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1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Mach Kernel Interface Reference Manual</title> </head> <body> <h3>Mach IPC Interface</h3> <blockquote> <p> Mach IPC presents itself in a few forms: message queues, lock-sets, and semaphores (more may be added in the future). &nbsp;All share one common charateristic: the capabilities presented by each are represented through a handle known as a Mach port. &nbsp;Specific rights represented in these Mach port capability handles allow the underlying IPC object to be used and manipulated in consistent ways.</p> <h4>Mach Message Queue Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="mach_msg.html">mach_msg</a> - Send and/or receive a message from the target port.<br> <a href="mach_msg.html">mach_msg_overwrite</a> - Send and/or receive messages with possible overwrite.<br> </p> Mach Message Queue Data Structures <p> <a href="mach_msg_descriptor.html">mach_msg_descriptor</a> - Specifies an element of a complex IPC message.<br> <a href="mach_msg_header.html">mach_msg_header</a> - Specifies the content of an IPC message header.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Mach Lock-Set Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="lock_acquire.html">lock_acquire</a> - Acquire ownership a lock<br> <a href="lock_handoff.html">lock_handoff</a> - Hand-off ownership of a lock.<br> <a href="lock_handoff_accept.html">lock_handoff_accept</a> - Accept lock ownership from a handoff.<br> <a href="lock_make_stable.html">lock_make_stable</a> - Stabilize the state of the specified lock.<br> <a href="lock_release.html">lock_release</a> - Release ownership of a lock.<br> <a href="lock_set_create.html">lock_set_create</a> - Create a new lock set.<br> <a href="lock_set_destroy.html">lock_set_destroy</a> - Destroy a lock set and its associated locks.<br> <a href="lock_try.html">lock_try</a> - Attempt to acquire access rights to a lock.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Mach Semaphore Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="semaphore_create.html">semaphore_create</a> - Create a new semaphore.<br> <a href="semaphore_destroy.html">semaphore_destroy</a> - Destroy a semaphore.<br> <a href="semaphore_signal.html">semaphore_signal</a> - Increments the semaphore count.<br> <a href="semaphore_signal_all.html">semaphore_signal_all</a> - Wake up all threads blocked on a semaphore.<br> <a href="semaphore_wait.html">semaphore_wait</a> - Wait on the specified semaphore.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Mach Port Management Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="mach_port_allocate.html">mach_port_allocate</a> - Create caller-specified type of port right.<br> <a href="mach_port_allocate_full.html">mach_port_allocate_full</a> - Create a port right with full Mach port semantics.<br> <a href="mach_port_allocate_name.html">mach_port_allocate_name</a> - Create a port right with the caller-specified name.<br> <a href="mach_port_allocate_qos.html">mach_port_allocate_qos</a> - Allocate a port with specified "quality of service".<br> <a href="MP_allocate_subsystem.html">mach_port_allocate_subsystem</a> - Create a port right associated with the caller-specified subsystem.<br> <a href="mach_port_deallocate.html">mach_port_deallocate</a> - Decrement the target port right's user reference count.<br> <a href="mach_port_destroy.html">mach_port_destroy</a> - Deallocate all port rights associated with specified name.<br> <a href="mach_port_extract_right.html">mach_port_extract_right</a> - Remove the specified right from the target task and return it to the caller.<br> <a href="mach_port_get_attributes.html">mach_port_get_attributes</a> - Return information about target port as specified by the caller.<br> <a href="mach_port_get_refs.html">mach_port_get_refs</a> - Return the current count of user references on the target port right.<br> <a href="mach_port_get_set_status.html">mach_port_get_set_status</a> - Return the port right names contained in the target port set.<br> <a href="mach_port_insert_right.html">mach_port_insert_right</a> - Insert the specified port right into the target task.<br> <a href="mach_port_mod_refs.html">mach_port_mod_refs</a> - Modify the specified port right's count of user references.<br> <a href="mach_port_move_member.html">mach_port_move_member</a> - Move the specified receive right into or out of the specified port set.<br> <a href="mach_port_names.html">mach_port_names</a> - Return information about a task's port name space.<br> <a href="MP_request_notification.html">mach_port_request_notification</a> - Request notification of the specified port event type.<br> <a href="mach_port_set_attributes.html">mach_port_set_attributes</a> - Set the target port's attributes.