]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - iokit/IOKit/ata/IOATADevice_Reference.h
[apple/xnu.git] / iokit / IOKit / ata / IOATADevice_Reference.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
11 *
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18 * under the License.
19 *
21 */
23 /*!
24 @header IOATADevice_Reference.h
26 This header defines the IOATADevice class.
28 The ATA/ATAPI framework creates instances of this class to
29 represent each valid ATA/ATAPI device detected during
30 ATA bus scanning. When an instance of this class is registered with
31 IOKit, the instance will be presented to clients which
32 'match' the IOATADevice class.
33 */
35 /*!
36 @enum ATADeviceType
37 Defines ATA/ATAPI Device types.
38 @constant kATADeviceNone
39 Indicates no device installed.
40 @constant kATADeviceATA
41 Indicates ATA type device, i.e. packet protocols not supported.
42 @constant kATADeviceATAPI
43 Indicates ATAPI type device, i.e. packet protocols supported.
44 */
45 enum ATADeviceType {
47 kATADeviceNone,
48 kATADeviceATA,
49 kATADeviceATAPI,
51 };
53 /*!
54 @enum ATATimingProtocol
55 Defines supported transport timing. See getTimingsSupported(), selectTiming().
56 @constant kATATimingPIO
57 Indicates transport timing is for Programmed I/O.
58 @constant kATATimingDMA
59 Indicates transport timing is for DMA.
60 @constant kATATimingDMA33
61 Indicates transport timing is for Ultra DMA/33.
62 @constant kATATimingDMA66
63 Indicates transport timing is for Ultra DMA/66.
64 @constant kATAMaxTimings
65 Indicates number of timing protocols defined.
66 */
67 enum ATATimingProtocol
68 {
69 kATATimingPIO = (1 << 0),
70 kATATimingDMA = (1 << 1),
71 kATATimingUltraDMA33 = (1 << 2),
72 kATATimingUltraDMA66 = (1 << 3),
73 kATAMaxTimings = 4,
75 };
77 /*!
78 @enum ATAProtocol
79 Defines supported transport protocols. See getProtocolsSupported().
80 @constant kATAProtocolNone
81 Indicates no transport protocol defined.
82 @constant kATAProtocolSetRegs
83 Indicates the transport driver should do a Set ATA Registers operation. For this
84 protocol, the transport driver sets the requested taskfile registers as indicated
85 in the ATATaskfile structure and then reads back the taskfile registers requested.
86 The transport presumes the device will not generate an interrupt as a result
87 of this operation.
88 @constant kATAProtocolPIO
89 Indicates the transport driver should do a Programmed I/O operation. For this
90 protocol, the transport driver sets the requested taskfile registers, and transfers
91 data to/from the IOATADevice via Programmed I/O operations. The IOATADevice client
92 can control the direction/amount data transferred by using setPointers() function.
93 The client can indicate a zero data transfer length to implement non-data transfer
94 commands such as power-management and set features.
95 @constant kATAProtocolDMA
96 Indicates the transport driver should do a DMA I/O operation to the device. For this
97 protocol, the transport driver sets the requested taskfile registers, and transfers
98 data to/from the IOATADevice via DMA operations.
99 @constant kATAProtocolDMAQueued
100 Indicates the transport driver should do DMA Queued I/O operations. In this case,
101 the driver will queue multiple I/O operations at the IOATADevice. Both the device
102 and the transport driver must support this protocol.
103 @constant kATAProtocolDMAQueueRelease
104 Indicates the transport driver should do DMA Queued I/O operations with bus release.
105 In this case, the driver will queue multiple I/O operations at the IOATADevice. In
106 addition this protocol allows Overlap between both devices on the ATA Bus.
107 @constant kATAProtocolATAPIPIO
108 Indicates the transport driver should send an use ATAPI packet protocol and transfer
109 data to/from the device via PIO cycles.
110 @constant kATAProtocolATAPIDMA
111 Indicates the transport driver should send an use ATAPI packet protocol and transfer
112 data to/from the device via DMA cycles.
113 */
114 enum ATAProtocol {
116 kATAProtocolNone = 0,
117 kATAProtocolSetRegs = (1 << 0),
118 kATAProtocolPIO = (1 << 1),
119 kATAProtocolDMA = (1 << 2),
120 kATAProtocolDMAQueued = (1 << 3),
121 kATAProtocolDMAQueuedRelease = (1 << 4),
123 kATAProtocolATAPIPIO = (1 << 16),
124 kATAProtocolATAPIDMA = (1 << 17),
126 };
128 /*!
129 @typedef ATATiming
130 @abstract
131 Provides the low-level cycle times for the transport timing indicated.
132 @discussion
133 See enum ATATimingProtocols for a list of transport timing protocols.
134 @field timingProtocol
135 Indicates transport timing the structure refers to. See enum ATATimingProtocol
136 for a list of transport timings.
137 @field mode
138 Indicates the ATA DMA/PIO mode supported. The mode is a number indicating preset
139 timings for a particular set of timings as defined by the ATA specification.
