]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - trust/headers/SecTrustPriv.h
[apple/security.git] / trust / headers / SecTrustPriv.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /*!
25 @header SecTrustPriv
26 The functions and data types in SecTrustPriv implement trust computation
27 and allow the user to apply trust decisions to the trust configuration.
28 */
33 #include <Security/SecTrust.h>
34 #include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
35 #include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
36 #include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
37 #include <xpc/xpc.h>
44 /* Constants used as keys in property lists. See
45 SecTrustCopySummaryPropertiesAtIndex for more information. */
46 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyType;
47 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyLabel;
48 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel;
49 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyValue;
51 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeWarning;
52 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeSuccess;
53 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeSection;
54 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeData;
55 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeString;
56 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeURL;
57 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeDate;
58 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeArray;
59 extern const CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeNumber;
61 /* Constants used as keys in the dictionary returned by SecTrustCopyInfo. */
62 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustInfoExtendedValidationKey;
63 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustInfoCompanyNameKey;
64 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustInfoRevocationKey;
65 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustInfoRevocationValidUntilKey;
66 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustInfoCertificateTransparencyKey;
68 /* Constants used as keys in the certificate details dictionary.
69 An array of per-certificate details is returned by SecTrustCopyResult
70 as the value of the kSecTrustResultDetails key.
71 */
72 extern const CFStringRef kSecCertificateDetailStatusCodes;
73 /*__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);*/
75 /*!
76 @enum Trust Result Constants
77 @discussion Predefined key constants used to obtain values in a
78 dictionary of trust evaluation results for a certificate chain,
79 as retrieved from a call to SecTrustCopyResult.
81 @constant kSecTrustResultDetails
82 This key will be present if a trust evaluation has been performed.
83 Its value is a CFArrayRef of CFDictionaryRef representing detailed
84 status info for each certificate in the completed chain.
85 @constant kSecTrustRevocationReason
86 This key will be present iff this chain had its revocation checked,
87 and a "revoked" response was received. The value of this key will
88 be a CFNumberRef indicating the reason for revocation. The possible
89 reason code values are described in RFC 5280, section 5.3.1.
90 */
91 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustResultDetails;
92 /*__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_9, __IPHONE_9_0);*/
93 extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustRevocationReason;
94 /*__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_11, __IPHONE_9_0);*/
96 /*!
97 @function SecTrustCopySummaryPropertiesAtIndex
98 @abstract Return a property array for the certificate.
99 @param trust A reference to the trust object to evaluate.
100 @param ix The index of the requested certificate. Indices run from 0
101 (leaf) to the anchor (or last certificate found if no anchor was found).
102 @result A property array. It is the caller's responsibility to CFRelease
103 the returned array when it is no longer needed. This function returns a
104 short summary description of the certificate in question. The property
105 at index 0 of the array might also include general information about the
106 entire chain's validity in the context of this trust evaluation.
108 @discussion Returns a property array for this trust certificate. A property
109 array is an array of CFDictionaryRefs. Each dictionary (we call it a
110 property for short) has the following keys:
112 kSecPropertyKeyType This key's value determines how this property
113 should be displayed. Its associated value is one of the
114 following:
115 kSecPropertyTypeWarning
116 The kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel and kSecPropertyKeyLabel keys are not
117 set. The kSecPropertyKeyValue is a CFStringRef which should
118 be displayed in yellow with a warning triangle.
119 kSecPropertyTypeError
120 The kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel and kSecPropertyKeyLabel keys are not
121 set. The kSecPropertyKeyValue is a CFStringRef which should
122 be displayed in red with an error X.
123 kSecPropertyTypeSuccess
124 The kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel and kSecPropertyKeyLabel keys are not
125 set. The kSecPropertyKeyValue is a CFStringRef which should
126 be displayed in green with a checkmark in front of it.
127 kSecPropertyTypeTitle
128 The kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel and kSecPropertyKeyLabel keys are not
129 set. The kSecPropertyKeyValue is a CFStringRef which should
130 be displayed in a larger bold font.
131 kSecPropertyTypeSection
132 The optional kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel is a CFStringRef with the name
133 of the next section to display. The value of the
134 kSecPropertyKeyValue key is a CFArrayRef which is a property
135 array as defined here.
136 kSecPropertyTypeData
137 The optional kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel is a CFStringRef containing
138 the localized label for the value for the kSecPropertyKeyValue.
