2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
31 #define IOPMMaxPowerStates 10
33 typedef unsigned long IOPMPowerFlags
35 // following bits are used in the input and output power fields
36 kIOPMClockNormal
= 0x0004,
37 kIOPMClockRunning
= 0x0008,
38 kIOPMAuxPowerOn
= 0x0020, // used only between root and root parent
39 kIOPMPagingAvailable
= 0x0020, // used only between paging plexus and its children
40 kIOPMPassThrough
= 0x0100,
42 kIOPMSoftSleep
= 0x0400, // old usage, replaced by kIOPMDoze
44 kIOPMRestart
= 0x0080,
45 // following bits are used in the capabilites field and the power fields
46 kIOPMPowerOn
= 0x0002,
47 kIOPMPreventSystemSleep
= 0x0010,
48 kIOPMPreventIdleSleep
= 0x0040,
49 // following bits are used in the capabilites field
50 kIOPMNotAttainable
= 0x0001, // used between a driver and its policy-maker
51 kIOPMChildClamp
= 0x0080, // used internally in a power domain parent
52 kIOPMChildClamp2
= 0x0200, // used internally in a power domain parent
53 kIOPMDeviceUsable
= 0x8000,
54 kIOPMMaxPerformance
= 0x4000,
55 kIOPMContextRetained
= 0x2000,
56 kIOPMConfigRetained
= 0x1000,
57 kIOPMSleepCapability
= 0x0004,
58 kIOPMRestartCapability
= 0x0080,
59 kIOPMNotPowerManaged
= 0x0800, // this is an error return rather than a bit
60 kIOPMStaticPowerValid
= 0x0800, // therefore this bit safely overloads it
62 kIOPMCapabilitiesMask
= kIOPMPowerOn
| kIOPMDeviceUsable
| kIOPMMaxPerformance
63 kIOPMContextRetained
| kIOPMConfigRetained
| kIOPMSleepCapability
64 kIOPMRestartCapability
69 IOPMNotAttainable
= kIOPMNotAttainable
70 IOPMPowerOn
= kIOPMPowerOn
71 IOPMClockNormal
= kIOPMClockNormal
72 IOPMClockRunning
= kIOPMClockRunning
73 IOPMAuxPowerOn
= kIOPMAuxPowerOn
74 IOPMDeviceUsable
= kIOPMDeviceUsable
75 IOPMMaxPerformance
= kIOPMMaxPerformance
76 IOPMContextRetained
= kIOPMContextRetained
77 IOPMConfigRetained
= kIOPMConfigRetained
78 IOPMNotPowerManaged
= kIOPMNotPowerManaged
79 IOPMPagingAvailable
= kIOPMPagingAvailable
80 IOPMSoftSleep
= kIOPMSoftSleep
85 kIOPMNextHigherState
= 1,
86 kIOPMHighestState
= 2,
87 kIOPMNextLowerState
= 3,
92 IOPMNextHigherState
= kIOPMNextHigherState
93 IOPMHighestState
= kIOPMHighestState
94 IOPMNextLowerState
= kIOPMNextLowerState
95 IOPMLowestState
= kIOPMLowestState
100 enum { // commands on power managment command queue
101 kIOPMBroadcastAggressiveness
= 1,
105 enum { // special value means "power consumption unknown"
106 kIOPMUnknown
= 0xFFFF
111 kClamshellClosedEventMask
= (1<<0), // User closed lid
112 kDockingBarEventMask
= (1<<1), // OBSOLETE
113 kACPlugEventMask
= (1<<2), // User plugged or unplugged adapter
114 kFrontPanelButtonEventMask
= (1<<3), // User hit the front panel button
115 kBatteryStatusEventMask
= (1<<4) // Battery status has changed
118 // Power commands issued to root domain
120 kIOPMSleepNow
= (1<<0), // put machine to sleep now
121 kIOPMAllowSleep
= (1<<1), // allow idle sleep
122 kIOPMPreventSleep
= (1<<2), // do not allow idle sleep
123 kIOPMPowerButton
= (1<<3), // power button was pressed
124 kIOPMClamshellClosed
= (1<<4), // clamshell was closed
125 kIOPMPowerEmergency
= (1<<5), // battery dangerously low
126 kIOPMDisableClamshell
= (1<<6), // do not sleep on clamshell closure
127 kIOPMEnableClamshell
= (1<<7), // sleep on clamshell closure
128 kIOPMProcessorSpeedChange
= (1<<8), // change the processor speed
129 kIOPMOverTemp
= (1<<9) // system dangerously hot
133 // PUBLIC power management features
134 // NOTE: this is a direct port from classic, some of these bits
135 // are obsolete but are included for completeness
137 kPMHasWakeupTimerMask
= (1<<0), // 1=wake timer is supported
138 kPMHasSharedModemPortMask
= (1<<1), // Not used
139 kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask
= (1<<2), // 1=processor cycling supported
140 kPMMustProcessorCycleMask
= (1<<3), // Not used
141 kPMHasReducedSpeedMask
= (1<<4), // 1=supports reduced processor speed
142 kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask
= (1<<5), // 1=supports changing processor speed on the fly
143 kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask
= (1<<6), // 1=supports using machine as SCSI drive
144 kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask
= (1<<7), // 1=battery time can be calculated
145 kPMCanWakeupOnRingMask
= (1<<8), // 1=machine can wake on modem ring
146 kPMHasDimmingSupportMask
= (1<<9), // 1=has monitor dimming support
147 kPMHasStartupTimerMask
= (1<<10), // 1=can program startup timer
148 kPMHasChargeNotificationMask
= (1<<11), // 1=client can determine charger status/get notifications
149 kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask
= (1<<12), // 1=can dim diplay to DPMS ('off') state
