]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/sec/Security/SecItem.c
[apple/security.git] / OSX / sec / Security / SecItem.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /*
25 * SecItem.c - CoreFoundation-based constants and functions for
26 access to Security items (certificates, keys, identities, and
27 passwords.)
28 */
30 #include <Security/SecBasePriv.h>
31 #include <Security/SecItem.h>
32 #include <Security/SecItemPriv.h>
33 #include <Security/SecItemInternal.h>
34 #include <Security/SecItemShim.h>
35 #include <Security/SecAccessControl.h>
36 #include <Security/SecAccessControlPriv.h>
37 #include <Security/SecKey.h>
38 #include <Security/SecKeyPriv.h>
39 #include <Security/SecCertificateInternal.h>
40 #include <Security/SecIdentity.h>
41 #include <Security/SecIdentityPriv.h>
42 #include <Security/SecRandom.h>
43 #include <Security/SecBasePriv.h>
44 #include <Security/SecCTKKeyPriv.h>
45 #include <Security/SecTask.h>
46 #include <Security/SecPolicyInternal.h>
47 #include <errno.h>
48 #include <limits.h>
49 #include <sqlite3.h>
50 #include <stdint.h>
51 #include <stdlib.h>
52 #include <string.h>
53 #include <sys/param.h>
54 #include <sys/stat.h>
55 #include <Security/SecBase.h>
56 #include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
57 #include <CoreFoundation/CFDate.h>
58 #include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
59 #include <CoreFoundation/CFNumber.h>
60 #include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
61 #include <CoreFoundation/CFURL.h>
62 #include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
63 #include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
64 #include <corecrypto/ccder.h>
65 #include <utilities/array_size.h>
66 #include <utilities/debugging.h>
67 #include <utilities/SecCFError.h>
68 #include <utilities/SecCFWrappers.h>
69 #include <utilities/SecIOFormat.h>
70 #include <utilities/SecXPCError.h>
71 #include <utilities/der_plist.h>
72 #include <utilities/der_plist_internal.h>
73 #include <assert.h>
74 #include <dlfcn.h>
75 #include <libaks_acl_cf_keys.h>
76 #include <os/activity.h>
77 #include <pthread.h>
79 #include <Security/SecInternal.h>
80 #include "SOSInternal.h"
81 #include <TargetConditionals.h>
82 #include <ipc/securityd_client.h>
83 #include <Security/SecuritydXPC.h>
84 #include <AssertMacros.h>
85 #include <asl.h>
86 #include <sys/types.h>
87 #include <pwd.h>
88 #include <grp.h>
89 #include <unistd.h>
90 #include <libDER/asn1Types.h>
92 #include <utilities/SecDb.h>
93 #include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
95 #include <coreauthd_spi.h>
96 #include <LocalAuthentication/LAPrivateDefines.h>
97 #include <LocalAuthentication/LACFSupport.h>
99 #include <ctkclient.h>
101 const CFStringRef kSecNetworkExtensionAccessGroupSuffix = CFSTR("com.apple.networkextensionsharing");
103 /* Return an OSStatus for a sqlite3 error code. */
104 static OSStatus osstatus_for_s3e(int s3e)
105 {
106 switch (s3e)
107 {
108 case SQLITE_OK:
109 case SQLITE_DONE:
110 return errSecSuccess;
112 return errSecReadOnly;
114 return errSecDuplicateItem;
115 case SQLITE_ABORT: // There is no errSecOperationCancelled
116 return -1;
118 return errSecNoSuchAttr;
119 case SQLITE_NOMEM:
120 return errSecAllocate;
121 case SQLITE_IOERR:
122 return errSecIO;
124 return errSecInternalComponent;
125 case SQLITE_FULL: // Happens if we run out of uniqueids or disk is full (TODO: replace with better code)
126 case SQLITE_PERM: // No acess permission
127 case SQLITE_AUTH: // No authorization (e.g. no class key for file)
128 case SQLITE_CANTOPEN: // can be several reasons for this. Caller should sqlite3_system_errno()
129 case SQLITE_EMPTY: // SQLite does not seem to use this. Was already here, so keeping
130 case SQLITE_ERROR:
131 default:
132 return errSecNotAvailable;
133 }
134 }
136 static OSStatus osstatus_for_kern_return(CFIndex kernResult)
137 {
138 switch (kernResult)
139 {
140 case KERN_SUCCESS:
141 return errSecSuccess;
142 case kIOReturnNotReadable:
143 case kIOReturnNotWritable:
144 return errSecAuthFailed;
145 case kIOReturnNotPermitted:
146 case kIOReturnNotPrivileged:
147 case kIOReturnLockedRead:
148 case kIOReturnLockedWrite:
149 return errSecInteractionNotAllowed;
150 case kIOReturnError:
151 return errSecDecode;
152 case kIOReturnBadArgument:
153 return errSecParam;
154 default:
155 return errSecNotAvailable; /* TODO: Replace with a real error code. */
156 }
157 }
159 static OSStatus osstatus_for_xpc_error(CFIndex xpcError) {
160 switch (xpcError)
161 {
162 case kSecXPCErrorSuccess:
163 return errSecSuccess;
164 case kSecXPCErrorUnexpectedType:
165 case kSecXPCErrorUnexpectedNull:
166 return errSecParam;
167 case kSecXPCErrorConnectionFailed:
168 return errSecNotAvailable;
169 case kSecXPCErrorUnknown:
170 default:
171 return errSecInternal;
172 }
173 }
175 static OSStatus osstatus_for_der_error(CFIndex derError) {
176 switch (derError)
177 {
178 case kSecDERErrorUnknownEncoding:
179 case kSecDERErrorUnsupportedDERType:
180 case kSecDERErrorUnsupportedNumberType:
181 return errSecDecode;
182 case kSecDERErrorUnsupportedCFObject:
183 return errSecParam;
184 case kSecDERErrorAllocationFailure:
185 return errSecAllocate;
186 default:
187 return errSecInternal;
188 }
189 }
191 static OSStatus osstatus_for_ids_error(CFIndex idsError) {
192 switch (idsError)
193 {
194 case kSecIDSErrorNoDeviceID:
195 return errSecDeviceIDNeeded;
196 case kSecIDSErrorNotRegistered:
197 return errSecIDSNotRegistered;
198 case kSecIDSErrorFailedToSend:
199 return errSecFailedToSendIDSMessage;
200 case kSecIDSErrorCouldNotFindMatchingAuthToken:
201 return errSecDeviceIDNoMatch;
202 case kSecIDSErrorNoPeersAvailable:
203 return errSecPeersNotAvailable;
204 default:
205 return errSecInternal;
206 }
207 }
209 static OSStatus osstatus_for_localauthentication_error(CFIndex laError) {
210 // Wrap LA error in Sec error.
211 switch (laError) {
212 case kLAErrorUserCancel:
213 return errSecUserCanceled;
214 case kLAErrorParameter:
215 return errSecParam;
216 case kLAErrorNotInteractive:
217 return errSecInteractionNotAllowed;
218 default:
219 return errSecAuthFailed;
220 }
221 }
223 static OSStatus osstatus_for_ctk_error(CFIndex ctkError) {
224 switch (ctkError) {
225 case kTKErrorCodeBadParameter:
226 return errSecParam;
227 case kTKErrorCodeNotImplemented:
228 return errSecUnimplemented;
229 case kTKErrorCodeCanceledByUser:
230 return errSecUserCanceled;
231 case kTKErrorCodeCorruptedData:
232 return errSecDecode;
233 default:
234 return errSecInternal;
235 }
236 }
239 // Convert from securityd error codes to OSStatus for legacy API.
240 OSStatus SecErrorGetOSStatus(CFErrorRef error) {
241 OSStatus status;
242 if (error == NULL) {
243 status = errSecSuccess;
244 } else {
245 CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(error);
246 if (domain == NULL) {
247 secerror("No error domain for error: %@", error);
248 status = errSecInternal;
249 } else if (CFEqual(kSecErrorDomain, domain)) {
250 status = (OSStatus)CFErrorGetCode(error);
251 } else if (CFEqual(kSecDbErrorDomain, domain)) {
252 status = osstatus_for_s3e((int)CFErrorGetCode(error));
253 } else if (CFEqual(kSecErrnoDomain, domain)) {
254 status = (OSStatus)CFErrorGetCode(error);
255 } else if (CFEqual(kSecKernDomain, domain)) {
256 status = osstatus_for_kern_return(CFErrorGetCode(error));
257 } else if (CFEqual(sSecXPCErrorDomain, domain)) {
258 status = osstatus_for_xpc_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
259 } else if (CFEqual(sSecDERErrorDomain, domain)) {
260 status = osstatus_for_der_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
261 }else if (CFEqual(kSecIDSErrorDomain, domain)) {
262 status = osstatus_for_ids_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
263 } else if (CFEqual(CFSTR(kLAErrorDomain), domain)) {
264 status = osstatus_for_localauthentication_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
265 } else if (CFEqual(CFSTR(kTKErrorDomain), domain)) {
266 status = osstatus_for_ctk_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
267 } else if (CFEqual(kSOSErrorDomain, domain)) {
268 status = errSecInternal;
269 } else {
270 secnotice("securityd", "unknown error domain: %@ for error: %@", domain, error);
271 status = errSecInternal;
272 }
273 }
274 return status;
275 }
277 static void
278 lastErrorReleaseError(void *value)
279 {
280 if (value)
281 CFRelease(value);
282 }
284 static bool
285 getLastErrorKey(pthread_key_t *kv)
286 {
287 static pthread_key_t key;
288 static bool haveKey = false;
289 static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
290 dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
291 if (pthread_key_create(&key, lastErrorReleaseError) == 0)
292 haveKey = true;
293 });
294 *kv = key;
295 return haveKey;
296 }
298 static void
299 SetLastError(CFErrorRef newError)
300 {
301 pthread_key_t key;
302 if (!getLastErrorKey(&key))
303 return;
304 CFErrorRef oldError = pthread_getspecific(key);
305 if (oldError)
306 CFRelease(oldError);
307 if (newError)
308 CFRetain(newError);
309 pthread_setspecific(key, newError);
310 }
312 CFErrorRef
313 SecCopyLastError(OSStatus status)
314 {
315 pthread_key_t key;
316 CFErrorRef error;
318 if (!getLastErrorKey(&key))
319 return NULL;
321 error = pthread_getspecific(key);
322 if (error) {
323 if (status && status != SecErrorGetOSStatus(error)) {
324 error = NULL;
325 } else {
326 CFRetain(error);
327 }
328 }
329 return error;
330 }
332 // Wrapper to provide a CFErrorRef for legacy API.
333 OSStatus SecOSStatusWith(bool (^perform)(CFErrorRef *error)) {
334 CFErrorRef error = NULL;
335 OSStatus status;
336 if (perform(&error)) {
337 assert(error == NULL);
338 SetLastError(NULL);
339 status = errSecSuccess;
340 } else {
341 assert(error);
342 SetLastError(error);
343 status = SecErrorGetOSStatus(error);
344 if (status != errSecItemNotFound) // Occurs in normal operation, so exclude
345 secinfo("OSStatus", "error:[%" PRIdOSStatus "] %@", status, error);
346 CFReleaseNull(error);
347 }
348 return status;
349 }
351 /* Drop assorted kSecAttrCanXxxx attributes from the query, because these attributes are generated
352 by SecKey implementation and may differ between OS versions, see <rdar://problem/27095761>.
