
*, int, int *, mbuf_t
1201 int nfs_getattr(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_vattr
*, vfs_context_t
, int);
1202 int nfs_getattrcache(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_vattr
*, int);
1203 int nfs_loadattrcache(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_vattr
*, u_int64_t
*, int);
1204 int nfs_attrcachetimeout(nfsnode_t
1206 int nfs_buf_page_inval(vnode_t vp
, off_t offset
1207 int nfs_vinvalbuf(vnode_t
, int, vfs_context_t
, int);
1208 int nfs_vinvalbuf2(vnode_t
, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int);
1209 int nfs_vinvalbuf_internal(nfsnode_t
, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int, int);
1210 void nfs_wait_bufs(nfsnode_t
1212 int nfs_request_create(nfsnode_t
, mount_t
, struct nfsm_chain
*, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct nfsreq
1213 void nfs_request_destroy(struct nfsreq
1214 void nfs_request_ref(struct nfsreq
*, int);
1215 void nfs_request_rele(struct nfsreq
1216 int nfs_request_add_header(struct nfsreq
1217 int nfs_request_send(struct nfsreq
*, int);
1218 void nfs_request_wait(struct nfsreq
1219 int nfs_request_finish(struct nfsreq
*, struct nfsm_chain
*, int *);
1220 int nfs_request(nfsnode_t
, mount_t
, struct nfsm_chain
*, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfsreq_secinfo_args
*, struct nfsm_chain
*, u_int64_t
*, int *);
1221 int nfs_request2(nfsnode_t
, mount_t
, struct nfsm_chain
*, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct nfsreq_secinfo_args
*, int, struct nfsm_chain
*, u_int64_t
*, int *);
1222 int nfs_request_gss(mount_t
, struct nfsm_chain
*, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int, struct nfs_gss_clnt_ctx
*, struct nfsm_chain
*, int *);
1223 int nfs_request_async(nfsnode_t
, mount_t
, struct nfsm_chain
*, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct nfsreq_secinfo_args
*, int, struct nfsreq_cbinfo
*, struct nfsreq
1224 int nfs_request_async_finish(struct nfsreq
*, struct nfsm_chain
*, u_int64_t
*, int *);
1225 void nfs_request_async_cancel(struct nfsreq
1226 void nfs_request_timer(void *, void *);
1227 int nfs_request_using_gss(struct nfsreq
1228 void nfs_get_xid(uint64_t *);
1229 int nfs_sigintr(struct nfsmount
*, struct nfsreq
*, thread_t
, int);
1230 int nfs_noremotehang(thread_t
1232 int nfs_send(struct nfsreq
*, int);
1233 int nfs_sndlock(struct nfsreq
1234 void nfs_sndunlock(struct nfsreq
1236 int nfs_uaddr2sockaddr(const char *, struct sockaddr
1238 int nfs_aux_request(struct nfsmount
*, thread_t
, struct sockaddr
*, socket_t
, int, mbuf_t
, uint32_t, int, int, struct nfsm_chain
1239 int nfs_portmap_lookup(struct nfsmount
*, vfs_context_t
, struct sockaddr
*, socket_t
, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, int);
1241 void nfs_location_next(struct nfs_fs_locations
*, struct nfs_location_index
1242 int nfs_location_index_cmp(struct nfs_location_index
*, struct nfs_location_index
1243 void nfs_location_mntfromname(struct nfs_fs_locations
*, struct nfs_location_index
, char *, int, int);
1244 int nfs_socket_create(struct nfsmount
*, struct sockaddr
*, int, in_port_t
, uint32_t, uint32_t, int, struct nfs_socket
1245 void nfs_socket_destroy(struct nfs_socket
1246 void nfs_socket_options(struct nfsmount
*, struct nfs_socket
1247 void nfs_connect_upcall(socket_t
, void *, int);
1248 int nfs_connect_error_class(int);
1249 int nfs_connect_search_loop(struct nfsmount
*, struct nfs_socket_search
1250 void nfs_socket_search_update_error(struct nfs_socket_search
*, int);
1251 void nfs_socket_search_cleanup(struct nfs_socket_search
1252 void nfs_mount_connect_thread(void *, __unused wait_result_t
1254 int nfs_lookitup(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
