git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - iokit/IOKit/IOReturn.h
2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
33 * Core IOReturn values. Others may be family defined.
36 #ifndef __IOKIT_IORETURN_H
37 #define __IOKIT_IORETURN_H
43 #include <mach/error.h>
45 typedef kern_return_t IOReturn
48 #define sys_iokit err_system(0x38)
49 #endif /* sys_iokit */
50 #define sub_iokit_common err_sub(0)
51 #define sub_iokit_usb err_sub(1)
52 #define sub_iokit_firewire err_sub(2)
53 #define sub_iokit_block_storage err_sub(4)
54 #define sub_iokit_graphics err_sub(5)
55 #define sub_iokit_networking err_sub(6)
56 #define sub_iokit_bluetooth err_sub(8)
57 #define sub_iokit_pmu err_sub(9)
58 #define sub_iokit_acpi err_sub(10)
59 #define sub_iokit_smbus err_sub(11)
60 #define sub_iokit_ahci err_sub(12)
61 #define sub_iokit_powermanagement err_sub(13)
62 #define sub_iokit_hidsystem err_sub(14)
63 #define sub_iokit_scsi err_sub(16)
64 #define sub_iokit_usbaudio err_sub(17)
65 #define sub_iokit_wirelesscharging err_sub(18)
66 //#define sub_iokit_pccard err_sub(21)
68 #define sub_iokit_nvme err_sub(28)
70 #define sub_iokit_thunderbolt err_sub(29)
71 #define sub_iokit_graphics_acceleration err_sub(30)
72 #define sub_iokit_keystore err_sub(31)
74 #define sub_iokit_smc err_sub(32)
76 #define sub_iokit_platform err_sub(0x2A)
77 #define sub_iokit_audio_video err_sub(0x45)
78 #define sub_iokit_cec err_sub(0x46)
79 #define sub_iokit_baseband err_sub(0x80)
80 #define sub_iokit_HDA err_sub(0xFE)
81 #define sub_iokit_hsic err_sub(0x147)
82 #define sub_iokit_sdio err_sub(0x174)
83 #define sub_iokit_wlan err_sub(0x208)
84 #define sub_iokit_appleembeddedsleepwakehandler err_sub(0x209)
85 #define sub_iokit_appleppm err_sub(0x20A)
87 #define sub_iokit_vendor_specific err_sub(-2)
88 #define sub_iokit_reserved err_sub(-1)
90 #define iokit_common_err(return ) (sys_iokit|sub_iokit_common|return)
91 #define iokit_family_err(sub, return ) (sys_iokit|sub|return)
92 #define iokit_vendor_specific_err(return ) (sys_iokit|sub_iokit_vendor_specific|return)
94 #define kIOReturnSuccess KERN_SUCCESS // OK
95 #define kIOReturnError iokit_common_err(0x2bc) // general error
96 #define kIOReturnNoMemory iokit_common_err(0x2bd) // can't allocate memory
97 #define kIOReturnNoResources iokit_common_err(0x2be) // resource shortage
98 #define kIOReturnIPCError iokit_common_err(0x2bf) // error during IPC
99 #define kIOReturnNoDevice iokit_common_err(0x2c0) // no such device
100 #define kIOReturnNotPrivileged iokit_common_err(0x2c1) // privilege violation
101 #define kIOReturnBadArgument iokit_common_err(0x2c2) // invalid argument
102 #define kIOReturnLockedRead iokit_common_err(0x2c3) // device read locked
103 #define kIOReturnLockedWrite iokit_common_err(0x2c4) // device write locked
104 #define kIOReturnExclusiveAccess iokit_common_err(0x2c5) // exclusive access and
105 // device already open
106 #define kIOReturnBadMessageID iokit_common_err(0x2c6) // sent/received messages
107 // had different msg_id
108 #define kIOReturnUnsupported iokit_common_err(0x2c7) // unsupported function
109 #define kIOReturnVMError iokit_common_err(0x2c8) // misc. VM failure
110 #define kIOReturnInternalError iokit_common_err(0x2c9) // internal error
111 #define kIOReturnIOError iokit_common_err(0x2ca) // General I/O error
112 //#define kIOReturn???Error iokit_common_err(0x2cb) // ???
113 #define kIOReturnCannotLock iokit_common_err(0x2cc) // can't acquire lock
114 #define kIOReturnNotOpen iokit_common_err(0x2cd) // device not open
115 #define kIOReturnNotReadable iokit_common_err(0x2ce) // read not supported
116 #define kIOReturnNotWritable iokit_common_err(0x2cf) // write not supported
117 #define kIOReturnNotAligned iokit_common_err(0x2d0) // alignment error
118 #define kIOReturnBadMedia iokit_common_err(0x2d1) // Media Error
119 #define kIOReturnStillOpen iokit_common_err(0x2d2) // device(s) still open
120 #define kIOReturnRLDError iokit_common_err(0x2d3) // rld failure
121 #define kIOReturnDMAError iokit_common_err(0x2d4) // DMA failure
122 #define kIOReturnBusy iokit_common_err(0x2d5) // Device Busy
123 #define kIOReturnTimeout iokit_common_err(0x2d6) // I/O Timeout
124 #define kIOReturnOffline iokit_common_err(0x2d7) // device offline
125 #define kIOReturnNotReady iokit_common_err(0x2d8) // not ready
126 #define kIOReturnNotAttached iokit_common_err(0x2d9) // device not attached
127 #define kIOReturnNoChannels iokit_common_err(0x2da) // no DMA channels left
128 #define kIOReturnNoSpace iokit_common_err(0x2db) // no space for data
129 //#define kIOReturn???Error iokit_common_err(0x2dc) // ???
130 #define kIOReturnPortExists iokit_common_err(0x2dd) // port already exists
131 #define kIOReturnCannotWire iokit_common_err(0x2de) // can't wire down
133 #define kIOReturnNoInterrupt iokit_common_err(0x2df) // no interrupt attached
134 #define kIOReturnNoFrames iokit_common_err(0x2e0) // no DMA frames enqueued
135 #define kIOReturnMessageTooLarge iokit_common_err(0x2e1) // oversized msg received
137 #define kIOReturnNotPermitted iokit_common_err(0x2e2) // not permitted
138 #define kIOReturnNoPower iokit_common_err(0x2e3) // no power to device
139 #define kIOReturnNoMedia iokit_common_err(0x2e4) // media not present
140 #define kIOReturnUnformattedMedia iokit_common_err(0x2e5)// media not formatted
141 #define kIOReturnUnsupportedMode iokit_common_err(0x2e6) // no such mode
142 #define kIOReturnUnderrun iokit_common_err(0x2e7) // data underrun
143 #define kIOReturnOverrun iokit_common_err(0x2e8) // data overrun
144 #define kIOReturnDeviceError iokit_common_err(0x2e9) // the device is not working properly!
145 #define kIOReturnNoCompletion iokit_common_err(0x2ea) // a completion routine is required
146 #define kIOReturnAborted iokit_common_err(0x2eb) // operation aborted
147 #define kIOReturnNoBandwidth iokit_common_err(0x2ec) // bus bandwidth would be exceeded
148 #define kIOReturnNotResponding iokit_common_err(0x2ed) // device not responding
149 #define kIOReturnIsoTooOld iokit_common_err(0x2ee) // isochronous I/O request for distant past!
150 #define kIOReturnIsoTooNew iokit_common_err(0x2ef) // isochronous I/O request for distant future
151 #define kIOReturnNotFound iokit_common_err(0x2f0) // data was not found
152 #define kIOReturnInvalid iokit_common_err(0x1) // should never be seen
158 #endif /* ! __IOKIT_IORETURN_H */