140 @field minDataAccess
141 The minimum time (in nS) that IOW-/IOR- indicates that the data is valid for 16-bit
142 data transfers. This field does not apply for Ultra/33 and Ultra/66 timings.
143 @field minDataCycle
144 The minimum time (in nS) that a full 16-bit data transfer will take, i.e. the time
145 between consecutive assertions of IOW-/IOR-. For Ultra/33 and Ultra/66 timings
146 this field indicates the average single cycle time.
147 @field minCmdAccess
148 The minimum time (in nS) that IOW-/IOR- indicates that the data is valid for 8-bit
149 pio command transfers.
150 @field minCmdCycle
151 The minimum time (in nS) that a full 8-bit pio data transfer will take, i.e. the time
152 between consecutive assertions of IOW-/IOR-.
153 */
154 typedef struct ATATiming {
156 ATATimingProtocol timingProtocol;
158 UInt32 featureSetting;
160 UInt32 mode;
161 UInt32 minDataAccess;
162 UInt32 minDataCycle;
163 UInt32 minCmdAccess;
164 UInt32 minCmdCycle;
165 UInt32 reserved_3[9];
167 } ATATiming;
169 class IOATAStandardDevice : public IOATADevice
170 {
171 public:
173 /*!
174 @function allocCommand
175 @abstract
176 Allocates an IOATACommand object for this device.
177 @discussion
178 The client uses the allocCommand() member function to allocate IOATACommand(s)
179 for an IOATADevice. The client then uses the member functions of
180 the IOATACommand to initialize it and send it to the device. A completed IOATACommand
181 may be reused for subsequent I/O requests or returned to the ATA/ATAPI Family.
182 @param deviceType
183 Always specify kIOATADevice.
184 @param clientDataSize
185 The client may indicate the size of a per-command data area for its own
186 use.
187 */
188 IOATACommand *allocCommand( IOATADevice *deviceType, UInt32 clientDataSize = 0 );
190 /*!
191 @function getUnit
192 @abstract
193 Returns the ATA unit number corresponding to this device.
194 */
195 ATAUnit getUnit();
197 /*!
198 @function getDeviceType
199 @abstract
200 Returns the type of the corresponding ATA/ATAPI device.
201 @discussion
202 See enum ATADeviceType for return values for this function.
203 */
204 ATADeviceType getDeviceType();
206 /*!
207 @function getIdentifyData
208 @abstract
209 Returns the ATA/ATAPI Identify data for the IOATADevice
210 @discussion
211 Identify data is from the results of the last ATA bus probe.
212 @param identifyBuffer
213 Pointer to a 512-byte data buffer to receive the ATA/ATAPI Identify data.
214 */
215 bool getIdentifyData( ATAIdentify *identifyBuffer );
217 /*!
218 @function getInquiryData
219 @abstract
220 Returns ATAPI Inquiry data for the IOATADevice.
221 @discussion
222 Inquiry data returned is from the results of the last ATA bus probe.
223 @param inquiryBufSize
224 Size of the buffer supplied.
225 @param inquiryBuffer
226 Pointer to a buffer to receive the Inquiry data.
227 */
228 bool getInquiryData( UInt32 inquiryBufSize, ATAPIInquiry *inquiryBuffer );
230 /*!
231 @function getDeviceCapacity
232 @abstract
233 Returns the block count and block size of the ATA/ATAPI device.
234 @discussion
235 This function returns the capacity as returned by the ATA Identify command for ATA devices,
236 and the Read Device Capacity for ATAPI devices. The client should use caution in interpreting
237 the results of this function since the results are based on the last ATA bus scan.
238 @param blockMax
239 Pointer to a (UInt32) to receive the maximum addressable block on the device. Note: The device
240 block count is one greater than the maximum addressable block number.
241 @param blockSize
242 Pointer to a (UInt32) to receive the block size of the device in bytes.
243 */
244 bool getDeviceCapacity( UInt32 *blockMax, UInt32 *blockSize );
247 /*!
248 @function getProtocolSupported
249 @abstract
250 Returns a bit mask of transport protocols this IOATADevice supports.
251 @discussion
252 There is no guarantee that a particular device/driver combination will support
253 all transport protocols defined. The IOATADevice client must use this function
254 to determine which ATAProtocol values are valid for this device.
255 @param protocolsSupported
256 Pointer to a (UInt32) to receive a bit mask of transport protocols supported. See enum
257 ATAProtocol of a list of transport protocols.
258 */
259 bool getProtocolsSupported( ATAProtocol *protocolsSupported );
261 /*!
262 @function getTimingsSupported
263 @abstract
264 Returns a bit mask of transport timings this IOATADevice supports
265 @discussion
266 There is no guarantee that a particular device/driver combination will support
267 all transport timings defined. The IOATADevice client must use this function
268 to determine which ATATimingProtocol values are valid for this device.
269 @param protocolsSupported
270 Pointer to a (UInt32) to receive a bit mask of transport timings supported. See enum
271 ATATimingProtocol of a list of transport timings.
272 */
273 bool getTimingsSupported( ATATimingProtocol *timingsSupported );
275 /*!
276 @function getTimingSelected
277 @abstract
278 Returns the last transport timing selected for the device
279 @param timingProtocol
280 Pointer to a (UInt32) to receive the current timing protocol selected. See enum ATATimingProtocol
281 for a list of transport timing protocols.
282 */
283 bool getTimingSelected( ATATimingProtocol *timingProtocol );
285 /*!
286 @function getTiming
287 @abstract
288 Returns the parameters for the transport timing indicated.
289 @discussion
290 If the transport/device combination does not support the transport timing
291 indicated, then this function will return false. See getTimingsSupported()
292 to obtain a bit mask of supported timings.
293 @param timingProtocol
294 Pointer to a (UInt32) which the client has set to the timing protocol whose parameters are
295 to be obtained.
296 @param timing
297 Pointer to a (struct ATATiming) to receive the parameters (cycle timings) for the requested
298 timing.
299 */
300 bool getTiming( ATATimingProtocol *timingProtocol, ATATiming *timing );
302 /*!
303 @function getATAPIPktInt
304 @abstract
305 Returns whether the an ATAPI device will generate an Interrupt prior to signal it is ready
306 to request a command packet.
307 @discussion
308 A return value of (true) will indicates the device will generate a packet transfer interrupt.
309 This function would not normally need to be used by the IOATADevice client. It is for use
310 by the transport driver.
311 */
312 bool getATAPIPktInt();
314 /*!
315 @function selectTiming
316 @abstract
317 Selects the transport timing to be used for this IOATADevice.
318 @discussion
319 The IOATADevice client must issue the selectTiming() function when initializing an IOATADevice and
320 after an ATA Bus Reset event.
321 @param timingProtocol
322 The transport timing to be selected for the device. See getTimingsSupported() for transport timings
323 supported by the transport/device combination.
324 @param fNotifyMsg
325 If fNotifyMsg is set to false, selectTiming() operates a synchronous call, i.e. it blocks the
326 client until it completes. If the client needs to call this function during an event such as
327 an ATA Bus Reset, it must use the asynchronous version of this function by setting fNotifyMsg
328 to true. In this case the client will be notified via a message when this function has
329 completed.
330 */
331 bool selectTiming( ATATimingProtocol timingProtocol, bool fNotifyMsg = false );
333 /*!
334 @function holdQueue
335 @abstract
336 Suspends sending additional IOATACommand to this device.
337 @discussion
338 holdQueue() may only be called from the IOATADevice workloop. The client
339 is guaranteed to be running in this context during a message() notification.
341 holdQueue() has no effect on commands already passed to the host adapter. One
342 or more commands may complete after the queue is held. See notifyIdle()
343 @param queueType
344 Perform action on the indicated queue. See enum ATAQueueType in IOATACommand.
345 */
346 void holdQueue( UInt32 queueType );
348 /*!
349 @function releaseQueue
350 @abstract
351 Resumes sending IOATACommands to the IOATADevice.
352 @discussion
353 If the device queue was not held, releaseQueue() has no effect.
355 releaseQueue() may only be called from the IOATADevice workloop. This is guaranteed
356 to be the case after a IOATACommand completion of after a message() notification.
357 @param queueType
358 Perform action on the indicated queue. See enum ATAQueueType in IOATACommand.
359 */
360 void releaseQueue( UInt32 queueType );
362 /*!
363 @function flushQueue
364 @abstract
365 Returns any commands on the IOATADevice's pending work queue.
366 @discussion
367 flushQueue() may only be called from the IOATADevice workloop. This is
368 guaranteed to be the case after a IOATACommand completion of after a
369 message() notification.
371 All pending command are completed prior to flushQueue() returning to the caller.
373 flushQueue() has no effect on commands already passed to the host adapter. One
374 or more commands may complete after the queue is flushed. See notifyIdle().
375 @param queueType
376 Perform action on the indicated queue. See enum ATAQueueType in IOATACommand.
377 @param rc
378 The return code of any flushed commands is set to (rc).
379 */
380 void flushQueue( UInt32 queueType, IOReturn rc );
382 /*!
383 @function notifyIdle
384 @abstract
385 Notifies the client when all active commands on an ATA device have completed.
386 @discussion
387 notifyIdle() may only be called from the IOATADevice workloop. This is guaranteed
388 to be the case after a IOATACommand completion of after a message() notification.
390 Only one notifyIdle() call may be active. Any outstanding notifyIdle() calls may
391 be cancelled by calling notifyIdle() with no parameters.
392 @param target
393 Object to receive the notification. Normally the client's (this) pointer.
394 @param callback
395 Pointer to a callback routine of type CallbackFn.
396 @param refcon
397 Pointer to client's private data.
398 */
399 void notifyIdle( void *target = 0, CallbackFn callback = 0, void *refcon = 0 );
401 /*!
402 @function getWorkLoop
403 @abstract
404 Returns the IOWorkLoop object that services this IOATADevice.
405 */
406 IOWorkloop *getWorkLoop();
408 };