]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_codesigning/lib/SecStaticCode.h
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_codesigning / lib / SecStaticCode.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2006,2011-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /*!
25 @header SecStaticCode
26 SecStaticCode represents the Code Signing identity of code in the file system.
27 This includes applications, tools, frameworks, plugins, scripts, and so on.
28 Note that arbitrary files will be considered scripts of unknown provenance;
29 and thus it is possible to handle most files as if they were code, though that is
30 not necessarily a good idea.
32 Normally, each SecCode has a specific SecStaticCode that holds its static signing
33 data. Informally, that is the SecStaticCode the SecCode "was made from" (by its host).
34 There is however no viable link in the other direction - given a SecStaticCode,
35 it is not possible to find, enumerate, or control any SecCode that originated from it.
36 There might not be any at a given point in time; or there might be many.
37 */
41 #include <Security/CSCommon.h>
43 #ifdef __cplusplus
44 extern "C" {
45 #endif
49 /*!
50 @function SecStaticCodeGetTypeID
51 Returns the type identifier of all SecStaticCode instances.
52 */
53 CFTypeID SecStaticCodeGetTypeID(void);
56 /*!
57 @function SecStaticCodeCreateWithPath
58 Given a path to a file system object, create a SecStaticCode object representing
59 the code at that location, if possible. Such a SecStaticCode is not inherently
60 linked to running code in the system.
62 It is possible to create a SecStaticCode object from an unsigned code object.
63 Most uses of such an object will return the errSecCSUnsigned error. However,
64 SecCodeCopyPath and SecCodeCopySigningInformation can be safely applied to such objects.
66 @param path A path to a location in the file system. Only file:// URLs are
67 currently supported. For bundles, pass a URL to the root directory of the
68 bundle. For single files, pass a URL to the file. If you pass a URL to the
69 main executable of a bundle, the bundle as a whole will be generally recognized.
70 Caution: Paths containing embedded // or /../ within a bundle's directory
71 may cause the bundle to be misconstrued. If you expect to submit such paths,
72 first clean them with realpath(3) or equivalent.
73 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
74 @param staticCode On successful return, contains a reference to the StaticCode object
75 representing the code at path. Unchanged on error.
76 @result Upon success, errSecSuccess. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
77 CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
78 */
79 OSStatus SecStaticCodeCreateWithPath(CFURLRef path, SecCSFlags flags, SecStaticCodeRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED staticCode);
81 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeAttributeArchitecture;
82 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeAttributeSubarchitecture;
83 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeAttributeUniversalFileOffset;
84 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeAttributeBundleVersion;
86 /*!
87 @function SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes
88 Given a path to a file system object, create a SecStaticCode object representing
89 the code at that location, if possible. Such a SecStaticCode is not inherently
90 linked to running code in the system.
92 It is possible to create a SecStaticCode object from an unsigned code object.
93 Most uses of such an object will return the errSecCSUnsigned error. However,
94 SecCodeCopyPath and SecCodeCopySigningInformation can be safely applied to such objects.
96 @param path A path to a location in the file system. Only file:// URLs are
97 currently supported. For bundles, pass a URL to the root directory of the
98 bundle. For single files, pass a URL to the file. If you pass a URL to the
99 main executable of a bundle, the bundle as a whole will be generally recognized.
100 Caution: Paths containing embedded // or /../ within a bundle's directory
101 may cause the bundle to be misconstrued. If you expect to submit such paths,
102 first clean them with realpath(3) or equivalent.
103 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
104 @param attributes A CFDictionary containing additional attributes of the code sought.
105 @param staticCode On successful return, contains a reference to the StaticCode object
106 representing the code at path. Unchanged on error.
107 @result Upon success, errSecSuccess. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
108 CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
110 @constant kSecCodeAttributeArchitecture Specifies the Mach-O architecture of code desired.
111 This can be a CFString containing a canonical architecture name ("i386" etc.), or a CFNumber
112 specifying an architecture numerically (see mach/machine.h). This key is ignored if the code
113 is not in Mach-O binary form. If the code is Mach-O but not universal ("thin"), the architecture
114 specified must agree with the actual file contents.
