]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - osfmk/ppc/hw_perfmon_mmcr.h
[apple/xnu.git] / osfmk / ppc / hw_perfmon_mmcr.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
29 #ifndef _HW_PERFMON_MMCR_H_
30 #define _HW_PERFMON_MMCR_H_
32 #ifndef __ppc__
33 #error This file is only useful on PowerPC.
34 #endif
36 typedef struct {
37 uint32_t disable_counters_always : 1; /* 0: disable counters */
38 uint32_t disable_counters_supervisor : 1; /* 1: disable counters (supervisor) */
39 uint32_t disable_counters_user : 1; /* 2: disable counters (user) */
40 uint32_t disable_counters_marked : 1; /* 3: disable counters (marked bit == 1) */
41 uint32_t disable_counters_unmarked : 1; /* 4: disable counters (marked bit == 0) */
42 uint32_t enable_pmi : 1; /* 5: performance monitor interrupt enable */
43 uint32_t on_pmi_stop_counting : 1; /* 6: disable counters (pmi) */
44 uint32_t timebase_bit_selector : 2; /* 7-8: TBL bit for TB events */
45 uint32_t enable_timebase_pmi : 1; /* 9: enable pmi on TBL bit transition */
46 uint32_t threshold_value : 6; /* 10-15: threshold value */
47 uint32_t enable_pmi_on_pmc1 : 1; /* 16: enable pmi on pmc1 overflow */
48 uint32_t enable_pmi_on_pmcn : 1; /* 17: enable pmi on any pmc except pmc1 overflow */
49 uint32_t enable_pmi_trigger : 1; /* 18: enable triggering of pmcn by pmc1 overflow */
50 uint32_t pmc1_event : 7; /* 19-25: pmc1 event select */
51 uint32_t pmc2_event : 6; /* 26-31: pmc2 event select */
52 } ppc32_mmcr0_bits_t;
54 typedef union {
55 uint32_t value;
56 ppc32_mmcr0_bits_t field;
57 } ppc32_mmcr0_reg_t;
59 typedef struct {
60 uint32_t pmc3_event : 5;
61 uint32_t pmc4_event : 5;
62 uint32_t pmc5_event : 5;
63 uint32_t pmc6_event : 6;
64 uint32_t /*reserved*/ : 11;
65 } ppc32_mmcr1_bits_t;
67 typedef union {
68 uint32_t value;
69 ppc32_mmcr1_bits_t field;
70 } ppc32_mmcr1_reg_t;
72 typedef struct {
73 uint32_t threshold_multiplier : 1;
74 uint32_t /*reserved*/ : 31;
75 } ppc32_mmcr2_bits_t;
77 typedef union {
78 uint32_t value;
79 ppc32_mmcr2_bits_t field;
80 } ppc32_mmcr2_reg_t;
82 typedef struct {
83 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 32; /* 0-31: reserved */
84 uint32_t disable_counters_always : 1; /* 32: disable counters */
85 uint32_t disable_counters_supervisor : 1; /* 33: disable counters (supervisor) */
86 uint32_t disable_counters_user : 1; /* 34: disable counters (user) */
87 uint32_t disable_counters_marked : 1; /* 35: disable counters (marked bit == 1) */
88 uint32_t disable_counters_unmarked : 1; /* 36: disable counters (marked bit == 0) */
89 uint32_t enable_pmi : 1; /* 37: performance monitor interrupt enable */
90 uint32_t on_pmi_stop_counting : 1; /* 38: disable counters (pmi) */
91 uint32_t timebase_bit_selector : 2; /* 39-40: TBL bit for timebase events */
92 uint32_t enable_timebase_pmi : 1; /* 41: enable pmi on TBL bit transition */
93 uint32_t threshold_value : 6; /* 42-47: threshold value */
94 uint32_t enable_pmi_on_pmc1 : 1; /* 48: enable pmi on pmc1 overflow */
95 uint32_t enable_pmi_on_pmcn : 1; /* 49: enable pmi on any pmc except pmc1 overflow */
96 uint32_t enable_pmi_trigger : 1; /* 50: enable triggering of pmcn by pmc1 overflow */
97 uint32_t pmc1_event : 5; /* 51-55: pmc1 event select */
98 uint32_t perfmon_event_occurred : 1; /* 56: performance monitor event has occurred */
99 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 1; /* 57: reserved */
100 uint32_t pmc2_event : 5; /* 58-62: pmc2 event select */
101 uint32_t disable_counters_hypervisor : 1; /* 63: disable counters (hypervisor) */
102 } ppc64_mmcr0_bits_t;
104 typedef union {
105 uint64_t value;
106 ppc64_mmcr0_bits_t field;
107 } ppc64_mmcr0_reg_t;
109 typedef struct {
110 uint32_t ttm0_select : 2; /* 0-1: FPU/ISU/IFU/VMX unit select */
111 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 1; /* 2: reserved */
112 uint32_t ttm1_select : 2; /* 3-4: IDU/ISU/ISU unit select */
113 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 1; /* 5: reserved */
114 uint32_t ttm2_select : 2; /* 6-7: IFU/LSU0 unit select */
115 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 1; /* 8: reserved */
116 uint32_t ttm3_select : 2; /* 9-10: LSU1 select */
