2 * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
24 #import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
26 // securityuploadd does not do anything or build meaningful code on simulator, so no tests either.
29 @interface SupdTests : XCTestCase
32 @implementation SupdTests
37 #import <OCMock/OCMock.h>
39 #import <Security/SFAnalytics.h>
40 #import "SFAnalyticsDefines.h"
41 #import <CoreFoundation/CFPriv.h>
43 static NSString* _path;
44 static NSInteger _testnum;
45 static NSString* build = NULL;
46 static NSString* product = NULL;
47 static NSInteger _reporterWrites;
49 // MARK: Stub FakeCKKSAnalytics
51 @interface FakeCKKSAnalytics : SFAnalytics
55 @implementation FakeCKKSAnalytics
57 + (NSString*)databasePath
59 return [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/ckks_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
65 // MARK: Stub FakeSOSAnalytics
67 @interface FakeSOSAnalytics : SFAnalytics
71 @implementation FakeSOSAnalytics
73 + (NSString*)databasePath
75 return [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/sos_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
81 // MARK: Stub FakePCSAnalytics
83 @interface FakePCSAnalytics : SFAnalytics
87 @implementation FakePCSAnalytics
89 + (NSString*)databasePath
91 return [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/pcs_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
96 // MARK: Stub FakeTLSAnalytics
98 @interface FakeTLSAnalytics : SFAnalytics
102 @implementation FakeTLSAnalytics
104 + (NSString*)databasePath
106 return [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/tls_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
111 // MARK: Start SupdTests
113 @interface SupdTests : XCTestCase
117 @implementation SupdTests {
120 FakeCKKSAnalytics* _ckksAnalytics;
121 FakeSOSAnalytics* _sosAnalytics;
122 FakePCSAnalytics* _pcsAnalytics;
123 FakeTLSAnalytics* _tlsAnalytics;
126 // MARK: Test helper methods
127 - (SFAnalyticsTopic *)keySyncTopic {
128 for (SFAnalyticsTopic *topic in _supd.analyticsTopics) {
129 if ([topic.internalTopicName isEqualToString:SFAnalyticsTopicKeySync]) {
136 - (SFAnalyticsTopic *)TrustTopic {
137 for (SFAnalyticsTopic *topic in _supd.analyticsTopics) {
138 if ([topic.internalTopicName isEqualToString:SFAnalyticsTopicTrust]) {
145 - (void)inspectDataBlobStructure:(NSDictionary*)data
147 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data forTopic:[[self keySyncTopic] splunkTopicName]];
150 - (void)inspectDataBlobStructure:(NSDictionary*)data forTopic:(NSString*)topic
152 if (!data || ![data isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
153 XCTFail(@"data is an NSDictionary");
156 XCTAssert(_supd.analyticsTopics, @"supd has nonnull topics list");
157 XCTAssert([[self keySyncTopic] splunkTopicName], @"keysync topic has a splunk name");
158 XCTAssert([[self TrustTopic] splunkTopicName], @"trust topic has a splunk name");
159 XCTAssertEqual([data count], 2ul, @"dictionary event and posttime objects");
160 XCTAssertTrue(data[@"events"] && [data[@"events"] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]], @"data blob contains an NSArray 'events'");
161 XCTAssertTrue(data[@"postTime"] && [data[@"postTime"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"data blob contains an NSNumber 'postTime");
162 NSDate* postTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[data[@"postTime"] doubleValue]];
163 XCTAssertTrue([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:postTime] < 3, @"postTime is sane");
165 for (NSDictionary* event in data[@"events"]) {
166 if ([event isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
167 NSLog(@"build: \"%@\", eventbuild: \"%@\"", build, event[@"build"]);
168 XCTAssertEqualObjects(event[@"build"], build, @"event contains correct build string");
169 XCTAssertEqualObjects(event[@"product"], product, @"event contains correct product string");
170 XCTAssertTrue([event[@"eventTime"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"event contains an NSNumber 'eventTime");
171 NSDate* eventTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[event[@"eventTime"] doubleValue]];
172 XCTAssertTrue([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:eventTime] < 3, @"eventTime is sane");
