]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_smime/lib/cmsdigest.c
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_smime / lib / cmsdigest.c
1 /*
2 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
3 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
4 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5 * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
6 *
7 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
8 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
9 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
10 * rights and limitations under the License.
11 *
12 * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
13 *
14 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
15 * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
16 * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
17 * Rights Reserved.
18 *
19 * Contributor(s):
20 *
21 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
22 * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
23 * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
24 * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
25 * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
26 * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
27 * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
28 * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
29 * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
30 * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
31 * GPL.
32 */
34 /*
35 * CMS digesting.
36 */
38 #include "cmslocal.h"
40 #include "secitem.h"
41 #include "secoid.h"
43 #include <security_asn1/secerr.h>
44 #include <Security/cssmapi.h>
46 #include <Security/SecCmsDigestContext.h>
48 /* Return the maximum value between S and T */
49 #define MAX(S, T) ({__typeof__(S) _max_s = S; __typeof__(T) _max_t = T; _max_s > _max_t ? _max_s : _max_t;})
51 struct SecCmsDigestContextStr {
52 Boolean saw_contents;
53 int digcnt;
54 CSSM_CC_HANDLE * digobjs;
55 };
57 /*
58 * SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple - start digest calculation using all the
59 * digest algorithms in "digestalgs" in parallel.
60 */
61 SecCmsDigestContextRef
62 SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple(SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs)
63 {
64 SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx;
65 CSSM_CC_HANDLE digobj;
66 int digcnt;
67 int i;
69 digcnt = (digestalgs == NULL) ? 0 : SecCmsArrayCount((void **)digestalgs);
71 cmsdigcx = (SecCmsDigestContextRef)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(struct SecCmsDigestContextStr));
72 if (cmsdigcx == NULL)
73 return NULL;
75 if (digcnt > 0) {
76 /* Security check to prevent under-allocation */
77 if (digcnt >= (int)(INT_MAX/sizeof(CSSM_CC_HANDLE))) {
78 goto loser;
79 }
80 cmsdigcx->digobjs = (CSSM_CC_HANDLE *)PORT_ZAlloc(digcnt * sizeof(CSSM_CC_HANDLE));
81 if (cmsdigcx->digobjs == NULL)
82 goto loser;
83 }
85 cmsdigcx->digcnt = 0;
87 /*
88 * Create a digest object context for each algorithm.
89 */
90 for (i = 0; i < digcnt; i++) {
91 digobj = SecCmsUtilGetHashObjByAlgID(digestalgs[i]);
92 /*
93 * Skip any algorithm we do not even recognize; obviously,
94 * this could be a problem, but if it is critical then the
95 * result will just be that the signature does not verify.
96 * We do not necessarily want to error out here, because
97 * the particular algorithm may not actually be important,
98 * but we cannot know that until later.
99 */
100 if (digobj)
101 {
102 CSSM_RETURN result;
103 result = CSSM_DigestDataInit(digobj);
104 if (result != CSSM_OK)
105 {
106 goto loser;
107 }
108 }
110 cmsdigcx->digobjs[cmsdigcx->digcnt] = digobj;
111 cmsdigcx->digcnt++;
112 }
114 cmsdigcx->saw_contents = PR_FALSE;
116 return cmsdigcx;
118 loser:
119 if (cmsdigcx) {
120 if (cmsdigcx->digobjs) {
121 PORT_Free(cmsdigcx->digobjs);
122 cmsdigcx->digobjs = NULL;
123 cmsdigcx->digcnt = 0;
124 }
125 }
126 return NULL;
127 }
129 /*
130 * SecCmsDigestContextStartSingle - same as SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple, but
131 * only one algorithm.
