2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
31 #include <libkern/c++/OSPtr.h>
32 #include <IOKit/IOService.h>
33 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
34 #include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
35 #include <sys/vnode.h>
39 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMPrivate.h>
41 struct AggressivesRecord
42 struct IOPMMessageFilterContext
44 struct IOPMSystemSleepParameters
45 class PMSettingObject
47 class IOPMPowerStateQueue
48 class RootDomainUserClient
49 class PMAssertionsTracker
50 class IOTimerEventSource
52 #define OBFUSCATE(x) (void *)VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(x)
57 * Types for PM Assertions
58 * For creating, releasing, and getting PM assertion levels.
61 /*! IOPMDriverAssertionType
62 * A bitfield describing a set of assertions. May be used to specify which assertions
63 * to set with <link>IOPMrootDomain::createPMAssertion</link>; or to query which
64 * assertions are set with <link>IOPMrootDomain::releasePMAssertion</link>.
66 typedef uint64_t IOPMDriverAssertionType
68 /* IOPMDriverAssertionID
69 * Drivers may create PM assertions to request system behavior (keep the system awake,
70 * or keep the display awake). When a driver creates an assertion via
71 * <link>IOPMrootDomain::createPMAssertion</link>, PM returns a handle to
72 * the assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID.
74 typedef uint64_t IOPMDriverAssertionID
75 #define kIOPMUndefinedDriverAssertionID 0
77 /* IOPMDriverAssertionLevel
78 * Possible values for IOPMDriverAssertionLevel are <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link>
79 * and <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>
81 typedef uint32_t IOPMDriverAssertionLevel
82 #define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff 0
83 #define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn 255
86 * Flags for get/setSleepSupported()
89 kRootDomainSleepNotSupported
= 0x00000000,
90 kRootDomainSleepSupported
= 0x00000001,
91 kFrameBufferDeepSleepSupported
= 0x00000002,
92 kPCICantSleep
= 0x00000004
96 * IOPMrootDomain registry property keys
98 #define kRootDomainSupportedFeatures "Supported Features"
99 #define kRootDomainSleepReasonKey "Last Sleep Reason"
100 #define kRootDomainSleepOptionsKey "Last Sleep Options"
101 #define kIOPMRootDomainWakeReasonKey "Wake Reason"
102 #define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey "Wake Type"
103 #define kIOPMRootDomainPowerStatusKey "Power Status"
106 * Possible sleep reasons found under kRootDomainSleepReasonsKey
108 #define kIOPMClamshellSleepKey "Clamshell Sleep"
109 #define kIOPMPowerButtonSleepKey "Power Button Sleep"
110 #define kIOPMSoftwareSleepKey "Software Sleep"
111 #define kIOPMOSSwitchHibernationKey "OS Switch Sleep"
112 #define kIOPMIdleSleepKey "Idle Sleep"
113 #define kIOPMLowPowerSleepKey "Low Power Sleep"
114 #define kIOPMThermalEmergencySleepKey "Thermal Emergency Sleep"
115 #define kIOPMMaintenanceSleepKey "Maintenance Sleep"
118 * String constants for communication with PM CPU
120 #define kIOPMRootDomainLidCloseCString "LidClose"
121 #define kIOPMRootDomainBatPowerCString "BatPower"
124 * Supported Feature bitfields for IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature()
127 kIOPMSupportedOnAC
= (1 << 0),
128 kIOPMSupportedOnBatt
= (1 << 1),
129 kIOPMSupportedOnUPS
= (1 << 2)
132 typedef IOReturn (*IOPMSettingControllerCallback
133 (OSObject
, const OSSymbol
134 OSObject
, uintptr_t refcon
137 IONotifier
* registerSleepWakeInterest(
138 IOServiceInterestHandler
, void *, void * = NULL
140 IONotifier
* registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(
141 IOServiceInterestHandler handler
142 void * self
, void * ref
144 IOReturn
acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * );
146 IOReturn
vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon
151 class IOPMrootDomain
: public IOService
153 OSDeclareFinalStructors(IOPMrootDomain
156 static IOPMrootDomain
* construct( void );
158 virtual bool start( IOService
* provider
159 virtual IOReturn
setAggressiveness( unsigned long, unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
160 virtual IOReturn
getAggressiveness( unsigned long, unsigned long * ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
162 virtual IOReturn
sleepSystem( void );
163 IOReturn
sleepSystemOptions( OSDictionary
165 virtual IOReturn
setProperties( OSObject
166 virtual bool serializeProperties( OSSerialize
* s
167 virtual OSPtr
> copyProperty( const char * aKey
169 /*! @function systemPowerEventOccurred
170 * @abstract Other drivers may inform IOPMrootDomain of system PM events
171 * @discussion systemPowerEventOccurred is a richer alternative to receivePowerNotification()
172 * Only Apple-owned kexts should have reason to call systemPowerEventOccurred.
