]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/libsecurity_cryptkit/lib/CurveParamDocs/FEEDaffine.nb
[apple/security.git] / OSX / libsecurity_cryptkit / lib / CurveParamDocs / FEEDaffine.nb
1 (***********************************************************************
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41 NotebookFileLineBreakTest*)
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49 Notebook[{
50 Cell[BoxData[
51 \(\( (*\n\
52 Algorithm\ 8.1 .10\
53 \((Direct - embedding\ ECC\ encryption)\) . \t\t\t\n\ Support\ code\
54 for\n\ R . \ Crandall\ and\ C . \ Pomerance, \n\
55 "\<Prime Numbers: a Computational Perspective,\>"\n\ Springer -
56 Verlag\ 2001. \n\ c . \ 2000\ Perfectly\ Scientific, \
57 Inc . \n\ All\ Rights\ Reserved . \n\t\n\t20\ Apr\ 2001\ RC\
58 \((revamped\ for\ simplicity)\)\n\ 10\ Dec\ 2000\ AH\
59 \((Formatting)\)\n\t14\ Sep\ 2000\ RT\ \((Creation)\)\n*) \n\)\)],
60 "Input"],
62 Cell[BoxData[{
63 \( (*\ CODE\ *) \n
64 \[IndentingNewLine] (*\
65 We\ include\ functions\ from\ algorithm\ 7.2 .2\ for\ performing\
66 elliptic\ \n\(arithmetic . \)\ *) \n
67 \n (*\ Next, \
68 a\ function\ that\ negates\ a\ point\ pt\ on\ an\ elliptic\
69 \(curve . \)\ *) \n
70 ellneg[pt_]\ := \ Mod[pt\ *\ {1, \(-1\), \ 1}, \ p]; \n
71 \n (*\ Next, \ elliptic\ subtraction\ pt1 - \(pt2 . \)\ *) \n
72 \(ellsub[pt1_, \ pt2_]\ := \ elladd[pt1, \ ellneg[pt2]]; \)\n
73 \n (*\ Next, \ the\ double\ of\ a\ \(point . \)\ *) \),
74 \(elldouble[pt_]\ := \ elladd[pt, pt]; \n
75 \n (*\ Next, \ elliptic\ addition\ pt1 + \(pt2 . \)\ *) \n\n\n
76 \(elladd[pt1_, \ pt2_]\ := \ \n\t
77 Block[{x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, m}, \n\t\t
78 If[pt1[\([3]\)]\ == \ 0, \ Return[pt2]]; \n\t\t
79 If[pt2[\([3]\)]\ == \ 0, \ Return[pt1]]; \n\t\t
80 x1\ = \ pt1[\([1]\)]; \ y1\ = \ pt1[\([2]\)]; \n\t\t
81 x2\ = \ pt2[\([1]\)]; \ y2\ = \ pt2[\([2]\)]; \n\t\t
82 If[x1\ == \ x2, \ \n\t\t\t
83 If[Mod[y1 + y2, p] == 0, \ Return[{1, 1, 0}]]; \n\t\t\t
84 m\ = \ Mod[\((3\ x1^2\ + \ a)\)\ *\ PowerMod[2 y1, \(-1\), p], \
85 p], \n\t\t\t
86 m\ = \ Mod[\((y2 - y1)\)\ PowerMod[x2 - x1, \(-1\), p], p]\n\t\t];
87 \n\t\tx3\ = \ Mod[m^2\ - \ x1\ - \ x2, p]; \n\t\t
88 y3\ = \ Mod[m \((x1 - x3)\)\ - \ y1, \ p]; \n\t\t
89 Return[{x3, y3, 1}]\n\t]; \)\n\ \
90 \n (*\ Next, \ elliptic - multiply\ a\ point\ pt\ by\ \(k . \)\ *) \),
91 \(\n\nelliptic[pt_, \ k_]\ := \ \n\t
92 Block[{hh, \ kk, pt2, lenh, \ lenk, \ hb, \ kb}, \n\t\t
93 If[k == 0, \ Return[{1, 1, 0}]]; \n\t\t
94 hh\ = \ Reverse[IntegerDigits[3 k, 2]]; \n\t\t
95 kk\ = \ Reverse[IntegerDigits[k, 2]]; \n\t\tpt2\ = \ pt; \n\t\t
96 lenh\ = \ Length[hh]; \n\t\tlenk\ = \ Length[kk]; \n\t\t
97 Do[\n\t\t\tpt2\ = \ elldouble[pt2]; \n\t\t\thb\ = \ hh[\([b]\)]; \n
98 \t\t\tIf[b\ <= \ lenk, \ kb\ = \ kk[\([b]\)], \ kb\ = \ 0]; \n
99 \t\t\tIf[{hb, kb}\ == \ {1, 0}, \n\t\t\t\t
100 pt2\ = \ elladd[pt2, \ pt], \n\t\t\t\t
101 If[{hb, \ kb}\ == \ {0, 1}, \n\t\t\t\t
102 pt2\ = \ ellsub[pt2, \ pt]]\n\t\t\t]\n\t\t\t, \n
103 \t\t\t{b, \ lenh - 1, \ 2, \(-1\)}\n\t\t\ ]; \n\tReturn[pt2]\n]\n
104 \n (*\ Next, \
105 we\ include\ algorithm\ 2.3 .8\ for\ finding\ square\ roots\ \nmodulo\
106 a\ prime\ p, \
