]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - keychain/SecureObjectSync/SOSCloudCircle.h
[apple/security.git] / keychain / SecureObjectSync / SOSCloudCircle.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 //
25 // SOSCloudCircle.h
26 //
31 #if __OBJC__
32 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
33 #endif
35 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
36 #include <CoreFoundation/CFArray.h>
37 #include <CoreFoundation/CFSet.h>
38 #include <CoreFoundation/CFError.h>
40 #include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSTypes.h>
41 #include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSPeerInfo.h>
46 //
47 // CFError info for propogated errors
48 //
50 extern const CFStringRef kSOSErrorDomain;
52 enum {
53 kSOSErrorPrivateKeyAbsent = 1,
54 kSOSErrorPublicKeyAbsent = 2,
56 kSOSErrorWrongPassword = 3,
58 kSOSErrorNotReady = 4, // System not yet ready (before first unlock)
60 kSOSErrorIncompatibleCircle = 5, // We saw an incompatible circle out there.
61 kSOSInitialSyncFailed = 6, //we timed out when syncing during approving from another device
62 kSOSEntitlementMissing = 7,
64 KSOSCantParseSOSMessage = 8,
65 };
67 //
68 // Types
69 //
71 typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SOSInitialSyncFlags) {
72 kSOSInitialSyncFlagTLKs = (1UL << 0),
73 kSOSInitialSyncFlagiCloudIdentity = (1UL << 1),
74 kSOSInitialSyncFlagTLKsRequestOnly = (1UL << 2), // Note that this overrides the other two flags, as it's used for aborting the piggybacking session early and returning a very small number of TLKs
75 };
78 enum {
79 kSOSCCInCircle = 0,
80 kSOSCCNotInCircle = 1,
81 kSOSCCRequestPending = 2,
82 kSOSCCCircleAbsent = 3,
83 kSOSCCError = -1, // unable to determine circle status, inspect CFError to find out why
84 };
86 typedef int SOSCCStatus;
88 extern const char * kSOSCCCircleChangedNotification;
89 extern const char * kSOSCCViewMembershipChangedNotification;
90 extern const char * kSOSCCInitialSyncChangedNotification;
91 extern const char * kSOSCCHoldLockForInitialSync;
92 extern const char * kSOSCCPeerAvailable;
93 extern const char * kSOSCCRecoveryKeyChanged;
94 extern const char * kSOSCCCircleOctagonKeysChangedNotification;
96 /*!
97 @function SOSCCSetUserCredentials
98 @abstract Uses the user authentication credential (password) to create an internal EC Key Pair for authenticating Circle changes.
99 @param user_label This string can be used for a label to tag the resulting credential data for persistent storage.
100 @param user_password The user's password that's used as input to generate EC keys for Circle authenticating operations.
101 @param error What went wrong if we returned false.
102 @discussion This call needs to be made whenever a call that updates a Cloud Circle returns an error of kSOSErrorPrivateKeyAbsent (credential timeout) or kSOSErrorPublicKeyAbsent (programmer error).
104 Any caller to SetUserCredential is asserting that they know the credential is correct.
106 If you are uncertain (unable to verify) use TryUserCredentials, but if you can know it's better
107 to call Set so we can recover from password change.
108 */
110 bool SOSCCSetUserCredentials(CFStringRef user_label, CFDataRef user_password, CFErrorRef* error);
113 /*!
114 @function SOSCCSetUserCredentialsAndDSID
115 @abstract Uses the user authentication credential (password) to create an internal EC Key Pair for authenticating Circle changes. Passes the DSID to ensure user credentials are passed to the correct account.
116 @param user_label This string can be used for a label to tag the resulting credential data for persistent storage.
117 @param user_password The user's password that's used as input to generate EC keys for Circle authenticating operations.
118 @param dsid This is a string of a dsid associated with an account
119 @param error What went wrong if we returned false.
120 @discussion This call needs to be made whenever a call that updates a Cloud Circle returns an error of kSOSErrorPrivateKeyAbsent (credential timeout) or kSOSErrorPublicKeyAbsent (programmer error).