173 * @param event An OSSymbol describing the type of power event.
174 * @param intValue A 32-bit integer value associated with the event.
175 * @result kIOReturnSuccess on success */
177 IOReturn
178 const OSSymbol
181 IOReturn
182 const OSSymbol
185 #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE // Hide doc from public headers
186 /*! @function claimSystemWakeEvent
187 * @abstract Apple-internal SPI to describe system wake events.
188 * @discussion IOKit drivers may call claimSystemWakeEvent() during system wakeup to
189 * provide human readable debug information describing the event(s) that
190 * caused the system to wake.
192 * - Drivers should call claimSystemWakeEvent before completing
193 * their setPowerState() acknowledgement. IOPMrootDomain stops
194 * collecting wake events when driver wake is complete.
196 * - It is only appropriate to claim a wake event when the driver
197 * can positively identify its hardware has generated an event
198 * that can wake the system.
200 * - This call tracks wake events from a non-S0 state (S0i, S3, S4) into S0.
201 * - This call does not track wake events from DarkWake(S0) to FullWake(S0).
204 * (reason = "WiFi.TCPData",
205 * details = "TCPKeepAlive packet arrived from IP")
206 * (reason = "WiFi.ScanOffload",
207 * details = "WiFi station 'AppleWiFi' signal dropped below threshold")
208 * (reason = "Enet.LinkToggle",
209 * details = "Ethernet attached")
211 * @param device The device/nub that is associated with the wake event.
213 * @param flags Pass kIOPMWakeEventSource if the device is the source
214 * of the wake event. Pass zero if the device is forwarding or
215 * aggregating wake events from multiple sources, e.g. an USB or
216 * Thunderbolt host controller.
218 * @param reason Caller should pass a human readable C string describing the
219 * wake reason. Please use a string from the list below, or create
220 * your own string matching this format:
236 * Enet.ConflictResolution
244 * @param details Optional details further describing the wake event.
245 * Please pass an OSString defining the event.
248 void claimSystemWakeEvent(
252 OSObject
254 void claimSystemBootEvent(
258 OSObject
260 void claimSystemShutdownEvent(
264 OSObject
266 virtual IOReturn
receivePowerNotification( UInt32 msg
268 virtual void setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags
270 virtual IOOptionBits
getSleepSupported( void );
272 void wakeFromDoze( void );
274 void requestUserActive(IOService
, const char *reason
276 // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature
278 void publishFeature( const char *feature
280 // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature
281 // And specifies power sources with kIOPMSupportedOn{AC/Batt/UPS} bitfield.
282 // Returns a unique uint32_t identifier for later removing support for this
284 // NULL is acceptable for uniqueFeatureID for kexts without plans to unload.
