]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - iokit/IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMPowerSource.h
[apple/xnu.git] / iokit / IOKit / pwr_mgt / IOPMPowerSource.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
29 #ifndef _IOPMPowerSource_h_
30 #define _IOPMPowerSource_h_
32 #include <libkern/c++/OSObject.h>
33 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
34 #include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
35 #include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
36 #include <IOKit/IOService.h>
38 enum {
39 kSecondsPerHour = 3600,
40 kTenMinutesInSeconds = 600
41 };
43 /*! @class IOPMPowerSource
44 *
45 * See IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h for power source keys relevant to this class. These
46 * report-type keys are required for calls to IOPMPowerSource::setReportables(),
47 * and they define the IORegistry interface through which data is passed back
48 * up to the rest of the system.
49 *
50 * A subclassing driver that doesn't want to do anything fancy should:
51 * 1. Subclass IOPMPowerSource
52 * 2. Install its own battery change notifications or polling routine that can
53 * converse with actual battery hardware.
54 * 3. When battery state changes, change the relevant member variables
55 * through setCurrentCapacity() style accessors.
56 * 4. Call updateStatus() on itself when all such settings have been updated.
57 *
58 * The subclass driver should also initially populate its settings and call
59 * updateStatus() on launch.
60 *
61 *
62 * Settings:
63 *
64 * <pre>
65 * ExternalConnected
66 * Type: bool
67 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey
68 * True if computer is drawing external power
69 *
70 * ExternalChargeCapable
71 * Type: bool
72 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey
73 * True if external power is capable of charging internal battery
74 *
75 * BatteryInstalled
76 * Type: bool
77 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey
78 * True if a battery is present; false if removed
79 *
80 * IsCharging
81 * Type: bool
82 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSIsChargingKey
83 * True if battery is charging itself from external power
84 *
85 * AtWarnLevel
86 * Type: bool
87 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey
88 * True if draining battery capacity and past warn level
89 *
90 * AtCriticalLevel
91 * Type: bool
92 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey
93 * True if draining battery capacity and past critical level
94 *
95 * CurrentCapacity
96 * MaxCapacity
97 * Type: unsigned int
98 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey, kIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey
99 * Capacity measured in mAh
100 *
101 * TimeRemaining
102 * Type: int
103 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey
104 * Time remaining measured in minutes
105 *
106 * Amperage
107 * Type: int
108 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAmperageKey
109 * Current is measured in mA
110 *
111 * Voltage
112 * Type: unsigned int
113 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSVoltageKey
114 * Voltage measured in mV
115 *
116 * CycleCount
117 * Type: unsigned int
118 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSCycleCountKey
119 * Number of charge/discharge cycles
120 *
121 * AdapterInfo
122 * Type: int
123 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey
124 * Power adapter information
125 *
126 * Location
127 * Type: int
128 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSLocationKey
129 * Clue about battery's location in machine - Left vs. Right
130 *
131 * ErrorCondition
132 * Type: OSSymbol
133 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSErrorConditionKey
134 * String describing error state of battery
135 *
136 * Manufacturer
137 * Type: OSSymbol
138 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSManufacturerKey
139 * String describing battery manufacturer
140 *
141 * Manufactured Date
142 * Type: unsigned 16-bit bitfield
143 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSManufactureDateKey
144 * Date is published in a bitfield per the Smart Battery Data spec rev 1.1
145 * in section 5.1.26
146 * Bits 0...4 => day (value 1-31; 5 bits)
147 * Bits 5...8 => month (value 1-12; 4 bits)
148 * Bits 9...15 => years since 1980 (value 0-127; 7 bits)
149 *
150 * Model
151 * Type: OSSymbol
152 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSModelKey
153 * String describing model number
154 *
155 * Serial
156 * Type: OSSymbol
157 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSSerialKey
158 * String describing serial number or unique info
159 * The serial number published hear bears no correspondence to the Apple serial
160 * number printed on each battery. This is a manufacturer serial number with
161 * no correlation to the printed serial number.
162 *
163 * LegacyIOBatteryInfo
164 * Type: OSDictionary
165 * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey
166 * Dictionary conforming to the OS X 10.0-10.4
167 * </pre>
168 */
170 class IOPMPowerSource : public IOService
171 {
172 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPMPowerSource)
174 friend class IOPMPowerSourceList;
176 protected:
178 /*! @var settingsChangedSinceLastUpdate
179 * Used by subclasses to determine if any settings have been modified via the
180 * accessors below since last call to update(). true is settings have changed;
181 * false otherwise.
