2 * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
29 #include <machine/asm.h>
30 #include <arm64/proc_reg.h>
31 #include <pexpert/arm64/board_config.h>
32 #include <mach/exception_types.h>
34 #include <config_dtrace.h>
41 * Initializes the saved state flavors of a new saved state structure
42 * arg0 - saved state pointer
43 * arg1 - 32-bit scratch reg
44 * arg2 - 32-bit scratch reg
47 mov $1, ARM_SAVED_STATE64 // Set saved state to 64-bit flavor
49 stp $1, $2, [$0, SS_FLAVOR]
50 mov $1, ARM_NEON_SAVED_STATE64 // Set neon state to 64-bit flavor
51 str $1, [$0, NS_FLAVOR]
53 str $1, [$0, NS_COUNT]
57 msr SPSel, #0 // Switch to SP0
58 sub sp, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Create exception frame
59 stp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Save x0, x1 to exception frame
60 add x0, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Calculate the original stack pointer
61 str x0, [sp, SS64_SP] // Save stack pointer to exception frame
62 stp fp, lr, [sp, SS64_FP] // Save fp and lr to exception frame
64 mov x0, sp // Copy saved state pointer to x0
70 * Spills the current set of registers (excluding x0 and x1) to the specified
72 * x0 - Address of the save area
75 stp x2, x3, [x0, SS64_X2] // Save remaining GPRs
76 stp x4, x5, [x0, SS64_X4]
77 stp x6, x7, [x0, SS64_X6]
78 stp x8, x9, [x0, SS64_X8]
79 stp x10, x11, [x0, SS64_X10]
80 stp x12, x13, [x0, SS64_X12]
81 stp x14, x15, [x0, SS64_X14]
82 stp x16, x17, [x0, SS64_X16]
83 stp x18, x19, [x0, SS64_X18]
84 stp x20, x21, [x0, SS64_X20]
85 stp x22, x23, [x0, SS64_X22]
86 stp x24, x25, [x0, SS64_X24]
87 stp x26, x27, [x0, SS64_X26]
88 str x28, [x0, SS64_X28]
90 /* Save arm_neon_saved_state64 */
92 stp q0, q1, [x0, NS64_Q0]
93 stp q2, q3, [x0, NS64_Q2]
94 stp q4, q5, [x0, NS64_Q4]
95 stp q6, q7, [x0, NS64_Q6]
96 stp q8, q9, [x0, NS64_Q8]
97 stp q10, q11, [x0, NS64_Q10]
98 stp q12, q13, [x0, NS64_Q12]
99 stp q14, q15, [x0, NS64_Q14]
100 stp q16, q17, [x0, NS64_Q16]
101 stp q18, q19, [x0, NS64_Q18]
102 stp q20, q21, [x0, NS64_Q20]
103 stp q22, q23, [x0, NS64_Q22]
104 stp q24, q25, [x0, NS64_Q24]
105 stp q26, q27, [x0, NS64_Q26]
106 stp q28, q29, [x0, NS64_Q28]
107 stp q30, q31, [x0, NS64_Q30]
109 mrs lr, ELR_EL1 // Get exception link register
110 mrs x23, SPSR_EL1 // Load CPSR into var reg x23
114 str lr, [x0, SS64_PC] // Save ELR to PCB
115 str w23, [x0, SS64_CPSR] // Save CPSR to PCB
116 str w24, [x0, NS64_FPSR]
117 str w25, [x0, NS64_FPCR]
121 str x20, [x0, SS64_FAR]
122 str w21, [x0, SS64_ESR]
126 #define CBF_DISABLE 0
130 #if defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY)
131 mrs $1, ARM64_REG_HID1
132 .if $0 == CBF_DISABLE
133 orr $1, $1, ARM64_REG_HID1_disCmpBrFusion
135 mov $2, ARM64_REG_HID1_disCmpBrFusion
138 msr ARM64_REG_HID1, $1
139 .if $0 == CBF_DISABLE
147 .globl EXT(ExceptionVectorsBase)
148 LEXT(ExceptionVectorsBase)
149 Lel1_sp0_synchronous_vector:
150 sub sp, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Make space on the exception stack
151 stp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Save x0, x1 to the stack
152 mrs x1, ESR_EL1 // Get the exception syndrome
153 /* If the stack pointer is corrupt, it will manifest either as a data abort
154 * (syndrome 0x25) or a misaligned pointer (syndrome 0x26). We can check
155 * these quickly by testing bit 5 of the exception class.