139 The type of this value is a CFDataRef. Its contents should be
140 displayed as: "bytes length_of_data : hexdump_of_data". Ideally
141 the UI will only show one line of hex dump data and have a
142 disclosure arrow to see the remainder.
143 kSecPropertyTypeString
144 The optional kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel is a CFStringRef containing
145 the localized label for the value for the kSecPropertyKeyValue.
146 The type of this value is a CFStringRef. It's contents should be
147 displayed in the normal font.
148 kSecPropertyTypeURL
149 The optional kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel is a CFStringRef containing
150 the localized label for the value for the kSecPropertyKeyValue.
151 The type of this value is a CFURLRef. It's contents should be
152 displayed as a hyperlink.
153 kSecPropertyTypeDate
154 The optional kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel is a CFStringRef containing
155 the localized label for the value for the kSecPropertyKeyValue.
156 The type of this value is a CFDateRef. It's contents should be
157 displayed in human readable form (probably in the current
158 timezone).
159 kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel
160 Human readable localized label for a given property.
161 kSecPropertyKeyValue
162 See description of kSecPropertyKeyType to determine what the value
163 for this key is.
164 kSecPropertyKeyLabel
165 Non localized key (label) for this value. This is only
166 present for properties with fixed label names.
167 @result A property array. It is the caller's responsability to CFRelease
168 the returned array when it is no longer needed.
169 */
170 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
171 CFArrayRef SecTrustCopySummaryPropertiesAtIndex(SecTrustRef trust, CFIndex ix);
173 /*!
174 @function SecTrustCopyDetailedPropertiesAtIndex
175 @abstract Return a property array for the certificate.
176 @param trust A reference to the trust object to evaluate.
177 @param ix The index of the requested certificate. Indices run from 0
178 (leaf) to the anchor (or last certificate found if no anchor was found).
179 @result A property array. It is the caller's responsibility to CFRelease
180 the returned array when it is no longer needed.
181 See SecTrustCopySummaryPropertiesAtIndex on how to intepret this array.
182 Unlike that function call this function returns a detailed description
183 of the certificate in question.
184 */
185 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
186 CFArrayRef SecTrustCopyDetailedPropertiesAtIndex(SecTrustRef trust, CFIndex ix);
188 /*!
189 @function SecTrustCopyInfo
190 @abstract Return a dictionary with additional information about the
191 evaluated certificate chain for use by clients.
192 @param trust A reference to an evaluated trust object.
193 @discussion Returns a dictionary for this trust evaluation. This
194 dictionary may have the following keys:
196 kSecTrustInfoExtendedValidationKey this key will be present and have
197 a value of kCFBooleanTrue if this chain was validated for EV.
198 kSecTrustInfoCompanyNameKey Company name field of subject of leaf
199 certificate, this field is meant to be displayed to the user
200 if the kSecTrustInfoExtendedValidationKey is present.
201 kSecTrustInfoRevocationKey this key will be present iff this chain
202 had its revocation checked. The value will be a kCFBooleanTrue
203 if revocation checking was successful and none of the
204 certificates in the chain were revoked.
205 The value will be kCFBooleanFalse if no current revocation status
206 could be obtained for one or more certificates in the chain due
207 to connection problems or timeouts etc. This is a hint to a
208 client to retry revocation checking at a later time.
209 kSecTrustInfoRevocationValidUntilKey this key will be present iff
210 kSecTrustInfoRevocationKey has a value of kCFBooleanTrue.
211 The value will be a CFDateRef representing the earliest date at
212 which the revocation info for one of the certificates in this chain
213 might change.
215 @result A dictionary with various fields that can be displayed to the user,
216 or NULL if no additional info is available or the trust has not yet been
217 validated. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease on the value
218 returned when it is no longer needed.
219 */
220 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
221 CFDictionaryRef SecTrustCopyInfo(SecTrustRef trust);
223 /* For debugging purposes. */
224 __nullable
225 CFArrayRef SecTrustGetDetails(SecTrustRef trust);
227 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
228 CFArrayRef SecTrustCopyFilteredDetails(SecTrustRef trust);
230 /*!
231 @function SecTrustIsExpiredOnly
232 @abstract Determine whether expiration is the only problem with a certificate chain.
233 @param trust A reference to a trust object.