115 @constant kSecCodeAttributeSubarchitecture If the architecture is specified numerically
116 (using the kSecCodeAttributeArchitecture key), specifies any sub-architecture by number.
117 This key is ignored if no main architecture is specified; if it is specified by name; or
118 if the code is not in Mach-O form.
119 @constant kSecCodeAttributeUniversalFileOffset The offset of a Mach-O specific slice of a universal Mach-O file.
120 */
121 OSStatus SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(CFURLRef path, SecCSFlags flags, CFDictionaryRef attributes,
122 SecStaticCodeRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED staticCode);
125 /*!
126 @function SecStaticCodeCheckValidity
127 Performs static validation on the given SecStaticCode object. The call obtains and
128 verifies the signature on the code object. It checks the validity of all
129 sealed components (including resources, if any). It validates the code against
130 a SecRequirement if one is given. The call succeeds if all these conditions
131 are satisfactory. It fails otherwise.
133 This call is only secure if the code is not subject to concurrent modification,
134 and the outcome is only valid as long as the code is unmodified thereafter.
135 Consider this carefully if the underlying file system has dynamic characteristics,
136 such as a network file system, union mount, FUSE, etc.
138 @param staticCode The code object to be validated.
139 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
141 @constant kSecCSCheckAllArchitectures
142 For multi-architecture (universal) Mach-O programs, validate all architectures
143 included. By default, only the native architecture is validated.
144 @constant kSecCSNoDnotValidateExecutable
145 Do not validate the contents of the main executable. This is normally done.
146 @constant kSecCSNoNotValidateResources
147 Do not validate the presence and contents of all bundle resources (if any).
148 By default, a mismatch in any bundle resource causes validation to fail.
149 @constant kSecCSCheckNestedCode
150 For code in bundle form, locate and recursively check embedded code. Only code
151 in standard locations is considered.
152 @constant kSecCSStrictValidate
153 For code in bundle form, perform additional checks to verify that the bundle
154 is not structured in a way that would allow tampering, and reject any resource
155 envelope that introduces weaknesses into the signature.
157 @param requirement On optional code requirement specifying additional conditions
158 the staticCode object must satisfy to be considered valid. If NULL, no additional
159 requirements are imposed.
160 @param errors An optional pointer to a CFErrorRef variable. If the call fails
161 (something other than errSecSuccess is returned), and this argument is non-NULL,
162 a CFErrorRef is stored there further describing the nature and circumstances
163 of the failure. The caller must CFRelease() this error object when done with it.
164 @result If validation succeeds, errSecSuccess. If validation fails, an OSStatus value
165 documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
166 */
167 CF_ENUM(uint32_t) {
168 kSecCSCheckAllArchitectures = 1 << 0,
169 kSecCSDoNotValidateExecutable = 1 << 1,
170 kSecCSDoNotValidateResources = 1 << 2,
171 kSecCSBasicValidateOnly = kSecCSDoNotValidateExecutable | kSecCSDoNotValidateResources,
172 kSecCSCheckNestedCode = 1 << 3,
173 kSecCSStrictValidate = 1 << 4,
174 kSecCSFullReport = 1 << 5,
175 kSecCSCheckGatekeeperArchitectures = (1 << 6) | kSecCSCheckAllArchitectures,
176 kSecCSRestrictSymlinks = 1 << 7,
177 kSecCSRestrictToAppLike = 1 << 8,
178 kSecCSRestrictSidebandData = 1 << 9,
179 };
181 OSStatus SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(SecStaticCodeRef staticCode, SecCSFlags flags,
182 SecRequirementRef __nullable requirement);
184 OSStatus SecStaticCodeCheckValidityWithErrors(SecStaticCodeRef staticCode, SecCSFlags flags,
185 SecRequirementRef __nullable requirement, CFErrorRef *errors);
189 #ifdef __cplusplus
190 }
191 #endif
193 #endif //_H_SECSTATICCODE