2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2003, 2005-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
31 Contains: Miscellaneous operations for the BTree Module.
33 Version: xxx put the technology version here xxx
35 Written by: Gordon Sheridan and Bill Bruffey
37 Copyright: © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
43 Other Contact: Mark Day
45 Technology: File Systems
53 Change History (most recent first):
55 <MOSXS> 6/1/99 djb Sync up with Mac OS 8.6.
56 <CS2> 9/4/97 djb Optimize TrySimpleReplace for the case where record size is not
58 <CS1> 4/23/97 djb first checked in
60 <HFS7> 3/31/97 djb Move ClearMemory to Utilities.c.
61 <HFS6> 3/17/97 DSH Casting for DFA
62 <HFS5> 2/27/97 msd Remove temporary fix from last revision. BTree EOF's should be
63 correct now, so check for strict equality.
64 <HFS4> 2/26/97 msd Fix a casting problem in ClearMemory. TEMPORARY FIX: Made
65 VerifyHeader more lenient, allowing the EOF to be greater than
66 the amount actually used by nodes; this should really be fixed
67 in the formatting code (which needs to compute the real BTree
68 sizes before writing the volume header).
69 <HFS3> 2/19/97 djb Added ClearMemory. Changed CalcKeyLength to KeyLength.
70 <HFS2> 1/3/97 djb Added support for large keys.
71 <HFS1> 12/19/96 djb first checked in
73 History applicable to original Scarecrow Design:
75 <9> 10/25/96 ser Changing for new VFPI
76 <8> 10/18/96 ser Converting over VFPI changes
77 <7> 9/17/96 dkh More BTree statistics. Change IsItAHint to not always check to
78 see if the hint node is allocated.
79 <6> 9/16/96 dkh Revised BTree statistics.
80 <5> 6/20/96 dkh Radar #1358740. Change from using Pools to debug MemAllocators.
81 <4> 1/22/96 dkh Change Pools.i inclusion to PoolsPriv.i
82 <3> 1/10/96 msd Change 64-bit math to use real function names from Math64.i.
83 <2> 12/7/95 dkh D10E2 build. Changed usage of Ref data type to LogicalAddress.
84 <1> 10/18/95 rst Moved from Scarecrow project.
86 <19> 4/26/95 prp In UpdateHeader, clear the dirty flag after the BTree is updated.
87 <18> 1/12/95 wjk Adopt Model FileSystem changes in D5.
88 <17> 11/16/94 prp Add IsItAHint routine and use it whenever hint's node number was
90 <16> 10/5/94 bk add pools.h include file
91 <15> 9/30/94 prp Get in sync with D2 interface changes.
92 <14> 7/22/94 wjk Convert to the new set of header files.
93 <13> 12/2/93 wjk Move from Makefiles to BuildFiles. Fit into the ModernOS and
95 <12> 11/30/93 wjk Move from Makefiles to BuildFiles. Fit into the ModernOS and
97 <11> 11/23/93 wjk Changes required to compile on the RS6000.
98 <10> 8/31/93 prp Use U64SetU instead of S64Set.
99 <9> 6/2/93 gs Update for changes to FSErrors.h and add some comments.
100 <8> 5/21/93 gs Modify UpdateHeader to write out attributes. Remove
101 Get/UpdateNode from TrySimpleReplace.
102 <7> 5/10/93 gs Add TrySimpleReplace routine.
103 <6> 3/23/93 gs Change MoveData to take void * instead of Ptr. Add UpdateHeader
104 and ClearBytes routines.
105 <5> 2/8/93 gs Add FindIteratorPosition.
106 <4> 12/10/92 gs Implement CheckKeyDescriptor and the KeyDescriptor interpreter.
107 <3> 12/8/92 gs Add GetKeyDescriptor, VerifyHeader, and Alloc/Dealloc memory
109 <2> 12/2/92 gs Add CompareKeys routine.
