]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - bsd/man/man2/intro.2
[apple/xnu.git] / bsd / man / man2 / intro.2
1 .\" $NetBSD: intro.2,v 1.6 1995/02/27 12:33:41 cgd Exp $
2 .\"
3 .\" Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1991, 1993
4 .\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
5 .\"
6 .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7 .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8 .\" are met:
9 .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10 .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11 .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
12 .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
13 .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
14 .\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
15 .\" must display the following acknowledgement:
16 .\" This product includes software developed by the University of
17 .\" California, Berkeley and its contributors.
18 .\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
19 .\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
20 .\" without specific prior written permission.
21 .\"
33 .\"
34 .\" @(#)intro.2 8.3 (Berkeley) 12/11/93
35 .\"
36 .Dd March 18, 2015
37 .Dt INTRO 2
38 .Os BSD 4
39 .Sh NAME
40 .Nm intro
41 .Nd introduction to system calls and error numbers
43 .Fd #include <sys/errno.h>
45 This section provides an overview of the system calls,
46 their error returns, and other common definitions and concepts.
47 .\".Pp
48 .\".Sy System call restart
49 .\".Pp
50 .\"<more later...>
52 Nearly all of the system calls provide an error number in the external
53 variable
54 .Va errno ,
55 which is defined as:
56 .Pp
57 .Dl extern int errno
58 .Pp
59 When a system call detects an error,
60 it returns an integer value
61 indicating failure (usually -1)
62 and sets the variable
63 .Va errno
64 accordingly.
65 <This allows interpretation of the failure on receiving
66 a -1 and to take action accordingly.>
67 Successful calls never set
68 .Va errno ;
69 once set, it remains until another error occurs.
70 It should only be examined after an error.
71 Note that a number of system calls overload the meanings of these
72 error numbers, and that the meanings must be interpreted according
73 to the type and circumstances of the call.
74 .Pp
75 The following is a complete list of the errors and their
76 names as given in
77 .Aq Pa sys/errno.h .
78 .Bl -hang -width Ds
79 .It Er 0 Em "Error 0" .
80 Not used.
81 .It Er 1 EPERM Em "Operation not permitted" .
82 An attempt was made to perform an operation limited to processes
83 with appropriate privileges or to the owner of a file or other
84 resources.
85 .It Er 2 ENOENT Em "No such file or directory" .
86 A component of a specified pathname did not exist, or the
87 pathname was an empty string.
88 .It Er 3 ESRCH Em "No such process" .
89 No process could be found corresponding to that specified by the given
90 process ID.
91 .It Er 4 EINTR Em "Interrupted function call" .
92 An asynchronous signal (such as
94 or
95 .Dv SIGQUIT )
96 was caught by the process during the execution of an interruptible
97 function. If the signal handler performs a normal return, the
98 interrupted function call will seem to have returned the error condition.
99 .It Er 5 EIO Em "Input/output error" .
100 Some physical input or output error occurred.
101 This error will not be reported until a subsequent operation on the same file
102 descriptor and may be lost (over written) by any subsequent errors.
103 .It Er 6 ENXIO Em "\&No such device or address" .
104 Input or output on a special file referred to a device that did not
105 exist, or
106 made a request beyond the limits of the device.
107 This error may also occur when, for example,
108 a tape drive is not online or no disk pack is
109 loaded on a drive.
110 .It Er 7 E2BIG Em "Arg list too long" .
111 The number of bytes used for the argument and environment
112 list of the new process exceeded the limit
113 .Dv NCARGS
114 (specified in
115 .Aq Pa sys/param.h ) .
116 .It Er 8 ENOEXEC Em "Exec format error" .
117 A request was made to execute a file
118 that, although it has the appropriate permissions,
119 was not in the format required for an
120 executable file.
121 .It Er 9 EBADF Em "Bad file descriptor" .
122 A file descriptor argument was out of range, referred to no open file,
123 or a read (write) request was made to a file that was only open for
124 writing (reading).
125 .It Er 10 ECHILD Em "\&No child processes" .
