]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blame - tools/lldbmacros/ipc.py
[apple/xnu.git] / tools / lldbmacros / ipc.py
1""" Please make sure you read the README file COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below.
2 It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file.
4from xnu import *
5import sys, shlex
6from utils import *
7from process import *
8import xnudefines
10@header("{0: <20s} {1: <6s} {2: <6s} {3: <10s} {4: <15s}".format("task", "pid", '#acts', "tablesize", "command"))
11def GetTaskIPCSummary(task):
12 """ Display a task's ipc summary.
13 params:
14 task : core.value represeting a Task in kernel
15 returns
16 str - string of ipc info for the task
17 """
18 out_string = ''
19 format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: <6d} {2: <6d} {3: <10d} {4: <15s}"
20 pval = Cast(task.bsd_info, 'proc *')
21 table_size = int(task.itk_space.is_table_size)
22 proc_name = str(pval.p_comm)
23 out_string += format_string.format(task, pval.p_pid, task.thread_count, table_size, proc_name)
24 return out_string
26@header("{0: <20s} {1: <28s} {2: <12s} {3: <6s} {4: <4s} {5: <20s} {6: <4s}\n".format(
27 "port", "mqueue", "recvname", "flags", "refs", "recvname", "dest"))
28def GetPortSummary(port, show_kmsg_summary=True, prefix=""):
29 """ Display a port's summary
30 params:
31 port : core.value representing a port in the kernel
32 returns
33 str : string of ipc info for the given port
34 """
35 out_string = ""
36 portp = Cast(port, 'struct ipc_port *')
37 destspacep = kern.GetValueFromAddress(0, 'struct ipc_space *')
38 spacep = portp.data.receiver
39 format_string = "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: <8s} {3: #011x} {4: <5s} {5: #05x} {6: #019x} {7: <16s}\n"
40 if portp.ip_object.io_bits & 0x80000000:
41 out_string += prefix + format_string.format(
42 unsigned(portp), addressof(portp.ip_messages), ' '*8,
43 unsigned(portp.ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name),
44 "APort", portp.ip_object.io_references,
45 unsigned(portp.ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name),
46 GetPortDestProc(portp))
47 else:
48 out_string += prefix + format_string.format(
49 unsigned(portp), addressof(portp.ip_messages), ' '*8,
50 unsigned(portp.ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name),
51 "DPort", portp.ip_object.io_references, unsigned(portp),
52 "inactive-port")
54 if show_kmsg_summary:
55 kmsgp = Cast(portp.ip_messages.data.port.messages.ikmq_base, 'ipc_kmsg_t')
56 out_string += prefix + GetKMsgSummary.header + prefix + GetKMsgSummary(kmsgp)
58 kmsgheadp = kmsgp
59 kmsgp = kmsgp.ikm_next
60 while (kmsgp) != (kmsgheadp):
61 out_string += prefix + GetKMsgSummary(kmsgp)
62 kmsgp = kmsgp.ikm_next
63 return out_string
65def GetPortDestProc(portp):
66 """ Display the name and pid of a given port's receiver
67 params:
68 portp : core.value representing a pointer to a port in the kernel
69 destspacep : core.value representing a pointer to an ipc_space
70 returns:
71 str : string containing receiver's name and pid
72 """
73 spacep = portp.data.receiver
74 out_str = "Not found"
75 for tsk in kern.tasks:
76 if tsk.itk_space == spacep:
77 if tsk.bsd_info:
78 destprocp = Cast(tsk.bsd_info, 'struct proc *')
79 out_str = "{0:s}({1: <d})".format(destprocp.p_comm, destprocp.p_pid)
80 else:
81 out_str = "task {0: #019x}".format(desttaskp)
82 break
84 return out_str
86@header("{0: <20s} {1: <28s} {2: <12s} {3: <6s} {4: <6s} {5: <19s} {6: <6s}\n".format(
87 "dest-port", "kmsg", "msgid", "disp", "size", "reply-port", "source"))
88def GetKMsgSummary(kmsgp):
89 """ Display a summary for type ipc_kmsg_t
90 params:
91 kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
92 returns:
93 str : string of summary info for the given ipc_kmsg_t instance
94 """
95 kmsghp = kmsgp.ikm_header
96 kmsgh = dereference(kmsghp)
97 out_string = ""
98 out_string += "{0: <19s} {1: #019x} {2: <8s} {3: #011x} ".format(
99 ' '*19, unsigned(kmsgp), ' '*8, kmsgh.msgh_id)
101 if (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff) == 19:
102 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("rC")
103 else:
104 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("rM")
106 if (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff00) == (19 << 8):
107 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("lC")
108 else:
109 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("lM")
110 if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xf0000000:
111 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("c")
112 else:
113 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("s")
115 out_string += "{0: >5d} {1: #019x} {2: <16s}\n".format(
116 unsigned(kmsgh.msgh_size), kmsgh.msgh_local_port,
117 GetKMsgSrc(kmsgp))
118 return out_string
120def GetKMsgSrc(kmsgp):
121 """ Routine that prints a kmsg's source process and pid details
122 params:
123 kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
124 returns:
125 str : string containing the name and pid of the kmsg's source proc
126 """
127 kmsgsrchp = Cast(kmsgp, 'ipc_kmsg_t').ikm_header
128 kmsgpid = int(Cast(kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(kmsgsrchp) + kmsgsrchp.msgh_size, 'uint *')[10], 'pid_t'))
130 return "{0:s} ({1:d})".format(GetProcNameForPid(kmsgpid), kmsgpid)
132@header("{0: <20s} {1: <28s} {2: <12s} {3: <6s} {4: <6s} {5: <20s} {6: <7s}\n".format(
133 "portset", "waitqueue", "recvname", "flags", "refs", "recvname", "process"))
134def GetPortSetSummary(pset):
135 """ Display summary for a given struct ipc_pset *
136 params:
137 pset : core.value representing a pset in the kernel
138 returns:
139 str : string of summary information for the given pset
140 """
141 out_str = ""
142 if pset.ips_object.io_bits & 0x80000000:
143 out_str += "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: <7s} {3: #011x} {4: <4s} {5: >6d} {6: #019x} ".format(
144 unsigned(pset), addressof(pset.ips_messages), ' '*7,
145 pset.ips_messages.data.pset.local_name, "ASet",
146 pset.ips_object.io_references,
147 pset.ips_messages.data.pset.local_name)
149 else:
150 out_str += "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: <7s} {3: #011x} {4: <4s} {5: >6d} {6: #019x} ".format(
151 unsigned(pset), addressof(pset.ips_messages), ' '*7,
152 pset.ips_messages.data.pset.local_name, "DSet",
153 pset.ips_object.io_references,
154 pset.ips_messages.data.pset.local_name)
156 once = True
157 setlinksp = addressof(pset.ips_messages.data.pset.set_queue.wqs_setlinks)
158 wql = Cast(pset.ips_messages.data.pset.set_queue.wqs_setlinks.next, 'WaitQueueLink *')
159 portoff = getfieldoffset('struct ipc_port', 'ip_messages')
160 prefix_str = "{0:<21s}".format(' '*21)
161 while unsigned(wql) != unsigned(Cast(setlinksp, 'void *')):
162 portp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(wql.wql_element.wqe_queue) - portoff, 'ipc_port *')
163 if once:
164 once = False
165 out_str += "{0:s}\n{1:s}{2:s}".format(GetPortDestProc(portp), prefix_str, GetPortSummary.header)
166 out_str += GetPortSummary(portp, False, prefix_str)
167 wql = Cast(wql.wql_setlinks.next, 'WaitQueueLink *')
168 return out_str
170# Macro: showipc
173def ShowIPC(cmd_args=None):
174 """ Routine to print data for the given IPC space
175 Usage: showipc <address of ipc space>
176 """
177 if not cmd_args:
178 print "No arguments passed"
179 print ShowIPC.__doc__
180 return False
181 ipc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_space *')
182 if not ipc:
183 print "unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args)
184 return False
185 print GetIPCInformation.header
186 print GetIPCInformation(ipc, False, False)
188# EndMacro: showipc
190# Macro: showtaskipc
193def ShowTaskIPC(cmd_args=None):
194 """ Routine to print IPC summary of given task
195 Usage: showtaskipc <address of task>
196 """
197 if not cmd_args:
198 print "No arguments passed"
199 print ShowTaskIPC.__doc__
200 return False
201 tval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
202 if not tval:
203 print "unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args)
204 return False
205 print GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header
206 pval = Cast(tval.bsd_info, 'proc *')
207 print GetTaskSummary(tval) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval)
208 print GetTaskIPCSummary.header
209 print GetTaskIPCSummary(tval)
211# EndMacro: showtaskipc
213# Macro: showallipc
216def ShowAllIPC(cmd_args=None):
217 """ Routine to print IPC summary of all tasks
218 Usage: showallipc
219 """
220 for t in kern.tasks:
221 print GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header
222 pval = Cast(t.bsd_info, 'proc *')
223 print GetTaskSummary(t) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval)
224 print GetIPCInformation.header
225 print GetIPCInformation(t.itk_space, False, False) + "\n\n"
227# EndMacro: showallipc
230def ShowIPCSummary(cmd_args=None):
231 """ Summarizes the IPC state of all tasks.