, nfsnode_t
1255 void nfs_dulookup_init(struct nfs_dulookup
*, nfsnode_t
, const char *, int, vfs_context_t
1256 void nfs_dulookup_start(struct nfs_dulookup
*, nfsnode_t
, vfs_context_t
1257 void nfs_dulookup_finish(struct nfs_dulookup
*, nfsnode_t
, vfs_context_t
1258 int nfs_dir_buf_cache_lookup(nfsnode_t
, nfsnode_t
*, struct componentname
*, vfs_context_t
, int);
1259 int nfs_dir_buf_search(struct nfsbuf
*, struct componentname
*, fhandle_t
*, struct nfs_vattr
*, uint64_t *, time_t *, daddr64_t
*, int);
1260 void nfs_name_cache_purge(nfsnode_t
, nfsnode_t
, struct componentname
*, vfs_context_t
1262 uint32_t nfs4_ace_nfstype_to_vfstype(uint32_t, int *);
1263 uint32_t nfs4_ace_vfstype_to_nfstype(uint32_t, int *);
1264 uint32_t nfs4_ace_nfsflags_to_vfsflags(uint32_t);
1265 uint32_t nfs4_ace_vfsflags_to_nfsflags(uint32_t);
1266 uint32_t nfs4_ace_nfsmask_to_vfsrights(uint32_t);
1267 uint32_t nfs4_ace_vfsrights_to_nfsmask(uint32_t);
1268 int nfs4_id2guid(char *, guid_t
*, int);
1269 int nfs4_guid2id(guid_t
*, char *, size_t *, int);
1271 int nfs_parsefattr(struct nfsm_chain
*, int, struct nfs_vattr
1272 int nfs4_parsefattr(struct nfsm_chain
*, struct nfs_fsattr
*, struct nfs_vattr
*, fhandle_t
*, struct dqblk
*, struct nfs_fs_locations
1273 void nfs_vattr_set_supported(uint32_t *, struct vnode_attr
1274 void nfs_vattr_set_bitmap(struct nfsmount
*, uint32_t *, struct vnode_attr
1275 void nfs3_pathconf_cache(struct nfsmount
*, struct nfs_fsattr
1276 int nfs3_mount_rpc(struct nfsmount
*, struct sockaddr
*, int, int, char *, vfs_context_t
, int, fhandle_t
*, struct nfs_sec
1277 void nfs3_umount_rpc(struct nfsmount
*, vfs_context_t
, int);
1278 int nfs_node_access_slot(nfsnode_t
, uid_t
, int);
1279 void nfs_vnode_notify(nfsnode_t
, uint32_t);
1281 void nfs_avoid_needless_id_setting_on_create(nfsnode_t
, struct vnode_attr
*, vfs_context_t
1282 int nfs4_create_rpc(vfs_context_t
, nfsnode_t
, struct componentname
*, struct vnode_attr
*, int, char *, nfsnode_t
1283 int nfs_open_state_set_busy(nfsnode_t
, thread_t
1284 void nfs_open_state_clear_busy(nfsnode_t
1285 struct nfs_open_owner
*nfs_open_owner_find(struct nfsmount
*, kauth_cred_t
, int);
1286 void nfs_open_owner_destroy(struct nfs_open_owner
1287 void nfs_open_owner_ref(struct nfs_open_owner
1288 void nfs_open_owner_rele(struct nfs_open_owner
1289 int nfs_open_owner_set_busy(struct nfs_open_owner
*, thread_t
1290 void nfs_open_owner_clear_busy(struct nfs_open_owner
1291 void nfs_owner_seqid_increment(struct nfs_open_owner
*, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, int);
1292 int nfs_open_file_find(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_owner
*, struct nfs_open_file
**, uint32_t, uint32_t, int);
1293 int nfs_open_file_find_internal(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_owner
*, struct nfs_open_file
**, uint32_t, uint32_t, int);
1294 void nfs_open_file_destroy(struct nfs_open_file
1295 int nfs_open_file_set_busy(struct nfs_open_file
*, thread_t
1296 void nfs_open_file_clear_busy(struct nfs_open_file
1297 void nfs_open_file_add_open(struct nfs_open_file
*, uint32_t, uint32_t, int);
1298 void nfs_open_file_remove_open_find(struct nfs_open_file
*, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, int*);
1299 void nfs_open_file_remove_open(struct nfs_open_file
*, uint32_t, uint32_t);
1300 void nfs_get_stateid(nfsnode_t
, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, nfs_stateid
1301 int nfs4_open(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, uint32_t, uint32_t, vfs_context_t
1302 int nfs4_open_delegated(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, uint32_t, uint32_t, vfs_context_t
