]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - bsd/net/kpi_interfacefilter.h
[apple/xnu.git] / bsd / net / kpi_interfacefilter.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2003,2008,2017 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 /*!
29 * @header kpi_interfacefilter.h
30 * This header defines an API to attach interface filters. Interface
31 * filters may be attached to a specific interface. The filters can
32 * intercept all packets in to and out of the specific interface. In
33 * addition, the filters may intercept interface specific events and
34 * ioctls.
35 */
39 #include <sys/kernel_types.h>
40 #include <net/kpi_interface.h>
42 #ifndef PRIVATE
43 #include <Availability.h>
44 #define __NKE_API_DEPRECATED __API_DEPRECATED("Network Kernel Extension KPI is deprecated", macos(10.4, 10.15.4))
45 #else
47 #endif /* PRIVATE */
49 struct kev_msg;
53 /*!
54 * @typedef iff_input_func
55 *
56 * @discussion iff_input_func is used to filter incoming packets. The
57 * interface is only valid for the duration of the filter call. If
58 * you need to keep a reference to the interface, be sure to call
59 * ifnet_reference and ifnet_release. The packets passed to the
60 * inbound filter are different from those passed to the outbound
61 * filter. Packets to the inbound filter have the frame header
62 * passed in separately from the rest of the packet. The outbound
63 * data filters is passed the whole packet including the frame
64 * header.
65 *
66 * The frame header usually preceeds the data in the mbuf. This
67 * ensures that the frame header will be a valid pointer as long as
68 * the mbuf is not freed. If you need to change the frame header to
69 * point somewhere else, the recommended method is to prepend a new
70 * frame header to the mbuf chain (mbuf_prepend), set the header to
71 * point to that data, then call mbuf_adj to move the mbuf data
72 * pointer back to the start of the packet payload.
73 * @param cookie The cookie specified when this filter was attached.
74 * @param interface The interface the packet was recieved on.
75 * @param protocol The protocol of this packet. If you specified a
76 * protocol when attaching your filter, the protocol will only ever
77 * be the protocol you specified.
78 * @param data The inbound packet, after the frame header as determined
79 * by the interface.
80 * @param frame_ptr A pointer to the pointer to the frame header. The
81 * frame header length can be found by inspecting the interface's
82 * frame header length (ifnet_hdrlen).
83 * @result Return:
84 * 0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the
85 * packet.
86 * EJUSTRETURN - The caller will stop processing the packet,
87 * the packet will not be freed.
88 * Anything Else - The caller will free the packet and stop
89 * processing.
90 */
91 typedef errno_t (*iff_input_func)(void *cookie, ifnet_t interface,
92 protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t *data, char **frame_ptr);
94 /*!
95 * @typedef iff_output_func
96 *
97 * @discussion iff_output_func is used to filter fully formed outbound
98 * packets. The interface is only valid for the duration of the
99 * filter call. If you need to keep a reference to the interface,
100 * be sure to call ifnet_reference and ifnet_release.
101 * @param cookie The cookie specified when this filter was attached.
102 * @param interface The interface the packet is being transmitted on.
103 * @param data The fully formed outbound packet in a chain of mbufs.
104 * The frame header is already included. The filter function may
105 * modify the packet or return a different mbuf chain.
106 * @result Return:
107 * 0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the
108 * packet.
109 * EJUSTRETURN - The caller will stop processing the packet,
110 * the packet will not be freed.
111 * Anything Else - The caller will free the packet and stop
112 * processing.
113 */
114 typedef errno_t (*iff_output_func)(void *cookie, ifnet_t interface,
115 protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t *data);
117 /*!
118 * @typedef iff_event_func
119 *
120 * @discussion iff_event_func is used to filter interface specific
121 * events. The interface is only valid for the duration of the
122 * filter call. If you need to keep a reference to the interface,
123 * be sure to call ifnet_reference and ifnet_release.
124 * @param cookie The cookie specified when this filter was attached.
125 * @param interface The interface the packet is being transmitted on.
126 * @param event_msg The kernel event, may not be changed.