353 */
355 static CFDictionaryRef
356 AttributeCreateFilteredOutSecAttrs(CFDictionaryRef attributes)
357 {
358 CFMutableDictionaryRef filtered = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, attributes);
359 if (filtered == NULL)
360 return NULL;
361 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanSign);
362 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanVerify);
363 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanEncrypt);
364 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanDecrypt);
365 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanDerive);
366 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanWrap);
367 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanUnwrap);
368 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanSignRecover);
369 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrCanVerifyRecover);
370 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(filtered, kSecAttrIsPermanent);
372 return filtered;
373 }
376 /* IPC uses CFPropertyList to un/marshall input/output data and can handle:
377 CFData, CFString, CFArray, CFDictionary, CFDate, CFBoolean, and CFNumber
379 Currently in need of conversion below:
380 @@@ kSecValueRef allows SecKeychainItemRef and SecIdentityRef
381 @@@ kSecUseItemList allows a query against a list of itemrefs, this isn't
382 currently implemented at all, but when it is needs to short circuit to
383 local evaluation, different from the sql query abilities
384 */
386 static CFDictionaryRef
387 SecItemCopyAttributeDictionary(CFTypeRef ref, bool forQuery) {
388 CFDictionaryRef refDictionary = NULL;
389 CFTypeID typeID = CFGetTypeID(ref);
390 if (typeID == SecKeyGetTypeID()) {
391 refDictionary = SecKeyCopyAttributeDictionary((SecKeyRef)ref);
392 if (refDictionary && forQuery) {
393 CFDictionaryRef filtered = AttributeCreateFilteredOutSecAttrs(refDictionary);
394 CFAssignRetained(refDictionary, filtered);
395 }
396 } else if (typeID == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) {
397 refDictionary = SecCertificateCopyAttributeDictionary((SecCertificateRef)ref);
398 } else if (typeID == SecIdentityGetTypeID()) {
399 assert(false);
400 SecIdentityRef identity = (SecIdentityRef)ref;
401 SecCertificateRef cert = NULL;
402 SecKeyRef key = NULL;
403 if (!SecIdentityCopyCertificate(identity, &cert) &&
404 !SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(identity, &key))
405 {
406 CFDataRef data = SecCertificateCopyData(cert);
407 CFDictionaryRef key_dict = SecKeyCopyAttributeDictionary(key);
409 if (key_dict && data) {
410 refDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, key_dict);
411 CFDictionarySetValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef)refDictionary, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateData, data);
412 }
413 CFReleaseNull(key_dict);
414 CFReleaseNull(data);
415 }
416 CFReleaseNull(cert);
417 CFReleaseNull(key);
418 }
419 return refDictionary;
420 }
423 extern CFTypeRef SecItemCreateFromAttributeDictionary_osx(CFDictionaryRef refAttributes);
424 #endif
426 static CFTypeRef
427 SecItemCreateFromAttributeDictionary(CFDictionaryRef refAttributes) {
428 CFTypeRef ref = NULL;
429 CFStringRef class = CFDictionaryGetValue(refAttributes, kSecClass);
430 if (CFEqual(class, kSecClassKey)) {
431 ref = SecKeyCreateFromAttributeDictionary(refAttributes);
432 } else if (CFEqual(class, kSecClassCertificate)) {
433 ref = SecCertificateCreateFromAttributeDictionary(refAttributes);
434 } else if (CFEqual(class, kSecClassIdentity)) {
435 CFDataRef data = CFDictionaryGetValue(refAttributes, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateData);
436 SecCertificateRef cert = SecCertificateCreateWithData(kCFAllocatorDefault, data);
437 SecKeyRef key = SecKeyCreateFromAttributeDictionary(refAttributes);
438 if (key && cert) {
439 ref = SecIdentityCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, cert, key);
440 }
441 else {
442 secerror("SecItem: failed to create identity");
443 }
445 CFReleaseSafe(key);
446 CFReleaseSafe(cert);
448 } else {
449 ref = SecItemCreateFromAttributeDictionary_osx(refAttributes);
450 #endif
451 }
452 return ref;
453 }
455 OSStatus
456 SecItemCopyDisplayNames(CFArrayRef items, CFArrayRef *displayNames)
457 {
458 // @@@ TBI
459 return -1 /* errSecUnimplemented */;
460 }
462 typedef OSStatus (*secitem_operation)(CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFTypeRef *result);
464 static bool explode_identity(CFDictionaryRef attributes, secitem_operation operation,
465 OSStatus *return_status, CFTypeRef *return_result)
466 {
467 bool handled = false;
468 CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecValueRef);
469 if (value) {
470 CFTypeID typeID = CFGetTypeID(value);
471 if (typeID == SecIdentityGetTypeID()) {
472 handled = true;
473 OSStatus status = errSecSuccess;
474 SecIdentityRef identity = (SecIdentityRef)value;
475 SecCertificateRef cert = NULL;
476 SecKeyRef key = NULL;
477 if (!SecIdentityCopyCertificate(identity, &cert) &&
478 !SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(identity, &key))
479 {
480 CFMutableDictionaryRef partial_query =
481 CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, attributes);
482 CFDictionarySetValue(partial_query, kSecValueRef, cert);
483 CFTypeRef result = NULL;
484 bool duplicate_cert = false;
485 /* an identity is first and foremost a key, but it can have multiple
486 certs associated with it: so we identify it by the cert */
487 status = operation(partial_query, return_result ? &result : NULL);
488 if ((operation == (secitem_operation)SecItemAdd) &&
489 (status == errSecDuplicateItem)) {
490 duplicate_cert = true;
491 status = errSecSuccess;
492 }
494 if (!status || status == errSecItemNotFound) {
495 bool skip_key_operation = false;
497 /* if the key is still in use, skip deleting it */
498 if (operation == (secitem_operation)SecItemDelete) {
499 // find certs with cert.pkhh == keys.klbl
500 CFDictionaryRef key_dict = NULL, query_dict = NULL;
501 CFDataRef pkhh = NULL;
503 key_dict = SecKeyCopyAttributeDictionary(key);
504 if (key_dict)
505 pkhh = (CFDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(key_dict, kSecAttrApplicationLabel);
506 const void *keys[] = { kSecClass, kSecAttrPublicKeyHash };
507 const void *vals[] = { kSecClassCertificate, pkhh };
508 if (pkhh)
509 query_dict = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys,
510 vals, (array_size(keys)),
511 NULL, NULL);
512 if (query_dict)
513 if (errSecSuccess == SecItemCopyMatching(query_dict, NULL))
514 skip_key_operation = true;
515 CFReleaseSafe(query_dict);
516 CFReleaseSafe(key_dict);
517 }
519 if (!skip_key_operation) {
520 /* now perform the operation for the key */
521 CFDictionarySetValue(partial_query, kSecValueRef, key);
522 CFDictionarySetValue(partial_query, kSecReturnPersistentRef, kCFBooleanFalse);
524 status = operation(partial_query, NULL);
525 if ((operation == (secitem_operation)SecItemAdd) &&
526 (status == errSecDuplicateItem) &&
527 !duplicate_cert)
528 status = errSecSuccess;
529 }
531 /* add and copy matching for an identityref have a persistent ref result */
532 if (result) {
533 if (!status) {
534 /* result is a persistent ref to a cert */
535 sqlite_int64 rowid;
536 CFDictionaryRef tokenAttrs = NULL;
537 if (_SecItemParsePersistentRef(result, NULL, &rowid, &tokenAttrs)) {
538 *return_result = _SecItemCreatePersistentRef(kSecClassIdentity, rowid, tokenAttrs);
539 }
540 CFReleaseNull(tokenAttrs);
541 }
542 CFRelease(result);
543 }
544 }
545 CFReleaseNull(partial_query);
546 }
547 else
548 status = errSecInvalidItemRef;
550 CFReleaseNull(cert);
551 CFReleaseNull(key);
552 *return_status = status;
553 }
554 } else {
555 value = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecClass);
556 if (value && CFEqual(kSecClassIdentity, value) &&
557 (operation == (secitem_operation)SecItemDelete)) {
558 CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, attributes);
559 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(dict, kSecClass);
560 CFDictionarySetValue(dict, kSecClass, kSecClassCertificate);
561 OSStatus status = SecItemDelete(dict);
562 if (!status) {
563 CFDictionarySetValue(dict, kSecClass, kSecClassKey);
564 status = SecItemDelete(dict);
565 }
566 CFRelease(dict);
567 *return_status = status;
568 handled = true;
569 }
570 }
571 return handled;
572 }
574 static bool
575 SecErrorPropagateLastError(OSStatus status, CFErrorRef *error)
576 {
577 if (status) {
578 CFErrorRef lastError = SecCopyLastError(status);
579 if (lastError)
580 CFErrorPropagate(lastError, error);
581 else
582 SecError(status, error, CFSTR("SecError: error not captured, OSStatus was: %d"), (int)status);
583 return false;
584 }
585 return true;
586 }
588 static bool
589 handleUpdateIdentity(CFDictionaryRef query,
590 CFDictionaryRef update,
591 bool *result,
592 CFErrorRef *error)
593 {
594 CFMutableDictionaryRef updatedQuery = NULL;
595 SecCertificateRef cert = NULL;
596 SecKeyRef key = NULL;
597 bool handled = false;
599 *result = false;
601 CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecValueRef);
602 if (value) {
603 CFTypeID typeID = CFGetTypeID(value);
604 if (typeID == SecIdentityGetTypeID()) {
605 SecIdentityRef identity = (SecIdentityRef)value;
606 OSStatus status;
608 handled = true;
610 status = SecIdentityCopyCertificate(identity, &cert);
611 require_noerr_action_quiet(status, errOut, SecErrorPropagateLastError(status, error));
613 status = SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(identity, &key);
614 require_noerr_action_quiet(status, errOut, SecErrorPropagateLastError(status, error));
616 updatedQuery = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, query);
617 require_action_quiet(updatedQuery, errOut, *result = false);
619 CFDictionarySetValue(updatedQuery, kSecValueRef, cert);
620 require_quiet(SecItemUpdateWithError(updatedQuery, update, error), errOut);
622 CFDictionarySetValue(updatedQuery, kSecValueRef, key);
623 require_quiet(SecItemUpdateWithError(updatedQuery, update, error), errOut);
625 }
626 } else {
627 value = CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecClass);
628 if (value && CFEqual(kSecClassIdentity, value)) {
629 handled = true;
631 updatedQuery = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, query);
632 require_action_quiet(updatedQuery, errOut, *result = false);
634 CFDictionarySetValue(updatedQuery, kSecClass, kSecClassCertificate);
635 require_quiet(SecItemUpdateWithError(updatedQuery, update, error), errOut);
637 CFDictionarySetValue(updatedQuery, kSecClass, kSecClassKey);
638 require_quiet(SecItemUpdateWithError(updatedQuery, update, error), errOut);
640 CFReleaseNull(updatedQuery);
641 }
642 }
643 *result = true;
644 errOut:
645 CFReleaseNull(updatedQuery);
646 CFReleaseNull(cert);
647 CFReleaseNull(key);
648 return handled;
649 }
651 static void infer_cert_label(SecCFDictionaryCOW *attributes)
652 {
653 if (!CFDictionaryContainsKey(attributes->dictionary, kSecAttrLabel)) {
654 CFTypeRef value_ref = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes->dictionary, kSecValueRef);
655 if (value_ref && CFGetTypeID(value_ref) == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) {
656 SecCertificateRef certificate = (SecCertificateRef)value_ref;
657 CFStringRef label = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(certificate);
658 if (label) {
659 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attributes), kSecAttrLabel, label);
660 CFReleaseNull(label);
661 }
662 }
663 }
664 }
666 static CFDataRef CreateTokenPersistentRefData(CFTypeRef class, CFDictionaryRef attributes)
667 {
668 CFDataRef tokenPersistentRef = NULL;
669 CFStringRef tokenId = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecAttrTokenID);
670 CFDictionaryRef itemValue = NULL;
671 if (CFEqual(class, kSecClassIdentity)) {
672 itemValue = SecTokenItemValueCopy(CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateData), NULL);
673 } else {
674 itemValue = SecTokenItemValueCopy(CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecValueData), NULL);
675 }
676 require(itemValue, out);
677 CFDataRef oid = CFDictionaryGetValue(itemValue, kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey);
678 require(oid, out);
679 CFArrayRef array = CFArrayCreateForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault, class, tokenId, oid, NULL);
680 tokenPersistentRef = CFPropertyListCreateDERData(kCFAllocatorDefault, array, NULL);
681 CFRelease(array);
682 out:
683 CFReleaseNull(itemValue);
684 return tokenPersistentRef;
685 }
687 static const uint8_t tk_persistent_ref_id[] = {'t', 'k', 'p', 'r'};
688 /* A persistent ref is just the class and the rowid of the record.
