]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_codesigning/lib/CSCommon.h
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_codesigning / lib / CSCommon.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /*!
25 @header CSCommon
26 CSCommon is the common header of all Code Signing API headers.
27 It defines types, constants, and error codes.
28 */
29 #ifndef _H_CSCOMMON
30 #define _H_CSCOMMON
32 #ifdef __cplusplus
33 extern "C" {
34 #endif
36 #include <stdint.h>
37 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
41 /*
42 Code Signing specific OSStatus codes.
43 [Assigned range 0xFFFE_FAxx].
44 */
45 CF_ENUM(OSStatus) {
46 errSecCSUnimplemented = -67072, /* unimplemented code signing feature */
47 errSecCSInvalidObjectRef = -67071, /* invalid API object reference */
48 errSecCSInvalidFlags = -67070, /* invalid or inappropriate API flag(s) specified */
49 errSecCSObjectRequired = -67069, /* a required pointer argument was NULL */
50 errSecCSStaticCodeNotFound = -67068, /* cannot find code object on disk */
51 errSecCSUnsupportedGuestAttributes = -67067, /* cannot locate guests using this attribute set */
52 errSecCSInvalidAttributeValues = -67066, /* given attribute values are invalid */
53 errSecCSNoSuchCode = -67065, /* host has no guest with the requested attributes */
54 errSecCSMultipleGuests = -67064, /* ambiguous guest specification (host has multiple guests with these attribute values) */
55 errSecCSGuestInvalid = -67063, /* code identity has been invalidated */
56 errSecCSUnsigned = -67062, /* code object is not signed at all */
57 errSecCSSignatureFailed = -67061, /* invalid signature (code or signature have been modified) */
58 errSecCSSignatureNotVerifiable = -67060, /* the code cannot be read by the verifier (file system permissions etc.) */
59 errSecCSSignatureUnsupported = -67059, /* unsupported type or version of signature */
60 errSecCSBadDictionaryFormat = -67058, /* a required plist file or resource is malformed */
61 errSecCSResourcesNotSealed = -67057, /* resources are present but not sealed by signature */
62 errSecCSResourcesNotFound = -67056, /* code has no resources but signature indicates they must be present */
63 errSecCSResourcesInvalid = -67055, /* the sealed resource directory is invalid */
64 errSecCSBadResource = -67054, /* a sealed resource is missing or invalid */
65 errSecCSResourceRulesInvalid = -67053, /* invalid resource specification rule(s) */
66 errSecCSReqInvalid = -67052, /* invalid or corrupted code requirement(s) */
67 errSecCSReqUnsupported = -67051, /* unsupported type or version of code requirement(s) */
68 errSecCSReqFailed = -67050, /* code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s) */
69 errSecCSBadObjectFormat = -67049, /* object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable */
70 errSecCSInternalError = -67048, /* internal error in Code Signing subsystem */
71 errSecCSHostReject = -67047, /* code rejected its host */
72 errSecCSNotAHost = -67046, /* attempt to specify guest of code that is not a host */
73 errSecCSSignatureInvalid = -67045, /* invalid or unsupported format for signature */
74 errSecCSHostProtocolRelativePath = -67044, /* host protocol violation - absolute guest path required */
75 errSecCSHostProtocolContradiction = -67043, /* host protocol violation - contradictory hosting modes */
76 errSecCSHostProtocolDedicationError = -67042, /* host protocol violation - operation not allowed with/for a dedicated guest */
77 errSecCSHostProtocolNotProxy = -67041, /* host protocol violation - proxy hosting not engaged */
78 errSecCSHostProtocolStateError = -67040, /* host protocol violation - invalid guest state change request */
79 errSecCSHostProtocolUnrelated = -67039, /* host protocol violation - the given guest is not a guest of the given host */
80 /* -67038 obsolete (no longer issued) */
81 errSecCSNotSupported = -67037, /* operation inapplicable or not supported for this type of code */
82 errSecCSCMSTooLarge = -67036, /* signature too large to embed (size limitation of on-disk representation) */
83 errSecCSHostProtocolInvalidHash = -67035, /* host protocol violation - invalid guest hash */
84 errSecCSStaticCodeChanged = -67034, /* the code on disk does not match what is running */
85 errSecCSDBDenied = -67033, /* permission to use a database denied */
86 errSecCSDBAccess = -67032, /* cannot access a database */
87 errSecCSSigDBDenied = errSecCSDBDenied,
88 errSecCSSigDBAccess = errSecCSDBAccess,
89 errSecCSHostProtocolInvalidAttribute = -67031, /* host returned invalid or inconsistent guest attributes */
90 errSecCSInfoPlistFailed = -67030, /* invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified) */
91 errSecCSNoMainExecutable = -67029, /* the code has no main executable file */
92 errSecCSBadBundleFormat = -67028, /* bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable */
93 errSecCSNoMatches = -67027, /* no matches for search or update operation */
94 errSecCSFileHardQuarantined = -67026, /* File created by an AppSandbox, exec/open not allowed */
95 errSecCSOutdated = -67025, /* presented data is out of date */
96 errSecCSDbCorrupt = -67024, /* a system database or file is corrupt */
97 errSecCSResourceDirectoryFailed = -67023, /* invalid resource directory (directory or signature have been modified) */
98 errSecCSUnsignedNestedCode = -67022, /* nested code is unsigned */
99 errSecCSBadNestedCode = -67021, /* nested code is modified or invalid */
100 errSecCSBadCallbackValue = -67020, /* monitor callback returned invalid value */
101 errSecCSHelperFailed = -67019, /* the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used */
102 errSecCSVetoed = -67018,
103 errSecCSBadLVArch = -67017, /* library validation flag cannot be used with an i386 binary */
104 errSecCSResourceNotSupported = -67016, /* unsupported resource found (something not a directory, file or symlink) */
105 errSecCSRegularFile = -67015, /* the main executable or Info.plist must be a regular file (no symlinks, etc.) */
106 errSecCSUnsealedAppRoot = -67014, /* unsealed contents present in the bundle root */
107 errSecCSWeakResourceRules = -67013, /* resource envelope is obsolete (custom omit rules) */
108 errSecCSDSStoreSymlink = -67012, /* .DS_Store files cannot be a symlink */
109 errSecCSAmbiguousBundleFormat = -67011, /* bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework) */
110 errSecCSBadMainExecutable = -67010, /* main executable failed strict validation */
111 errSecCSBadFrameworkVersion = -67009, /* embedded framework contains modified or invalid version */
112 errSecCSUnsealedFrameworkRoot = -67008, /* unsealed contents present in the root directory of an embedded framework */
113 errSecCSWeakResourceEnvelope = -67007, /* resource envelope is obsolete (version 1 signature) */
114 errSecCSCancelled = -67006, /* operation was terminated by explicit cancellation */
115 errSecCSInvalidPlatform = -67005, /* invalid platform identifier or platform mismatch */
116 errSecCSTooBig = -67004, /* code is too big for current signing format */
117 errSecCSInvalidSymlink = -67003, /* invalid destination for symbolic link in bundle */
118 errSecCSNotAppLike = -67002, /* the code is valid but does not seem to be an app */
119 errSecCSBadDiskImageFormat = -67001, /* disk image format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable */
120 errSecCSUnsupportedDigestAlgorithm = -67000, /* signature digest algorithm(s) specified are not supported */
121 errSecCSInvalidAssociatedFileData = -66999, /* resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed */
122 errSecCSInvalidTeamIdentifier = -66998, /* a Team Identifier string is invalid */
123 errSecCSBadTeamIdentifier = -66997, /* a Team Identifier is wrong or inappropriate */
124 };
126 /*
127 * Code Signing specific CFError "user info" keys.
128 * In calls that can return CFErrorRef indications, if a CFErrorRef is actually
129 * returned, its "user info" dictionary may contain some of the following keys
130 * to more closely describe the circumstances of the failure.
131 * Do not rely on the presence of any particular key to categorize a problem;
132 * always use the primary OSStatus return for that. The data contained under
133 * these keys is always supplemental and optional.
134 */
135 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorArchitecture; /* CFStringRef: name of architecture causing the problem */
136 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorPattern; /* CFStringRef: invalid resource selection pattern encountered */
137 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorResourceSeal; /* CFTypeRef: invalid component in resource seal (CodeResources) */
138 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorResourceAdded; /* CFURLRef: unsealed resource found */
139 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorResourceAltered; /* CFURLRef: modified resource found */
140 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorResourceMissing; /* CFURLRef: sealed (non-optional) resource missing */
141 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorResourceSideband; /* CFURLRef: sealed resource has invalid sideband data (resource fork, etc.) */
142 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorInfoPlist; /* CFTypeRef: Info.plist dictionary or component thereof found invalid */
143 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorGuestAttributes; /* CFTypeRef: Guest attribute set of element not accepted */
144 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorRequirementSyntax; /* CFStringRef: compilation error for Requirement source */
145 extern const CFStringRef kSecCFErrorPath; /* CFURLRef: subcomponent containing the error */
147 /*!