286 void publishFeature( const char *feature
287 uint32_t supportedWhere
288 uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID
290 // KEXT driver announces removal of a previously published power management
291 // feature. Pass 'uniqueFeatureID' returned from publishFeature()
293 IOReturn
removePublishedFeature( uint32_t removeFeatureID
295 /*! @function copyPMSetting
296 * @abstract Copy the current value for a PM setting. Returns an OSNumber or
297 * OSData depending on the setting.
298 * @param whichSetting Name of the desired setting.
299 * @result OSObject value if valid, NULL otherwise. */
301 OSPtr
> copyPMSetting( OSSymbol
303 /*! @function registerPMSettingController
304 * @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings.
305 * @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM
306 * setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for.
307 * @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such.
308 * @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this'
309 * @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use.
310 * @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL,
311 * handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to
312 * unregisterPMSettingController()
313 * @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */
315 IOReturn
316 const OSSymbol
317 IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout
320 OSObject
); // out param
322 /*! @function registerPMSettingController
323 * @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings.
324 * @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM
325 * setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for.
326 * @param supportedPowerSources bitfield indicating which power sources these
327 * settings are supported for (kIOPMSupportedOnAC, etc.)
328 * @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such.
329 * @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this'
330 * @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use.
331 * @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL,
332 * handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to
333 * unregisterPMSettingController()
334 * @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */
336 IOReturn
337 const OSSymbol
338 uint32_t supportedPowerSources
339 IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout
342 OSObject
); // out param
344 virtual OSPtr
> registerInterest(
345 const OSSymbol
* typeOfInterest
346 IOServiceInterestHandler handler
347 void * target
, void * ref
349 virtual IOReturn
350 const OSSymbol
351 bool waitForFunction
352 void *param1
, void *param2
353 void *param3
, void *param4
355 /*! @function createPMAssertion
356 * @abstract Creates an assertion to influence system power behavior.
357 * @param whichAssertionsBits A bitfield specify the assertion that the caller requests.
358 * @param assertionLevel An integer detailing the initial assertion level, kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn
359 * or kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff.
360 * @param ownerService A pointer to the caller's IOService class, for tracking.
361 * @param ownerDescription A reverse-DNS string describing the caller's identity and reason.
362 * @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID
364 IOPMDriverAssertionID
365 IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionsBits
366 IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel
367 IOService
368 const char *ownerDescription
370 /* @function setPMAssertionLevel
371 * @abstract Modify the level of a pre-existing assertion.
372 * @discussion Change the value of a PM assertion to influence system behavior,
373 * without undergoing the work required to create or destroy an assertion. Suggested
374 * for clients who will assert and de-assert needs for PM behavior several times over
376 * @param assertionID An assertion ID previously returned by <link>createPMAssertion</link>
377 * @param assertionLevel The new assertion level.
378 * @result kIOReturnSuccess if it worked; kIOReturnNotFound or other IOReturn error on failure.
380 IOReturn
setPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID
, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel
382 /*! @function getPMAssertionLevel
383 * @absract Returns the active level of the specified assertion(s).
384 * @discussion Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or
385 * <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>. If multiple assertions are specified
386 * in the bitfield, only returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>
387 * if all assertions are active.
388 * @param whichAssertionBits Bits defining the assertion or assertions the caller is interested in
389 * the level of. If in doubt, pass <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit</link> as the argument.
390 * @result Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or
391 * <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link> indicating the specified assertion's levels, if available.
392 * If the assertions aren't supported on this machine, or aren't recognized by the OS, the
393 * result is undefined.
395 IOPMDriverAssertionLevel
getPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionBits
397 /*! @function releasePMAssertion
398 * @abstract Removes an assertion to influence system power behavior.
399 * @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID *
401 IOReturn
releasePMAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID releaseAssertion
403 /*! @function restartWithStackshot
404 * @abstract Take a stackshot of the system and restart the system.
405 * @result Return kIOReturnSuccess if it work, kIOReturnError if the service is not available.
