2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
30 * Changes to this API are expected.
36 #include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
37 #include <IOKit/IOService.h>
38 #include <IOKit/OSMessageNotification.h>
41 #include <IOKit/IOStatisticsPrivate.h>
47 kIOUCTypeMask
= 0x0000000f,
48 kIOUCScalarIScalarO
= 0,
49 kIOUCScalarIStructO
= 2,
50 kIOUCStructIStructO
= 3,
51 kIOUCScalarIStructI
= 4,
53 kIOUCForegroundOnly
= 0x00000010,
57 @abstract Constant to denote a variable length structure argument to IOUserClient.
58 @constant kIOUCVariableStructureSize Use in the structures IOExternalMethod, IOExternalAsyncMethod, IOExternalMethodDispatch to specify the size of the structure is variable.
61 kIOUCVariableStructureSize
= 0xffffffff
65 typedef IOReturn (IOService::*IOMethod
)(void * p1
, void * p2
, void * p3
66 void * p4
, void * p5
, void * p6
68 typedef IOReturn (IOService::*IOAsyncMethod
)(OSAsyncReference asyncRef
69 void * p1
, void * p2
, void * p3
70 void * p4
, void * p5
, void * p6
72 typedef IOReturn (IOService::*IOTrap
)(void * p1
, void * p2
, void * p3
73 void * p4
, void * p5
, void * p6
75 struct IOExternalMethod
83 struct IOExternalAsyncMethod
91 struct IOExternalTrap
97 kIOUserNotifyMaxMessageSize
= 64
101 kIOUserNotifyOptionCanDrop
= 0x1 /* Fail if queue is full, rather than infinitely queuing. */
104 // keys for clientHasPrivilege
105 #define kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator "root"
106 #define kIOClientPrivilegeLocalUser "local"
107 #define kIOClientPrivilegeForeground "foreground"
110 @abstract Constants to specify the maximum number of scalar arguments in the IOExternalMethodArguments structure. These constants are documentary since the scalarInputCount, scalarOutputCount fields reflect the actual number passed.
111 @constant kIOExternalMethodScalarInputCountMax The maximum number of scalars able to passed on input.
112 @constant kIOExternalMethodScalarOutputCountMax The maximum number of scalars able to passed on output.
115 kIOExternalMethodScalarInputCountMax
= 16,
116 kIOExternalMethodScalarOutputCountMax
= 16,
120 struct IOExternalMethodArguments
126 mach_port_t asyncWakePort
127 io_user_reference_t
* asyncReference
128 uint32_t asyncReferenceCount
130 const uint64_t * scalarInput
131 uint32_t scalarInputCount
133 const void * structureInput
134 uint32_t structureInputSize
136 IOMemoryDescriptor
* structureInputDescriptor
138 uint64_t * scalarOutput
139 uint32_t scalarOutputCount
141 void * structureOutput
142 uint32_t structureOutputSize
144 IOMemoryDescriptor
* structureOutputDescriptor
145 uint32_t structureOutputDescriptorSize
147 uint32_t __reservedA
149 OSObject
** structureVariableOutputData
151 uint32_t __reserved
154 typedef IOReturn (*IOExternalMethodAction
* target
, void * reference
155 IOExternalMethodArguments
* arguments
156 struct IOExternalMethodDispatch
158 IOExternalMethodAction function
159 uint32_t checkScalarInputCount
160 uint32_t checkStructureInputSize
161 uint32_t checkScalarOutputCount
162 uint32_t checkStructureOutputSize
167 kIOExternalMethodArgumentsCurrentVersion
173 @abstract Provides a basis for communication between client applications and I/O Kit objects.
177 class IOUserClient
: public IOService
179 OSDeclareAbstractStructors(IOUserClient
181 friend class IOStatistics
185 /*! @struct ExpansionData
186 @discussion This structure will be used to expand the capablilties of this class in the future.
188 struct ExpansionData
190 IOUserClientCounter
192 void *iokitstatsReserved
197 Reserved for future use. (Internal use only)
199 ExpansionData
* reserved
209 UInt8 sharedInstance
210 UInt8 __reservedA
211 void * __reserved
214 virtual IOReturn
externalMethod( uint32_t selector
, IOExternalMethodArguments
* arguments
215 IOExternalMethodDispatch
* dispatch
= 0, OSObject
* target
= 0, void * reference
= 0 );
217 virtual IOReturn
218 mach_port_t port
, UInt32 type
, io_user_reference_t refCon
222 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 0);
223 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 1);
225 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUserClient
, 0);
226 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUserClient
, 1);
228 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 2);
229 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 3);
230 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 4);
231 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 5);
232 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 6);
233 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 7);
234 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 8);
235 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 9);
236 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 10);
237 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 11);
238 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 12);
239 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 13);
240 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 14);
241 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 15);
244 /* Available within xnu source only */
246 static void initialize( void );
247 static void destroyUserReferences( OSObject
* obj
248 IOMemoryMap
* mapClientMemory64( IOOptionBits type
250 IOOptionBits mapFlags
= kIOMapAnywhere
251 mach_vm_address_t atAddress
= 0 );
255 static IOReturn
sendAsyncResult(OSAsyncReference reference
256 IOReturn result
, void *args
[], UInt32 numArgs
257 static void setAsyncReference(OSAsyncReference asyncRef
258 mach_port_t wakePort
259 void *callback
, void *refcon
261 static IOReturn
sendAsyncResult64(OSAsyncReference64 reference
262 IOReturn result
, io_user_reference_t args
[], UInt32 numArgs
265 @function sendAsyncResult64WithOptions
266 @abstract Send a notification as with sendAsyncResult, but with finite queueing.
