]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - trust/headers/SecTrustSettingsPriv.h
[apple/security.git] / trust / headers / SecTrustSettingsPriv.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
27 #include <Security/SecBase.h>
29 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
30 #include <Security/SecPolicy.h>
31 #include <Security/SecCertificate.h>
32 #include <Security/SecTrustSettings.h>
33 #if SEC_OS_OSX
34 #include <Security/cssmtype.h>
35 #endif
39 /*
40 * Private Keys in the Usage Contraints dictionary.
41 * kSecTrustSettingsPolicyName Specifies a cert verification policy, e.g.,
42 * sslServer, eapClient, etc, using policy names.
43 * This entry can be used to restrict the policy where
44 * the same Policy Constant is used for multiple policyNames.
45 * kSectrustSettingsPolicyOptions Specifies a dictionary of policy options (from
46 * SecPolicyInternal.h). This entry can be used to require
47 * a particular SecPolicyCheck whenever this certificate is
48 * encountered during trust evaluation.
49 */
50 #define kSecTrustSettingsPolicyName CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsPolicyName")
51 #define kSecTrustSettingsPolicyOptions CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsPolicyOptions")
53 extern const CFStringRef kSecCTExceptionsCAsKey;
54 extern const CFStringRef kSecCTExceptionsDomainsKey;
55 extern const CFStringRef kSecCTExceptionsHashAlgorithmKey;
56 extern const CFStringRef kSecCTExceptionsSPKIHashKey;
58 /*
59 @function SecTrustStoreSetCTExceptions
60 @abstract Set the certificate transparency enforcement exceptions
61 @param applicationIdentifier Identifier for the caller. If null, the application-identifier will be read from the caller's entitlements.
62 @param exceptions Dictionary of exceptions to set for this application. These exceptions replace existing exceptions for the keys in the dictionary. Exceptions for omitted keys are not affected. Null removes all exceptions for this application. See the discussion sections below for a complete overview of options.
63 @param error On failure, describes the cause of the failure; otherwise, null.
64 @result boolean indicating success of the operation. If false, error will be filled in with a description of the error.
65 @discussions An exceptions dictionary has two optional keys:
66 kSecCTExceptionsDomainsKey takes an array of strings. These strings are the domains that are excluded from enforcing CT. A leading "." is supported to signify subdomains. Wildcard domains are not supported.
67 kSecCTExceptionsCAsKey takes an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary has two required keys:
68 kSecCTExceptionsHashAlgorithmKey takes a string indicating the hash algorithm. Currently only "sha256" is supported.
69 kSecCTExceptionsSPKIHashKey takes a data containing hash of a certificate's SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
70 */
71 bool SecTrustStoreSetCTExceptions(CFStringRef applicationIdentifier, CFDictionaryRef exceptions, CFErrorRef *error);
73 /*
74 @function SecTrustStoreCopyCTExceptions
75 @abstract Return the certificate transparency enforcement exceptions
76 @param applicationIdentifier Identifier for the caller's exceptions to fetch. If null, all set exceptions will be returned (regardless of which caller set them).
77 @param error On failure, describes the cause of the failure; otherwise, null.
78 @result The dictionary of currently set exceptions. Null if none exist or upon failure.
79 @discussion The returned exceptions dictionary has the same options as input exceptions. See the discussion of SecTrustStoreSetCTExceptions.
80 */
81 CF_RETURNS_RETAINED CFDictionaryRef SecTrustStoreCopyCTExceptions(CFStringRef applicationIdentifier, CFErrorRef *error);
84 extern const CFStringRef kSecCARevocationAdditionsKey;
85 extern const CFStringRef kSecCARevocationHashAlgorithmKey;
86 extern const CFStringRef kSecCARevocationSPKIHashKey;
88 /*
89 @function SecTrustStoreSetCARevocationAdditions
90 @abstract Set a list of certificate authorities (specified by subject public key info hash) for which revocation should be explicitly checked.
91 @param applicationIdentifier Identifier for the caller. If null, the application-identifier will be read from the caller's entitlements.
92 @param additions Dictionary of SPKI hashes for which revocation should be explicitly checked. Existing entries for the keys in the dictionary will be replaced. Null removes all CA revocation additions for this application. See the discussion sections below for a complete overview of options.
93 @param error On failure, describes the cause of the failure; otherwise, null.
94 @result boolean indicating success of the operation. If false, error will be filled in with a description of the error.
95 @discussions An additions dictionary currently has one defined key:
96 kSecCARevocationAdditionsKey takes an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary has two required keys:
97 kSecCARevocationHashAlgorithmKey takes a string indicating the hash algorithm. Currently only "sha256" is supported.
98 kSecCARevocationSPKIHashKey takes a data containing hash of a certificate's SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
99 */
100 bool SecTrustStoreSetCARevocationAdditions(CFStringRef applicationIdentifier, CFDictionaryRef additions, CFErrorRef *error);
102 /*
103 @function SecTrustStoreCopyCARevocationAdditions
104 @abstract Return the certificate authority SPKI hashes for which revocation should be explicitly checked.
105 @param applicationIdentifier Identifier for the caller's additions to fetch. If null, all set exceptions will be returned (regardless of which caller set them).
106 @param error On failure, describes cause of the failure; otherwise, null.
107 @result The dictionary of currently set CA revocation additions. Null if none exist or upon failure.
108 @discussion The returned additions dictionary has the same options as input additions. See the discussion of SecTrustStoreSetCARevocationAdditions.
109 */
110 CF_RETURNS_RETAINED CFDictionaryRef SecTrustStoreCopyCARevocationAdditions(CFStringRef applicationIdentifier, CFErrorRef *error);
112 #if SEC_OS_OSX
114 /*
115 * Fundamental routine used by TP to ascertain status of one cert.
116 *
117 * Returns true in *foundMatchingEntry if a trust setting matching
118 * specific constraints was found for the cert. Returns true in
119 * *foundAnyEntry if any entry was found for the cert, even if it
120 * did not match the specified constraints. The TP uses this to
121 * optimize for the case where a cert is being evaluated for
122 * one type of usage, and then later for another type. If
123 * foundAnyEntry is false, the second evaluation need not occur.
124 *
125 * Returns the domain in which a setting was found in *foundDomain.
126 *
127 * Allowed errors applying to the specified cert evaluation
128 * are returned in a mallocd array in *allowedErrors and must
129 * be freed by caller.
130 */
131 OSStatus SecTrustSettingsEvaluateCert(
132 CFStringRef certHashStr,
133 /* parameters describing the current cert evalaution */
134 const CSSM_OID *policyOID,
135 const char *policyString, /* optional */
136 uint32 policyStringLen,
137 SecTrustSettingsKeyUsage keyUsage, /* optional */
138 bool isRootCert, /* for checking default setting */
139 /* RETURNED values */
140 SecTrustSettingsDomain *foundDomain,
141 CSSM_RETURN **allowedErrors, /* mallocd and RETURNED */
142 uint32 *numAllowedErrors, /* RETURNED */
143 SecTrustSettingsResult *resultType, /* RETURNED */
144 bool *foundMatchingEntry, /* RETURNED */
145 bool *foundAnyEntry) /* RETURNED */
148 /*
149 * Obtain trusted certs which match specified usage.
150 * Only certs with a SecTrustSettingsResult of
151 * kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot or
152 * or kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustAsRoot will be returned.
153 *
154 * To be used by SecureTransport for its (hopefully soon-to-be-
155 * deprecated) SSLSetTrustedRoots() call; I hope nothing else has
156 * to use this...
157 *
158 * Caller must CFRelease the returned CFArrayRef.
159 */
160 OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyQualifiedCerts(
161 const CSSM_OID *policyOID,
162 const char *policyString, /* optional */
163 uint32 policyStringLen,
164 SecTrustSettingsKeyUsage keyUsage, /* optional */
165 CFArrayRef *certArray) /* RETURNED */
168 /*
169 * Obtain unrestricted root certificates from the specified domain(s).
170 * Only returns root certificates with no usage constraints.
171 * Caller must CFRelease the returned CFArrayRef.
172 */
173 OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyUnrestrictedRoots(
174 Boolean userDomain,
175 Boolean adminDomain,
176 Boolean systemDomain,
177 CFArrayRef *certArray); /* RETURNED */
179 /*
180 * Obtain a string representing a cert's SHA1 digest. This string is
181 * the key used to look up per-cert trust settings in a TrustSettings record.
182 */
183 CFStringRef CF_RETURNS_RETAINED SecTrustSettingsCertHashStrFromCert(
184 SecCertificateRef certRef);
186 CFStringRef CF_RETURNS_RETAINED SecTrustSettingsCertHashStrFromData(
187 const void *cert,
188 size_t certLen);
190 /*
191 * Add a cert's TrustSettings to a non-persistent TrustSettings record.
192 * Primarily intended for use in creating a system TrustSettings record
193 * (which is itself immutable via this module).
194 *
195 * The settingsIn argument is an external representation of a TrustSettings
196 * record, obtained from this function or from
197 * SecTrustSettingsCreateExternalRepresentation().
198 * If settingsIn is NULL, a new (empty) TrustSettings will be created.
199 *
200 * The certRef and trustSettingsDictOrArray arguments are as in
201 * SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings(). May be NULL, when e.g. creating
202 * a new and empty TrustSettings record.
203 *
204 * The external representation is written to the settingOut argument,
205 * which must eventually be CFReleased by the caller.
206 */
207 OSStatus SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettingsExternal(
208 CFDataRef settingsIn, /* optional */
209 SecCertificateRef certRef, /* optional */
210 CFTypeRef trustSettingsDictOrArray, /* optional */
211 CFDataRef *settingsOut); /* RETURNED */
213 /*
214 * Add user trust settings for a SSL certificate and a given hostname.
215 * This is a wrapper around the SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings API
216 * and should be functionally equivalent to "Always trust" in the UI.
217 *
218 * When this function is called, the user will be prompted to authorize
219 * the trust settings change. After they successfully authenticate, or
220 * cancel the dialog, the result block will be called to indicate the
221 * current trust status. If an error occurred (such as errUserCanceled),
222 * the error reference provided to the block will be non-NULL.
223 */
224 void SecTrustSettingsSetTrustedCertificateForSSLHost(
225 SecCertificateRef certificate,
226 CFStringRef hostname,
227 void (^result)(SecTrustSettingsResult trustResult, CFErrorRef error))
229 #endif // SEC_OS_OSX
232 /*
233 * Purge the cache of User and Admin Certs
234 */
235 void SecTrustSettingsPurgeUserAdminCertsCache(void);
237 /*
238 * A wrapper around SecTrustSettingsCopyCertificates that combines user and admin
239 * domain outputs.
240 */
241 OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyCertificatesForUserAdminDomains(
242 CFArrayRef CF_RETURNS_RETAINED *certArray);
244 /* Just like the API version (SecTrustSettingsCopyTrustSettings) but
245 * uses the cached version of trust settings to avoid disk reads. */
246 OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyTrustSettings_Cached(
247 SecCertificateRef certRef,
248 SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
249 CFArrayRef CF_RETURNS_RETAINED *trustSettings);
251 /* Purge the trust settings cache (used by the above) */
252 void SecTrustSettingsPurgeCache(void);
254 /* Determines if the given cert has any trust settings in the admin or user domains */
255 bool SecTrustSettingsUserAdminDomainsContain(SecCertificateRef certRef);
256 #endif /* SEC_OS_OSX_INCLUDES */