232 This is a convenient way to dump some basic clues about IPC messaging. You can use the output to determine
233 tasks that are candidates for further investigation.
234 """
235 print GetTaskIPCSummary.header
236 for t in kern.tasks:
237 print GetTaskIPCSummary(t)
238 return
240def GetKObjectFromPort(portval):
241 """ Get Kobject description from the port.
242 params: portval - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
243 returns: str - string of kobject information
244 """
245 kobject_str = "{0: <#020x}".format(portval.kdata.kobject)
246 io_bits = unsigned(portval.ip_object.io_bits)
247 objtype_index = io_bits & 0xfff
248 if objtype_index < len(xnudefines.kobject_types) :
249 desc_str = "kobject({0:s})".format(xnudefines.kobject_types[objtype_index])
250 else:
251 desc_str = "kobject(UNKNOWN) {:d}".format(objtype_index)
252 return kobject_str + " " + desc_str
254@static_var('destcache', {})
255def GetDestinationProcessFromPort(port):
256 """
257 params: port - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
258 returns: str - name of process
259 """
260 out_str = ''
261 dest_space = port.data.receiver
262 found_dest = False
263 #update destcache if data is not found
264 if hex(dest_space) not in GetDestinationProcessFromPort.destcache:
265 for t in kern.tasks:
266 if hex(t.itk_space) == hex(dest_space):
267 pval = Cast(t.bsd_info, 'proc *')
268 GetDestinationProcessFromPort.destcache[hex(dest_space)] = (t, pval)
269 found_dest = True
270 break
271 #end of for loop
272 else: found_dest = True
274 if found_dest:
275 (ftask , fproc) = GetDestinationProcessFromPort.destcache[hex(dest_space)]
276 if fproc:
277 out_str = "{0:s}({1:d})".format(fproc.p_comm, fproc.p_pid )
278 else:
279 out_str = "task {0: <#020x}".format(ftask)
280 return out_str
284@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s}".format("destname", "destination") )
285def GetPortDestinationSummary(port):
286 """ Get destination information for a port.
287 params: port - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
288 returns: str - string of info about ports destination
289 """
290 out_str = ''
291 format_string = "{0: <20s} {1: <20s}"
292 destname_str = ''
293 destination_str = ''
294 ipc_space_kernel = unsigned(kern.globals.ipc_space_kernel)
295 target_spaceval = port.data.receiver
296 if unsigned(target_spaceval) == ipc_space_kernel :
297 destname_str = GetKObjectFromPort(port)
298 else:
299 if int(port.ip_object.io_bits) & 0x80000000 :
300 destname_str = "{0: <#020x}".format(port.ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name)
301 destination_str = GetDestinationProcessFromPort(port)
302 else:
303 destname_str = "{0: <#020x}".format(port)
304 destination_str = "inactive-port"
306 out_str += format_string.format(destname_str, destination_str)
307 return out_str
310@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <8s} {3: <8s} {4: <20s} {5: <20s}".format("object", "name","rite", "urefs", "destname", "destination"))
311def GetIPCEntrySummary(entry, ipc_name=''):
312 """ Get summary of a ipc entry.
313 params:
314 entry - core.value representing ipc_entry_t in the kernel
315 ipc_name - str of format '0x0123' for display in summary.
316 returns:
317 str - string of ipc entry related information
318 """
319 out_str = ''
320 entry_ptr = int(hex(entry), 16)
321 format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: <12s} {2: <8s} {3: <8d} {4: <20s} {5: <20s}"
322 right_str = ''
323 destname_str = ''
324 destination_str = ''
326 ie_object = entry.ie_object
327 ie_bits = int(entry.ie_bits)
328 urefs = int(ie_bits & 0xffff)
329 if ie_bits & 0x00100000 :
330 right_str = 'Dead'
331 elif ie_bits & 0x00080000:
332 right_str = 'Set'
333 else:
334 if ie_bits & 0x00010000 :
335 if ie_bits & 0x00020000 :
336 right_str = 'SR'
337 else:
338 right_str = 'S'
339 elif ie_bits & 0x00020000:
340 right_str = 'R'
341 elif ie_bits & 0x00040000 :
342 right_str = 'O'
343 if int(entry.index.request) != 0:
344 portval = Cast(ie_object, 'ipc_port_t')
345 requestsval = portval.ip_requests
346 sorightval = requestsval[int(entry.index.request)].notify.port
347 soright_ptr = unsigned(sorightval)
348 if soright_ptr != 0:
349 if soright_ptr & 0x1 : right_str +='s'
350 elif soright_ptr & 0x2 : right_str +='d'
351 else : right_str +='n'
352 if ie_bits & 0x00800000 : right_str +='c'
353 # now show the port destination part
354 destname_str = GetPortDestinationSummary(Cast(ie_object, 'ipc_port_t'))
356 out_str = format_string.format(ie_object, ipc_name, right_str, urefs, destname_str, destination_str)
357 return out_str
359@header("{0: >20s}".format("user bt") )
360def GetPortUserStack(port, task):
361 """ Get UserStack information for the given port & task.