407 IOReturn
409 IOReturn
setWakeTime(uint64_t wakeContinuousTime
412 unsigned long getRUN_STATE(void);
414 virtual IOReturn
changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal
415 virtual IOReturn
changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal
416 virtual IOReturn
requestPowerDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags
, IOPowerConnection
*, unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
417 virtual void powerChangeDone( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
418 virtual bool tellChangeDown( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
419 virtual bool askChangeDown( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
420 virtual void tellChangeUp( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
421 virtual void tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
422 virtual IOReturn
423 IOReportConfigureAction action
425 void *destination
426 virtual IOReturn
427 IOReportUpdateAction action
429 void *destination
431 void configureReportGated(uint64_t channel_id
434 IOReturn
updateReportGated(uint64_t ch_id
436 IOBufferMemoryDescriptor
439 /* Root Domain internals */
441 void tagPowerPlaneService(
443 IOPMActions
* actions
444 IOPMPowerStateIndex maxPowerState
446 void overrideOurPowerChange(
448 IOPMActions
* actions
449 const IOPMRequest
* request
450 IOPMPowerStateIndex
* inOutPowerState
451 IOPMPowerChangeFlags
* inOutChangeFlags
453 void handleOurPowerChangeStart(
455 IOPMActions
* actions
456 const IOPMRequest
* request
457 IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState
458 IOPMPowerChangeFlags
* inOutChangeFlags
460 void handleOurPowerChangeDone(
462 IOPMActions
* actions
463 const IOPMRequest
* request
464 IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState
465 IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags
467 void overridePowerChangeForService(
469 IOPMActions
* actions
470 const IOPMRequest
* request
471 IOPMPowerStateIndex
* inOutPowerState
472 IOPMPowerChangeFlags
* inOutChangeFlags
474 void handleActivityTickleForDisplayWrangler(
476 IOPMActions
* actions
478 void handleUpdatePowerClientForDisplayWrangler(
480 IOPMActions
* actions
481 const OSSymbol
* powerClient
482 IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState
483 IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState
485 bool shouldDelayChildNotification(
486 IOService
* service
488 void handlePowerChangeStartForPCIDevice(
490 IOPMActions
* actions
491 const IOPMRequest
* request
492 IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState
493 IOPMPowerChangeFlags
* inOutChangeFlags
495 void handlePowerChangeDoneForPCIDevice(
497 IOPMActions
* actions
498 const IOPMRequest
* request
499 IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState
500 IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags
502 void askChangeDownDone(
503 IOPMPowerChangeFlags
* inOutChangeFlags
506 void handlePublishSleepWakeUUID(
509 void handleQueueSleepWakeUUID(
512 void willTellSystemCapabilityDidChange(void);
514 void handleSetDisplayPowerOn(bool powerOn
516 void willNotifyPowerChildren( IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState
518 IOReturn
519 const IOPMCalendarStruct
* calendar
521 IOReturn
getSystemSleepType(uint32_t * sleepType
, uint32_t * standbyTimer
523 // Handle callbacks from IOService::systemWillShutdown()
524 void acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( IOService
* from
526 // Handle platform halt and restart notifications
527 void handlePlatformHaltRestart( UInt32 pe_type
529 IOReturn
shutdownSystem( void );
530 IOReturn
restartSystem( void );
531 void handleSleepTimerExpiration( void );
533 bool activitySinceSleep(void);
534 bool abortHibernation(void);
535 void updateConsoleUsers(void);
537 IOReturn
joinAggressiveness( IOService
* service
538 void handleAggressivesRequests( void );
540 void kdebugTrace(uint32_t event
, uint64_t regId
541 uintptr_t param1
, uintptr_t param2
, uintptr_t param3
= 0);
542 void tracePoint(uint8_t point
543 void traceDetail(uint32_t msgType
, uint32_t msgIndex
, uint32_t delay
544 void traceNotification(OSObject
, bool start
, uint64_t ts
= 0, uint32_t msgIndex
545 void traceNotificationAck(OSObject
, uint32_t delay_ms
546 void traceNotificationResponse(OSObject
, uint32_t delay_ms
, uint32_t ack_time_us