122 Any caller to SetUserCredential is asserting that they know the credential is correct.
124 If you are uncertain (unable to verify) use TryUserCredentials, but if you can know it's better
125 to call Set so we can recover from password change.
126 */
128 bool SOSCCSetUserCredentialsAndDSID(CFStringRef user_label, CFDataRef user_password, CFStringRef dsid, CFErrorRef *error);
130 /*!
131 @function SOSCCTryUserCredentials
132 @abstract Uses the user authentication credential (password) to create an internal EC Key Pair for authenticating Circle changes.
133 @param user_label This string can be used for a label to tag the resulting credential data for persistent storage.
134 @param user_password The user's password that's used as input to generate EC keys for Circle authenticating operations.
135 @param error What went wrong if we returned false.
136 @discussion When one of the user credential requiring calls below (almost all) need a credential it will fail with kSOSErrorPrivateKeyAbsent. If you don't have an outside way to confirm correctness of the password we will attempt to use the passed in value and if it doesn't match the public information we currently have we'll fail.
137 */
139 bool SOSCCTryUserCredentials(CFStringRef user_label, CFDataRef user_password, CFErrorRef* error);
141 /*!
142 This variant adds the dsid to the call
143 */
145 bool SOSCCTryUserCredentialsAndDSID(CFStringRef user_label, CFDataRef user_password, CFStringRef dsid, CFErrorRef *error);
147 /*!
148 @function SOSCCRegisterUserCredentials
149 @abstract Deprecated name for SOSCCSetUserCredentials.
150 */
151 bool SOSCCRegisterUserCredentials(CFStringRef user_label, CFDataRef user_password, CFErrorRef *error);
153 /*!
154 @function SOSCCWaitForInitialSync
155 @abstract returns true if it waited, false if we didn't due to some error
156 @param error Error ref
157 @return if we waited successfully
158 */
159 bool SOSCCWaitForInitialSync(CFErrorRef* error);
161 /*!
162 @function SOSCCCanAuthenticate
163 @abstract Determines whether we currently have valid credentials to authenticate a circle operation.
164 @param error What went wrong if we returned false.
165 */
167 bool SOSCCCanAuthenticate(CFErrorRef *error);
169 /*!
170 @function SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle
171 @abstract Finds and returns if this devices status in the user's circle.
172 @param error What went wrong if we returned kSOSCCError.
173 @result kSOSCCInCircle if we're in the circle.
174 @discussion If we have an error figuring out if we're in the circle we return false and the error.
175 */
176 SOSCCStatus SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle(CFErrorRef* error);
178 /*!
179 @function SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircleNonCached
180 @abstract Finds and returns if this devices status in the user's circle. This call is added explicitly for CDP.
181 @param error What went wrong if we returned kSOSCCError.
182 @result kSOSCCInCircle if we're in the circle.
183 @discussion If we have an error figuring out if we're in the circle we return false and the error.
184 */
185 SOSCCStatus SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircleNonCached(CFErrorRef* error);
187 /*!
188 @function SOSCCIsIcloudKeychainSyncing
189 @abstract determines whether baseline keychain syncing is occuring (V0/V2)
190 @result true if we're in the circle and baseline keychain syncing views
191 (kSOSViewAutofillPasswords/kSOSViewSafariCreditCards/kSOSViewWiFi/kSOSViewOtherSyncable
192 are enabled. false otherwise.
193 */
195 bool SOSCCIsIcloudKeychainSyncing(void);
197 /*!
198 @function SOSCCIsSafariSyncing
199 @abstract determines whether Safari keychain item syncing is occuring (kSOSViewAutofillPasswords/kSOSViewSafariCreditCards)
200 @result true if we're in the circle and the kSOSViewAutofillPasswords/kSOSViewSafariCreditCards views are enabled. false otherwise.
201 */
203 bool SOSCCIsSafariSyncing(void);
205 /*!
206 @function SOSCCIsAppleTVSyncing
207 @abstract determines whether appleTV keychain syncing is occuring (kSOSViewAppleTV)
208 @result true if we're in the circle and the kSOSViewAppleTV view is enabled. false otherwise.
209 */
211 bool SOSCCIsAppleTVSyncing(void);
214 /*!
