2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
33 #include <mach_ldebug.h>
37 #include <kern/misc_protos.h>
38 #include <kern/thread.h>
39 #include <kern/processor.h>
40 #include <kern/startup.h>
41 #include <machine/machine_routines.h>
43 #include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
44 #include <ppc/misc_protos.h>
46 #include <ppc/new_screen.h>
47 #include <ppc/exception.h>
49 #include <ppc/Firmware.h>
50 #include <ppc/savearea.h>
51 #include <ppc/low_trace.h>
52 #include <ppc/Diagnostics.h>
53 #include <ppc/cpu_internal.h>
55 #include <ppc/mappings.h>
56 #include <ppc/locks.h>
58 #include <ppc/rtclock.h>
60 #include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
62 extern unsigned int mckFlags
63 extern vm_offset_t intstack
64 extern vm_offset_t debstack
66 extern unsigned int extPatchMCK
67 extern unsigned int extPatch32
68 extern unsigned int hwulckPatch_isync
69 extern unsigned int hwulckPatch_eieio
70 extern unsigned int hwulckbPatch_isync
71 extern unsigned int hwulckbPatch_eieio
72 extern unsigned int mulckPatch_isync
73 extern unsigned int mulckPatch_eieio
74 extern unsigned int mulckePatch_isync
75 extern unsigned int mulckePatch_eieio
76 extern unsigned int sulckPatch_isync
77 extern unsigned int sulckPatch_eieio
78 extern unsigned int rwlesPatch_isync
79 extern unsigned int rwlesPatch_eieio
80 extern unsigned int rwldPatch_isync
81 extern unsigned int rwldPatch_eieio
82 extern unsigned int bcopy_nop_if_32bit
83 extern unsigned int bcopy_nc_nop_if_32bit
84 extern unsigned int memcpy_nop_if_32bit
85 extern unsigned int xsum_nop_if_32bit
86 extern unsigned int uft_nop_if_32bit
87 extern unsigned int uft_uaw_nop_if_32bit
88 extern unsigned int uft_cuttrace
91 int wcte
= 0; /* Non-cache gather timer disabled */
95 patch_entry_t patch_table
[] = {
96 {&extPatch32
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
97 {&extPatchMCK
, 0x60000000, PATCH_PROCESSOR
98 {&hwulckPatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
99 {&hwulckPatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
100 {&hwulckbPatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
101 {&hwulckbPatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
102 {&mulckPatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
103 {&mulckPatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
104 {&mulckePatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
105 {&mulckePatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
106 {&sulckPatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
107 {&sulckPatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
108 {&rwlesPatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
109 {&rwlesPatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
110 {&rwldPatch_isync
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
111 {&rwldPatch_eieio
, 0x7c2004ac, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchLwsync
112 {&bcopy_nop_if_32bit
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
113 {&bcopy_nc_nop_if_32bit
,0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
114 {&memcpy_nop_if_32bit
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
115 {&xsum_nop_if_32bit
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
116 {&uft_nop_if_32bit
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
117 {&uft_uaw_nop_if_32bit
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
118 {&uft_cuttrace
, 0x60000000, PATCH_FEATURE
, PatchExt32
119 {NULL
, 0x00000000, PATCH_END_OF_TABLE
, 0}
130 struct per_proc_info
144 unsigned int cputrace
146 unsigned int mcksoft
153 * Setup per_proc info for first cpu.
