2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
31 #ifndef _KERN_WAIT_QUEUE_H_
32 #define _KERN_WAIT_QUEUE_H_
34 #include <mach/mach_types.h>
35 #include <mach/sync_policy.h>
36 #include <mach/kern_return.h> /* for kern_return_t */
38 #include <kern/kern_types.h> /* for wait_queue_t */
40 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
44 #include <kern/lock.h>
45 #include <kern/queue.h>
46 #include <machine/cpu_number.h>
50 * This is the definition of the common event wait queue
51 * that the scheduler APIs understand. It is used
52 * internally by the gerneralized event waiting mechanism
53 * (assert_wait), and also for items that maintain their
54 * own wait queues (such as ports and semaphores).
56 * It is not published to other kernel components. They
57 * can create wait queues by calling wait_queue_alloc.
59 * NOTE: Hardware locks are used to protect event wait
60 * queues since interrupt code is free to post events to
63 typedef struct wait_queue
64 unsigned int /* flags */
65 /* boolean_t */ wq_type
:16, /* only public field */
66 wq_fifo
:1, /* fifo wakeup policy? */
67 wq_isprepost
:1, /* is waitq preposted? set only */
68 :0; /* force to long boundary */
69 hw_lock_data_t wq_interlock
; /* interlock */
70 queue_head_t wq_queue
; /* queue of elements */
75 * This is the common definition for a set wait queue.
76 * These can be linked as members/elements of multiple regular
77 * wait queues. They have an additional set of linkages to
78 * identify the linkage structures that point to them.
80 typedef struct wait_queue_set
81 WaitQueue wqs_wait_queue
; /* our wait queue */
82 queue_head_t wqs_setlinks
; /* links from set perspective */
83 unsigned int wqs_refcount
; /* refcount for preposting */
86 #define wqs_type wqs_wait_queue.wq_type
87 #define wqs_fifo wqs_wait_queue.wq_fifo
88 #define wqs_isprepost wqs_wait_queue.wq_isprepost
89 #define wqs_queue wqs_wait_queue.wq_queue
92 * wait_queue_element_t
93 * This structure describes the elements on an event wait
94 * queue. It is the common first fields in a thread shuttle
95 * and wait_queue_link_t. In that way, a wait queue can
96 * consist of both thread shuttle elements and links off of
97 * to other (set) wait queues.
99 * WARNING: These fields correspond to fields in the thread
100 * shuttle (run queue links and run queue pointer). Any change in
101 * the layout here will have to be matched with a change there.
103 typedef struct wait_queue_element
104 queue_chain_t wqe_links
; /* link of elements on this queue */
105 void * wqe_type
; /* Identifies link vs. thread */
106 wait_queue_t wqe_queue
; /* queue this element is on */
109 typedef WaitQueueElement
113 * Specialized wait queue element type for linking set
114 * event waits queues onto a wait queue. In this way, an event
115 * can be constructed so that any thread waiting on any number
116 * of associated wait queues can handle the event, while letting
117 * the thread only be linked on the single wait queue it blocked on.
119 * One use: ports in multiple portsets. Each thread is queued up
120 * on the portset that it specifically blocked on during a receive
121 * operation. Each port's event queue links in all the portset
122 * event queues of which it is a member. An IPC event post associated
123 * with that port may wake up any thread from any of those portsets,
124 * or one that was waiting locally on the port itself.
126 typedef struct _wait_queue_link
127 WaitQueueElement wql_element
; /* element on master */
128 queue_chain_t wql_setlinks
; /* element on set */
129 wait_queue_set_t wql_setqueue
; /* set queue */
132 #define wql_links wql_element.wqe_links
133 #define wql_type wql_element.wqe_type
134 #define wql_queue wql_element.wqe_queue
136 #define _WAIT_QUEUE_inited 0xf1d0
137 #define _WAIT_QUEUE_SET_inited 0xf1d1
139 #define wait_queue_is_queue(wq) \
140 ((wq)->wq_type == _WAIT_QUEUE_inited)
142 #define wait_queue_is_set(wqs) \
143 ((wqs)->wqs_type == _WAIT_QUEUE_SET_inited)
145 #define wait_queue_is_valid(wq) \
146 (((wq)->wq_type & ~1) == _WAIT_QUEUE_inited)
148 #define wait_queue_empty(wq) (queue_empty(&(wq)->wq_queue))
150 #define wait_queue_held(wq) (hw_lock_held(&(wq)->wq_interlock))
151 #define wait_queue_lock_try(wq) (hw_lock_try(&(wq)->wq_interlock))
153 /* For x86, the hardware timeout is in TSC units. */
155 #define hwLockTimeOut LockTimeOutTSC
157 #define hwLockTimeOut LockTimeOut
160 * Double the standard lock timeout, because wait queues tend
161 * to iterate over a number of threads - locking each. If there is
162 * a problem with a thread lock, it normally times out at the wait
163 * queue level first, hiding the real problem.
