1 <h2>clock_get_attributes
</strong> - Return attributes of a clock.
<strong>kern_return_t clock_get_attributes
</strong> <var>clock_name
</strong> <var>flavor
</strong> <var>attribute
</strong> <var>attribute_count
<dt> <var>clock_name
[in clock-name send right]
The name (or control) port for the clock.
<dt> <var>flavor
[in scalar]
Type of information desired. Defined values are:
<dt> <strong>CLOCK_GET_TIME_RES
The resolution, in nanoseconds, with which the value returned
</strong> is updated.
<dt> <strong>CLOCK_MAP_TIME_RES
The resolution, in nanoseconds, with which the value visible
</strong> is updated.
The resolution, in nanoseconds, at which clock alarm and
sleep timers are currently serviced.
The minimum resolution, in nanoseconds, at which clock
alarm and sleep timers can be serviced.
The maximum resolution, in nanoseconds, at which clock
alarm and sleep timers can be serviced.
<dt> <var>attribute
[out scalar]
The returned attribute.
<dt> <var>attribute_count
[in/out scalar]
On input, the maximum size of the buffer; on output, the
size returned (in natural-sized units).
</strong> function returns attributes of a clock's
implementation or operation.
Only generic errors apply.
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