2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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30 ; Strlen, optimized for PPC. The routine we use is 2-3x faster
31 ; then the simple loop which checks each byte for zero.
32 ; For 0- and 1-byte strings, the simple routine is faster, but
33 ; only by a few cycles. The algorithm used was adapted from the
34 ; Mac OS 9 stdCLib strcopy routine, which was originally
35 ; written by Gary Davidian. It relies on the following rather
36 ; inobvious but very efficient test:
38 ; y = dataWord + 0xFEFEFEFF
39 ; z = ~dataWord & 0x80808080
40 ; if ( y & z ) = 0 then all bytes in dataWord are non-zero
42 ; The test maps any non-zero byte to zeros and any zero byte to 0x80,
43 ; with one exception: 0x01 bytes preceeding the first zero are also
47 #include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
57 andi. r4,r3,0x03 ; test alignment first
58 mr r9,r3 ; store the original address for later use....
59 bne LalignSource ; align the source addr if not already aligned
61 lis r5,hi16(0xFEFEFEFF)
62 lis r6,hi16(0x80808080)
63 subi r3,r3,0x04 ; pre-decrement r3 for the lwzu
64 ori r5,r5,lo16(0xFEFEFEFF) ; r5=0xFEFEFEFF
65 ori r6,r6,lo16(0x80808080) ; r6=0x80808080
68 lwzu r8,4(r3) ; get the first 4 bytes and increment address
69 add r4,r5,r8 ; r4= data + 0xFEFEFEFF
70 andc r7,r6,r8 ; r7= ~data & 0x80808080
71 and. r4,r4,r7 ; r4= r4 & r7
72 beq LLoop ; if r4 is zero, then all bytes are non-zero
74 ; Now we know one of the bytes in r8 is zero,
75 ; we just have to figure out which one.
76 ; We have mapped 0 bytes to 0x80, and nonzero bytes to 0x00,
78 ; 0x01 bytes preceeding the first zero are also mapped to 0x80.
79 ; So we have to mask out the 0x80s caused by 0x01s before
80 ; counting leading zeroes to get the bytes in last word.
82 rlwinm r5,r8,7,0,31 ; move 0x01 bits to 0x80 position
83 subf r3,r9,r3 ; start to compute string length
84 andc r4,r4,r5 ; turn off false hits from 0x0100 worst case
85 cntlzw r7,r4 ; now we can count leading 0s
86 srwi r7,r7,3 ; convert 0,8,16,24 to 0,1,2,3
87 add r3,r3,r7 ; add in nonzero bytes in last word
90 ; We must align the source address for two reasons: to avoid spurious page
91 ; faults, and for speed.
92 ; r4 = low 2 bits of address (1,2, or 3)
94 ; r9 = original address (still same as r3)
97 lbz r5,0(r3) ; get the first byte...
98 subic. r4,r4,2 ; test for 1, 2 or 3 bytes
99 addi r3,r3,1 ; increment address
100 addi r6,r9,1 ; now r6==r3
101 cmpwi cr1,r5,0 ; zero?
102 beq cr1,Lreturn ; if its zero return zero
103 bgt Llentry ; address is aligned now if low bits were 3
105 lbz r5,0(r3) ; get the next byte...
106 addi r3,r3,1 ; increment address
107 cmpwi cr1,r5,0 ; zero?
108 beq cr1,Lreturn ; if its zero return one
109 beq Llentry ; addr is aligned now if low bits were 2
111 lbz r5,0(r3) ; get the next byte...
112 addi r3,r3,1 ; increment address
113 cmpwi cr1,r5,0 ; zero?
114 bne cr1,Llentry ; not zero, continue check (now aligned)
116 sub r3,r3,r6 ; get string length (0, 1, or 2)