<br> <a href="mach_port_set_mscount.html">mach_port_set_mscount</a> - Change the target port's make-send count.<br> <a href="mach_port_set_seqno.html">mach_port_set_seqno</a> - Change the current value of the target port's sequence number.<br> <a href="mach_port_type.html">mach_port_type</a> - Return the characteristics of the target port name.<br> <a href="mach_reply_port.html">mach_reply_port</a> - Allocate a new port and insert corresponding receive right in the calling task.<br> <a href="mach_subsystem_create.html"> mach_subsystem_create</a> - Used by a server to register information about an RPC subsystem with the kernel.<br> </p> Mach Port Data Structures <p> <a href="mach_port_limits.html">mach_port_limits</a> - Specifies a port's resource and message queue limits.<br> <a href="mach_port_qos.html">mach_port_qos</a> - Specifies a port's attributes with respect to "Quality Of Service."<br> <a href="mach_port_status.html">mach_port_status</a> - Used to present a port's current status with respect to various important attributes.<br> </p> Mach Port Notification Callbacks <p> <a href="do_mach_notify_dead_name.html">do_mach_notify_dead_name</a> - Handle the current instance of a dead-name notification.<br> <a href="do_mach_notify_no_senders.html">do_mach_notify_no_senders</a> - Handle the current instance of a no-more-senders notification.<br> <a href="DMN_port_deleted.html">do_mach_notify_port_deleted</a> - Handle the current instance of a port-deleted notification.<br> <a href="DMN_port_destroyed.html">do_mach_notify_port_destroyed</a> - Handle the current instance of a port-destroyed notification.<br> <a href="do_mach_notify_send_once.html">do_mach_notify_send_once</a> - Handle the current instance of a send-once notification.<br> </p> Mach Port Notification Callback Server Helpers <p> <a href="notify_server.html">notify_server</a> - Detect and handle a kernel-generated IPC notification.<br> </p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <h3>Mach Virtual Memory Interface</h3> <blockquote> <h4>Mach Virtual Memory Address Space Manipulation Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="host_page_size.html">host_page_size</a> - Provide the system's virtual page size.<br> <a href="vm_allocate.html">vm_allocate</a> - Allocate a region of virtual memory.<br> <a href="vm_behavior_set.html">vm_behavior_set</a> - Specify expected access patterns for the target VM region.<br> <a href="vm_copy.html">vm_copy</a> - Copy a region of virtual memory.<br> <a href="vm_deallocate.html">vm_deallocate</a> - Deallocate a region of virtual memory.<br> <a href="vm_inherit.html">vm_inherit</a> - Set a VM region's inheritance attribute.<br> <a href="vm_machine_attribute.html">vm_machine_attribute</a> - Get/set the target memory region's special attributes.<br> <a href="vm_map.html">vm_map</a> - Map the specified memory object to a region of virtual memory.<br> <a href="vm_msync.html">vm_msync</a> - Synchronize the specified region of virtual memory.<br> <a href="vm_protect.html">vm_protect</a> - Set access privilege attribute for a region of virtual memory.<br> <a href="vm_read.html">vm_read</a> - Read the specified range of target task's address space.<br> <a href="vm_region.html">vm_region</a> - Return description of a virtual memory region.<br> <a href="vm_remap.html">vm_remap</a> - Map memory objects in one address space to that of another's.<br> <a href="vm_wire.html"> vm_wire</a> - Modify the target region's paging characteristics.<br> <a href="vm_write.html">vm_write</a> - Write data to the specified address in the target address space.<br> </p> Data Structures <p> <a href="vm_region_basic_info.html">vm_region_basic_info</a> - Defines the attributes of a task's memory region.<br> <a href="vm_statistics.html">vm_statistics</a> - Defines statistics for the kernel's use of virtual memory.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>External Memory Management Interface</h4> <blockquote> The External Memory Management Interface (EMMI) is undergoing significant change in the Darwin system. For this reason, the interface is not currently available to user-level programs. Even for kernel extensions, use of these interfaces in not supported. Instead, the BSD filesystem's Universal Buffer Cache (UBC) mechanism should be used.<br> <p> <a href="MO_change_attributes.html">memory_object_change_attributes</a> - Modify subset of memory object attributes.<br> <a href="memory_object_destroy.html">memory_object_destroy</a> - Shut down a memory object.<br> <a href="MO_get_attributes.html">memory_object_get_attributes</a> - Return current attributes for a memory object.<br> <a href="memory_object_lock_request.html">memory_object_lock_request</a> - Restrict access to memory object data.<br> <a href="MO_SY_completed.html">memory_object_synchronize_completed</a> - Synchronized data has been processed.