]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/sec/Security/SecDH.h
[apple/security.git] / OSX / sec / Security / SecDH.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008,2010,2012-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /*!
25 @header SecDH
26 The functions provided in SecDH.h implement the crypto required
27 for a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
28 */
30 #ifndef _SECURITY_SECDH_H_
31 #define _SECURITY_SECDH_H_
33 #include <Security/SecBase.h>
34 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
35 #include <stdint.h>
36 #include <stdbool.h>
37 #include <sys/types.h>
39 #ifdef __cplusplus
40 extern "C" {
41 #endif
43 typedef struct OpaqueSecDHContext *SecDHContext;
45 /*!
46 @function SecDHCreate
47 @abstract Return a newly allocated SecDHContext object.
48 @param g generator (2 or 5)
49 @param p prime as a big-endian unsigned byte array
50 @param p_len length of p, in bytes
51 @param l (optional) minimum length of private key in bits, or 0 for default
52 @param recip (optional) reciprocal of p as a big-endian unsigned byte array
53 @param recip_len length of recip, in bytes
54 @param dh (output) pointer to a SecDHContext
55 @discussion The recip and recip_len parameters are constant for a given p.
56 They are optional, although providing them improves performance.
57 @result On success, a newly allocated SecDHContext is returned in dh and
58 errSecSuccess is returned. On failure, NULL is returned in dh and an OSStatus error
59 code is returned.
60 The caller should call SecDHDestroy once the returned context is no longer
61 needed.
62 */
63 OSStatus SecDHCreate(uint32_t g, const uint8_t *p, size_t p_len, uint32_t l,
64 const uint8_t *recip, size_t recip_len, SecDHContext *dh);
66 /*!
67 @function SecDHCreateFromParameters
68 @param params A DER-encoded ASN.1 parameter object, as per PKCS3, containing
69 Diffie-Hellman key parameters
70 @param params_len Length of params, in bytes
71 @param dh (output) A pointer to a SecDHContext
72 @result On success, a newly allocated SecDHContext is returned in dh and
73 errSecSuccess is returned. On failure, NULL is returned in dh and an OSStatus error
74 code is returned.
75 The caller should call SecDHDestroy once the returned context is no longer
76 needed.
77 */
78 OSStatus SecDHCreateFromParameters(const uint8_t *params, size_t params_len,
79 SecDHContext *dh);
81 /*!
82 @function SecDHCreateFromAlgorithmId
83 @param alg A DER-encoded ASN.1 Algorithm Identifier object, as per PKCS1,
84 containing DH parameters.
85 @param alg_len Length of alg, in bytes
86 @param dh (output) A pointer to a SecDHContext
87 @result On success, a newly allocated SecDHContext is returned in dh and
88 errSecSuccess is returned. On failure, NULL is returned in dh and an OSStatus error
89 code is returned.
90 The caller should call SecDHDestroy once the returned context is no longer
91 needed.
92 */
93 OSStatus SecDHCreateFromAlgorithmId(const uint8_t *alg, size_t alg_len,
94 SecDHContext *dh);
96 /*!
97 @function SecDHGetMaxKeyLength
98 @abstract Return the maximum length in bytes of the pub_key returned by
99 SecDHGenerateKeypair().
100 @param dh A context created by one of the SecDHCreate functions
101 @discussion The value returned by this function is also the largest number
102 of bytes returned by SecDHComputeKey(). If a caller used the
103 SecDHCreate() function to create the SecDHContext passed to this function,
104 the value returned will be less than or equal to the p_len parameter
105 passed to SecDHCreate().
106 @result Return maximum length, in bytes, of keys returned by the passed-in
107 SecDHContext.
108 */
109 size_t SecDHGetMaxKeyLength(SecDHContext dh);
111 /*!
112 @function SecDHGenerateKeypair
113 @abstract Generate a Diffie-Hellman private/public key pair and return
114 the public key as an unsigned big-endian byte array.
115 @param dh A context created by one of the SecDHCreate functions
116 @param pub_key On return, the public key to be shared with the other party.
117 @params pub_key_len On input, the number of bytes available in pub_key;
118 on output, the number of bytes actually in pub_key.
119 @discussion Reusing a SecDHContext for multiple SecDHGenerateKeypair()
120 invocations is permitted.
121 @result errSecSuccess on success, or an OSStatus error code on failure.
122 */
123 OSStatus SecDHGenerateKeypair(SecDHContext dh, uint8_t *pub_key,
124 size_t *pub_key_len);
126 /*!
127 @function SecDHComputeKey
128 @abstract Given a SecDHContext and the other party's public key,
129 compute the shared secret.
130 @param dh A context created by one of the SecDHCreate functions, on which
131 SecDHGenerateKeypair() has been invoked first.
132 @param pub_key The other party's public key, as an unsigned big-endian byte
133 array.
134 @params pub_key_len The length of pub_key, in bytes
135 @param computed_key A pointer to a byte array in which the computed key
136 is returned.
137 @param computed_key_len On input, contains the number of
138 bytes requested to be returned in computed_key; on output, contains
139 the number of bytes returned in computed_key.
140 This will only be less than the requested number of bytes if the number
141 of bytes requested is larger than the number of bytes output by the
142 compute-key operation.
143 @discussion If *computed_key_len is less than the size of the actual
144 computed key, only the first *computed_key_len bytes will be returned.
145 No leading zero bytes will be returned, and the computed_key is returned
146 as an unsigned big-endian byte array.
147 @result errSecSuccess on success, or an OSStatus error code on failure.
148 */
149 OSStatus SecDHComputeKey(SecDHContext dh,
150 const uint8_t *pub_key, size_t pub_key_len,
151 uint8_t *computed_key, size_t *computed_key_len);
153 /*!
154 @function SecDHDestroy
155 @abstract Destroy a SecDHContext created with one of the SecDHCreate functions.
156 @param dh A context created by one of the SecDHCreate functions
157 */
158 void SecDHDestroy(SecDHContext dh);
161 /*!
162 @function SecDHEncodeParams
163 @abstract Encode parameters in a PKCS#3 blob
164 */
165 OSStatus SecDHEncodeParams(CFDataRef g, CFDataRef p,
166 CFDataRef l, CFDataRef recip,
167 CFDataRef *params);
169 /*!
170 @function SecDHDecodeParams
171 @abstract Decode parameters in a PKCS#3 blob
172 */
173 OSStatus SecDHDecodeParams(CFDataRef *g, CFDataRef *p,
174 CFDataRef *l, CFDataRef *r,
175 CFDataRef params);
177 #ifdef __cplusplus
178 }
179 #endif
181 #endif /* _SECURITY_SECDH_H_ */