git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - libkern/crypto/corecrypto_aes.c
2 * Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
29 #include <libkern/crypto/crypto_internal.h>
30 #include <libkern/crypto/aes.h>
31 #include <corecrypto/ccmode.h>
32 #include <corecrypto/ccaes.h>
33 #include <kern/debug.h>
36 aes_encrypt_key(const unsigned char *key
, int key_len
, aes_encrypt_ctx cx
38 const struct ccmode_cbc
= g_crypto_funcs
40 /* Make sure the context size for the mode fits in the one we have */
41 if (cbc
> sizeof(aes_encrypt_ctx
)) {
42 panic("%s: inconsistent size for AES encrypt context", __FUNCTION__
45 return cccbc_init(cbc
, cx
, key_len
, key
49 aes_encrypt_cbc(const unsigned char *in_blk
, const unsigned char *in_iv
, unsigned int num_blk
50 unsigned char *out_blk
, aes_encrypt_ctx cx
52 const struct ccmode_cbc
= g_crypto_funcs
53 cccbc_iv_decl(cbc
, ctx_iv
55 int rc
= cccbc_set_iv(cbc
, ctx_iv
, in_iv
60 return cccbc_update(cbc
, cx
, ctx_iv
, num_blk
, in_blk
, out_blk
); //Actually cbc encrypt.
63 #if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__arm64__)
64 /* This does one block of ECB, using the CBC implementation - this allow to use the same context for both CBC and ECB */
66 aes_encrypt(const unsigned char *in_blk
, unsigned char *out_blk
, aes_encrypt_ctx cx
68 return aes_encrypt_cbc(in_blk
, 1, out_blk
, cx
73 aes_decrypt_key(const unsigned char *key
, int key_len
, aes_decrypt_ctx cx
75 const struct ccmode_cbc
= g_crypto_funcs
77 /* Make sure the context size for the mode fits in the one we have */
78 if (cbc
> sizeof(aes_decrypt_ctx
)) {
79 panic("%s: inconsistent size for AES decrypt context", __FUNCTION__
82 return cccbc_init(cbc
, cx
, key_len
, key
86 aes_decrypt_cbc(const unsigned char *in_blk
, const unsigned char *in_iv
, unsigned int num_blk
87 unsigned char *out_blk
, aes_decrypt_ctx cx
89 const struct ccmode_cbc
= g_crypto_funcs
90 cccbc_iv_decl(cbc
, ctx_iv
92 int rc
= cccbc_set_iv(cbc
, ctx_iv
, in_iv
97 return cccbc_update(cbc
, cx
, ctx_iv
, num_blk
, in_blk
, out_blk
); //Actually cbc decrypt.
100 #if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__arm64__)
101 /* This does one block of ECB, using the CBC implementation - this allow to use the same context for both CBC and ECB */
103 aes_decrypt(const unsigned char *in_blk
, unsigned char *out_blk
, aes_decrypt_ctx cx
105 return aes_decrypt_cbc(in_blk
, 1, out_blk
, cx
110 aes_encrypt_key128(const unsigned char *key
, aes_encrypt_ctx cx
112 return aes_encrypt_key(key
, 16, cx
116 aes_decrypt_key128(const unsigned char *key
, aes_decrypt_ctx cx
118 return aes_decrypt_key(key
, 16, cx
123 aes_encrypt_key256(const unsigned char *key
, aes_encrypt_ctx cx
125 return aes_encrypt_key(key
, 32, cx
129 aes_decrypt_key256(const unsigned char *key
, aes_decrypt_ctx cx
131 return aes_decrypt_key(key
, 32, cx
135 aes_encrypt_key_gcm(const unsigned char *key
, int key_len
, ccgcm_ctx
137 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
142 return ccgcm_init(gcm
, ctx
, key_len
, key
146 aes_encrypt_key_with_iv_gcm(const unsigned char *key
, int key_len
, const unsigned char *in_iv
, ccgcm_ctx
148 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
153 return g_crypto_funcs
, ctx
, key_len
, key
, in_iv
157 aes_encrypt_set_iv_gcm(const unsigned char *in_iv
, unsigned int len
, ccgcm_ctx
159 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
164 return ccgcm_set_iv(gcm
, ctx
, len
, in_iv
168 aes_encrypt_reset_gcm(ccgcm_ctx
170 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
175 return ccgcm_reset(gcm
, ctx
179 aes_encrypt_inc_iv_gcm(unsigned char *out_iv
, ccgcm_ctx
181 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
186 return g_crypto_funcs
, ctx
, out_iv
190 aes_encrypt_aad_gcm(const unsigned char *aad
, unsigned int aad_bytes
, ccgcm_ctx
192 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
197 return ccgcm_aad(gcm
, ctx
, aad_bytes
, aad
201 aes_encrypt_gcm(const unsigned char *in_blk
, unsigned int num_bytes
202 unsigned char *out_blk
, ccgcm_ctx
204 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
209 return ccgcm_update(gcm
, ctx
, num_bytes
, in_blk
, out_blk
); //Actually gcm encrypt.
213 aes_encrypt_finalize_gcm(unsigned char *tag
, size_t tag_bytes
, ccgcm_ctx
215 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
220 int rc
= ccgcm_finalize(gcm
, ctx
, tag_bytes
, tag
225 return ccgcm_reset(gcm
, ctx
229 aes_decrypt_key_gcm(const unsigned char *key
, int key_len
, ccgcm_ctx
231 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
236 return ccgcm_init(gcm
, ctx
, key_len
, key
240 aes_decrypt_key_with_iv_gcm(const unsigned char *key
, int key_len
, const unsigned char *in_iv
, ccgcm_ctx
242 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
247 return g_crypto_funcs
, ctx
, key_len
, key
, in_iv
251 aes_decrypt_set_iv_gcm(const unsigned char *in_iv
, size_t len
, ccgcm_ctx
253 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
258 int rc
= ccgcm_reset(gcm
, ctx
263 return ccgcm_set_iv(gcm
, ctx
, len
, in_iv
267 aes_decrypt_reset_gcm(ccgcm_ctx
269 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
274 return ccgcm_reset(gcm
, ctx
278 aes_decrypt_inc_iv_gcm(unsigned char *out_iv
, ccgcm_ctx
280 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
285 return g_crypto_funcs
, ctx
, out_iv
289 aes_decrypt_aad_gcm(const unsigned char *aad
, unsigned int aad_bytes
, ccgcm_ctx
291 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
296 return ccgcm_aad(gcm
, ctx
, aad_bytes
, aad
300 aes_decrypt_gcm(const unsigned char *in_blk
, unsigned int num_bytes
301 unsigned char *out_blk
, ccgcm_ctx
303 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
308 return ccgcm_update(gcm
, ctx
, num_bytes
, in_blk
, out_blk
); //Actually gcm decrypt.
312 aes_decrypt_finalize_gcm(unsigned char *tag
, size_t tag_bytes
, ccgcm_ctx
314 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
319 int rc
= ccgcm_finalize(gcm
, ctx
, tag_bytes
, tag
324 return ccgcm_reset(gcm
, ctx
328 aes_encrypt_get_ctx_size_gcm(void)
330 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
334 return cc_ctx_sizeof(ccgcm_ctx
, gcm
338 aes_decrypt_get_ctx_size_gcm(void)
340 const struct ccmode_gcm
= g_crypto_funcs
344 return cc_ctx_sizeof(ccgcm_ctx
, gcm