126 A
127 .Xr wait
128 or
129 .Xr waitpid
130 function was executed by a process that had no existing or unwaited-for
131 child processes.
132 .It Er 11 EDEADLK Em "Resource deadlock avoided" .
133 An attempt was made to lock a system resource that
134 would have resulted in a deadlock situation.
135 .It Er 12 ENOMEM Em "Cannot allocate memory" .
136 The new process image required more memory than was allowed by the hardware
137 or by system-imposed memory management constraints.
138 A lack of swap space is normally temporary; however,
139 a lack of core is not.
140 Soft limits may be increased to their corresponding hard limits.
141 .It Er 13 EACCES Em "Permission denied" .
142 An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden
143 by its file access permissions.
144 .It Er 14 EFAULT Em "Bad address" .
145 The system detected an invalid address in attempting to
146 use an argument of a call.
147 .It Er 15 ENOTBLK Em "Not a block device" .
148 A block device operation was attempted on a non-block device or file.
149 .It Er 16 EBUSY Em "Resource busy" .
150 An attempt to use a system resource which was in use at the time
151 in a manner which would have conflicted with the request.
152 .It Er 17 EEXIST Em "File exists" .
153 An existing file was mentioned in an inappropriate context,
154 for instance, as the new link name in a
155 .Xr link
156 function.
157 .It Er 18 EXDEV Em "Improper link" .
158 A hard link to a file on another file system
159 was attempted.
160 .It Er 19 ENODEV Em "Operation not supported by device" .
161 An attempt was made to apply an inappropriate
162 function to a device,
163 for example,
164 trying to read a write-only device such as a printer.
165 .It Er 20 ENOTDIR Em "Not a directory" .
166 A component of the specified pathname existed, but it was
167 not a directory, when a directory was expected.
168 .It Er 21 EISDIR Em "Is a directory" .
169 An attempt was made to open a directory with write mode specified.
170 .It Er 22 EINVAL Em "Invalid argument" .
171 Some invalid argument was supplied. (For example,
172 specifying an undefined signal to a
173 .Xr signal
174 or
175 .Xr kill
176 function).
177 .It Er 23 ENFILE Em "Too many open files in system" .
178 Maximum number of file descriptors allowable on the system
179 has been reached and a requests for an open cannot be satisfied
180 until at least one has been closed.
181 .It Er 24 EMFILE Em "Too many open files" .
182 <As released, the limit on the number of
183 open files per process is 64.>
184 .Xr Getdtablesize 2
185 will obtain the current limit.
186 .It Er 25 ENOTTY Em "Inappropriate ioctl for device" .
187 A control function (see
188 .Xr ioctl 2 )
189 was attempted for a file or
190 special device for which the operation was inappropriate.
191 .It Er 26 ETXTBSY Em "Text file busy" .
192 The new process was a pure procedure (shared text) file
193 which was open for writing by another process, or
194 while the pure procedure file was being executed an
195 .Xr open
196 call requested write access.
197 .It Er 27 EFBIG Em "File too large" .
198 The size of a file exceeded the maximum (about
199 .if t 2\u\s-231\s+2\d
200 .if n 2.1E9
201 bytes on some filesystems including UFS,
202 .if t 2\u\s-231\s+2\d
203 .if n 1.8E19
204 bytes on HFS+ and others).
205 .It Er 28 ENOSPC Em "Device out of space" .
206 A
207 .Xr write
208 to an ordinary file, the creation of a
209 directory or symbolic link, or the creation of a directory
210 entry failed because no more disk blocks were available
211 on the file system, or the allocation of an inode for a newly
212 created file failed because no more inodes were available
213 on the file system.
214 .It Er 29 ESPIPE Em "Illegal seek" .
215 An
216 .Xr lseek
217 function was issued on a socket, pipe or
218 .Tn FIFO .
219 .It Er 30 EROFS Em "Read-only file system" .
220 An attempt was made to modify a file or directory
221 was made
222 on a file system that was read-only at the time.
223 .It Er 31 EMLINK Em "Too many links" .
224 Maximum allowable hard links to a single file has been exceeded (limit
225 of 32767 hard links per file).
