]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_authorization/lib/AuthorizationPriv.h
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_authorization / lib / AuthorizationPriv.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004,2011-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
25 /*
26 * AuthorizationPriv.h -- Authorization SPIs
27 * Private APIs for implementing access control in applications and daemons.
28 *
29 */
34 #include <Security/Authorization.h>
35 #include <Security/AuthSession.h>
36 #include <sys/types.h> // uid_t
37 #include <mach/message.h>
39 #if defined(__cplusplus)
40 extern "C" {
41 #endif
44 /*!
45 @header AuthorizationPriv
46 Version 1.1 04/2003
48 This header contains private APIs for authorization services.
49 This is the private extension of <Security/Authorization.h>, a public header file.
50 */
52 /*!
53 @enum Private (for now) AuthorizationFlags
54 */
55 enum {
56 kAuthorizationFlagLeastPrivileged = (1 << 5),
57 kAuthorizationFlagSheet = (1 << 6),
58 kAuthorizationFlagIgnorePasswordOnly = (1 << 7),
59 kAuthorizationFlagIgnoreDarkWake = (1 << 8),
60 };
62 /*!
63 @function AuthorizationCreateWithAuditToken
64 @abstract Create a AuthorizationRef for the process that sent the mach message
65 represented by the audit token. Requires root.
66 @param token The audit token of a mach message
67 @param environment (input/optional) An AuthorizationItemSet containing environment state used when making the autorization decision. See the AuthorizationEnvironment type for details.
68 @param flags (input) options specified by the AuthorizationFlags enum. set all unused bits to zero to allow for future expansion.
69 @param authorization (output) A pointer to an AuthorizationRef to be returned. When the returned AuthorizationRef is no longer needed AuthorizationFree should be called to prevent anyone from using the acquired rights.
71 @result errAuthorizationSuccess 0 authorization or all requested rights succeeded.
73 errAuthorizationDenied -60005 The authorization for one or more of the requested rights was denied.
74 */
76 OSStatus AuthorizationCreateWithAuditToken(audit_token_t token,
77 const AuthorizationEnvironment * _Nullable environment,
78 AuthorizationFlags flags,
79 AuthorizationRef _Nullable * _Nonnull authorization);
81 /*!
82 @function AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalForm
83 Run an executable tool with enhanced privileges after passing
84 suitable authorization procedures.
86 @param extForm authorization in external form that is used to authorize
87 access to the enhanced privileges. It is also passed to the tool for
88 further access control.
89 @param pathToTool Full pathname to the tool that should be executed
90 with enhanced privileges.
91 @param flags Option bits (reserved). Must be zero.
92 @param arguments An argv-style vector of strings to be passed to the tool.
93 @param communicationsPipe Assigned a UNIX stdio FILE pointer for
94 a bidirectional pipe to communicate with the tool. The tool will have
95 this pipe as its standard I/O channels (stdin/stdout). If NULL, do not
96 establish a communications pipe.
98 @discussion This function has been deprecated and should no longer be used.
99 Use a launchd-launched helper tool and/or the Service Mangement framework
100 for this functionality.
101 */
103 OSStatus AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalForm(const AuthorizationExternalForm * _Nonnull extForm,
104 const char * _Nonnull pathToTool,
105 AuthorizationFlags flags,
106 char * _Nonnull const * _Nonnull arguments,
107 FILE * _Nullable * _Nonnull communicationsPipe) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1,__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_NA,__IPHONE_NA);
109 /*!
110 @function AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges
111 Run an executable tool with enhanced privileges after passing
112 suitable authorization procedures.
113 @param authorization An authorization reference that is used to authorize
114 access to the enhanced privileges. It is also passed to the tool for
115 further access control.
116 @param pathToTool Full pathname to the tool that should be executed
117 with enhanced privileges.
118 @param options Option bits (reserved). Must be zero.
119 @param arguments An argv-style vector of strings to be passed to the tool.
120 @param communicationsPipe Assigned a UNIX stdio FILE pointer for
121 a bidirectional pipe to communicate with the tool. The tool will have
122 this pipe as its standard I/O channels (stdin/stdout). If NULL, do not
123 establish a communications pipe.
125 @discussion This function has been deprecated and should no longer be used.
126 Use a launchd-launched helper tool and/or the Service Mangement framework
127 for this functionality.
128 */
129 OSStatus AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(AuthorizationRef _Nonnull authorization,
130 const char * _Nonnull pathToTool,
131 AuthorizationFlags options,
132 char * __nonnull const * __nonnull arguments,
133 FILE * __nullable * __nullable communicationsPipe) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1,__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_NA,__IPHONE_NA);
135 /*!
136 @function AuthorizationPreauthorizeCredentials
137 Tries to preauthorize provided credentials by authorizationhost PAM. No user interface will be shown.
138 Credentials is set of the context items which will be passed to the authorizationhost.
139 */
140 OSStatus AuthorizationPreauthorizeCredentials(AuthorizationRef _Nonnull authorization,
141 const AuthorizationItemSet * __nonnull credentials) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_3, __IPHONE_NA);
143 /*!
144 @function AuthorizationCopyPrivilegedReference
145 From within a tool launched via the AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges function
146 ONLY, retrieve the AuthorizationRef originally passed to that function.
147 While AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges already verified the authorization to
148 launch your tool, the tool may want to avail itself of any additional pre-authorizations
149 the caller may have obtained through that reference.
