]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - osfmk/ppc/start.s
[apple/xnu.git] / osfmk / ppc / start.s
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 /*
30 */
32 #define __APPLE_API_PRIVATE
34 #include <mach_kdb.h>
35 #include <mach_kdp.h>
36 #include <mach_kgdb.h>
37 #include <ppc/asm.h>
38 #include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
39 #include <ppc/spec_reg.h>
40 #include <machine/cpu_capabilities.h>
41 #include <mach/ppc/vm_param.h>
42 #include <assym.s>
45 ; Definitions of the processor type table format, which drives this code.
46 ; The table ("processor_types") is assembled in at the end of this file.
48 #define ptFilter 0
49 #define ptVersion 4
50 #define ptRevision 6
51 #define ptFeatures 8
52 #define ptCPUCap 12
53 #define ptPwrModes 16
54 #define ptPatch 20
55 #define ptInitRout 24
56 #define ptRptdProc 28
57 #define ptLineSize 32
58 #define ptl1iSize 36
59 #define ptl1dSize 40
60 #define ptPTEG 44
61 #define ptMaxVAddr 48
62 #define ptMaxPAddr 52
63 #define ptSize 56
66 ; We use cr2 for flags:
68 #define bootCPU 10
69 #define firstInit 9
70 #define firstBoot 8
72 /*
73 * Interrupt and bootup stack for initial processor
74 */
76 .file "start.s"
78 /*
79 * All CPUs start here.
80 *
81 * This code is called from SecondaryLoader
82 *
83 * Various arguments are passed via a table:
84 * R3 = pointer to other startup parameters
85 */
86 .text
90 li r12,0 ; Get a 0
91 stw r12,0xF0(0) ; Make sure the special flag is clear
92 mtmsrd r12 ; Make sure we are in 32-bit mode
93 isync ; Really make sure
94 lwz r3,0xF4(0) ; Get the boot_args pointer
95 b startJoin ; Join up...
98 ENTRY(_start_cpu,TAG_NO_FRAME_USED)
99 crclr bootCPU ; Set non-boot processor
100 crclr firstInit ; Set not first time init
101 lwz r30,ppe_paddr(r3) ; Set current per_proc
102 lwz r28,ppe_paddr+4(r3) ; Set current per_proc
103 rlwinm r30,r30,0,1,0 ; Copy low 32 bits to top 32
104 rlwimi r30,r28,0,0,31 ; Insert low part of 64-bit address in bottom 32 bits
105 subi r29,r3,(ACT_PER_PROC-ppe_vaddr) ; Substract mact.PerProc offset
106 mr r3,r30 ; Set current per_proc
108 ;
109 ; Note that we are just trying to get close. The real TB sync will take
110 ; place later. The value we are loading is set in two places. For the
111 ; main processor, it will be the TB at the last interrupt before we went
112 ; to sleep. For the others, it will be the time just before the main
113 ; processor woke us up.
114 ;
116 lwz r15,ruptStamp(r3) ; Get the timebase from the other processor
117 li r17,0 ; Clear this out
118 lwz r16,ruptStamp+4(r3) ; Get the timebase from the other processor
119 mtspr tbl,r17 ; Clear bottom so we do not tick
120 mtspr tbu,r15 ; Set top
121 mtspr tbl,r16 ; Then bottom again
122 b allstart
126 startJoin:
127 mflr r2 ; Save the return address
128 lis r28,hi16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set PerProcTable
129 lis r30,hi16(EXT(BootProcInfo)) ; Set current per_proc
130 ori r28,r28,lo16(EXT(PerProcTable)) ; Set PerProcTable
131 ori r30,r30,lo16(EXT(BootProcInfo)) ; Set current per_proc
132 stw r30,ppe_paddr+4(r28) ; Set per_proc_entry
133 stw r30,ppe_vaddr(r28) ; Set per_proc_entry
134 subi r29,r28,(ACT_PER_PROC-ppe_vaddr) ; Substract mact.PerProc offset
135 crset bootCPU ; Set boot processor
137 lwz r17,pfAvailable(r30) ; Get the available bits
138 rlwinm. r0,r17,0,pfValidb,pfValidb ; Have we initialized the feature flags yet?
139 crmove firstInit,cr0_eq ; Set if we are doing first time init
140 bne allstart ; Yeah, we must be waking up from sleep...
142 ;
143 ; Here is where we do any one time general low-level initialization
145 lis r20,HIGH_ADDR(fwdisplock) ; Get address of the firmware display lock
146 li r19,0 ; Zorch a register
147 ori r20,r20,LOW_ADDR(fwdisplock) ; Get address of the firmware display lock
148 stw r19,0(r20) ; Make sure the lock is free
150 allstart:
151 mr r31,r3 ; Save away arguments
153 crand firstBoot,bootCPU,firstInit ; Indicate if we are on the initial first processor startup
155 mtsprg 0,r30 ; Set per_proc paddr
156 mtsprg 1,r29 ; Set spr1
158 li r9,0 ; Clear out a register
159 mtsprg 2,r9
160 mtsprg 3,r9
162 li r7,MSR_VM_OFF ; Get real mode MSR
163 mtmsr r7 ; Set the real mode SRR
164 isync
166 lis r26,hi16(processor_types) ; Point to processor table
167 ori r26,r26,lo16(processor_types) ; Other half
168 mfpvr r10 ; Get the PVR
170 nextPVR: lwz r28,ptFilter(r26) ; Get the filter
171 lwz r27,ptVersion(r26) ; Get the version and revision codes
172 and r28,r10,r28 ; Throw away dont care bits
173 cmplw r27,r28 ; Is this the right set?
174 beq donePVR ; We have the right one...
175 addi r26,r26,ptSize ; Point to the next type
176 b nextPVR ; Check it out...
178 donePVR: lwz r20,ptInitRout(r26) ; Grab the special init routine
179 mtlr r20 ; Setup to call the init
181 bf firstBoot,notFirst ; Not first boot, go...
183 ;
184 ; The following code just does a general initialization of the features just
185 ; after the initial first-time boot. This is not done after waking up or on
186 ; any "secondary" processor. Just after the boot-processor init, we copy the
187 ; features to any possible per_proc.
188 ;
189 ; We are just setting defaults. The specific initialization code will modify these
190 ; if necessary.
191 ;
192 lis r18,hi16(EXT(_cpu_capabilities)) ; Get the address of _cpu_capabilities
193 ori r18,r18,lo16(EXT(_cpu_capabilities))
194 lwz r17,ptCPUCap(r26) ; Get the default cpu capabilities
195 stw r17, 0(r18) ; Save the default value in _cpu_capabilities
197 lwz r17,ptFeatures(r26) ; Pick up the features
199 lwz r18,ptRptdProc(r26) ; Get the reported processor
200 sth r18,pfrptdProc(r30) ; Set the reported processor
202 lwz r13,ptPwrModes(r26) ; Get the supported power modes
203 stw r13,pfPowerModes(r30) ; Set the supported power modes
205 lwz r13,ptLineSize(r26) ; Get the cache line size
206 sth r13,pflineSize(r30) ; Save it
207 lwz r13,ptl1iSize(r26) ; Get icache size
208 stw r13,pfl1iSize(r30) ; Save it
209 lwz r13,ptl1dSize(r26) ; Get dcache size
210 stw r13,pfl1dSize(r30) ; Save it
211 lwz r13,ptPTEG(r26) ; Get PTEG size address
212 stw r13,pfPTEG(r30) ; Save it
213 lwz r13,ptMaxVAddr(r26) ; Get max virtual address
214 stw r13,pfMaxVAddr(r30) ; Save it
215 lwz r13,ptMaxPAddr(r26) ; Get max physical address
216 stw r13,pfMaxPAddr(r30) ; Save it
219 ; Go through the patch table, changing performance sensitive kernel routines based on the
220 ; processor type or other things.
222 lis r11,hi16(EXT(patch_table))
223 ori r11,r11,lo16(EXT(patch_table))
224 lwz r19,ptPatch(r26) ; Get ptPatch field
225 patch_loop:
226 lwz r16,patchType(r11) ; Load the patch type
227 lwz r15,patchValue(r11) ; Load the patch value
228 cmplwi cr1,r16,PATCH_FEATURE ; Is it a patch feature entry
229 cmplwi cr7,r16,PATCH_END_OF_TABLE ; end of table?
230 and. r14,r15,r19 ; Is it set in the patch feature
231 crandc cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; Do we have a match
232 beq cr7,doOurInit ; end of table, Go do processor specific initialization
233 beq patch_apply ; proc feature matches, so patch memory
234 cmplwi cr1,r16,PATCH_PROCESSOR ; Is it a patch processor entry
235 cmplw cr0,r15,r18 ; Check matching processor
236 crand cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; Do we have a match
237 bne patch_skip ; No, skip patch memory
238 patch_apply:
239 lwz r13,patchAddr(r11) ; Load the address to patch
240 lwz r14,patchData(r11) ; Load the patch data
241 stw r14,0(r13) ; Patch the location
242 dcbf 0,r13 ; Flush the old one
243 sync ; Make sure we see it all
244 icbi 0,r13 ; Flush the i-cache
245 isync ; Hang out
246 sync ; Hang out some more...
247 patch_skip:
248 addi r11,r11,peSize ; Point to the next patch entry
249 b patch_loop ; handle next
252 ; Additional processors join here after skipping above code.
254 notFirst: lwz r17,pfAvailable(r30) ; Get our features
256 doOurInit: mr. r20,r20 ; See if initialization routine
257 crand firstBoot,bootCPU,firstInit ; Indicate if we are on the initial first processor startup
258 bnelrl ; Do the initialization
260 ori r17,r17,lo16(pfValid) ; Set the valid bit
261 stw r17,pfAvailable(r30) ; Set the available features
263 rlwinm. r0,r17,0,pf64Bitb,pf64Bitb ; Is this a 64-bit machine?
264 mtsprg 2,r17 ; Remember the feature flags
266 bne++ start64 ; Skip following if 64-bit...
268 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get the HID0
269 rlwinm r6,r6,0,sleep+1,doze-1 ; Remove any vestiges of sleep
270 mtspr hid0,r6 ; Set the insominac HID0
271 isync
273 ; Clear the BAT registers
275 li r9,0 ; Clear out a register
276 sync
277 isync
278 mtdbatu 0,r9 ; Invalidate maps
279 mtdbatl 0,r9 ; Invalidate maps
280 mtdbatu 1,r9 ; Invalidate maps
281 mtdbatl 1,r9 ; Invalidate maps
282 mtdbatu 2,r9 ; Invalidate maps
283 mtdbatl 2,r9 ; Invalidate maps
284 mtdbatu 3,r9 ; Invalidate maps
285 mtdbatl 3,r9 ; Invalidate maps
286 sync
287 isync
288 mtibatu 0,r9 ; Invalidate maps
289 mtibatl 0,r9 ; Invalidate maps
290 mtibatu 1,r9 ; Invalidate maps
291 mtibatl 1,r9 ; Invalidate maps
292 mtibatu 2,r9 ; Invalidate maps
293 mtibatl 2,r9 ; Invalidate maps
294 mtibatu 3,r9 ; Invalidate maps
295 mtibatl 3,r9 ; Invalidate maps
296 sync
297 isync
298 b startcommon ; Go join up the common start routine
300 start64: lis r5,hi16(startcommon) ; Get top of address of continue point
301 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get the HID0
302 ori r5,r5,lo16(startcommon) ; Get low of address of continue point
303 lis r9,hi16(MASK(MSR_HV)|MASK(MSR_SF)) ; ?