226 .It Er 32 EPIPE Em "Broken pipe" .
227 A write on a pipe, socket or
228 .Tn FIFO
229 for which there is no process
230 to read the data.
231 .It Er 33 EDOM Em "Numerical argument out of domain" .
232 A numerical input argument was outside the defined domain of the mathematical
233 function.
234 .It Er 34 ERANGE Em "Numerical result out of range" .
235 A numerical result of the function was too large to fit in the
236 available space (perhaps exceeded precision).
237 .It Er 35 EAGAIN Em "Resource temporarily unavailable" .
238 This is a temporary condition and later calls to the
239 same routine may complete normally.
240 .It Er 36 EINPROGRESS Em "Operation now in progress" .
241 An operation that takes a long time to complete (such as
242 a
243 .Xr connect 2 or
244 .Xr connectx 2 )
245 was attempted on a non-blocking object (see
246 .Xr fcntl 2 ) .
247 .It Er 37 EALREADY Em "Operation already in progress" .
248 An operation was attempted on a non-blocking object that already
249 had an operation in progress.
250 .It Er 38 ENOTSOCK Em "Socket operation on non-socket" .
251 Self-explanatory.
252 .It Er 39 EDESTADDRREQ Em "Destination address required" .
253 A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket.
254 .It Er 40 EMSGSIZE Em "Message too long" .
255 A message sent on a socket was larger than the internal message buffer
256 or some other network limit.
257 .It Er 41 EPROTOTYPE Em "Protocol wrong type for socket" .
258 A protocol was specified that does not support the semantics of the
259 socket type requested. For example, you cannot use the
260 .Tn ARPA
261 Internet
262 .Tn UDP
263 protocol with type
265 .It Er 42 ENOPROTOOPT Em "Protocol not available" .
266 A bad option or level was specified in a
267 .Xr getsockopt 2
268 or
269 .Xr setsockopt 2
270 call.
271 .It Er 43 EPROTONOSUPPORT Em "Protocol not supported" .
272 The protocol has not been configured into the
273 system or no implementation for it exists.
274 .It Er 44 ESOCKTNOSUPPORT Em "Socket type not supported" .
275 The support for the socket type has not been configured into the
276 system or no implementation for it exists.
277 .It Er 45 ENOTSUP Em "Not supported" .
278 The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced.
279 .It Er 46 EPFNOSUPPORT Em "Protocol family not supported" .
280 The protocol family has not been configured into the
281 system or no implementation for it exists.
282 .It Er 47 EAFNOSUPPORT Em "Address family not supported by protocol family" .
283 An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.
284 For example, you shouldn't necessarily expect to be able to use
285 .Tn NS
286 addresses with
287 .Tn ARPA
288 Internet protocols.
289 .It Er 48 EADDRINUSE Em "Address already in use" .
290 Only one usage of each address is normally permitted.
291 .It Er 49 EADDRNOTAVAIL Em "Cannot assign requested address" .
292 Normally results from an attempt to create a socket with an
293 address not on this machine.
294 .It Er 50 ENETDOWN Em "Network is down" .
295 A socket operation encountered a dead network.
296 .It Er 51 ENETUNREACH Em "Network is unreachable" .
297 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
298 .It Er 52 ENETRESET Em "Network dropped connection on reset" .
299 The host you were connected to crashed and rebooted.
300 .It Er 53 ECONNABORTED Em "Software caused connection abort" .
301 A connection abort was caused internal to your host machine.
302 .It Er 54 ECONNRESET Em "Connection reset by peer" .
303 A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally
304 results from a loss of the connection on the remote socket
305 due to a timeout or a reboot.
306 .It Er 55 ENOBUFS Em "\&No buffer space available" .
307 An operation on a socket or pipe was not performed because
308 the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.
309 .It Er 56 EISCONN Em "Socket is already connected" .
310 A
311 .Xr connect
312 or
313 .Xr connectx
314 request was made on an already connected socket; or,
315 a
316 .Xr sendto
317 or
318 .Xr sendmsg
319 request on a connected socket specified a destination
320 when already connected.
321 .It Er 57 ENOTCONN Em "Socket is not connected" .