215 @function SOSCCIsHomeKitSyncing
216 @abstract determines whether homekit keychain syncing is occuring (kSOSViewHomeKit)
217 @result true if we're in the circle and the kSOSViewHomeKit view is enabled. false otherwise.
218 */
220 bool SOSCCIsHomeKitSyncing(void);
223 /*!
224 @function SOSCCIsWiFiSyncing
225 @abstract determines whether WiFi keychain syncing is occuring (kSOSViewWiFi)
226 @result true if we're in the circle and the kSOSViewWiFi view is enabled. false otherwise.
227 */
229 bool SOSCCIsWiFiSyncing(void);
231 /*!
232 @function SOSCCIsContinuityUnlockSyncing
233 @abstract determines whether Continuity Unlock keychain syncing is occuring (kSOSViewContinuityUnlock)
234 @result true if we're in the circle and the kSOSViewContinuityUnlock view is enabled. false otherwise.
235 .
236 */
238 bool SOSCCIsContinuityUnlockSyncing(void);
240 /*!
241 @function SOSCCRequestToJoinCircle
242 @abstract Requests that this device join the circle.
243 @param error What went wrong if we tried to join.
244 @result true if we pushed the request out successfully. False if there was an error.
245 @discussion Requests to join the user's circle or all the pending circles (other than his) if there are multiple pending circles.
246 */
247 bool SOSCCRequestToJoinCircle(CFErrorRef* error);
250 /*!
251 @function SOSCCRequestToJoinCircleAfterRestore
252 @abstract Requests that this device join the circle and do the magic just after restore approval.
253 @param error What went wrong if we tried to join.
254 @result true if we joined or pushed a request out. False if we failed to try.
255 @discussion Uses the cloud identity to get in the circle if it can. If it cannot it falls back on simple application.
256 */
257 bool SOSCCRequestToJoinCircleAfterRestore(CFErrorRef* error);
259 /*!
260 @function SOSCCAccountSetToNew
261 @abstract reset account to new
262 @param error What went wrong if we tried to refresh parameters
263 @result true if we successfully reset the account object
264 */
265 bool SOSCCAccountSetToNew(CFErrorRef *error);
267 /*!
268 @function SOSCCResetToOffering
269 @abstract Resets the cloud to offer this device's circle.
270 @param error What went wrong if we tried to post our circle.
271 @result true if we posted the circle successfully. False if there was an error.
272 */
273 bool SOSCCResetToOffering(CFErrorRef* error);
275 /*!
276 @function SOSCCResetToEmpty
277 @abstract Resets the cloud to a completely empty circle.
278 @param error What went wrong if we tried to post our circle.
279 @result true if we posted the circle successfully. False if there was an error.
280 */
281 bool SOSCCResetToEmpty(CFErrorRef* error);
283 /*!
284 @function SOSCCRemoveThisDeviceFromCircle
285 @abstract Removes the current device from the circle.
286 @param error What went wrong trying to remove ourselves.
287 @result true if we posted the removal. False if there was an error.
288 @discussion This removes us from the circle.
289 */
290 bool SOSCCRemoveThisDeviceFromCircle(CFErrorRef* error);
293 /*!
294 @function SOSCCRemoveThisDeviceFromCircle
295 @abstract Removes a list of peers from the circle.
296 @param peerList List of peers to ensure aren't in the circle
297 @param error What went wrong trying to remove the peers.
298 @result true if we posted a circle with none of the peers listed as members, false if we had an error.
299 @discussion This removes peers in the list from the circle. One likely error is
300 that we don't have the user credentail (need to prompt for password)
301 */
302 bool SOSCCRemovePeersFromCircle(CFArrayRef peerList, CFErrorRef* error);
304 /*!
305 @function SOSCCLoggedIntoAccount
306 @param error value set if there are xpc errors.
307 @abstract Notifies the account object that the device logged into an icloud account
308 */
309 bool SOSCCLoggedIntoAccount(CFErrorRef* error);
311 /*!
312 @function SOSCCLoggedOutOfAccount
313 @param error value set if there are xpc errors.
314 @abstract Removes the current device from the circle. Clears the account object
315 */
316 bool SOSCCLoggedOutOfAccount(CFErrorRef* error);
318 /*!
319 @function SOSCCBailFromCircle_BestEffort
320 @abstract Attempts to publish a retirement ticket for the current device.
321 @param error What went wrong trying to remove ourselves.
322 @result true if we posted the ticket. False if there was an error.
323 @discussion This attempts to post a retirement ticket that should
324 result in other devices removing this device from the circle. It does so
325 with a 5 second timeout. The only use for this call is when doing a device
326 erase.
327 */
328 bool SOSCCBailFromCircle_BestEffort(uint64_t limit_in_seconds, CFErrorRef* error);
330 /*!
331 @function SOSCCCopyApplicantPeerInfo
332 @abstract Get the list of peers wishing admittance.
333 @param error What went wrong.
334 @result Array of PeerInfos for applying peers.
335 */
336 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyApplicantPeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
338 /*!
339 @function SOSCCCopyGenerationPeerInfo
340 @abstract Get the list of generation count per circle.
341 @param error What went wrong.
342 @result Array of Circle generation counts.
343 */
344 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyGenerationPeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
346 /*!
347 @function SOSCCCopyValidPeerPeerInfo
348 @abstract Get the list of valid peers.
349 @param error What went wrong.
350 @result Array of PeerInfos for applying valid peers.
351 */
352 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyValidPeerPeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
354 /*!
355 @function SOSCCValidateUserPublic
356 @abstract Validate whether the account's user public key is trustworthy.
357 @param error What went wrong.
358 @result true if the user public key is trusted, false if not.
359 */
360 bool SOSCCValidateUserPublic(CFErrorRef *error);
362 /*!
363 @function SOSCCCopyNotValidPeerPeerInfo
364 @abstract Get the list of not valid peers.
365 @param error What went wrong.
366 @result Array of PeerInfos for non-valid peers.
367 */
368 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyNotValidPeerPeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
370 /*!
371 @function SOSCCCopyRetirementPeerInfo
372 @abstract Get the list of retired peers.
373 @param error What went wrong.
374 @result Array of PeerInfos for retired peers.
375 */
376 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyRetirementPeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
378 /*!
379 @function SOSCCCopyViewUnawarePeerInfo
380 @abstract Copies all the peers who are in the circle but are unable to handle views.
381 @param error What went wrong.
382 @result Array of peer infos.
383 */
384 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyViewUnawarePeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
386 /*
387 * Keys to find data in engine state dictionary
388 */
389 extern CFStringRef kSOSCCEngineStatePeerIDKey;
390 extern CFStringRef kSOSCCEngineStateManifestCountKey;
391 extern CFStringRef kSOSCCEngineStateSyncSetKey;
392 extern CFStringRef kSOSCCEngineStateCoderKey;
393 extern CFStringRef kSOSCCEngineStateManifestHashKey;
395 /*!
396 @function SOSCCForEachEngineStateAsString
397 @abstract Get a string for each peer to dump to your favorite location.
398 @param error What went wrong.
399 @result if we had an error.
400 */
401 bool SOSCCForEachEngineStateAsString(CFErrorRef* error, void (^block)(CFStringRef oneStateString));
403 /*!
404 @function SOSCCAcceptApplicants
405 @abstract Accepts the applicants into the circle (requires that we recently had the user enter the credentials).
406 @param applicants List of applicants to accept.
407 @param error What went wrong if we tried to post our circle.
408 @result true if we accepted the applicants. False if there was an error.
409 */
410 bool SOSCCAcceptApplicants(CFArrayRef applicants, CFErrorRef* error);
412 /*!
413 @function SOSCCRejectApplicants
414 @abstract Rejects the applications for admission (requires that we recently had the user enter the credentials).
415 @param applicants List of applicants to reject.
416 @param error What went wrong if we tried to post our circle.
417 @result true if we rejected the applicants. False if there was an error.
418 */
419 bool SOSCCRejectApplicants(CFArrayRef applicants, CFErrorRef *error);
421 /*!
422 @function SOSCCCopyPeerPeerInfo
423 @abstract Returns peers in the circle (we may not be in it).
424 @param error What went wrong trying look at the circle.