304 lis r20,hi16(dozem|napm|sleepm) ; Get mask of power saving features
305 ori r20,r20,lo16(1) ; Disable the attn instruction
306 li r7,MSR_VM_OFF ; Get real mode MSR
307 sldi r9,r9,32 ; Slide into position
308 sldi r20,r20,32 ; Slide power stuff into position
309 or r9,r9,r7 ; Form initial MSR
310 andc r6,r6,r20 ; Remove any vestiges of sleep
311 isync
312 mtspr hid0,r6 ; Set the insominac HID0
313 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get it
314 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get it
315 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get it
316 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get it
317 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get it
318 mfspr r6,hid0 ; Get it
319 isync
320 mtsrr0 r5 ; Set the continue point
321 mtsrr1 r9 ; Set our normal disabled MSR
322 rfid ; Tally ho...
324 .align 5
326 startcommon:
327 rlwinm. r0,r17,0,pfFloatb,pfFloatb ; See if there is floating point
328 beq- noFloat ; Nope, this is a really stupid machine...
330 li r0,MSR_VM_OFF|MASK(MSR_FP) ; Enable for floating point
331 mtmsr r0 /* Set the standard MSR values */
332 isync
334 lis r5,HIGH_ADDR(EXT(FloatInit)) /* Get top of floating point init value */
335 ori r5,r5,LOW_ADDR(EXT(FloatInit)) /* Slam bottom */
336 lfd f0,0(r5) /* Initialize FP0 */
337 fmr f1,f0 /* Ours in not */
338 fmr f2,f0 /* to wonder why, */
339 fmr f3,f0 /* ours is but to */
340 fmr f4,f0 /* do or die! */
341 fmr f5,f0
342 fmr f6,f0
343 fmr f7,f0
344 fmr f8,f0
345 fmr f9,f0
346 fmr f10,f0
347 fmr f11,f0
348 fmr f12,f0
349 fmr f13,f0
350 fmr f14,f0
351 fmr f15,f0
352 fmr f16,f0
353 fmr f17,f0
354 fmr f18,f0
355 fmr f19,f0
356 fmr f20,f0
357 fmr f21,f0
358 fmr f22,f0
359 fmr f23,f0
360 fmr f24,f0
361 fmr f25,f0
362 fmr f26,f0
363 fmr f27,f0
364 fmr f28,f0
365 fmr f29,f0
366 fmr f30,f0
367 fmr f31,f0
369 li r0, MSR_VM_OFF ; Turn off floating point
370 mtmsr r0
371 isync
373 noFloat: rlwinm. r0,r17,0,pfAltivecb,pfAltivecb ; See if there is Altivec
374 beq- noVector ; Nope...
376 li r0,0 ; Clear out a register
378 lis r7,hi16(MSR_VEC_ON) ; Get real mode MSR + Altivec
379 ori r7,r7,lo16(MSR_VM_OFF) ; Get real mode MSR + Altivec
380 mtmsr r7 ; Set the real mode SRR */
381 isync ; Make sure it has happened
383 lis r5,hi16(EXT(QNaNbarbarian)) ; Altivec initializer
384 ori r5,r5,lo16(EXT(QNaNbarbarian)) ; Altivec initializer
386 mtspr vrsave,r0 ; Set that no VRs are used yet */
388 vspltish v1,1 ; Turn on the non-Java bit and saturate
389 vspltisw v0,1 ; Turn on the saturate bit
390 vxor v1,v1,v0 ; Turn off saturate and leave non-Java set
391 lvx v0,br0,r5 ; Initialize VR0
392 mtvscr v1 ; Clear the vector status register
393 vor v2,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
394 vor v1,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
395 vor v3,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
396 vor v4,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
397 vor v5,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
398 vor v6,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
399 vor v7,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
400 vor v8,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
401 vor v9,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
402 vor v10,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
403 vor v11,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
404 vor v12,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
405 vor v13,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
406 vor v14,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
407 vor v15,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
408 vor v16,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
409 vor v17,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
410 vor v18,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
411 vor v19,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
412 vor v20,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
413 vor v21,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
414 vor v22,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
415 vor v23,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
416 vor v24,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
417 vor v25,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
418 vor v26,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
419 vor v27,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
420 vor v28,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
421 vor v29,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
422 vor v30,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
423 vor v31,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
425 li r0, MSR_VM_OFF ; Turn off vectors
426 mtmsr r0
427 isync
429 noVector:
430 bl EXT(cacheInit) ; Initializes all caches (including the TLB)
432 bt bootCPU,run32
434 mfsprg r30,0 ; Phys per proc
435 lwz r29,PP_HIBERNATE(r30)
436 andi. r29, r29, 1
437 beq noHashTableInit ; Skip following if not waking from from hibernate
438 bl EXT(hw_clear_maps) ; Mark all maps as absent from hash table
439 bl EXT(hw_hash_init) ; Clear hash table
440 bl EXT(save_snapshot_restore) ; Reset save area chains
441 noHashTableInit:
442 bl EXT(hw_setup_trans) ; Set up hardware needed for translation
443 bl EXT(hw_start_trans) ; Start translating
445 run32:
446 rlwinm. r0,r17,0,pf64Bitb,pf64Bitb ; Is this a 64-bit machine?
