]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_cryptkit/lib/CurveParamDocs/FEEDsansY.nb
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_cryptkit / lib / CurveParamDocs / FEEDsansY.nb
1 (***********************************************************************
3 Mathematica-Compatible Notebook
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37 (*CacheID: 232*)
40 (*NotebookFileLineBreakTest
41 NotebookFileLineBreakTest*)
42 (*NotebookOptionsPosition[ 12180, 264]*)
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44 (* CellTagsIndexPosition[ 12815, 285]*)
45 (*WindowFrame->Normal*)
49 Notebook[{
50 Cell[BoxData[
51 \(\( (*\n\tNo - Y - coordinate\ version\ of\ Algorithm\ 8.1 .10; \n\t
52 see\ program\ 8.1 .10 . directembed . nb\n\t\t\t\n\n\ Support\ code\
53 for\n\ R . \ Crandall\ and\ C . \ Pomerance, \n\
54 "\<Prime Numbers: a Computational Perspective,\>"\n\ Springer -
55 Verlag\ 2001. \n\ c . \ 2000\ Perfectly\ Scientific, \
56 Inc . \n\ All\ Rights\ Reserved . \n\t\n\t20\ Apr\ 2001\ RC\
57 \((revamped\ for\ simplicity)\)\n\ 10\ Dec\ 2000\ AH\
58 \((Formatting)\)\n\t14\ Sep\ 2000\ RT\ \((Creation)\)\n*) \n\)\)],
59 "Input"],
61 Cell[CellGroupData[{
63 Cell[BoxData[
64 \(\( (*\ CODE\ *) \n
65 \n (*\ First, \ a\ function\ for\ inverting\ n\ mod\ \(p . \)\ *) \n
66 ellinv[n_]\ := \ If[n == 0, 0, PowerMod[n, \(-1\), p]]; \n
67 \n (*\ Next, \
68 a\ function\ for\ normalizing\ the\ x\ \(coordinate . \)\ *) \n
69 ex[pt_]\ := \ Mod[pt[\([1]\)]\ *\ ellinv[pt[\([2]\)]], \ p]; \n
70 \n (*\ Next, \
71 the\ doubleh \(()\)\ function\ for\ doubling\ a\ \(point . \)\ *) \n
72 elleven[pt_]\ := \ \n\t
73 Block[{x1\ = \ pt[\([1]\)], \ z1\ = \ pt[\([2]\)], \ e, \ f\ }, \n
74 \ \ \t\te\ = \
75 Mod[\((x1^2\ - \ a\ z1^2)\)^2\ - \
76 4\ b\ \((2\ x1\ + \ c\ z1)\)\ z1^3, \ p]; \n\ \ \t\t
77 f\ = \ Mod[
78 4\ z1\ \((x1^3\ + \ c\ x1^2\ z1\ + \ a\ x1\ z1^2\ + \ b\ z1^3)
79 \), \ p]; \n\ \ \t\t{e, f}\n\t]; \n
80 \n (*\ Next, \
81 the\ addh \(()\)\ function\ for\ adding\ pt\ and\ pu\ with\ pv\ = \
82 pt - pu\ known\ \n
83 \(\((x\ and\ z\ coordinates\ only\ of\ course)\) . \)\ *) \n
84 ellodd[pt_, \ pu_, \ pv_]\ := \ \n\t
85 Block[\n\t\t{x1\ = \ pt[\([1]\)], \ z1\ = \ pt[\([2]\)], \n\t\t\
86 x2\ = \ pu[\([1]\)], \ z2\ = \ pu[\([2]\)], \n\t\t\
87 xx\ = \ pv[\([1]\)], \ zz\ = \ pv[\([2]\)], \ i, \ j\n\t\t\ }, \n
88 \ \ \t\ \ \ \ \
89 i\ = \ Mod[
90 zz\ \((\((x1\ x2\ - \ a\ z1\ z2)\)^2\ - \n
91 \ \ \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
92 4\ b \((x1\ z2\ + \ x2\ z1\ + \ c\ z1\ z2)\)\ z1\ z2)\),
93 \ \n\ \ \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tp\n\ \ \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ]; \n
94 \ \ \t\ \ \ \ \ j\ = \ Mod[xx\ \((x1\ z2\ - \ x2\ z1)\)^2, \ p]; \n
95 \ \ \t\t\ {i, j}\n\t]; \n
96 \n (*\ Now, \ the\ main\ routine, \ elliptic\ multiply\ [k] \(pt . \)\ *)
97 \nelliptic[pt_, \ k_]\ := \ \n\t
98 Block[{porg, \ ps, \ pp, \ q}, \n\t\tIf[k\ == 1, \ Return[pt]]; \n\t\t