173 XCTAssertTrue([event[@"eventType"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]], @"all events have a type");
174 XCTAssertEqualObjects(event[@"topic"], topic, @"all events have a topic name");
176 XCTFail(@"event %@ is an NSDictionary", event);
181 - (BOOL)event:(NSDictionary*)event containsAttributes:(NSDictionary*)attrs {
185 __block BOOL equal = YES;
186 [attrs enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
187 equal &= [event[key] isEqualToString:obj];
192 - (int)failures:(NSDictionary*)data eventType:(NSString*)type attributes:(NSDictionary*)attrs class:(SFAnalyticsEventClass)class
195 for (NSDictionary* event in data[@"events"]) {
196 if ([event[@"eventType"] isEqualToString:type] &&
197 [event[@"eventClass"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] &&
198 [event[@"eventClass"] intValue] == class && [self event:event containsAttributes:attrs]) {
205 - (void)checkTotalEventCount:(NSDictionary*)data hard:(int)hard soft:(int)soft accuracy:(int)accuracy summaries:(int)summ
207 int hardfound = 0, softfound = 0, summfound = 0;
208 for (NSDictionary* event in data[@"events"]) {
209 if ([event[SFAnalyticsEventType] hasSuffix:@"HealthSummary"]) {
211 } else if ([event[SFAnalyticsEventClassKey] integerValue] == SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure) {
213 } else if ([event[SFAnalyticsEventClassKey] integerValue] == SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure) {
218 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(((NSArray*)data[@"events"]).count, 1000ul, @"Total event count fits in alloted data");
219 XCTAssertEqual(summfound, summ);
221 // Add customizable fuzziness
222 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(hardfound, hard, accuracy);
223 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(softfound, soft, accuracy);
226 - (void)checkTotalEventCount:(NSDictionary*)data hard:(int)hard soft:(int)soft
228 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:hard soft:soft accuracy:10 summaries:(int)[[[self keySyncTopic] topicClients] count]];
231 - (void)checkTotalEventCount:(NSDictionary*)data hard:(int)hard soft:(int)soft accuracy:(int)accuracy
233 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:hard soft:soft accuracy:accuracy summaries:(int)[[[self keySyncTopic] topicClients] count]];
236 // This is a dumb hack, but inlining stringWithFormat causes the compiler to growl for unknown reasons
237 - (NSString*)string:(NSString*)name item:(NSString*)item
239 return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", name, item];
242 - (void)sampleStatisticsInEvents:(NSArray*)events name:(NSString*)name values:(NSArray*)values
244 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:events name:name values:values amount:1];
247 // Usually amount == 1 but for testing sampler with same name in different subclasses this is higher
248 - (void)sampleStatisticsInEvents:(NSArray*)events name:(NSString*)name values:(NSArray*)values amount:(int)num
251 for (NSDictionary* event in events) {
252 if (([values count] == 1 && ![event objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", name]]) ||
253 ([values count] > 1 && ![event objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-min", name]])) {
258 if (values.count == 1) {
259 XCTAssertEqual([event[name] doubleValue], [values[0] doubleValue]);
260 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"min"]]);
261 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"max"]]);
262 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"avg"]]);
263 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"med"]]);
265 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"min"]] doubleValue], [values[0] doubleValue], 0.01f);
266 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"max"]] doubleValue], [values[1] doubleValue], 0.01f);
267 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"avg"]] doubleValue], [values[2] doubleValue], 0.01f);
268 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"med"]] doubleValue], [values[3] doubleValue], 0.01f);
271 if (values.count > 4) {
272 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"dev"]] doubleValue], [values[4] doubleValue], 0.01f);