447 beq++ isnot64 ; Skip following if not 64-bit...
449 mfmsr r29 ; Get the MSR
450 rldicl r29,r29,0,MSR_SF_BIT+1 ; turn 64-bit mode off
451 mtmsrd r29 ; Set it
452 isync ; Make sure
454 isnot64: bf bootCPU,callcpu
456 lis r29,HIGH_ADDR(EXT(intstack)) ; move onto interrupt stack
457 ori r29,r29,LOW_ADDR(EXT(intstack))
458 addi r29,r29,INTSTACK_SIZE-FM_SIZE
460 li r28,0
461 stw r28,FM_BACKPTR(r29) ; store a null frame backpointer
463 mr r1,r29
464 mr r3,r31 ; Restore any arguments we may have trashed
466 ; Note that we exit from here with translation still off
468 bl EXT(ppc_init) ; Jump into boot init code
471 callcpu:
472 mfsprg r31,1 ; Fake activation pointer
473 lwz r31,ACT_PER_PROC(r31) ; Load per_proc
474 lwz r29,PP_INTSTACK_TOP_SS(r31) ; move onto interrupt stack
476 li r28,0
477 stw r28,FM_BACKPTR(r29) ; store a null frame backpointer
479 mr r1,r29 ; move onto new stack
480 mr r3,r31 ; Restore any arguments we may have trashed
482 ; Note that we exit from here with translation on
484 bl EXT(ppc_init_cpu) ; Jump into cpu init code
485 BREAKPOINT_TRAP ; Should never return
487 ;
488 ; Specific processor initialization routines
489 ;
491 ; 750
493 init750:
494 bf firstBoot, init750nb ; No init for wakeup....
496 mfspr r13,l2cr ; Get the L2CR
497 rlwinm. r0,r13,0,l2e,l2e ; Any L2?
498 bne+ i750hl2 ; Yes...
499 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfL2b+1,pfL2b-1 ; No L2, turn off feature
501 i750hl2:
502 lis r14,hi16(256*1024) ; Base L2 size
503 addis r15,r13,0x3000 ; Hah... Figure this one out...
504 rlwinm r15,r15,4,30,31 ; Isolate
505 rlwinm. r8,r13,0,l2siz,l2sizf ; Was size valid?
506 slw r14,r14,r15 ; Set 256KB, 512KB, or 1MB
507 beq- init750l2none ; Not a valid setting...
509 stw r13,pfl2crOriginal(r30) ; Shadow the L2CR
510 stw r13,pfl2cr(r30) ; Shadow the L2CR
511 stw r14,pfl2Size(r30) ; Set the L2 size
512 b init750l2done ; Done with L2
514 init750l2none:
515 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfL2b+1,pfL2b-1 ; No level 2 cache
517 init750l2done:
518 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get the current HID0
519 stw r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Save the HID0 value
520 blr ; Return...
522 init750nb:
523 lwz r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Get HID0
524 sync
525 mtspr hid0,r11 ; Set the HID
526 isync
527 sync
528 blr
530 ; 750CX
532 init750CX:
533 bf firstBoot, init750 ; No init for wakeup....
534 mfspr r13,hid1 ; Get HID1
535 li r14,lo16(0xFD5F) ; Get valid
536 rlwinm r13,r13,4,28,31 ; Isolate
537 slw r14,r14,r13 ; Position
538 rlwimi r17,r14,15-pfCanNapb,pfCanNapb,pfCanNapb ; Set it
539 b init750 ; Join common...
542 ; 750FX
544 init750FX:
545 bf firstBoot, init750FXnb
546 mfspr r11, hid1
547 stw r11, pfHID1(r30) ; Save the HID1 value
548 b init750
550 init750FXnb:
551 lwz r13, pfHID0(r30) ; Get HID0
552 lwz r11, pfHID1(r30) ; Get HID1
554 rlwinm. r0, r11, 0, hid1ps, hid1ps ; Isolate the hid1ps bit
555 beq init750FXnb2 ; Clear BTIC if hid1ps set
556 rlwinm r13, r13, 0, btic+1, btic-1 ; Clear the BTIC bit
558 init750FXnb2:
559 sync
560 mtspr hid0, r13 ; Set the HID
561 isync
562 sync
564 rlwinm r12, r11, 0, hid1ps+1, hid1ps-1 ; Select PLL0
565 mtspr hid1, r12 ; Restore PLL config
566 mftb r13 ; Wait 5000 ticks (> 200 us)
568 init750FXnbloop:
569 mftb r14
570 sub r14, r14, r13
571 cmpli cr0, r14, 5000
572 ble init750FXnbloop
573 mtspr hid1, r11 ; Select the desired PLL
574 blr
576 ; 750FX vers 2.0 or later
577 init750FXV2:
578 bf firstBoot, init750FXV2nb ; Wake from sleep
580 mfspr r11, hid2
581 stw r11, pfHID2(r30) ; Save the HID2 value
582 b init750FX ; Continue with 750FX init
584 init750FXV2nb:
585 lwz r13, pfHID2(r30) ; Get HID2
586 rlwinm r13, r13, 0, hid2vmin+1, hid2vmin-1 ; Clear the vmin bit
587 mtspr hid2, r13 ; Restore HID2 value
588 sync ; Wait for it to be done
589 b init750FX
591 ; 7400
593 init7400: bf firstBoot,i7400nb ; Do different if not initial boot...