689 Persistent ref for token items is a der blob with class, tokenID and objectId. */
690 CFDataRef _SecItemCreatePersistentRef(CFTypeRef class, sqlite_int64 rowid, CFDictionaryRef attributes)
691 {
692 CFDataRef result = NULL;
693 if (attributes && CFDictionaryContainsKey(attributes, CFEqual(class, kSecClassIdentity) ? kSecAttrIdentityCertificateTokenID : kSecAttrTokenID)) {
694 CFDataRef tokenPersistentRef = CreateTokenPersistentRefData(class, attributes);
695 require(tokenPersistentRef, out);
696 CFMutableDataRef tmpData = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, sizeof(tk_persistent_ref_id) + CFDataGetLength(tokenPersistentRef));
697 CFDataAppendBytes(tmpData, tk_persistent_ref_id, sizeof(tk_persistent_ref_id));
698 CFDataAppend(tmpData, tokenPersistentRef);
699 CFReleaseNull(tokenPersistentRef);
700 result = tmpData;
701 } else {
702 require(rowid >= 0, out);
703 uint8_t bytes[sizeof(sqlite_int64) + 4];
704 if (CFStringGetCString(class, (char *)bytes, 4 + 1 /*null-term*/,
705 kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
706 {
707 OSWriteBigInt64(bytes + 4, 0, rowid);
708 result = CFDataCreate(NULL, bytes, sizeof(bytes));
709 }
710 }
711 out:
712 return result;
713 }
715 static Boolean isValidClass(CFStringRef class, CFStringRef *return_class) {
716 const void *valid_classes[] = { kSecClassGenericPassword,
717 kSecClassInternetPassword,
718 kSecClassAppleSharePassword,
719 kSecClassCertificate,
720 kSecClassKey,
721 kSecClassIdentity };
723 for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(valid_classes); i++) {
724 if (CFEqual(valid_classes[i], class)) {
725 if (return_class)
726 *return_class = valid_classes[i];
727 return true;
728 }
729 }
731 return false;
732 }
734 static bool ParseTokenPersistentRefData(CFDataRef persistent_ref, CFStringRef *return_class, CFDictionaryRef *return_token_attrs) {
735 bool valid_ref = false;
736 CFPropertyListRef pl = NULL;
737 const uint8_t *der = CFDataGetBytePtr(persistent_ref) + sizeof(tk_persistent_ref_id);
738 const uint8_t *der_end = der + (CFDataGetLength(persistent_ref) - sizeof(tk_persistent_ref_id));
739 require_quiet(der = der_decode_plist(0, kCFPropertyListImmutable, &pl, NULL, der, der_end), out);
740 require_quiet(der == der_end, out);
741 require_quiet(CFGetTypeID(pl) == CFArrayGetTypeID(), out);
742 require_quiet(CFArrayGetCount(pl) == 3, out);
743 require_quiet(valid_ref = isValidClass(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(pl, 0), return_class), out);
744 if (return_token_attrs) {
745 *return_token_attrs = CFDictionaryCreateForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault,
746 kSecAttrTokenID, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(pl, 1),
747 kSecAttrTokenOID, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(pl, 2), NULL);
748 }
749 out:
750 CFReleaseNull(pl);
751 return valid_ref;
752 }
754 /* AUDIT[securityd](done):
755 persistent_ref (ok) is a caller provided, non NULL CFTypeRef.
756 */
757 bool _SecItemParsePersistentRef(CFDataRef persistent_ref, CFStringRef *return_class, sqlite_int64 *return_rowid, CFDictionaryRef *return_token_attrs)
758 {
759 bool valid_ref = false;
760 require(CFGetTypeID(persistent_ref) == CFDataGetTypeID(), out);
762 if (CFDataGetLength(persistent_ref) > (CFIndex)sizeof(tk_persistent_ref_id) &&
763 memcmp(tk_persistent_ref_id, CFDataGetBytePtr(persistent_ref), sizeof(tk_persistent_ref_id)) == 0) {
764 valid_ref = ParseTokenPersistentRefData(persistent_ref, return_class, return_token_attrs);
765 } else if (CFDataGetLength(persistent_ref) == (CFIndex)(sizeof(sqlite_int64) + 4)) {
766 const uint8_t *bytes = CFDataGetBytePtr(persistent_ref);
767 sqlite_int64 rowid = OSReadBigInt64(bytes + 4, 0);
769 CFStringRef class = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault,
770 bytes, CFStringGetLength(kSecClassGenericPassword),
771 kCFStringEncodingUTF8, true);
773 if ((valid_ref = isValidClass(class, return_class))) {
774 if (return_rowid)
775 *return_rowid = rowid;
776 }
777 CFRelease(class);
778 }
779 out:
780 return valid_ref;
781 }
783 static bool cf_bool_value(CFTypeRef cf_bool) {
784 return cf_bool && CFBooleanGetValue(cf_bool);
785 }
787 CFMutableDictionaryRef SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(SecCFDictionaryCOW *cow_dictionary) {
788 if (cow_dictionary->mutable_dictionary == NULL) {
789 cow_dictionary->mutable_dictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(NULL);
790 if (cow_dictionary->dictionary != NULL) {
791 CFDictionaryForEach(cow_dictionary->dictionary, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
792 CFDictionarySetValue(cow_dictionary->mutable_dictionary, key, value);
793 });
794 }
795 cow_dictionary->dictionary = cow_dictionary->mutable_dictionary;
796 }
798 return cow_dictionary->mutable_dictionary;
799 }
801 // Creates kSecValueData field stored in the DB for token-based items. Data field consists of objectID, real
802 // access_control and optionally of the data value.
803 static CFDataRef SecTokenItemValueCreate(CFDataRef oid, CFDataRef access_control, CFDataRef object_value, CFErrorRef *error) {
804 CFMutableDictionaryRef value = NULL;
805 value = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(NULL,
806 kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey, oid,
807 kSecTokenValueAccessControlKey, access_control,
808 NULL);
809 if (object_value != NULL) {
810 CFDictionarySetValue(value, kSecTokenValueDataKey, object_value);
811 }
813 CFDataRef value_data = CFPropertyListCreateDERData(NULL, value, error);
814 CFRelease(value);
815 return value_data;
816 }
818 CFDictionaryRef SecTokenItemValueCopy(CFDataRef db_value, CFErrorRef *error) {
819 CFPropertyListRef plist = NULL;
820 const uint8_t *der = CFDataGetBytePtr(db_value);
821 const uint8_t *der_end = der + CFDataGetLength(db_value);
822 require_quiet(der = der_decode_plist(0, kCFPropertyListImmutable, &plist, error, der, der_end), out);
823 require_action_quiet(der == der_end, out, SecError(errSecDecode, error, CFSTR("trailing garbage at end of token data field")));
824 require_action_quiet(CFDictionaryGetValue(plist, kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey) != NULL, out,
825 SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("token based item data does not have OID")));
827 out:
828 return plist;
829 }
831 TKTokenRef SecTokenCreate(CFStringRef token_id, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, CFErrorRef *error) {
832 CFMutableDictionaryRef token_attrs = NULL;
833 TKTokenRef token = NULL;
834 token_attrs = (auth_params != NULL) ?
835 CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, auth_params) :
836 CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(NULL);
837 CFDictionarySetValue(token_attrs, kSecAttrTokenID, token_id);
839 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(token_attrs, kSecUseAuthenticationContext);
840 token = TKTokenCreate(token_attrs, error);
842 CFReleaseSafe(token_attrs);
843 return token;
844 }
846 static bool SecTokenItemCreateFromAttributes(CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef auth_params,
847 TKTokenRef token, CFDataRef object_id, CFTypeRef *ref, CFErrorRef *error) {
848 bool ok = false;
849 CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, attributes);
850 CFTypeRef token_id = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecAttrTokenID);
851 if (token_id != NULL && object_id != NULL) {
852 if (CFRetainSafe(token) == NULL) {
853 require_quiet(token = SecTokenCreate(token_id, auth_params, error), out);
854 }
856 if (auth_params != NULL) {
857 CFDictionaryForEach(auth_params, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
858 CFDictionaryAddValue(attrs, key, value);
859 });
860 }
861 CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kSecUseToken, token);
862 CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kSecAttrTokenOID, object_id);
863 CFRelease(token);
864 }
865 *ref = SecItemCreateFromAttributeDictionary(attrs);
866 ok = true;
868 out:
869 CFReleaseSafe(attrs);
870 return ok;
871 }
874 /* Turn the returned single value or dictionary that contains all the attributes to create a
875 ref into the exact result the client asked for */
876 static bool SecItemResultCopyPrepared(CFTypeRef raw_result, TKTokenRef token,
877 CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef auth_params,
878 CFTypeRef *result, CFErrorRef *error) {
879 bool ok = false;
880 CFDataRef ac_data = NULL;
881 CFDataRef value = NULL;
882 CFTypeRef persistent_ref = NULL;
883 CFStringRef token_id = NULL;
884 CFStringRef cert_token_id = NULL;
885 CFDataRef object_id = NULL;
886 CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = NULL;
887 CFDataRef cert_data = NULL;
888 CFDataRef cert_object_id = NULL;
889 TKTokenRef cert_token = NULL;
891 bool wants_ref = cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecReturnRef));
892 bool wants_data = cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecReturnData));
893 bool wants_attributes = cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecReturnAttributes));
894 bool wants_persistent_ref = cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecReturnPersistentRef));
896 // Get token value if not provided by the caller.