547 void traceFilteredNotification(OSObject
548 const char * getNotificationClientName(OSObject
550 void startSpinDump(uint32_t spindumpKind
552 bool systemMessageFilter(
553 void * object
, void * arg1
, void * arg2
, void * arg3
555 bool updatePreventIdleSleepList(
556 IOService
* service
, bool addNotRemove
557 void updatePreventSystemSleepList(
558 IOService
* service
, bool addNotRemove
560 bool updatePreventIdleSleepListInternal(
561 IOService
* service
, bool addNotRemove
, unsigned int oldCount
562 unsigned int idleSleepPreventersCount();
564 void publishPMSetting(
565 const OSSymbol
* feature
, uint32_t where
, uint32_t * featureID
567 void pmStatsRecordEvent(
569 AbsoluteTime timestamp
571 void pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
572 const OSSymbol
578 IOPMPowerStateIndex ps
= 0,
581 void copyWakeReasonString( char * outBuf
, size_t bufSize
582 void copyShutdownReasonString( char * outBuf
, size_t bufSize
583 void lowLatencyAudioNotify(uint64_t time
, boolean_t state
586 bool getHibernateSettings(
587 uint32_t * hibernateMode
588 uint32_t * hibernateFreeRatio
589 uint32_t * hibernateFreeTime
590 bool mustHibernate( void );
592 void takeStackshot(bool restart
593 void sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool restart
594 void sleepWakeDebugEnableWdog();
595 bool sleepWakeDebugIsWdogEnabled();
596 void sleepWakeDebugSaveSpinDumpFile();
597 bool checkShutdownTimeout();
598 void panicWithShutdownLog(uint32_t timeoutInMs
) __abortlike
599 uint32_t getWatchdogTimeout();
600 void deleteStackshot();
603 friend class PMSettingObject
604 friend class RootDomainUserClient
605 friend class PMAssertionsTracker
607 static IOReturn
sysPowerDownHandler( void * target
, void * refCon
608 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* service
609 void * messageArgument
, vm_size_t argSize
611 static IOReturn
displayWranglerNotification( void * target
, void * refCon
612 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* service
613 void * messageArgument
, vm_size_t argSize
615 static IOReturn
rootBusyStateChangeHandler( void * target
, void * refCon
616 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* service
617 void * messageArgument
, vm_size_t argSize
619 void initializeBootSessionUUID( void );
621 void fullWakeDelayedWork( void );
623 OSPtr
> wrangler
624 OSPtr
> wranglerIdleSettings
626 IOLock
;// guards supportedFeatures
627 IOLock
628 IOPMPowerStateQueue
630 OSPtr
> allowedPMSettings
631 OSPtr
> noPublishPMSettings
632 OSPtr
> pmTracer
633 PMAssertionsTracker
635 // Settings controller info
636 IOLock
637 OSPtr
> settingsCallbacks
638 OSPtr
> fPMSettingsDict
641 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _statsNameKey
642 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _statsPIDKey
643 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _statsTimeMSKey
644 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _statsResponseTypeKey
645 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _statsMessageTypeKey
646 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _statsPowerCapsKey
648 uint32_t darkWakeCnt
649 uint32_t displayWakeCnt
651 OSPtr
> queuedSleepWakeUUIDString
652 OSPtr
> pmStatsAppResponses
653 IOLock
;// guards pmStatsAppResponses
655 void *sleepDelaysReport
; // report to track time taken to go to sleep
656 uint32_t sleepDelaysClientCnt
;// Number of interested clients in sleepDelaysReport
657 uint64_t ts_sleepStart
658 uint64_t wake2DarkwakeDelay
; // Time taken to change from full wake -> Dark wake
660 void *assertOnWakeReport
;// report to track time spent without any assertions held after wake
661 uint32_t assertOnWakeClientCnt
;// Number of clients interested in assertOnWakeReport
662 clock_sec_t assertOnWakeSecs
; // Num of secs after wake for first assertion
666 // Pref: idle time before idle sleep
667 bool idleSleepEnabled
668 uint32_t sleepSlider
669 uint32_t idleSeconds
671 // Difference between sleepSlider and longestNonSleepSlider
672 uint32_t extraSleepDelay
674 // Used to wait between say display idle and system idle
675 thread_call_t extraSleepTimer
676 thread_call_t powerButtonDown
677 thread_call_t powerButtonUp
678 thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry
679 thread_call_t fullWakeThreadCall
680 thread_call_t updateConsoleUsersEntry
682 // Track system capabilities.
