2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
36 #include <libkern/crypto/aes.h>
37 #include <uuid/uuid.h>
43 struct IOPolledFileExtent
48 typedef struct IOPolledFileExtent IOPolledFileExtent
50 struct IOHibernateImageHeader
55 uint32_t restore1CodePhysPage
57 uint64_t restore1CodeVirt
58 uint32_t restore1PageCount
59 uint32_t restore1CodeOffset
60 uint32_t restore1StackOffset
69 uint32_t actualRestore1Sum
70 uint32_t actualImage1Sum
71 uint32_t actualImage2Sum
73 uint32_t actualUncompressedPages
74 uint32_t conflictCount
78 uint32_t processorFlags
80 uint32_t runtimePages
81 uint32_t runtimePageCount
82 uint64_t runtimeVirtualPages
__attribute__ ((packed
84 uint32_t performanceDataStart
85 uint32_t performanceDataSize
87 uint64_t encryptStart
__attribute__ ((packed
88 uint64_t machineSignature
__attribute__ ((packed
91 uint32_t previewPageListSize
95 uint32_t handoffPages
96 uint32_t handoffPageCount
98 uint32_t systemTableOffset
103 uint32_t compression
105 uint32_t reserved
[58]; // make sizeof == 512
106 uint32_t booterTime0
107 uint32_t booterTime1
108 uint32_t booterTime2
110 uint32_t booterStart
112 uint32_t connectDisplayTime
115 uint32_t trampolineTime
117 uint64_t encryptEnd
__attribute__ ((packed
118 uint64_t deviceBase
__attribute__ ((packed
119 uint32_t deviceBlockSize
121 uint32_t fileExtentMapSize
122 IOPolledFileExtent fileExtentMap
124 typedef struct IOHibernateImageHeader IOHibernateImageHeader
128 kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs
= 0x00000001
131 // options & IOHibernateOptions property
134 kIOHibernateOptionSSD
= 0x00000001,
135 kIOHibernateOptionColor
= 0x00000002,
136 kIOHibernateOptionProgress
= 0x00000004,
137 kIOHibernateOptionDarkWake
= 0x00000008,
140 struct hibernate_bitmap_t
144 uint32_t bitmapwords
147 typedef struct hibernate_bitmap_t hibernate_bitmap_t
149 struct hibernate_page_list_t
154 hibernate_bitmap_t bank_bitmap
156 typedef struct hibernate_page_list_t hibernate_page_list_t
160 struct hibernate_cryptwakevars_t
162 uint8_t aes_iv
164 typedef struct hibernate_cryptwakevars_t hibernate_cryptwakevars_t
166 struct hibernate_cryptvars_t
168 uint8_t aes_iv
171 typedef struct hibernate_cryptvars_t hibernate_cryptvars_t
173 #endif /* defined(_AES_H) */
177 kIOHibernateHandoffType
= 0x686f0000,
178 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeEnd
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 0,
179 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeGraphicsInfo
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 1,
180 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeCryptVars
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 2,
181 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeMemoryMap
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 3,
182 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeDeviceTree
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 4,
183 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeDeviceProperties
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 5,
184 kIOHibernateHandoffTypeKeyStore
= kIOHibernateHandoffType
+ 6,
187 struct IOHibernateHandoff
193 typedef struct IOHibernateHandoff IOHibernateHandoff
197 kIOHibernateProgressCount
= 19,
198 kIOHibernateProgressWidth
= 7,
199 kIOHibernateProgressHeight
= 16,
200 kIOHibernateProgressSpacing
= 3,
201 kIOHibernateProgressOriginY
= 81,
203 kIOHibernateProgressSaveUnderSize
= 2*5+14*2,
205 kIOHibernateProgressLightGray
= 230,
206 kIOHibernateProgressMidGray
= 174,
207 kIOHibernateProgressDarkGray
= 92
212 kIOHibernatePostWriteSleep
= 0,
213 kIOHibernatePostWriteWake
= 1,
214 kIOHibernatePostWriteHalt
= 2,
215 kIOHibernatePostWriteRestart
= 3
219 struct hibernate_graphics_t
221 uint32_t physicalAddress
; // Base address of video memory
222 int32_t gfxStatus
; // EFI config restore status
223 uint32_t rowBytes
; // Number of bytes per pixel row
224 uint32_t width
; // Width
225 uint32_t height
; // Height
226 uint32_t depth
; // Pixel Depth
228 uint8_t progressSaveUnder
230 typedef struct hibernate_graphics_t hibernate_graphics_t
233 static const uint8_t gIOHibernateProgressAlpha \
234 [kIOHibernateProgressHeight][kIOHibernateProgressWidth] = \
236 { 0x00,0x63,0xd8,0xf0,0xd8,0x63,0x00 }, \
237 { 0x51,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x51 }, \
238 { 0xae,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xae }, \
239 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
240 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
241 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
242 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