322 An request to send or receive data was disallowed because
323 the socket was not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket)
324 no address was supplied.
325 .It Er 58 ESHUTDOWN Em "Cannot send after socket shutdown" .
326 A request to send data was disallowed because the socket
327 had already been shut down with a previous
328 .Xr shutdown 2
329 call.
330 .It Er 60 ETIMEDOUT Em "Operation timed out" .
331 A
332 .Xr connect ,
333 .Xr connectx
334 or
335 .Xr send
336 request failed because the connected party did not
337 properly respond after a period of time. (The timeout
338 period is dependent on the communication protocol.)
339 .It Er 61 ECONNREFUSED Em "Connection refused" .
340 No connection could be made because the target machine actively
341 refused it. This usually results from trying to connect
342 to a service that is inactive on the foreign host.
343 .It Er 62 ELOOP Em "Too many levels of symbolic links" .
344 A path name lookup involved more than 8 symbolic links.
345 .It Er 63 ENAMETOOLONG Em "File name too long" .
346 A component of a path name exceeded 255
348 characters, or an entire
349 path name exceeded 1023
350 .Pq Dv MAXPATHLEN Ns -1
351 characters.
352 .It Er 64 EHOSTDOWN Em "Host is down" .
353 A socket operation failed because the destination host was down.
354 .It Er 65 EHOSTUNREACH Em "No route to host" .
355 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.
356 .It Er 66 ENOTEMPTY Em "Directory not empty" .
357 A directory with entries other than
358 .Ql \&.
359 and
360 .Ql \&..
361 was supplied to a remove directory or rename call.
362 .It Er 67 EPROCLIM Em "Too many processes" .
363 .It Er 68 EUSERS Em "Too many users" .
364 The quota system ran out of table entries.
365 .It Er 69 EDQUOT Em "Disc quota exceeded" .
366 A
367 .Xr write
368 to an ordinary file, the creation of a
369 directory or symbolic link, or the creation of a directory
370 entry failed because the user's quota of disk blocks was
371 exhausted, or the allocation of an inode for a newly
372 created file failed because the user's quota of inodes
373 was exhausted.
374 .It Er 70 ESTALE Em "Stale NFS file handle" .
375 An attempt was made to access an open file (on an
376 .Tn NFS
377 filesystem)
378 which is now unavailable as referenced by the file descriptor.
379 This may indicate the file was deleted on the
380 .Tn NFS
381 server or some
382 other catastrophic event occurred.
383 .It Er 72 EBADRPC Em "RPC struct is bad" .
384 Exchange of
385 .Tn RPC
386 information was unsuccessful.
387 .It Er 73 ERPCMISMATCH Em "RPC version wrong" .
388 The version of
389 .Tn RPC
390 on the remote peer is not compatible with
391 the local version.
392 .It Er 74 EPROGUNAVAIL Em "RPC prog. not avail" .
393 The requested program is not registered on the remote host.
394 .It Er 75 EPROGMISMATCH Em "Program version wrong" .
395 The requested version of the program is not available
396 on the remote host
397 .Pq Tn RPC .
398 .It Er 76 EPROCUNAVAIL Em "Bad procedure for program" .
399 An
400 .Tn RPC
401 call was attempted for a procedure which doesn't exist
402 in the remote program.
403 .It Er 77 ENOLCK Em "No locks available" .
404 A system-imposed limit on the number of simultaneous file
405 locks was reached.
406 .It Er 78 ENOSYS Em "Function not implemented" .
407 Attempted a system call that is not available on this
408 system.
409 .It Er 79 EFTYPE Em "Inappropriate file type or format" .
410 The file was the wrong type for the operation, or a data
411 file had the wrong format.
412 .It Er 80 EAUTH Em "Authentication error" .
413 Attempted to use an invalid authentication ticket to
414 mount an NFS file system.
415 .It Er 81 ENEEDAUTH Em "Need authenticator" .
416 An authentication ticket must be obtained before the
417 given NFS file system may be mounted.
418 .It Er 82 EPWROFF Em "Device power is off" .