107 to\ be\ used\ to\ seek\ out\ valid\ y -
108 coordinates\ on\ \(curves . \)\ *) \n\),
109 \(sqrtmod[b_, p_] := \ \n\t
110 Module[{a, x, c, d, cd, m, t, tst}, \n\ \ \ \t\ta\ = \ Mod[b, p]; \n
111 \ \ \ \t\tIf[p\ == \ 2, \ Return[a]]; \n\ \ \ \ \t
112 If[MemberQ[{3, 7}, Mod[p, 8]], \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
113 Return[PowerMod[a, \((p + 1)\)/4, p]]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \n\ \ \ \ \t
114 If[Mod[p, 8]\ == \ 5, \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
115 x\ = \ PowerMod[a, \((p + 3)\)/8, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
116 c\ = \ Mod[x^2, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
117 If[Not[c\ == \ a], \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t\t
118 Return[Mod[x\ PowerMod[2, \((p - 1)\)/4, p], \ p]]\n
119 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \n\ \ \ \ \t\n
120 \ \ \ \ \t (*\ Here, \ p\ = \ 1\ \(\((mod\ 8)\) . \)\ *) \n
121 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ttst\ = \ 1; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
122 While[Not[tst\ == \ \(-1\)], \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
123 d\ = \ Random[Integer, {1, p}]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
124 tst\ = \ JacobiSymbol[d, p]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
125 t\ = \ \((p - 1)\)/2; \ s\ = \ 1; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
126 While[EvenQ[t], \ t\ = \ t/2; \ \(++s\)]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
127 ca\ = \ PowerMod[a, t, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
128 cd\ = \ PowerMod[d, t, p]; \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \tm\ = \ 0; \n
129 \ \ \ \ \ \ \t
130 Do[\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \
131 If[PowerMod[Mod[ca\ PowerMod[cd, \ m, \ p], p], \
132 2^\((s - 1 - i)\), \ p]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \ \t\t == \ p - 1,
133 \ m\ += \ 2^i]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \ , {i, 0, s - 1}\n
134 \ \ \ \ \ \ \t]; \ \ \ \ \ \ \t\ \ \ \ \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \t
135 Return[Mod[PowerMod[a, \ \((t + 1)\)/2, p]\ PowerMod[cd, \ m/2, p],
136 p]]; \ \n\t]; \n\n
137 \n (*\ Now, \
138 the\ main\ routine . \ Parameters\ are\ given\ for\ 161 -
139 bit\ prime\ field\n\t\t\tand\ specific\ curve; \n\t\ \
140 direct\ embedding\ proceeds\ on\ "\<plaintext\>"\ integers\ x\
141 \((mod\ p)\) . \ \n\ \ \ We\ start\ with\ relevant\ global\
142 \((and\ public, \ except\ for\ kb)\)\n\ \ \ parameters\n\ *) \n
143 \[IndentingNewLine]p\ = \
144 1654338658923174831024422729553880293604080853451; \nA\ = \ \(-152\);
145 \nB\ = \ 722; \ng\ = \ \(-1\);
146 \ \ (*\ Quadratic\ nonresidue\ \((mod\ p)\)\ for\ this\ case, \
147 as\ p\ = \ 3\ \(\((mod\ 4)\) . \)\ *) \n
148 Atwist\ = \ Mod[A\ \ Mod[h\ = \ g^2, p], \ p]; \n
149 Btwist\ = \ Mod[B\ \ Mod[h\ g, p], p]; \n
150 \n (*\ Next, \
151 create\ public\ point\ P\ of\ prime\ order\ on\ main\ \(curve . \)\ *)
152 \nx1 = \ 124590448755381588517063157600522073397838354227; \ \ \n
153 pubpoint\ =
154 \ {x1, \ sqrtmod[Mod[x1\ Mod[x1^2\ + \ A, p]\ + \ B, p], \ p], 1}; \n