274 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"dev"]]);
277 if (values.count > 5) {
278 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"1q"]] doubleValue], [values[5] doubleValue], 0.01f);
279 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([event[[self string:name item:@"3q"]] doubleValue], [values[6] doubleValue], 0.01f);
281 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"1q"]]);
282 XCTAssertNil(event[[self string:name item:@"3q"]]);
285 XCTAssertEqual(found, num);
288 - (NSDictionary*)getJSONDataFromSupd
290 return [self getJSONDataFromSupdWithTopic:SFAnalyticsTopicKeySync];
293 - (NSDictionary*)getJSONDataFromSupdWithTopic:(NSString*)topic
295 dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
296 __block NSDictionary* data;
297 [_supd createLoggingJSON:YES topic:topic reply:^(NSData *json, NSError *error) {
299 XCTAssertNotNil(json);
301 data = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:json options:0 error:&error];
303 XCTAssertNil(error, @"no error deserializing json: %@", error);
304 dispatch_semaphore_signal(sema);
306 if (dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC * 5)) != 0) {
307 XCTFail(@"supd returns JSON data in a timely fashion");
312 // MARK: Test administration
317 _path = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/", [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]]];
318 [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:_path
319 withIntermediateDirectories:YES
323 NSLog(@"sad trombone, couldn't create path");
326 NSDictionary *version = CFBridgingRelease(_CFCopySystemVersionDictionary());
328 build = version[(__bridge NSString *)_kCFSystemVersionBuildVersionKey];
329 product = version[(__bridge NSString *)_kCFSystemVersionProductNameKey];
331 NSLog(@"could not get build version/product, tests should fail");
338 self.continueAfterFailure = NO;
341 id mockTopic = OCMStrictClassMock([SFAnalyticsTopic class]);
342 NSString *ckksPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/ckks_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
343 NSString *sosPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/sos_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
344 NSString *pcsPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/pcs_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
345 NSString *tlsPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/tls_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
346 NSString *signInPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/signin_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
347 NSString *cloudServicesPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/cloudServices_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
348 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForCKKS]).andReturn(ckksPath);
349 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForSOS]).andReturn(sosPath);
350 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForPCS]).andReturn(pcsPath);
351 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForTrust]).andReturn(tlsPath);
352 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForSignIn]).andReturn(signInPath);
353 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForCloudServices]).andReturn(cloudServicesPath);
355 // These are not used for testing, but real data can pollute tests so point to empty DBs
356 NSString *localpath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/local_empty_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
357 NSString *networkingPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/networking_empty_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
358 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForLocal]).andReturn(localpath);
359 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForNetworking]).andReturn(networkingPath);
362 NSString *rootTrustPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/root_trust_empty_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
363 NSString *rootNetworkingPath = [_path stringByAppendingFormat:@"/root_networking_empty_%ld.db", (long)_testnum];
364 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForRootTrust]).andReturn(rootTrustPath);