594 mfspr r13,l2cr ; Get the L2CR
595 rlwinm. r0,r13,0,l2e,l2e ; Any L2?
596 bne+ i7400hl2 ; Yes...
597 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfL2b+1,pfL2b-1 ; No L2, turn off feature
599 i7400hl2: lis r14,hi16(256*1024) ; Base L2 size
600 addis r15,r13,0x3000 ; Hah... Figure this one out...
601 rlwinm r15,r15,4,30,31
602 slw r14,r14,r15 ; Set 256KB, 512KB, 1MB, or 2MB
604 stw r13,pfl2crOriginal(r30) ; Shadow the L2CR
605 stw r13,pfl2cr(r30) ; Shadow the L2CR
606 stw r14,pfl2Size(r30) ; Set the L2 size
608 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get the current HID0
609 oris r11,r11,hi16(emcpm|eiecm) ; ?
610 mtspr hid0,r11 ; ?
611 isync
612 stw r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Save the HID0 value
614 mfspr r11,msscr0 ; Get the msscr0 register
615 stw r11,pfMSSCR0(r30) ; Save the MSSCR0 value
616 mfspr r11,msscr1 ; Get the msscr1 register
617 stw r11,pfMSSCR1(r30) ; Save the MSSCR1 value
618 blr ; Return...
620 i7400nb:
621 li r11,0
622 mtspr l2cr,r11 ; Make sure L2CR is zero
623 lwz r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Get HID0
624 sync
625 mtspr hid0,r11 ; Set the HID
626 isync
627 sync
628 lwz r11,pfMSSCR0(r30) ; Get MSSCR0
629 isync
630 sync
631 mtspr msscr0,r11 ; Set the MSSCR0
632 lwz r11,pfMSSCR1(r30) ; Get msscr1
633 isync
634 sync
635 mtspr msscr1,r11 ; Set the msscr1
636 isync
637 sync
638 blr
640 ; 7400 (ver 2.0 - ver 2.7)
642 init7400v2_7:
643 bf firstBoot, init7400
644 mfspr r13, hid0 ; Get the HID0
645 ori r13, r13, nopdstm ; ?
646 mtspr hid0, r13 ; Set the HID0
647 isync
648 sync
649 b init7400
651 ; 7410
652 ; Note that this is the same as 7400 except we initialize the l2cr2 register
654 init7410: li r13,0 ; Clear
655 mtspr 1016,r13 ; Turn off direct cache
656 b init7400 ; Join up with common....
659 ; 745X - Any 7450 family processor
661 init745X:
662 bf firstBoot,init745Xnb ; Do different if not initial boot...
664 mfspr r13,l2cr ; Get the L2CR
665 rlwinm. r0,r13,0,l2e,l2e ; Any L2?
666 bne+ init745Xhl2 ; Yes...
667 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfL2b+1,pfL2b-1 ; No L2, turn off feature
669 init745Xhl2:
670 mfpvr r14 ; Get processor version
671 rlwinm r14,r14,16,16,31 ; Isolate processor version
672 cmpli cr0, r14, PROCESSOR_VERSION_7457 ; Test for 7457 or
673 cmpli cr1, r14, PROCESSOR_VERSION_7447A ; 7447A
674 cror cr0_eq, cr1_eq, cr0_eq
675 lis r14,hi16(512*1024) ; 512KB L2
676 beq init745Xhl2_2
678 lis r14,hi16(256*1024) ; Base L2 size
679 rlwinm r15,r13,22,12,13 ; Convert to 256k, 512k, or 768k
680 add r14,r14,r15 ; Add in minimum
682 init745Xhl2_2:
683 stw r13,pfl2crOriginal(r30) ; Shadow the L2CR
684 stw r13,pfl2cr(r30) ; Shadow the L2CR
685 stw r14,pfl2Size(r30) ; Set the L2 size
687 ; Take care of level 3 cache
689 mfspr r13,l3cr ; Get the L3CR
690 rlwinm. r0,r13,0,l3e,l3e ; Any L3?
691 bne+ init745Xhl3 ; Yes...
692 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfL3b+1,pfL3b-1 ; No L3, turn off feature
694 init745Xhl3: cmplwi cr0,r13,0 ; No L3 if L3CR is zero
695 beq- init745Xnone ; Go turn off the features...
696 lis r14,hi16(1024*1024) ; Base L3 size
697 rlwinm r15,r13,4,31,31 ; Get size multiplier
698 slw r14,r14,r15 ; Set 1 or 2MB
700 stw r13,pfl3crOriginal(r30) ; Shadow the L3CR
701 stw r13,pfl3cr(r30) ; Shadow the L3CR
702 stw r14,pfl3Size(r30) ; Set the L3 size
703 b init745Xfin ; Return....
705 init745Xnone:
706 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfL3fab+1,pfL3b-1 ; No 3rd level cache or assist
707 rlwinm r11,r17,pfWillNapb-pfCanNapb,pfCanNapb,pfCanNapb ; Set pfCanNap if pfWillNap is set
708 or r17,r17,r11
710 init745Xfin:
711 rlwinm r17,r17,0,pfWillNapb+1,pfWillNapb-1 ; Make sure pfWillNap is not set
713 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get the current HID0
714 stw r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Save the HID0 value
715 mfspr r11,hid1 ; Get the current HID1
716 stw r11,pfHID1(r30) ; Save the HID1 value
717 mfspr r11,msscr0 ; Get the msscr0 register
718 stw r11,pfMSSCR0(r30) ; Save the MSSCR0 value
719 mfspr r11,msscr1 ; Get the msscr1 register
720 stw r11,pfMSSCR1(r30) ; Save the MSSCR1 value
721 mfspr r11,ictrl ; Get the ictrl register
722 stw r11,pfICTRL(r30) ; Save the ICTRL value
723 mfspr r11,ldstcr ; Get the ldstcr register
724 stw r11,pfLDSTCR(r30) ; Save the LDSTCR value
725 mfspr r11,ldstdb ; Get the ldstdb register
726 stw r11,pfLDSTDB(r30) ; Save the LDSTDB value
727 mfspr r11,pir ; Get the pir register
728 stw r11,pfBootConfig(r30) ; Save the BootConfig value
729 blr ; Return....
732 init745Xnb: lwz r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Get HID0
733 sync
734 mtspr hid0,r11 ; Set the HID
735 isync
736 lwz r11,pfHID1(r30) ; Get HID1
737 sync
738 mtspr hid1,r11 ; Set the HID
739 isync
740 lwz r11,pfMSSCR0(r30) ; Get MSSCR0
741 sync
742 mtspr msscr0,r11 ; Set the MSSCR0
743 isync
744 sync
745 lwz r11,pfICTRL(r30) ; Get ICTRL
746 sync
747 mtspr ictrl,r11 ; Set the ICTRL
748 isync
749 sync
750 lwz r11,pfLDSTCR(r30) ; Get LDSTCR
751 sync
752 mtspr ldstcr,r11 ; Set the LDSTCR
753 isync
754 sync
755 lwz r11,pfLDSTDB(r30) ; Get LDSTDB
756 sync
757 mtspr ldstdb,r11 ; Set the LDSTDB
758 isync
759 sync
760 blr
762 ; 7450 - Specific
764 init7450:
765 bf firstBoot, init745X ; Not boot, use standard init
767 mfspr r13, pir ; Get BootConfig from PIR
768 rlwinm. r14, r13, 0, 20, 23 ; Is the pdet value zero
769 bne init7450done ; No, done for now
771 ori r13, r13, 0x0400 ; Force pdet value to 4
772 mtspr pir, r13 ; Write back the BootConfig
774 init7450done:
775 b init745X ; Continue with standard init
778 init970:
779 lis r20,8 ; Set up for 512K L2
780 init970x:
781 li r0,0 ; Clear this
782 mtspr hior,r0 ; Make sure that 0 is interrupt prefix
783 bf firstBoot,init970nb ; No init for wakeup or second processor....
786 ;
787 ; We can not query or change the L2 size. We will just
788 ; phoney up a L2CR to make sysctl "happy" and set the
789 ; L2 size to 512K.
790 ;
792 lis r0,0x8000 ; Synthesize a "valid" but non-existant L2CR
793 stw r0,pfl2crOriginal(r30) ; Set a dummy L2CR
794 stw r0,pfl2cr(r30) ; Set a dummy L2CR
795 stw r20,pfl2Size(r30) ; Set the L2 size
797 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get original hid0
798 std r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Save original
799 mfspr r11,hid1 ; Get original hid1
800 std r11,pfHID1(r30) ; Save original
801 mfspr r11,hid4 ; Get original hid4
802 std r11,pfHID4(r30) ; Save original
803 mfspr r11,hid5 ; Get original hid5
804 std r11,pfHID5(r30) ; Save original
806 lis r0, hi16(dnapm) ; Create a mask for the dnap bit
807 sldi r0, r0, 32 ; Shift to the top half
808 ld r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Load the hid0 value
809 andc r11, r11, r0 ; Clear the dnap bit
810 isync
811 mtspr hid0,r11 ; Stuff it
812 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
813 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
814 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
815 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
816 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
817 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
818 isync
820 lis r0,(pcfValid|pcfLarge|pcfDedSeg)<<8 ; Set the valid bit, dedicated segment, and large page flags
821 ori r0,r0,(24<<8)|24 ; Add in the 16M page size
822 stw r0,lgpPcfg+(pcfSize*pcfLargePcfg)(0) ; Set the 16M primary large page configuration entry
824 blr
826 ;
827 ; Start up code for second processor or wake up from sleep
828 ;
830 init970nb:
831 lis r0, hi16(dnapm) ; Create a mask for the dnap bit
832 sldi r0, r0, 32 ; Shift to the top half
833 ld r11,pfHID0(r30) ; Load the hid0 value
834 andc r11, r11, r0 ; Clear the dnap bit
835 isync
836 mtspr hid0,r11 ; Stuff it
837 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
838 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
839 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
840 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
841 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
842 mfspr r11,hid0 ; Get it
843 isync
845 ld r20,pfHID1(r30) ; Get it
846 isync
847 mtspr hid1,r20 ; Stick it
848 mtspr hid1,r20 ; Stick it again
849 isync
851 ld r11,pfHID4(r30) ; Get it
852 sync
853 mtspr hid4,r11 ; Stick it
854 isync
856 lis r11,0xE000 ; Get the unlikeliest ESID possible
857 srdi r11,r11,1 ; Make 0x7FFFFFFFF0000000
858 slbie r11 ; Make sure the ERAT is cleared
860 ld r11,pfHID5(r30) ; Get it
861 mtspr hid5,r11 ; Set it
862 isync
863 ;
864 ; May have changed dcbz mode so kill icache
865 ;
867 eqv r13,r13,r13 ; Get a constant -1
868 mr r14,r20 ; Save HID1
869 rldimi r14,r13,54,9 ; Set force icbi match mode
871 li r11,0 ; Set start if ICBI range
872 isync
873 mtspr hid1,r14 ; Stick it
874 mtspr hid1,r14 ; Stick it again
875 isync
877 inin970ki: icbi 0,r11 ; Kill I$
878 addi r11,r11,128 ; Next line
879 andis. r0,r11,1 ; Have we done them all?