110 <1> 11/15/92 gs first checked in
114 #include "../headers/BTreesPrivate.h"
115 #include "../../hfs_btreeio.h"
118 ////////////////////////////// Routine Definitions //////////////////////////////
120 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 Routine: CalcKeyRecordSize - Return size of combined key/record structure.
123 Function: Rounds keySize and recSize so they will end on word boundaries.
124 Does NOT add size of offset.
126 Input: keySize - length of key (including length field)
127 recSize - length of record data
131 Result: u_int16_t - size of combined key/record that will be inserted in btree
132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
134 u_int16_t
CalcKeyRecordSize (u_int16_t keySize
137 if ( M_IsOdd (keySize
) ) keySize
+= 1; // pad byte
139 if (M_IsOdd (recSize
) ) recSize
+= 1; // pad byte
141 return (keySize
+ recSize
146 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 Routine: VerifyHeader - Validate fields of the BTree header record.
149 Function: Examines the fields of the BTree header record to determine if the
150 fork appears to contain a valid BTree.
152 Input: forkPtr - pointer to fork control block
153 header - pointer to BTree header
156 Result: noErr - success
158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
160 OSStatus
VerifyHeader (FCB
161 BTHeaderRec
164 u_int32_t totalNodes
167 switch (header
) // node size == 512*2^n
176 default: return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
; //\80\80 E_BadNodeType
179 totalNodes
= header
181 forkSize
= (u_int64_t
* (u_int64_t
183 if ( forkSize
> (u_int64_t
184 return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
186 if ( header
>= totalNodes
187 return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
189 if ( header
>= totalNodes
190 return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
192 if ( header
>= totalNodes
193 return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
195 if ( header
>= totalNodes
196 return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
198 if ( header
> kMaxTreeDepth
199 return fsBTInvalidHeaderErr
202 /////////////////////////// Check BTree Type ////////////////////////////////
204 switch (header
206 case 0: // HFS Type - no Key Descriptor
207 case kUserBTreeType
: // with Key Descriptors etc.
208 case kReservedBTreeType
: // Desktop Mgr BTree ?
211 default: return fsBTUnknownVersionErr
220 OSStatus
TreeIsDirty(BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr
222 return (btreePtr
& kBTHeaderDirty
227 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 Routine: UpdateHeader - Write BTreeInfoRec fields to Header node.
230 Function: Checks the kBTHeaderDirty flag in the BTreeInfoRec and updates the
231 header node if necessary.
233 Input: btreePtr - pointer to BTreeInfoRec
236 Result: noErr - success
238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
240 OSStatus
UpdateHeader(BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr
, Boolean forceWrite
243 BlockDescriptor node
247 if ((btreePtr
& kBTHeaderDirty
) == 0) // btree info already flushed
251 err
= GetNode (btreePtr
, kHeaderNodeNum
, 0, &node
257 ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr
, &node
259 header
= (BTHeaderRec
*) ((char *)node
+ sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor
261 header
= btreePtr
262 header
= btreePtr
263 header
= btreePtr
264 header
= btreePtr
265 header
= btreePtr
266 header
= btreePtr
; //\80\80 this shouldn't change
267 header
= btreePtr
; //\80\80 neither should this
268 header
= btreePtr
269 header
= btreePtr
270 header
= btreePtr
272 // ignore header->clumpSize; //\80\80 rename this field?
275 options
= kForceWriteBlock
277 options
= kLockTransaction
279 err
= UpdateNode (btreePtr
, &node
, 0, options
281 btreePtr
&= (~kBTHeaderDirty
288 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 Routine: FindIteratorPosition - One_line_description.
291 Function: Brief_description_of_the_function_and_any_side_effects
293 Algorithm: see FSC.BT.BTIterateRecord.PICT
295 Note: //\80\80 document side-effects of bad node hints
297 Input: btreePtr - description
298 iterator - description
301 Output: iterator - description
305 nodeNum - description
306 returnIndex - description
307 foundRecord - description
310 Result: noErr - success
312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
314 OSStatus
FindIteratorPosition (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr
315 BTreeIteratorPtr iterator
316 BlockDescriptor
317 BlockDescriptor
318 BlockDescriptor
319 u_int32_t
320 u_int16_t
321 Boolean
326 u_int16_t leftIndex
, index
, rightIndex
329 // assume btreePtr valid
330 // assume left, middle, right point to BlockDescriptors
331 // assume nodeNum points to u_int32_t
332 // assume index points to u_int16_t
333 // assume foundRecord points to Boolean
336 left
= nil
337 middle
= nil
338 middle
= nil
340 right
= nil
344 if (iterator
== nil
) // do we have an iterator?
346 err
= fsBTInvalidIteratorErr
350 err
= IsItAHint (btreePtr
, iterator
, &validHint
353 nodeNum
= iterator
354 if (! validHint
) // does the hint appear to be valid?
359 err
= GetNode (btreePtr
, nodeNum
, kGetNodeHint
, middle
360 if( err
== fsBTInvalidNodeErr
) // returned if nodeNum is out of range
365 if ( ((NodeDescPtr
) middle
!= kBTLeafNode
366 ((NodeDescPtr
) middle
<= 0 )
371 foundIt
= SearchNode (btreePtr
, middle
, &iterator
, &index
374 ++btreePtr
377 iterator
= 0;
381 if (((NodeDescPtr
) middle
== 0) // before 1st btree record
386 nodeNum
= ((NodeDescPtr
) middle
388 // BTree nodes are always grabbed in left to right order.
389 // Therefore release the current node before looking up the
391 err
= ReleaseNode(btreePtr
, middle
394 // Look up the left node
395 err
= GetNode (btreePtr
, nodeNum
, 0, left
398 // Look up the current node again
399 err
= GetRightSiblingNode (btreePtr
, left
, middle
402 if ( ((NodeDescPtr
) left
!= kBTLeafNode
403 ((NodeDescPtr
) left
<= 0 )
408 foundIt
= SearchNode (btreePtr
, left
, &iterator
, &leftIndex
419 if (leftIndex
== 0) // we're lost!
423 else if (leftIndex
>= ((NodeDescPtr
) left
425 nodeNum
= ((NodeDescPtr
) left
427 PanicIf (index
!= 0, "FindIteratorPosition: index != 0"); //\80\80 just checking...
440 else if (index
>= ((NodeDescPtr
) middle
442 if (((NodeDescPtr
) middle
== 0) // beyond last record
447 nodeNum
= ((NodeDescPtr
) middle
449 err
= GetRightSiblingNode (btreePtr
, middle
, right
452 if ( ((NodeDescPtr
) right
!= kBTLeafNode
453 ((NodeDescPtr
) right
<= 0 )
458 foundIt
= SearchNode (btreePtr
, right
, &iterator
, &rightIndex
459 if (rightIndex
>= ((NodeDescPtr
) right
) // we're lost
463 else // we found it, or rightIndex==0, or rightIndex<numRecs
475 //////////////////////////// Search The Tree ////////////////////////////////
479 TreePathTable treePathTable
; // so we only use stack space if we need to
481 err
= ReleaseNode (btreePtr
, left
); M_ExitOnError (err
482 err
= ReleaseNode (btreePtr
, middle
); M_ExitOnError (err
483 err
= ReleaseNode (btreePtr
, right
); M_ExitOnError (err
485 err
= SearchTree ( btreePtr
, &iterator
, treePathTable
, &nodeNum
, middle
, &index
486 switch (err
) //\80\80 separate find condition from exceptions
488 case noErr
: foundIt
= true; break;
489 case fsBTRecordNotFoundErr
: break;
490 default: goto ErrorExit
494 /////////////////////////////// Success! ////////////////////////////////////
498 *returnNodeNum
= nodeNum
499 *returnIndex
= index
500 *foundRecord
= foundIt
505 ////////////////////////////// Error Exit ///////////////////////////////////
509 (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr
, left
510 (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr
, middle
511 (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr
, right
515 *foundRecord
= false;
522 /////////////////////////////// CheckInsertParams ///////////////////////////////
524 OSStatus
CheckInsertParams (FCB
525 BTreeIterator
526 FSBufferDescriptor
527 u_int16_t recordLen
529 BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr
531 if (filePtr
== nil
) return paramErr
533 btreePtr
= (BTreeControlBlockPtr
) filePtr
534 if (btreePtr
== nil
) return fsBTInvalidFileErr
535 if (iterator
== nil
) return paramErr
536 if (record
== nil
) return paramErr
538 // check total key/record size limit
539 if ( CalcKeyRecordSize (CalcKeySize(btreePtr
, &iterator
), recordLen
) > (btreePtr
>> 1))
540 return fsBTRecordTooLargeErr
547 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
548 Routine: TrySimpleReplace - Attempts a simple insert, set, or replace.
550 Function: If a hint exitst for the iterator, attempt to find the key in the hint
551 node. If the key is found, an insert operation fails. If the is not
552 found, a replace operation fails. If the key was not found, and the
553 insert position is greater than 0 and less than numRecords, the record
554 is inserted, provided there is enough freeSpace. If the key was found,
555 and there is more freeSpace than the difference between the new record
556 and the old record, the old record is deleted and the new record is
559 Assumptions: iterator key has already been checked by CheckKey
562 Input: btreePtr - description
563 iterator - description
565 recordLen - description
566 operation - description
569 Output: recordInserted - description
572 Result: noErr - success
573 E_RecordExits - insert operation failure
574 != noErr - GetNode, ReleaseNode, UpdateNode returned an error
575 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
577 OSStatus
TrySimpleReplace (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr
579 BTreeIterator
580 FSBufferDescriptor
582 Boolean
585 u_int32_t spaceNeeded
592 *recordInserted
= false; // we'll assume this won't work...
594 if ( nodePtr
!= kBTLeafNode
595 return noErr
; // we're in the weeds!
597 foundIt
= SearchNode (btreePtr
, nodePtr
, &iterator
, &index
599 if ( foundIt
== false )
600 return noErr
; // we might be lost...
602 keySize
= CalcKeySize(btreePtr
, &iterator
); // includes length field
604 spaceNeeded
= CalcKeyRecordSize (keySize
, recordLen
606 oldSpace
= GetRecordSize (btreePtr
, nodePtr
, index
608 if ( spaceNeeded
== oldSpace
612 dst
= GetRecordAddress (btreePtr
, nodePtr
, index
614 if ( M_IsOdd (keySize
) )
615 ++keySize
; // add pad byte
617 dst
+= keySize
; // skip over key to point at record
619 BlockMoveData(record
, dst
, recordLen
); // blast away...
621 *recordInserted
= true;
623 else if ( (GetNodeFreeSize(btreePtr
, nodePtr
) + oldSpace
) >= spaceNeeded
625 DeleteRecord (btreePtr
, nodePtr
, index
627 didItFit
= InsertKeyRecord (btreePtr
, nodePtr
, index
628 &iterator
, KeyLength(btreePtr
, &iterator
629 record
, recordLen
630 PanicIf (didItFit
== false, "TrySimpleInsert: InsertKeyRecord returned false!");
632 *recordInserted
= true;
634 // else not enough space...
640 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
641 Routine: IsItAHint - checks the hint within a BTreeInterator.
643 Function: checks the hint within a BTreeInterator. If it is non-zero, it may
646 Input: btreePtr - pointer to control block for BTree file
647 iterator - pointer to BTreeIterator
649 Output: answer - true if the hint looks reasonable
650 - false if the hint is 0
652 Result: noErr - success
653 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
656 OSStatus
IsItAHint (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr
, BTreeIterator
, Boolean
658 ++btreePtr
661 if (iterator
>= btreePtr
667 if (iterator
== 0)
674 ++btreePtr