132 */
133 SecCmsDigestContextRef
134 SecCmsDigestContextStartSingle(SECAlgorithmID *digestalg)
135 {
136 SECAlgorithmID *digestalgs[] = { NULL, NULL }; /* fake array */
138 digestalgs[0] = digestalg;
139 return SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple(digestalgs);
140 }
142 /*
143 * SecCmsDigestContextUpdate - feed more data into the digest machine
144 */
145 void
146 SecCmsDigestContextUpdate(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx, const unsigned char *data, size_t len)
147 {
148 CSSM_DATA dataBuf;
149 int i;
151 dataBuf.Length = len;
152 dataBuf.Data = (uint8 *)data;
153 cmsdigcx->saw_contents = PR_TRUE;
154 for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++)
155 if (cmsdigcx->digobjs && cmsdigcx->digobjs[i])
156 CSSM_DigestDataUpdate(cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], &dataBuf, 1);
157 }
159 /*
160 * SecCmsDigestContextCancel - cancel digesting operation
161 */
162 void
163 SecCmsDigestContextCancel(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx)
164 {
165 int i;
167 for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++)
168 if (cmsdigcx->digobjs && cmsdigcx->digobjs[i]) {
169 CSSM_DeleteContext(cmsdigcx->digobjs[i]);
170 cmsdigcx->digobjs[i] = 0;
171 }
172 }
174 /*
175 * SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple - finish the digests and put them
176 * into an array of CSSM_DATAs (allocated on poolp)
177 */
178 OSStatus
179 SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx, SecArenaPoolRef poolp,
180 CSSM_DATA_PTR **digestsp)
181 {
182 CSSM_CC_HANDLE digobj;
183 CSSM_DATA_PTR *digests, digest;
184 int i;
185 void *mark;
186 OSStatus rv = SECFailure;
188 /* no contents? do not update digests */
189 if (digestsp == NULL || !cmsdigcx->saw_contents) {
190 for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++)
191 if (cmsdigcx->digobjs && cmsdigcx->digobjs[i]) {
192 CSSM_DeleteContext(cmsdigcx->digobjs[i]);
193 cmsdigcx->digobjs[i] = 0;
194 }
195 rv = SECSuccess;
196 if (digestsp)
197 *digestsp = NULL;
198 goto cleanup;
199 }
201 mark = PORT_ArenaMark ((PLArenaPool *)poolp);
203 /* Security check to prevent under-allocation */
204 if (cmsdigcx->digcnt >= (int)((INT_MAX/(MAX(sizeof(CSSM_DATA_PTR),sizeof(CSSM_DATA))))-1)) {
205 goto loser;
206 }
207 /* allocate digest array & CSSM_DATAs on arena */
208 digests = (CSSM_DATA_PTR *)PORT_ArenaAlloc((PLArenaPool *)poolp, (cmsdigcx->digcnt+1) * sizeof(CSSM_DATA_PTR));
209 digest = (CSSM_DATA_PTR)PORT_ArenaZAlloc((PLArenaPool *)poolp, cmsdigcx->digcnt * sizeof(CSSM_DATA));
210 if (digests == NULL || digest == NULL) {
211 goto loser;
212 }
214 for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++, digest++) {
215 if (cmsdigcx->digobjs) {
216 digobj = cmsdigcx->digobjs[i];
217 } else {
218 digobj = 0;
219 }
222 rv = CSSM_QuerySize(digobj, CSSM_FALSE, 1, &dataSize);
223 if (rv != CSSM_OK)
224 {
225 goto loser;
226 }
228 int diglength = dataSize.SizeOutputBlock;
230 if (digobj)
231 {
232 digest->Data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc((PLArenaPool *)poolp, diglength);
233 if (digest->Data == NULL)
234 goto loser;
235 digest->Length = diglength;
236 rv = CSSM_DigestDataFinal(digobj, digest);
237 if (rv != CSSM_OK)
238 {
239 goto loser;
240 }
242 CSSM_DeleteContext(digobj);
243 cmsdigcx->digobjs[i] = 0;
244 }
245 else
246 {
247 digest->Data = NULL;
248 digest->Length = 0;
249 }
251 digests[i] = digest;
252 }
253 digests[i] = NULL;
254 *digestsp = digests;
256 rv = SECSuccess;
258 loser:
259 if (rv == SECSuccess)
260 PORT_ArenaUnmark((PLArenaPool *)poolp, mark);
261 else
262 PORT_ArenaRelease((PLArenaPool *)poolp, mark);
264 cleanup:
265 if (cmsdigcx->digcnt > 0) {
266 SecCmsDigestContextCancel(cmsdigcx);
267 PORT_Free(cmsdigcx->digobjs);
268 cmsdigcx->digobjs = NULL;
269 cmsdigcx->digcnt = 0;
270 }
271 PORT_Free(cmsdigcx);
273 return rv;
274 }
276 /*
277 * SecCmsDigestContextFinishSingle - same as SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple,
278 * but for one digest.
279 */
280 OSStatus
281 SecCmsDigestContextFinishSingle(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx, SecArenaPoolRef poolp,
282 CSSM_DATA_PTR digest)
283 {
284 OSStatus rv = SECFailure;
285 CSSM_DATA_PTR *dp;
286 PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
288 if ((arena = PORT_NewArena(1024)) == NULL)
289 goto loser;
291 /* get the digests into arena, then copy the first digest into poolp */
292 if (SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple(cmsdigcx, (SecArenaPoolRef)arena, &dp) != SECSuccess)
293 goto loser;
295 /* now copy it into poolp */
296 if (SECITEM_CopyItem((PLArenaPool *)poolp, digest, dp[0]) != SECSuccess)
297 goto loser;
299 rv = SECSuccess;
301 loser:
302 if (arena)
303 PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
305 return rv;
306 }