425 @result Returns a list of peers in the circle currently syncing.
426 @discussion We get the list of all peers syncing in the circle.
427 */
428 CFArrayRef SOSCCCopyPeerPeerInfo(CFErrorRef* error);
430 /*
431 * Return values for SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason
432 */
433 enum DepartureReason {
434 kSOSDepartureReasonError = 0,
435 kSOSNeverLeftCircle, // We haven't ever left a circle
436 kSOSWithdrewMembership, // SOSCCRemoveThisDeviceFromCircle
437 kSOSMembershipRevoked, // Via reset or remote removal.
438 kSOSLeftUntrustedCircle, // We saw a circle we could no longer trust
439 kSOSNeverAppliedToCircle, // We've never applied to a circle
440 kSOSDiscoveredRetirement, // We discovered that we were retired.
441 kSOSLostPrivateKey, // We lost our private key
442 kSOSPasswordChanged, // We lost our public key, password change?
443 // <-- add additional departure reason codes HERE!
444 kSOSNumDepartureReasons, // ACHTUNG: this *MUST* be the last entry - ALWAYS!
445 };
447 /*!
448 @function SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason
449 @abstract Returns the code of why you left the circle.
450 @param error What went wrong if we returned kSOSDepartureReasonError.
451 */
452 enum DepartureReason SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason(CFErrorRef *error);
454 /*!
455 @function SOSCCSetLastDepartureReason
456 @abstract Manually set the code of why the circle was left.
457 @param reason Custom departure reason be be set.
458 @param error What went wrong if we returned false.
459 */
461 bool SOSCCSetLastDepartureReason(enum DepartureReason reason, CFErrorRef *error);
463 /*
466 Initial View List - To be expanded
468 For now for any peer joining a circle we only enable:
469 kSOSViewKeychainV0
470 */
472 //
473 // -- Views that sync to os in (iOS in (7.1, 8.*) Mac OS in (10.9, 10.10)) peers
474 //
476 // kSOSViewKeychainV0 - All items in the original iCloud Keychain are in the views listed below
477 // It is defined by the query:
478 // class in (genp inet keys) and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and tkid = NULL
480 // kSOSViewWiFi - class = genp and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp = apple and svce = AirPort
481 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewWiFi;
483 // kSOSViewAutofillPasswords - class = inet and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp = com.apple.cfnetwork
484 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewAutofillPasswords;
486 // kSOSViewSafariCreditCards - class = genp and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp = com.apple.safari.credit-cards
487 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewSafariCreditCards;
489 // kSOSViewiCloudIdentity - class = keys and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp = com.apple.security.sos
490 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewiCloudIdentity;
491 // End of KeychainV0 views
493 // kSOSViewBackupBagV0 - class = genp and and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp = com.apple.sbd
494 // (LEAVE OUT FOR NOW) and svce = SecureBackupService pdmn = ak acct = SecureBackupPublicKeybag
495 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewBackupBagV0;
497 // kSOSViewOtherSyncable - An or of the following 5 queries:
498 // class = cert and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL
499 // class = genp and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp = "apple" and svce != "AirPort"
500 // class = genp and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp not in ("apple", "com.apple.safari.credit-cards", "com.apple.sbd")
501 // class = inet and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp not in ("com.apple.cfnetwork")
502 // class = keys and pdmn in (ak,ck,dk,aku,cku,dku) and vwht = NULL and agrp not in ("com.apple.security.sos")
503 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewOtherSyncable;
505 //
506 // Views below this line all match a kSecAttrSyncViewHint attribute value that matches their name.
507 //
509 // PCS (Protected Cloud Storage) Views
510 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSMasterKey;
511 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSiCloudDrive;
512 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSPhotos;
513 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSCloudKit;
514 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSEscrow;
515 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSFDE;
516 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSMailDrop;
517 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSiCloudBackup;
518 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSNotes;
519 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSiMessage;
520 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSFeldspar;
521 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewPCSSharing;
523 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewAppleTV;
524 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewHomeKit;
525 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewContinuityUnlock;
526 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewAccessoryPairing;
527 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewNanoRegistry;
528 extern const CFStringRef kSOSViewWatchMigration;
529 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewEngram;
530 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewManatee;
531 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewAutoUnlock;
532 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewHealth;
533 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewApplePay;
534 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewHome;
535 extern const CFStringRef kCKKSViewLimitedPeersAllowed;
538 /*!