683 uint32_t _desiredCapability
684 uint32_t _currentCapability
685 uint32_t _pendingCapability
686 uint32_t _highestCapability
687 OSPtr
> _joinedCapabilityClients
688 uint32_t _systemStateGeneration
690 // Type of clients that can receive system messages.
692 kSystemMessageClientPowerd
= 0x01,
693 kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp
= 0x02,
694 kSystemMessageClientKernel
= 0x04,
695 kSystemMessageClientAll
= 0x07
697 uint32_t _systemMessageClientMask
699 // Power state and capability change transitions.
701 kSystemTransitionNone
= 0,
702 kSystemTransitionSleep
= 1,
703 kSystemTransitionWake
= 2,
704 kSystemTransitionCapability
= 3,
705 kSystemTransitionNewCapClient
= 4
706 } _systemTransitionType
708 unsigned int systemBooting
709 unsigned int systemShutdown
710 unsigned int systemDarkWake
711 unsigned int clamshellExists
712 unsigned int clamshellClosed
713 unsigned int clamshellDisabled
714 unsigned int desktopMode
715 unsigned int acAdaptorConnected
717 unsigned int clamshellIgnoreClose
718 unsigned int idleSleepTimerPending
719 unsigned int userDisabledAllSleep
720 unsigned int ignoreTellChangeDown
721 unsigned int wranglerAsleep
722 unsigned int darkWakeExit
723 unsigned int _preventUserActive
724 unsigned int darkWakePowerClamped
726 unsigned int capabilityLoss
727 unsigned int pciCantSleepFlag
728 unsigned int pciCantSleepValid
729 unsigned int darkWakeLogClamp
730 unsigned int darkWakeToSleepASAP
731 unsigned int darkWakeMaintenance
732 unsigned int darkWakeSleepService
733 unsigned int darkWakePostTickle
735 unsigned int sleepTimerMaintenance
736 unsigned int sleepToStandby
737 unsigned int lowBatteryCondition
738 unsigned int hibernateDisabled
739 unsigned int hibernateRetry
740 unsigned int wranglerTickled
741 unsigned int userIsActive
742 unsigned int userWasActive
744 unsigned int displayIdleForDemandSleep
745 unsigned int darkWakeHibernateError
746 unsigned int thermalWarningState
747 unsigned int toldPowerdCapWillChange
748 unsigned int displayPowerOnRequested
749 unsigned int isRTCAlarmWake
750 unsigned int wranglerPowerOff
751 unsigned int thermalEmergencyState
753 uint8_t tasksSuspended
754 uint8_t tasksSuspendState
755 uint32_t hibernateMode
756 AbsoluteTime userActivityTime
757 AbsoluteTime userActivityTime_prev
758 uint32_t userActivityCount
759 uint32_t userActivityAtSleep
760 uint32_t lastSleepReason
761 uint32_t fullToDarkReason
762 uint32_t hibernateAborted
763 uint8_t standbyNixed
766 enum FullWakeReason
767 kFullWakeReasonNone
= 0,
768 kFullWakeReasonLocalUser
= 1,
769 kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn
= 2,
770 fFullWakeReasonDisplayOnAndLocalUser
= 3
772 uint32_t fullWakeReason
775 kClamshellSleepDisableInternal
= 0x01,
776 kClamshellSleepDisablePowerd
= 0x02
778 uint32_t clamshellSleepDisableMask
780 // Info for communicating system state changes to PMCPU
781 int32_t idxPMCPUClamshell
782 int32_t idxPMCPULimitedPower
784 IOOptionBits platformSleepSupport
785 uint32_t _debugWakeSeconds
787 queue_head_t aggressivesQueue
788 thread_call_t aggressivesThreadCall