243 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
244 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
245 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
246 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
247 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
248 { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 }, \
249 { 0xae,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xae }, \
250 { 0x54,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x54 }, \
251 { 0x00,0x66,0xdb,0xf3,0xdb,0x66,0x00 } \
254 struct hibernate_preview_t
256 uint32_t imageCount
; // Number of images
257 uint32_t width
; // Width
258 uint32_t height
; // Height
259 uint32_t depth
; // Pixel Depth
260 uint32_t lockTime
; // Lock time
261 uint32_t reservedG
[8]; // reserved
262 uint32_t reservedK
[8]; // reserved
264 typedef struct hibernate_preview_t hibernate_preview_t
266 struct hibernate_statistics_t
270 uint32_t image1Pages
272 uint32_t booterStart
274 uint32_t booterDuration
275 uint32_t booterConnectDisplayDuration
276 uint32_t booterSplashDuration
277 uint32_t booterDuration0
278 uint32_t booterDuration1
279 uint32_t booterDuration2
280 uint32_t trampolineDuration
281 uint32_t kernelImageReadDuration
283 uint32_t graphicsReadyTime
284 uint32_t wakeNotificationTime
285 uint32_t lockScreenReadyTime
286 uint32_t hidReadyTime
288 uint32_t wakeCapability
291 typedef struct hibernate_statistics_t hibernate_statistics_t
293 #define kIOSysctlHibernateStatistics "kern.hibernatestatistics"
294 #define kIOSysctlHibernateGraphicsReady "kern.hibernategraphicsready"
295 #define kIOSysctlHibernateWakeNotify "kern.hibernatewakenotification"
296 #define kIOSysctlHibernateScreenReady "kern.hibernatelockscreenready"
297 #define kIOSysctlHibernateHIDReady "kern.hibernatehidready"
303 void IOHibernateSystemInit(IOPMrootDomain
* rootDomain
305 IOReturn
306 IOReturn
307 IOReturn
308 IOReturn
309 IOReturn
310 bool IOHibernateWasScreenLocked(void);
311 void IOHibernateSetScreenLocked(uint32_t lockState
312 void IOHibernateSetWakeCapabilities(uint32_t capability
313 void IOHibernateSystemRestart(void);
315 #endif /* __cplusplus */
318 typedef void (*kern_get_file_extents_callback_t
)(void * ref
, uint64_t start
, uint64_t size
320 struct kern_direct_file_io_ref_t
321 kern_open_file_for_direct_io(const char * name
322 kern_get_file_extents_callback_t callback
327 off_t write_file_offset
328 caddr_t write_file_addr
329 vm_size_t write_file_len
331 dev_t
* partition_device_result
332 dev_t
* image_device_result
333 uint64_t * partitionbase_result
334 uint64_t * maxiocount_result
337 kern_close_file_for_direct_io(struct kern_direct_file_io_ref_t
* ref
338 off_t write_offset
, caddr_t addr
, vm_size_t write_length
339 off_t discard_offset
, off_t discard_end
340 #endif /* _SYS_CONF_H_ */
342 hibernate_page_list_t
343 hibernate_page_list_allocate(boolean_t log
346 hibernate_alloc_page_lists(
347 hibernate_page_list_t
** page_list_ret
348 hibernate_page_list_t
** page_list_wired_ret
349 hibernate_page_list_t
** page_list_pal_ret
352 hibernate_setup(IOHibernateImageHeader
* header
353 uint32_t free_page_ratio
354 uint32_t free_page_time
356 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
357 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_wired
358 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_pal
361 hibernate_teardown(hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
362 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_wired
363 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_pal
366 hibernate_processor_setup(IOHibernateImageHeader
* header
369 hibernate_gobble_pages(uint32_t gobble_count
, uint32_t free_page_time
371 hibernate_free_gobble_pages(void);
374 hibernate_vm_lock_queues(void);
376 hibernate_vm_unlock_queues(void);
379 hibernate_vm_lock(void);
381 hibernate_vm_unlock(void);
383 // mark pages not to be saved, based on VM system accounting
385 hibernate_page_list_setall(hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
386 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_wired
387 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_pal
389 boolean_t discard_all
390 uint32_t * pagesOut
392 // mark pages to be saved, or pages not to be saved but available
393 // for scratch usage during restore
395 hibernate_page_list_setall_machine(hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
396 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_wired
398 uint32_t * pagesOut
400 // mark pages not to be saved and not for scratch usage during restore