365 OCMStub([mockTopic databasePathForRootNetworking]).andReturn(rootNetworkingPath);
369 mockReporter = OCMClassMock([SFAnalyticsReporter class]);
370 OCMStub([mockReporter saveReport:[OCMArg isNotNil] fileName:[OCMArg isNotNil]]).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
374 [supd removeInstance];
375 _supd = [[supd alloc] initWithReporter:mockReporter];
376 _ckksAnalytics = [FakeCKKSAnalytics new];
377 _sosAnalytics = [FakeSOSAnalytics new];
378 _pcsAnalytics = [FakePCSAnalytics new];
379 _tlsAnalytics = [FakeTLSAnalytics new];
381 // Forcibly override analytics flags and enable them by default
382 deviceAnalyticsOverride = YES;
383 deviceAnalyticsEnabled = YES;
384 iCloudAnalyticsOverride = YES;
385 iCloudAnalyticsEnabled = YES;
395 // MARK: Actual tests
397 // Note! This test relies on Security being installed because supd reads from a plist in Security.framework
398 - (void)testSplunkDefaultTopicNameExists
400 XCTAssertNotNil([[self keySyncTopic] splunkTopicName]);
403 // Note! This test relies on Security being installed because supd reads from a plist in Security.framework
404 - (void)testSplunkDefaultBagURLExists
406 XCTAssertNotNil([[self keySyncTopic] splunkBagURL]);
409 - (void)testHaveEligibleClientsKeySync
411 // KeySyncTopic has no clients requiring deviceAnalytics currently
412 SFAnalyticsTopic* keytopic = [[SFAnalyticsTopic alloc] initWithDictionary:@{} name:@"KeySyncTopic" samplingRates:@{}];
414 XCTAssertTrue([keytopic haveEligibleClients], @"Both analytics enabled -> we have keysync clients");
416 deviceAnalyticsEnabled = NO;
417 XCTAssertTrue([keytopic haveEligibleClients], @"Only iCloud analytics enabled -> we have keysync clients");
419 iCloudAnalyticsEnabled = NO;
420 XCTAssertFalse([keytopic haveEligibleClients], @"Both analytics disabled -> no keysync clients");
422 deviceAnalyticsEnabled = YES;
423 XCTAssertTrue([keytopic haveEligibleClients], @"Only device analytics enabled -> we have keysync clients (localkeychain for now)");
426 - (void)testHaveEligibleClientsTrust
428 // TrustTopic has no clients requiring iCloudAnalytics currently
429 SFAnalyticsTopic* trusttopic = [[SFAnalyticsTopic alloc] initWithDictionary:@{} name:@"TrustTopic" samplingRates:@{}];
431 XCTAssertTrue([trusttopic haveEligibleClients], @"Both analytics enabled -> we have trust clients");
433 deviceAnalyticsEnabled = NO;
434 XCTAssertFalse([trusttopic haveEligibleClients], @"Only iCloud analytics enabled -> no trust clients");
436 iCloudAnalyticsEnabled = NO;
437 XCTAssertFalse([trusttopic haveEligibleClients], @"Both analytics disabled -> no trust clients");
439 deviceAnalyticsEnabled = YES;
440 XCTAssertTrue([trusttopic haveEligibleClients], @"Only device analytics enabled -> we have trust clients");
443 - (void)testLoggingJSONSimple:(BOOL)analyticsEnabled
445 iCloudAnalyticsEnabled = analyticsEnabled;
447 [_ckksAnalytics logSuccessForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestevent"];
448 NSDictionary* ckksAttrs = @{@"cattr" : @"cvalue"};
449 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestevent" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
450 [_ckksAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestevent" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
451 [_sosAnalytics logSuccessForEventNamed:@"unittestevent"];
452 NSDictionary* utAttrs = @{@"uattr" : @"uvalue"};
453 [_sosAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"unittestevent" withAttributes:utAttrs];
454 [_sosAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"unittestevent" withAttributes:utAttrs];
456 NSDictionary *data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
458 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
460 // TODO: inspect health summaries
462 if (analyticsEnabled) {
463 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"ckksunittestevent" attributes:ckksAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 1);
464 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"ckksunittestevent" attributes:ckksAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 1);
465 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"unittestevent" attributes:utAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 1);
466 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"unittestevent" attributes:utAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 1);
468 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:2 soft:2 accuracy:0];
470 // localkeychain requires device analytics only so we still get it
471 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0 summaries:1];
475 - (void)testLoggingJSONSimpleWithiCloudAnalyticsEnabled
477 [self testLoggingJSONSimple:YES];
480 - (void)testLoggingJSONSimpleWithiCloudAnalyticsDisabled
482 [self testLoggingJSONSimple:NO];
485 - (void)testTLSLoggingJSONSimple:(BOOL)analyticsEnabled
487 deviceAnalyticsEnabled = analyticsEnabled;
489 [_tlsAnalytics logSuccessForEventNamed:@"tlsunittestevent"];
490 NSDictionary* tlsAttrs = @{@"cattr" : @"cvalue"};
491 [_tlsAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"tlsunittestevent" withAttributes:tlsAttrs];
492 [_tlsAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"tlsunittestevent" withAttributes:tlsAttrs];
494 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupdWithTopic:SFAnalyticsTopicTrust];
495 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data forTopic:[[self TrustTopic] splunkTopicName]];
497 if (analyticsEnabled) {
498 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:1 soft:1 accuracy:0 summaries:(int)[[[self TrustTopic] topicClients] count]];
500 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0 summaries:0];
504 - (void)testTLSLoggingJSONSimpleWithDeviceAnalyticsEnabled
506 [self testTLSLoggingJSONSimple:YES];
509 - (void)testTLSLoggingJSONSimpleWithDeviceAnalyticsDisabled
511 [self testTLSLoggingJSONSimple:NO];
514 - (void)testMockDiagnosticReportGeneration
516 SFAnalyticsReporter *reporter = mockReporter;
518 uint8_t report_data[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03};
519 NSData *reportData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:report_data length:sizeof(report_data)];
520 BOOL writtenToLog = YES;
521 size_t numWrites = 5;
522 for (size_t i = 0; i < numWrites; i++) {
523 writtenToLog &= [reporter saveReport:reportData fileName:@"log.txt"];
526 XCTAssertTrue(writtenToLog, "Failed to write to log");
527 XCTAssertTrue((int)_reporterWrites == (int)numWrites, "Expected %zu report, got %d", numWrites, (int)_reporterWrites);
530 - (void)testSuccessCounts
532 NSString* eventName1 = @"successCountsEvent1";
533 NSString* eventName2 = @"successCountsEvent2";
535 for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
536 [_ckksAnalytics logSuccessForEventNamed:eventName1];
537 [_ckksAnalytics logSuccessForEventNamed:eventName2];
538 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:eventName1 withAttributes:nil];
539 [_ckksAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:eventName2 withAttributes:nil];
541 [_ckksAnalytics logSuccessForEventNamed:eventName2];
543 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
544 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
547 for (NSDictionary* event in data[@"events"]) {
548 if ([event[SFAnalyticsEventType] isEqual:@"ckksHealthSummary"]) {
555 XCTAssertEqual([hs[SFAnalyticsColumnSuccessCount] integerValue], 7);
556 XCTAssertEqual([hs[SFAnalyticsColumnHardFailureCount] integerValue], 3);
557 XCTAssertEqual([hs[SFAnalyticsColumnSoftFailureCount] integerValue], 3);
558 XCTAssertEqual([hs[[self string:eventName1 item:@"success"]] integerValue], 3);
559 XCTAssertEqual([hs[[self string:eventName1 item:@"hardfail"]] integerValue], 3);
560 XCTAssertEqual([hs[[self string:eventName1 item:@"softfail"]] integerValue], 0);
561 XCTAssertEqual([hs[[self string:eventName2 item:@"success"]] integerValue], 4);
562 XCTAssertEqual([hs[[self string:eventName2 item:@"hardfail"]] integerValue], 0);
563 XCTAssertEqual([hs[[self string:eventName2 item:@"softfail"]] integerValue], 3);
566 // There was a failure with thresholds if some, but not all clients exceeded their 'threshold' number of failures,
567 // causing the addFailures:toUploadRecords:threshold method to crash with out of bounds.
568 // This is also implicitly tested in testTooManyHardFailures and testTooManyCombinedFailures but I wanted an explicit case.
569 - (void)testExceedThresholdForOneClientOnly
571 int testAmount = ((int)SFAnalyticsMaxEventsToReport / 4);
572 for (int idx = 0; idx < testAmount; ++idx) {
573 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"ckkshardfail" withAttributes:nil];
574 [_ckksAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"ckkssoftfail" withAttributes:nil];
577 [_sosAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"soshardfail" withAttributes:nil];
578 [_sosAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"sossoftfail" withAttributes:nil];
580 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
581 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
583 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:testAmount + 1 soft:testAmount + 1 accuracy:0];
585 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"ckkshardfail" attributes:nil class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], testAmount);
586 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"ckkssoftfail" attributes:nil class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], testAmount);
587 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"soshardfail" attributes:nil class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 1);
588 XCTAssertEqual([self failures:data eventType:@"sossoftfail" attributes:nil class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 1);
592 // We have so many hard failures they won't fit in the upload buffer
593 - (void)testTooManyHardFailures
595 NSDictionary* ckksAttrs = @{@"cattr" : @"cvalue"};
596 NSDictionary* utAttrs = @{@"uattr" : @"uvalue"};
597 for (int idx = 0; idx < 400; ++idx) {
598 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestfailure" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
599 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestfailure" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
600 [_sosAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"utunittestfailure" withAttributes:utAttrs];
603 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
604 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
606 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:998 soft:0];
607 // Based on threshold = records_to_upload/10 with a nice margin
608 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"ckksunittestfailure" attributes:ckksAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 658, 50);
609 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"utunittestfailure" attributes:utAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 339, 50);
612 // So many soft failures they won't fit in the buffer
613 - (void)testTooManySoftFailures
615 NSDictionary* ckksAttrs = @{@"cattr" : @"cvalue"};
616 NSDictionary* utAttrs = @{@"uattr" : @"uvalue"};
617 for (int idx = 0; idx < 400; ++idx) {
618 [_ckksAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestfailure" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
619 [_ckksAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestfailure" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
620 [_sosAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"utunittestfailure" withAttributes:utAttrs];
623 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
624 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
626 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:998];
627 // Based on threshold = records_to_upload/10 with a nice margin
628 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"ckksunittestfailure" attributes:ckksAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 665, 50);
629 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"utunittestfailure" attributes:utAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 332, 50);
632 - (void)testTooManyCombinedFailures
634 NSDictionary* ckksAttrs = @{@"cattr1" : @"cvalue1", @"cattrthatisalotlongerthanthepreviousone" : @"cvaluethatisalsoalotlongerthantheother"};
635 NSDictionary* utAttrs = @{@"uattr" : @"uvalue", @"uattrthatisalotlongerthanthepreviousone" : @"uvaluethatisalsoalotlongerthantheother"};
636 for (int idx = 0; idx < 400; ++idx) {
637 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestfailure" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
638 [_ckksAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"ckksunittestfailure" withAttributes:ckksAttrs];
639 [_sosAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"utunittestfailure" withAttributes:utAttrs];
640 [_sosAnalytics logSoftFailureForEventNamed:@"utunittestfailure" withAttributes:utAttrs];
643 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
644 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
646 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:800 soft:198];
647 // Based on threshold = records_to_upload/10 with a nice margin
648 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"ckksunittestfailure" attributes:ckksAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 400, 50);
649 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"utunittestfailure" attributes:utAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassHardFailure], 400, 50);
650 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"ckksunittestfailure" attributes:ckksAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 100, 50);
651 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([self failures:data eventType:@"utunittestfailure" attributes:utAttrs class:SFAnalyticsEventClassSoftFailure], 100, 50);
654 // There's an even number of samples
655 - (void)testSamplesEvenSampleCount
657 NSString* sampleNameEven = @"evenSample";
659 for (NSNumber* value in @[@36.831855250339714, @90.78721762172914, @49.24392301762506,
660 @42.806362283260036, @16.76725375576855, @34.50969130579674,
661 @25.956509180834637, @36.8268555935645, @35.54069258036879,
662 @7.26364884595062, @45.414180770615395, @5.223213570809022]) {
663 [_ckksAnalytics logMetric:value withName:sampleNameEven];
666 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
667 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
669 // min, max, avg, med, dev, 1q, 3q
670 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0];
671 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:data[@"events"] name:sampleNameEven values:@[@5.22, @90.78, @35.60, @36.18, @21.52, @21.36, @44.11]];
674 // There are 4*n + 1 samples
675 - (void)testSamples4n1SampleCount
677 NSString* sampleName4n1 = @"4n1Sample";
678 for (NSNumber* value in @[@37.76544251068022, @27.36378948426223, @45.10503077614114,
679 @43.90635413191473, @54.78709742040113, @52.34879597889124,
680 @70.95760312196856, @23.23648158872921, @75.34678687445064,
681 @10.723238854026203, @41.98468801166455, @17.074404554908476,
682 @94.24252031232739]) {
683 [_ckksAnalytics logMetric:value withName:sampleName4n1];
686 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
687 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
689 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0];
690 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:data[@"events"] name:sampleName4n1 values:@[@10.72, @94.24, @45.76, @43.90, @23.14, @26.33, @58.83]];
693 // There are 4*n + 3 samples
694 - (void)testSamples4n3SampleCount
696 NSString* sampleName4n3 = @"4n3Sample";
698 for (NSNumber* value in @[@42.012971885655496, @87.85629592375282, @5.748491212287082,
699 @38.451850063872975, @81.96900109690873, @99.83098790545392,
700 @80.89400981437815, @5.719237885152143, @1.6740622555032196,
701 @14.437000556079038, @29.046050177512395]) {
702 [_sosAnalytics logMetric:value withName:sampleName4n3];
705 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
706 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
707 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0];
709 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:data[@"events"] name:sampleName4n3 values:@[@1.67, @99.83, @44.33, @38.45, @35.28, @7.92, @81.70]];
712 // stddev and quartiles undefined for single sample
713 - (void)testSamplesSingleSample
715 NSString* sampleName = @"singleSample";
717 [_ckksAnalytics logMetric:@3.14159 withName:sampleName];
719 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
720 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
721 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0];
723 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:data[@"events"] name:sampleName values:@[@3.14159]];
726 // quartiles meaningless for fewer than 4 samples (but stddev exists)
727 - (void)testSamplesFewerThanFour
729 NSString* sampleName = @"fewSamples";
731 [_ckksAnalytics logMetric:@3.14159 withName:sampleName];
732 [_ckksAnalytics logMetric:@6.28318 withName:sampleName];
734 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
735 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
736 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0];
738 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:data[@"events"] name:sampleName values:@[@3.14, @6.28, @4.71, @4.71, @1.57]];
741 - (void)testSamplesSameNameDifferentSubclass