419 The device power is off.
420 .It Er 83 EDEVERR Em "Device error" .
421 A device error has occurred, e.g. a printer running out of paper.
422 .It Er 84 EOVERFLOW Em "Value too large to be stored in data type" .
423 A numerical result of the function was too large to be
424 stored in the caller provided space.
425 .It Er 85 EBADEXEC Em "Bad executable (or shared library)" .
426 The executable or shared library being referenced was malformed.
427 .It Er 86 EBADARCH Em "Bad CPU type in executable" .
428 The executable in question does not support the current CPU.
429 .It Er 87 ESHLIBVERS Em "Shared library version mismatch" .
430 The version of the shared library on the system does not match
431 the version which was expected.
432 .It Er 88 EBADMACHO Em "Malformed Mach-o file" .
433 The Mach object file is malformed.
434 .It Er 89 ECANCELED Em "Operation canceled" .
435 The scheduled operation was canceled.
436 .It Er 90 EIDRM Em "Identifier removed" .
437 An IPC identifier was removed while the current process
438 was waiting on it.
439 .It Er 91 ENOMSG Em "No message of desired type" .
440 An IPC message queue does not contain a message of the
441 desired type, or a message catalog does not contain the
442 requested message.
443 .It Er 92 EILSEQ Em "Illegal byte sequence" .
444 While decoding a multibyte character the function came
445 along an invalid or an incomplete sequence of bytes or
446 the given wide character is invalid.
447 .It Er 93 ENOATTR Em "Attribute not found" .
448 The specified extended attribute does not exist.
449 .It Er 94 EBADMSG Em "Bad message" .
450 The message to be received is inapprorpiate for the operation being attempted.
451 .It Er 95 EMULTIHOP Em "Reserved" .
452 This error is reserved for future use.
453 .It Er 96 ENODATA Em "No message available" .
454 No message was available to be received by the requested operation.
455 .It Er 97 ENOLINK Em "Reserved" .
456 This error is reserved for future use.
457 .It Er 98 ENOSR Em "No STREAM resources" .
458 This error is reserved for future use.
459 .It Er 99 ENOSTR Em "Not a STREAM" .
460 This error is reserved for future use.
461 .It Er 100 EPROTO Em "Protocol error" .
462 Some protocol error occurred. This error is device-specific, but is
463 generally not related to a hardware failure.
464 .It Er 101 ETIME Em "STREAM ioctl() timeout" .
465 This error is reserved for future use.
466 .It Er 102 EOPNOTSUPP Em "Operation not supported on socket" .
467 The attempted operation is not supported for the type of socket referenced;
468 for example, trying to
469 .Em accept
470 a connection on a datagram socket.
471 .El
473 .Bl -tag -width Ds
474 .It Process ID .
475 Each active process in the system is uniquely identified by a non-negative
476 integer called a process ID. The range of this ID is from 0 to 30000.
477 .It Parent process ID
478 A new process is created by a currently active process; (see
479 .Xr fork 2 ) .
480 The parent process ID of a process is initially the process ID of its creator.
481 If the creating process exits,
482 the parent process ID of each child is set to the ID of a system process,
483 .Xr launchd 8 .
484 .It Process Group
485 Each active process is a member of a process group that is identified by
486 a non-negative integer called the process group ID. This is the process
487 ID of the group leader. This grouping permits the signaling of related
488 processes (see
489 .Xr termios 4 )
490 and the job control mechanisms of
491 .Xr csh 1 .
492 .It Session
493 A session is a set of one or more process groups.
494 A session is created by a successful call to
495 .Xr setsid 2 ,
496 which causes the caller to become the only member of the only process
497 group in the new session.
498 .It Session leader
499 A process that has created a new session by a successful call to
500 .Xr setsid 2 ,
501 is known as a session leader.
502 Only a session leader may acquire a terminal as its controlling terminal (see
503 .Xr termios 4 ) .
504 .It Controlling process
505 A session leader with a controlling terminal is a controlling process.
506 .It Controlling terminal
507 A terminal that is associated with a session is known as the controlling
508 terminal for that session and its members.