155 \n (*\ Next, \
156 create\ public\ point\ P'\ of\ prime\ order\ on\ twist\
157 \(curve . \)\ *) \n
158 x1twist\ = \ 480775151193986876474195670157924389403361833567; \n
159 pubpointtwist\ =
160 \ {x1twist, \
161 sqrtmod[Mod[x1twist\ Mod[x1twist^2\ + \ Atwist, p]\ + \ Btwist, p],
162 \ p], 1}; \n\nkb\ = \ 968525826201321079923232842886222248;
163 \ \ (*\ Private\ key\ \(K_B . \)\ *) \n\n{a, b}\ = \ {A, B};
164 \ \ (*\ Prepare\ elliptic\ algebra\ for\ main\ \(curve . \)\ *) \n
165 pubkey\ = \ \ \ elliptic[pubpoint, \ kb];
166 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (*\ Public\ key\ \(P_B . \)\ *) \n\
167 \n{a, b}\ = \ {Atwist, \ Btwist};
168 \ \ \ (*\ Prepare\ elliptic\ algebra\ for\ twist\ \(curve . \)\ *) \n
169 pubkeytwist\ = \ \telliptic[pubpointtwist, \ kb];
170 \ \ \ \ \ (*\ Public\ key\ \(P_B' . \)\ *) \n\ \n\t\t\n
171 encryptEmbed[x_] := \
172 Module[{cubic, \ curve, \ X\ = \ x, \ Y, \ pbk, \ X1},
173 \[IndentingNewLine] (*\ First, \
174 let\ us\ determine\ which\ curve . \ \n\t\t\ \ \ EITHER\ X\ lies\ in
175 \ the\ curve\ y^2\ = \ X^3\ + \ A\ X\ + \ B, \n\t\t\ \ \
176 or\ Xt\ := \
177 \(g\ X\ lies\ on\ y^2\ = \
178 Xt^3\ + \ Atwist\ Xt\ + \ Btwist\)\ *) \n\t\t\
179 cubic\ = \ Mod[X\ Mod[X^2\ + \ A, p]\ + \ B, p]; \n\t\t\
180 If[JacobiSymbol[cubic, \ p]\ > \ \(-1\), \ \n\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \
181 curve\ = \ 1; \ {a, b}\ = \ {A, B}; \ pbk\ = \ pubkey; \
182 pbp\ = \ pubpoint, \t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \n\t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \
183 curve\ = \ \(-1\); \ {a, b}\ = \ {Atwist, \ Btwist}; \
184 pbk\ = \ pubkeytwist; \ pbp\ = \ pubpointtwist; \ \n
185 \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tX\ = \ g\ X; \ \n\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \
186 cubic\ = \ Mod[X\ Mod[X^2\ + \ Atwist, p]\ + \ Btwist, p]\n
187 \t\t\ \ ]; \n\t\t\ \ Y\ = \ sqrtmod[cubic, \ p]; \ \ \n
188 \t\t\t (*\
189 Now\ we\ \(have : \ \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ \
190 \((X\ = \ x, Y)\)\ or\ \((X\ = \ g\ x, \ Y)\) lies\ on\ the\
191 respective\ curve\); \n\t\t\t\t\ \ \ \
192 \((a, b)\)\ parameters\ are\ set\ up\ for\ respective\
193 \(curve . \)\ *) \n\t\t\t\ \n\t\t\t
194 r\ = \ Random[Integer, \ {2, p - 2}]; \n\t\t\t
195 u\ = \ elladd[elliptic[pbk, \ r], \ {X, \ Y, 1}]; \n\t\t\t
196 c\ = \ elliptic[pbp, \ r]; \n
197 \t\t\ \ {u, \ c, \ curve}\[IndentingNewLine]]; \[IndentingNewLine]\n
198 decryptEmbed[cipherList_] := \
199 Module[{u\ = \ cipherList[\([1]\)], \ c\ = \ cipherList[\([2]\)], \
200 curve\ = \ cipherList[\([3]\)]},
201 \[IndentingNewLine]If[curve\ == \ 1, \n
202 \t\t\t\t{a, b}\ = \ {A, \ B}, \n
203 \t\t\t\ \ {a, b}\ = \ {Atwist, \ Btwist}\n\t\t\ \ \ ]; \n\t\t
204 X\ = \ \(ellsub[u, \ elliptic[c, \ kb]]\)[\([1]\)]; \n\t\t
205 If[curve\ != \ 1, \ X\ = \ Mod[X\ PowerMod[g, \(-1\), \ p], p]]; \n
206 \t\t\tX\[IndentingNewLine]]; \[IndentingNewLine]\n\)}], "Input"],
208 Cell[BoxData[{
209 \( (*\ EXAMPLE\ *) \ \n\n
210 \[IndentingNewLine]ciph\ = \
211 encryptEmbed[plain\ = \ 1324578918324567]\),
212 \(decryptEmbed[ciph]\)}], "Input"]
213 },
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