789 OSPtr
> aggressivesData
791 AbsoluteTime userBecameInactiveTime
793 // PCI top-level PM trace
794 OSPtr
> pciHostBridgeDevice
795 OSPtr
> pciHostBridgeDriver
797 OSPtr
> systemCapabilityNotifier
802 } PMNotifySuspendedStruct
804 uint32_t pmSuspendedCapacity
805 uint32_t pmSuspendedSize
806 PMNotifySuspendedStruct
808 OSPtr
> preventIdleSleepList
809 OSPtr
> preventSystemSleepList
811 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> _nextScheduledAlarmType
812 clock_sec_t _nextScheduledAlarmUTC
813 clock_sec_t _calendarWakeAlarmUTC
814 UInt32 _scheduledAlarmMask
815 UInt32 _userScheduledAlarmMask
818 clock_sec_t _standbyTimerResetSeconds
820 volatile uint32_t swd_lock
;/* Lock to access swd_buffer & and its header */
821 void * swd_buffer
;/* Memory allocated for dumping sleep/wake logs */
822 uint32_t swd_flags
;/* Flags defined in IOPMPrivate.h */
823 void * swd_compressed_buffer
824 void * swd_spindump_buffer
825 thread_t notifierThread
826 OSPtr
> notifierObject
828 OSPtr
> swd_spindump_memDesc
829 OSPtr
> swd_memDesc
831 // Wake Event Reporting
832 OSPtr
> _systemWakeEventsArray
833 bool _acceptSystemWakeEvents
836 IOPMCalendarStruct _aotWakeTimeCalendar
837 OSPtr
> _aotTimerES
838 clock_sec_t _aotWakeTimeUTC
839 uint64_t _aotTestTime
840 uint64_t _aotTestInterval
841 uint32_t _aotPendingFlags
843 IOPMAOTMetrics
* _aotMetrics
847 uint8_t _aotTasksSuspended
849 uint8_t _aotTimerScheduled
850 uint8_t _aotReadyToFullWake
851 uint64_t _aotLastWakeTime
852 uint64_t _aotWakeTimeContinuous
853 uint64_t _aotWakePreWindow
854 uint64_t _aotWakePostWindow
855 uint64_t _aotLingerTime
857 bool aotShouldExit(bool checkTimeSet
, bool software
858 void aotExit(bool cps
859 void aotEvaluate(IOTimerEventSource
* timer
861 bool isAOTMode(void);
865 void updateTasksSuspend(void);
866 int findSuspendedPID(uint32_t pid
, uint32_t *outRefCount
868 // IOPMrootDomain internal sleep call
869 IOReturn
privateSleepSystem( uint32_t sleepReason
870 void reportUserInput( void );
871 void updateUserActivity( void );
872 void setDisableClamShellSleep( bool );
873 void setClamShellSleepDisable(bool disable
, uint32_t bitmask
874 bool checkSystemSleepAllowed( IOOptionBits options
875 uint32_t sleepReason
876 bool checkSystemSleepEnabled( void );
877 bool checkSystemCanSleep( uint32_t sleepReason
878 bool checkSystemCanSustainFullWake( void );
880 void adjustPowerState( bool sleepASAP
= false );
881 void setQuickSpinDownTimeout( void );
882 void restoreUserSpinDownTimeout( void );
884 bool shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed(void );
885 bool shouldSleepOnRTCAlarmWake(void );
886 void sendClientClamshellNotification( void );
888 // Inform PMCPU of changes to state like lid, AC vs. battery
889 void informCPUStateChange( uint32_t type
, uint32_t value
891 void dispatchPowerEvent( uint32_t event
, void * arg0
, uint64_t arg1
892 void handlePowerNotification( UInt32 msg
894 IOReturn
setPMSetting(const OSSymbol
*, OSObject
896 void startIdleSleepTimer( uint32_t inSeconds
897 void cancelIdleSleepTimer( void );