150 kPMHasWakeOnNetActivityMask
= (1<<13), // 1=supports waking upon receipt of net packet
151 kPMHasWakeOnLidMask
= (1<<14), // 1=can wake upon lid/case opening
152 kPMCanPowerOffPCIBusMask
= (1<<15), // 1=can remove power from PCI bus on sleep
153 kPMHasDeepSleepMask
= (1<<16), // 1=supports deep (hibernation) sleep
154 kPMHasSleepMask
= (1<<17), // 1=machine support low power sleep (ala powerbooks)
155 kPMSupportsServerModeAPIMask
= (1<<18), // 1=supports reboot on AC resume for unexpected power loss
156 kPMHasUPSIntegrationMask
= (1<<19) // 1=supports incorporating UPS devices into power source calcs
159 // PRIVATE power management features
160 // NOTE: this is a direct port from classic, some of these bits
161 // are obsolete but are included for completeness.
163 kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask
= (1<<0), // Not used
164 kPMHasBatteryIDMask
= (1<<1), // Not used
165 kPMCanSwitchPowerMask
= (1<<2), // Not used
166 kPMHasCelsiusCyclingMask
= (1<<3), // Not used
167 kPMHasBatteryPredictionMask
= (1<<4), // Not used
168 kPMHasPowerLevelsMask
= (1<<5), // Not used
169 kPMHasSleepCPUSpeedMask
= (1<<6), // Not used
170 kPMHasBtnIntHandlersMask
= (1<<7), // 1=supports individual button interrupt handlers
171 kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask
= (1<<8), // 1=supports SCSI termination power switch
172 kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask
= (1<<9), // 1=supports button handlers via ADB
173 kPMHasICTControlMask
= (1<<10), // 1=supports ICT control
174 kPMHasLegacyDesktopSleepMask
= (1<<11), // 1=supports 'doze' style sleep
175 kPMHasDeepIdleMask
= (1<<12), // 1=supports Idle2 in hardware
176 kPMOpenLidPreventsSleepMask
= (1<<13), // 1=open case prevent machine from sleeping
177 kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask
= (1<<14), // 1=case closed (clamshell closed) causes sleep
178 kPMHasFanControlMask
= (1<<15), // 1=machine has software-programmable fan/thermostat controls
179 kPMHasThermalControlMask
= (1<<16), // 1=machine supports thermal monitoring
180 kPMHasVStepSpeedChangeMask
= (1<<17), // 1=machine supports processor voltage/clock change
181 kPMEnvironEventsPolledMask
= (1<<18) // 1=machine doesn't generate pmu env ints, we must poll instead
184 // DEFAULT public and private features for machines whose device tree
185 // does NOT contain this information (pre-Core99).
187 // For Cuda-based Desktops
189 #define kStdDesktopPMFeatures kPMHasWakeupTimerMask |\
190 kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask |\
191 kPMHasDimmingSupportMask |\
192 kPMHasStartupTimerMask |\
193 kPMSupportsServerModeAPIMask |\
194 kPMHasUPSIntegrationMask
196 #define kStdDesktopPrivPMFeatures kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask |\
197 kPMHasICTControlMask |\
198 kPMHasLegacyDesktopSleepMask
200 #define kStdDesktopNumBatteries 0
202 // For Wallstreet (PowerBook G3 Series 1998)
204 #define kWallstreetPMFeatures kPMHasWakeupTimerMask |\
205 kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask |\
206 kPMHasReducedSpeedMask |\
207 kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask |\
208 kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask |\
209 kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask |\
210 kPMHasDimmingSupportMask |\
211 kPMHasChargeNotificationMask |\
212 kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask |\
215 #define kWallstreetPrivPMFeatures kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask |\
216 kPMHasBatteryIDMask |\
217 kPMCanSwitchPowerMask |\
218 kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask |\
219 kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask |\
220 kPMHasICTControlMask |\
221 kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask |\
222 kPMEnvironEventsPolledMask
224 #define kStdPowerBookPMFeatures kWallstreetPMFeatures
225 #define kStdPowerBookPrivPMFeatures kWallstreetPrivPMFeatures
227 #define kStdPowerBookNumBatteries 2
229 // For 101 (PowerBook G3 Series 1999)
231 #define k101PMFeatures kPMHasWakeupTimerMask |\
232 kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask |\
233 kPMHasReducedSpeedMask |\
234 kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask |\
235 kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask |\
236 kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask |\
237 kPMHasDimmingSupportMask |\
238 kPMHasChargeNotificationMask |\
239 kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask |\
241 kPMHasUPSIntegrationMask
243 #define k101PrivPMFeatures kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask |\
244 kPMHasBatteryIDMask |\
245 kPMCanSwitchPowerMask |\