151 @discussion This function has been deprecated and should no longer be used.
152 Use a launchd-launched helper tool and/or the Service Mangement framework
153 for this functionality.
154 */
155 OSStatus AuthorizationCopyPrivilegedReference(AuthorizationRef __nullable * __nonnull authorization,
156 AuthorizationFlags flags) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1,__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_NA,__IPHONE_NA);
158 /*
159 @function AuthorizationDismiss
160 @abstract Dismisses all Authorization dialogs associated to the calling process.
161 Any active authorization requests will be canceled and return errAuthorizationDenied
162 */
164 OSStatus AuthorizationDismiss(void);
166 /*!
167 @function SessionSetDistinguishedUser
168 This function allows the creator of a (new) security session to associate an arbitrary
169 UNIX user identity (uid) with the session. This uid can be retrieved with
170 SessionGetDistinguishedUser by anyone who knows the session's id, and may also
171 be used by the system for identification (but not authentication) purposes.
173 This call can only be made by the process that created the session, and only
174 once.
176 This is a private API, and is subject to change.
178 @param session (input) Session-id for which to set the uid. Can be one of the
179 special constants defined in AuthSession.h.
180 @param user (input) The uid to set.
181 */
182 OSStatus SessionSetDistinguishedUser(SecuritySessionId session, uid_t user);
185 /*!
186 @function SessionGetDistinguishedUser
187 Retrieves the distinguished uid of a session as set by the session creator
188 using the SessionSetDistinguishedUser call.
190 @param session (input) Session-id for which to set the uid. Can be one of the
191 special constants defined in AuthSession.h.
192 @param user (output) Will receive the uid. Unchanged on error.
193 */
194 OSStatus SessionGetDistinguishedUser(SecuritySessionId session, uid_t * _Nonnull user);
196 /*!
197 @function SessionSetUserPreferences
198 Set preferences from current application context for session (for use during agent interactions).
200 @param session (input) Session-id for which to set the user preferences. Can be one of the special constants defined in AuthSession.h.
201 */
202 OSStatus SessionSetUserPreferences(SecuritySessionId session);
205 /*!
206 @function AuthorizationEnableSmartCard
207 Enable or disable system login using smartcard or get current status.
209 @param authRef (input) The authorization object on which this operation is performed.
210 @param enable (input) desired smartcard login support state, TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable
211 */
212 OSStatus AuthorizationEnableSmartCard(AuthorizationRef _Nonnull authRef, Boolean enable);
214 /*!
215 @function AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesInternal
216 Run an executable tool with enhanced privileges after passing
217 suitable authorization procedures. Allows better control and communication
218 with privileged tool.
220 @param authorization An authorization reference that is used to authorize
221 access to the enhanced privileges. It is also passed to the tool for
222 further access control.
223 @param pathToTool Full pathname to the tool that should be executed
224 with enhanced privileges.
225 @param arguments An argv-style vector of strings to be passed to the tool.
226 @param newProcessPid (output, optional) PID of privileged process is stored here.
227 @param uid Desired UID under which privileged tool should be running.
228 @param stdOut File descriptor of the pipe which should be used to receive stdout from the privileged tool, use -1 if not needed.
229 @param stdErr File descriptor of the pipe which should be used to receive stderr from the privileged tool, use -1 if not needed.
230 @param stdIn File descriptor which will contain write-end of the stdin pipe of the privileged tool, use -1 if not needed.
231 @param processFinished This block is called when privileged process finishes.
232 */
233 OSStatus AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesInternal(const AuthorizationRef _Nonnull authorization,
234 const char * _Nonnull pathToTool,
235 const char * _Nonnull const * _Nonnull arguments,
236 pid_t * _Nullable newProcessPid,
237 const uid_t uid,
238 int stdOut,
239 int stdErr,
240 int stdIn,
241 void(^__nullable processFinished)(const int exitStatus));
243 /*!
244 @function AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalFormInternal
245 Run an executable tool with enhanced privileges after passing
246 suitable authorization procedures. Allows better control and communication
247 with privileged tool.
249 @param extAuthorization authorization in external form that is used to authorize
250 access to the enhanced privileges. It is also passed to the tool for
251 further access control.
252 @param pathToTool Full pathname to the tool that should be executed
253 with enhanced privileges.
254 @param arguments An argv-style vector of strings to be passed to the tool.
255 @param newProcessPid (output, optional) PID of privileged process is stored here.
256 @param uid Desired UID under which privileged tool should be running.
257 @param stdOut File descriptor of the pipe which should be used to receive stdout from the privileged tool, use -1 if not needed.
258 @param stdErr File descriptor of the pipe which should be used to receive stderr from the privileged tool, use -1 if not needed.
259 @param stdIn File descriptor which will contain write-end of the stdin pipe of the privileged tool, use -1 if not needed.
260 @param processFinished This block is called when privileged process finishes.
261 */
262 OSStatus AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalFormInternal(const AuthorizationExternalForm * _Nonnull extAuthorization,
263 const char * _Nonnull pathToTool,
264 const char * _Nullable const * _Nullable arguments,
265 pid_t * _Nullable newProcessPid,
266 const uid_t uid,
267 int stdOut,
268 int stdErr,
269 int stdIn,
270 void(^__nullable processFinished)(const int exitStatus));
271 #if defined(__cplusplus)
272 }
273 #endif