]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/commitdiff
Security-223.tar.gz mac-os-x-1042 v223
authorApple <opensource@apple.com>
Wed, 25 May 2005 20:27:14 +0000 (20:27 +0000)
committerApple <opensource@apple.com>
Wed, 25 May 2005 20:27:14 +0000 (20:27 +0000)
Security.xcode/stuartha.mode1 [deleted file]
Security.xcode/stuartha.pbxuser [deleted file]

index a65d7fee2d871400a661d28ca8bb864ad72cfff0..41a7451590cd052bf063ad1b06a97de6ff121a1d 100644 (file)
                        buildSettings = {
                                BUILD_VARIANTS = "normal debug";
-                               CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 222;
+                               CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 223;
                                DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION = 1;
-                               DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION = 222;
+                               DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION = 223;
                                EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/derived_src/Security.exp";
                                FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = "/usr/local/SecurityPieces/Components/Security /usr/local/SecurityPieces/Frameworks";
                                FRAMEWORK_VERSION = A;
-       <string>4.0,  Copyright © 2000-2004 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved</string>
+       <string>4.0.1,  Copyright © 2000-2005 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved</string>
-       <string>4.0</string>
+       <string>4.0.1</string>
-       <string>221</string>
+       <string>223</string>
diff --git a/Security.xcode/stuartha.mode1 b/Security.xcode/stuartha.mode1
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 20d94e9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1255 +0,0 @@
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-       <string>Project</string>
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-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Groups and Files Outline View</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Editor</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>XCTaskListModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Task List</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>XCDetailModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>File and Smart Group Detail Viewer</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>1</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Detailed Build Results Viewer</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>1</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Project Batch Find Tool</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXRunSessionModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Run Log</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Bookmarks Tool</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Class Browser</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Source Code Control Tool</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXDebugBreakpointsModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Debug Breakpoints Tool</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>XCDockableInspector</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Inspector</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>n</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXOpenQuicklyModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Open Quickly Tool</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>1</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Debugger</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>MaxInstances</key>
-                       <string>1</string>
-                       <key>Module</key>
-                       <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Debug Console</string>
-               </dict>
-       </array>
-       <key>Description</key>
-       <string>DefaultDescriptionKey</string>
-       <key>DockingSystemVisible</key>
-       <false/>
-       <key>Extension</key>
-       <string>mode1</string>
-       <key>FavBarConfig</key>
-       <dict>
-               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-               <string>D655561307A814A20010B179</string>
-               <key>XCBarModuleItemNames</key>
-               <dict/>
-               <key>XCBarModuleItems</key>
-               <array/>
-       </dict>
-       <key>FirstTimeWindowDisplayed</key>
-       <false/>
-       <key>Identifier</key>
-       <string>com.apple.perspectives.project.mode1</string>
-       <key>MajorVersion</key>
-       <integer>31</integer>
-       <key>MinorVersion</key>
-       <integer>1</integer>
-       <key>Name</key>
-       <string>Default</string>
-       <key>Notifications</key>
-       <array>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>XCObserverAutoDisconnectKey</key>
-                       <true/>
-                       <key>XCObserverDefintionKey</key>
-                       <dict>
-                               <key>PBXStatusErrorsKey</key>
-                               <integer>0</integer>
-                       </dict>
-                       <key>XCObserverFactoryKey</key>
-                       <string>XCPerspectivesSpecificationIdentifier</string>
-                       <key>XCObserverGUIDKey</key>
-                       <string>XCObserverProjectIdentifier</string>
-                       <key>XCObserverNotificationKey</key>
-                       <string>PBXStatusBuildStateMessageNotification</string>
-                       <key>XCObserverTargetKey</key>
-                       <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
-                       <key>XCObserverTriggerKey</key>
-                       <string>awakenModuleWithObserver:</string>
-                       <key>XCObserverValidationKey</key>
-                       <dict>
-                               <key>PBXStatusErrorsKey</key>
-                               <integer>2</integer>
-                       </dict>
-               </dict>
-       </array>
-       <key>OpenEditors</key>
-       <array/>
-       <key>PerspectiveWidths</key>
-       <array>
-               <integer>-1</integer>
-               <integer>-1</integer>
-       </array>
-       <key>Perspectives</key>
-       <array>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>ChosenToolbarItems</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>active-target-popup</string>
-                               <string>active-buildstyle-popup</string>
-                               <string>NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem</string>
-                               <string>buildOrClean</string>
-                               <string>build-and-runOrDebug</string>
-                               <string>com.apple.ide.PBXToolbarStopButton</string>
-                               <string>get-info</string>
-                               <string>toggle-editor</string>
-                               <string>NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem</string>
-                               <string>com.apple.pbx.toolbar.searchfield</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ControllerClassBaseName</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>IconName</key>
-                       <string>WindowOfProjectWithEditor</string>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>perspective.project</string>
-                       <key>IsVertical</key>
-                       <false/>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                       <dict>
-                                               <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
-                                               <array>
-                                                       <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FAAC04509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       <string>1C08E77C0454961000C914BD</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FABC05539CD112110102</string>
-                                                       <string>E2644B35053B69B200211256</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FABC04509CD000100104</string>
-                                                       <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B</string>
-                                                       <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B</string>
-                                               </array>
-                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                               <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
-                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                               <string>Files</string>
-                                               <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
-                                               <string>yes</string>
-                                               <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <real>186</real>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <string>MainColumn</string>
-                                                       </array>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <string>0867D691FE84028FC02AAC07</string>