234 @result A boolean value indicating whether expiration is the only problem found
235 with the certificate chain in the given trust reference.
236 @discussion Returns true if one or more certificates in the chain have expired,
237 expiration is an error (i.e. it is not being ignored by existing trust settings),
238 and it is the only error encountered. Returns false if the certificate(s) have not
239 expired, or are expired but have trust settings to override their expiration,
240 or if the trust chain has other errors beside expiration. Your code should call
241 this function after SecTrustEvaluate has returned a recoverable trust failure,
242 so you can distinguish this case from other possible errors.
243 */
244 Boolean SecTrustIsExpiredOnly(SecTrustRef trust)
247 /* For debugging purposes. */
248 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
249 CFStringRef SecTrustCopyFailureDescription(SecTrustRef trust);
251 /*
252 @function SecTrustGetTrustStoreVersionNumber
253 @abstract Ask trustd what trust store version it is using.
254 @param error A returned error if trustd failed to answer.
255 @result The current version of the trust store. 0 upon failure.
256 */
257 uint64_t SecTrustGetTrustStoreVersionNumber(CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error);
259 /*
260 @function SecTrustGetAssetVersionNumber
261 @abstract Ask trustd what asset version it is using.
262 @param error A returned error if trustd failed to answer.
263 @result The current version of the asset. 0 upon failure.
264 */
265 uint64_t SecTrustGetAssetVersionNumber(CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error);
267 /*
268 @function SecTrustOTAPKIGetUpdatedAsset
269 @abstract Trigger trustd to fetch a new trust supplementals asset right now.
270 @param error A returned error if trustd failed to update the asset.
271 @result The current version of the update, regardless of the success of the update.
272 @discussion This function blocks up to 1 minute until trustd has finished with the
273 asset download and update. You should use the error parameter to determine whether
274 the update was was successful. The current asset version is always returned.
275 */
276 uint64_t SecTrustOTAPKIGetUpdatedAsset(CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error);
278 /*
279 @function SecTrustOTASecExperimentGetUpdatedAsset
280 @abstract Trigger trustd to fetch a new SecExperiment asset right now.
281 @param error A returned error if trustd failed to update the asset.
282 @result The current version of the update, regardless of the success of the update.
283 @discussion This function blocks up to 1 minute until trustd has finished with the
284 asset download and update. You should use the error parameter to determine whether
285 the update was was successful. The current asset version is always returned.
286 */
287 uint64_t SecTrustOTASecExperimentGetUpdatedAsset(CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error);
289 /*
290 @function SecTrustOTASecExperimentCopyAsset
291 @abstract Get current asset from trustd
292 @param error A returned error if trustd fails to return asset
293 @result Dictionary of asset
294 @discussion If the error parameter is supplied, and the function returns false,
295 the caller is subsequently responsible for releasing the returned CFErrorRef.
296 */
297 CFDictionaryRef SecTrustOTASecExperimentCopyAsset(CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error);
299 /*!
300 @function SecTrustFlushResponseCache
301 @abstract Removes all OCSP responses from the per-user response cache.
302 @param error An optional pointer to an error object
303 @result A boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful.
304 @discussion If the error parameter is supplied, and the function returns false,
305 the caller is subsequently responsible for releasing the returned CFErrorRef.
306 */
307 Boolean SecTrustFlushResponseCache(CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error)
310 /*!
311 @function SecTrustSetTrustedLogs
312 @abstract Sets the trusted CT logs for a given trust.
313 @param trust A reference to a trust object.
314 @param trustedLogs An array of trusted logs.
315 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
316 @discussion trustedLog is a CFArray of CFData containing the DER-encode SubjectPublicKeyInfo
317 of the trusted CT logs.
318 */
319 OSStatus SecTrustSetTrustedLogs(SecTrustRef trust, CFArrayRef trustedLogs);
321 /* Keychain searches are allowed by default. Use this to turn off seaching of
322 -keychain search list (i.e. login.keychain, system.keychain)
323 -Local Items/iCloud Keychain
324 -user- and admin-trusted roots
325 -network-fetched issuers
326 User must provide all necessary certificates in the input certificates and/or anchors. */
327 OSStatus SecTrustSetKeychainsAllowed(SecTrustRef trust, Boolean allowed)
330 /* Get the keychain search policy for the trust object. */
331 OSStatus SecTrustGetKeychainsAllowed(SecTrustRef trust, Boolean * __nonnull allowed)
334 /*!