166 static inline void wait_queue_lock(wait_queue_t wq
) {
167 if (!hw_lock_to(&(wq
, hwLockTimeOut
* 2))
168 panic("wait queue deadlock - wq=%p, cpu=%d\n", wq
, cpu_number(
172 static inline void wait_queue_unlock(wait_queue_t wq
) {
173 assert(wait_queue_held(wq
174 #if defined(__i386__)
175 /* DRK: On certain x86 systems, this spinlock is susceptible to
176 * lock starvation. Hence use an unlock variant which performs
177 * a cacheline flush to minimize cache affinity on acquisition.
179 i386_lock_unlock_with_flush(&(wq
181 hw_lock_unlock(&(wq
185 #define wqs_lock(wqs) wait_queue_lock(&(wqs)->wqs_wait_queue)
186 #define wqs_unlock(wqs) wait_queue_unlock(&(wqs)->wqs_wait_queue)
187 #define wqs_lock_try(wqs) wait_queue__try_lock(&(wqs)->wqs_wait_queue)
189 #define wait_queue_assert_possible(thread) \
190 ((thread)->wait_queue == WAIT_QUEUE_NULL)
192 /******** Decomposed interfaces (to build higher level constructs) ***********/
194 /* assert intent to wait on a locked wait queue */
195 __private_extern__ wait_result_t
196 wait_queue_t wait_queue
197 event64_t wait_event
198 wait_interrupt_t interruptible
202 /* pull a thread from its wait queue */
203 __private_extern__
void wait_queue_pull_thread_locked(
204 wait_queue_t wait_queue
208 /* wakeup all threads waiting for a particular event on locked queue */
209 __private_extern__ kern_return_t
210 wait_queue_t wait_queue
211 event64_t wake_event
212 wait_result_t result
215 /* wakeup one thread waiting for a particular event on locked queue */
216 __private_extern__ kern_return_t
217 wait_queue_t wait_queue
218 event64_t wake_event
219 wait_result_t result
222 /* return identity of a thread awakened for a particular <wait_queue,event> */
223 __private_extern__ thread_t
224 wait_queue_t wait_queue
225 event64_t wake_event
226 wait_result_t result
229 /* wakeup thread iff its still waiting for a particular event on locked queue */
230 __private_extern__ kern_return_t
231 wait_queue_t wait_queue
232 event64_t wake_event
234 wait_result_t result
237 #endif /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
241 /******** Semi-Public interfaces (not a part of a higher construct) ************/
243 extern unsigned int wait_queue_set_size(void);
244 extern unsigned int wait_queue_link_size(void);
246 extern kern_return_t
247 wait_queue_t wait_queue
250 extern wait_queue_set_t
253 extern kern_return_t
254 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
257 extern kern_return_t
258 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
260 extern wait_queue_link_t
263 extern kern_return_t
264 wait_queue_link_t link_element
266 extern kern_return_t
267 wait_queue_t wait_queue
268 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
270 extern kern_return_t
271 wait_queue_t wait_queue
272 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
273 wait_queue_link_t link
275 extern boolean_t
276 wait_queue_t wait_queue
277 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
279 extern kern_return_t
280 wait_queue_t wait_queue
281 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
283 extern kern_return_t
284 wait_queue_t wait_queue
286 extern kern_return_t
287 wait_queue_t wait_queue
289 extern kern_return_t
290 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
293 kern_return_t
294 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
297 kern_return_t
298 wait_queue_set_t wq_set
300 extern kern_return_t
301 wait_queue_set_t set_queue
303 extern wait_queue_t
306 extern kern_return_t
307 wait_queue_t wait_queue
309 /* assert intent to wait on <wait_queue,event64> pair */
310 extern wait_result_t
311 wait_queue_t wait_queue
312 event64_t wait_event
313 wait_interrupt_t interruptible
316 /* wakeup the most appropriate thread waiting on <wait_queue,event64> pair */
317 extern kern_return_t
318 wait_queue_t wait_queue
319 event64_t wake_event
320 wait_result_t result
322 /* wakeup all the threads waiting on <wait_queue,event64> pair */
323 extern kern_return_t
324 wait_queue_t wait_queue
325 event64_t wake_event
326 wait_result_t result
328 /* wakeup a specified thread waiting iff waiting on <wait_queue,event64> pair */
329 extern kern_return_t
330 wait_queue_t wait_queue
331 event64_t wake_event
333 wait_result_t result
336 * Compatibility Wait Queue APIs based on pointer events instead of 64bit
340 /* assert intent to wait on <wait_queue,event> pair */
341 extern wait_result_t
342 wait_queue_t wait_queue
344 wait_interrupt_t interruptible
347 /* wakeup the most appropriate thread waiting on <wait_queue,event> pair */
348 extern kern_return_t
349 wait_queue_t wait_queue
351 wait_result_t result
353 /* wakeup all the threads waiting on <wait_queue,event> pair */
354 extern kern_return_t
355 wait_queue_t wait_queue
357 wait_result_t result
359 /* wakeup a specified thread waiting iff waiting on <wait_queue,event> pair */
360 extern kern_return_t
361 wait_queue_t wait_queue
364 wait_result_t result
368 #endif /* _KERN_WAIT_QUEUE_H_ */
370 #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */