git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - bsd/kern/makesyscalls.sh
2 # @(#)makesyscalls.sh 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
3 # $FreeBSD: src/sys/kern/makesyscalls.sh,v 1.60 2003/04/01 01:12:24 jeff Exp $
5 # Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
9 # This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
10 # as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
11 # Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
12 # compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
13 # http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
16 # The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
17 # distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
21 # Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
22 # limitations under the License.
29 input_file
="" # first argument
32 output_syscallnamesfile
35 output_syscalltablefile
43 syscallnamesfile
44 sysprotofile
45 sysproto_h
46 syshdrfile
47 syscall_h
48 syscalltablefile
49 auditevfile
52 namesname
53 tracecodename
54 systraceargsfile
56 syslegal
57 sysent
58 sysinc
59 sysarg
60 sysprotoend
61 syscallnamestempfile
62 syshdrtempfile
63 audittempfile
64 tracecodetempfile
65 systraceargstempfile
66 systraceargdesctempfile
67 systracerettempfile
69 trap "rm $syslegal $sysent $sysinc $sysarg $sysprotoend $syscallnamestempfile $syshdrtempfile $audittempfile $tracecodetempfile $systraceargstempfile $systraceargdesctempfile $systracerettempfile" 0
71 touch $syslegal $sysent $sysinc $sysarg $sysprotoend $syscallnamestempfile $syshdrtempfile $audittempfile $tracecodetempfile $systraceargstempfile $systraceargdesctempfile $systracerettempfile
75 echo "usage: $0 input-file [<names|proto|header|table|audit|trace> [<config-file>]]" 1>&2
86 output_syscallnamesfile
95 output_syscalltablefile
110 output_syscallnamesfile
111 output_sysprotofile
113 output_syscalltablefile
118 if [ -n "$1" -a -f "$1" ]; then
134 /^#/!s/\([{}()*,;]\)/ \1 /g
136 ' < "$input_file" | awk "
138 syslegal = \"$syslegal\"
139 sysprotofile = \"$sysprotofile\"
140 sysprotoend = \"$sysprotoend\"
141 sysproto_h = \"$sysproto_h\"
142 syscall_h = \"$syscall_h\"
144 syscalltablefile = \"$syscalltablefile\"
147 syscallnamesfile = \"$syscallnamesfile\"
148 syscallnamestempfile = \"$syscallnamestempfile\"
149 syshdrfile = \"$syshdrfile\"
150 syshdrtempfile = \"$syshdrtempfile\"
151 systraceargstempfile = \"$systraceargstempfile\"
152 systraceargdesctempfile = \"$systraceargdesctempfile\"
153 systracerettempfile = \"$systracerettempfile\"
154 audittempfile = \"$audittempfile\"
155 tracecodetempfile = \"$tracecodetempfile\"
156 syscallprefix = \"$syscallprefix\"
157 switchname = \"$switchname\"
158 namesname = \"$namesname\"
159 infile = \"$input_file\"
162 printf "/*\n" > syslegal
163 printf " * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.\n" > syslegal
164 printf " * \n" > syslegal
165 printf " * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@\n" > syslegal
166 printf " * \n" > syslegal
167 printf " * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code\n" > syslegal
168 printf " * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License\n" > syslegal
169 printf " * Version 2.0 (the \047License\047). You may not use this file except in\n" > syslegal
170 printf " * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License\n" > syslegal
171 printf " * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,\n" > syslegal
172 printf " * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to\n" > syslegal
173 printf " * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any\n" > syslegal
174 printf " * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.\n" > syslegal
175 printf " * \n" > syslegal
176 printf " * Please obtain a copy of the License at\n" > syslegal
177 printf " * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.\n" > syslegal
178 printf " * \n" > syslegal
179 printf " * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are\n" > syslegal
180 printf " * distributed on an \047AS IS\047 basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER\n" > syslegal
184 printf " * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and\n" > syslegal
185 printf " * limitations under the License.\n" > syslegal
186 printf " * \n" > syslegal
187 printf " * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@\n" > syslegal
188 printf " * \n" > syslegal
189 printf " * \n" > syslegal
190 printf " * System call switch table.\n *\n" > syslegal
191 printf " * DO NOT EDIT-- this file is automatically generated.\n" > syslegal
192 printf " * created from %s\n */\n\n", infile > syslegal
195 printf "\n/* The casts are bogus but will do for now. */\n" > sysent
196 printf "__private_extern__ const struct sysent %s[] = {\n",switchname > sysent
198 printf "#ifndef %s\n", sysproto_h > sysarg
199 printf "#define\t%s\n\n", sysproto_h > sysarg
200 printf "#ifndef %s\n", syscall_h > syshdrtempfile
201 printf "#define\t%s\n\n", syscall_h > syshdrtempfile
202 printf "#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>\n" > syshdrtempfile
203 printf "#ifdef __APPLE_API_PRIVATE\n" > syshdrtempfile
204 printf "#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>\n" > sysarg
205 printf "#include <sys/cdefs.h>\n" > sysarg
206 printf "#include <sys/mount_internal.h>\n" > sysarg
207 printf "#include <sys/types.h>\n" > sysarg
208 printf "#include <sys/sem_internal.h>\n" > sysarg
209 printf "#include <sys/semaphore.h>\n" > sysarg
210 printf "#include <sys/wait.h>\n" > sysarg
211 printf "#include <mach/shared_region.h>\n" > sysarg
212 printf "\n#ifdef KERNEL\n" > sysarg
213 printf "#ifdef __APPLE_API_PRIVATE\n" > sysarg
214 printf "/*\n" > sysarg
215 printf " * The kernel may support multiple userspace ABIs, and must use\n" > sysarg
216 printf " * argument structures with elements large enough for any of them.\n" > sysarg
217 printf "*/\n" > sysarg
219 printf "#if CONFIG_REQUIRES_U32_MUNGING\n" > sysarg
220 printf "#define\tPAD_(t)\t(sizeof(uint64_t) <= sizeof(t) \\\n " > sysarg
221 printf "\t\t? 0 : sizeof(uint64_t) - sizeof(t))\n" > sysarg
222 printf "#else\n" > sysarg
223 printf "#define\tPAD_(t)\t(sizeof(uint32_t) <= sizeof(t) \\\n" > sysarg
224 printf " ? 0 : sizeof(uint32_t) - sizeof(t))\n" > sysarg
225 printf "#endif\n" > sysarg
226 printf "#if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN\n"> sysarg
227 printf "#define\tPADL_(t)\t0\n" > sysarg
228 printf "#define\tPADR_(t)\tPAD_(t)\n" > sysarg
229 printf "#else\n" > sysarg
230 printf "#define\tPADL_(t)\tPAD_(t)\n" > sysarg
231 printf "#define\tPADR_(t)\t0\n" > sysarg
232 printf "#endif\n" > sysarg
233 printf "\n__BEGIN_DECLS\n" > sysarg
234 printf "#include <sys/munge.h>\n" > sysarg
238 printf "const char *%s[] = {\n", namesname > syscallnamestempfile
240 printf "#include <sys/param.h>\n" > audittempfile
241 printf "#include <sys/types.h>\n\n" > audittempfile
242 printf "#include <bsm/audit.h>\n" > audittempfile
243 printf "#include <bsm/audit_kevents.h>\n\n" > audittempfile
244 printf "#if CONFIG_AUDIT\n\n" > audittempfile
245 printf "au_event_t sys_au_event[] = {\n" > audittempfile
247 printf "/*\n * System call argument to DTrace register array conversion.\n */\n" > systraceargstempfile
248 printf "#include <sys/systrace_args.h>\n" > systraceargstempfile
249 printf "void\nsystrace_args(int sysnum, void *params, uint64_t *uarg)\n{\n" > systraceargstempfile
250 printf "\tint64_t *iarg = (int64_t *) uarg;\n" > systraceargstempfile