1303 int nfs_close(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, uint32_t, uint32_t, vfs_context_t
1304 int nfs_check_for_locks(struct nfs_open_owner
*, struct nfs_open_file
1305 int nfs4_reopen(struct nfs_open_file
*, thread_t
1306 int nfs4_open_rpc(struct nfs_open_file
*, vfs_context_t
, struct componentname
*, struct vnode_attr
*, vnode_t
, vnode_t
*, int, int, int);
1307 int nfs4_open_rpc_internal(struct nfs_open_file
*, vfs_context_t
, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct componentname
*, struct vnode_attr
*, vnode_t
, vnode_t
*, int, int, int);
1308 int nfs4_open_confirm_rpc(struct nfsmount
*, nfsnode_t
, u_char
*, int, struct nfs_open_owner
*, nfs_stateid
*, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct nfs_vattr
*, uint64_t *);
1309 int nfs4_open_reopen_rpc(struct nfs_open_file
*, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct componentname
*, vnode_t
, vnode_t
*, int, int);
1310 int nfs4_open_reclaim_rpc(struct nfs_open_file
*, int, int);
1311 int nfs4_claim_delegated_open_rpc(struct nfs_open_file
*, int, int, int);
1312 int nfs4_claim_delegated_state_for_open_file(struct nfs_open_file
*, int);
1313 int nfs4_claim_delegated_state_for_node(nfsnode_t
, int);
1314 int nfs4_open_downgrade_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, vfs_context_t
1315 int nfs4_close_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int);
1316 void nfs4_delegation_return_enqueue(nfsnode_t
1317 int nfs4_delegation_return(nfsnode_t
, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1318 int nfs4_delegreturn_rpc(struct nfsmount
*, u_char
*, int, struct nfs_stateid
*, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1319 void nfs_release_open_state_for_node(nfsnode_t
, int);
1320 void nfs_revoke_open_state_for_node(nfsnode_t
1321 struct nfs_lock_owner
, proc_t
, int);
1322 void nfs_lock_owner_destroy(struct nfs_lock_owner
1323 void nfs_lock_owner_ref(struct nfs_lock_owner
1324 void nfs_lock_owner_rele(struct nfs_lock_owner
1325 int nfs_lock_owner_set_busy(struct nfs_lock_owner
*, thread_t
1326 void nfs_lock_owner_clear_busy(struct nfs_lock_owner
1327 void nfs_lock_owner_insert_held_lock(struct nfs_lock_owner
*, struct nfs_file_lock
1328 struct nfs_file_lock
*nfs_file_lock_alloc(struct nfs_lock_owner
1329 void nfs_file_lock_destroy(struct nfs_file_lock
1330 int nfs_file_lock_conflict(struct nfs_file_lock
*, struct nfs_file_lock
*, int *);
1331 int nfs4_lock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, struct nfs_file_lock
*, int, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1332 int nfs_unlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, int, uint64_t, uint64_t, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int);
1333 int nfs_advlock_getlock(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, struct flock
*, uint64_t, uint64_t, vfs_context_t
1334 int nfs_advlock_setlock(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, int, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, short, vfs_context_t
1335 int nfs_advlock_unlock(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, vfs_context_t
1337 nfsnode_t
, int, vfs_context_t
1338 int nfs4_named_attr_get(nfsnode_t
, struct componentname
*, uint32_t, int, vfs_context_t
, nfsnode_t
*, struct nfs_open_file
1339 int nfs4_named_attr_remove(nfsnode_t
, nfsnode_t
, const char *, vfs_context_t
1341 int nfs_mount_state_in_use_start(struct nfsmount
*, thread_t
1342 int nfs_mount_state_in_use_end(struct nfsmount
*, int);
1343 int nfs_mount_state_error_should_restart(int);
1344 int nfs_mount_state_error_delegation_lost(int);
1345 uint
nfs_mount_state_max_restarts(struct nfsmount
1346 int nfs_mount_state_wait_for_recovery(struct nfsmount