267 @discussion IOUserClient::sendAsyncResult64() will infitely queue messages if the client
268 is not processing them in a timely fashion. This variant will not, for simple
269 handling of situations where clients may be expected to stop processing messages.
271 static IOReturn
sendAsyncResult64WithOptions(OSAsyncReference64 reference
272 IOReturn result
, io_user_reference_t args
[], UInt32 numArgs
273 IOOptionBits options
275 static void setAsyncReference64(OSAsyncReference64 asyncRef
276 mach_port_t wakePort
277 mach_vm_address_t callback
, io_user_reference_t refcon
279 static void setAsyncReference64(OSAsyncReference64 asyncRef
280 mach_port_t wakePort
281 mach_vm_address_t callback
, io_user_reference_t refcon
286 static IOReturn
clientHasPrivilege( void * securityToken
287 const char * privilegeName
290 @function releaseAsyncReference64
291 @abstract Release the mach_port_t reference held within the OSAsyncReference64 structure.
292 @discussion The OSAsyncReference64 structure passed to async methods holds a reference to the wakeup mach port, which should be released to balance each async method call. Behavior is undefined if these calls are not correctly balanced.
293 @param reference The reference passed to the subclass IOAsyncMethod, or externalMethod() in the IOExternalMethodArguments.asyncReference field.
294 @result A return code.
296 static IOReturn
releaseAsyncReference64(OSAsyncReference64 reference
298 @function releaseNotificationPort
299 @abstract Release the mach_port_t passed to registerNotificationPort().
300 @discussion The mach_port_t passed to the registerNotificationPort() methods should be released to balance each call to registerNotificationPort(). Behavior is undefined if these calls are not correctly balanced.
301 @param reference The mach_port_t argument previously passed to the subclass implementation of registerNotificationPort().
302 @result A return code.
304 static IOReturn
releaseNotificationPort(mach_port_t port
307 virtual bool init( OSDictionary
* dictionary
308 // Currently ignores the all args, just passes up to IOService::init()
309 virtual bool initWithTask(
310 task_t owningTask
, void * securityToken
, UInt32 type
311 OSDictionary
* properties
313 virtual bool initWithTask(
314 task_t owningTask
, void * securityToken
, UInt32 type
318 virtual IOReturn
clientClose( void );
319 virtual IOReturn
clientDied( void );
321 virtual IOService
* getService( void );
323 virtual IOReturn
324 mach_port_t port
, UInt32 type
, UInt32 refCon
326 virtual IOReturn
getNotificationSemaphore( UInt32 notification_type
327 semaphore_t
* semaphore
329 virtual IOReturn
connectClient( IOUserClient
* client
331 // memory will be released by user client when last map is destroyed
332 virtual IOReturn
clientMemoryForType( UInt32 type
333 IOOptionBits
* options
334 IOMemoryDescriptor
** memory
339 IOMemoryMap
* mapClientMemory( IOOptionBits type
341 IOOptionBits mapFlags
= kIOMapAnywhere
342 IOVirtualAddress atAddress
= 0 );
345 static IOReturn
_sendAsyncResult64(OSAsyncReference64 reference
346 IOReturn result
, io_user_reference_t args
[], UInt32 numArgs
, IOOptionBits options
350 @function removeMappingForDescriptor
351 Remove the first mapping created from the memory descriptor returned by clientMemoryForType() from IOUserClient's list of mappings. If such a mapping exists, it is retained and the reference currently held by IOUserClient is returned to the caller.
352 @param memory The memory descriptor instance previously returned by the implementation of clientMemoryForType().
353 @result A reference to the first IOMemoryMap instance found in the list of mappings created by IOUserClient from that passed memory descriptor is returned, or zero if none exist. The caller should release this reference.
355 IOMemoryMap
* removeMappingForDescriptor(IOMemoryDescriptor
* memory
358 @function exportObjectToClient
359 Make an arbitrary OSObject available to the client task.
360 @param task The task.
361 @param obj The object we want to export to the client.
362 @param clientObj Returned value is the client's port name.
364 virtual IOReturn
exportObjectToClient(task_t task
365 OSObject
, io_object_t
367 // Old methods for accessing method vector backward compatiblility only
368 virtual IOExternalMethod
369 getExternalMethodForIndex( UInt32 index
371 virtual IOExternalAsyncMethod
372 getExternalAsyncMethodForIndex( UInt32 index
375 // Methods for accessing method vector.
376 virtual IOExternalMethod
377 getTargetAndMethodForIndex( IOService
** targetP
, UInt32 index
378 virtual IOExternalAsyncMethod
379 getAsyncTargetAndMethodForIndex( IOService
** targetP
, UInt32 index
381 // Methods for accessing trap vector - old and new style
382 virtual IOExternalTrap
383 getExternalTrapForIndex( UInt32 index
386 virtual IOExternalTrap
387 getTargetAndTrapForIndex( IOService
, UInt32 index
390 #endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOUSERCLIENT_H */