]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - SecurityTests/clxutils/simpleUrlAccess/simpleUrlAccess.c
[apple/security.git] / SecurityTests / clxutils / simpleUrlAccess / simpleUrlAccess.c
1 /*
2 * URLSimpleDownload test, X version.
3 */
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
7 #include <time.h>
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include <ctype.h>
11 #define DEFAULT_HOST "gss.cdnow.com"
12 #define DEFAULT_PATH "/"
13 #define DEFAULT_SSL 0 /* 0 --> http, 1 --> https */
15 #define COMP_LENGTH 80
16 #define URL_LENGTH 256
19 /* shouldn't be needed if no kURLDisplayProgressFlag */
20 static void Initialize()
21 {
22 //InitGraf(&qd.thePort);
23 //InitWindows();
24 //InitCursor();
25 //InitMenus();
26 //InitFonts();
27 }
31 #if 0
32 static time_t lastTime = (time_t)0;
33 #define TIME_INTERVAL 3
34 /*
35 * Just keep UI alive in case we want to quit the app
36 */
37 static pascal OSStatus eventCallback(
38 void* userContext,
39 EventRecord *event)
40 {
41 time_t thisTime = time(0);
43 if((thisTime - lastTime) >= TIME_INTERVAL) {
44 printf("."); fflush(stdout);
45 lastTime = thisTime;
46 }
47 return noErr;
48 }
49 #endif
51 /*
52 * Assuming *h contains ASCII text, dump it 'til the user cries uncle.
53 */
54 #define BYTES_PER_SPURT 128
56 static void
57 dumpText(Handle h)
58 {
59 Size totalBytes;
60 Size bytesWritten = 0;
61 Ptr p;
62 Size thisWrite;
63 Size i;
64 char resp;
65 char c;
66 char lastWasHex = 0;
68 HLock(h);
69 totalBytes = GetHandleSize(h);
70 if(totalBytes == 0) {
71 printf("*** Zero bytes obtained\n");
72 return;
73 }
74 p = *h;
75 while(bytesWritten < totalBytes) {
76 thisWrite = totalBytes - bytesWritten;
77 if(thisWrite > BYTES_PER_SPURT) {
78 thisWrite = BYTES_PER_SPURT;
79 }
80 for(i=0; i<thisWrite; i++) {
81 c = *p++;
82 if(isprint(c)) {
83 printf("%c", c);
84 lastWasHex = 0;
85 }
86 else {
87 if(!lastWasHex) {
88 printf("|");
89 }
90 printf("%02X|", (unsigned)c & 0xff);
91 lastWasHex = 1;
92 }
93 }
94 totalBytes += thisWrite;
95 if(totalBytes == bytesWritten) {
96 printf("\n");
97 break;
98 }
99 printf("\nMore (y/anything)? ");
100 fpurge(stdin);
101 resp = getchar();
102 if(resp != 'y') {
103 break;
104 }
105 }
106 HUnlock(h);
107 return;
108 }
110 int main()
111 {
112 Handle h;
113 char hostName[COMP_LENGTH];
114 char path[COMP_LENGTH];
115 char url[URL_LENGTH];
116 char scheme[10]; /* http, https */
117 char isSsl = DEFAULT_SSL;
118 char resp;
119 OSStatus ortn;
121 Initialize();
122 strcpy(hostName, DEFAULT_HOST);
123 strcpy(path, DEFAULT_PATH);
124 if(isSsl) {
125 strcpy(scheme, "https");
126 }
127 else {
128 strcpy(scheme, "http");
129 }
130 while(1) {
131 printf(" h Set Host (current = %s)\n", hostName);
132 printf(" p Set path (current = %s)\n", path);
133 printf(" s Set SSL true (current = %d)\n", isSsl);
134 printf(" S Set SSL false\n");
135 printf(" g Get the URL\n");
136 printf(" q quit\n");
137 printf("\nEnter command: ");
138 fpurge(stdin);
139 resp = getchar();
140 switch(resp) {
141 case 'h':
142 printf("Enter host name: ");
143 scanf("%s", hostName);
144 break;
145 case 'p':
146 printf("Enter path: ");
147 scanf("%s", path);
148 break;
149 case 's':
150 isSsl = 1;
151 strcpy(scheme, "https");
152 break;
153 case 'S':
154 isSsl = 0;
155 strcpy(scheme, "http");
156 break;
157 case 'g':
158 sprintf(url, "%s://%s%s", scheme, hostName, path);
159 printf("...url = %s\n", url);
160 h = NewHandle(0); /* what the spec says */
161 ortn = URLSimpleDownload(url,
162 NULL,
163 h,
164 0, //kURLDisplayProgressFlag, // URLOpenFlags
165 NULL, //eventCallback,
166 NULL); // userContext
167 if(ortn) {
168 printf("URLSimpleDownload returned %d\n", (int)ortn);
169 }
170 else {
171 dumpText(h);
172 }
173 DisposeHandle(h);
174 break;
175 case 'q':
176 goto done;
177 default:
178 printf("Huh?\n");
179 continue;
180 }
182 }
183 done:
184 return 0;
185 }