]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_asn1/lib/plstr.h
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_asn1 / lib / plstr.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /*
3 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
4 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
5 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
6 * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
7 *
8 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
9 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
10 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
11 * rights and limitations under the License.
12 *
13 * The Original Code is the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR).
14 *
15 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
16 * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
17 * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
18 * Rights Reserved.
19 *
20 * Contributor(s):
21 * Roland Mainz <roland mainz@informatik.med.uni-giessen.de>
22 *
23 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
24 * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
25 * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
26 * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
27 * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
28 * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
29 * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
30 * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
31 * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
32 * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
33 * GPL.
34 */
36 #ifndef _plstr_h
37 #define _plstr_h
39 /*
40 * plstr.h
41 *
42 * This header file exports the API to the NSPR portable library or string-
43 * handling functions.
44 *
45 * This API was not designed as an "optimal" or "ideal" string library; it
46 * was based on the good ol' unix string.3 functions, and was written to
47 *
48 * 1) replace the libc functions, for cross-platform consistancy,
49 * 2) complete the API on platforms lacking common functions (e.g.,
50 * strcase*), and
51 * 3) to implement some obvious "closure" functions that I've seen
52 * people hacking around in our code.
53 *
54 * Point number three largely means that most functions have an "strn"
55 * limited-length version, and all comparison routines have a non-case-
56 * sensitive version available.
57 */
59 #include <security_asn1/prtypes.h>
62 /*
63 * PL_strlen
64 *
65 * Returns the length of the provided string, not including the trailing '\0'.
66 */
68 PR_EXTERN(PRUint32)
69 PL_strlen(const char *str);
71 /*
72 * PL_strnlen
73 *
74 * Returns the length of the provided string, not including the trailing '\0',
75 * up to the indicated maximum. The string will not be examined beyond the
76 * maximum; if no terminating '\0' is found, the maximum will be returned.
77 */
79 PR_EXTERN(PRUint32)
80 PL_strnlen(const char *str, PRUint32 max);
82 /*
83 * PL_strcpy
84 *
85 * Copies the source string, up to and including the trailing '\0', into the
86 * destination buffer. It does not (can not) verify that the destination
87 * buffer is large enough. It returns the "dest" argument.
88 */
90 PR_EXTERN(char *)
91 PL_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
93 /*
94 * PL_strncpy
95 *
96 * Copies the source string into the destination buffer, up to and including
97 * the trailing '\0' or up to and including the max'th character, whichever
98 * comes first. It does not (can not) verify that the destination buffer is
99 * large enough. If the source string is longer than the maximum length,
100 * the result will *not* be null-terminated (JLRU).
101 */
103 PR_EXTERN(char *)
104 PL_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max);
106 /*
107 * PL_strncpyz
108 *
109 * Copies the source string into the destination buffer, up to and including
110 * the trailing '\0' or up but not including the max'th character, whichever
111 * comes first. It does not (can not) verify that the destination buffer is
112 * large enough. The destination string is always terminated with a '\0',
113 * unlike the traditional libc implementation. It returns the "dest" argument.
114 *
115 * NOTE: If you call this with a source "abcdefg" and a max of 5, the
116 * destination will end up with "abcd\0" (i.e., it's strlen length will be 4)!
117 *
118 * This means you can do this:
119 *
120 * char buffer[ SOME_SIZE ];
121 * PL_strncpyz(buffer, src, sizeof(buffer));
122 *
123 * and the result will be properly terminated.
124 */
126 PR_EXTERN(char *)
127 PL_strncpyz(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max);
129 /*
130 * PL_strdup
131 *
132 * Returns a pointer to a malloc'd extent of memory containing a duplicate
133 * of the argument string. The size of the allocated extent is one greater
134 * than the length of the argument string, because of the terminator. A
135 * null argument, like a zero-length argument, will result in a pointer to
136 * a one-byte extent containing the null value. This routine returns null
137 * upon malloc failure.
138 */
140 PR_EXTERN(char *)
141 PL_strdup(const char *s);
143 /*
144 * PL_strfree
145 *
146 * Free memory allocated by PL_strdup
147 */
149 PR_EXTERN(void)
150 PL_strfree(char *s);
152 /*
153 * PL_strndup
154 *
155 * Returns a pointer to a malloc'd extent of memory containing a duplicate
156 * of the argument string, up to the maximum specified. If the argument
157 * string has a length greater than the value of the specified maximum, the
158 * return value will be a pointer to an extent of memory of length one
159 * greater than the maximum specified. A null string, a zero-length string,
160 * or a zero maximum will all result in a pointer to a one-byte extent
161 * containing the null value. This routine returns null upon malloc failure.
162 */
164 PR_EXTERN(char *)
165 PL_strndup(const char *s, PRUint32 max);
167 /*
168 * PL_strcat
169 *
170 * Appends a copy of the string pointed to by the second argument to the
171 * end of the string pointed to by the first. The destination buffer is
172 * not (can not be) checked for sufficient size. A null destination
173 * argument returns null; otherwise, the first argument is returned.
174 */
176 PR_EXTERN(char *)
177 PL_strcat(char *dst, const char *src);
179 /*
180 * PL_strncat
181 *
182 * Appends a copy of the string pointed to by the second argument, up to
183 * the maximum size specified, to the end of the string pointed to by the
184 * first. The destination buffer is not (can not be) checked for sufficient
185 * size. A null destination argument returns null; otherwise, the first
186 * argument is returned. If the maximum size limits the copy, then the
187 * result will *not* be null-terminated (JLRU). A null destination
188 * returns null; otherwise, the destination argument is returned.
189 */
191 PR_EXTERN(char *)
192 PL_strncat(char *dst, const char *src, PRUint32 max);
194 /*
195 * PL_strcatn
196 *
197 * Appends a copy of the string pointed to by the third argument, to the
198 * end of the string pointed to by the first. The second argument specifies
199 * the maximum size of the destination buffer, including the null termination.
200 * If the existing string in dst is longer than the max, no action is taken.
201 * The resulting string will be null-terminated. A null destination returns
202 * null; otherwise, the destination argument is returned.
203 */
205 PR_EXTERN(char *)
206 PL_strcatn(char *dst, PRUint32 max, const char *src);
208 /*
209 * PL_strcmp
210 *
211 * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero, or negative --
212 * reflects the lexical sorting order of the two strings indicated. The
213 * result is positive if the first string comes after the second. The
214 * NSPR implementation is not i18n.
215 */
218 PL_strcmp(const char *a, const char *b);
220 /*
221 * PL_strncmp
222 *
223 * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero, or negative --
224 * reflects the lexical sorting order of the two strings indicated, up to
225 * the maximum specified. The result is positive if the first string comes
226 * after the second. The NSPR implementation is not i18n. If the maximum
227 * is zero, only the existance or non-existance (pointer is null) of the
228 * strings is compared.
229 */
232 PL_strncmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max);
234 /*
235 * PL_strcasecmp
236 *
237 * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero or negative --
238 * reflects the case-insensitive lexical sorting order of the two strings
239 * indicated. The result is positive if the first string comes after the
240 * second. The NSPR implementation is not i18n.
241 */
244 PL_strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b);
246 /*
247 * PL_strncasecmp
248 *
249 * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero or negative --
250 * reflects the case-insensitive lexical sorting order of the first n characters
251 * of the two strings indicated. The result is positive if the first string comes
252 * after the second. The NSPR implementation is not i18n.
253 */
256 PL_strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max);
258 /*
259 * PL_strchr
260 *
261 * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the specified character in the
262 * provided string. It returns null if the character is not found, or if the
263 * provided string is null. The character may be the null character.
264 */
266 PR_EXTERN(char *)
267 PL_strchr(const char *s, char c);
269 /*
270 * PL_strrchr
271 *
272 * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the specified character in the
273 * provided string. It returns null if the character is not found, or if the
274 * provided string is null. The character may be the null character.
275 */
277 PR_EXTERN(char *)
278 PL_strrchr(const char *s, char c);
280 /*
281 * PL_strnchr
282 *
283 * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the specified character within the
284 * first n characters of the provided string. It returns null if the character
285 * is not found, or if the provided string is null. The character may be the
286 * null character.
287 */
289 PR_EXTERN(char *)
290 PL_strnchr(const char *s, char c, PRUint32 n);
292 /*
293 * PL_strnrchr
294 *
295 * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the specified character within the
296 * first n characters of the provided string. It returns null if the character is
297 * not found, or if the provided string is null. The character may be the null
298 * character.
299 */
301 PR_EXTERN(char *)
302 PL_strnrchr(const char *s, char c, PRUint32 n);
304 /*
305 * NOTE: Looking for strcasechr, strcaserchr, strncasechr, or strncaserchr?