897 bool token_item = false;
898 bool cert_token_item = false;
899 if (token == NULL) {
900 if (CFGetTypeID(raw_result) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
901 token_id = CFDictionaryGetValue(raw_result, kSecAttrTokenID);
902 token_item = (token_id != NULL);
904 cert_token_id = CFDictionaryGetValue(raw_result, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateTokenID);
905 cert_token_item = (cert_token_id != NULL);
906 }
907 } else {
908 token_item = true;
909 cert_token_item = true;
910 CFRetain(token);
911 CFRetainAssign(cert_token, token);
912 }
914 if ((token_item || cert_token_item) && cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecUseTokenRawItems))) {
915 token_item = false;
916 cert_token_item = false;
917 }
919 // Decode and prepare data value, if it is requested at the output, or if we want attributes from token.
920 if (wants_data || wants_ref || (token_item && wants_attributes)) {
921 if (CFGetTypeID(raw_result) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
922 value = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(raw_result, kSecValueData));
923 else
924 value = CFRetainSafe(raw_result);
925 if (token_item && value != NULL) {
926 // Parse token-based item's data field.
927 CFDataRef object_value = NULL;
928 CFDictionaryRef parsed_value = NULL;
929 require_quiet(parsed_value = SecTokenItemValueCopy(value, error), out);
930 object_id = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(parsed_value, kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey));
931 ac_data = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(parsed_value, kSecTokenValueAccessControlKey));
932 object_value = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(parsed_value, kSecTokenValueDataKey));
933 CFRelease(parsed_value);
934 if ((wants_data || wants_ref) && object_value == NULL) {
935 // Retrieve value directly from the token.
936 if (token == NULL) {
937 require_quiet(token = SecTokenCreate(token_id, auth_params, error), out);
938 }
939 require_quiet(object_value = TKTokenCopyObjectData(token, object_id, error), out);
940 if (CFEqual(object_value, kCFNull))
941 CFReleaseNull(object_value);
942 }
943 CFAssignRetained(value, object_value);
944 }
946 // If only thing requested is data, return them directly.
947 if (!(wants_attributes || wants_persistent_ref || wants_ref)) {
948 *result = CFRetainSafe(value);
949 ok = true;
950 goto out;
951 }
952 }
954 // Extract persistent_ref, if caller wants it.
955 if (wants_persistent_ref) {
956 if (CFGetTypeID(raw_result) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
957 persistent_ref = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(raw_result, kSecValuePersistentRef));
958 else
959 persistent_ref = CFRetainSafe(raw_result);
961 // If only thing requested is persistentref, extract it from dictionary if needed and return it.
962 if (!(wants_attributes || wants_data || wants_ref)) {
963 *result = CFRetainSafe(persistent_ref);
964 ok = true;
965 goto out;
966 }
967 }
969 if (!wants_ref && !wants_attributes && (!wants_data || !wants_persistent_ref)) {
970 *result = NULL;
971 ok = true;
972 goto out;
973 }
975 // For other cases we need an output dictionary.
976 if (CFGetTypeID(raw_result) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
977 *result = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, raw_result);
978 else
979 *result = CFDictionaryCreateForCFTypes(NULL, NULL);
980 CFMutableDictionaryRef output = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)*result;
982 if ((wants_data || wants_ref) && value != NULL)
983 CFDictionarySetValue(output, kSecValueData, value);
984 else
985 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(output, kSecValueData);
987 if (wants_persistent_ref && persistent_ref != NULL)
988 CFDictionarySetValue(output, kSecValuePersistentRef, persistent_ref);
989 else
990 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(output, kSecValuePersistentRef);
992 if ((wants_ref || wants_attributes) && cert_token_item &&
993 CFEqualSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(output, kSecClass), kSecClassIdentity)) {
994 // Decode also certdata field of the identity.
995 CFDataRef data = CFDictionaryGetValue(output, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateData);
996 if (data != NULL) {
997 CFDictionaryRef parsed_value;
998 require_quiet(parsed_value = SecTokenItemValueCopy(data, error), out);
999 cert_data = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(parsed_value, kSecTokenValueDataKey));
1000 cert_object_id = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(parsed_value, kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey));
1001 CFRelease(parsed_value);
1002 if (cert_data == NULL) {
1003 // Retrieve value directly from the token.
1004 if (cert_token == NULL) {
1005 require_quiet(cert_token = SecTokenCreate(cert_token_id, auth_params, error), out);
1006 }
1007 require_quiet(cert_data = TKTokenCopyObjectData(cert_token, cert_object_id, error), out);
1008 if (CFEqual(cert_data, kCFNull))
1009 CFReleaseNull(cert_data);
1010 }
1011 if (cert_data != NULL) {
1012 CFDictionarySetValue(output, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateData, cert_data);
1013 } else {
1014 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(output, kSecAttrIdentityCertificateData);
1015 }
1016 }
1017 }
1019 if (wants_ref || wants_attributes) {
1020 // Convert serialized form of access control to object form.
1021 if (!token_item) {
1022 CFRetainAssign(ac_data, CFDictionaryGetValue(output, kSecAttrAccessControl));
1023 }
1025 if (ac_data != NULL) {
1026 SecAccessControlRef ac;
1027 require_quiet(ac = SecAccessControlCreateFromData(kCFAllocatorDefault, ac_data, error), out);
1028 CFDictionarySetValue(output, kSecAttrAccessControl, ac);
1029 CFRelease(ac);
1030 }
1031 }
1033 if (wants_ref) {
1034 CFTypeRef ref;
1035 require_quiet(SecTokenItemCreateFromAttributes(output, auth_params, token, object_id, &ref, error), out);
1036 if (!(wants_attributes || wants_data || wants_persistent_ref)) {
1037 CFAssignRetained(*result, ref);
1038 } else if (ref != NULL) {
1039 CFDictionarySetValue(output, kSecValueRef, ref);
1040 CFRelease(ref);
1041 if (!wants_data) {
1042 // We could have stored data value previously to make ref creation succeed.
1043 // They are not needed any more and in case that caller did not want the data, avoid returning them.
1044 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(output, kSecValueData);
1045 }
1046 }
1047 }
1049 ok = true;
1051 out:
1052 CFReleaseSafe(cert_object_id);
1053 CFReleaseSafe(cert_data);
1054 CFReleaseSafe(ac_data);
1055 CFReleaseSafe(value);
1056 CFReleaseSafe(persistent_ref);
1057 CFReleaseSafe(object_id);
1058 CFReleaseSafe(attrs);
1059 CFReleaseSafe(token);
1060 CFReleaseSafe(cert_token);
1061 return ok;
1062 }
1064 bool SecItemResultProcess(CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, TKTokenRef token,
1065 CFTypeRef raw_result, CFTypeRef *result, CFErrorRef *error) {
1066 bool ok = false;
1067 require_action_quiet(raw_result != NULL, out, ok = true);
1068 require_action_quiet(result != NULL, out, ok = true);
1070 if (CFGetTypeID(raw_result) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
1071 CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount(raw_result);
1072 *result = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(NULL);
1073 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
1074 CFTypeRef ref;
1075 require_quiet(SecItemResultCopyPrepared(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(raw_result, i),
1076 token, query, auth_params, &ref, error), out);
1077 if (ref != NULL) {
1078 CFArrayAppendValue((CFMutableArrayRef)*result, ref);
1079 CFRelease(ref);
1080 }
1081 }
1082 } else {
1083 require_quiet(SecItemResultCopyPrepared(raw_result, token, query, auth_params, result, error), out);
1084 }
1086 ok = true;
1088 out:
1089 return ok;
1090 }
1092 CFDataRef SecItemAttributesCopyPreparedAuthContext(CFTypeRef la_context, CFErrorRef *error) {
1093 void *la_lib = NULL;
1094 CFDataRef acm_context = NULL;
1095 require_action_quiet(la_lib = dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework/LocalAuthentication", RTLD_LAZY), out,
1096 SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("failed to open LocalAuthentication.framework")));
1097 LAFunctionCopyExternalizedContext fnCopyExternalizedContext = NULL;
1098 require_action_quiet(fnCopyExternalizedContext = dlsym(la_lib, "LACopyExternalizedContext"), out,
1099 SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("failed to obtain LACopyExternalizedContext")));
1100 require_action_quiet(acm_context = fnCopyExternalizedContext(la_context), out,
1101 SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("failed to get ACM handle from LAContext")));
1102 out:
1103 if (la_lib != NULL) {
1104 dlclose(la_lib);
1105 }
1106 return acm_context;
1107 }
1109 static bool SecItemAttributesPrepare(SecCFDictionaryCOW *attrs, bool forQuery, CFErrorRef *error) {
1110 bool ok = false;
1111 CFDataRef ac_data = NULL, acm_context = NULL;
1112 void *la_lib = NULL;
1114 // If a ref was specified we get its attribute dictionary and parse it.
1115 CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs->dictionary, kSecValueRef);
1116 if (value) {
1117 CFDictionaryRef ref_attributes;
1118 require_action_quiet(ref_attributes = SecItemCopyAttributeDictionary(value, forQuery), out,
1119 SecError(errSecValueRefUnsupported, error, CFSTR("unsupported kSecValueRef in query")));
1121 // Replace any attributes we already got from the ref with the ones from the attributes dictionary the caller passed us.
1122 // This allows a caller to add an item using attributes from the ref and still override some of them in the dictionary directly.
1123 CFDictionaryForEach(ref_attributes, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
1124 // Attributes already present in 'attrs' have precedence over the generic ones retrieved from the ref,
1125 // so add only those attributes from 'ref' which are missing in attrs.
1126 CFDictionaryAddValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), key, value);
1127 });
1128 CFRelease(ref_attributes);
1130 if (forQuery) {
1131 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecAttrTokenOID);
1132 }
1134 // Remove original expanded valueRef. Do not remove it in case when adding token item, because it is needed later to avoid
1135 // another roundtrip to token driver.