335 @function SecTrustEvaluateLeafOnly
336 @abstract Evaluates the leaf of the trust reference synchronously.
337 @param trust A reference to the trust object to evaluate.
338 @param result A pointer to a result type.
339 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
340 @discussion This function will only evaluate the trust of the leaf certificate.
341 No chain will be built and only those aspects of the SecPolicyRef that address
342 the expected contents of the leaf will be checked. This function does not honor
343 any set exceptions or usage constraints.
344 */
345 OSStatus SecTrustEvaluateLeafOnly(SecTrustRef trust, SecTrustResultType * __nonnull result)
348 /*!
349 @function SecTrustSerialize
350 @abstract Creates a serialized version of the trust object
351 @param trust A reference to the trust object to serialize.
352 @param error A pointer to an error.
353 @result The serialized trust object.
354 @discussion This function is intended to be used to share SecTrustRefs between
355 processes. Saving the results to disk or sending them over network channels
356 may cause unexpected behavior.
357 */
358 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
359 CFDataRef SecTrustSerialize(SecTrustRef trust, CFErrorRef *error)
362 /*!
363 @function SecTrustDeserialize
364 @abstract Creates a trust object from the serialized data
365 @param serializedTrust A reference to the serialized trust object
366 @param error A pointer to an error.
367 @result A trust object
368 @discussion This function is intended to be used to share SecTrustRefs between
369 processes. Saving the results to disk or sending them over network channels
370 may cause unexpected behavior.
371 */
372 __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
373 SecTrustRef SecTrustDeserialize(CFDataRef serializedTrust, CFErrorRef *error)
376 /*!
377 @function SecTrustGetTrustExceptionsArray
378 @abstract Return the exceptions array currently set in the trust object
379 @param trust A reference to the trust object
380 @result The array of exceptions.
381 @discussion This function returns an array of exceptions that was previously set
382 using SecTrustSetExceptions, unlike SecTrustCopyExceptions which returns the
383 exceptions which could be set using SecTrustSetExceptions.
384 */
385 __nullable CFArrayRef SecTrustGetTrustExceptionsArray(SecTrustRef trust)
388 /*!
389 @function SecTrustCopyInputCertificates
390 @abstract Return the array of certificates currently set in the trust object
391 @param trust A reference to the trust object
392 @param certificates On return, an array of the certificates used by this trust.
393 Call the CFRelease function to release this reference.
394 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h)
395 */
396 OSStatus SecTrustCopyInputCertificates(SecTrustRef trust, CFArrayRef * _Nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED certificates)
399 /*!
400 @function SecTrustAddToInputCertificates
401 @abstract Add certificate(s) to the currently set certificates in the trust object
402 @param trust A reference to the trust object
403 @param certificates The group of certificates to add. This can either be a CFArrayRef
404 of SecCertificateRef objects or a single SecCertificateRef.
405 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h)
406 */
407 OSStatus SecTrustAddToInputCertificates(SecTrustRef trust, CFTypeRef _Nonnull certificates)
410 /*!
411 @function SecTrustSetPinningPolicyName
412 @abstract Set the policy name to be used during the trust evaluation.
413 @param trust A reference to the trust object
414 @param policyName A string representing the name of the pinning policy to be used.
415 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h)
416 @discussion This function permits the caller to enable the dynamic lookup of the
417 pinning policy using a built-in database as an alternative to using a SecPolicyCreate function
418 with the pinning rules and calling SecTrustCreateWithCertificates or SecTrustSetPolicies.
419 */
420 OSStatus SecTrustSetPinningPolicyName(SecTrustRef trust, CFStringRef policyName)
423 /*!
424 @function SecTrustSetPinningException
425 @abstract Remove pinning requirement from this trust evaluation
426 @param trust A reference to the trust object
427 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h)
428 @discussion This function provides an exception for this particular trust for a bundle that
429 otherwise requires pinning for all connections. Bundles use the SecTrustPinningRequired key
430 with boolean value of true in their info plist to indicate that all SSL connections from the
431 bundle must be pinned.
432 */
433 OSStatus SecTrustSetPinningException(SecTrustRef trust)
437 /*!
438 @function SecTrustGetExceptionResetCount
439 @abstract Returns the current epoch of trusted exceptions.