509 .It "Terminal Process Group ID"
510 A terminal may be acquired by a session leader as its controlling terminal.
511 Once a terminal is associated with a session, any of the process groups
512 within the session may be placed into the foreground by setting
513 the terminal process group ID to the ID of the process group.
514 This facility is used
515 to arbitrate between multiple jobs contending for the same terminal;
516 (see
517 .Xr csh 1
518 and
519 .Xr tty 4 ) .
520 .It "Orphaned Process Group"
521 A process group is considered to be
522 .Em orphaned
523 if it is not under the control of a job control shell.
524 More precisely, a process group is orphaned
525 when none of its members has a parent process that is in the same session
526 as the group,
527 but is in a different process group.
528 Note that when a process exits, the parent process for its children
529 is changed to be
530 .Xr launchd 8 ,
531 which is in a separate session.
532 Not all members of an orphaned process group are necessarily orphaned
533 processes (those whose creating process has exited).
534 The process group of a session leader is orphaned by definition.
535 .It "Real User ID and Real Group ID"
536 Each user on the system is identified by a positive integer
537 termed the real user ID.
538 .Pp
539 Each user is also a member of one or more groups.
540 One of these groups is distinguished from others and
541 used in implementing accounting facilities. The positive
542 integer corresponding to this distinguished group is termed
543 the real group ID.
544 .Pp
545 All processes have a real user ID and real group ID.
546 These are initialized from the equivalent attributes
547 of the process that created it.
548 .It "Effective User Id, Effective Group Id, and Group Access List"
549 Access to system resources is governed by two values:
550 the effective user ID, and the group access list.
551 The first member of the group access list is also known as the
552 effective group ID.
553 (In POSIX.1, the group access list is known as the set of supplementary
554 group IDs, and it is unspecified whether the effective group ID is
555 a member of the list.)
556 .Pp
557 The effective user ID and effective group ID are initially the
558 process's real user ID and real group ID respectively. Either
559 may be modified through execution of a set-user-ID or set-group-ID
560 file (possibly by one its ancestors) (see
561 .Xr execve 2 ) .
562 By convention, the effective group ID (the first member of the group access
563 list) is duplicated, so that the execution of a set-group-ID program
564 does not result in the loss of the original (real) group ID.
565 .Pp
566 The group access list is a set of group IDs
567 used only in determining resource accessibility. Access checks
568 are performed as described below in ``File Access Permissions''.
569 .It "Saved Set User ID and Saved Set Group ID"
570 When a process executes a new file, the effective user ID is set
571 to the owner of the file if the file is set-user-ID, and the effective
572 group ID (first element of the group access list) is set to the group
573 of the file if the file is set-group-ID.
574 The effective user ID of the process is then recorded as the saved set-user-ID,
575 and the effective group ID of the process is recorded as the saved set-group-ID.
576 These values may be used to regain those values as the effective user
577 or group ID after reverting to the real ID (see
578 .Xr setuid 2 ) .
579 (In POSIX.1, the saved set-user-ID and saved set-group-ID are optional,
580 and are used in setuid and setgid, but this does not work as desired
581 for the super-user.)
582 .It Super-user
583 A process is recognized as a
584 .Em super-user
585 process and is granted special privileges if its effective user ID is 0.
586 .It Special Processes
587 The processes with process IDs of 0, 1, and 2 are special.
588 Process 0 is the scheduler. Process 1 is the initialization process
589 .Xr launchd 8 ,
590 and is the ancestor of every other process in the system.
591 It is used to control the process structure.
592 Process 2 is the paging daemon.
593 .It Descriptor
594 An integer assigned by the system when a file is referenced
595 by
596 .Xr open 2
597 or
598 .Xr dup 2 ,
599 or when a socket is created by
600 .Xr pipe 2 ,
601 .Xr socket 2
602 or
603 .Xr socketpair 2 ,
604 which uniquely identifies an access path to that file or socket from
605 a given process or any of its children.
606 .It File Name
607 Names consisting of up to 255
609 characters may be used to name
610 an ordinary file, special file, or directory.