157 tbz x1, #(5 + ESR_EC_SHIFT), Lkernel_stack_valid
158 mrs x0, SP_EL0 // Get SP_EL0
159 stp fp, lr, [sp, SS64_FP] // Save fp, lr to the stack
160 str x0, [sp, SS64_SP] // Save sp to the stack
161 bl check_kernel_stack
162 ldp fp, lr, [sp, SS64_FP] // Restore fp, lr
164 ldp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Restore x0, x1
165 add sp, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Restore SP1
167 adrp x1, fleh_synchronous@page // Load address for fleh
168 add x1, x1, fleh_synchronous@pageoff
176 ldr x1, [x1, ACT_CPUDATAP]
177 ldr x1, [x1, CPU_ISTACKPTR]
179 adrp x1, fleh_irq@page // Load address for fleh
180 add x1, x1, fleh_irq@pageoff
186 // ARM64_TODO write optimized decrementer
189 ldr x1, [x1, ACT_CPUDATAP]
190 ldr x1, [x1, CPU_ISTACKPTR]
192 adrp x1, fleh_fiq@page // Load address for fleh
193 add x1, x1, fleh_fiq@pageoff
198 Lel1_sp0_serror_vector:
200 adrp x1, fleh_serror@page // Load address for fleh
201 add x1, x1, fleh_serror@pageoff
204 .macro EL1_SP1_VECTOR
205 sub sp, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Create exception frame
206 stp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Save x0, x1 to exception frame
207 add x0, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Calculate the original stack pointer
208 str x0, [sp, SS64_SP] // Save stack pointer to exception frame
210 stp fp, lr, [sp, SS64_FP] // Save fp and lr to exception frame
211 mov x0, sp // Copy saved state pointer to x0
216 Lel1_sp1_synchronous_vector:
217 #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR)
218 b check_ktrr_sctlr_trap
219 Lel1_sp1_synchronous_vector_continue:
222 adrp x1, fleh_synchronous_sp1@page
223 add x1, x1, fleh_synchronous_sp1@pageoff
230 adrp x1, fleh_irq_sp1@page
231 add x1, x1, fleh_irq_sp1@pageoff
238 adrp x1, fleh_fiq_sp1@page
239 add x1, x1, fleh_fiq_sp1@pageoff
244 Lel1_sp1_serror_vector:
246 adrp x1, fleh_serror_sp1@page
247 add x1, x1, fleh_serror_sp1@pageoff
251 stp x0, x1, [sp, #-16]! // Save x0 and x1 to the exception stack
252 mrs x0, TPIDR_EL1 // Load the thread register
253 mrs x1, SP_EL0 // Load the user stack pointer
254 add x0, x0, ACT_CONTEXT // Calculate where we store the user context pointer
255 ldr x0, [x0] // Load the user context pointer
256 str x1, [x0, SS64_SP] // Store the user stack pointer in the user PCB
257 msr SP_EL0, x0 // Copy the user PCB pointer to SP0
258 ldp x0, x1, [sp], #16 // Restore x0 and x1 from the exception stack
259 msr SPSel, #0 // Switch to SP0
260 stp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Save x0, x1 to the user PCB
261 stp fp, lr, [sp, SS64_FP] // Save fp and lr to the user PCB
262 mov fp, xzr // Clear the fp and lr for the
263 mov lr, xzr // debugger stack frame
264 mov x0, sp // Copy the user PCB pointer to x0
269 Lel0_synchronous_vector_64:
271 mrs x1, TPIDR_EL1 // Load the thread register
272 ldr x1, [x1, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Load the top of the kernel stack to x1
273 mov sp, x1 // Set the stack pointer to the kernel stack
274 adrp x1, fleh_synchronous@page // Load address for fleh
275 add x1, x1, fleh_synchronous@pageoff
283 ldr x1, [x1, ACT_CPUDATAP]
284 ldr x1, [x1, CPU_ISTACKPTR]
285 mov sp, x1 // Set the stack pointer to the kernel stack
286 adrp x1, fleh_irq@page // load address for fleh
287 add x1, x1, fleh_irq@pageoff
295 ldr x1, [x1, ACT_CPUDATAP]
296 ldr x1, [x1, CPU_ISTACKPTR]
297 mov sp, x1 // Set the stack pointer to the kernel stack
298 adrp x1, fleh_fiq@page // load address for fleh
299 add x1, x1, fleh_fiq@pageoff
304 Lel0_serror_vector_64:
306 mrs x1, TPIDR_EL1 // Load the thread register
307 ldr x1, [x1, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Load the top of the kernel stack to x1
308 mov sp, x1 // Set the stack pointer to the kernel stack
309 adrp x1, fleh_serror@page // load address for fleh
310 add x1, x1, fleh_serror@pageoff
313 /* Fill out the rest of the page */
316 /*********************************
318 *********************************/
324 * Verifies that the kernel stack is aligned and mapped within an expected
325 * stack address range. Note: happens before saving registers (in case we can't
326 * save to kernel stack).
329 * {x0, x1, sp} - saved
331 * x1 - Exception syndrome
337 stp x2, x3, [sp, SS64_X2] // Save {x2-x3}
338 and x1, x1, #ESR_EC_MASK // Mask the exception class
339 mov x2, #(ESR_EC_SP_ALIGN << ESR_EC_SHIFT)
340 cmp x1, x2 // If we have a stack alignment exception
341 b.eq Lcorrupt_stack // ...the stack is definitely corrupted
342 mov x2, #(ESR_EC_DABORT_EL1 << ESR_EC_SHIFT)
343 cmp x1, x2 // If we have a data abort, we need to
344 b.ne Lvalid_stack // ...validate the stack pointer
345 mrs x1, TPIDR_EL1 // Get thread pointer
347 ldr x2, [x1, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get top of kernel stack
348 sub x3, x2, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE // Find bottom of kernel stack
349 cmp x0, x2 // if (SP_EL0 >= kstack top)
350 b.ge Ltest_istack // jump to istack test
351 cmp x0, x3 // if (SP_EL0 > kstack bottom)
352 b.gt Lvalid_stack // stack pointer valid
354 ldr x1, [x1, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Load the cpu data ptr
355 ldr x2, [x1, CPU_INTSTACK_TOP] // Get top of istack
356 sub x3, x2, PGBYTES // Find bottom of istack
357 cmp x0, x2 // if (SP_EL0 >= istack top)
358 b.ge Ltest_fiqstack // jump to fiqstack test
359 cmp x0, x3 // if (SP_EL0 > istack bottom)
360 b.gt Lvalid_stack // stack pointer valid
362 ldr x2, [x1, CPU_FIQSTACK_TOP] // Get top of fiqstack
363 sub x3, x2, PGBYTES // Find bottom of fiqstack
364 cmp x0, x2 // if (SP_EL0 >= fiqstack top)
365 b.ge Lcorrupt_stack // corrupt stack pointer
366 cmp x0, x3 // if (SP_EL0 > fiqstack bottom)
367 b.gt Lvalid_stack // stack pointer valid
370 mov x0, sp // Copy exception frame pointer to x0
371 adrp x1, fleh_invalid_stack@page // Load address for fleh
372 add x1, x1, fleh_invalid_stack@pageoff // fleh_dispatch64 will save register state before we get there
373 ldp x2, x3, [sp, SS64_X2] // Restore {x2-x3}
376 ldp x2, x3, [sp, SS64_X2] // Restore {x2-x3}
379 #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR)
382 check_ktrr_sctlr_trap:
383 /* We may abort on an instruction fetch on reset when enabling the MMU by
384 * writing SCTLR_EL1 because the page containing the privileged instruction is
385 * not executable at EL1 (due to KTRR). The abort happens only on SP1 which
386 * would otherwise panic unconditionally. Check for the condition and return
387 * safe execution to the caller on behalf of the faulting function.
389 * Expected register state:
390 * x22 - Kernel virtual base
391 * x23 - Kernel physical base
393 sub sp, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Make some space on the stack
394 stp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Stash x0, x1
395 mrs x0, ESR_EL1 // Check ESR for instr. fetch abort
396 and x0, x0, #0xffffffffffffffc0 // Mask off ESR.ISS.IFSC
397 movz w1, #0x8600, lsl #16
400 mrs x0, ELR_EL1 // Check for expected abort address
401 adrp x1, _pinst_set_sctlr_trap_addr@page
402 add x1, x1, _pinst_set_sctlr_trap_addr@pageoff
403 sub x1, x1, x22 // Convert to physical address
406 ldp x0, x1, [sp, SS64_X0] // Restore x0, x1
407 add sp, sp, ARM_CONTEXT_SIZE // Clean up stack
408 b.ne Lel1_sp1_synchronous_vector_continue
409 msr ELR_EL1, lr // Return to caller
411 #endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR)*/
413 /* 64-bit first level exception handler dispatcher.
414 * Completes register context saving and branches to FLEH.