440 @param error A pointer to an error.
441 @result An unsigned 64-bit integer representing the current epoch.
442 @discussion Exceptions tagged with an older epoch are not trusted.
443 */
444 uint64_t SecTrustGetExceptionResetCount(CFErrorRef *error)
445 API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, iosmac) API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.0), tvos(12.0), watchos(5.0));
447 /*!
448 @function SecTrustIncrementExceptionResetCount
449 @abstract Increases the current epoch of trusted exceptions by 1.
450 @param error A pointer to an error.
451 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h)
452 @discussion By increasing the current epoch any existing exceptions, tagged with the old epoch, become distrusted.
453 */
454 OSStatus SecTrustIncrementExceptionResetCount(CFErrorRef *error)
455 __API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, iosmac) __API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.0), tvos(12.0), watchos(5.0));
456 #endif
458 #ifdef __BLOCKS__
459 /*!
460 @function SecTrustEvaluateFastAsync
461 @abstract Evaluates a trust reference asynchronously.
462 @param trust A reference to the trust object to evaluate.
463 @param queue A dispatch queue on which the result callback will be
464 executed. Note that this function MUST be called from that queue.
465 @param result A SecTrustCallback block which will be executed when the
466 trust evaluation is complete. The block is guaranteed to be called exactly once
467 when the result code is errSecSuccess, and not called otherwise. Note that this
468 block may be called synchronously inline if no asynchronous operations are required.
469 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
470 */
471 OSStatus SecTrustEvaluateFastAsync(SecTrustRef trust, dispatch_queue_t queue, SecTrustCallback result)
472 __API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), tvos(12.0), watchos(5.0));
473 #endif
475 /*!
476 @function SecTrustReportTLSAnalytics
477 @discussion This function MUST NOT be called outside of the TLS stack.
478 */
479 bool SecTrustReportTLSAnalytics(CFStringRef eventName, xpc_object_t eventAttributes, CFErrorRef _Nullable * _Nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED error)
480 __API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13.4), ios(11.3), tvos(11.3), watchos(4.3));
482 /*!
483 @function SecTrustReportNetworkingAnalytics
484 @discussion This function MUST NOT be called outside of the networking stack.
485 */
486 bool SecTrustReportNetworkingAnalytics(const char *eventName, xpc_object_t eventAttributes)
487 __API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13), tvos(13), watchos(5));
489 /*!
490 @function SecTrustSetNeedsEvaluation
491 @abstract Reset the evaluation state of the trust object
492 @param trust Trust object to reset
493 @discussion Calling this will reset the trust object so that the next time SecTrustEvaluate*
494 is called, a new trust evaluation is performed. SecTrustSet* interfaces implicitly call this,
495 so this function is only necessary if you've made system configuration changes (like trust
496 settings) that don't impact the trust object itself.
497 */
498 void SecTrustSetNeedsEvaluation(SecTrustRef trust);
503 /*
504 * Legacy functions (OS X only)
505 */
512 #pragma clang diagnostic push
513 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfour-char-constants"
514 #endif /* SEC_OS_IPHONE */
515 /*
516 unique keychain item attributes for user trust records.
517 */
518 enum {
519 kSecTrustCertAttr = 'tcrt',
520 kSecTrustPolicyAttr = 'tpol',
521 /* Leopard and later */
522 kSecTrustPubKeyAttr = 'tpbk',
523 kSecTrustSignatureAttr = 'tsig'
524 };
527 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
528 #endif /* SEC_OS_IPHONE */
530 /*!
531 @function SecTrustGetUserTrust
532 @abstract Gets the user-specified trust settings of a certificate and policy.
533 @param certificate A reference to a certificate.
534 @param policy A reference to a policy.
535 @param trustSetting On return, a pointer to the user specified trust settings.
536 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
537 @availability Mac OS X version 10.4. Deprecated in Mac OS X version 10.5.
538 */
539 OSStatus SecTrustGetUserTrust(SecCertificateRef __nullable certificate, SecPolicyRef __nullable policy, SecTrustUserSetting * __nullable trustSetting)
542 /*!
543 @function SecTrustSetUserTrust
544 @abstract Sets the user-specified trust settings of a certificate and policy.
545 @param certificate A reference to a certificate.
546 @param policy A reference to a policy.
547 @param trustSetting The user-specified trust settings.