<br> </p> Data Structures <p> <a href="memory_object_attr_info.html">memory_object_attr_info</a> - Defines memory object attributes.<br> <a href="memory_object_perf_info.html">memory_object_perf_info</a>- Specifies performance-related memory object attributes.<br> </p> External Memory Manager Interface Callbacks <p> <a href="memory_object_create.html">memory_object_create</a> - Assign a new memory object to the default memory manager.<br> <a href="MO_data_initialize.html">memory_object_data_initialize</a> - Provide initial data for a new memory object.<br> <a href="memory_object_data_request.html">memory_object_data_request</a> - Request that memory manager page-in specified data.<br> <a href="memory_object_data_return.html">memory_object_data_return</a> - Return memory object data to the appropriate memory manager.<br> <a href="memory_object_data_unlock.html">memory_object_data_unlock</a> - Request a memory manager release the lock on specific data.<br> <a href="memory_object_init.html">memory_object_init</a> - Inform a memory manager on first use of a memory object.<br> <a href="memory_object_synchronize.html">memory_object_synchronize</a> - Request synchronization of data with backing store.<br> <a href="memory_object_terminate.html">memory_object_terminate</a> - Relinquish access to a memory object.<br> </p> EMMI Callback Server Helpers <p> <a href="MO_default_server.html">memory_object_default_server</a> - Handle kernel operation request targeted for the default pager.<br> <a href="memory_object_server.html">memory_object_server</a> - Handle kernel operation request aimed at a given memory manager.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Default Memory Management Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="default_pager_add_segment.html">default_pager_add_segment</a> - Add additional backing storage for a default pager.<br> <a href="DP_backing_store_create.html">default_pager_backing_store_create</a> - Create a backing storage object.<br> <a href="DP_backing_store_delete.html"> default_pager_backing_store_delete</a> - Delete a backing storage object.<br> <a href="DP_backing_store_info.html">default_pager_backing_store_info</a> - Return information about a backing storage object.<br> <a href="default_pager_info.html">default_pager_info</a> - Furnish caller with information about the default pager.<br> <a href="DP_object_create.html">default_pager_object_create</a> - Initialize a non-persistent memory object.<br> <a href="HD_memory_manager.html">host_default_memory_manager</a> - Register/Lookup the host's default pager.<br> </p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <h3>Process Management Interface</h3> <blockquote> <h4>Task Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="mach_ports_lookup.html">mach_ports_lookup</a> - Provide caller with an array of the target task's well-known ports.<br> <a href="mach_ports_register.html">mach_ports_register</a> - Register an array of well-known ports on behalf of the target task.<br> <a href="mach_task_self.html">mach_task_self</a> - Return a send right to the caller's task_self port.<br> <a href="task_create.html">task_create</a> - Create a new task.<br> <a href="task_get_emulation_vector.html">task_get_emulation_vector</a> - Return an array identifying the target task's user-level system call handlers.<br> <a href="task_get_exception_ports.html">task_get_exception_ports</a> - Return send rights to the target task's exception ports.<br> <a href="task_get_special_port.html">task_get_special_port</a> - Return a send write to the indicated special port.<br> <a href="task_info.html">task_info</a> - Return per-task information according to specified flavor.<br> <a href="task_resume.html">task_resume</a> - Decrement the target task's suspend count.<br> <a href="task_sample.html">task_sample</a> - Sample the target task's thread program counters periodically.<br> <a href="task_set_emulation.html">task_set_emulation</a> - Establish a user-level handler for a system call.<br> <a href="task_set_emulation_vector.html">task_set_emulation_vector</a> - Establish the target task's user-level system call handlers.<br> <a href="task_set_exception_ports.html">task_set_exception_ports</a> - Set target task's exception ports.<br> <a href="task_set_info.html">task_set_info</a> - Set task-specific information state.<br> <a href="task_set_port_space.html">task_set_port_space</a> - Set the size of the target task's port name space table.<br> <a href="task_set_special_port.html">task_set_special_port</a> - Set the indicated special port.<br> <a href="task_suspend.html">task_suspend</a> - Suspend the target task.<br> <a href="task_swap_exception_ports.html">task_swap_exception_ports</a> - Set target task's exception ports, returning the previous exception ports.<br> <a href="task_terminate.html">task_terminate</a> - Terminate the target task and deallocate its resources.<br> <a href="task_threads.html">task_threads</a> - Return the target task's list of threads.<br> </p> Task Data Structures <p> <a href="task_basic_info.html">task_basic_info</a> - Defines basic information for a task.<br> <a href="task_thread_times_info.html">task_thread_times_info</a> - Defines thread execution times information for tasks.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Thread Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="mach_thread_self.html">mach_thread_self</a> - Returns the thread self port.<br> <a href="thread_abort.html">thread_abort</a> - Abort a thread.<br> <a href="thread_abort_safely.html">thread_abort_safely</a> - Abort a thread, restartably.<br> <a href="thread_create.html">thread_create</a> - Create a thread within a task.<br> <a href="thread_create_running.html">thread_create_running</a> - Optimized creation of a running thread.<br> <a href="thread_depress_abort.html">thread_depress_abort</a> - Cancel thread scheduling depression.<br> <a href="thread_get_exception_ports.html">thread_get_exception_ports</a> - Return a send right to an exception port.<br> <a href="thread_get_special_port.html">thread_get_special_port</a> - Return a send right to the caller-specified special port.<br> <a href="thread_get_state.html">thread_get_state</a> - Return the execution state for a thread.<br> <a href="thread_info.html">thread_info</a> - Return information about a thread.<br> <a href="thread_resume.html">thread_resume</a> - Resume a thread.<br> <a href="thread_sample.html">thread_sample</a> - Perform periodic PC sampling for a thread.<br> <a href="thread_set_exception_ports.html">thread_set_exception_ports</a> - Set exception ports for a thread.<br> <a href="thread_set_special_port.html">thread_set_special_port</a> - Set caller-specified special port belonging to the target thread.<br> <a href="thread_set_state.html">thread_set_state</a> - Set the target thread's user-mode execution state.<br> <a href="thread_suspend.html">thread_suspend</a> - Suspend a thread.<br> <a href="TS_exception_ports.html">thread_swap_exception_ports</a> - Swap exception ports for a thread.<br> <a href="thread_terminate.html">thread_terminate</a> - Destroy a thread.<br> <a href="thread_wire.html">thread_wire</a> - Mark the thread as privileged with respect to kernel resources.<br> </p> Thread Data Structures <p> <a href="thread_basic_info.html">thread_basic_info</a> - Defines basic information for a thread.<br> </p> Thread Exception Callbacks <p> <a href="catch_exception_raise.html">catch_exception_raise</a> - Handles the occurrence of an exception within a thread.<br> </p> Thread Exception Callback Server Helpers <p> <a href="exc_server.html">exc_server</a> - Handle kernel-reported thread exception.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Scheduling Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="task_policy.html">task_policy</a> - Set target task's default scheduling policy state.<br> <a href="task_set_policy.html">task_set_policy</a> - Set target task's default scheduling policy state.<br> <a href="thread_policy.html">thread_policy</a> - Set target thread's scheduling policy state.<br> <a href="thread_set_policy.html">thread_set_policy</a> - Set target thread's scheduling policy state.<br> <a href="thread_switch.html">thread_switch</a> - Cause context switch with options.<br> </p> Scheduling Data Structures <p> <a href="policy_fifo_info.html">policy_fifo_info</a> - Specifies information associated with the system's First-In-First-Out scheduling policy.<br> <a href="policy_rr_info.html">policy_rr_info</a> - Specifies information associated with the system's Round Robin scheduling policy.<br> <a href="policy_timeshare_info.html">policy_timeshare_info</a> - Specifies information associated with the system's Timeshare scheduling policy.<br> </p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <h3>System Management Interface</h3> <blockquote> <h4>Host Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="host_get_clock_service.html">host_get_clock_service</a> - Return a send right to a kernel clock's service port.<br> <a href="host_get_time.html">host_get_time</a> - Returns the current time as seen by that host.<br> <a href="host_info.html">host_info</a> - Return information about a host.<br> <a href="host_kernel_version.html">host_kernel_version</a> - Return kernel version information for a host.<br> <a href="host_statistics.html">host_statistics</a> - Return statistics for a host.<br> <a href="mach_host_self.html">mach_host_self</a> - Returns send rights to the task's host self port.<br> </p> Data Structures <p> <a href="host_basic_info.html">host_basic_info</a> - Used to present basic information about a host.<br> <a href="host_load_info.html">host_load_info</a> - Used to present a host's processor load information.<br> <a href="host_sched_info.html">host_sched_info</a> - - Used to present the set of scheduler limits associated with the host.<br> <a href="kernel_resource_sizes.html">kernel_resource_sizes</a> - Used to present the sizes of kernel's major structures.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Host Control Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="host_adjust_time.html">host_adjust_time</a> - Arranges for the time on a specified host to be gradually changed by an adjustment value.<br> <a href="HD_memory_manager.html">host_default_memory_manager</a> - Set the default memory manager.<br> <a href="host_get_boot_info.html">host_get_boot_info</a> - Return operator boot information.<br> <a href="host_get_clock_control.html">host_get_clock_control</a> - Return a send right to a kernel clock's control port.<br> <a href="host_processor_slots.html">host_processor_slots</a> - Return a list of numbers that map processor slots to active processors.<br> <a href="host_processors.html">host_processors</a> - Return a list of send rights representing all processor ports.<br> <a href="host_reboot.html">host_reboot</a> - Reboot this host.<br> <a href="host_set_time.html">host_set_time</a> - Establishes the time on the specified host.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Host Security Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="host_security_create_task_token.html">host_security_create_task_token</a> - Create a new task with an explicit security token.<br> <a href="host_security_set_task_token.html">host_security_set_task_token</a> - Change the target task's security token.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Resource Accounting Interface</h4> <blockquote> <i> The Mach resource accounting mechanism is not functional in the current Mac OS X/Darwin system. It will become functional in a future release. </i> <p> <a href="ledger_create.html">ledger_create</a> - Create a subordinate ledger.<br> <a href="ledger_read.html">ledger_read</a> - Return the ledger limit and balance.<br> <a href="ledger_terminate.html">ledger_terminate</a> - Destroy a ledger.<br> <a href="ledger_transfer.html">ledger_transfer</a> - Transfer resources from a parent ledger to a child.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Processor Management Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="processor_control.html">processor_control</a> - Perform caller-specified operation on target processor.<br> <a href="processor_exit.html">processor_exit</a> - Exit a processor.<br> <a href="processor_info.html">processor_info</a> - Return information about a processor.<br> <a href="processor_start.html">processor_start</a> - Start a processor.<br> </p> Processor Data Structures <p> <a href="processor_basic_info.html">processor_basic_info</a> - Defines the basic information about a processor.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Processor Set Interface</h4> <blockquote> <i> The processor set interface allows for the grouping of tasks and processors for the purpose of exclusive scheduling. These interface are <b>deprecated</b> and should not be used in code that isn't tied to a particular release of Mac OS X/Darwin. These will likely change or disappear in a future release. </i> <p> <a href="host_processor_sets.html">host_processor_sets</a> - Return a list of send rights representing all processor set name ports.<br> <a href="host_processor_set_priv.html">host_processor_set_priv</a> - Translate a processor set name port into a processor set control port.<br> <a href="processor_assign.html">processor_assign</a> - Assign a processor to a processor set.<br> <a href="processor_get_assignment.html">processor_get_assignment</a> - Get current assignment for a processor.<br> <a href="processor_set_create.html">processor_set_create</a> - Create a new processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_default.html">processor_set_default</a> - Return the default processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_destroy.html">processor_set_destroy</a> - Destroy the target processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_info.html">processor_set_info</a> - Return processor set state according to caller-specified flavor.<br> <a href="processor_set_max_priority.html">processor_set_max_priority</a> - Sets the maximum scheduling priority for a processor set.<br> <a href="P_set_policy_control.html">processor_set_policy_control</a> - Set target processor set's scheduling policy state.<br> <a href="P_set_policy_disable.html">processor_set_policy_disable</a> - Enables a scheduling policy for a processor set.