1347 void nfs_need_recover(struct nfsmount
, int error
1348 void nfs_recover(struct nfsmount
1350 int nfs_vnop_access(struct vnop_access_args
1351 int nfs_vnop_remove(struct vnop_remove_args
1352 int nfs_vnop_read(struct vnop_read_args
1353 int nfs_vnop_write(struct vnop_write_args
1354 int nfs_vnop_open(struct vnop_open_args
1355 int nfs_vnop_close(struct vnop_close_args
1356 int nfs_vnop_advlock(struct vnop_advlock_args
1357 int nfs_vnop_mmap(struct vnop_mmap_args
1358 int nfs_vnop_mnomap(struct vnop_mnomap_args
1360 int nfs4_vnop_create(struct vnop_create_args
1361 int nfs4_vnop_mknod(struct vnop_mknod_args
1362 int nfs4_vnop_close(struct vnop_close_args
1363 int nfs4_vnop_getattr(struct vnop_getattr_args
1364 int nfs4_vnop_link(struct vnop_link_args
1365 int nfs4_vnop_mkdir(struct vnop_mkdir_args
1366 int nfs4_vnop_rmdir(struct vnop_rmdir_args
1367 int nfs4_vnop_symlink(struct vnop_symlink_args
1368 int nfs4_vnop_getxattr(struct vnop_getxattr_args
1369 int nfs4_vnop_setxattr(struct vnop_setxattr_args
1370 int nfs4_vnop_removexattr(struct vnop_removexattr_args
1371 int nfs4_vnop_listxattr(struct vnop_listxattr_args
1373 int nfs4_vnop_getnamedstream(struct vnop_getnamedstream_args
1374 int nfs4_vnop_makenamedstream(struct vnop_makenamedstream_args
1375 int nfs4_vnop_removenamedstream(struct vnop_removenamedstream_args
1378 int nfs_read_rpc(nfsnode_t
, uio_t
, vfs_context_t
1379 int nfs_write_rpc(nfsnode_t
, uio_t
, vfs_context_t
, int *, uint64_t *);
1380 int nfs_write_rpc2(nfsnode_t
, uio_t
, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int *, uint64_t *);
1382 int nfs3_access_rpc(nfsnode_t
, u_int32_t
*, int, vfs_context_t
1383 int nfs4_access_rpc(nfsnode_t
, u_int32_t
*, int, vfs_context_t
1384 int nfs3_getattr_rpc(nfsnode_t
, mount_t
, u_char
*, size_t, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfs_vattr
*, u_int64_t
1385 int nfs4_getattr_rpc(nfsnode_t
, mount_t
, u_char
*, size_t, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfs_vattr
*, u_int64_t
1386 int nfs3_setattr_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct vnode_attr
*, vfs_context_t
1387 int nfs4_setattr_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct vnode_attr
*, vfs_context_t
1388 int nfs3_read_rpc_async(nfsnode_t
, off_t
, size_t, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct nfsreq_cbinfo
*, struct nfsreq
1389 int nfs4_read_rpc_async(nfsnode_t
, off_t
, size_t, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, struct nfsreq_cbinfo
*, struct nfsreq
1390 int nfs3_read_rpc_async_finish(nfsnode_t
, struct nfsreq
*, uio_t
, size_t *, int *);
1391 int nfs4_read_rpc_async_finish(nfsnode_t
, struct nfsreq
*, uio_t
, size_t *, int *);
1392 int nfs3_write_rpc_async(nfsnode_t
, uio_t
, size_t, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int, struct nfsreq_cbinfo
*, struct nfsreq
1393 int nfs4_write_rpc_async(nfsnode_t
, uio_t
, size_t, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
, int, struct nfsreq_cbinfo
*, struct nfsreq
1394 int nfs3_write_rpc_async_finish(nfsnode_t
, struct nfsreq
*, int *, size_t *, uint64_t *);
1395 int nfs4_write_rpc_async_finish(nfsnode_t
, struct nfsreq
*, int *, size_t *, uint64_t *);
1396 int nfs3_readdir_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfsbuf
*, vfs_context_t
1397 int nfs4_readdir_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfsbuf
*, vfs_context_t
1398 int nfs3_readlink_rpc(nfsnode_t
, char *, uint32_t *, vfs_context_t
1399 int nfs4_readlink_rpc(nfsnode_t
, char *, uint32_t *, vfs_context_t
1400 int nfs3_commit_rpc(nfsnode_t
, uint64_t, uint64_t, kauth_cred_t
, uint64_t);
1401 int nfs4_commit_rpc(nfsnode_t
, uint64_t, uint64_t, kauth_cred_t
, uint64_t);