880 beq++ inin970ki ; Not yet...
882 isync
883 mtspr hid1,r20 ; Stick it
884 mtspr hid1,r20 ; Stick it again
885 isync
887 blr ; Leave...
891 ; Unsupported Processors
892 initUnsupported:
893 mtlr r2 ; Restore the return address
894 blr ; Return to the booter
897 ;
898 ; Processor to feature table
900 ; .align 2 - Always on word boundary
901 ; .long ptFilter - Mask of significant bits in the Version/Revision code
902 ; - NOTE: Always order from most restrictive to least restrictive matching
903 ; .short ptVersion - Version code from PVR. Always start with 0 which is default
904 ; .short ptRevision - Revision code from PVR. A zero value denotes the generic attributes if not specific
905 ; .long ptFeatures - Available features
906 ; .long ptCPUCap - Default value for _cpu_capabilities
907 ; .long ptPwrModes - Available power management features
908 ; .long ptPatch - Patch features
909 ; .long ptInitRout - Initilization routine. Can modify any of the other attributes.
910 ; .long ptRptdProc - Processor type reported
911 ; .long ptLineSize - Level 1 cache line size
912 ; .long ptl1iSize - Level 1 instruction cache size
913 ; .long ptl1dSize - Level 1 data cache size
914 ; .long ptPTEG - Size of PTEG
915 ; .long ptMaxVAddr - Maximum effective address
916 ; .long ptMaxPAddr - Maximum physical address
917 ;
919 .align 2
920 processor_types:
922 ; 750CX (ver 2.x)
924 .align 2
925 .long 0xFFFF0F00 ; 2.x vers
926 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_750
927 .short 0x0200
928 .long pfFloat | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pf32Byte | pfL2
929 .long kCache32 | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
930 .long 0
931 .long PatchExt32
932 .long init750CX
934 .long 32
935 .long 32*1024
936 .long 32*1024
937 .long 64
938 .long 52
939 .long 32
941 ; 750 (generic)
943 .align 2
944 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All revisions
945 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_750
946 .short 0
947 .long pfFloat | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pf32Byte | pfL2
948 .long kCache32 | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
949 .long 0
950 .long PatchExt32
951 .long init750
953 .long 32
954 .long 32*1024
955 .long 32*1024
956 .long 64
957 .long 52
958 .long 32
960 ; 750FX (ver 1.x)
962 .align 2
963 .long 0xFFFF0F00 ; 1.x vers
965 .short 0x0100
966 .long pfFloat | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pfSlowNap | pfNoMuMMCK | pf32Byte | pfL2
967 .long kCache32 | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
968 .long pmDualPLL
969 .long PatchExt32
970 .long init750FX
972 .long 32
973 .long 32*1024
974 .long 32*1024
975 .long 64
976 .long 52
977 .long 32
979 ; 750FX (generic)
981 .align 2
982 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All revisions
984 .short 0
985 .long pfFloat | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pfSlowNap | pfNoMuMMCK | pf32Byte | pfL2
986 .long kCache32 | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
987 .long pmDualPLL | pmDPLLVmin
988 .long PatchExt32
989 .long init750FXV2
991 .long 32
992 .long 32*1024
993 .long 32*1024
994 .long 64
995 .long 52
996 .long 32
998 ; 7400 (ver 2.0 - ver 2.7)
1000 .align 2
1001 .long 0xFFFFFFF8 ; ver 2.0 - 2.7
1002 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7400
1003 .short 0x0200
1004 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pf32Byte | pfL1fa | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfHasDcba
1005 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1006 .long 0
1007 .long PatchExt32
1008 .long init7400v2_7
1009 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7400
1010 .long 32
1011 .long 32*1024
1012 .long 32*1024
1013 .long 64
1014 .long 52
1015 .long 32
1017 ; 7400 (generic)
1019 .align 2
1020 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All revisions
1021 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7400
1022 .short 0
1023 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pf32Byte | pfL1fa | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfHasDcba
1024 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1025 .long 0
1026 .long PatchExt32
1027 .long init7400
1028 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7400
1029 .long 32
1030 .long 32*1024
1031 .long 32*1024
1032 .long 64
1033 .long 52
1034 .long 36
1036 ; 7410 (ver 1.1)
1038 .align 2
1039 .long 0xFFFFFFFF ; Exact match
1040 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7400
1041 .short 0x1101
1042 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pf32Byte | pfL1fa | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfHasDcba
1043 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1044 .long 0
1045 .long PatchExt32
1046 .long init7410
1047 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7400
1048 .long 32
1049 .long 32*1024
1050 .long 32*1024
1051 .long 64
1052 .long 52
1053 .long 36
1055 ; 7410 (generic)
1057 .align 2
1058 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All other revisions
1059 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7410
1060 .short 0
1061 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfCanDoze | pf32Byte | pfL1fa | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfHasDcba
1062 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1063 .long 0
1064 .long PatchExt32
1065 .long init7410
1066 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7400
1067 .long 32
1068 .long 32*1024
1069 .long 32*1024
1070 .long 64
1071 .long 52
1072 .long 36
1074 ; 7450 (ver 1.xx)
1076 .align 2
1077 .long 0xFFFFFF00 ; Just revisions 1.xx
1078 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7450
1079 .short 0x0100