-                                                               <string>4CD808CC05360655009F54B0</string>
-                                                               <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
-                                                               <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <array>
-                                                                       <integer>11</integer>
-                                                                       <integer>10</integer>
-                                                               </array>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
-                                                       <string>{{0, 0}, {186, 884}}</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
-                                               <array/>
-                                               <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
-                                               <true/>
-                                               <key>XCSharingToken</key>
-                                               <string>com.apple.Xcode.GFSharingToken</string>
-                                       </dict>
-                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                       <dict>
-                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {203, 902}}</string>
-                                               <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
-                                               <array>
-                                                       <string>MainColumn</string>
-                                                       <real>186</real>
-                                               </array>
-                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                               <string>0 59 1280 943 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                       </dict>
-                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                       <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>203pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CE0B20306471E060097A5F4</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>MyNewFile14.java</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
-                                                               <dict>
-                                                                       <key>Split0</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                                               <string>1CE0B20406471E060097A5F4</string>
-                                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                                               <string>MyNewFile14.java</string>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                       <key>SplitCount</key>
-                                                                       <string>1</string>
-                                                               </dict>
-                                                               <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
-                                                               <true/>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {1072, 0}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>0 59 1280 943 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>0pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <true/>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CE0B20506471E060097A5F4</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Detail</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 5}, {1072, 897}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>0 59 1280 943 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>XCDetailModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>897pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>1072pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Project</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>XCModuleDock</string>
-                               <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
-                               <string>XCModuleDock</string>
-                               <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
-                               <string>XCDetailModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>D6DD115807BAC51400B05B34</string>
-                               <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
-                               <string>D6DD115907BAC51400B05B34</string>
-                               <string>1CE0B20306471E060097A5F4</string>
-                               <string>1CE0B20506471E060097A5F4</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.default</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>ControllerClassBaseName</key>
-                       <string></string>
-                       <key>IconName</key>
-                       <string>WindowOfProject</string>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>perspective.morph</string>
-                       <key>IsVertical</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                       <integer>1</integer>
-                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                       <dict>
-                                               <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
-                                               <array>
-                                                       <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FAAC04509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       <string>1C08E77C0454961000C914BD</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FABC05539CD112110102</string>
-                                                       <string>E2644B35053B69B200211256</string>
-                                                       <string>1C37FABC04509CD000100104</string>
-                                                       <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B</string>
-                                                       <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B</string>
-                                               </array>
-                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                               <string>11E0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
-                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                               <string>Files</string>
-                                               <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
-                                               <string>yes</string>
-                                               <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <real>186</real>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <string>MainColumn</string>
-                                                       </array>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <string>29B97314FDCFA39411CA2CEA</string>
-                                                               <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <array>
-                                                                       <integer>0</integer>
-                                                               </array>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
-                                                       <string>{{0, 0}, {186, 337}}</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
-                                               <array/>
-                                               <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
-                                               <integer>1</integer>
-                                               <key>XCSharingToken</key>
-                                               <string>com.apple.Xcode.GFSharingToken</string>
-                                       </dict>
-                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                       <dict>
-                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {203, 355}}</string>
-                                               <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
-                                               <array>
-                                                       <string>MainColumn</string>
-                                                       <real>186</real>
-                                               </array>
-                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                               <string>373 269 690 397 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                                       </dict>
-                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                       <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>100%</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Morph</string>
-                       <key>PreferredWidth</key>
-                       <integer>300</integer>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>XCModuleDock</string>
-                               <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>11E0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.default.short</string>
-               </dict>
-       </array>
-       <key>PerspectivesBarVisible</key>
-       <false/>
-       <key>ShelfIsVisible</key>
-       <false/>
-       <key>SourceDescription</key>
-       <string>file at '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsInterface.framework/Versions/A/Resources/XCPerspectivesSpecificationMode1.xcperspec'</string>
-       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-       <true/>
-       <key>TimeStamp</key>
-       <real>129680647.04873</real>
-       <key>ToolbarDisplayMode</key>
-       <integer>1</integer>
-       <key>ToolbarIsVisible</key>
-       <true/>
-       <key>ToolbarSizeMode</key>
-       <integer>1</integer>
-       <key>Type</key>
-       <string>Perspectives</string>
-       <key>UpdateMessage</key>
-       <string>The Default Workspace in this version of Xcode now includes support to hide and show the detail view (what has been referred to as the "Metro-Morph" feature).  You must discard your current Default Workspace settings and update to the latest Default Workspace in order to gain this feature.  Do you wish to update to the latest Workspace defaults for project '%@'?</string>
-       <key>WindowJustification</key>
-       <integer>5</integer>
-       <key>WindowOrderList</key>
-       <array>
-               <string>/Volumes/Data/workdir/tla/Security/Security.xcode</string>
-       </array>
-       <key>WindowString</key>
-       <string>0 59 1280 943 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-       <key>WindowTools</key>
-       <array>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>FirstTimeWindowDisplayed</key>
-                       <false/>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.build</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CD0528F0623707200166675</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string></string>
-                                                               <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
-                                                               <true/>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {1018, 243}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>21 443 1018 536 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>243pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <true/>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Build</string>
-                                                               <key>XCBuildResultsTrigger_Collapse</key>
-                                                               <integer>1021</integer>
-                                                               <key>XCBuildResultsTrigger_Open</key>
-                                                               <integer>1012</integer>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 248}, {1018, 247}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>21 443 1018 536 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>247pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>495pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Build Results</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <true/>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>D67B51AE07BABB9C00FEAAAA</string>
-                               <string>D67B51AF07BABB9C00FEAAAA</string>
-                               <string>1CD0528F0623707200166675</string>
-                               <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.build</string>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>21 443 1018 536 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                       <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
-                       <string>D67B51AE07BABB9C00FEAAAA</string>
-                       <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
-                       <false/>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.debugger</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Debugger</key>
-                                                               <dict>
-                                                                       <key>HorizontalSplitView</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <integer>0</integer>
-                                                                               <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>isCollapsed</key>
-                                                                               <string>yes</string>
-                                                                               <key>sizes</key>
-                                                                               <array>
-                                                                                       <string>{{0, 0}, {317, 164}}</string>
-                                                                                       <string>{{317, 0}, {377, 164}}</string>
-                                                                               </array>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                       <key>VerticalSplitView</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <integer>0</integer>
-                                                                               <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>isCollapsed</key>
-                                                                               <string>yes</string>
-                                                                               <key>sizes</key>
-                                                                               <array>
-                                                                                       <string>{{0, 0}, {694, 164}}</string>
-                                                                                       <string>{{0, 164}, {694, 216}}</string>
-                                                                               </array>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                               </dict>
-                                                               <key>LauncherConfigVersion</key>
-                                                               <string>8</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1C162984064C10D400B95A72</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Debug - GLUTExamples (Underwater)</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>DebugConsoleDrawerSize</key>
-                                                               <string>{100, 120}</string>
-                                                               <key>DebugConsoleVisible</key>
-                                                               <string>None</string>
-                                                               <key>DebugConsoleWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
-                                                               <key>DebugSTDIOWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {694, 380}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>321 238 694 422 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>100%</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>100%</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Debugger</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>1</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1CD10A99069EF8BA00B06720</string>
-                               <string>1C0AD2AB069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1C162984064C10D400B95A72</string>
-                               <string>1C0AD2AC069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.debug</string>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>321 238 694 422 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                       <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
-                       <string>1CD10A99069EF8BA00B06720</string>
-                       <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.find</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                                       <array>
-                                                               <dict>
-                                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                                               <string>1CDD528C0622207200134675</string>
-                                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                                               <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
-                                                                               <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
-                                                                               <dict>
-                                                                                       <key>Split0</key>
-                                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                                                               <string>1CD0528D0623707200166675</string>
-                                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                                       <key>SplitCount</key>
-                                                                                       <string>1</string>