127 */
128 typedef void (*iff_event_func)(void *cookie, ifnet_t interface,
129 protocol_family_t protocol, const struct kev_msg *event_msg);
131 /*!
132 * @typedef iff_ioctl_func
133 *
134 * @discussion iff_ioctl_func is used to filter ioctls sent to an
135 * interface. The interface is only valid for the duration of the
136 * filter call. If you need to keep a reference to the interface,
137 * be sure to call ifnet_reference and ifnet_release.
138 *
139 * All undefined ioctls are reserved for future use by Apple. If
140 * you need to communicate with your kext using an ioctl, please
142 * @param cookie The cookie specified when this filter was attached.
143 * @param interface The interface the packet is being transmitted on.
144 * @param ioctl_cmd The ioctl command.
145 * @param ioctl_arg A pointer to the ioctl argument.
146 * @result Return:
147 * 0 - This filter function handled the ioctl.
148 * EOPNOTSUPP - This filter function does not understand/did not
149 * handle this ioctl.
150 * EJUSTRETURN - This filter function handled the ioctl,
151 * processing should stop.
152 * Anything Else - Processing will stop, the error will be
153 * returned.
154 */
155 typedef errno_t (*iff_ioctl_func)(void *cookie, ifnet_t interface,
156 protocol_family_t protocol, unsigned long ioctl_cmd, void *ioctl_arg);
158 /*!
159 * @typedef iff_detached_func
160 *
161 * @discussion iff_detached_func is called to notify the filter that it
162 * has been detached from an interface. This is the last call to
163 * the filter that will be made. A filter may be detached if the
164 * interface is detached or the detach filter function is called.
165 * In the case that the interface is being detached, your filter's
166 * event function will be called with the interface detaching event
167 * before the your detached function will be called.
168 * @param cookie The cookie specified when this filter was attached.
169 * @param interface The interface this filter was detached from.
170 */
171 typedef void (*iff_detached_func)(void *cookie, ifnet_t interface);
173 /*!
174 * @struct iff_filter
175 * @discussion This structure is used to define an interface filter for
176 * use with the iflt_attach function.
177 * @field iff_cookie A kext defined cookie that will be passed to all
178 * filter functions.
179 * @field iff_name A filter name used for debugging purposes.
180 * @field iff_protocol The protocol of the packets this filter is
181 * interested in. If you specify zero, packets from all protocols
182 * will be passed to the filter.
183 * @field iff_input The filter function to handle inbound packets, may
184 * be NULL.
185 * @field iff_output The filter function to handle outbound packets,
186 * may be NULL.
187 * @field iff_event The filter function to handle interface events, may
188 * be null.
189 * @field iff_ioctl The filter function to handle interface ioctls, may
190 * be null.
191 * @field iff_detached The filter function used to notify the filter that
192 * it has been detached.
193 */
195 struct iff_filter {
196 void *iff_cookie;
197 const char *iff_name;
198 protocol_family_t iff_protocol;
199 iff_input_func iff_input;
200 iff_output_func iff_output;
201 iff_event_func iff_event;
202 iff_ioctl_func iff_ioctl;
203 iff_detached_func iff_detached;
204 };
206 /*!
207 * @function iflt_attach
208 * @discussion Attaches an interface filter to an interface.
209 * @param interface The interface the filter should be attached to.
210 * @param filter A structure defining the filter.
211 * @param filter_ref A reference to the filter used to detach.
212 * @result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
213 */
215 extern errno_t iflt_attach_internal(ifnet_t interface, const struct iff_filter *filter,
216 interface_filter_t *filter_ref);
218 #define iflt_attach(interface, filter, filter_ref) \
219 iflt_attach_internal((interface), (filter), (filter_ref))
220 #else
221 extern errno_t iflt_attach(ifnet_t interface, const struct iff_filter *filter,
222 interface_filter_t *filter_ref)
224 #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
226 /*!
227 * @function iflt_detach
228 * @discussion Detaches an interface filter from an interface.
229 * @param filter_ref The reference to the filter from iflt_attach.
230 */
231 extern void iflt_detach(interface_filter_t filter_ref)
236 #endif /* __KPI_INTERFACEFILTER__ */