1080 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1081 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1082 .long 0
1083 .long PatchExt32
1084 .long init7450
1085 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1086 .long 32
1087 .long 32*1024
1088 .long 32*1024
1089 .long 64
1090 .long 52
1091 .long 36
1093 ; 7450 (2.0)
1095 .align 2
1096 .long 0xFFFFFFFF ; Just revision 2.0
1097 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7450
1098 .short 0x0200
1099 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1100 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1101 .long 0
1102 .long PatchExt32
1103 .long init7450
1104 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1105 .long 32
1106 .long 32*1024
1107 .long 32*1024
1108 .long 64
1109 .long 52
1110 .long 36
1112 ; 7450 (2.1)
1114 .align 2
1115 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All other revisions
1116 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7450
1117 .short 0
1118 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfWillNap | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1119 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1120 .long 0
1121 .long PatchExt32
1122 .long init7450
1123 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1124 .long 32
1125 .long 32*1024
1126 .long 32*1024
1127 .long 64
1128 .long 52
1129 .long 36
1131 ; 7455 (1.xx) Just like 7450 2.0
1133 .align 2
1134 .long 0xFFFFFF00 ; Just revisions 1.xx
1135 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7455
1136 .short 0x0100
1137 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1138 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1139 .long 0
1140 .long PatchExt32
1141 .long init745X
1142 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1143 .long 32
1144 .long 32*1024
1145 .long 32*1024
1146 .long 64
1147 .long 52
1148 .long 36
1150 ; 7455 (2.0)
1152 .align 2
1153 .long 0xFFFFFFFF ; Just revision 2.0
1154 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7455
1155 .short 0x0200
1156 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfWillNap | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1157 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1158 .long 0
1159 .long PatchExt32
1160 .long init745X
1161 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1162 .long 32
1163 .long 32*1024
1164 .long 32*1024
1165 .long 64
1166 .long 52
1167 .long 36
1169 ; 7455 (2.1)
1171 .align 2
1172 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All other revisions
1173 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7455
1174 .short 0
1175 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1176 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1177 .long 0
1178 .long PatchExt32
1179 .long init745X
1180 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1181 .long 32
1182 .long 32*1024
1183 .long 32*1024
1184 .long 64
1185 .long 52
1186 .long 36
1188 ; 7457
1190 .align 2
1191 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All revisions
1192 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7457
1193 .short 0
1194 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1195 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1196 .long 0
1197 .long PatchExt32
1198 .long init745X
1199 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1200 .long 32
1201 .long 32*1024
1202 .long 32*1024
1203 .long 64
1204 .long 52
1205 .long 36
1207 ; 7447A
1209 .align 2
1210 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All revisions
1211 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_7447A
1212 .short 0
1213 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pfNoMSRir | pfNoL2PFNap | pfLClck | pf32Byte | pfL2 | pfL2fa | pfL2i | pfL3 | pfL3fa | pfHasDcba
1214 .long kHasAltivec | kCache32 | kDcbaAvailable | kDataStreamsRecommended | kDataStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1215 .long pmDFS
1216 .long PatchExt32
1217 .long init745X
1218 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450
1219 .long 32
1220 .long 32*1024
1221 .long 32*1024
1222 .long 64
1223 .long 52
1224 .long 36
1226 ; 970
1228 .align 2
1229 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All versions so far
1230 .short PROCESSOR_VERSION_970
1231 .short 0
1232 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pf128Byte | pf64Bit | pfL2 | pfSCOMFixUp
1233 .long kHasAltivec | k64Bit | kCache128 | kDataStreamsAvailable | kDcbtStreamsRecommended | kDcbtStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx | kHasFsqrt
1234 .long 0
1235 .long PatchLwsync
1236 .long init970
1237 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_970
1238 .long 128
1239 .long 64*1024
1240 .long 32*1024
1241 .long 128
1242 .long 65
1243 .long 42
1245 ; 970FX
1247 .align 2
1248 .long 0xFFFF0000 ; All versions so far
1250 .short 0
1251 .long pfFloat | pfAltivec | pfSMPcap | pfCanSleep | pfCanNap | pf128Byte | pf64Bit | pfL2
1252 .long kHasAltivec | k64Bit | kCache128 | kDataStreamsAvailable | kDcbtStreamsRecommended | kDcbtStreamsAvailable | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx | kHasFsqrt
1253 .long pmPowerTune
1254 .long PatchLwsync
1255 .long init970
1256 .long CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_970
1257 .long 128
1258 .long 64*1024
1259 .long 32*1024
1260 .long 128
1261 .long 65
1262 .long 42
1265 ; All other processors are not supported
1267 .align 2
1268 .long 0x00000000 ; Matches everything
1269 .short 0
1270 .short 0
1271 .long pfFloat | pf32Byte
1272 .long kCache32 | kHasGraphicsOps | kHasStfiwx
1273 .long 0
1274 .long PatchExt32
1275 .long initUnsupported
1277 .long 32
1278 .long 32*1024
1279 .long 32*1024
1280 .long 64
1281 .long 52
1282 .long 32