743 NSString* sampleName = @"differentSubclassSamples";
745 [_sosAnalytics logMetric:@313.37 withName:sampleName];
746 [_ckksAnalytics logMetric:@313.37 withName:sampleName];
748 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
749 [self inspectDataBlobStructure:data];
750 [self checkTotalEventCount:data hard:0 soft:0 accuracy:0];
752 [self sampleStatisticsInEvents:data[@"events"] name:sampleName values:@[@313.37] amount:2];
755 - (void)testInvalidJSON
757 NSData* bad = [@"let's break supd!" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
758 [_ckksAnalytics logHardFailureForEventNamed:@"testEvent" withAttributes:@{ @"dataAttribute" : bad}];
760 NSDictionary* data = [self getJSONDataFromSupd];
761 XCTAssertNotNil(data);
762 XCTAssertNotNil(data[@"events"]);
763 NSUInteger foundErrorEvents = 0;
764 for (NSDictionary* event in data[@"events"]) {
765 if ([event[SFAnalyticsEventType] isEqualToString:SFAnalyticsEventTypeErrorEvent] && [event[SFAnalyticsEventErrorDestription] isEqualToString:@"JSON:testEvent"]) {
769 XCTAssertEqual(foundErrorEvents, 1);
772 - (void)testUploadSizeLimits
774 SFAnalyticsTopic *trustTopic = [self TrustTopic];
775 XCTAssertEqual(1000000, trustTopic.uploadSizeLimit);
777 SFAnalyticsTopic *keySyncTopic = [self keySyncTopic];
778 XCTAssertEqual(1000000, keySyncTopic.uploadSizeLimit);
781 - (NSArray<NSDictionary *> *)createRandomEventList:(size_t)count
783 NSMutableArray<NSDictionary *> *eventSet = [[NSMutableArray<NSDictionary *> alloc] init];
785 const size_t dataSize = 100;
786 uint8_t backingBuffer[dataSize] = {};
787 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
788 NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:backingBuffer length:dataSize];
789 NSDictionary *entry = @{@"key" : [data base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]};
790 [eventSet addObject:entry];
796 - (void)testCreateLoggingJSON
798 NSArray<NSDictionary *> *summaries = [self createRandomEventList:5];
799 NSArray<NSDictionary *> *failures = [self createRandomEventList:100];
800 NSMutableArray<NSDictionary *> *visitedEvents = [[NSMutableArray<NSDictionary *> alloc] init];
802 SFAnalyticsTopic *topic = [self TrustTopic];
803 const size_t sizeLimit = 10000; // total size of the encoded data
804 topic.uploadSizeLimit = sizeLimit;
806 NSError *error = nil;
807 NSArray<NSDictionary *> *eventSet = [topic createChunkedLoggingJSON:summaries failures:failures error:&error];
810 for (NSDictionary *event in eventSet) {
811 XCTAssertNotNil([event objectForKey:@"events"]);
812 XCTAssertNotNil([event objectForKey:SFAnalyticsPostTime]);
813 NSArray *events = [event objectForKey:@"events"];
814 for (NSDictionary *summary in summaries) {
815 BOOL foundSummary = NO;
816 for (NSDictionary *innerEvent in events) {
817 if ([summary isEqualToDictionary:innerEvent]) {
822 XCTAssertTrue(foundSummary);
825 // Record the events we've seen so far
826 for (NSDictionary *innerEvent in events) {
827 [visitedEvents addObject:innerEvent];
831 // Check that each summary and failure is in the visitedEvents
832 for (NSDictionary *summary in summaries) {
833 BOOL foundSummary = NO;
834 for (NSDictionary *innerEvent in visitedEvents) {
835 if ([summary isEqualToDictionary:innerEvent]) {
840 XCTAssertTrue(foundSummary);
842 for (NSDictionary *failure in failures) {
843 BOOL foundFailure = NO;
844 for (NSDictionary *innerEvent in visitedEvents) {
845 if ([failure isEqualToDictionary:innerEvent]) {
850 XCTAssertTrue(foundFailure);
854 - (void)testEventSetChunking
856 NSArray<NSDictionary *> *eventSet = [self createRandomEventList:100];
857 SFAnalyticsTopic *topic = [self TrustTopic];
859 const size_t sizeLimit = 10000; // total size of the encoded data
860 size_t encodedEventSize = [topic serializedEventSize:eventSet[0] error:nil];
861 topic.uploadSizeLimit = sizeLimit; // fix the upload limit
863 // Chunk up the set, assuming that each chunk already has one event in it.
864 // In practice, this is the health summary.
865 NSError *error = nil;
866 NSArray<NSArray *> *chunkedEvents = [topic chunkFailureSet:(sizeLimit - encodedEventSize) events:eventSet error:nil];
869 // There should be two resulting chunks, since the set of chunks overflows.
870 XCTAssertEqual(2, [chunkedEvents count]);
874 - (void)testGetSysdiagnoseDump
879 // TODO (need mock server)
880 - (void)testSplunkUpload
885 // TODO (need mock server)
886 - (void)testDBIsEmptiedAfterUpload
893 #endif // !TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR