2 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
10 * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
11 * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
12 * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
13 * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
16 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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20 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
21 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
25 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
26 * limitations under the License.
31 * pe_clock_speed.c - Determine the best guess for the processor and bus
32 * speed buy using the values returned by run_clock_test.
34 * (c) Apple Computer, Inc. 1998-2002
36 * Writen by: Josh de Cesare
40 #include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
42 #include <ppc/machine_routines.h>
45 extern void pe_run_clock_test(void *tmp
46 void pe_do_clock_test(unsigned int via_addr
47 int num_speeds
, unsigned long *speed_list
49 // Threshold for bus speed matches.
50 #define kMaxFreqDiff (30000)
52 // This is the structure for the data that get passed to pe_run_clock_test.
53 struct clock_test_data
54 unsigned int via_addr
55 unsigned int via_ticks
56 unsigned int dec_ticks
59 // glocal variables to simplify some stuff.
60 static long bus_freq_num
, bus_freq_den
, cpu_pll
62 // PE_Determine_Clock_Speeds is called by the via driver in IOKit
63 // It uses the numbers generated by pe_do_clock_test and reports
64 // the cleaned up values to the rest of the OS.
65 void PE_Determine_Clock_Speeds(unsigned int via_addr
, int num_speeds
66 unsigned long *speed_list
69 unsigned long tmp_bus_speed
, tmp_cpu_speed
70 unsigned long long tmp
72 oldLevel
= ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE
73 pe_do_clock_test(via_addr
, num_speeds
, speed_list
74 ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldLevel
76 tmp_bus_speed
= bus_freq_num
/ bus_freq_den
77 tmp
= ((unsigned long long)bus_freq_num
* cpu_pll
) / (bus_freq_den
* 2);
78 tmp_cpu_speed
= (unsigned long)tmp
80 // Report the bus clock rate as is.
81 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= bus_freq_num
82 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= bus_freq_den
84 // pll multipliers are in halfs so set the denominator to 2.
85 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= cpu_pll
86 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= 2;
88 // The decrementer rate is one fourth the bus rate.
89 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= 1;
90 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= 4;
92 // Assume that the timebase frequency is derived from the bus clock.
93 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= bus_freq_num
94 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= bus_freq_den
* 4;
96 // Set the truncated numbers in gPEClockFrequencyInfo.
97 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_bus_speed
98 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_cpu_speed
99 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_bus_speed
/ 4;
100 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_bus_speed
/ 4;
102 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_bus_speed
103 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_bus_speed
104 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_bus_speed
105 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_cpu_speed
106 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_cpu_speed
107 gPEClockFrequencyInfo
= tmp_cpu_speed
109 PE_call_timebase_callback();
112 // pe_do_clock_test uses the number from pe_run_clock_test to
113 // find a best fit guess for the bus speed.
114 void pe_do_clock_test(unsigned int via_addr
115 int num_speeds
, unsigned long *speed_list
117 struct clock_test_data clock_test_data
118 long cnt
, diff
, raw_cpu_freq
, raw_bus_freq
, tmp_bus_freq
119 last_bus_freq
, tries
= 10;
121 // Save the via addr so the asm part can use it.
122 clock_test_data
= via_addr
124 // Keep looping until it matches the last try.
127 last_bus_freq
= bus_freq_num
129 // The the asm part to do the real work.
130 pe_run_clock_test((void *)&clock_test_data
132 // First find the pll mode. Allow any integer times two.
133 cpu_pll
= 10000000 / clock_test_data
134 cpu_pll
= (cpu_pll
/ 2) + (cpu_pll
& 1);
136 // Using 64 bit math figure out the raw bus speed.
137 // 0xBF401675E5DULL is 1 / 1.27655us times 2 ^ 24.
138 raw_bus_freq
= ((0xBF401675E5DULL
* clock_test_data
) /
139 clock_test_data
) >> 22;
141 // use the pll mode and the raw bus speed to find the raw cpu speed.
142 raw_cpu_freq
= raw_bus_freq
* cpu_pll
/ 2;
144 // Look to see if the bus speed is close to one of the
145 // speeds in the table.
146 for (cnt
= 0; cnt
< num_speeds
; cnt
++) {
147 bus_freq_num
= speed_list
* 2];
148 bus_freq_den
= speed_list
* 2 + 1];
149 diff
= bus_freq_num
- raw_bus_freq
* bus_freq_den
150 if (diff
< 0) diff
= -diff
152 if (diff
< kMaxFreqDiff
* bus_freq_den
) break;
154 if (cnt
!= num_speeds
) continue;
156 // Look to see if the bus speed is close to n * 0.5 MHz
157 tmp_bus_freq
= ((raw_bus_freq
+ 250000) / 500000) * 500000;
159 diff
= tmp_bus_freq
- raw_bus_freq
160 if (diff
< 0) diff
= -diff
162 if (diff
< kMaxFreqDiff
) {
163 bus_freq_num
= tmp_bus_freq
168 // Look to see if the bus speed is close to n * 50/3 MHz
169 tmp_bus_freq
= ((raw_bus_freq
* 3 + 25000000) / 50000000) * 50000000;
171 diff
= tmp_bus_freq
- raw_bus_freq
* 3;
172 if (diff
< 0) diff
= -diff
174 if (diff
< kMaxFreqDiff
* 3) {
175 bus_freq_num
= tmp_bus_freq
180 // Since all else failed return the raw bus speed
181 bus_freq_num
= raw_bus_freq
183 } while ((bus_freq_num
!= last_bus_freq
) && tries