]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - bsd/net/if_llreach.c
[apple/xnu.git] / bsd / net / if_llreach.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
29 /*
30 * Link-layer Reachability Record
31 *
32 * Each interface maintains a red-black tree which contains records related
33 * to the on-link nodes which we are interested in communicating with. Each
34 * record gets allocated and inserted into the tree in the following manner:
35 * upon processing an ARP announcement or reply from a known node (i.e. there
36 * exists a ARP route entry for the node), and if a link-layer reachability
37 * record for the node doesn't yet exist; and, upon processing a ND6 RS/RA/
38 * NS/NA/redirect from a node, and if a link-layer reachability record for the
39 * node doesn't yet exist.
40 *
41 * Each newly created record is then referred to by the resolver route entry;
42 * if a record already exists, its reference count gets increased for the new
43 * resolver entry which now refers to it. A record gets removed from the tree
44 * and freed once its reference counts drops to zero, i.e. when there is no
45 * more resolver entry referring to it.
46 *
47 * A record contains the link-layer protocol (e.g. Ethertype IP/IPv6), the
48 * HW address of the sender, the "last heard from" timestamp (lr_lastrcvd) and
49 * the number of references made to it (lr_reqcnt). Because the key for each
50 * record in the red-black tree consists of the link-layer protocol, therefore
51 * the namespace for the records is partitioned based on the type of link-layer
52 * protocol, i.e. an Ethertype IP link-layer record is only referred to by one
53 * or more ARP entries; an Ethernet IPv6 link-layer record is only referred to
54 * by one or more ND6 entries. Therefore, lr_reqcnt represents the number of
55 * resolver entry references to the record for the same protocol family.
56 *
57 * Upon receiving packets from the network, the protocol's input callback
58 * (e.g. ether_inet{6}_input) informs the corresponding resolver (ARP/ND6)
59 * about the (link-layer) origin of the packet. This results in searching
60 * for a matching record in the red-black tree for the interface where the
61 * packet arrived on. If there's no match, no further processing takes place.
62 * Otherwise, the lr_lastrcvd timestamp of the record is updated.
63 *
64 * When an IP/IPv6 packet is transmitted to the resolver (i.e. the destination
65 * is on-link), ARP/ND6 records the "last spoken to" timestamp in the route
66 * entry ({la,ln}_lastused).
67 *
68 * The reachability of the on-link node is determined by the following logic,
69 * upon sending a packet thru the resolver:
70 *
71 * a) If the record is only used by exactly one resolver entry (lr_reqcnt
72 * is 1), i.e. the target host does not have IP/IPv6 aliases that we know
73 * of, check if lr_lastrcvd is "recent." If so, simply send the packet;
74 * otherwise, re-resolve the target node.
75 *
76 * b) If the record is shared by multiple resolver entries (lr_reqcnt is
77 * greater than 1), i.e. the target host has more than one IP/IPv6 aliases
78 * on the same network interface, we can't rely on lr_lastrcvd alone, as
79 * one of the IP/IPv6 aliases could have been silently moved to another
80 * node for which we don't have a link-layer record. If lr_lastrcvd is
81 * not "recent", we re-resolve the target node. Otherwise, we perform
82 * an additional check against {la,ln}_lastused to see whether it is also
83 * "recent", relative to lr_lastrcvd. If so, simply send the packet;
84 * otherwise, re-resolve the target node.
85 *
86 * The value for "recent" is configurable by adjusting the basetime value for
87 * net.link.ether.inet.arp_llreach_base or net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_llreach_base.
88 * The default basetime value is 30 seconds, and the actual expiration time
89 * is calculated by multiplying the basetime value with some random factor,
90 * which results in a number between 15 to 45 seconds. Setting the basetime
91 * value to 0 effectively disables this feature for the corresponding resolver.
92 *
93 * Assumptions:
94 *
95 * The above logic is based upon the following assumptions:
96 *
97 * i) Network traffics are mostly bi-directional, i.e. the act of sending
98 * packets to an on-link node would most likely cause us to receive
99 * packets from that node.