1136 if (forQuery || !CFDictionaryContainsKey(attrs->dictionary, kSecAttrTokenID)) {
1137 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecValueRef);
1138 }
1139 }
1141 SecAccessControlRef access_control = (SecAccessControlRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs->dictionary, kSecAttrAccessControl);
1142 if (access_control != NULL) {
1143 require_quiet(ac_data = SecAccessControlCopyData(access_control), out);
1144 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecAttrAccessControl, ac_data);
1145 }
1147 const CFTypeRef la_context = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationContext);
1148 if (la_context) {
1149 require_action_quiet(!CFDictionaryContainsKey(attrs->dictionary, kSecUseCredentialReference), out,
1150 SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("kSecUseAuthenticationContext cannot be used together with kSecUseCredentialReference")));
1151 require_quiet(acm_context = SecItemAttributesCopyPreparedAuthContext(la_context, error), out);
1152 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecUseAuthenticationContext);
1153 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecUseCredentialReference, acm_context);
1154 }
1156 CFTypeRef policy = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs->dictionary, kSecMatchPolicy);
1157 if (policy) {
1158 require_action_quiet(CFGetTypeID(policy) == SecPolicyGetTypeID(), out,
1159 SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("unsupported kSecMatchPolicy in query")));
1161 CFTypeRef values[] = { policy };
1162 CFArrayRef policiesArray = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, values, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
1163 xpc_object_t policiesArrayXPC = SecPolicyArrayCopyXPCArray(policiesArray, error);
1164 CFReleaseSafe(policiesArray);
1165 require_action_quiet(policiesArrayXPC, out,
1166 SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("Failed to copy XPC policy")));
1168 CFTypeRef objectReadyForXPC = _CFXPCCreateCFObjectFromXPCObject(policiesArrayXPC);
1169 xpc_release(policiesArrayXPC);
1170 require_action_quiet(objectReadyForXPC, out,
1171 SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("Failed to create CFObject from XPC policy")));
1173 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecMatchPolicy, objectReadyForXPC);
1174 CFRelease(objectReadyForXPC);
1175 }
1176 value = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs->dictionary, kSecAttrIssuer);
1177 if (value) {
1178 /* convert DN to canonical issuer, if value is DN (top level sequence) */
1179 const DERItem name = { (unsigned char *)CFDataGetBytePtr(value), CFDataGetLength(value) };
1180 DERDecodedInfo content;
1181 if (DERDecodeItem(&name, &content) == DR_Success && content.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE) {
1182 CFDataRef canonical_issuer = createNormalizedX501Name(kCFAllocatorDefault, &content.content);
1183 if (canonical_issuer) {
1184 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecAttrIssuer, canonical_issuer);
1185 CFRelease(canonical_issuer);
1186 }
1187 }
1188 }
1190 if (CFDictionaryContainsKey(attrs->dictionary, kSecUseTokenRawItems)) {
1191 // This use flag is client-only, securityd does not understand it.
1192 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attrs), kSecUseTokenRawItems);
1193 }
1195 ok = true;
1197 out:
1198 if (la_lib != NULL) {
1199 dlclose(la_lib);
1200 }
1201 CFReleaseSafe(ac_data);
1202 CFReleaseSafe(acm_context);
1203 return ok;
1204 }
1206 static bool SecItemAuthMaxAttemptsReached(CFArrayRef ac_pairs, CFErrorRef *error)
1207 {
1208 CFMutableStringRef log_string = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
1209 CFArrayRef ac_pair;
1210 CFArrayForEachC(ac_pairs, ac_pair) {
1211 CFStringRef acl_hex_string = CFDataCopyHexString(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ac_pair, 0));
1212 CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("operation: %@ acl:%@\n"), CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ac_pair, 1), acl_hex_string);
1213 CFStringAppend(log_string, str);
1214 CFRelease(acl_hex_string);
1215 CFRelease(str);
1216 }
1218 CFStringRef reason = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("Reached maximum count of authentication attempts\n %@"), log_string);
1219 SecError(errSecAuthFailed, error, CFSTR("%@"), reason);
1220 __security_simulatecrash(reason, __sec_exception_code_AuthLoop);
1221 CFRelease(reason);
1222 CFRelease(log_string);
1223 return false;
1224 }
1226 bool SecItemAuthDo(SecCFDictionaryCOW *auth_params, CFErrorRef *error, SecItemAuthResult (^perform)(CFArrayRef *ac_pairs, CFErrorRef *error),
1227 void (^newCredentialRefAdded)()) {
1228 bool ok = false;
1229 CFArrayRef ac_pairs = NULL;
1230 SecCFDictionaryCOW auth_options = { NULL };
1231 // We need to create shared LAContext for Mail to reduce popups with Auth UI.
1232 // This app-hack will be removed by:<rdar://problem/28305552>
1233 // Similar workaround is for Safari, will be removed by fixing <rdar://problem/29683072>
1234 static CFTypeRef sharedLAContext = NULL;
1235 static CFDataRef sharedACMContext = NULL;
1236 static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
1237 dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
1238 CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
1239 CFStringRef bundleName = (bundle != NULL) ? CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle) : NULL;
1240 if (CFEqualSafe(bundleName, CFSTR("com.apple.mail")) ||
1241 CFEqualSafe(bundleName, CFSTR("com.apple.WebKit.Networking"))) {
1242 sharedLAContext = LACreateNewContextWithACMContext(NULL, error);
1243 sharedACMContext = (sharedLAContext != NULL) ? LACopyACMContext(sharedLAContext, error) : NULL;
1244 }
1245 });
1246 if (sharedLAContext && sharedACMContext &&
1247 (auth_params->dictionary == NULL || (CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationContext) == NULL &&
1248 CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseCredentialReference) == NULL))) {
1249 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseAuthenticationContext, sharedLAContext);
1250 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseCredentialReference, sharedACMContext);
1251 }
1253 for (uint32_t i = 0;; ++i) {
1254 // If the operation succeeded or failed with other than auth-needed error, just leave.
1255 SecItemAuthResult auth_result = perform(&ac_pairs, error);
1256 require_quiet(auth_result != kSecItemAuthResultError, out);
1257 require_action_quiet(auth_result == kSecItemAuthResultNeedAuth, out, ok = true);
1259 // If auth_params were not created up to now, do create them because we will definitely need them.
1260 SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params);
1262 // Retrieve or create authentication handle and/or ACM context.
1263 CFTypeRef auth_handle = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationContext);
1264 if (auth_handle == NULL) {
1265 CFDataRef acm_context = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseCredentialReference);
1266 require_quiet(auth_handle = LACreateNewContextWithACMContext(acm_context, error), out);
1267 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseAuthenticationContext, auth_handle);
1268 CFRelease(auth_handle);
1269 if (acm_context == NULL) {
1270 require_quiet(acm_context = LACopyACMContext(auth_handle, error), out);
1271 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseCredentialReference, acm_context);
1272 CFRelease(acm_context);
1273 if (newCredentialRefAdded) {
1274 newCredentialRefAdded();
1275 }
1276 }
1277 }
1279 // Throttle max authentication attempts. This is mainly protection against exceptional states, not ordinary
1280 // user retry limit.
1281 require_action(i < 20, out, SecItemAuthMaxAttemptsReached(ac_pairs, error));
1283 // Prepare auth options dictionary.
1284 if (auth_options.dictionary == NULL) {
1285 CFStringRef operation_prompt = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseOperationPrompt);
1286 if (operation_prompt != NULL) {
1287 CFNumberRef key = CFNumberCreateWithCFIndex(NULL, kLAOptionAuthenticationReason);
1288 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(&auth_options), key, operation_prompt);
1289 CFRelease(key);
1290 }
1292 CFStringRef caller_name = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseCallerName);
1293 if (caller_name != NULL) {
1294 CFNumberRef key = CFNumberCreateWithCFIndex(NULL, kLAOptionCallerName);
1295 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(&auth_options), key, caller_name);
1296 CFRelease(key);
1297 }
1299 CFTypeRef auth_ui = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationUI);
1300 if (CFEqualSafe(auth_ui, kSecUseAuthenticationUIFail)) {
1301 CFNumberRef key = CFNumberCreateWithCFIndex(NULL, kLAOptionNotInteractive);
1302 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(&auth_options), key, kCFBooleanTrue);
1303 CFRelease(key);
1304 }
1305 }
1307 // Go through all access_control-operation pairs and evaluate them.
1308 CFArrayRef ac_pair;
1309 CFArrayForEachC(ac_pairs, ac_pair) {
1310 CFDataRef updated_acl = NULL;
1311 require_quiet(LAEvaluateAndUpdateACL(auth_handle,
1312 CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ac_pair, 0), CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ac_pair, 1),
1313 auth_options.dictionary, &updated_acl, error), out);
1315 if (updated_acl || CFEqual(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ac_pair, 1), CFSTR(""))) {
1316 // we assume that only one ACL can be modified during ItemAdd or ItemUpdate
1317 SecAccessControlRef ac = NULL;
1318 require(ac = SecAccessControlCreateFromData(kCFAllocatorDefault,
1319 updated_acl ? updated_acl : CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ac_pair, 0), error), out);
1320 SecAccessControlSetBound(ac, true);
1321 CFAssignRetained(updated_acl, SecAccessControlCopyData(ac));
1322 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecAttrAccessControl, updated_acl);
1323 CFRelease(updated_acl);
1324 CFRelease(ac);
1325 }
1326 }
1327 }
1329 ok = true;
1331 out:
1332 CFReleaseSafe(auth_options.mutable_dictionary);
1333 CFReleaseSafe(ac_pairs);
1334 return ok;
1335 }
1337 void SecItemAuthCopyParams(SecCFDictionaryCOW *auth_params, SecCFDictionaryCOW *query) {
1338 // Store operation prompt.
1339 CFStringRef operation_prompt = CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseOperationPrompt);
1340 if (operation_prompt != NULL) {
1341 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseOperationPrompt, operation_prompt);
1342 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecUseOperationPrompt);
1343 }
1345 // Store caller name.
1346 CFStringRef caller_name = CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseCallerName);
1347 if (caller_name != NULL) {
1348 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseCallerName, caller_name);
1349 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecUseCallerName);
1350 }
1352 // Find out whether we are allowed to pop up a UI.
1353 CFTypeRef auth_ui = CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationUI) ?:
1354 (CFEqualSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseNoAuthenticationUI), kCFBooleanTrue) ?
1355 kSecUseAuthenticationUIFail : kSecUseAuthenticationUIAllow);
1356 if (!CFEqual(auth_ui, kSecUseAuthenticationUISkip) || CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseNoAuthenticationUI)) {
1357 if (CFDictionaryContainsKey(query->dictionary, kSecUseNoAuthenticationUI))
1358 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecUseNoAuthenticationUI);
1359 if (!CFEqualSafe(auth_ui, kSecUseAuthenticationUISkip) && CFDictionaryContainsKey(query->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationUI))
1360 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecUseAuthenticationUI);
1361 }
1363 if (!CFEqual(auth_ui, kSecUseAuthenticationUIAllow)) {
1364 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseAuthenticationUI, auth_ui);
1365 }
1367 CFDataRef acm_context = CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseCredentialReference);
1368 if (acm_context != NULL) {
1369 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(auth_params), kSecUseCredentialReference, acm_context);
1370 }
1371 }
1373 static SecItemAuthResult SecItemCreatePairsFromError(CFErrorRef *error, CFArrayRef *ac_pairs)
1374 {
1375 if (error && *error && CFErrorGetCode(*error) == errSecAuthNeeded && CFEqualSafe(CFErrorGetDomain(*error), kSecErrorDomain)) {
1376 // Extract ACLs to be verified from the error.
1377 CFDictionaryRef user_info = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(*error);
1378 CFNumberRef key = CFNumberCreateWithCFIndex(NULL, errSecAuthNeeded);
1379 CFRetainAssign(*ac_pairs, CFDictionaryGetValue(user_info, key));
1380 if (*ac_pairs == NULL)
1381 CFAssignRetained(*ac_pairs, CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks));
1383 CFRelease(key);
1384 CFRelease(user_info);
1385 CFReleaseNull(*error);
1386 return kSecItemAuthResultNeedAuth;
1387 }
1388 return kSecItemAuthResultError;
1389 }
1391 // Wrapper to handle automatic authentication and token/secd case switching.
1392 bool SecItemAuthDoQuery(SecCFDictionaryCOW *query, SecCFDictionaryCOW *attributes, const void *secItemOperation, CFErrorRef *error,
1393 bool (^perform)(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, CFErrorRef *error)) {
1394 bool ok = false;
1395 __block SecCFDictionaryCOW auth_params = { NULL };
1396 SecAccessControlRef access_control = NULL;
1397 __block TKTokenRef token = NULL;
1399 if (secItemOperation == SecItemAdd || secItemOperation == SecItemUpdate) {
1400 CFDictionaryRef dict = attributes ? attributes->dictionary : query->dictionary;
1401 access_control = (SecAccessControlRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSecAttrAccessControl);
1402 if (access_control && SecAccessControlGetConstraints(access_control) &&
1403 CFEqualSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSecAttrSynchronizable), kCFBooleanTrue))
1404 require_quiet(SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("item with kSecAttrAccessControl is not synchronizable")), out);
1405 }
1407 // Perform initial surgery on query/attributes (resolve LAContext to serialized ACM handle, resolve
1408 // SecAccessControlRef to serialized forms, expand kSecValueRef etc.)
1409 bool forQuery =
1410 secItemOperation == SecItemCopyMatching ||
1411 secItemOperation == SecItemUpdate ||
1412 secItemOperation == SecItemDelete;
1414 require_quiet(SecItemAttributesPrepare(query, forQuery, error), out);
1415 if (attributes != NULL)
1416 require_quiet(SecItemAttributesPrepare(attributes, false, error), out);
1418 // Populate auth_params dictionary according to initial query contents.
1419 SecItemAuthCopyParams(&auth_params, query);
1421 if (secItemOperation != SecItemCopyMatching) {
1422 // UISkip is allowed only for CopyMatching.
1423 require_action_quiet(!CFEqualSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecUseAuthenticationUI), kSecUseAuthenticationUISkip), out,
1424 SecError(errSecParam, error,
1425 CFSTR("kSecUseAuthenticationUISkip is allowed only for SecItemCopyMatching")));
1426 }
1428 ok = SecItemAuthDo(&auth_params, error, ^SecItemAuthResult(CFArrayRef *ac_pairs, CFErrorRef *error) {
1429 SecItemAuthResult result = kSecItemAuthResultError;
1431 // Propagate actual credential reference to the query.
1432 if (auth_params.dictionary != NULL) {
1433 CFDataRef acm_context = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params.dictionary, kSecUseCredentialReference);
1434 if (acm_context != NULL) {
1435 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecUseCredentialReference, acm_context);
1436 }
1438 CFDataRef acl_data_ref = CFDictionaryGetValue(auth_params.dictionary, kSecAttrAccessControl);
1439 if (acl_data_ref != NULL) {
1440 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(attributes ?: query), kSecAttrAccessControl, acl_data_ref);
1441 }
1442 }
1444 // Prepare connection to target token if it is present.
1445 CFStringRef token_id = CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecAttrTokenID);
1446 if (secItemOperation != SecItemCopyMatching && token_id != NULL) {
1447 require_quiet(CFAssignRetained(token, SecTokenCreate(token_id, auth_params.dictionary, error)), out);
1448 }
1450 CFDictionaryRef attrs = (attributes != NULL) ? attributes->dictionary : NULL;
1451 if(!perform(token, query->dictionary, attrs, auth_params.dictionary, error)) {
1452 require_quiet((result = SecItemCreatePairsFromError(error, ac_pairs)) == kSecItemAuthResultOK, out);
1453 }
1455 result = kSecItemAuthResultOK;
1457 out:
1458 return result;
1459 }, NULL);
1460 require_quiet(ok, out);
1462 ok = true;
1464 out:
1465 CFReleaseSafe(token);
1466 CFReleaseSafe(auth_params.mutable_dictionary);
1467 return ok;
1468 }
1470 static bool cftype_to_bool_cftype_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFTypeRef attributes, CFTypeRef *result, CFErrorRef *error)
1471 {
1472 return securityd_send_sync_and_do(op, error, ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
1473 return SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyQuery, attributes, error);
1474 }, ^bool(xpc_object_t response, CFErrorRef *error) {
1475 if (result) {
1476 return SecXPCDictionaryCopyPListOptional(response, kSecXPCKeyResult, result, error);
1477 }
1478 return true;
1479 });
1480 }
1482 static CFArrayRef dict_to_array_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFErrorRef *error)
1483 {
1484 CFArrayRef result = NULL;
1485 bool success = cftype_to_bool_cftype_error_request(op, attributes, (CFTypeRef*)&result, error);
1486 if(success && !isArray(result)){
1487 SecError(errSecUnimplemented, error, CFSTR("Unexpected nonarray returned: %@"), result);
1488 CFReleaseNull(result);
1489 }
1490 return result;
1491 }
1493 bool cftype_client_to_bool_cftype_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFTypeRef attributes, __unused SecurityClient *client, CFTypeRef *result, CFErrorRef *error) {
1494 return cftype_to_bool_cftype_error_request(op, attributes, result, error);
1495 }
1497 static bool dict_to_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFDictionaryRef query, CFErrorRef *error)
1498 {
1499 return securityd_send_sync_and_do(op, error, ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
1500 return SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyQuery, query, error);
1501 }, NULL);
1502 }
1504 static bool cfstring_array_to_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFStringRef string, CFArrayRef attributes, __unused SecurityClient *client, CFErrorRef *error)
1505 {
1506 return securityd_send_sync_and_do(op, error, ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
1507 if (string) {
1508 if (!SecXPCDictionarySetString(message, kSecXPCKeyString, string, error))
1509 return false;
1510 }
1512 if (attributes) {
1513 if (!SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyQuery, attributes, error))
1514 return false;
1515 }
1517 return true;
1518 }, NULL);
1519 }
1521 static bool dict_client_to_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFDictionaryRef query, __unused SecurityClient *client, CFErrorRef *error)
1522 {
1523 return dict_to_error_request(op, query, error);
1524 }
1526 static bool SecTokenCreateAccessControlError(CFStringRef operation, CFDataRef access_control, CFErrorRef *error) {
1527 CFArrayRef ac_pair = CFArrayCreateForCFTypes(NULL, access_control, operation, NULL);
1528 const void *ac_pairs[] = { CFArrayCreateForCFTypes(NULL, ac_pair, NULL) };
1529 const void *keys[] = { CFNumberCreateWithCFIndex(NULL, errSecAuthNeeded) };
1530 CFAssignRetained(*error, CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(NULL, kSecErrorDomain, errSecAuthNeeded,
1531 keys, ac_pairs, 1));
1532 CFRelease(keys[0]);
1533 CFRelease(ac_pairs[0]);
1534 CFRelease(ac_pair);
1535 return false;
1536 }
1538 static bool SecTokenProcessError(CFStringRef operation, TKTokenRef token, CFTypeRef object_or_attrs, CFErrorRef *error) {
1539 if (CFEqualSafe(CFErrorGetDomain(*error), CFSTR(kTKErrorDomain)) &&
1540 CFErrorGetCode(*error) == kTKErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed) {
1541 // Replace error with the one which is augmented with access control and operation which failed,
1542 // which will cause SecItemDoWithAuth to throw UI.
1543 // Create array containing tuple (array) with error and requested operation.
1544 CFDataRef access_control = (CFGetTypeID(object_or_attrs) == CFDataGetTypeID()) ?
1545 TKTokenCopyObjectAccessControl(token, object_or_attrs, error) :
1546 TKTokenCopyObjectCreationAccessControl(token, object_or_attrs, error);
1547 if (access_control != NULL) {
1548 SecTokenCreateAccessControlError(operation, access_control, error);
1549 CFRelease(access_control);
1550 }
1551 }
1552 return false;
1553 }
1555 static CFTypeRef SecTokenCopyUpdatedObjectID(TKTokenRef token, CFDataRef object_id, CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes, CFErrorRef *error) {
1556 CFDataRef access_control = NULL, db_value = NULL, new_object_id = NULL;
1557 SecAccessControlRef ac = NULL;
1558 CFDictionaryRef old_attrs = NULL;
1560 // Make sure that ACL is bound - if not, generate an error which will trigger binding.
1561 CFDataRef ac_data = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecAttrAccessControl);
1562 if (ac_data != NULL) {
1563 require_quiet(ac = SecAccessControlCreateFromData(NULL, ac_data, error), out);
1564 require_action_quiet(SecAccessControlIsBound(ac), out,
1565 SecTokenCreateAccessControlError(CFSTR(""), ac_data, error));
1566 }
1568 // Create or update the object on the token.
1569 old_attrs = CFDictionaryCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, attributes);
1570 require_action_quiet(new_object_id = TKTokenCreateOrUpdateObject(token, object_id, attributes, error), out,
1571 SecTokenProcessError(kAKSKeyOpEncrypt, token, object_id ?: (CFTypeRef)attributes, error));
1572 CFDictionaryForEach(old_attrs, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
1573 if (!CFEqual(key, kSecValueData)) {
1574 CFDictionaryAddValue(attributes, key, value);
1575 }
1576 });
1578 // Prepare kSecValueData field for the item to be stored into the keychain DB.
1579 require_quiet(access_control = TKTokenCopyObjectAccessControl(token, new_object_id, error), out);
1580 require_quiet(db_value = SecTokenItemValueCreate(new_object_id, access_control,
1581 CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecValueData), error), out);
1582 CFDictionarySetValue(attributes, kSecValueData, db_value);
1584 // kSecAttrAccessControl is handled directly by the token and stored inside data field.
1585 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(attributes, kSecAttrAccessControl);
1587 out:
1588 CFReleaseSafe(ac);
1589 CFReleaseSafe(access_control);
1590 CFReleaseSafe(db_value);
1591 CFReleaseSafe(old_attrs);
1592 return new_object_id;
1593 }
1595 static bool SecTokenItemAdd(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef auth_params,
1596 CFTypeRef *result, CFErrorRef *error) {
1597 bool ok = false;
1598 CFTypeRef object_id = NULL, ref = NULL;
1599 CFDictionaryRef ref_attrs = NULL;
1600 CFTypeRef db_result = NULL;
1601 CFDataRef db_value = NULL;
1602 CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, attributes);
1604 CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kSecAttrAccessible, kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysPrivate); //token items should be accesible always because have own ACL encoded in OID
1605 object_id = CFRetainSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs, kSecAttrTokenOID));
1606 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(attrs, kSecAttrTokenOID);
1607 require_quiet(CFAssignRetained(object_id, SecTokenCopyUpdatedObjectID(token, object_id, attrs, error)), out);
1608 if (CFDictionaryContainsKey(attrs, kSecValueRef)) {
1609 // All attributes already had been extracted from valueRef, so do not go through that step again, just remove
1610 // the ref from the dictionary since it is of no use any more.
