[apple/xnu.git] / osfmk / man / clock_get_time.html
1 <h2>clock_get_time</h2>
2 <hr>
3 <p>
4 <strong>Function</strong> - Return the current time.
5 <h3>SYNOPSIS</h3>
6 <pre>
7 <strong>kern_return_t clock_get_time</strong>
8 <strong>(clock_t</strong> <var>clock_name</var>,
9 <strong>tvalspec_t</strong> <var>cur_time</var><strong>);</strong>
10 </pre>
11 <h3>PARAMETERS</h3>
12 <dl>
13 <p>
14 <dt> <var>clock_name</var>
15 <dd>
16 [in clock-name send right]
17 The name (or control) port for the clock.
18 <p>
19 <dt> <var>cur_time</var>
20 <dd>
21 [out structure]
22 Current time
23 </dl>
24 <h3>DESCRIPTION</h3>
25 <p>
26 The <strong>clock_get_time</strong> function returns the current time
27 kept by a clock. The
28 value returned is a monotonically increasing value (unless tampered
29 with via the
30 <strong>clock_set_time</strong> function).
31 <h3>RETURN VALUES</h3>
32 <p>
33 Only generic errors apply.
35 <p>
36 Functions:
37 <a href="host_get_clock_service.html"><strong>host_get_clock_service</strong></a>,
38 <a href="clock_get_attributes.html"><strong>clock_get_attributes</strong></a>,
39 <a href="clock_map_time.html"><strong>clock_map_time</strong></a>,
40 <a href="clock_sleep.html"><strong>clock_sleep</strong></a>,
41 <a href="clock_alarm.html"><strong>clock_alarm</strong></a>,
42 <a href="clock_set_time.html"><strong>clock_set_time</strong></a>.
43 <p>
44 Data Structures:
45 <a href="tvalspec.html"><strong>tvalspec</strong></a>.