100 *
101 * ii) If the on-link node's IP/IPv6 address silently moves to another
102 * on-link node for which we are not aware of, non-unicast packets
103 * from the old node would trigger the record's lr_lastrcvd to be
104 * kept recent.
105 *
106 * We can mitigate the above by having the resolver check its {la,ln}_lastused
107 * timestamp at all times, i.e. not only when lr_reqcnt is greater than 1; but
108 * we currently optimize for the common cases.
109 */
111 #include <sys/param.h>
112 #include <sys/systm.h>
113 #include <sys/kernel.h>
114 #include <sys/malloc.h>
115 #include <sys/tree.h>
116 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
117 #include <sys/mcache.h>
118 #include <sys/protosw.h>
120 #include <dev/random/randomdev.h>
122 #include <net/if_dl.h>
123 #include <net/if.h>
124 #include <net/if_var.h>
125 #include <net/if_llreach.h>
126 #include <net/dlil.h>
127 #include <net/kpi_interface.h>
128 #include <net/route.h>
130 #include <kern/assert.h>
131 #include <kern/locks.h>
132 #include <kern/zalloc.h>
134 #if INET6
135 #include <netinet6/in6_var.h>
136 #include <netinet6/nd6.h>
137 #endif /* INET6 */
139 static unsigned int iflr_size; /* size of if_llreach */
140 static struct zone *iflr_zone; /* zone for if_llreach */
142 #define IFLR_ZONE_MAX 128 /* maximum elements in zone */
143 #define IFLR_ZONE_NAME "if_llreach" /* zone name */
145 static struct if_llreach *iflr_alloc(int);
146 static void iflr_free(struct if_llreach *);
147 static __inline int iflr_cmp(const struct if_llreach *,
148 const struct if_llreach *);
149 static __inline int iflr_reachable(struct if_llreach *, int, u_int64_t);
150 static int sysctl_llreach_ifinfo SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS;
152 /* The following is protected by if_llreach_lock */
153 RB_GENERATE_PREV(ll_reach_tree, if_llreach, lr_link, iflr_cmp);
155 SYSCTL_DECL(_net_link_generic_system);
157 SYSCTL_NODE(_net_link_generic_system, OID_AUTO, llreach_info,
158 CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, sysctl_llreach_ifinfo,
159 "Per-interface tree of source link-layer reachability records");
161 /*
162 * Link-layer reachability is based off node constants in RFC4861.
163 */
164 #if INET6
166 #else
167 #define LL_MIN_RANDOM_FACTOR 512 /* 1024 * 0.5 */
168 #define LL_MAX_RANDOM_FACTOR 1536 /* 1024 * 1.5 */
169 #define LL_COMPUTE_RTIME(x) \
170 (((LL_MIN_RANDOM_FACTOR * (x >> 10)) + (RandomULong() & \
171 ((LL_MAX_RANDOM_FACTOR - LL_MIN_RANDOM_FACTOR) * (x >> 10)))) / 1000)
172 #endif /* !INET6 */
174 void
175 ifnet_llreach_init(void)
176 {
177 iflr_size = sizeof (struct if_llreach);
178 iflr_zone = zinit(iflr_size,
179 IFLR_ZONE_MAX * iflr_size, 0, IFLR_ZONE_NAME);
180 if (iflr_zone == NULL) {
181 panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, IFLR_ZONE_NAME);
182 /* NOTREACHED */
183 }
184 zone_change(iflr_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE);
185 zone_change(iflr_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE);
186 }
188 void
189 ifnet_llreach_ifattach(struct ifnet *ifp, boolean_t reuse)
190 {
191 lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
192 /* Initialize link-layer source tree (if not already) */
193 if (!reuse)
194 RB_INIT(&ifp->if_ll_srcs);
195 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
196 }
198 void
199 ifnet_llreach_ifdetach(struct ifnet *ifp)
200 {
201 #pragma unused(ifp)
202 /*
203 * Nothing to do for now; the link-layer source tree might
204 * contain entries at this point, that are still referred
205 * to by route entries pointing to this ifp.
206 */
207 }
209 /*
210 * Link-layer source tree comparison function.
211 *
212 * An ordered predicate is necessary; bcmp() is not documented to return
213 * an indication of order, memcmp() is, and is an ISO C99 requirement.
214 */
215 static __inline int
216 iflr_cmp(const struct if_llreach *a, const struct if_llreach *b)
217 {
218 return (memcmp(&a->lr_key, &b->lr_key, sizeof (a->lr_key)));
219 }
221 static __inline int
222 iflr_reachable(struct if_llreach *lr, int cmp_delta, u_int64_t tval)
223 {
224 u_int64_t now;
225 u_int64_t expire;
227 now = net_uptime(); /* current approx. uptime */
228 /*
229 * No need for lr_lock; atomically read the last rcvd uptime.
230 */
231 expire = lr->lr_lastrcvd + lr->lr_reachable;
232 /*
233 * If we haven't heard back from the local host for over
234 * lr_reachable seconds, consider that the host is no
235 * longer reachable.
236 */
237 if (!cmp_delta)
238 return (expire >= now);
239 /*
240 * If the caller supplied a reference time, consider the
241 * host is reachable if the record hasn't expired (see above)
242 * and if the reference time is within the past lr_reachable
243 * seconds.
244 */
245 return ((expire >= now) && (now - tval) < lr->lr_reachable);
246 }
248 int
249 ifnet_llreach_reachable(struct if_llreach *lr)
250 {
251 /*
252 * Check whether the cache is too old to be trusted.
253 */
254 return (iflr_reachable(lr, 0, 0));
255 }
257 int
258 ifnet_llreach_reachable_delta(struct if_llreach *lr, u_int64_t tval)
259 {
260 /*
261 * Check whether the cache is too old to be trusted.
262 */
263 return (iflr_reachable(lr, 1, tval));
264 }
266 void
267 ifnet_llreach_set_reachable(struct ifnet *ifp, u_int16_t llproto, void *addr,
268 unsigned int alen)
269 {
270 struct if_llreach find, *lr;
272 VERIFY(alen == IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN); /* for now */
274 find.lr_key.proto = llproto;
275 bcopy(addr, &find.lr_key.addr, IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN);
277 lck_rw_lock_shared(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
278 lr = RB_FIND(ll_reach_tree, &ifp->if_ll_srcs, &find);
279 if (lr == NULL) {
280 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
281 return;
282 }
283 /*
284 * No need for lr_lock; atomically update the last rcvd uptime.
285 */
286 lr->lr_lastrcvd = net_uptime();
287 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
288 }
290 struct if_llreach *
291 ifnet_llreach_alloc(struct ifnet *ifp, u_int16_t llproto, void *addr,
292 unsigned int alen, u_int64_t llreach_base)
293 {
294 struct if_llreach find, *lr;
295 struct timeval cnow;
297 if (llreach_base == 0)
298 return (NULL);
300 VERIFY(alen == IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN); /* for now */
302 find.lr_key.proto = llproto;
303 bcopy(addr, &find.lr_key.addr, IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN);
305 lck_rw_lock_shared(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
306 lr = RB_FIND(ll_reach_tree, &ifp->if_ll_srcs, &find);
307 if (lr != NULL) {
308 found:
309 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
310 VERIFY(lr->lr_reqcnt >= 1);
311 lr->lr_reqcnt++;
312 VERIFY(lr->lr_reqcnt != 0);
313 IFLR_ADDREF_LOCKED(lr); /* for caller */
314 lr->lr_lastrcvd = net_uptime(); /* current approx. uptime */
315 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
316 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
317 return (lr);
318 }
320 if (!lck_rw_lock_shared_to_exclusive(&ifp->if_llreach_lock))
321 lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
323 lck_rw_assert(&ifp->if_llreach_lock, LCK_RW_ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE);
325 /* in case things have changed while becoming writer */
326 lr = RB_FIND(ll_reach_tree, &ifp->if_ll_srcs, &find);
327 if (lr != NULL)
328 goto found;
330 lr = iflr_alloc(M_WAITOK);
331 if (lr == NULL) {
332 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
333 return (NULL);
334 }
335 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
336 lr->lr_reqcnt++;
337 VERIFY(lr->lr_reqcnt == 1);
338 IFLR_ADDREF_LOCKED(lr); /* for RB tree */
339 IFLR_ADDREF_LOCKED(lr); /* for caller */
340 lr->lr_lastrcvd = net_uptime(); /* current approx. uptime */
341 lr->lr_baseup = lr->lr_lastrcvd; /* base uptime */
342 getmicrotime(&cnow);
343 lr->lr_basecal = cnow.tv_sec; /* base calendar time */
344 lr->lr_basereachable = llreach_base;
345 lr->lr_reachable = LL_COMPUTE_RTIME(lr->lr_basereachable * 1000);
346 lr->lr_debug |= IFD_ATTACHED;
347 lr->lr_ifp = ifp;
348 lr->lr_key.proto = llproto;
349 bcopy(addr, &lr->lr_key.addr, IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN);
350 lr->lr_rssi = IFNET_RSSI_UNKNOWN;
351 lr->lr_lqm = IFNET_LQM_THRESH_UNKNOWN;
352 lr->lr_npm = IFNET_NPM_THRESH_UNKNOWN;
353 RB_INSERT(ll_reach_tree, &ifp->if_ll_srcs, lr);
354 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
355 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
357 return (lr);
358 }
360 void
361 ifnet_llreach_free(struct if_llreach *lr)
362 {
363 struct ifnet *ifp;
365 /* no need to lock here; lr_ifp never changes */
366 ifp = lr->lr_ifp;
368 lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
369 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
370 if (lr->lr_reqcnt == 0) {
371 panic("%s: lr=%p negative reqcnt", __func__, lr);
372 /* NOTREACHED */
373 }
374 --lr->lr_reqcnt;
375 if (lr->lr_reqcnt > 0) {
376 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
377 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
378 IFLR_REMREF(lr); /* for caller */
379 return;
380 }
381 if (!(lr->lr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED)) {
382 panic("%s: Attempt to detach an unattached llreach lr=%p",
383 __func__, lr);
384 /* NOTREACHED */
385 }
386 lr->lr_debug &= ~IFD_ATTACHED;
387 RB_REMOVE(ll_reach_tree, &ifp->if_ll_srcs, lr);
388 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
389 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
391 IFLR_REMREF(lr); /* for RB tree */
392 IFLR_REMREF(lr); /* for caller */
393 }
395 u_int64_t
396 ifnet_llreach_up2calexp(struct if_llreach *lr, u_int64_t uptime)
397 {
398 u_int64_t calendar = 0;
400 if (uptime != 0) {
401 struct timeval cnow;
402 u_int64_t unow;
404 getmicrotime(&cnow); /* current calendar time */
405 unow = net_uptime(); /* current approx. uptime */
406 /*
407 * Take into account possible calendar time changes;
408 * adjust base calendar value if necessary, i.e.
409 * the calendar skew should equate to the uptime skew.