416 * {x0, x1, fp, lr, sp} - saved
418 * x1 - address of FLEH
419 * fp - previous stack frame if EL1
426 /* Save arm_saved_state64 */
429 /* If exception is from userspace, zero lr */
430 ldr w21, [x0, SS64_CPSR]
431 and x21, x21, #(PSR64_MODE_EL_MASK)
432 cmp x21, #(PSR64_MODE_EL0)
437 mov x21, x0 // Copy arm_context_t pointer to x21
438 mov x22, x1 // Copy handler routine to x22
442 tst x23, PSR64_MODE_EL_MASK // If any EL MODE bits are set, we're coming from
443 b.ne 1f // kernel mode, so skip precise time update
445 bl EXT(timer_state_event_user_to_kernel)
447 mov x0, x21 // Reload arm_context_t pointer
451 /* Dispatch to FLEH */
459 mrs x1, ESR_EL1 // Load exception syndrome
460 mrs x2, FAR_EL1 // Load fault address
462 /* At this point, the LR contains the value of ELR_EL1. In the case of an
463 * instruction prefetch abort, this will be the faulting pc, which we know
464 * to be invalid. This will prevent us from backtracing through the
465 * exception if we put it in our stack frame, so we load the LR from the
466 * exception saved state instead.
468 and w3, w1, #(ESR_EC_MASK)
469 lsr w3, w3, #(ESR_EC_SHIFT)
470 mov w4, #(ESR_EC_IABORT_EL1)
472 b.eq Lfleh_sync_load_lr
473 Lvalid_link_register:
476 bl EXT(sleh_synchronous)
480 b exception_return_dispatch
483 ldr lr, [x0, SS64_LR]
484 b Lvalid_link_register
486 /* Shared prologue code for fleh_irq and fleh_fiq.
487 * Does any interrupt booking we may want to do
488 * before invoking the handler proper.
492 * fp - Undefined live value (we may push a frame)
493 * lr - Undefined live value (we may push a frame)
494 * sp - Interrupt stack for the current CPU
498 ldr x23, [x22, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current cpu
499 /* Update IRQ count */
500 ldr w1, [x23, CPU_STAT_IRQ]
501 add w1, w1, #1 // Increment count
502 str w1, [x23, CPU_STAT_IRQ] // Update IRQ count
503 ldr w1, [x23, CPU_STAT_IRQ_WAKE]
504 add w1, w1, #1 // Increment count
505 str w1, [x23, CPU_STAT_IRQ_WAKE] // Update post-wake IRQ count
506 /* Increment preempt count */
507 ldr w1, [x22, ACT_PREEMPT_CNT]
509 str w1, [x22, ACT_PREEMPT_CNT]
510 /* Store context in int state */
511 str x0, [x23, CPU_INT_STATE] // Saved context in cpu_int_state
514 /* Shared epilogue code for fleh_irq and fleh_fiq.
515 * Cleans up after the prologue, and may do a bit more
516 * bookkeeping (kdebug related).
518 * x22 - Live TPIDR_EL1 value (thread address)
519 * x23 - Address of the current CPU data structure
520 * w24 - 0 if kdebug is disbled, nonzero otherwise
521 * fp - Undefined live value (we may push a frame)
522 * lr - Undefined live value (we may push a frame)
523 * sp - Interrupt stack for the current CPU
526 /* Clear int context */
527 str xzr, [x23, CPU_INT_STATE]
528 /* Decrement preempt count */
529 ldr w0, [x22, ACT_PREEMPT_CNT]
530 cbnz w0, 1f // Detect underflow
534 str w0, [x22, ACT_PREEMPT_CNT]
535 /* Switch back to kernel stack */
536 ldr x0, [x22, TH_KSTACKPTR]
550 b exception_return_dispatch
554 .global EXT(fleh_fiq_generic)
555 LEXT(fleh_fiq_generic)
568 b exception_return_dispatch
573 mrs x1, ESR_EL1 // Load exception syndrome
574 mrs x2, FAR_EL1 // Load fault address
581 b exception_return_dispatch
584 * Register state saved before we get here.
589 mrs x1, ESR_EL1 // Load exception syndrome
590 str x1, [x0, SS64_ESR]
591 mrs x2, FAR_EL1 // Load fault address
592 str x2, [x0, SS64_FAR]
594 bl EXT(sleh_invalid_stack) // Shouldn't return!