246 kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask |\
247 kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask |\
248 kPMHasICTControlMask |\
249 kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask |\
250 kPMEnvironEventsPolledMask
252 #define IOPMNoErr 0 // normal return
254 // returned by powerStateWillChange and powerStateDidChange:
255 #define IOPMAckImplied 0 // acknowledgement of power state change is implied
256 #define IOPMWillAckLater 1 // acknowledgement of power state change will come later
258 // returned by requestDomainState
259 #define IOPMBadSpecification 4 // unrecognized specification parameter
260 #define IOPMNoSuchState 5 // no power state matches search specification
262 #define IOPMCannotRaisePower 6 // a device cannot change its power for some reason
264 // returned by changeStateTo
265 #define IOPMParameterError 7 // requested state doesn't exist
266 #define IOPMNotYetInitialized 8 // device not yet fully hooked into power management "graph"
269 // used by Root Domain UserClient
272 kPMGeneralAggressiveness
= 0,
274 kPMMinutesToSpinDown
276 kPMEthernetWakeOnLANSettings
277 kPMSetProcessorSpeed
280 kPMLastAggressivenessType
282 #define kMaxType (kPMLastAggressivenessType-1)
284 // SetAggressiveness values for the kPMPowerSource aggressiveness type
286 kIOPMInternalPower
= 1,
290 #define kAppleClamshellStateKey "AppleClamshellState"
291 #define kIOREMSleepEnabledKey "REMSleepEnabled"
293 // Strings for deciphering the dictionary returned from IOPMCopyBatteryInfo
294 #define kIOBatteryInfoKey "IOBatteryInfo"
295 #define kIOBatteryCurrentChargeKey "Current"
296 #define kIOBatteryCapacityKey "Capacity"
297 #define kIOBatteryFlagsKey "Flags"
298 #define kIOBatteryVoltageKey "Voltage"
299 #define kIOBatteryAmperageKey "Amperage"
302 kIOBatteryInstalled
= (1 << 2),
303 kIOBatteryCharge
= (1 << 1),
304 kIOBatteryChargerConnect
= (1 << 0)
308 // Private power management message indicating battery data has changed
309 // Indicates new data resides in the IORegistry
310 #define kIOPMMessageBatteryStatusHasChanged iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x100)
312 // Apple private Legacy messages for re-routing AutoWake and AutoPower messages to the PMU
313 // through newer user space IOPMSchedulePowerEvent API
314 #define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoWake iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x200)
315 #define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoPower iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x210)
317 // These flags are deprecated. Use the version with the kIOPM prefix below.
319 kACInstalled
= kIOBatteryChargerConnect
320 kBatteryCharging
= kIOBatteryCharge
321 kBatteryInstalled
= kIOBatteryInstalled
322 kUPSInstalled
= (1<<3),
323 kBatteryAtWarn
= (1<<4),
324 kBatteryDepleted
= (1<<5),
325 kACnoChargeCapability
= (1<<6), // AC adapter cannot charge battery
326 kRawLowBattery
= (1<<7), // used only by Platform Expert
327 kForceLowSpeed
= (1<<8) // set by Platfm Expert, chk'd by Pwr Plugin};
330 // For use with IOPMPowerSource bFlags
333 kIOPMACInstalled
= kIOBatteryChargerConnect
334 kIOPMBatteryCharging
= kIOBatteryCharge
335 kIOPMBatteryInstalled
= kIOBatteryInstalled
336 kIOPMUPSInstalled
= (1<<3),
337 kIOPMBatteryAtWarn
= (1<<4),
338 kIOPMBatteryDepleted
= (1<<5),
339 kIOPMACnoChargeCapability
= (1<<6), // AC adapter cannot charge battery
340 kIOPMRawLowBattery
= (1<<7), // used only by Platform Expert
341 kIOPMForceLowSpeed
= (1<<8), // set by Platfm Expert, chk'd by Pwr Plugin
342 kIOPMClosedClamshell
= (1<<9), // set by PMU - reflects state of the clamshell
343 kIOPMClamshellStateOnWake
= (1<<10) // used only by Platform Expert
347 // **********************************************
348 // Internal power management data structures
349 // **********************************************
351 #if KERNEL && __cplusplus
355 kIOPowerEmergencyLevel
= 1000
360 kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1
363 struct stateChangeNote
364 IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags
365 unsigned long stateNum
368 typedef struct stateChangeNote stateChangeNote
370 struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification
372 unsigned long returnValue
373 unsigned long stateNumber
374 IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags
376 typedef struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification IOPowerStateChangeNotification
377 typedef IOPowerStateChangeNotification sleepWakeNote
379 extern void IOPMRegisterDevice(const char *, IOService
380 #endif /* KERNEL && __cplusplus */
382 #endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPM_H */