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1 <h2>device_open</h2> <hr> <p> <strong>Function</strong> - Establish a connection to a device. <h3>SYNOPSIS</h3> <pre> <strong>#include&ltdevice/device.h&gt</strong> <strong>kern_return_t device_open</strong> <strong>(mach_port_t</strong> <var>master_port</var>, <strong>mach_port_t</strong> <var>ledger</var>, <strong>dev_mode_t</strong> <var>mode</var>, <strong>security_token_t</strong> <var>security_id</var>, <strong>dev_name_t</strong> <var>name</var>, <strong>mach_port_t</strong> <var>device</var><strong>);</strong> <strong>#include&ltdevice/device_request.h&gt</strong> <strong>kern_return_t device_open_request</strong> <strong>(mach_port_t</strong> <var>master_port</var>, <strong>mach_port_t</strong> <var>reply_port</var>, <strong>mach_port_t</strong> <var>ledger</var>, <strong>dev_mode_t</strong> <var>mode</var>, <strong>security_token_t</strong> <var>security_id</var>, <strong>dev_name_t</strong> <var>name</var><strong>);</strong> <strong>kern_return_t ds_device_open_reply</strong> <strong>(mach_port_t</strong> <var>reply_port</var>, <strong>kern_return_t</strong> <var>return_code</var>, <strong>mach_port_t</strong> <var>device</var><strong>);</strong> </pre> <h3>PARAMETERS</h3> <dl> <p> <dt> <var>master_port</var> <dd> [in device-master send right] The master device port. This port is provided to the bootstrap task. <p> <dt> <var>reply_port</var> <dd> [in reply receive (to be converted to send-once) right] The port to which a reply is to be sent when the device is open. <p> <dt> <var>ledger</var> <dd> [pointer to a ledger send right] Resource ledger from which the device will draw its resources. <p> <dt> <var>mode</var> <dd> [in scalar] Opening mode. This is the bit-wise <strong>OR</strong> of the following values: <dl> <p> <dt> <strong>D_READ</strong> <dd> Read access <p> <dt> <strong>D_WRITE</strong> <dd> Write access <p> <dt> <strong>D_NODELAY</strong> <dd> Do not delay on open </dl> <p> <dt> <var>security_id</var> <dd> [in scalar] The security ID that tasks attempting to use this device port must have. A zero value indicates all identities. <p> <dt> <var>name</var> <dd> [pointer to in array of <var>char</var>] Name of the device to open. <p> <dt> <var>return_code</var> <dd> [in scalar] Status of the open. <p> <dt> <var>device</var> <dd> [out device send right, in for asynchronous form] The returned device port. </dl> <h3>DESCRIPTION</h3> <p> The <strong>device_open</strong> function opens a device object. The open operation of the device is invoked, if the device is not already open. The open count for the device is incremented. Each open for a device returns a port, the allowed operations upon which being governed by <var>mode</var>. The port is not distinct. <h3>RETURN VALUES</h3> <p> Only generic errors apply. <h3>RELATED INFORMATION</h3> <p> Functions: <a href="device_close.html"><strong>device_close</strong></a>, <a href="device_reply_server.html"><strong>device_reply_server</strong></a>.