99 If[k\ == 2, \ Return[elleven[pt]]]; \n\t\tporg\ = \ pt; \n\t\t
100 ps\ = \ elleven[pt]; \n\t\tpp\ = \ pt; \n\t\t
101 bitlist\ = \ Reverse[IntegerDigits[k, 2]]; \n\t\t
102 Do[\t\ \ \ \n\t\ \ \ \t\t
103 If[bitlist[\([q]\)]\ == \ 1, \n\t\ \ \ \t\ \ \ \t\t
104 pp\ = \ ellodd[ps, \ pp, \ porg]; \n\t\ \ \ \t\ \ \ \t\t
105 ps\ = \ elleven[ps]\n\t\ \ \ \t\ \ \ \t\t, \n
106 \t\ \ \ \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \tps\ = \ ellodd[pp, \ ps, \ porg]; \n
107 \t\t\ \ \ \ \ \tpp\ = \ elleven[pp]\n\t\ \ \ \t\t]\n
108 \t\ \ \ \t\t, \n
109 \t\ \ \ \t\t{q, \ Length[bitlist] - 1, \ 1, \ \(-1\)}\n\ \ \ \ \t];
110 \n\ \ \ \ \tReturn[Mod[pp, p]]\n\t]; \n
111 \n (*\ Next, \
112 we\ include\ algorithm\ 2.3 .8\ for\ finding\ square\ roots\ \nmodulo\
113 a\ prime\ \(p . \)\ *) \n\n
114 sqrtmod[b_, p_] := \ \n\t
115 Module[{a, x, c, d, cd, m, t, tst}, \n\ \ \ \t\ta\ = \ Mod[b, p]; \n
116 \ \ \ \t\tIf[p\ == \ 2, \ Return[a]]; \n\ \ \ \ \t
117 If[MemberQ[{3, 7}, Mod[p, 8]], \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
118 Return[PowerMod[a, \((p + 1)\)/4, p]]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \n\ \ \ \ \t
119 If[Mod[p, 8]\ == \ 5, \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
120 x\ = \ PowerMod[a, \((p + 3)\)/8, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
121 c\ = \ Mod[x^2, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
122 If[Not[c\ == \ a], \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
123 Return[Mod[x\ PowerMod[2, \((p - 1)\)/4, p], \ p]]\n
124 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \n\ \ \ \ \t\n
125 \ \ \ \ \t (*\ Here, \ p\ = \ 1\ \(\((mod\ 8)\) . \)\ *) \n
126 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ttst\ = \ 1; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
127 While[Not[tst\ == \ \(-1\)], \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
128 d\ = \ Random[Integer, {1, p}]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
129 tst\ = \ JacobiSymbol[d, p]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
130 t\ = \ \((p - 1)\)/2; \ s\ = \ 1; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
131 While[EvenQ[t], \ t\ = \ t/2; \ \(++s\)]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
132 ca\ = \ PowerMod[a, t, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
133 cd\ = \ PowerMod[d, t, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \tm\ = \ 0; \n
134 \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
135 Do[\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \
136 If[PowerMod[Mod[ca\ PowerMod[cd, \ m, \ p], p], \
137 2^\((s - 1 - i)\), \ p]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \ \t\t == \ p - 1,
138 \ m\ += \ 2^i]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \ , {i, 0, s - 1}\n
139 \ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \ \ \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
140 Return[Mod[PowerMod[a, \ \((t + 1)\)/2, p]\ PowerMod[cd, \ m/2, p],
141 p]]; \ \n\t]; \n
142 \n (*\ Next, \ a\ function\ relevant\ to\ Algorithm\ 7.2 \( .8 . \)\ *) \n
143 \nellXadd[x1_, x2_] := \n\t
144 Module[{u2, v, g}, \[IndentingNewLine]\t\tg = x1 - x2;
145 \[IndentingNewLine]\t\tden = PowerMod[g, \(-2\), p];
146 \[IndentingNewLine]\t\t
147 alpha = Mod[
148 \((\((x1\ x2 + a)\) \((x1 + x2)\) + 2 c\ x1\ x2 + 2 b)\), p];
149 \[IndentingNewLine]\t\t
150 beta = Mod[\((\((x1\ x2 - a)\)^2 - 4 b \((x1 + x2 + c)\))\), p];
151 \[IndentingNewLine]\t\tdisc = Mod[alpha^2 - beta\ g^2, p];
152 \[IndentingNewLine]\t\t{\ \
153 Mod[\ den*\((alpha + sqrtmod[disc, p])\), p], \ \n\t\t\ \ \ \
154 Mod[den*\((alpha - sqrtmod[disc, p])\), p]\n\t\t}
155 \[IndentingNewLine]\t]; \n
156 \n (*\ Now, \
157 the\ main\ routine . \ Parameters\ are\ given\ for\ 161 -
158 bit\ prime\ field\n\t\t\tand\ specific\ curve; \n\t\ \
159 direct\ embedding\ proceeds\ on\ "\<plaintext\>"\ integers\ x\
160 \((mod\ p)\) . \ \n\ \ \ We\ start\ with\ relevant\ global\
161 \((and\ public, \ except\ for\ kb)\)\n\ \ \ \(parameters . \)\n\ *) \n
162 \[IndentingNewLine]p\ = \
163 1654338658923174831024422729553880293604080853451; \na\ = \ \(-152\);
164 \nb = \ 722; \nc\ = \ 0; \ \ (*\ Montgomery\ \(parameter . \)\ *) \n
165 \n (*\ Next, \
166 create\ public\ point\ P\ of\ prime\ order\ on\ main\ \(curve . \)\ *)
167 \npubpoint\ =
168 \ {124590448755381588517063157600522073397838354227, \ 1}; \ \ \n
169 pubpointtwist\ =
170 \ {1173563507729187954550227059395955904200719019884, 1}; \n\n
171 kb\ = \ 968525826201321079923232842886222248;
172 \ \ (*\ Private\ key\ \(K_B . \)\ *) \n\n
173 pubkey\ = \ \ \ elliptic[pubpoint, \ kb];
174 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (*\ Public\ key\ \(P_B . \)\ *) \n
175 pubkeytwist\ = \ \telliptic[pubpointtwist, \ kb];
176 \ \ \ \ \ (*\ Public\ key\ \(P_B' . \)\ *) \n\ \n\t\t\n
177 encryptEmbed[x_] := \
178 Module[{cubic, \ curve, \ X\ = \ x, \ pbk, \ pbp, \ clueX, \ X2, \ uX,
179 \n\t\t\ \ piece, \ try, \ sign},
180 \[IndentingNewLine] (*\ First, \
181 let\ us\ determine\ which\ curve . \ \n\t\t\ \ \ EITHER\ X\ lies\ in
182 \ the\ curve\ y^2\ = \ X^3\ + \ c\ X^2\ + \ a\ X\ + \ b, \n
183 \t\t\ \ \
184 or\ on\ g\ y^2\ = \ X^3\ + \ c\ X^2\ + \ a\ X\ + \ b\ *) \n
185 \t\t\ cubic\ = \ Mod[X\ Mod[X^2\ + c\ X\ + \ \ a, p]\ + \ b, p];
186 \n\t\t\ If[JacobiSymbol[cubic, \ p]\ > \ \(-1\), \ \n
187 \t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ curve\ = \ 1; \ pbk\ = \ pubkey; \
188 pbp\ = \ pubpoint, \t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \n\t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \
189 curve\ = \ \(-1\)\ ; \ pbk\ = \ pubkeytwist; \
190 pbp\ = \ pubpointtwist; \ \n\t\t\ \ ]; \n\t\t\n\t\t\t
191 r\ = \ Random[Integer, \ {2, p - 2}]; \t\t\ \ \n\t\t\t
192 clueX\ = \ ex[elliptic[pbp, \ r]]; \n\t\t\ \
193 X2\ = \ ex[elliptic[pbk, \ r]];
194 \ (*\ We\ shall\ be\ adding\ the\ points\ having\ X, \ X2, \
195 and\n\t\t\t\t\t\ \ \ there\ is\ a\ sign\ ambiguity\ a\ la\ Algorithm
196 \ 7.2 .8\ because\ Y -
197 coordinates\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ \ are\ being\ \(avoided . \)\ *) \ \n
198 \t\t\ \ \ uX\ = \ \(ellXadd[X, \ X2]\)[\([1]\)]; \n\t\t\n
199 \t\t (*\ Next, \
200 feedback\ loop\ to\ determine\ which\ value\ of\ sign\ recovers\
201 \(plaintext . \)\ *) \n\t\t\n\t\t\ \ \
202 piece\ = \ ex[elliptic[{clueX, 1}, \ kb]]; \t\t\ \n\t\t\ \ \
203 try\ = \ ellXadd[uX, \ piece]; \n\n\t\t\t\
204 If[\ttry[\([1]\)]\ == \ X, \ sign\ = \ 1, \n
205 \t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
206 If[try[\([2]\)]\ == \ X, \ sign\ = \ \(-1\), \ Print["\<TILT!\>"]]
207 \n\t\t\t]; \t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \n
208 \t\t\ \ {uX, \ clueX, \ curve, \ sign}\[IndentingNewLine]];
209 \[IndentingNewLine]\n
210 decryptEmbed[cipherList_] := \
211 Module[{uX\ = \ cipherList[\([1]\)], \
212 clueX\ = \ cipherList[\([2]\)], \ curve\ = \ cipherList[\([3]\)],
213 \ sign\ = \ cipherList[\([4]\)]}, \n\t\t\ \ \
214 piece\ = \ ex[elliptic[{clueX, 1}, \ kb]]; \t\t\ \n\t\t\ \ \
215 try\ = \ ellXadd[uX, \ piece]; \n\t\t\ \ \
216 X\ = \ try[\([\((3 - sign)\)/2]\)]; \n\t\t\tX\[IndentingNewLine]];
217 \[IndentingNewLine]\n\)\)], "Input"],
219 Cell[BoxData[
220 \(General::"spell1" \( : \ \)
221 "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(beta\)\" is similar to \
222 existing symbol \"\!\(Beta\)\"."\)], "Message"],
224 Cell[BoxData[
225 \(General::"spell1" \( : \ \)
226 "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(sign\)\" is similar to \
227 existing symbol \"\!\(Sign\)\"."\)], "Message"]
228 }, Open ]],
230 Cell[CellGroupData[{
232 Cell[BoxData[
233 \(\( (*\ EXAMPLE\ *) \ \n\n
234 ciph\ = \ encryptEmbed[plain\ = \ Random[Integer, p - 1]]; \n
235 If[decryptEmbed[ciph]\ != \ plain, \ Print["\<TILT!\>"]], {ct, 1, 10}]
236 \)\)], "Input"],
238 Cell[BoxData[
239 \(General::"spell1" \( : \ \)
240 "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(plain\)\" is similar to \
241 existing symbol \"\!\(Plain\)\"."\)], "Message"]
242 }, Open ]],
244 Cell[CellGroupData[{
246 Cell[BoxData[
247 \(p\)], "Input"],
249 Cell[BoxData[
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251 }, Open ]],
253 Cell[CellGroupData[{
255 Cell[BoxData[
256 \(CC\)], "Input"],
258 Cell[BoxData[
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275 Cached data follows. If you edit this Notebook file directly, not using
276 Mathematica, you must remove the line containing CacheID at the top of
277 the file. The cache data will then be recreated when you save this file
278 from within Mathematica.
279 ***********************************************************************)
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282 CellTagsIndex->{}
283 *)
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316 *)
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322 End of Mathematica Notebook file.
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