410 */
411 lr->lr_basecal += (cnow.tv_sec - lr->lr_basecal) -
412 (unow - lr->lr_baseup);
414 calendar = lr->lr_basecal + lr->lr_reachable +
415 (uptime - lr->lr_baseup);
416 }
418 return (calendar);
419 }
421 u_int64_t
422 ifnet_llreach_up2upexp(struct if_llreach *lr, u_int64_t uptime)
423 {
424 return (lr->lr_reachable + uptime);
425 }
427 int
428 ifnet_llreach_get_defrouter(struct ifnet *ifp, int af,
429 struct ifnet_llreach_info *iflri)
430 {
431 struct radix_node_head *rnh;
432 struct sockaddr_storage dst_ss, mask_ss;
433 struct rtentry *rt;
434 int error = ESRCH;
436 VERIFY(ifp != NULL && iflri != NULL &&
437 (af == AF_INET || af == AF_INET6));
439 bzero(iflri, sizeof (*iflri));
441 if ((rnh = rt_tables[af]) == NULL)
442 return (error);
444 bzero(&dst_ss, sizeof (dst_ss));
445 bzero(&mask_ss, sizeof (mask_ss));
446 dst_ss.ss_family = af;
447 dst_ss.ss_len = (af == AF_INET) ? sizeof (struct sockaddr_in) :
448 sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6);
450 lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
451 rt = rt_lookup(TRUE, SA(&dst_ss), SA(&mask_ss), rnh, ifp->if_index);
452 if (rt != NULL) {
453 struct rtentry *gwrt;
455 RT_LOCK(rt);
456 if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) &&
457 (gwrt = rt->rt_gwroute) != NULL &&
458 rt_key(rt)->sa_family == rt_key(gwrt)->sa_family &&
459 (gwrt->rt_flags & RTF_UP)) {
460 RT_UNLOCK(rt);
461 RT_LOCK(gwrt);
462 if (gwrt->rt_llinfo_get_iflri != NULL) {
463 (*gwrt->rt_llinfo_get_iflri)(gwrt, iflri);
464 error = 0;
465 }
466 RT_UNLOCK(gwrt);
467 } else {
468 RT_UNLOCK(rt);
469 }
470 rtfree_locked(rt);
471 }
472 lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
474 return (error);
475 }
477 static struct if_llreach *
478 iflr_alloc(int how)
479 {
480 struct if_llreach *lr;
482 lr = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(iflr_zone) : zalloc_noblock(iflr_zone);
483 if (lr != NULL) {
484 bzero(lr, iflr_size);
485 lck_mtx_init(&lr->lr_lock, ifnet_lock_group, ifnet_lock_attr);
486 lr->lr_debug |= IFD_ALLOC;
487 }
488 return (lr);
489 }
491 static void
492 iflr_free(struct if_llreach *lr)
493 {
494 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
495 if (lr->lr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) {
496 panic("%s: attached lr=%p is being freed", __func__, lr);
497 /* NOTREACHED */
498 } else if (!(lr->lr_debug & IFD_ALLOC)) {
499 panic("%s: lr %p cannot be freed", __func__, lr);
500 /* NOTREACHED */
501 } else if (lr->lr_refcnt != 0) {
502 panic("%s: non-zero refcount lr=%p", __func__, lr);
503 /* NOTREACHED */
504 } else if (lr->lr_reqcnt != 0) {
505 panic("%s: non-zero reqcnt lr=%p", __func__, lr);
506 /* NOTREACHED */
507 }
508 lr->lr_debug &= ~IFD_ALLOC;
509 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
511 lck_mtx_destroy(&lr->lr_lock, ifnet_lock_group);
512 zfree(iflr_zone, lr);
513 }
515 void
516 iflr_addref(struct if_llreach *lr, int locked)
517 {
518 if (!locked)
519 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
520 else
523 if (++lr->lr_refcnt == 0) {
524 panic("%s: lr=%p wraparound refcnt", __func__, lr);
525 /* NOTREACHED */
526 }
527 if (!locked)
528 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
529 }
531 void
532 iflr_remref(struct if_llreach *lr)
533 {
534 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
535 if (lr->lr_refcnt == 0) {
536 panic("%s: lr=%p negative refcnt", __func__, lr);
537 /* NOTREACHED */
538 }
539 --lr->lr_refcnt;
540 if (lr->lr_refcnt > 0) {
541 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
542 return;
543 }
544 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
546 iflr_free(lr); /* deallocate it */
547 }
549 void
550 ifnet_lr2ri(struct if_llreach *lr, struct rt_reach_info *ri)
551 {
552 struct if_llreach_info lri;
556 bzero(ri, sizeof (*ri));
557 ifnet_lr2lri(lr, &lri);
558 ri->ri_refcnt = lri.lri_refcnt;
559 ri->ri_probes = lri.lri_probes;
560 ri->ri_rcv_expire = lri.lri_expire;
561 ri->ri_rssi = lri.lri_rssi;
562 ri->ri_lqm = lri.lri_lqm;
563 ri->ri_npm = lri.lri_npm;
564 }
566 void
567 ifnet_lr2iflri(struct if_llreach *lr, struct ifnet_llreach_info *iflri)
568 {
571 bzero(iflri, sizeof (*iflri));
572 /*
573 * Note here we return request count, not actual memory refcnt.