599 fleh_synchronous_sp1:
600 mrs x1, ESR_EL1 // Load exception syndrome
601 str x1, [x0, SS64_ESR]
602 mrs x2, FAR_EL1 // Load fault address
603 str x2, [x0, SS64_FAR]
605 bl EXT(sleh_synchronous_sp1)
613 b EXT(panic_with_thread_kernel_state)
615 .asciz "IRQ exception taken while SP1 selected"
622 b EXT(panic_with_thread_kernel_state)
624 .asciz "FIQ exception taken while SP1 selected"
630 adr x0, Lsp1_serror_str
631 b EXT(panic_with_thread_kernel_state)
633 .asciz "Asynchronous exception taken while SP1 selected"
637 exception_return_dispatch:
638 ldr w0, [x21, SS_FLAVOR] // x0 = (threadIs64Bit) ? ss_64.cpsr : ss_32.cpsr
639 cmp x0, ARM_SAVED_STATE64
640 ldr w1, [x21, SS64_CPSR]
641 ldr w2, [x21, SS32_CPSR]
643 tbnz w0, PSR64_MODE_EL_SHIFT, return_to_kernel // Test for low bit of EL, return to kernel if set
649 tbnz w0, #DAIF_IRQF_SHIFT, Lkernel_skip_ast_taken // Skip AST check if IRQ disabled
650 msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF) // Disable interrupts
651 mrs x0, TPIDR_EL1 // Load thread pointer
652 ldr w1, [x0, ACT_PREEMPT_CNT] // Load preemption count
653 cbnz x1, Lkernel_skip_ast_taken // If preemption disabled, skip AST check
654 ldr x1, [x0, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current CPU data pointer
655 ldr x2, [x1, CPU_PENDING_AST] // Get ASTs
656 tst x2, AST_URGENT // If no urgent ASTs, skip ast_taken
657 b.eq Lkernel_skip_ast_taken
658 mov sp, x21 // Switch to thread stack for preemption
660 bl EXT(ast_taken_kernel) // Handle AST_URGENT
662 Lkernel_skip_ast_taken:
666 .globl EXT(thread_bootstrap_return)
667 LEXT(thread_bootstrap_return)
669 bl EXT(dtrace_thread_bootstrap)
671 b EXT(thread_exception_return)
674 .globl EXT(thread_exception_return)
675 LEXT(thread_exception_return)
677 add x21, x0, ACT_CONTEXT
681 // Fall Through to return_to_user from thread_exception_return.
682 // Note that if we move return_to_user or insert a new routine
683 // below thread_exception_return, the latter will need to change.
688 msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF) // Disable interrupts
689 mrs x3, TPIDR_EL1 // Load thread pointer
692 str w2, [x3, TH_IOTIER_OVERRIDE] // Reset IO tier override to -1 before returning to user
694 ldr w0, [x3, TH_RWLOCK_CNT]
695 cbz w0, 1f // Detect unbalance RW lock/unlock
696 b rwlock_count_notzero
699 ldr x4, [x3, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current CPU data pointer
700 ldr x0, [x4, CPU_PENDING_AST] // Get ASTs
701 cbnz x0, user_take_ast // If pending ASTs, go service them
705 bl EXT(timer_state_event_kernel_to_user)
707 mrs x3, TPIDR_EL1 // Reload thread pointer
713 * Here we attempt to enable NEON access for EL0. If the last entry into the
714 * kernel from user-space was due to an IRQ, the monitor will have disabled
715 * NEON for EL0 _and_ access to CPACR_EL1 from EL1 (1). This forces xnu to
716 * check in with the monitor in order to reenable NEON for EL0 in exchange
717 * for routing IRQs through the monitor (2). This way the monitor will
718 * always 'own' either IRQs or EL0 NEON.
720 * If Watchtower is disabled or we did not enter the kernel through an IRQ
721 * (e.g. FIQ or syscall) this is a no-op, otherwise we will trap to EL3
724 * EL0 user ________ IRQ ______
725 * EL1 xnu \ ______________________ CPACR_EL1 __/
726 * EL3 monitor \_/ \___/
731 mov x0, #(CPACR_FPEN_ENABLE)
735 /* Establish this thread's debug state as the live state on the selected CPU. */
736 ldr x4, [x3, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current CPU data pointer
737 ldr x1, [x4, CPU_USER_DEBUG] // Get Debug context
738 ldr x0, [x3, ACT_DEBUGDATA]
739 orr x1, x1, x0 // Thread debug state and live debug state both NULL?
740 cbnz x1, user_set_debug_state_and_return // If one or the other non-null, go set debug state
743 // Fall through from return_to_user to exception_return.