148 @typedef SecCodeRef
149 This is the type of a reference to running code.
151 In many (but not all) calls, this can be passed to a SecStaticCodeRef
152 argument, which performs an implicit SecCodeCopyStaticCode call and
153 operates on the result.
154 */
155 typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __SecCode *SecCodeRef; /* running code */
157 /*!
158 @typedef SecStaticCodeRef
159 This is the type of a reference to static code on disk.
160 */
161 typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __SecCode const *SecStaticCodeRef; /* code on disk */
163 /*!
164 @typedef SecRequirementRef
165 This is the type of a reference to a code requirement.
166 */
167 typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __SecRequirement *SecRequirementRef; /* code requirement */
170 /*!
171 @typedef SecGuestRef
172 An abstract handle to identify a particular Guest in the context of its Host.
174 Guest handles are assigned by the host at will, with kSecNoGuest (zero) being
175 reserved as the null value. They can be reused for new children if desired.
176 */
177 typedef u_int32_t SecGuestRef;
179 CF_ENUM(SecGuestRef) {
180 kSecNoGuest = 0, /* not a valid SecGuestRef */
181 };
184 /*!
185 @typedef SecCSFlags
186 This is the type of flags arguments to Code Signing API calls.
187 It provides a bit mask of request and option flags. All of the bits in these
188 masks are reserved to Apple; if you set any bits not defined in these headers,
189 the behavior is generally undefined.
191 This list describes the flags that are shared among several Code Signing API calls.
192 Flags that only apply to one call are defined and documented with that call.
193 Global flags are assigned from high order down (31 -> 0); call-specific flags
194 are assigned from the bottom up (0 -> 31).
196 @constant kSecCSDefaultFlags
197 When passed to a flags argument throughout, indicates that default behavior
198 is desired. Do not mix with other flags values.
199 @constant kSecCSConsiderExpiration
200 When passed to a call that performs code validation, requests that code signatures
201 made by expired certificates be rejected. By default, expiration of participating
202 certificates is not automatic grounds for rejection.
203 */
204 typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SecCSFlags) {
205 kSecCSDefaultFlags = 0, /* no particular flags (default behavior) */
207 kSecCSConsiderExpiration = 1U << 31, /* consider expired certificates invalid */
208 kSecCSEnforceRevocationChecks = 1 << 30, /* force revocation checks regardless of preference settings */
209 kSecCSNoNetworkAccess = 1 << 29, /* do not use the network, cancels "kSecCSEnforceRevocationChecks" */
210 kSecCSReportProgress = 1 << 28, /* make progress report call-backs when configured */
211 kSecCSCheckTrustedAnchors = 1 << 27, /* build certificate chain to system trust anchors, not to any self-signed certificate */
212 kSecCSQuickCheck = 1 << 26, /* (internal) */
213 };
216 /*!
217 @typedef SecCodeSignatureFlags
218 This is the type of option flags that can be embedded in a code signature
219 during signing, and that govern the use of the signature thereafter.
220 Some of these flags can be set through the codesign(1) command's --options
221 argument; some are set implicitly based on signing circumstances; and all
222 can be set with the kSecCodeSignerFlags item of a signing information dictionary.
224 @constant kSecCodeSignatureHost
225 Indicates that the code may act as a host that controls and supervises guest
226 code. If this flag is not set in a code signature, the code is never considered
227 eligible to be a host, and any attempt to act like one will be ignored or rejected.
228 @constant kSecCodeSignatureAdhoc
229 The code has been sealed without a signing identity. No identity may be retrieved
230 from it, and any code requirement placing restrictions on the signing identity
231 will fail. This flag is set by the code signing API and cannot be set explicitly.
232 @constant kSecCodeSignatureForceHard
233 Implicitly set the "hard" status bit for the code when it starts running.
234 This bit indicates that the code prefers to be denied access to a resource
235 if gaining such access would cause its invalidation. Since the hard bit is
236 sticky, setting this option bit guarantees that the code will always have
237 it set.
238 @constant kSecCodeSignatureForceKill
239 Implicitly set the "kill" status bit for the code when it starts running.
240 This bit indicates that the code wishes to be terminated with prejudice if
241 it is ever invalidated. Since the kill bit is sticky, setting this option bit
242 guarantees that the code will always be dynamically valid, since it will die
243 immediately if it becomes invalid.
244 @constant kSecCodeSignatureForceExpiration
245 Forces the kSecCSConsiderExpiration flag on all validations of the code.
246 */
247 typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SecCodeSignatureFlags) {
248 kSecCodeSignatureHost = 0x0001, /* may host guest code */
249 kSecCodeSignatureAdhoc = 0x0002, /* must be used without signer */
250 kSecCodeSignatureForceHard = 0x0100, /* always set HARD mode on launch */
251 kSecCodeSignatureForceKill = 0x0200, /* always set KILL mode on launch */
252 kSecCodeSignatureForceExpiration = 0x0400, /* force certificate expiration checks */
253 kSecCodeSignatureRestrict = 0x0800, /* restrict dyld loading */
254 kSecCodeSignatureEnforcement = 0x1000, /* enforce code signing */
255 kSecCodeSignatureLibraryValidation = 0x2000, /* library validation required */
256 };
259 /*!
260 @typedef SecCodeStatus
261 The code signing system attaches a set of status flags to each running code.
262 These flags are maintained by the code's host, and can be read by anyone.
263 A code may change its own flags, a host may change its guests' flags,
264 and root may change anyone's flags. However, these flags are sticky in that
265 each can change in only one direction (and never back, for the lifetime of the code).
266 Not even root can violate this restriction.
268 There are other flags in SecCodeStatus that are not publicly documented.
269 Do not rely on them, and do not ever attempt to explicitly set them.
271 @constant kSecCodeStatusValid
272 Indicates that the code is dynamically valid, i.e. it started correctly
273 and has not been invalidated since then. The valid bit can only be cleared.
275 Warning: This bit is not your one-stop shortcut to determining the validity of code.
276 It represents the dynamic component of the full validity function; if this
277 bit is unset, the code is definitely invalid, but the converse is not always true.
278 In fact, code hosts may represent the outcome of some delayed static validation work in this bit,
279 and thus it strictly represents a blend of (all of) dynamic and (some of) static validity,
280 depending on the implementation of the particular host managing the code. You can (only)
281 rely that (1) dynamic invalidation will clear this bit; and (2) the combination
282 of static validation and dynamic validity (as performed by the SecCodeCheckValidity* APIs)
283 will give a correct answer.
285 @constant kSecCodeStatusHard
286 Indicates that the code prefers to be denied access to resources if gaining access
287 would invalidate it. This bit can only be set.
288 It is undefined whether code that is marked hard and is already invalid will still
289 be denied access to a resource that would invalidate it if it were still valid. That is,
290 the code may or may not get access to such a resource while being invalid, and that choice
291 may appear random.
293 @constant kSecCodeStatusKill
294 Indicates that the code wants to be killed (terminated) if it ever loses its validity.
295 This bit can only be set. Code that has the kill flag set will never be dynamically invalid
296 (and live). Note however that a change in static validity does not necessarily trigger instant
297 death.
298 */
299 typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SecCodeStatus) {
300 kSecCodeStatusValid = 0x0001,
301 kSecCodeStatusHard = 0x0100,
302 kSecCodeStatusKill = 0x0200,
303 };
306 /*!
307 @typedef SecRequirementType
308 An enumeration indicating different types of internal requirements for code.
309 */
310 typedef CF_ENUM(uint32_t, SecRequirementType) {
311 kSecHostRequirementType = 1, /* what hosts may run us */
312 kSecGuestRequirementType = 2, /* what guests we may run */
313 kSecDesignatedRequirementType = 3, /* designated requirement */
314 kSecLibraryRequirementType = 4, /* what libraries we may link against */
315 kSecPluginRequirementType = 5, /* what plug-ins we may load */
316 kSecInvalidRequirementType, /* invalid type of Requirement (must be last) */
317 kSecRequirementTypeCount = kSecInvalidRequirementType /* number of valid requirement types */
318 };
321 /*!
322 Types of cryptographic digests (hashes) used to hold code signatures
323 together.
325 Each combination of type, length, and other parameters is a separate
326 hash type; we don't understand "families" here.
328 These type codes govern the digest links that connect a CodeDirectory
329 to its subordinate data structures (code pages, resources, etc.)
330 They do not directly control other uses of hashes (such as those used
331 within X.509 certificates and CMS blobs).
332 */
333 typedef CF_ENUM(uint32_t, SecCSDigestAlgorithm) {
334 kSecCodeSignatureNoHash = 0, /* null value */
335 kSecCodeSignatureHashSHA1 = 1, /* SHA-1 */
336 kSecCodeSignatureHashSHA256 = 2, /* SHA-256 */
337 kSecCodeSignatureHashSHA256Truncated = 3, /* SHA-256 truncated to first 20 bytes */
338 kSecCodeSignatureHashSHA384 = 4, /* SHA-384 */
339 };
343 #ifdef __cplusplus
344 }
345 #endif
347 #endif //_H_CSCOMMON