574 */
575 iflri->iflri_refcnt = lr->lr_reqcnt;
576 iflri->iflri_probes = lr->lr_probes;
577 iflri->iflri_rcv_expire = ifnet_llreach_up2upexp(lr, lr->lr_lastrcvd);
578 iflri->iflri_curtime = net_uptime();
579 switch (lr->lr_key.proto) {
580 case ETHERTYPE_IP:
581 iflri->iflri_netproto = PF_INET;
582 break;
583 case ETHERTYPE_IPV6:
584 iflri->iflri_netproto = PF_INET6;
585 break;
586 default:
587 /*
588 * This shouldn't be possible for the time being,
589 * since link-layer reachability records are only
590 * kept for ARP and ND6.
591 */
592 iflri->iflri_netproto = PF_UNSPEC;
593 break;
594 }
595 bcopy(&lr->lr_key.addr, &iflri->iflri_addr, IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN);
596 iflri->iflri_rssi = lr->lr_rssi;
597 iflri->iflri_lqm = lr->lr_lqm;
598 iflri->iflri_npm = lr->lr_npm;
599 }
601 void
602 ifnet_lr2lri(struct if_llreach *lr, struct if_llreach_info *lri)
603 {
606 bzero(lri, sizeof (*lri));
607 /*
608 * Note here we return request count, not actual memory refcnt.
609 */
610 lri->lri_refcnt = lr->lr_reqcnt;
611 lri->lri_ifindex = lr->lr_ifp->if_index;
612 lri->lri_probes = lr->lr_probes;
613 lri->lri_expire = ifnet_llreach_up2calexp(lr, lr->lr_lastrcvd);
614 lri->lri_proto = lr->lr_key.proto;
615 bcopy(&lr->lr_key.addr, &lri->lri_addr, IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN);
616 lri->lri_rssi = lr->lr_rssi;
617 lri->lri_lqm = lr->lr_lqm;
618 lri->lri_npm = lr->lr_npm;
619 }
621 static int
622 sysctl_llreach_ifinfo SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
623 {
624 #pragma unused(oidp)
625 int *name, retval = 0;
626 unsigned int namelen;
627 uint32_t ifindex;
628 struct if_llreach *lr;
629 struct if_llreach_info lri;
630 struct ifnet *ifp;
632 name = (int *)arg1;
633 namelen = (unsigned int)arg2;
635 if (req->newptr != USER_ADDR_NULL)
636 return (EPERM);
638 if (namelen != 1)
639 return (EINVAL);
641 ifindex = name[0];
642 ifnet_head_lock_shared();
643 if (ifindex <= 0 || ifindex > (u_int)if_index) {
644 printf("%s: ifindex %u out of range\n", __func__, ifindex);
645 ifnet_head_done();
646 return (ENOENT);
647 }
649 ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex];
650 ifnet_head_done();
651 if (ifp == NULL) {
652 printf("%s: no ifp for ifindex %u\n", __func__, ifindex);
653 return (ENOENT);
654 }
656 lck_rw_lock_shared(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
657 RB_FOREACH(lr, ll_reach_tree, &ifp->if_ll_srcs) {
658 /* Export to if_llreach_info structure */
659 IFLR_LOCK(lr);
660 ifnet_lr2lri(lr, &lri);
661 IFLR_UNLOCK(lr);
663 if ((retval = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &lri, sizeof (lri))) != 0)
664 break;
665 }
666 lck_rw_done(&ifp->if_llreach_lock);
668 return (retval);
669 }