539 @function SOSCCView
540 @abstract Enable, disable or query status of a View for this peer.
541 @param view The View for which the action should be performed.
542 @param action The action code to take with the View
543 @param error More description of the error if one occurred.
544 @discussion
545 For all actions any error return can fallback to kSOSCCGeneralViewError. This is a catch-all until
546 more code is written and specific additional error returns are identified.
547 For kSOSCCViewEnable actions other possible return codes are:
548 kSOSCCViewMember if the operation was successful and the peer has access to the View
549 kSOSCCViewNotMember if the operation was a successful application to a View, yet the peer must be vetted by another peer.
550 kSOSCCViewNotQualified if the device can't support prerequisite security capabilities
551 kSOSCCNoSuchView if the CFStringRef doesn't match one of the known Views
553 For kSOSCCViewDisable actions other possible return codes are:
554 kSOSCCViewNotMember for successfully disabling the View
555 kSOSCCNoSuchView if the CFStringRef doesn't match one of the known Views
557 For kSOSCCViewQuery actions other possible return codes are:
558 kSOSCCViewMember or kSOSCCDSNotMember for successful querying of the status for a View for this peer
559 kSOSCCNoSuchView if the CFStringRef doesn't match one of the known Views
561 */
563 SOSViewResultCode SOSCCView(CFStringRef view, SOSViewActionCode action, CFErrorRef *error);
566 /*!
567 @function SOSCCViewSet
568 @abstract Enable, disable or query status of a views for this peer.
569 @param enabledviews The views (as CFSet) for which the action should be performed.
570 @param disabledviews TODO
571 @discussion
572 This call enables bulk setting of views for a peer. This is done for convenience as well as
573 better performance; it requires less circle changes by grouping all the view enabling/disabling.
575 Separate calls to SOSCCView is required to determine resulting view settings.
576 */
578 bool SOSCCViewSet(CFSetRef enabledviews, CFSetRef disabledviews);
579 /*
580 Security Attributes for PeerInfos
582 Initial View List - To be expanded
583 */
586 //
587 // Backup APIs
588 //
590 /*!
591 @function SOSCCCopyMyPeerWithNewDeviceRecoverySecret
592 @abstract Returns retained peer info for this device
593 @param secret user provided entropy
594 @param error What went wrong trying to register the new secret
595 @result Returns our peer info.
596 @discussion For miCSCs this creates a new wrapping of the view master key in the view bag protected by the secret.
597 */
598 SOSPeerInfoRef SOSCCCopyMyPeerWithNewDeviceRecoverySecret(CFDataRef secret, CFErrorRef *error);
600 /*!
601 @function SOSCopyDeviceBackupPublicKey
602 @param entropy user provided entropy
603 @param error what, if anything, went wrong creating the backup key
604 @result returns the public key bytes which will be eventually generated by a call to SOSCCCopyMyPeerWithNewDeviceRecoverySecret. Note that this function does not change any state.
605 */
606 CFDataRef SOSCopyDeviceBackupPublicKey(CFDataRef entropy, CFErrorRef *error);
608 /*!
609 @function SOSCCRegisterSingleRecoverySecret
610 @param aks_bag TODO
611 @param error What went wrong trying to register the new secret
612 @result true if we saved the bag, false if we had an error
613 @discussion Asserts the keybag for use for backups when having a single secret. All views get backed up with this single bag.
614 */
615 bool SOSCCRegisterSingleRecoverySecret(CFDataRef aks_bag, bool forV0Only, CFErrorRef *error);
617 /*!
618 @function SOSCCCopyApplication
619 @param error What went wrong getting the applicant peerInfo.
620 @result PeerInfoRef that's an applicant peerinfo to be used as the start of an HSA2 piggyback entry.
621 */
623 SOSPeerInfoRef SOSCCCopyApplication(CFErrorRef *error);
625 /*!
626 @function SOSCCCopyCircleJoiningBlob
627 @param applicant The peerInfo applicant to pre-approve for membership in the circle
628 @param error Why this peerInfo wasn't accepted.
629 @result DER blob containing the gencount and this peerkey signature of the current circle with the applicant as a member at the gencount.
630 */
631 CFDataRef SOSCCCopyCircleJoiningBlob(SOSPeerInfoRef applicant, CFErrorRef *error);
633 /*!
634 @function SOSCCJoinWithCircleJoiningBlob
635 @param joiningBlob DER blob to be used to create a suitable circle for this pre-approved peer to join.
636 @param error Why this peerInfo can't be accepted.
637 @result true if this succeeded.
638 */
640 bool SOSCCJoinWithCircleJoiningBlob(CFDataRef joiningBlob, PiggyBackProtocolVersion version, CFErrorRef *error);
642 /*!
643 @function: bool SOSCCPeersHaveViewsEnabled(CFSetRef viewNames)
644 @param viewNames the collection of views we want to know if other peers have enabled
645 @result CFBooleanTrue if we are in circle and all views are enabled by at least one other peer,
646 CFBooleanFalse if we are in circle and any of the views aren't avaialbe
647 NULL if we have an error.
648 */
649 CFBooleanRef SOSCCPeersHaveViewsEnabled(CFArrayRef viewNames, CFErrorRef *error);
651 /*!
652 @function: bool SOSCCRegisterRecoveryPublicKey(CFDataRef recovery_key, CFErrorRef *error);
653 @param recovery_key the cf data representation of the recovery public key
654 Can be passed in as NULL to indicate the CFDataRef should be removed from the keychain
655 @result CFBooleanTrue if the public key was successfully stored in the syncable keychain
656 CFBooleanFalse if securityd could not store the recovery key (locked?)
657 NULL if we have an error.
658 */
659 bool SOSCCRegisterRecoveryPublicKey(CFDataRef recovery_key, CFErrorRef *error);
661 /*!
662 @function: bool SOSCCMessageFromPeerIsPending(SOSPeerInfoRef peer, CFErrorRef *error)
663 @param peer PeerInfo for the peer to ask about
664 @param error failure if we fail
665 @result true if we have a message pending that we haven't processed, false if we don't have one queued right now or an error occurred.
666 */
667 bool SOSCCMessageFromPeerIsPending(SOSPeerInfoRef peer, CFErrorRef *error);
669 /*!
670 @function: bool SOSCCSendToPeerIsPending(SOSPeerInfoRef peer, CFErrorRef *error)
671 @param peer PeerInfo for the peer to ask about
672 @param error failure if we fail
673 @result true if we have an attempt to sync pending that we haven't processed, false if we don't have one queued right now or an error occurred.
674 */
675 bool SOSCCSendToPeerIsPending(SOSPeerInfoRef peer, CFErrorRef *error);
677 #if __OBJC__
678 /*
679 @function: SOSCCAccountGetPublicKey
680 @param reply fetch the current user public key as SubjectPublicKeyInfoi
681 */
682 void SOSCCAccountGetPublicKey(void (^reply)(BOOL trusted, NSData *data, NSError *error));
684 /*
685 @function: SOSCCAccountGetAccountPrivateCredential
686 @param reply fetch the current user public key as SubjectPublicKeyInfoi
687 */
688 void SOSCCAccountGetAccountPrivateCredential(void (^complete)(NSData *data, NSError *error));
690 void SOSCCAccountGetKeyCircleGeneration(void (^reply)(NSData *data, NSError *error));
692 void SOSCCGhostBust(SOSAccountGhostBustingOptions options, void (^complete)(bool ghostsBusted, NSError *error));
694 void SOSCCGhostBustTriggerTimed(SOSAccountGhostBustingOptions options, void (^complete)(bool ghostsBusted, NSError *error));
696 void SOSCCGhostBustInfo(void (^complete)(NSData *json, NSError *error));
698 CFDataRef SOSCCCopyInitialSyncData(SOSInitialSyncFlags flags, CFErrorRef *error);
700 NSString * SOSCCCircleHash(NSError **error);
702 #endif
706 #endif