251 printf "\tswitch (sysnum) {\n" > systraceargstempfile
253 printf "void\nsystrace_entry_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char *desc, size_t descsz)\n{\n\tconst char *p = NULL;\n" > systraceargdesctempfile
254 printf "\tswitch (sysnum) {\n" > systraceargdesctempfile
256 printf "void\nsystrace_return_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char *desc, size_t descsz)\n{\n\tconst char *p = NULL;\n" > systracerettempfile
257 printf "\tswitch (sysnum) {\n" > systracerettempfile
261 NF == 0 || $1 ~ /^;/ {
264 $1 ~ /^#[ ]*include/ {
271 print > syscallnamestempfile
273 print > audittempfile
274 print > systraceargstempfile
275 print > systraceargdesctempfile
276 print > systracerettempfile
277 savesyscall = syscall_num
284 print > syscallnamestempfile
286 print > audittempfile
287 print > systraceargstempfile
288 print > systraceargdesctempfile
289 print > systracerettempfile
290 syscall_num = savesyscall
297 print > syscallnamestempfile
299 print > audittempfile
300 print > systraceargstempfile
301 print > systraceargdesctempfile
302 print > systracerettempfile
307 printf "%s: line %d: syscall number out of sync at %d\n",
308 infile, NR, syscall_num
313 function align_comment(linesize, location, thefile) {
314 printf(" ") > thefile
315 while (linesize < location) {
316 printf(" ") > thefile
320 function parserr(was, wanted) {
321 printf "%s: line %d: unexpected %s (expected %s)\n",
322 infile, NR, was, wanted
326 function parseline() {
328 current_field = 4 # skip number, audit event, type
335 additional_comments = " "
338 # find start and end of call name and arguments
339 if ($current_field != "{")
340 parserr($current_field, "{")
341 args_start = current_field
343 while (current_field <= NF) {
344 if ($current_field == "}") {
345 args_end = current_field
351 printf "%s: line %d: invalid call name and arguments\n",
356 # find start and end of optional comments
358 if (current_field < NF && $current_field == "{") {
359 comments_start = current_field
360 while (current_field <= NF) {
361 if ($current_field == "}") {
362 comments_end = current_field
367 if (comments_end == 0) {
368 printf "%s: line %d: invalid comments \n",
374 if ($args_end != "}")
375 parserr($args_end, "}")
377 if ($args_end != ";")
378 parserr($args_end, ";")
381 # skip any NO_SYSCALL_STUB qualifier
382 if ($args_end == "NO_SYSCALL_STUB")
385 if ($args_end != ")")
386 parserr($args_end, ")")
389 # extract additional comments
390 if (comments_start != 0) {
391 current_field = comments_start + 1
392 while (current_field < comments_end) {
393 additional_comments = additional_comments $current_field " "
394 obs_comments = obs_comments $current_field "_"
398 sub(/old/, "obs", obs_comments)
399 obs_comments = substr(obs_comments, 1, length(obs_comments)-1)
400 if (obs_comments == "_") {
404 # get function return type
405 current_field = args_start + 1
406 returntype = $current_field
408 # get function name and set up to get arguments
410 funcname = $current_field
411 argalias = funcname "_args"
412 current_field++ # bump past function name
414 if ($current_field != "(")
415 parserr($current_field, "(")
418 if (current_field == args_end) {
419 if ($current_field != "void")
420 parserr($current_field, "argument definition")
424 # extract argument types and names
425 while (current_field <= args_end) {
430 while (current_field < args_end && $(current_field + 1) != ",") {
431 if (argtype[argc] != "" && oldf != "*") {
432 argtype[argc] = argtype[argc] " ";
434 argtype[argc] = argtype[argc] $current_field;
435 ext_argtype[argc] = argtype[argc];
436 oldf = $current_field;
439 if (argtype[argc] == "")
440 parserr($current_field, "argument definition")
441 argname[argc] = $current_field;
442 current_field += 2; # skip name, and any comma
445 printf "%s: line %d: too many arguments!\n", infile, NR
449 argssize = "AC(" argalias ")"
458 add_sysnames_entry = 1
459 add_sysheader_entry = 1
460 add_sysproto_entry = 1
466 add_sysnames_entry = 0
467 add_sysheader_entry = 0
468 add_sysproto_entry = 0
470 if (match($3, "[T]") != 0) {
474 if (match($3, "[N]") != 0) {
475 add_sysnames_entry = 1
478 if (match($3, "[H]") != 0) {
479 add_sysheader_entry = 1
482 if (match($3, "[P]") != 0) {
483 add_sysproto_entry = 1
487 if (files_keyword_OK == 0) {
488 printf "%s: line %d: unrecognized keyword %s\n", infile, NR, $2
496 # output function argument structures to sysproto.h and build the
497 # name of the appropriate argument mungers
501 if ((funcname != "nosys" && funcname != "enosys") || (syscall_num == 0 && funcname == "nosys")) {
502 printf("\t/* %s */\n\tcase %d: {\n", funcname, syscall_num) > systraceargstempfile
503 printf("\t/* %s */\n\tcase %d:\n", funcname, syscall_num) > systraceargdesctempfile
504 printf("\t/* %s */\n\tcase %d:\n", funcname, syscall_num) > systracerettempfile
506 printf("\t\tswitch(ndx) {\n") > systraceargdesctempfile
507 printf("\t\tstruct %s *p = params;\n", argalias) > systraceargstempfile
508 for (i = 1; i <= argc; i++) {
510 sub("__restrict$", "", arg)
511 if (index(arg, "*") > 0)
512 printf("\t\tcase %d:\n\t\t\tp = \"userland %s\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n", i - 1, arg) > systraceargdesctempfile
514 printf("\t\tcase %d:\n\t\t\tp = \"%s\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n", i - 1, arg) > systraceargdesctempfile
515 if (index(arg, "*") > 0 || arg == "caddr_t")
516 printf("\t\tuarg[%d] = (intptr_t) p->%s; /* %s */\n", \
518 argname[i], arg) > systraceargstempfile
519 else if (substr(arg, 1, 1) == "u" || arg == "size_t")
520 printf("\t\tuarg[%d] = p->%s; /* %s */\n", \
522 argname[i], arg) > systraceargstempfile
524 printf("\t\tiarg[%d] = p->%s; /* %s */\n", \
526 argname[i], arg) > systraceargstempfile
528 printf("\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t};\n") > systraceargdesctempfile
531 printf("\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n", argc) > systraceargstempfile
532 printf("\t\tif (ndx == 0 || ndx == 1)\n") > systracerettempfile
533 printf("\t\t\tp = \"%s\";\n", returntype) > systracerettempfile
534 printf("\t\tbreak;\n") > systracerettempfile
535 printf("\t\tbreak;\n") > systraceargdesctempfile
537 if (add_sysproto_entry == 1) {
538 printf("struct %s {\n", argalias) > sysarg
541 for (i = 1; i <= argc; i++) {
542 # Build name of argument munger.
543 # We account for all sys call argument types here.
544 # This is where you add any new types. With LP64 support
545 # each argument consumes 64-bits.
546 # see .../xnu/bsd/dev/munge.c for munge argument types.
547 if (argtype[i] == "long") {
548 ext_argtype[i] = "user_long_t";
549 munge32 = munge32 "s"
552 else if (argtype[i] == "u_long") {
553 ext_argtype[i] = "user_ulong_t";
554 munge32 = munge32 "w"
557 else if (argtype[i] == "size_t") {
558 ext_argtype[i] = "user_size_t";
559 munge32 = munge32 "w"
562 else if (argtype[i] == "ssize_t") {
563 ext_argtype[i] = "user_ssize_t";
564 munge32 = munge32 "s"
567 else if (argtype[i] == "user_ssize_t" || argtype[i] == "user_long_t") {
568 munge32 = munge32 "s"
571 else if (argtype[i] == "user_addr_t" || argtype[i] == "user_size_t" ||
572 argtype[i] == "user_ulong_t") {
573 munge32 = munge32 "w"
576 else if (argtype[i] == "caddr_t" || argtype[i] == "semun_t" ||
577 argtype[i] == "uuid_t" || match(argtype[i], "[\*]") != 0) {
578 ext_argtype[i] = "user_addr_t";
579 munge32 = munge32 "w"
582 else if (argtype[i] == "int" || argtype[i] == "u_int" ||
583 argtype[i] == "uid_t" || argtype[i] == "pid_t" ||
584 argtype[i] == "id_t" || argtype[i] == "idtype_t" ||
585 argtype[i] == "socklen_t" || argtype[i] == "uint32_t" || argtype[i] == "int32_t" ||
586 argtype[i] == "sigset_t" || argtype[i] == "gid_t" || argtype[i] == "unsigned int" ||
587 argtype[i] == "mode_t" || argtype[i] == "key_t" ||
588 argtype[i] == "mach_port_name_t" || argtype[i] == "au_asid_t" ||
589 argtype[i] == "sae_associd_t" || argtype[i] == "sae_connid_t") {
590 munge32 = munge32 "w"
593 else if (argtype[i] == "off_t" || argtype[i] == "int64_t" || argtype[i] == "uint64_t") {
594 munge32 = munge32 "l"
598 printf "%s: line %d: invalid type \"%s\" \n",
599 infile, NR, argtype[i]
600 printf "You need to add \"%s\" into the type checking code. \n",
604 if (add_sysproto_entry == 1) {
605 printf("\tchar %s_l_[PADL_(%s)]; " \
606 "%s %s; char %s_r_[PADR_(%s)];\n",
607 argname[i], ext_argtype[i],
608 ext_argtype[i], argname[i],
609 argname[i], ext_argtype[i]) > sysarg
612 if (add_sysproto_entry == 1) {
613 printf("};\n") > sysarg
616 else if (add_sysproto_entry == 1) {
617 printf("struct %s {\n\tint32_t dummy;\n};\n", argalias) > sysarg
621 # output to init_sysent.c
623 if (add_sysent_entry == 0) {
626 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_NONE"
627 if (tempname != "enosys") {
632 # figure out which return value type to munge
633 if (returntype == "user_addr_t") {
634 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_ADDR_T"
636 else if (returntype == "user_ssize_t") {
637 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_SSIZE_T"
639 else if (returntype == "user_size_t") {
640 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_SIZE_T"
642 else if (returntype == "int") {
643 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_INT_T"
645 else if (returntype == "u_int" || returntype == "mach_port_name_t") {
646 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_UINT_T"
648 else if (returntype == "uint32_t") {
649 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_UINT_T"
651 else if (returntype == "uint64_t") {
652 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_UINT64_T"
654 else if (returntype == "off_t") {
655 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_OFF_T"
657 else if (returntype == "void") {
658 munge_ret = "_SYSCALL_RET_NONE"
661 printf "%s: line %d: invalid return type \"%s\" \n",
662 infile, NR, returntype
663 printf "You need to add \"%s\" into the return type checking code. \n",
669 printf("#if CONFIG_REQUIRES_U32_MUNGING || (__arm__ && (__BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ > 4))\n") > sysent
670 printf("\t{ \(sy_call_t *\)%s, %s, %s, %s, %s},",
671 tempname, munge32, munge_ret, argssize, size32) > sysent
672 linesize = length(tempname) + length(munge32) + \
673 length(munge_ret) + length(argssize) + length(size32) + 28
674 align_comment(linesize, 88, sysent)
675 printf("/* %d = %s%s*/\n", syscall_num, funcname, additional_comments) > sysent
676 printf("#else\n") > sysent
677 printf("\t{ \(sy_call_t *\)%s, %s, %s, %s},\n",
678 tempname, munge_ret, argssize, size32) > sysent
679 printf("#endif\n") > sysent
681 # output to syscalls.c
682 if (add_sysnames_entry == 1) {
684 if (funcname == "nosys" || funcname == "enosys") {
685 if (syscall_num == 0)
688 tempname = "#" syscall_num
690 printf("\t\"%s\", ", tempname) > syscallnamestempfile
691 linesize = length(tempname) + 8
692 align_comment(linesize, 25, syscallnamestempfile)
693 if (substr(tempname,1,1) == "#") {
694 printf("/* %d =%s*/\n", syscall_num, additional_comments) > syscallnamestempfile
697 printf("/* %d = %s%s*/\n", syscall_num, tempname, additional_comments) > syscallnamestempfile
701 # output to syscalls.h
702 if (add_sysheader_entry == 1) {
704 if (syscall_num == 0) {
707 if (tempname != "nosys" && tempname != "enosys") {
708 printf("#define\t%s%s", syscallprefix, tempname) > syshdrtempfile
709 linesize = length(syscallprefix) + length(tempname) + 12
710 align_comment(linesize, 30, syshdrtempfile)
711 printf("%d\n", syscall_num) > syshdrtempfile
713 else if (skip_for_header == 0) {
714 printf("\t\t\t/* %d %s*/\n", syscall_num, additional_comments) > syshdrtempfile
718 # output function prototypes to sysproto.h
719 if (add_sysproto_entry == 1) {
720 if (funcname =="exit") {
721 printf("void %s(struct proc *, struct %s *, int32_t *);\n",
722 funcname, argalias) > sysprotoend
724 else if ((funcname != "nosys" && funcname != "enosys") || (syscall_num == 0 && funcname == "nosys")) {
725 printf("int %s(struct proc *, struct %s *, %s *);\n",
726 funcname, argalias, returntype) > sysprotoend
730 # output to audit_kevents.c
731 printf("\t%s,\t\t", auditev) > audittempfile
732 printf("/* %d = %s%s*/\n", syscall_num, tempname, additional_comments) > audittempfile
735 if (skip_for_header == 0) {
736 if (tempname == "nosys" || tempname == "enosys") {
737 if (obs_comments == "") {
738 printf("0x40c%04x\tBSC_#%d%s\n", (syscall_num*4), syscall_num, obs_comments) > tracecodetempfile
740 printf("0x40c%04x\tBSC%s\n", (syscall_num*4), obs_comments) > tracecodetempfile
743 sub(/^_+/, "", tempname)
744 printf("0x40c%04x\tBSC_%s\n", (syscall_num*4), tempname) > tracecodetempfile
753 printf "#define AC(name) (sizeof(struct name) / sizeof(syscall_arg_t))\n" > sysinc
756 printf("\n__END_DECLS\n") > sysprotoend
757 printf("#undef PAD_\n") > sysprotoend
758 printf("#undef PADL_\n") > sysprotoend
759 printf("#undef PADR_\n") > sysprotoend
760 printf "\n#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */\n" > sysprotoend
761 printf "#endif /* KERNEL */\n" > sysprotoend
762 printf("\n#endif /* !%s */\n", sysproto_h) > sysprotoend
764 printf("};\n") > sysent
765 printf("unsigned int nsysent = sizeof(sysent) / sizeof(sysent[0]);\n") > sysent
767 printf("};\n") > syscallnamestempfile
768 printf("#define\t%sMAXSYSCALL\t%d\n", syscallprefix, syscall_num) \
770 printf("#define\t%sinvalid\t%d\n", syscallprefix, 63) \
772 printf("\n#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */\n") > syshdrtempfile
773 printf("#endif /* !%s */\n", syscall_h) > syshdrtempfile
774 printf("};\n\n") > audittempfile
775 printf("#endif /* AUDIT */\n") > audittempfile
777 printf "\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t};\n}\n" > systraceargstempfile
778 printf "\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t};\n\tif (p != NULL)\n\t\tstrlcpy(desc, p, descsz);\n}\n" > systraceargdesctempfile
779 printf "\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t};\n\tif (p != NULL)\n\t\tstrlcpy(desc, p, descsz);\n}\n" > systracerettempfile
782 # define value in syscall table file to permit redifintion because of the way
783 # __private_extern__ (doesn't) work.
784 if [ $output_syscalltablefile -eq 1 ]; then
785 cat $syslegal > $syscalltablefile
786 printf "#define __INIT_SYSENT_C__ 1\n" >> $syscalltablefile
787 cat $sysinc $sysent >> $syscalltablefile
790 if [ $output_syscallnamesfile -eq 1 ]; then
791 cat $syslegal $syscallnamestempfile > $syscallnamesfile
794 if [ $output_sysprotofile -eq 1 ]; then
795 cat $syslegal $sysarg $sysprotoend > $sysprotofile
798 if [ $output_syshdrfile -eq 1 ]; then
799 cat $syslegal $syshdrtempfile > $syshdrfile
802 if [ $output_auditevfile -eq 1 ]; then
803 cat $syslegal $audittempfile > $auditevfile
806 if [ $output_systrace -eq 1 ]; then
807 cat $systraceargstempfile > $systraceargsfile
808 cat $systraceargdesctempfile >> $systraceargsfile
809 cat $systracerettempfile >> $systraceargsfile
812 if [ $output_tracecodes -eq 1 ]; then
813 if [ $use_stdout -eq 1 ]; then
814 cat $tracecodetempfile
816 cat $tracecodetempfile > $tracecodename