<br> <a href="P_set_policy_enable.html">processor_set_policy_enable</a> - Enables a scheduling policy for a processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_statistics.html">processor_set_statistics</a> - Return scheduling statistics for a processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_tasks.html">processor_set_tasks</a> - Return all tasks currently assigned to the target processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_threads.html">processor_set_threads</a> - Return all threads currently assigned to the target processor set.<br> <a href="task_assign.html">task_assign</a> - Assign a task to a processor set.<br> <a href="task_assign_default.html">task_assign_default</a> - Assign a task to the default processor set.<br> <a href="task_get_assignment.html">task_get_assignment</a> - Create a new task with an explicit security token.<br> <a href="thread_assign.html">thread_assign</a> - Assign a thread to a processor set.<br> <a href="thread_assign_default.html">thread_assign_default</a> - Assign a thread to the default processor set.<br> <a href="thread_get_assignment.html">thread_get_assignment</a> - Return the processor set to which a thread is assigned.<br> </p> Processor Set Data Structures <p> <a href="processor_set_basic_info.html">processor_set_basic_info</a> - Defines the basic information about a processor set.<br> <a href="processor_set_load_info.html">processor_set_load_info</a> - Defines the scheduling statistics for a processor set.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Clock Interface</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="clock_alarm.html">clock_alarm</a> - Set up an alarm.<br> <a href="clock_get_attributes.html">clock_get_attributes</a> - Return attributes of a clock.<br> <a href="clock_get_time.html">clock_get_time</a> - Return the current time.<br> <a href="clock_map_time.html">clock_map_time</a> - Return a memory object that maps a clock.<br> <a href="clock_set_attributes.html">clock_set_attributes</a> - Set a particular clock's attributes.<br> <a href="clock_set_time.html">clock_set_time</a> - Set the current time.<br> <a href="clock_sleep.html">clock_sleep</a> - Delay the invoking thread until a specified time.<br> </p> Clock Data Structures <p> <a href="mapped_tvalspec.html">mapped_tvalspec</a> - Specifies the format the kernel uses to maintain a mapped clock's time.<br> <a href="tvalspec.html">tvalspec</a> - Defines format of system time values.<br> </p> Clock Interface Callbacks <p> <a href="clock_alarm_reply.html">clock_alarm_reply</a> - Ring a preset alarm.<br> </p> Clock Callback Server Helpers <p> <a href="clock_reply_server.html"> clock_reply_server</a> - Handle kernel-generated alarm.<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>Multi-Computer Support Interface</h4> <blockquote> <i> These multi-computer support interfaces are no longer supported by the Mac OS X/Darwin kernel. If and when multi-computer support is added back in, something like these will likely be added. </i> <p> <a href="host_page_size.html">host_page_size</a> - Returns the page size for the given host.<br> <a href="ledger_get_remote.html">ledger_get_remote</a> - Return send right to specified host's remote ledger port.<br> <a href="ledger_set_remote.html">ledger_set_remote</a> - Set this host's remote ledger port.<br> <a href="norma_get_special_port.html">norma_get_special_port</a> - Returns a send right for a specified node-specific special port.<br> <a href="norma_node_self.html">norma_node_self</a> - Return the node index of the current host.<br> <a href="norma_port_location_hint.html">norma_port_location_hint</a> - Guess a port's current location.<br> <a href="norma_set_special_port.html">norma_set_special_port</a> - Set node-specific special port.<br> <a href="norma_task_clone.html">norma_task_clone</a> - Create a remote task that shares access to parent task's memory.<br> <a href="norma_task_create.html">norma_task_create</a> - Create a remote task using task_create semantics.<br> <a href="norma_task_teleport.html">norma_task_teleport</a> - "Clone" a task on a specified node.<br> </p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <h3>Machine Specific Interface</h3> <blockquote> <h4>Intel 386 Support</h4> <blockquote> <p> <a href="i386_get_ldt.html">i386_get_ldt</a> - Returns per-thread segment descriptors from the local descriptor table (LDT).<br> <a href="i386_io_port_add.html">i386_io_port_add</a> - Adds a device to the I/O permission bitmap for a thread. <br> <a href="i386_io_port_list.html">i386_io_port_list</a> - Returns a list of the devices named in the thread's I/O permission bitmap.<br> <a href="i386_io_port_remove.html">i386_io_port_remove</a> - Removes the specified device from the thread's I/O permission bitmap.<br> <a href="i386_set_ldt.html">i386_set_ldt</a> - Allows a thread to have a private local descriptor table (LDT).<br> </p> </blockquote> <h4>PowerPC Support</h4> <blockquote> <p> </p> </blockquote> </blockquote> </BODY> </HTML>