-                                                                               </dict>
-                                                                               <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
-                                                                               <integer>1</integer>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {781, 167}}</string>
-                                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                                               <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                                       <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
-                                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                                       <string>781pt</string>
-                                                               </dict>
-                                                       </array>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>50%</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <integer>1</integer>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CD0528E0623707200166675</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Project Find</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{8, 0}, {773, 254}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>50%</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>428pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Project Find</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>1</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1C530D57069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
-                               <string>1C530D58069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
-                               <string>1C530D59069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
-                               <string>1CDD528C0622207200134675</string>
-                               <string>1C530D5A069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
-                               <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
-                               <string>1CD0528E0623707200166675</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                       <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
-                       <string>1C530D57069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
-                       <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>MENUSEPARATOR</string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.debuggerConsole</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <integer>1</integer>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1C78EAAC065D492600B07095</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Debugger Console</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {440, 358}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>650 41 440 400 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>358pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>358pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Debugger Console</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>1</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1C78EAAD065D492600B07095</string>
-                               <string>1C78EAAE065D492600B07095</string>
-                               <string>1C78EAAC065D492600B07095</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>650 41 440 400 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.run</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>LauncherConfigVersion</key>
-                                                               <string>3</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CD0528B0623707200166675</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Run</string>
-                                                               <key>Runner</key>
-                                                               <dict>
-                                                                       <key>HorizontalSplitView</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <integer>0</integer>
-                                                                               <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>isCollapsed</key>
-                                                                               <string>yes</string>
-                                                                               <key>sizes</key>
-                                                                               <array>
-                                                                                       <string>{{0, 0}, {493, 167}}</string>
-                                                                                       <string>{{0, 176}, {493, 267}}</string>
-                                                                               </array>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                       <key>VerticalSplitView</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <integer>0</integer>
-                                                                               <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
-                                                                               <real>0.0</real>
-                                                                               <key>isCollapsed</key>
-                                                                               <string>yes</string>
-                                                                               <key>sizes</key>
-                                                                               <array>
-                                                                                       <string>{{0, 0}, {405, 443}}</string>
-                                                                                       <string>{{414, 0}, {514, 443}}</string>
-                                                                               </array>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                               </dict>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {460, 159}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>316 696 459 200 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXRunSessionModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>159pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>159pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Run Log</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXRunSessionModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>1</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1C0AD2B3069F1EA900FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1C0AD2B4069F1EA900FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1CD0528B0623707200166675</string>
-                               <string>1C0AD2B5069F1EA900FABCE6</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.run</string>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>316 696 459 200 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                       <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
-                       <string>1C0AD2B3069F1EA900FABCE6</string>
-                       <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.scm</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1C78EAB2065D492600B07095</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
-                                                               <dict>
-                                                                       <key>Split0</key>
-                                                                       <dict>
-                                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                                               <string>1C78EAB3065D492600B07095</string>
-                                                                       </dict>
-                                                                       <key>SplitCount</key>
-                                                                       <string>1</string>
-                                                               </dict>
-                                                               <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
-                                                               <integer>1</integer>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {452, 0}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>0pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <integer>1</integer>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CD052920623707200166675</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>SCM</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>ConsoleFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 259}, {452, 0}}</string>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 7}, {452, 259}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-                                                               <key>TableConfiguration</key>
-                                                               <array>
-                                                                       <string>Status</string>
-                                                                       <real>30</real>
-                                                                       <string>FileName</string>