117 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 1; /* 11: reserved */
118 uint32_t lane0_select : 2; /* 12-13: Byte lane 0 unit select (TD_CP_DBG0SEL) */
119 uint32_t lane1_select : 2; /* 14-15: Byte lane 1 unit select (TD_CP_DBG1SEL) */
120 uint32_t lane2_select : 2; /* 16-17: Byte lane 2 unit select (TD_CP_DBG2SEL) */
121 uint32_t lane3_select : 2; /* 18-19: Byte lane 3 unit select (TD_CP_DBG3SEL) */
122 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 4; /* 20-23: reserved */
123 uint32_t pmc1_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 24: PMC1 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC1_ADDER_SELECT) */
124 uint32_t pmc2_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 25: PMC2 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC2_ADDER_SELECT) */
125 uint32_t pmc6_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 26: PMC6 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC6_ADDER_SELECT) */
126 uint32_t pmc5_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 27: PMC5 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC5_ADDER_SELECT) */
127 uint32_t pmc8_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 28: PMC8 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC8_ADDER_SELECT) */
128 uint32_t pmc7_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 29: PMC7 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC7_ADDER_SELECT) */
129 uint32_t pmc3_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 30: PMC3 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC3_ADDER_SELECT) */
130 uint32_t pmc4_adder_lane_select : 1; /* 31: PMC4 Event Adder Lane Select (PMC4_ADDER_SELECT) */
131 uint32_t pmc3_event : 5; /* 32-36: pmc3 event select */
132 uint32_t pmc4_event : 5; /* 37-41: pmc4 event select */
133 uint32_t pmc5_event : 5; /* 42-46: pmc5 event select */
134 uint32_t pmc6_event : 5; /* 47-51: pmc6 event select */
135 uint32_t pmc7_event : 5; /* 52-56: pmc7 event select */
136 uint32_t pmc8_event : 5; /* 57-61: pmc8 event select */
137 uint32_t speculative_event : 2; /* 62-63: SPeCulative count event SELector */
138 } ppc64_mmcr1_bits_t;
140 typedef union {
141 uint64_t value;
142 ppc64_mmcr1_bits_t field;
143 } ppc64_mmcr1_reg_t;
145 typedef struct {
146 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 32; /* 0-31: reserved */
147 uint32_t siar_sdar_same_instruction : 1; /* 32: SIAR and SDAR are from same instruction */
148 uint32_t disable_counters_pmc1_pmc4 : 1; /* 33: disable counters PMC1-PMC4 */
149 uint32_t disable_counters_pmc5_pmc8 : 1; /* 34: disable counters PMC5-PMC8 */
150 uint32_t problem_state_siar : 1; /* 35: MSR[PR] bit when SIAR set */
151 uint32_t hypervisor_state_siar : 1; /* 36: MSR[HV] bit when SIAR set */
152 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 3; /* 37-39: reserved */
153 uint32_t threshold_start_event : 3; /* 40-42: threshold start event */
154 uint32_t threshold_end_event : 3; /* 43-45: threshold end event */
155 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 3; /* 46-48: reserved */
156 uint32_t imr_select : 1; /* 49: imr select */
157 uint32_t imr_mark : 2; /* 50-51: imr mark */
158 uint32_t imr_mask : 4; /* 52-55: imr mask */
159 uint32_t imr_match : 4; /* 56-59: imr match */
160 uint32_t disable_counters_tags_inactive : 1; /* 60: disable counters in tags inactive mode */
161 uint32_t disable_counters_tags_active : 1; /* 61: disable counters in tags active mode */
162 uint32_t disable_counters_wait_state : 1; /* 62: freeze counters in wait state (CNTL[31]=0) */
163 uint32_t sample_enable : 1; /* 63: sampling enabled */
164 } ppc64_mmcra_bits_t;
166 typedef union {
167 uint64_t value;
168 ppc64_mmcra_bits_t field;
169 } ppc64_mmcra_reg_t;
171 /* PPC_PERFMON_FUNC_* values are taken apart to fill in the appropriate configuration bitfields: */
172 typedef struct {
173 uint32_t /* reserved */ : 22;
174 uint32_t SPECSEL : 2;
175 uint32_t TD_CP_DBGxSEL : 2;
176 uint32_t TTM3SEL : 2;
177 uint32_t TTM1SEL : 2;
178 uint32_t TTM0SEL : 2;
179 } ppc_func_bits_t;
181 typedef union {
182 uint32_t value;
183 ppc_func_bits_t field;
184 } ppc_func_unit_t;
186 #endif /* _HW_PERFMON_MMCR_H_ */