362 params: port - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
363 task - value representing 'task *' object
364 returns: str - string information on port's userstack
365 """
366 out_str = ''
367 ie_port_callstack = port.ip_callstack
368 ie_port_spares = port.ip_spares[0]
369 proc_val = Cast(task.bsd_info, 'proc *')
370 if ie_port_callstack[0]:
371 out_str += "{: <10x}".format(ie_port_callstack[0])
372 count = 1
373 while count < 16 and ie_port_callstack[count]:
374 out_str += ": <10x".format(ie_port_callstack[count])
375 count = count + 1
376 if ie_port_spares != proc_val.p_pid:
377 out_str += " ({:<10d})".format(ie_port_spares)
378 out_str += '\n'
379 return out_str
381@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_space *'])
382@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s} {3: <8s} {4: <10s} {5: <16s} {6: <10s} {7: <7s}".format('ipc_space', 'is_task', 'is_table', 'flags', 'ports', 'table_next', 'low_mod', 'high_mod'))
383def GetIPCInformation(space, show_entries=False, show_userstack=False):
384 """ Provide a summary of the ipc space
385 """
386 out_str = ''
387 format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: <#020x} {2: <#020x} {3: <8s} {4: <10d} {5: <#01x} {6: >10d} {7: >10d}"
388 is_tableval = space.is_table
389 ports = int(space.is_table_size)
390 flags =''
391 is_bits = int(space.is_bits)
392 if (is_bits & 0x40000000) == 0: flags +='A'
393 else: flags += ' '
394 if (is_bits & 0x20000000) != 0: flags +='G'
395 out_str += format_string.format(space, space.is_task, space.is_table, flags, space.is_table_size, space.is_table_next, space.is_low_mod, space.is_high_mod)
397 #should show the each individual entries if asked.
398 if show_entries == True:
399 out_str += "\n\t" + GetIPCEntrySummary.header + "\n"
400 num_entries = ports
401 index = 0
402 while index < num_entries:
403 entryval = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(is_tableval, index)
404 entry_ie_bits = unsigned(entryval.ie_bits)
405 if (int(entry_ie_bits) & 0x001f0000 ) != 0:
406 entry_name = "{0: <#020x}".format( (index <<8 | entry_ie_bits >> 24) )
407 out_str += "\t" + GetIPCEntrySummary(entryval, entry_name) + "\n"
408 if show_userstack == True:
409 entryport = Cast(entryval.ie_object, 'ipc_port *')
410 if entryval.ie_object and (int(entry_ie_bits) & 0x00070000) and entryport.ip_callstack[0]:
411 out_str += GetPortUserStack.header
412 out_str += GetPortUserStack(entryport, space.is_task)
413 index +=1
414 #done with showing entries
415 return out_str
417# Macro: showrights
420def ShowRights(cmd_args=None):
421 """ Routine to print rights information for the given IPC space
422 Usage: showrights <address of ipc space>
423 """
424 if not cmd_args:
425 print "No arguments passed"
426 print ShowRights.__doc__
427 return False
428 ipc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_space *')
429 if not ipc:
430 print "unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args)
431 return False
432 print GetIPCInformation.header
433 print GetIPCInformation(ipc, True, False)
435# EndMacro: showrights
438def ShowTaskRights(cmd_args=None):
439 """ Routine to ipc rights information for a task
440 Usage: showtaskrights <task address>
441 """
442 if cmd_args == None:
443 print "No arguments passed"
444 print ShowTaskStacksCmdHelper.__doc__
445 return False
446 tval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
447 if not tval:
448 print "unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args)
449 return False
450 print GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header
451 pval = Cast(tval.bsd_info, 'proc *')
452 print GetTaskSummary(tval) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval)
453 print GetIPCInformation.header
454 print GetIPCInformation(tval.itk_space, True, False)
456# Macro: showataskrightsbt
459def ShowTaskRightsBt(cmd_args=None):
460 """ Routine to ipc rights information with userstacks for a task
461 Usage: showtaskrightsbt <task address>
462 """
463 if cmd_args == None:
464 print "No arguments passed"
465 print ShowTaskRightsBt.__doc__
466 return False
467 tval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
468 if not tval:
469 print "unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args)
470 return False
