[apple/xnu.git] / osfmk / man / default_pager_add_segment.html
1 <h2>default_pager_add_segment</h2> <hr> <p> <strong>Server Interface</strong> - Add additional backing storage for a default pager. <h3>SYNOPSIS</h3> <pre> <strong>#include&lt mach/default_pager_object.h&gt</strong> <strong>kern_return_t default_pager_add_segment</strong> <strong>(mach_port_t</strong> <var>backing_store</var>, <strong>mach_port_t</strong> <var>device</var>, <strong>recnum_t</strong> <var>offset</var>, <strong>recnum_t</strong> <var>count</var>, <strong>int</strong> <var>record_size</var><strong>);</strong> </pre> <h3>PARAMETERS</h3> <dl> <p> <dt> <var>backing_store</var> <dd> [in backing store (receive) right] The backing store port. <p> <dt> <var>device</var> <dd> [in device port] The port for the device containing the backing storage partition. <p> <dt> <var>offset</var> <dd> [in scalar] The offset, in <var>record_size units</var>, to the beginning of the backing storage on the device. <p> <dt> <var>count</var> <dd> [in scalar] The number of <var>record_size</var> units in the partition/segment. <p> <dt> <var>record_size</var> <dd> [in scalar] The size, in bytes, of the storage device record. </dl> <h3>DESCRIPTION</h3> <p> The <strong>default_pager_add_segment</strong> function is called to add a partition to a default pager's backing storage (i.e. expand the amount of backing storage available to a memory manager). The kernel does not make this call itself (which is why it can be a synchronous call); this request is only issued by tasks holding the backing store port, created with <strong>default_pager_backing_store_create</strong>, for a default memory manager. The result is that the pager may use count records on device starting at offset for paging, and each record is record_size bytes in length (note that the device_* calls are, or can be, record oriented). <h3>RETURN VALUES</h3> <dl> <p> <dt> <strong>KERN_FAILURE</strong> <dd> The default pager does not support this operation. <p> <dt> <strong>KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT</strong> <dd> The <var>backing_store</var> port does not represent a valid backing store or the specified segment overlaps an existing partition. <p> <dt> <strong>KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE</strong> <dd> The default pager is unable to allocate internal resources to manage the new backing storage. <p> <dt> <strong>KERN_SUCCESS</strong> <dd> The operation was successful. </dl> <h3>RELATED INFORMATION</h3> <p> Functions: <a href="DP_backing_store_create.html"><strong>default_pager_backing_store_create</strong></a>, <a href="DP_backing_store_delete.html"><strong>default_pager_backing_store_delete</strong></a>, <a href="DP_backing_store_info.html"><strong>default_pager_backing_store_info</strong></a>.