1611 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(attrs, kSecValueRef);
1612 } else {
1613 // Augment attributes from default attributes of the related ref (SecKeyRef, SecCertificateRef). This is best done
1614 // by creating ref and getting back its attributes.
1615 require_quiet(SecTokenItemCreateFromAttributes(attrs, auth_params, token, object_id, &ref, error), out);
1616 if (ref != NULL) {
1617 if ((ref_attrs = SecItemCopyAttributeDictionary(ref, false)) != NULL) {
1618 CFDictionaryForEach(ref_attrs, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
1619 if (!CFEqual(key, kSecValueData)) {
1620 CFDictionaryAddValue(attrs, key, value);
1621 }
1622 });
1623 }
1624 }
1625 }
1627 // Make sure that both attributes and data are returned.
1628 CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kSecReturnAttributes, kCFBooleanTrue);
1629 CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kSecReturnData, kCFBooleanTrue);
1631 if (!CFEqualSafe(CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs, kSecAttrIsPermanent), kCFBooleanFalse)) {
1632 // IsPermanent is not present or is true, so add item to the db.
1633 require_quiet(SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_add, cftype_client_to_bool_cftype_error_request, attrs,
1634 SecSecurityClientGet(), &db_result, error), out);
1635 } else {
1636 // Process directly result of token call.
1637 db_result = CFRetain(attrs);
1638 }
1639 require_quiet(SecItemResultProcess(attributes, auth_params, token, db_result, result, error), out);
1640 ok = true;
1642 out:
1643 CFReleaseSafe(db_result);
1644 CFReleaseSafe(db_value);
1645 CFReleaseSafe(attrs);
1646 CFReleaseSafe(ref_attrs);
1647 CFReleaseSafe(object_id);
1648 CFReleaseSafe(ref);
1649 return ok;
1650 }
1652 OSStatus SecItemAdd(CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFTypeRef *result) {
1653 __block SecCFDictionaryCOW attrs = { attributes };
1654 OSStatus status;
1656 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemAdd_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
1657 os_activity_scope(activity);
1658 os_release(activity);
1660 require_quiet(!explode_identity(attrs.dictionary, (secitem_operation)SecItemAdd, &status, result), errOut);
1661 infer_cert_label(&attrs);
1663 status = SecOSStatusWith(^bool(CFErrorRef *error) {
1664 return SecItemAuthDoQuery(&attrs, NULL, SecItemAdd, error, ^bool(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef unused, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, CFErrorRef *error) {
1665 if (token == NULL) {
1666 CFTypeRef raw_result = NULL;
1667 if (!SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_add, cftype_client_to_bool_cftype_error_request, attributes, SecSecurityClientGet(), &raw_result, error))
1668 return false;
1670 bool ok = SecItemResultProcess(attributes, auth_params, token, raw_result, result, error);
1671 CFReleaseSafe(raw_result);
1672 return ok;
1673 } else {
1674 // Send request to an appropriate token instead of secd.
1675 return SecTokenItemAdd(token, attributes, auth_params, result, error);
1676 }
1677 });
1678 });
1680 errOut:
1681 CFReleaseSafe(attrs.mutable_dictionary);
1683 return status;
1684 }
1687 OSStatus SecItemCopyMatching(CFDictionaryRef inQuery, CFTypeRef *result) {
1688 OSStatus status;
1689 __block SecCFDictionaryCOW query = { inQuery };
1691 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemCopyMatching_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
1692 os_activity_scope(activity);
1693 os_release(activity);
1695 require_quiet(!explode_identity(query.dictionary, (secitem_operation)SecItemCopyMatching, &status, result), errOut);
1697 bool wants_data = cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query.dictionary, kSecReturnData));
1698 bool wants_attributes = cf_bool_value(CFDictionaryGetValue(query.dictionary, kSecReturnAttributes));
1699 if ((wants_data && !wants_attributes)) {
1700 // When either attributes or data are requested, we need to query both, because for token based items,
1701 // both are needed in order to generate proper data and/or attributes results.
1702 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(&query), kSecReturnAttributes, kCFBooleanTrue);
1703 }
1705 status = SecOSStatusWith(^bool(CFErrorRef *error) {
1706 return SecItemAuthDoQuery(&query, NULL, SecItemCopyMatching, error, ^bool(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, CFErrorRef *error) {
1707 CFTypeRef raw_result = NULL;
1708 if (!SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_copy_matching, cftype_client_to_bool_cftype_error_request, query, SecSecurityClientGet(), &raw_result, error))
1709 return false;
1711 // We intentionally pass NULL as token argument, because we want to be able to decide about token on which the item lives
1712 // on per-record basis, not wholesale. Logic inside SecItemResultCopyPrepared will open proper token according
1713 // to currently processed item.
1714 bool ok = SecItemResultProcess(inQuery, auth_params, NULL, raw_result, result, error);
1715 CFReleaseSafe(raw_result);
1716 return ok;
1717 });
1718 });
1720 errOut:
1722 CFReleaseSafe(query.mutable_dictionary);
1723 return status;
1724 }
1726 // Invokes token-object handler for each item matching specified query.
1727 static bool SecTokenItemForEachMatching(CFDictionaryRef query, CFErrorRef *error,
1728 bool (^perform)(CFDictionaryRef item_value, CFDictionaryRef item_query,
1729 CFErrorRef *error)) {
1730 bool ok = false;
1731 CFMutableDictionaryRef list_query = NULL;
1732 CFTypeRef items = NULL;
1733 CFArrayRef ref_array = NULL;
1734 CFDictionaryRef item_query = NULL, item_data = NULL;
1736 // Query all items with data and persistent_ref, so that we can extract objectIDs and also identify originating
1737 // items in the keychain.
1738 list_query = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, query);
1739 if (CFDictionaryGetValue(list_query, kSecMatchLimit) == NULL) {
1740 CFDictionarySetValue(list_query, kSecMatchLimit, kSecMatchLimitAll);
1741 }
1742 CFDictionarySetValue(list_query, kSecReturnData, kCFBooleanTrue);
1743 CFDictionarySetValue(list_query, kSecReturnPersistentRef, kCFBooleanTrue);
1744 require_quiet(SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_copy_matching, cftype_client_to_bool_cftype_error_request, list_query,
1745 SecSecurityClientGet(), &items, error), out);
1746 if (CFGetTypeID(items) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
1747 // Wrap single returned item into the array.
1748 CFArrayRef item_array = CFArrayCreateForCFTypes(NULL, items, NULL);
1749 CFAssignRetained(items, item_array);
1750 }
1752 CFTypeRef item;
1753 CFArrayForEachC(items, item) {
1754 CFDataRef data = CFDictionaryGetValue(item, kSecValueData);
1755 require_action_quiet(data != NULL, out, SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("value not present for token item")));
1757 CFAssignRetained(item_data, SecTokenItemValueCopy(data, error));
1758 require_quiet(item_data, out);
1760 CFAssignRetained(item_query,
1761 CFDictionaryCreateForCFTypes(NULL,
1762 kSecValuePersistentRef, CFDictionaryGetValue(item, kSecValuePersistentRef),
1763 NULL));
1764 require_quiet(perform(item_data, item_query, error), out);
1765 }
1767 ok = true;
1769 out:
1770 CFReleaseSafe(list_query);
1771 CFReleaseSafe(items);
1772 CFReleaseSafe(item_data);
1773 CFReleaseSafe(ref_array);
1774 CFReleaseSafe(item_query);
1775 return ok;
1776 }
1778 static bool SecItemRawUpdate(CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef attributesToUpdate, CFErrorRef *error) {
1779 bool ok = false;
1780 if (gSecurityd) {
1781 // Ensure the dictionary passed to securityd has proper kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.
1782 CFMutableDictionaryRef tmp = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, NULL);
1783 CFDictionaryForEach(attributesToUpdate, ^(const void *key, const void *value) { CFDictionaryAddValue(tmp, key, value); });
1784 ok = gSecurityd->sec_item_update(query, tmp, SecSecurityClientGet(), error);
1785 CFRelease(tmp);
1786 } else {
1787 xpc_object_t message = securityd_create_message(sec_item_update_id, error);
1788 if (message) {
1789 if (SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyQuery, query, error) &&
1790 SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyAttributesToUpdate, attributesToUpdate, error)) {
1791 xpc_object_t reply = securityd_message_with_reply_sync(message, error);
1792 if (reply) {
1793 ok = securityd_message_no_error(reply, error);
1794 xpc_release(reply);
1795 }
1796 }
1797 xpc_release(message);
1798 }
1799 }
1800 return ok;
1801 }
1803 static bool SecTokenItemUpdate(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef attributesToUpdate, CFErrorRef *error) {
1804 return SecTokenItemForEachMatching(query, error, ^bool(CFDictionaryRef object_data, CFDictionaryRef item_query, CFErrorRef *error) {
1805 bool ok = false;
1806 CFDataRef object_id = NULL;
1807 CFMutableDictionaryRef db_value = NULL;
1809 // Update attributes on the token.
1810 CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, attributesToUpdate);
1811 require_quiet(object_id = SecTokenCopyUpdatedObjectID(token, CFDictionaryGetValue(object_data, kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey),
1812 attributes, error), out);
1814 // Update attributes in the database.