611 .Pp
612 These characters may be selected from the set of all
613 .Tn ASCII
614 character
615 excluding 0 (NUL) and the
616 .Tn ASCII
617 code for
618 .Ql \&/
619 (slash).
620 .Pp
621 Note that it is generally unwise to use
622 .Ql \&* ,
623 .Ql \&? ,
624 .Ql \&[
625 or
626 .Ql \&]
627 as part of
628 file names because of the special meaning attached to these characters
629 by the shell.
630 .It Path Name
631 A path name is a
632 .Tn NUL Ns -terminated
633 character string starting with an
634 optional slash
635 .Ql \&/ ,
636 followed by zero or more directory names separated
637 by slashes, optionally followed by a file name.
638 The total length of a path name must be less than 1024
640 characters.
641 .Pp
642 If a path name begins with a slash, the path search begins at the
643 .Em root
644 directory.
645 Otherwise, the search begins from the current working directory.
646 A slash by itself names the root directory. An empty
647 pathname refers to the current directory.
648 .It Directory
649 A directory is a special type of file that contains entries
650 that are references to other files.
651 Directory entries are called links. By convention, a directory
652 contains at least two links,
653 .Ql \&.
654 and
655 .Ql \&.. ,
656 referred to as
657 .Em dot
658 and
659 .Em dot-dot
660 respectively. Dot refers to the directory itself and
661 dot-dot refers to its parent directory.
662 .It "Root Directory and Current Working Directory"
663 Each process has associated with it a concept of a root directory
664 and a current working directory for the purpose of resolving path
665 name searches. A process's root directory need not be the root
666 directory of the root file system.
667 .It File Access Permissions
668 Every file in the file system has a set of access permissions.
669 These permissions are used in determining whether a process
670 may perform a requested operation on the file (such as opening
671 a file for writing). Access permissions are established at the
672 time a file is created. They may be changed at some later time
673 through the
674 .Xr chmod 2
675 call.
676 .Pp
677 File access is broken down according to whether a file may be: read,
678 written, or executed. Directory files use the execute
679 permission to control if the directory may be searched.
680 .Pp
681 File access permissions are interpreted by the system as
682 they apply to three different classes of users: the owner
683 of the file, those users in the file's group, anyone else.
684 Every file has an independent set of access permissions for
685 each of these classes. When an access check is made, the system
686 decides if permission should be granted by checking the access
687 information applicable to the caller.
688 .Pp
689 Read, write, and execute/search permissions on
690 a file are granted to a process if:
691 .Pp
692 The process's effective user ID is that of the super-user. (Note:
693 even the super-user cannot execute a non-executable file.)
694 .Pp
695 The process's effective user ID matches the user ID of the owner
696 of the file and the owner permissions allow the access.
697 .Pp
698 The process's effective user ID does not match the user ID of the
699 owner of the file, and either the process's effective
700 group ID matches the group ID
701 of the file, or the group ID of the file is in
702 the process's group access list,
703 and the group permissions allow the access.
704 .Pp
705 Neither the effective user ID nor effective group ID
706 and group access list of the process
707 match the corresponding user ID and group ID of the file,
708 but the permissions for ``other users'' allow access.
709 .Pp
710 Otherwise, permission is denied.
711 .It Sockets and Address Families
712 .Pp
713 A socket is an endpoint for communication between processes.
714 Each socket has queues for sending and receiving data.
715 .Pp
716 Sockets are typed according to their communications properties.
717 These properties include whether messages sent and received
718 at a socket require the name of the partner, whether communication
719 is reliable, the format used in naming message recipients, etc.
720 .Pp
721 Each instance of the system supports some
722 collection of socket types; consult
723 .Xr socket 2
724 for more information about the types available and
725 their properties.
726 .Pp
727 Each instance of the system supports some number of sets of
728 communications protocols. Each protocol set supports addresses
729 of a certain format. An Address Family is the set of addresses
730 for a specific group of protocols. Each socket has an address
731 chosen from the address family in which the socket was created.
732 .El
733 .Sh SEE ALSO
734 .Xr perror 3
736 An
737 .Nm intro
738 manual page appeared in
739 .At v6 .