182 */
183 bool settingsChangedSinceUpdate;
185 /*! @var properties
186 * Stores power source state
187 */
188 OSDictionary *properties;
190 const OSSymbol *externalConnectedKey;
191 const OSSymbol *externalChargeCapableKey;
192 const OSSymbol *batteryInstalledKey;
193 const OSSymbol *chargingKey;
194 const OSSymbol *warnLevelKey;
195 const OSSymbol *criticalLevelKey;
196 const OSSymbol *currentCapacityKey;
197 const OSSymbol *maxCapacityKey;
198 const OSSymbol *timeRemainingKey;
199 const OSSymbol *amperageKey;
200 const OSSymbol *voltageKey;
201 const OSSymbol *cycleCountKey;
202 const OSSymbol *adapterInfoKey;
203 const OSSymbol *locationKey;
204 const OSSymbol *errorConditionKey;
205 const OSSymbol *manufacturerKey;
206 const OSSymbol *modelKey;
207 const OSSymbol *serialKey;
208 const OSSymbol *batteryInfoKey;
210 // Tracking for IOPMPowerSourceList
211 IOPMPowerSource *nextInList;
213 public:
215 /*! @function powerSource
216 @abstract Creates a new IOPMPowerSource nub. Must be attached to IORegistry,
217 and registered by provider.
218 */
219 static IOPMPowerSource *powerSource(void);
221 virtual bool init(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
223 virtual void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
225 /*! @function updateStatus
226 @abstract Must be called by physical battery controller when battery state
227 has changed significantly.
228 @discussion The system will not poll this object for battery updates. Rather \
229 the battery's controller must call updateStatus() every time state changes \
230 and the settings will be relayed to higher levels of power management. \
231 The subclassing driver should override this only if the driver needs to add \
232 new settings to the base class.
233 */
234 virtual void updateStatus(void);
236 /* Public accessors for battery state
237 */
238 bool externalConnected(void);
239 bool externalChargeCapable(void);
240 bool batteryInstalled(void);
241 bool isCharging(void);
242 bool atWarnLevel(void);
243 bool atCriticalLevel(void);
245 unsigned int currentCapacity(void);
246 unsigned int maxCapacity(void);
247 unsigned int capacityPercentRemaining(void);
248 int timeRemaining(void);
249 int amperage(void);
250 unsigned int voltage(void);
251 unsigned int cycleCount(void);
252 int adapterInfo(void);
253 int location(void);
255 OSSymbol *errorCondition(void);
256 OSSymbol *manufacturer(void);
257 OSSymbol *model(void);
258 OSSymbol *serial(void);
259 OSDictionary *legacyIOBatteryInfo(void);
261 OSObject *getPSProperty(const OSSymbol *);
263 protected:
265 /* Protected "setter" methods for subclasses
266 * Subclasses should use these setters to modify all battery properties.
267 *
268 * Subclasses must follow all property changes with a call to updateStatus()
269 * to flush settings changes to upper level battery API clients.
270 *
271 */
272 void setExternalConnected(bool);
273 void setExternalChargeCapable(bool);
274 void setBatteryInstalled(bool);
275 void setIsCharging(bool);
276 void setAtWarnLevel(bool);
277 void setAtCriticalLevel(bool);
279 void setCurrentCapacity(unsigned int);
280 void setMaxCapacity(unsigned int);
281 void setTimeRemaining(int);
282 void setAmperage(int);
283 void setVoltage(unsigned int);
284 void setCycleCount(unsigned int);
285 void setAdapterInfo(int);
286 void setLocation(int);
288 void setErrorCondition(OSSymbol *);
289 void setManufacturer(OSSymbol *);
290 void setModel(OSSymbol *);
291 void setSerial(OSSymbol *);
292 void setLegacyIOBatteryInfo(OSDictionary *);
294 /*! All of these methods funnel through the generic accessor method
295 setPSProperty. Caller can pass in any arbitrary OSSymbol key, and
296 that value will be stored in the PM settings dictionary, and relayed
297 onto the IORegistry at update time.
298 */
299 void setPSProperty(const OSSymbol *, OSObject *);
300 };
302 #endif