-                                                                       <real>199</real>
-                                                                       <string>Path</string>
-                                                                       <real>197.09500122070312</real>
-                                                               </array>
-                                                               <key>TableFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {452, 250}}</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>262pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>266pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>SCM</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>1</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1C78EAB4065D492600B07095</string>
-                               <string>1C78EAB5065D492600B07095</string>
-                               <string>1C78EAB2065D492600B07095</string>
-                               <string>1CD052920623707200166675</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.scm</string>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.breakpoints</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <integer>1</integer>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CD052930623707200166675</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Breakpoints</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>BreakpointsTreeTableConfiguration</key>
-                                                               <array>
-                                                                       <string>enabledColumn</string>
-                                                                       <real>16</real>
-                                                                       <string>breakpointColumn</string>
-                                                                       <real>201.5830078125</real>
-                                                               </array>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {240, 195}}</string>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>342 421 240 216 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXDebugBreakpointsModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>195pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>195pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Breakpoints</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXDebugBreakpointsModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1C0AD2AD069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1C0AD2AE069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1CD052930623707200166675</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>342 421 240 216 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                       <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
-                       <string>1C0AD2AD069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                       <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.bookmarks</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>100%</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>100%</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Bookmarks</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>538 42 401 187 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
-               </dict>
-               <dict>
-                       <key>Identifier</key>
-                       <string>windowTool.classBrowser</string>
-                       <key>Layout</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <dict>
-                                       <key>Dock</key>
-                                       <array>
-                                               <dict>
-                                                       <key>BecomeActive</key>
-                                                       <integer>1</integer>
-                                                       <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>OptionsSetName</key>
-                                                               <string>Hierarchy, all classes</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
-                                                               <string>1CA6456E063B45B4001379D8</string>
-                                                               <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
-                                                               <string>Class Browser - NSObject</string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
-                                                       <dict>
-                                                               <key>ClassesFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {374, 96}}</string>
-                                                               <key>ClassesTreeTableConfiguration</key>
-                                                               <array>
-                                                                       <string>PBXClassNameColumnIdentifier</string>
-                                                                       <real>208</real>
-                                                                       <string>PBXClassBookColumnIdentifier</string>
-                                                                       <real>22</real>
-                                                               </array>
-                                                               <key>Frame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 0}, {630, 331}}</string>
-                                                               <key>MembersFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>{{0, 105}, {374, 395}}</string>
-                                                               <key>MembersTreeTableConfiguration</key>
-                                                               <array>
-                                                                       <string>PBXMemberTypeIconColumnIdentifier</string>
-                                                                       <real>22</real>
-                                                                       <string>PBXMemberNameColumnIdentifier</string>
-                                                                       <real>216</real>
-                                                                       <string>PBXMemberTypeColumnIdentifier</string>
-                                                                       <real>97</real>
-                                                                       <string>PBXMemberBookColumnIdentifier</string>
-                                                                       <real>22</real>
-                                                               </array>
-                                                               <key>PBXModuleWindowStatusBarHidden2</key>
-                                                               <integer>1</integer>
-                                                               <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
-                                                               <string>385 179 630 352 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                                                       </dict>
-                                                       <key>Module</key>
-                                                       <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
-                                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                                       <string>332pt</string>
-                                               </dict>
-                                       </array>
-                                       <key>Proportion</key>
-                                       <string>332pt</string>
-                               </dict>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>Name</key>
-                       <string>Class Browser</string>
-                       <key>ServiceClasses</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-                       <key>TableOfContents</key>
-                       <array>
-                               <string>1C0AD2AF069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1C0AD2B0069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                               <string>1CA6456E063B45B4001379D8</string>
-                       </array>
-                       <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
-                       <string>xcode.toolbar.config.classbrowser</string>
-                       <key>WindowString</key>
-                       <string>385 179 630 352 0 0 1440 878 </string>
-                       <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
-                       <string>1C0AD2AF069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
-                       <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
-                       <integer>0</integer>
-               </dict>
-       </array>
diff --git a/Security.xcode/stuartha.pbxuser b/Security.xcode/stuartha.pbxuser
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 44c667d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// !$*UTF8*$!
-       0867D690FE84028FC02AAC07 = {
-               activeBuildStyle = 014CEA450018CDF011CA2923;
-               activeExecutable = D630EE55079F0060005CFFE0;
-               activeTarget = 0867D69CFE84028FC02AAC07;
-               codeSenseManager = D630EE85079F0069005CFFE0;
-               executables = (
-                       D630EE55079F0060005CFFE0,
-               );
-               perUserDictionary = {
-                       PBXConfiguration.PBXFileTableDataSource3.PBXFileTableDataSource = {
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1";
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
-                                       20,
-                                       833,
-                                       20,
-                                       48,
-                                       43,
-                                       43,
-                                       20,
-                               );
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = (
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Target_ColumnID,
-                               );
-                       };
-                       PBXConfiguration.PBXTargetDataSource.PBXTargetDataSource = {
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1";
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
-                                       20,
-                                       200,
-                                       653,
-                                       20,
-                                       48,
-                                       43,
-                                       43,
-                               );
-                               PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = (
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXTargetDataSource_PrimaryAttribute,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID,
-                                       PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID,
-                               );
-                       };
-                       PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 129680647;
-                       PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 129680647;
-               };
-               sourceControlManager = D630EE84079F0069005CFFE0;
-               userBuildSettings = {
-               };
-       };
-       0867D69CFE84028FC02AAC07 = {
-               activeExec = 0;
-       };
-       4C216213053639A600CCA0BB = {
-               activeExec = 0;
-               executables = (
-                       D630EE55079F0060005CFFE0,
-               );
-       };
-       4C60A0A605811A4300C8A016 = {
-               activeExec = 0;
-       };
-       C4294290053B28F100470431 = {
-               uiCtxt = {
-                       sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1226, 85064}}";
-                       sepNavSelRange = "{0, 0}";
-                       sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {932, 869}}";
-                       sepNavWindowFrame = "{{15, -1}, {971, 998}}";
-               };
-       };
-       D630EE55079F0060005CFFE0 = {
-               activeArgIndex = 2147483647;
-               activeArgIndices = (
-               );
-               argumentStrings = (
-               );
-               configStateDict = {
-               };
-               cppStopOnCatchEnabled = 0;
-               cppStopOnThrowEnabled = 0;
-               customDataFormattersEnabled = 1;
-               debuggerPlugin = GDBDebugging;
-               disassemblyDisplayState = 0;
-               enableDebugStr = 1;
-               environmentEntries = (
-               );
-               executableSystemSymbolLevel = 0;
-               executableUserSymbolLevel = 0;
-               isa = PBXExecutable;
-               libgmallocEnabled = 0;
-               name = generate;
-               shlibInfoDictList = (
-               );
-               sourceDirectories = (
-               );
-       };
-       D630EE84079F0069005CFFE0 = {
-               fallbackIsa = XCSourceControlManager;
-               isSCMEnabled = 0;
-               isa = PBXSourceControlManager;
-               scmConfiguration = {
-               };
-               scmType = "";
-       };
-       D630EE85079F0069005CFFE0 = {
-               indexTemplatePath = "";
-               isa = PBXCodeSenseManager;
-       };
index f481815b5eadb142a1e7be1360c71e9f56864c71..8194b3ab5958579ae98c6048302d6d6c726f5bb6 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/DebuggingAids.cwk and b/doc/DebuggingAids.cwk differ
index 23093a1ef875ddfd3421563bdcb0527ce376be21..0950421cd817d81a4719e586b29f5155f8b717cd 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/Supported_CSP_Algorithms.doc and b/doc/Supported_CSP_Algorithms.doc differ