402 hibernate_page_list_set_volatile( hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
403 hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_wired
404 uint32_t * pagesOut
407 hibernate_page_list_discard(hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
410 hibernate_should_abort(void);
413 hibernate_set_page_state(hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list
, hibernate_page_list_t
* page_list_wired
414 vm_offset_t ppnum
, vm_offset_t count
, uint32_t kind
417 hibernate_page_bitset(hibernate_page_list_t
* list
, boolean_t set
, uint32_t page
420 hibernate_page_bittst(hibernate_page_list_t
* list
, uint32_t page
423 hibernate_page_bitmap_pin(hibernate_page_list_t
* list
, uint32_t * page
426 hibernate_page_bitmap_count(hibernate_bitmap_t
* bitmap
, uint32_t set
, uint32_t page
429 hibernate_restore_phys_page(uint64_t src
, uint64_t dst
, uint32_t len
, uint32_t procFlags
432 hibernate_machine_init(void);
435 hibernate_write_image(void);
438 hibernate_machine_entrypoint(uint32_t p1
, uint32_t p2
, uint32_t p3
, uint32_t p4
440 hibernate_kernel_entrypoint(uint32_t p1
, uint32_t p2
, uint32_t p3
, uint32_t p4
442 hibernate_newruntime_map(void * map
, vm_size_t map_size
443 uint32_t system_table_offset
446 extern uint32_t gIOHibernateState
447 extern uint32_t gIOHibernateMode
448 extern uint32_t gIOHibernateDebugFlags
449 extern uint32_t gIOHibernateFreeTime
; // max time to spend freeing pages (ms)
450 extern uint8_t gIOHibernateRestoreStack
451 extern uint8_t gIOHibernateRestoreStackEnd
452 extern IOHibernateImageHeader
* gIOHibernateCurrentHeader
454 #define HIBLOG(fmt, args...) \
455 { kprintf(fmt, ## args); printf(fmt, ## args); }
457 #define HIBPRINT(fmt, args...) \
458 { kprintf(fmt, ## args); }
462 // gIOHibernateState, kIOHibernateStateKey
465 kIOHibernateStateInactive
= 0,
466 kIOHibernateStateHibernating
= 1, /* writing image */
467 kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate
= 2 /* booted and restored image */
470 // gIOHibernateMode, kIOHibernateModeKey
473 kIOHibernateModeOn
= 0x00000001,
474 kIOHibernateModeSleep
= 0x00000002,
475 kIOHibernateModeEncrypt
= 0x00000004,
476 kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive
= 0x00000008,
477 kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanActive
= 0x00000010,
478 kIOHibernateModeSwitch
= 0x00000020,
479 kIOHibernateModeRestart
= 0x00000040,
480 kIOHibernateModeSSDInvert
= 0x00000080,
481 kIOHibernateModeFileResize
= 0x00000100,
484 // IOHibernateImageHeader.signature
487 kIOHibernateHeaderSignature
= 0x73696d65,
488 kIOHibernateHeaderInvalidSignature
= 0x7a7a7a7a
491 // kind for hibernate_set_page_state()
494 kIOHibernatePageStateFree
= 0,
495 kIOHibernatePageStateWiredSave
= 1,
496 kIOHibernatePageStateUnwiredSave
= 2
499 #define kIOHibernateModeKey "Hibernate Mode"
500 #define kIOHibernateFileKey "Hibernate File"
501 #define kIOHibernateFileMinSizeKey "Hibernate File Min"
502 #define kIOHibernateFileMaxSizeKey "Hibernate File Max"
503 #define kIOHibernateFreeRatioKey "Hibernate Free Ratio"
504 #define kIOHibernateFreeTimeKey "Hibernate Free Time"
506 #define kIOHibernateStateKey "IOHibernateState"
507 #define kIOHibernateFeatureKey "Hibernation"
508 #define kIOHibernatePreviewBufferKey "IOPreviewBuffer"
510 #ifndef kIOHibernatePreviewActiveKey
511 #define kIOHibernatePreviewActiveKey "IOHibernatePreviewActive"
512 // values for kIOHibernatePreviewActiveKey
514 kIOHibernatePreviewActive
= 0x00000001,
515 kIOHibernatePreviewUpdates
= 0x00000002
519 #define kIOHibernateOptionsKey "IOHibernateOptions"
520 #define kIOHibernateGfxStatusKey "IOHibernateGfxStatus"
522 kIOHibernateGfxStatusUnknown
= ((int32_t) 0xFFFFFFFF)
525 #define kIOHibernateBootImageKey "boot-image"
526 #define kIOHibernateBootImageKeyKey "boot-image-key"
527 #define kIOHibernateBootSignatureKey "boot-signature"
529 #define kIOHibernateMemorySignatureKey "memory-signature"
530 #define kIOHibernateMemorySignatureEnvKey "mem-sig"
531 #define kIOHibernateMachineSignatureKey "machine-signature"
533 #define kIOHibernateRTCVariablesKey "IOHibernateRTCVariables"
534 #define kIOHibernateSMCVariablesKey "IOHibernateSMCVariables"
536 #define kIOHibernateBootSwitchVarsKey "boot-switch-vars"
538 #define kIOHibernateBootNoteKey "boot-note"
541 #define kIOHibernateUseKernelInterpreter 0x80000000
545 kIOPreviewImageIndexDesktop
= 0,
546 kIOPreviewImageIndexLockScreen
= 1,
547 kIOPreviewImageCount
= 2
552 kIOScreenLockNoLock
= 1,
553 kIOScreenLockUnlocked
= 2,
554 kIOScreenLockLocked
= 3,
555 kIOScreenLockFileVaultDialog
= 4,
558 #define kIOScreenLockStateKey "IOScreenLockState"