1815 require_quiet(SecItemRawUpdate(item_query, attributes, error), out);
1817 ok = true;
1819 out:
1820 CFReleaseSafe(object_id);
1821 CFReleaseSafe(attributes);
1822 CFReleaseSafe(db_value);
1823 return ok;
1824 });
1825 }
1827 OSStatus SecItemUpdate(CFDictionaryRef inQuery, CFDictionaryRef inAttributesToUpdate) {
1828 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemUpdate_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
1829 os_activity_scope(activity);
1830 os_release(activity);
1832 return SecOSStatusWith(^bool(CFErrorRef *error) {
1833 return SecItemUpdateWithError(inQuery, inAttributesToUpdate, error);
1834 });
1835 }
1837 bool
1838 SecItemUpdateWithError(CFDictionaryRef inQuery,
1839 CFDictionaryRef inAttributesToUpdate,
1840 CFErrorRef *error)
1841 {
1842 __block SecCFDictionaryCOW query = { inQuery };
1843 __block SecCFDictionaryCOW attributesToUpdate = { inAttributesToUpdate };
1844 bool result = false;
1846 if (handleUpdateIdentity(inQuery, inAttributesToUpdate, &result, error))
1847 goto errOut;
1849 result = SecItemAuthDoQuery(&query, &attributesToUpdate, SecItemUpdate, error, ^bool(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, CFErrorRef *error) {
1850 if (token == NULL) {
1851 return SecItemRawUpdate(query, attributes, error);
1852 } else {
1853 return SecTokenItemUpdate(token, query, attributes, error);
1854 }
1855 });
1857 errOut:
1858 CFReleaseSafe(query.mutable_dictionary);
1859 CFReleaseSafe(attributesToUpdate.mutable_dictionary);
1860 return result;
1861 }
1863 static OSStatus explode_persistent_identity_ref(SecCFDictionaryCOW *query)
1864 {
1865 OSStatus status = errSecSuccess;
1866 CFTypeRef persist = CFDictionaryGetValue(query->dictionary, kSecValuePersistentRef);
1867 CFStringRef class;
1868 if (persist && _SecItemParsePersistentRef(persist, &class, NULL, NULL)
1869 && CFEqual(class, kSecClassIdentity)) {
1870 const void *keys[] = { kSecReturnRef, kSecValuePersistentRef };
1871 const void *vals[] = { kCFBooleanTrue, persist };
1872 CFDictionaryRef persistent_query = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys,
1873 vals, (array_size(keys)), NULL, NULL);
1874 CFTypeRef item_query = NULL;
1875 status = SecItemCopyMatching(persistent_query, &item_query);
1876 CFReleaseNull(persistent_query);
1877 if (status)
1878 return status;
1879 if (item_query == NULL)
1880 return errSecItemNotFound;
1882 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecValuePersistentRef);
1883 CFDictionarySetValue(SecCFDictionaryCOWGetMutable(query), kSecValueRef, item_query);
1884 CFRelease(item_query);
1885 }
1887 return status;
1888 }
1890 OSStatus SecItemDelete(CFDictionaryRef inQuery) {
1891 OSStatus status;
1892 __block SecCFDictionaryCOW query = { inQuery };
1894 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemDelete_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
1895 os_activity_scope(activity);
1896 os_release(activity);
1898 require_noerr_quiet(status = explode_persistent_identity_ref(&query), errOut);
1899 require_quiet(!explode_identity(query.dictionary, (secitem_operation)SecItemDelete, &status, NULL), errOut);
1901 status = SecOSStatusWith(^bool(CFErrorRef *error) {
1902 return SecItemAuthDoQuery(&query, NULL, SecItemDelete, error, ^bool(TKTokenRef token, CFDictionaryRef query, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CFDictionaryRef auth_params, CFErrorRef *error) {
1903 if (token == NULL) {
1904 return SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_delete, dict_client_to_error_request, query, SecSecurityClientGet(), error);
1905 } else {
1906 return SecTokenItemForEachMatching(query, error, ^bool(CFDictionaryRef object_data, CFDictionaryRef item_query, CFErrorRef *error) {
1907 bool ok = false;
1909 // Delete item from the token.
1910 CFDataRef object_id = CFDictionaryGetValue(object_data, kSecTokenValueObjectIDKey);
1911 require_action_quiet(TKTokenDeleteObject(token, object_id, error), out,
1912 SecTokenProcessError(kAKSKeyOpDelete, token, object_id, error));
1914 // Delete the item from the keychain.
1915 require_quiet(SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_delete, dict_client_to_error_request, item_query,
1916 SecSecurityClientGet(), error), out);
1917 ok = true;
1919 out:
1920 return ok;
1921 });
1922 }
1923 });
1924 });
1926 errOut:
1927 CFReleaseSafe(query.mutable_dictionary);
1930 return status;
1931 }
1933 OSStatus
1934 SecItemDeleteAll(void)
1935 {
1936 return SecOSStatusWith(^bool (CFErrorRef *error) {
1937 bool ok = true;
1938 if (gSecurityd) {
1939 if (!gSecurityd->sec_item_delete_all(error))
1940 ok &= SecError(errSecInternal, error, CFSTR("sec_item_delete_all is NULL"));
1941 } else {
1942 ok &= securityd_send_sync_and_do(sec_delete_all_id, error, NULL, NULL);
1943 }
1944 return ok;
1945 });
1946 }
1948 #if 0
1949 static bool
1950 agrps_client_to_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFArrayRef agrps, __unused SecurityClient *client, CFErrorRef *error)
1951 {
1952 return securityd_send_sync_and_do(op, error, ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
1953 return SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyAccessGroups, agrps, error);
1954 }, NULL);
1955 }
1956 #endif
1958 bool SecItemDeleteAllWithAccessGroups(CFArrayRef accessGroups, CFErrorRef *error) {
1959 #if 0
1960 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemDeleteAllWithAccessGroups", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
1961 os_activity_scope(activity);
1962 os_release(activity);
1964 return SECURITYD_XPC(sec_delete_items_with_access_groups, agrps_client_to_error_request, accessGroups,
1965 SecSecurityClientGet(), error);
1966 #else
1967 return true;
1968 #endif
1969 }
1971 OSStatus
1973 SecItemUpdateTokenItems_ios(CFTypeRef tokenID, CFArrayRef tokenItemsAttributes)
1974 #else
1975 SecItemUpdateTokenItems(CFTypeRef tokenID, CFArrayRef tokenItemsAttributes)
1976 #endif
1977 {
1978 OSStatus status;
1980 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemDelete_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
1981 os_activity_scope(activity);
1982 os_release(activity);
1984 status = SecOSStatusWith(^bool(CFErrorRef *error) {
1985 CFArrayRef tmpArrayRef = tokenItemsAttributes;
1986 if (tokenItemsAttributes) {
1987 CFMutableArrayRef tokenItems = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
1988 for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(tokenItemsAttributes); ++i) {
1989 CFDictionaryRef itemAttributes = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(tokenItemsAttributes, i);
1990 CFTypeRef accessControl = CFDictionaryGetValue(itemAttributes, kSecAttrAccessControl);
1991 CFTypeRef tokenOID = CFDictionaryGetValue(itemAttributes, kSecAttrTokenOID);
1992 CFTypeRef valueData = CFDictionaryGetValue(itemAttributes, kSecValueData);
1993 if (tokenOID != NULL && accessControl != NULL && CFDataGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(accessControl)) {
1994 CFDataRef data = SecTokenItemValueCreate(tokenOID, accessControl, valueData, error);
1995 if (!data) {
1996 CFRelease(tokenItems);
1997 return false;
1998 }
2000 CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, itemAttributes);
2001 CFDictionarySetValue(attributes, kSecValueData, data);
2002 CFDictionarySetValue(attributes, kSecAttrTokenID, tokenID);
2003 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(attributes, kSecAttrAccessControl);
2004 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(attributes, kSecAttrTokenOID);
2005 CFArrayAppendValue(tokenItems, attributes);
2006 CFRelease(attributes);
2007 CFRelease(data);
2008 }
2009 else
2010 CFArrayAppendValue(tokenItems, itemAttributes);
2011 }
2013 tmpArrayRef = tokenItems;
2014 }
2016 return SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_update_token_items, cfstring_array_to_error_request, tokenID, tmpArrayRef, SecSecurityClientGet(), error);
2017 });
2019 return status;
2020 }
2022 CFArrayRef _SecKeychainSyncUpdateMessage(CFDictionaryRef updates, CFErrorRef *error) {
2023 __block CFArrayRef result;
2024 os_activity_initiate("_SecKeychainSyncUpdateMessage", OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT, ^{
2025 result = SECURITYD_XPC(sec_keychain_sync_update_message, dict_to_array_error_request, updates, error);
2026 });
2027 return result;
2028 }
2030 #ifndef SECITEM_SHIM_OSX
2031 OSStatus SecTaskValidateForRequirement(SecTaskRef task, CFStringRef requirement);
2033 OSStatus SecTaskValidateForRequirement(SecTaskRef task, CFStringRef requirement)
2034 {
2035 return -1; /* this is only on OS X currently */
2036 }
2038 #else
2040 extern OSStatus SecTaskValidateForRequirement(SecTaskRef task, CFStringRef requirement);
2042 #endif
2044 #define do_if_registered(sdp, ...) if (gSecurityd && gSecurityd->sdp) { return gSecurityd->sdp(__VA_ARGS__); }
2046 bool _SecKeychainRollKeys(bool force, CFErrorRef *error)
2047 {
2048 do_if_registered(sec_roll_keys, force, error);
2050 __block bool result = false;
2052 secdebug("secitem","enter - %s", __FUNCTION__);
2053 securityd_send_sync_and_do(kSecXPCOpRollKeys, error,
2054 ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
2055 xpc_dictionary_set_bool(message, "force", force);
2056 return true;
2057 },
2058 ^bool(xpc_object_t response, __unused CFErrorRef *error) {
2059 result = xpc_dictionary_get_bool(response, kSecXPCKeyResult);
2060 return result;
2061 });
2062 return result;
2063 }
2065 static CFArrayRef data_array_to_array_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFDataRef normalizedIssuer, CFArrayRef accessGroups, CFErrorRef *error) {
2066 __block CFArrayRef results = NULL;
2067 securityd_send_sync_and_do(op, error, ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
2068 SecXPCDictionarySetData(message, kSecXPCKeyNormalizedIssuer, normalizedIssuer, error);
2069 SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyAccessGroups, accessGroups, error);
2070 return true;
2071 }, ^bool(xpc_object_t response, CFErrorRef *error) {
2072 return SecXPCDictionaryCopyArrayOptional(response, kSecXPCKeyResult, &results, error);
2073 });
2074 return results;
2075 }
2077 static bool data_data_array_to_bool_error_request(enum SecXPCOperation op, CFDataRef normalizedIssuer, CFDataRef serialNumber, CFArrayRef accessGroups, CFErrorRef *error) {
2078 __block bool result = false;
2079 securityd_send_sync_and_do(op, error, ^bool(xpc_object_t message, CFErrorRef *error) {
2080 SecXPCDictionarySetData(message, kSecXPCKeyNormalizedIssuer, normalizedIssuer, error);
2081 SecXPCDictionarySetData(message, kSecXPCKeySerialNumber, serialNumber, error);
2082 SecXPCDictionarySetPList(message, kSecXPCKeyAccessGroups, accessGroups, error);
2083 return true;
2084 }, ^bool(xpc_object_t response, CFErrorRef *error) {
2085 result = xpc_dictionary_get_bool(response, kSecXPCKeyResult);
2086 return result;
2087 });
2088 return result;
2089 }
2091 CFArrayRef SecItemCopyParentCertificates_ios(CFDataRef normalizedIssuer, CFArrayRef accessGroups, CFErrorRef *error) {
2092 CFArrayRef results = NULL;
2094 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemCopyParentCertificates_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
2095 os_activity_scope(activity);
2096 os_release(activity);
2098 results = SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_copy_parent_certificates, data_array_to_array_error_request, normalizedIssuer, accessGroups, error);
2100 return results;
2101 }
2103 bool SecItemCertificateExists(CFDataRef normalizedIssuer, CFDataRef serialNumber, CFArrayRef accessGroups, CFErrorRef *error) {
2104 bool results = false;
2106 os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecItemCopyParentCertificates_ios", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT);
2107 os_activity_scope(activity);
2108 os_release(activity);
2110 results = SECURITYD_XPC(sec_item_certificate_exists, data_data_array_to_bool_error_request, normalizedIssuer, serialNumber, accessGroups, error);
2112 return results;
2113 }