]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - RegressionTests/manifeststresstest/Monkey.m
[apple/security.git] / RegressionTests / manifeststresstest / Monkey.m
1 //
2 // Monkey.m
3 // Security
4 //
5 // Created by Ben Williamson on 6/1/17.
6 //
7 //
9 #import "Monkey.h"
10 #import "Config.h"
11 #import "Keychain.h"
13 #import <stdio.h>
14 #import <stdlib.h>
17 @interface Monkey ()
19 @property (nonatomic, strong) Config *config;
21 // Names that we could choose from when adding a new item.
22 // When we add an item its name is moved to usedNames.
23 @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<NSString *> *freeNames;
25 // Names and persistent references of the items we have written, which we can update or delete.
26 // When we delete an item its name is moved to freeNames.
27 @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray *> *usedNames;
29 @end
32 @implementation Monkey
34 - (instancetype)initWithConfig:(Config *)config
35 {
36 if (self = [super init]) {
37 _config = config;
38 _freeNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:config.distinctNames];
39 _usedNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:config.distinctNames];
40 for (unsigned i = 0; i < config.distinctNames; i++) {
41 if (config.name) {
42 [_freeNames addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"item-%@-%u", config.name, i]];
43 } else {
44 [_freeNames addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"item-%u", i]];
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 return self;
49 }
51 - (void)advanceOneStep
52 {
53 static const int tryLimit = 1000;
54 for (int tries = 0; tries < tryLimit; tries++) {
55 if ([self tryAdvanceOneStep]) {
56 self.step++;
57 return;
58 }
59 }
60 printf("Chose %d random actions but none of them made sense, giving up!\n", tryLimit);
61 printf("This is an internal failure of the manifeststresstest tool, not the system under test.\n");
62 NSLog(@"Chose %d random actions but none of them made sense, giving up!", tryLimit);
63 exit(1);
64 }
66 // return YES if it actually took a step, NO if the randomly chosen action was invalid
67 - (BOOL)tryAdvanceOneStep
68 {
69 unsigned totalWeight =
70 self.config.addItemWeight +
71 self.config.updateNameWeight +
72 self.config.updateDataWeight +
73 self.config.updateNameAndDataWeight +
74 self.config.deleteItemWeight;
76 if (totalWeight == 0) {
77 printf("Invalid manifeststresstest configuration:\n"
78 "At least one weight must be nonzero, or else we cannot choose any action.\n");
79 exit(1);
80 }
81 if (totalWeight > RAND_MAX) {
82 printf("Invalid manifeststresstest configuration:\n"
83 "The total of the weights must not exceed RAND_MAX == %d.\n", RAND_MAX);
84 exit(1);
85 }
86 unsigned r = random() % totalWeight;
88 if (r < self.config.addItemWeight) {
89 return [self addItem];
90 }
91 r -= self.config.addItemWeight;
93 if (r < self.config.updateNameWeight) {
94 return [self updateNameAndValue:NO];
95 }
96 r -= self.config.updateNameWeight;
98 if (r < self.config.updateDataWeight) {
99 return [self updateValue];
100 }
101 r -= self.config.updateDataWeight;
103 if (r < self.config.updateNameAndDataWeight) {
104 return [self updateNameAndValue:YES];
105 }
106 r -= self.config.updateNameAndDataWeight;
108 if (r < self.config.deleteItemWeight) {
109 return [self deleteItem];
110 }
111 NSAssert(false, @"Chosen random number was beyond totalWeight?!?");
112 return NO;
113 }
115 - (NSString *)randomValue
116 {
117 if (0 == self.config.distinctValues) {
118 printf("Invalid manifeststresstest configuration:\n"
119 "Must allow a nonzero number of distinct values.\n");
120 exit(1);
121 }
122 unsigned n = random() % self.config.distinctValues;
123 return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"data-%u", n];
124 }
126 - (NSString *)prefix
127 {
128 return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[step:%d items:%d dup:%d gone:%d]",
129 self.step,
130 self.itemCount,
131 self.addDuplicateCounter,
132 self.notFoundCounter];
133 }
135 - (void)unexpectedError:(OSStatus)status
136 {
137 NSLog(@"Unexpected error %d at step %d", (int)status, self.step);
138 exit(1);
139 }
141 - (BOOL)addItem
142 {
143 if ([self.usedNames count] >= self.config.maxItems) {
144 return NO;
145 }
146 NSUInteger freeCount = [self.freeNames count];
147 if (freeCount == 0) {
148 return NO;
149 }
150 NSUInteger index = random() % freeCount;
151 NSString *name = self.freeNames[index];
152 NSString *value = [self randomValue];
154 NSLog(@"%@ addItem in %@ %@ = %@", [self prefix], self.config.view, name, value);
155 NSArray *itemRef = nil;
156 OSStatus status = [self.keychain addItem:name value:value view:self.config.view pRef:&itemRef];
157 switch (status) {
158 case errSecSuccess:
159 [self.freeNames removeObjectAtIndex:index];
160 [self.usedNames addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[name, itemRef]]];
162 unsigned usedCount = (unsigned)[self.usedNames count];
163 if (self.peakItems < usedCount) {
164 self.peakItems = usedCount;
165 }
166 break;
167 case errSecDuplicateItem:
168 self.addDuplicateCounter++;
169 break;
170 default:
171 [self unexpectedError:status];
172 }
173 return YES;
174 }
176 - (BOOL)updateNameAndValue:(BOOL)updateValue
177 {
178 NSUInteger freeCount = [self.freeNames count];
179 NSUInteger usedCount = [self.usedNames count];
180 if (usedCount == 0 || freeCount == 0) {
181 return NO;
182 }
183 NSUInteger usedIndex = random() % usedCount;
184 NSUInteger freeIndex = random() % freeCount;
185 NSMutableArray *oldItem = self.usedNames[usedIndex];
186 NSArray *oldRef = oldItem[1];
187 NSString *oldName = oldItem[0];
188 NSString *newName = self.freeNames[freeIndex];
190 OSStatus status;
191 if (updateValue) {
192 NSString *value = [self randomValue];
193 NSLog(@"%@ updateNameAndValue %@(%@) -> %@ = %@\n", [self prefix], oldName, oldRef, newName, value);
194 status = [self.keychain updateItem:oldRef newName:newName newValue:value];
195 } else {
196 NSLog(@"%@ updateName %@(%@) -> %@\n", [self prefix], oldName, oldRef, newName);
197 status = [self.keychain updateItem:oldRef newName:newName];
198 }
199 switch (status) {
200 case errSecSuccess:
201 /* Update tracking arrays */
202 [self.freeNames removeObject:newName];
203 [self.freeNames addObject:oldName];
204 self.usedNames[usedIndex][0] = newName;
205 break;
206 case errSecItemNotFound:
207 /* Update tracking arrays (someone else deleted this item) */
208 [self.usedNames removeObject:oldItem];
209 [self.freeNames addObject:oldName];
210 self.notFoundCounter++;
211 break;
212 case errSecDuplicateItem:
213 self.addDuplicateCounter++;
214 // newName already exists, which means our attempted updateItem operation
215 // did not rename oldName to newName, so the item still has oldName.
216 // No action required.
217 break;
218 default:
219 [self unexpectedError:status];
220 }
221 return YES;
222 }
224 - (BOOL)updateValue
225 {
226 NSUInteger usedCount = [self.usedNames count];
227 if (usedCount == 0) {
228 return NO;
229 }
230 NSUInteger usedIndex = random() % usedCount;
231 NSArray *item = self.usedNames[usedIndex];
233 NSString *value = [self randomValue];
235 NSLog(@"%@ updateValue %@(%@) = %@", [self prefix], item[0], item[1], value);
236 OSStatus status = [self.keychain updateItem:item[1] newValue:value];
237 switch (status) {
238 case errSecSuccess:
239 break;
240 case errSecItemNotFound:
241 self.notFoundCounter++;
242 break;
243 default:
244 [self unexpectedError:status];
245 }
246 return YES;
247 }
249 - (BOOL)deleteItem
250 {
251 NSUInteger usedCount = [self.usedNames count];
252 if (usedCount == 0) {
253 return NO;
254 }
255 NSUInteger usedIndex = random() % usedCount;
256 NSArray *item = self.usedNames[usedIndex];
258 NSLog(@"%@ deleteItem %@(%@)", [self prefix], item[0], item[1]);
259 OSStatus status = [self.keychain deleteItem:item[1]];
260 switch (status) {
261 case errSecItemNotFound:
262 /* someone else deleted this item */
263 self.notFoundCounter++;
264 /* fall through */
265 case errSecSuccess:
266 [self.usedNames removeObjectAtIndex:usedIndex];
267 [self.freeNames addObject:item[0]];
268 break;
269 default:
270 [self unexpectedError:status];
271 }
272 return YES;
273 }
275 - (unsigned)itemCount
276 {
277 return (unsigned)[self.usedNames count];
278 }
280 - (void)cleanup
281 {
282 for (NSArray *item in self.usedNames) {
283 NSLog(@"cleanup deleting %@(%@)", item[0], item[1]);
284 [self.keychain deleteItem:item[1]];
285 }
286 }
288 @end