156 BootProcInfo
= 0;
157 BootProcInfo
= 0;
158 BootProcInfo
= 0; /* we're on the interrupt stack */
159 BootProcInfo
= (vm_offset_t
160 BootProcInfo
= (vm_offset_t
161 BootProcInfo
= BootProcInfo
162 BootProcInfo
= 0;
163 BootProcInfo
164 BootProcInfo
165 BootProcInfo
166 BootProcInfo
= console_per_proc_alloc(TRUE
167 BootProcInfo
= EndOfAllTime
168 BootProcInfo
= (addr64_t
; /* Initial physical address of the second page */
170 BootProcInfo
= 0; /* Dummy transition time */
171 BootProcInfo
= EndOfAllTime
; /* Set the pop way into the future */
173 BootProcInfo
= pmsParked
; /* Park the power stepper */
174 BootProcInfo
= pmsCInit
; /* Set dummy initial hardware state */
176 mp
= (mapping_t
177 mp
= 0x01000000 | mpLinkage
| mpPerm
| 1;
178 mp
= invalSpace
180 pmsInit(); /* Initialize the stepper */
184 thread
= current_thread();
185 thread
= &thread
186 thread
= thread
187 thread
= invalSpace
; /* Initialize user memory window space to invalid */
188 thread
= 1;
194 processor_bootstrap();
196 timer_start(&thread
, mach_absolute_time());
197 PROCESSOR_DATA(master_processor
, kernel_timer
) =
198 PROCESSOR_DATA(master_processor
, thread_timer
) = &thread
200 static_memory_end
= round_page(args
202 PE_init_platform(FALSE
, args
); /* Get platform expert set up */
204 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("novmx", &novmx
)) novmx
=0; /* Special run without VMX? */
205 if(novmx
) { /* Yeah, turn it off */
206 BootProcInfo
&= ~pfAltivec
; /* Turn off Altivec available */
207 __asm__
volatile("mtsprg 2,%0" : : "r" (BootProcInfo
)); /* Set live value */
210 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("fn", &forcenap
)) forcenap
= 0; /* If force nap not set, make 0 */
212 if(forcenap
< 2) forcenap
= forcenap
+ 1; /* Else set 1 for off, 2 for on */
213 else forcenap
= 0; /* Clear for error case */
216 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("pmsx", &pmsExperimental
)) pmsExperimental
= 0; /* Check if we should start in experimental power management stepper mode */
217 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("lcks", &LcksOpts
)) LcksOpts
= 0; /* Set lcks options */
218 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("diag", &dgWork
)) dgWork
= 0; /* Set diagnostic flags */
219 if(dgWork
& enaExpTrace
) trcWork
= 0xFFFFFFFF; /* If tracing requested, enable it */
221 if(PE_parse_boot_arg("ctrc", &cputrace
)) { /* See if tracing is limited to a specific cpu */
222 trcWork
= (trcWork
& 0xFFFFFFF0) | (cputrace
& 0xF); /* Limit to 4 */
225 if(!PE_parse_boot_arg("tb", &trcWork
)) { /* See if non-default trace buffer size */
227 trcWork
= 32; /* Default 32 page trace table for DEBUG */
229 trcWork
= 8; /* Default 8 page trace table for RELEASE */
233 if(trcWork
< 1) trcWork
= 1; /* Minimum size of 1 page */
234 if(trcWork
> 256) trcWork
= 256; /* Maximum size of 256 pages */
235 trcWork
= trcWork
* 4096; /* Change page count to size */
237 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("maxmem", &maxmem
240 xmaxmem
= (uint64_t)maxmem
* (1024 * 1024);
242 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("wcte", &wcte
)) wcte
= 0; /* If write combine timer enable not supplied, make 1 */
243 else wcte
= (wcte
!= 0); /* Force to 0 or 1 */
245 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("mcklog", &mckFlags
)) mckFlags
= 0; /* If machine check flags not specified, clear */
246 else if(mckFlags
> 1) mckFlags
= 0; /* If bogus, clear */
248 if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("ht_shift", &hash_table_shift
)) /* should we use a non-default hash table size? */
249 hash_table_shift
= 0; /* no, use default size */
252 * VM initialization, after this we're using page tables...
255 ppc_vm_init(xmaxmem
, args
257 if(BootProcInfo
& pf64Bit
) { /* Are we on a 64-bit machine */
260 (void)ml_scom_read(GUSModeReg
<< 8, &scdata
); /* Get GUS mode register */
261 scdata
= scdata
| GUSMstgttoff
; /* Disable the NCU store gather timer */
262 (void)ml_scom_write(GUSModeReg
<< 8, scdata
); /* Get GUS mode register */
265 if(PE_parse_boot_arg("mcksoft", &mcksoft
)) { /* Have they supplied "machine check software recovery? */
266 newhid
= BootProcInfo
; /* Get the old HID5 */
268 newhid
; /* Clear the old one */
269 newhid
|= (mcksoft
& 1) << 13; /* Set new value to enable machine check recovery */
270 BootProcInfo
= newhid
; /* Set the new one */
271 hid5set64(newhid
); /* Set the hid for this processir */
280 * Routine: ppc_init_cpu
285 struct per_proc_info
289 proc_info
&= ~SleepState
291 if((BootProcInfo
& pf64Bit
) && !wcte
) { /* Should we disable the store gather timer? */
292 (void)ml_scom_read(GUSModeReg
<< 8, &scdata
); /* Get GUS mode register */
293 scdata
= scdata
| GUSMstgttoff
; /* Disable the NCU store gather timer */
294 (void)ml_scom_write(GUSModeReg
<< 8, scdata
); /* Get GUS mode register */