744 // Note that if we move exception_return or add a new routine below
745 // return_to_user, the latter will have to change.
750 msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF) // Disable interrupts
751 mrs x3, TPIDR_EL1 // Load thread pointer
752 mov sp, x21 // Reload the pcb pointer
754 /* ARM64_TODO Reserve x18 until we decide what to do with it */
755 ldr x0, [x3, TH_CTH_DATA] // Load cthread data pointer
756 str x0, [sp, SS64_X18] // and use it to trash x18
758 Lexception_return_restore_registers:
759 /* Restore special register state */
760 ldr x0, [sp, SS64_PC] // Get the return address
761 ldr w1, [sp, SS64_CPSR] // Get the return CPSR
762 ldr w2, [sp, NS64_FPSR]
763 ldr w3, [sp, NS64_FPCR]
765 msr ELR_EL1, x0 // Load the return address into ELR
766 msr SPSR_EL1, x1 // Load the return CPSR into SPSR
768 msr FPCR, x3 // Synchronized by ERET
770 mov x0, sp // x0 = &pcb
772 /* Restore arm_neon_saved_state64 */
773 ldp q0, q1, [x0, NS64_Q0]
774 ldp q2, q3, [x0, NS64_Q2]
775 ldp q4, q5, [x0, NS64_Q4]
776 ldp q6, q7, [x0, NS64_Q6]
777 ldp q8, q9, [x0, NS64_Q8]
778 ldp q10, q11, [x0, NS64_Q10]
779 ldp q12, q13, [x0, NS64_Q12]
780 ldp q14, q15, [x0, NS64_Q14]
781 ldp q16, q17, [x0, NS64_Q16]
782 ldp q18, q19, [x0, NS64_Q18]
783 ldp q20, q21, [x0, NS64_Q20]
784 ldp q22, q23, [x0, NS64_Q22]
785 ldp q24, q25, [x0, NS64_Q24]
786 ldp q26, q27, [x0, NS64_Q26]
787 ldp q28, q29, [x0, NS64_Q28]
788 ldp q30, q31, [x0, NS64_Q30]
790 /* Restore arm_saved_state64 */
792 // Skip x0, x1 - we're using them
793 ldp x2, x3, [x0, SS64_X2]
794 ldp x4, x5, [x0, SS64_X4]
795 ldp x6, x7, [x0, SS64_X6]
796 ldp x8, x9, [x0, SS64_X8]
797 ldp x10, x11, [x0, SS64_X10]
798 ldp x12, x13, [x0, SS64_X12]
799 ldp x14, x15, [x0, SS64_X14]
800 ldp x16, x17, [x0, SS64_X16]
801 ldp x18, x19, [x0, SS64_X18]
802 ldp x20, x21, [x0, SS64_X20]
803 ldp x22, x23, [x0, SS64_X22]
804 ldp x24, x25, [x0, SS64_X24]
805 ldp x26, x27, [x0, SS64_X26]
806 ldr x28, [x0, SS64_X28]
807 ldp fp, lr, [x0, SS64_FP]
809 // Restore stack pointer and our last two GPRs
810 ldr x1, [x0, SS64_SP]
812 ldp x0, x1, [x0, SS64_X0] // Restore the GPRs
818 bl EXT(ast_taken_user) // Handle all ASTs, may return via continuation
820 mrs x3, TPIDR_EL1 // Reload thread pointer
821 b check_user_asts // Now try again
823 user_set_debug_state_and_return:
824 ldr x4, [x3, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current CPU data pointer
825 isb // Synchronize context
827 bl EXT(arm_debug_set) // Establish thread debug state in live regs
830 mrs x3, TPIDR_EL1 // Reload thread pointer
831 b exception_return // And continue
837 str x0, [sp, #-16]! // We'll print thread pointer
838 adr x0, L_underflow_str // Format string
839 CALL_EXTERN panic // Game over
842 .asciz "Preemption count negative on thread %p"
847 rwlock_count_notzero:
849 str x0, [sp, #-16]! // We'll print thread pointer
850 ldr w0, [x0, TH_RWLOCK_CNT]
852 adr x0, L_rwlock_count_notzero_str // Format string
853 CALL_EXTERN panic // Game over
855 L_rwlock_count_notzero_str:
856 .asciz "RW lock count not 0 on thread %p (%u)"
861 .globl EXT(ml_panic_trap_to_debugger)
862 LEXT(ml_panic_trap_to_debugger)
865 /* ARM64_TODO Is globals_asm.h needed? */
866 //#include "globals_asm.h"