471 print GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header
472 pval = Cast(tval.bsd_info, 'proc *')
473 print GetTaskSummary(tval) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval)
474 print GetIPCInformation.header
475 print GetIPCInformation(tval.itk_space, True, True)
477# EndMacro: showtaskrightsbt
479# Macro: showallrights
482def ShowAllRights(cmd_args=None):
483 """ Routine to print rights information for IPC space of all tasks
484 Usage: showallrights
485 """
486 for t in kern.tasks:
487 print GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header
488 pval = Cast(t.bsd_info, 'proc *')
489 print GetTaskSummary(t) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval)
490 print GetIPCInformation.header
491 print GetIPCInformation(t.itk_space, True, False) + "\n\n"
493# EndMacro: showallrights
495# Macro: showpipestats
497def ShowPipeStats(cmd_args=None):
498 """ Display pipes usage information in the kernel
499 """
500 print "Number of pipes: {: d}".format(kern.globals.amountpipes)
501 print "Memory used by pipes: {:s}".format(sizeof_fmt(int(kern.globals.amountpipekva)))
502 print "Max memory allowed for pipes: {:s}".format(sizeof_fmt(int(kern.globals.maxpipekva)))
503# EndMacro: showpipestats
505# Macro: showtaskbusyports
507def ShowTaskBusyPorts(cmd_args=None):
508 """ Routine to print information about receive rights belonging to this task that
509 have enqueued messages. This is oten a sign of a blocked or hung process
510 Usage: showtaskbusyports <task address>
511 """
512 if not cmd_args:
513 print "No arguments passed. Please pass in the address of a task"
514 print ShowTaskBusyPorts.__doc__
515 return
516 task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task_t')
517 print GetTaskBusyPorts(task)
518 return
520def GetTaskBusyPorts(task):
521 """ Prints all busy ports for a given task. ie. all receive rights belonging
522 to this task that have enqueued messages.
523 params:
524 task : core.value representing a task in kernel
525 returns:
526 str : String containing information about the given task's busy ports
527 """
528 isp = task.itk_space
529 i = 0
530 out_string = ""
531 while i < isp.is_table_size:
532 iep = addressof(isp.is_table[i])
533 if iep.ie_bits & 0x00020000:
534 port = Cast(iep.ie_object, 'ipc_port_t')
535 if port.ip_messages.data.port.msgcount > 0:
536 out_string += GetPortSummary.header + GetPortSummary(port)
537 i = i + 1
538 return out_string
539# EndMacro: showtaskbusyports
541# Macro: showallbusyports
543def ShowAllBusyPorts(cmd_args=None):
544 """ Routine to print information about all receive rights on the system that
545 have enqueued messages.
546 """
547 task_queue_head = kern.globals.tasks
549 for tsk in kern.tasks:
550 print GetTaskBusyPorts(tsk)
551 return
552# EndMacro: showallbusyports
554# Macro: showmqueue:
556def ShowMQueue(cmd_args=None):
557 """ Routine that lists details about a given mqueue
558 Syntax: (lldb) showmqueue 0xaddr
559 """
560 if not cmd_args:
561 print "Please specify the address of the ipc_mqueue whose details you want to print"
562 print ShowMQueue.__doc__
563 return
564 mqueue = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_mqueue *')
565 wq_type = mqueue.data.pset.set_queue.wqs_wait_queue.wq_type
566 if int(wq_type) == 3:
567 psetoff = getfieldoffset('struct ipc_pset *', 'ips_messages')
568 pset = unsigned(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])) - unsigned(psetoff)
569 print GetPortSetSummary.header + GetPortSetSummary(kern.GetValueFromAddress(pset, 'struct ipc_pset *'))
570 if int(wq_type) == 2:
571 portoff = getfieldoffset('struct ipc_port', 'ip_messages')
572 port = unsigned(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])) - unsigned(portoff)
573 print GetPortSummary.header + GetPortSummary(kern.GetValueFromAddress(port, 'struct ipc_port *'))
574# EndMacro: showmqueue
576# Macro: showpset
578def ShowPSet(cmd_args=None):
579 """ Routine that prints details for a given ipc_pset *
580 Syntax: (lldb) showpset 0xaddr
581 """
582 if not cmd_args:
583 print "Please specify the address of the pset whose details you want to print"
584 print ShowPSet.__doc__
585 return
587 print GetPortSetSummary.header + GetPortSetSummary(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_pset *'))
588# EndMacro: showpset