898 uint32_t getTimeToIdleSleep( void );
900 IOReturn
903 IOOptionBits options
905 void synchronizeAggressives(
906 queue_head_t
* services
907 const AggressivesRecord
* array
910 void broadcastAggressives(
911 const AggressivesRecord
* array
914 IOReturn
916 void publishSleepWakeUUID( bool shouldPublish
918 void evaluatePolicy( int stimulus
, uint32_t arg
= 0 );
919 void requestFullWake( FullWakeReason reason
920 void willEnterFullWake( void );
922 void evaluateAssertions(IOPMDriverAssertionType newAssertions
923 IOPMDriverAssertionType oldAssertions
925 void deregisterPMSettingObject( PMSettingObject
* pmso
927 uint32_t checkForValidDebugData(const char *fname
, vfs_context_t
928 void *tmpBuf
, struct vnode
929 void getFailureData(thread_t
, char *failureStr
, size_t strLen
930 void saveFailureData2File();
931 void tracePhase2String(uint32_t tracePhase
, const char **phaseString
, const char **description
932 void sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc();
933 void sleepWakeDebugSpinDumpMemAlloc();
934 errno_t
sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(const char *name
, char *buf
, int len
936 IOReturn
changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( IOPMPowerStateIndex ordinal
, IOPMRequestTag tag
937 IOReturn
changePowerStateWithTagToPriv( IOPMPowerStateIndex ordinal
, IOPMRequestTag tag
938 IOReturn
changePowerStateWithTagTo( IOPMPowerStateIndex ordinal
, IOPMRequestTag tag
941 bool getSleepOption( const char * key
, uint32_t * option
942 bool evaluateSystemSleepPolicy( IOPMSystemSleepParameters
* p
943 int phase
, uint32_t * hibMode
944 void evaluateSystemSleepPolicyEarly( void );
945 void evaluateSystemSleepPolicyFinal( void );
946 #endif /* HIBERNATION */
948 bool latchDisplayWranglerTickle( bool latch
949 void setDisplayPowerOn( uint32_t options
951 void acceptSystemWakeEvents( uint32_t control
952 void systemDidNotSleep( void );
953 void preventTransitionToUserActive( bool prevent
954 void setThermalState(OSObject
955 void copySleepPreventersList(OSArray
, OSArray
956 void copySleepPreventersListWithID(OSArray
, OSArray
957 void recordRTCAlarm(const OSSymbol
, OSObject
959 // Used to inform interested clients about low latency audio activity in the system
960 OSPtr
> lowLatencyAudioNotifierDict
961 OSPtr
> lowLatencyAudioNotifyStateVal
962 OSPtr
> lowLatencyAudioNotifyTimestampVal
963 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> lowLatencyAudioNotifyStateSym
964 OSPtr
<const OSSymbol
> lowLatencyAudioNotifyTimestampSym
965 #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
969 class IORootParent
: public IOService
971 OSDeclareFinalStructors(IORootParent
974 static void initialize( void );
975 virtual OSPtr
> copyProperty( const char * aKey
976 bool start( IOService
* nub
977 void shutDownSystem( void );
978 void restartSystem( void );
979 void sleepSystem( void );
980 void dozeSystem( void );
981 void sleepToDoze( void );
982 void wakeSystem( void );
984 #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
986 #endif /* _IOKIT_ROOTDOMAIN_H */