1402 int nfs3_lookup_rpc_async(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfsreq
1403 int nfs4_lookup_rpc_async(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfsreq
1404 int nfs3_lookup_rpc_async_finish(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfsreq
*, u_int64_t
*, fhandle_t
*, struct nfs_vattr
1405 int nfs4_lookup_rpc_async_finish(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
, struct nfsreq
*, u_int64_t
*, fhandle_t
*, struct nfs_vattr
1406 int nfs3_remove_rpc(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1407 int nfs4_remove_rpc(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1408 int nfs3_rename_rpc(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
1409 int nfs4_rename_rpc(nfsnode_t
, char *, int, nfsnode_t
, char *, int, vfs_context_t
1410 int nfs3_pathconf_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_fsattr
*, vfs_context_t
1411 int nfs4_pathconf_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_fsattr
*, vfs_context_t
1412 int nfs3_setlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, struct nfs_file_lock
*, int, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1413 int nfs4_setlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_open_file
*, struct nfs_file_lock
*, int, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1414 int nfs3_unlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, int, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1415 int nfs4_unlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, int, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, thread_t
, kauth_cred_t
1416 int nfs3_getlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, struct flock
*, uint64_t, uint64_t, vfs_context_t
1417 int nfs4_getlock_rpc(nfsnode_t
, struct nfs_lock_owner
*, struct flock
*, uint64_t, uint64_t, vfs_context_t
1419 void nfsrv_active_user_list_reclaim(void);
1420 void nfsrv_cleancache(void);
1421 void nfsrv_cleanup(void);
1422 int nfsrv_credcheck(struct nfsrv_descript
*, vfs_context_t
, struct nfs_export
1423 struct nfs_export_options
1424 void nfsrv_idlesock_timer(void *, void *);
1425 int nfsrv_dorec(struct nfsrv_sock
*, struct nfsd
*, struct nfsrv_descript
1426 int nfsrv_errmap(struct nfsrv_descript
*, int);
1427 int nfsrv_export(struct user_nfs_export_args
*, vfs_context_t
1428 int nfsrv_fhmatch(struct nfs_filehandle
*, struct nfs_filehandle
1429 int nfsrv_fhtovp(struct nfs_filehandle
*, struct nfsrv_descript
*, vnode_t
1430 struct nfs_export
**, struct nfs_export_options
1431 int nfsrv_check_exports_allow_address(mbuf_t
1433 void nfsrv_fmod_timer(void *, void *);
1435 int nfsrv_getcache(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, mbuf_t
1436 void nfsrv_group_sort(gid_t
*, int);
1437 void nfsrv_init(void);
1438 void nfsrv_initcache(void);
1439 int nfsrv_is_initialized(void);
1440 int nfsrv_namei(struct nfsrv_descript
*, vfs_context_t
, struct nameidata
1441 struct nfs_filehandle
*, vnode_t
1442 struct nfs_export
**, struct nfs_export_options
1443 void nfsrv_rcv(socket_t
, void *, int);
1444 void nfsrv_rcv_locked(socket_t
, struct nfsrv_sock
*, int);
1445 int nfsrv_rephead(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, struct nfsm_chain
*, size_t);
1446 int nfsrv_send(struct nfsrv_sock
*, mbuf_t
, mbuf_t
1447 void nfsrv_updatecache(struct nfsrv_descript
*, int, mbuf_t
1448 void nfsrv_update_user_stat(struct nfs_export
*, struct nfsrv_descript
*, uid_t
, u_int
, u_int
, u_int
1449 int nfsrv_vptofh(struct nfs_export
*, int, struct nfs_filehandle
1450 vnode_t
, vfs_context_t
, struct nfs_filehandle
1451 void nfsrv_wakenfsd(struct nfsrv_sock
1452 void nfsrv_wg_timer(void *, void *);
1453 int nfsrv_writegather(struct nfsrv_descript