306 * Use strpbrk, strprbrk, strnpbrk or strnprbrk.
307 */
309 /*
310 * PL_strpbrk
311 *
312 * Returns a pointer to the first instance in the first string of any character
313 * (not including the terminating null character) of the second string. It returns
314 * null if either string is null.
315 */
317 PR_EXTERN(char *)
318 PL_strpbrk(const char *s, const char *list);
320 /*
321 * PL_strprbrk
322 *
323 * Returns a pointer to the last instance in the first string of any character
324 * (not including the terminating null character) of the second string. It returns
325 * null if either string is null.
326 */
328 PR_EXTERN(char *)
329 PL_strprbrk(const char *s, const char *list);
331 /*
332 * PL_strnpbrk
333 *
334 * Returns a pointer to the first instance (within the first n characters) of any
335 * character (not including the terminating null character) of the second string.
336 * It returns null if either string is null.
337 */
339 PR_EXTERN(char *)
340 PL_strnpbrk(const char *s, const char *list, PRUint32 n);
342 /*
343 * PL_strnprbrk
344 *
345 * Returns a pointer to the last instance (within the first n characters) of any
346 * character (not including the terminating null character) of the second string.
347 * It returns null if either string is null.
348 */
350 PR_EXTERN(char *)
351 PL_strnprbrk(const char *s, const char *list, PRUint32 n);
353 /*
354 * PL_strstr
355 *
356 * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the
357 * big one. It returns null if either string is null.
358 */
360 PR_EXTERN(char *)
361 PL_strstr(const char *big, const char *little);
363 /*
364 * PL_strrstr
365 *
366 * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the big one.
367 * It returns null if either string is null.
368 */
370 PR_EXTERN(char *)
371 PL_strrstr(const char *big, const char *little);
373 /*
374 * PL_strnstr
375 *
376 * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the first
377 * n characters of the big one. It returns null if either string is null. It
378 * returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
379 */
381 PR_EXTERN(char *)
382 PL_strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 n);
384 /*
385 * PL_strnrstr
386 *
387 * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the first
388 * n characters of the big one. It returns null if either string is null. It
389 * returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
390 */
392 PR_EXTERN(char *)
393 PL_strnrstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max);
395 /*
396 * PL_strcasestr
397 *
398 * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the big one,
399 * ignoring case. It returns null if either string is null.
400 */
402 PR_EXTERN(char *)
403 PL_strcasestr(const char *big, const char *little);
405 /*
406 * PL_strcaserstr
407 *
408 * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the big one,
409 * ignoring case. It returns null if either string is null.
410 */
412 PR_EXTERN(char *)
413 PL_strcaserstr(const char *big, const char *little);
415 /*
416 * PL_strncasestr
417 *
418 * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the listtle string within the first
419 * n characters of the big one, ignoring case. It returns null if either string is
420 * null. It returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
421 */
423 PR_EXTERN(char *)
424 PL_strncasestr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max);
426 /*
427 * PL_strncaserstr
428 *
429 * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the first
430 * n characters of the big one, ignoring case. It returns null if either string is
431 * null. It returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
432 */
434 PR_EXTERN(char *)
435 PL_strncaserstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max);
437 /*
438 * PL_strtok_r
439 *
440 * Splits the string s1 into tokens, separated by one or more characters
441 * from the separator string s2. The argument lasts points to a
442 * user-supplied char * pointer in which PL_strtok_r stores information
443 * for it to continue scanning the same string.
444 *
445 * In the first call to PL_strtok_r, s1 points to a string and the value
446 * of *lasts is ignored. PL_strtok_r returns a pointer to the first
447 * token, writes '\0' into the character following the first token, and
448 * updates *lasts.
449 *
450 * In subsequent calls, s1 is null and lasts must stay unchanged from the
451 * previous call. The separator string s2 may be different from call to
452 * call. PL_strtok_r returns a pointer to the next token in s1. When no
453 * token remains in s1, PL_strtok_r returns null.
454 */
456 PR_EXTERN(char *)
457 PL_strtok_r(char *s1, const char *s2, char **lasts);
459 /*
460 * Things not (yet?) included: strspn/strcspn, strsep.
461 * memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memccpy, index, rindex, bcmp, bcopy, bzero.
462 * Any and all i18n/l10n stuff.
463 */
467 #endif /* _plstr_h */