548 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
549 @availability Mac OS X version 10.4. Deprecated in Mac OS X version 10.5.
550 @discussion as of Mac OS version 10.5, this will result in a call to
551 SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings().
552 */
553 OSStatus SecTrustSetUserTrust(SecCertificateRef __nullable certificate, SecPolicyRef __nullable policy, SecTrustUserSetting trustSetting)
556 /*!
557 @function SecTrustSetUserTrustLegacy
558 @abstract Sets the user-specified trust settings of a certificate and policy.
559 @param certificate A reference to a certificate.
560 @param policy A reference to a policy.
561 @param trustSetting The user-specified trust settings.
562 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
564 @This is the private version of what used to be SecTrustSetUserTrust(); it operates
565 on UserTrust entries as that function used to. The current SecTrustSetUserTrust()
566 function operated on Trust Settings.
567 */
568 OSStatus SecTrustSetUserTrustLegacy(SecCertificateRef __nullable certificate, SecPolicyRef __nullable policy, SecTrustUserSetting trustSetting)
571 /*!
572 @function SecTrustGetCSSMAnchorCertificates
573 @abstract Retrieves the CSSM anchor certificates.
574 @param cssmAnchors A pointer to an array of anchor certificates.
575 @param cssmAnchorCount A pointer to the number of certificates in anchors.
576 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
577 @availability Mac OS X version 10.4. Deprecated in Mac OS X version 10.5.
578 */
579 OSStatus SecTrustGetCSSMAnchorCertificates(const CSSM_DATA * __nullable * __nullable cssmAnchors, uint32 *cssmAnchorCount)
582 /*!
583 @function SecTrustCopyExtendedResult
584 @abstract Gets the extended trust result after an evaluation has been performed.
585 @param trust A trust reference.
586 @param result On return, result points to a CFDictionaryRef containing extended trust results (if no error occurred).
587 The caller is responsible for releasing this dictionary with CFRelease when finished with it.
588 @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
589 @discussion This function may only be used after SecTrustEvaluate has been called for the trust reference, otherwise
590 errSecTrustNotAvailable is returned. If the certificate is not an extended validation certificate, there is
591 no extended result data and errSecDataNotAvailable is returned. Currently, only one dictionary key is defined
592 (kSecEVOrganizationName).
594 Note: this function will be deprecated in a future release of OS X. Your
595 code should use SecTrustCopyResult to obtain the trust results dictionary.
596 */
597 OSStatus SecTrustCopyExtendedResult(SecTrustRef trust, CFDictionaryRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED result)
600 /*
601 * Preference-related strings for Revocation policies.
602 */
604 /*
605 * Preference domain, i.e., the name of a plist in ~/Library/Preferences or in
606 * /Library/Preferences
607 */
608 #define kSecRevocationDomain "com.apple.security.revocation"
610 /* OCSP and CRL style keys, followed by values used for both of them */
611 #define kSecRevocationOcspStyle CFSTR("OCSPStyle")
612 #define kSecRevocationCrlStyle CFSTR("CRLStyle")
613 #define kSecRevocationOff CFSTR("None")
614 #define kSecRevocationBestAttempt CFSTR("BestAttempt")
615 #define kSecRevocationRequireIfPresent CFSTR("RequireIfPresent")
616 #define kSecRevocationRequireForAll CFSTR("RequireForAll")
618 /* Which first if both enabled? */
619 #define kSecRevocationWhichFirst CFSTR("RevocationFirst")
620 #define kSecRevocationOcspFirst CFSTR("OCSP")
621 #define kSecRevocationCrlFirst CFSTR("CRL")
623 /* boolean: A "this policy is sufficient per cert" for each */
624 #define kSecRevocationOCSPSufficientPerCert CFSTR("OCSPSufficientPerCert")
625 #define kSecRevocationCRLSufficientPerCert CFSTR("CRLSufficientPerCert")
627 /* local OCSP responder URI, value arbitrary string value */
628 #define kSecOCSPLocalResponder CFSTR("OCSPLocalResponder")
630 /* Extended trust result keys (now in public API) */
631 #define kSecEVOrganizationName kSecTrustOrganizationName
632 #define kSecTrustExpirationDate kSecTrustRevocationValidUntilDate
637 #endif /* TARGET_OS_MAC && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE */
641 #endif /* !_SECURITY_SECTRUSTPRIV_H_ */