**, struct nfsrv_sock
1454 vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1456 int nfsrv_access(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1457 int nfsrv_commit(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1458 int nfsrv_create(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1459 int nfsrv_fsinfo(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1460 int nfsrv_getattr(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1461 int nfsrv_link(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1462 int nfsrv_lookup(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1463 int nfsrv_mkdir(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1464 int nfsrv_mknod(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1465 int nfsrv_noop(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1466 int nfsrv_null(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1467 int nfsrv_pathconf(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1468 int nfsrv_read(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1469 int nfsrv_readdir(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1470 int nfsrv_readdirplus(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1471 int nfsrv_readlink(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1472 int nfsrv_remove(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1473 int nfsrv_rename(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1474 int nfsrv_rmdir(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1475 int nfsrv_setattr(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1476 int nfsrv_statfs(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1477 int nfsrv_symlink(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1478 int nfsrv_write(struct nfsrv_descript
*, struct nfsrv_sock
*, vfs_context_t
, mbuf_t
1480 void nfs_interval_timer_start(thread_call_t
, int);
1481 int nfs_use_cache(struct nfsmount
1482 void nfs_up(struct nfsmount
*, thread_t
, int, const char *);
1483 void nfs_down(struct nfsmount
*, thread_t
, int, int, const char *, int);
1484 int nfs_msg(thread_t
, const char *, const char *, int);
1486 int nfs_mountroot(void);
1487 struct nfs_diskless
1488 int nfs_boot_init(struct nfs_diskless
1489 int nfs_boot_getfh(struct nfs_diskless
*, int, int);
1492 resolver_result_t
, const struct componentname
*, enum path_operation
, int, void *, vfs_context_t
1493 resolver_result_t
, int, void *, vfs_context_t
1494 resolver_result_t
, int, void *, vfs_context_t
1495 int nfs_mirror_mount_domount(vnode_t
, vnode_t
, vfs_context_t
1496 void nfs_ephemeral_mount_harvester_start(void);
1497 void nfs_ephemeral_mount_harvester(__unused
void *arg
, __unused wait_result_t wr
1500 /* socket upcall interfaces */
1501 void nfsrv_uc_init(void);
1502 void nfsrv_uc_cleanup(void);
1503 void nfsrv_uc_addsock(struct nfsrv_sock
*, int);
1504 void nfsrv_uc_dequeue(struct nfsrv_sock
1507 #define NFS_DEBUG_LEVEL (nfs_debug_ctl & 0xf)
1508 #define NFS_DEBUG_FACILITY ((nfs_debug_ctl >> 4) & 0xff)
1509 #define NFS_DEBUG_FLAGS ((nfs_debug_ctl >> 12) & 0xff)
1510 #define NFS_DEBUG_VALUE ((nfs_debug_ctl >> 20) & 0xfff)
1511 #define NFS_FAC_SOCK 0x01
1512 #define NFS_FAC_STATE 0x02
1513 #define NFS_FAC_NODE 0x04
1514 #define NFS_FAC_VNOP 0x08
1515 #define NFS_FAC_BIO 0x10
1516 #define NFS_FAC_GSS 0x20
1517 #define NFS_FAC_VFS 0x40
1519 #define NFS_DBG(fac, lev, fmt, ...) \
1520 if (__builtin_expect(NFS_DEBUG_LEVEL, 0)) nfs_printf(fac, lev, "%s: %d: " fmt, __func__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__)
1522 void nfs_printf(int, int, const char *, ...) __printflike(3,4);
1523 int nfs_mountopts(struct nfsmount
*, char *, int);
1528 #endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */