]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - OSX/sec/Security/Regressions/secitem/si-76-shared-credentials.c
[apple/security.git] / OSX / sec / Security / Regressions / secitem / si-76-shared-credentials.c
1 //
2 // si-76-shared-credentials.c
3 // sec
4 //
7 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
8 #include <Security/SecBasePriv.h>
9 #include <Security/SecCertificate.h>
10 #include <Security/SecCertificatePriv.h>
11 #include <Security/SecCertificateInternal.h>
12 #include <Security/SecItem.h>
13 #include <Security/SecItemPriv.h>
14 #include <Security/SecIdentityPriv.h>
15 #include <Security/SecIdentity.h>
16 #include <Security/SecPolicy.h>
17 #include <Security/SecPolicyPriv.h>
18 #include <Security/SecPolicyInternal.h>
19 #include <Security/SecSharedCredential.h>
20 #include <Security/SecCMS.h>
21 #include <utilities/SecCFWrappers.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <unistd.h>
25 #include "Security_regressions.h"
29 #define WAIT_WHILE(X) { while ((X)) { (void)CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.1, TRUE); } }
31 static bool expected_failure(OSStatus status)
32 {
33 return ((status == errSecMissingEntitlement) ||
34 (status == errSecBadReq));
35 }
37 static void tests(void)
38 {
39 // look up our entry for localhost
40 CFStringRef acct1 = CFSTR("local");
41 CFStringRef acct2 = CFSTR("admin");
42 CFStringRef fqdn = CFSTR("localhost");
43 CFStringRef not_my_fqdn = CFSTR("store.apple.com"); // something we aren't entitled to share
44 __block bool adding;
45 __block bool requesting;
46 __block bool deleting;
48 // UInt8 buf[6] = { 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a', 'l', '\0' };
49 // CFDataRef cred = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)&buf, sizeof(buf));
50 CFStringRef cred = CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("local"));
52 // should get denied if we request a fqdn which is not in our entitlement
53 requesting = true;
54 SecRequestSharedWebCredential(not_my_fqdn, NULL, ^void (CFArrayRef credentials, CFErrorRef error) {
55 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
56 is(status == errSecItemNotFound || expected_failure(status), true, "fqdn not entitled");
57 is(CFArrayGetCount(credentials) > 0, false, "returned credential array == 0");
58 requesting = false;
59 });
60 WAIT_WHILE(requesting);
62 // add (or update) credentials for two different accounts on the same server
63 adding = true;
64 SecAddSharedWebCredential(fqdn, acct1, cred, ^void (CFErrorRef error) {
65 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
66 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect auth failure
67 if (status == errSecAuthFailed || expected_failure(status)) { status = errSecSuccess; }
68 ok_status(status);
69 adding = false;
70 });
71 WAIT_WHILE(adding);
73 adding = true;
74 SecAddSharedWebCredential(fqdn, acct2, cred, ^void (CFErrorRef error) {
75 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
76 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect auth failure
77 if (status == errSecAuthFailed || expected_failure(status)) { status = errSecSuccess; }
78 ok_status(status);
79 adding = false;
80 });
81 WAIT_WHILE(adding);
83 // look up credential with specific account
84 requesting = true;
85 SecRequestSharedWebCredential(fqdn, acct1, ^void (CFArrayRef credentials, CFErrorRef error) {
86 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
87 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect no items
88 bool notFound = false;
89 if (status == errSecItemNotFound || expected_failure(status)) {
90 status = errSecSuccess; notFound = true;
91 }
92 ok_status(status);
94 // should find only one credential if a specific account is provided
95 CFIndex credentialCount = CFArrayGetCount(credentials);
96 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect 0 items
97 if (credentialCount == 0 && notFound) { credentialCount = 1; }
98 is(credentialCount == 1, true, "returned credentials == 1");
99 requesting = false;
100 });
101 WAIT_WHILE(requesting);
103 // look up credential with NULL account parameter
104 requesting = true;
105 SecRequestSharedWebCredential(fqdn, NULL, ^void (CFArrayRef credentials, CFErrorRef error) {
106 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
107 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect auth failure
108 bool notFound = false;
109 if (status == errSecItemNotFound || expected_failure(status)) {
110 status = errSecSuccess; notFound = true;
111 }
112 ok_status(status);
114 // should find only one credential if no account is provided
115 // (since UI dialog only permits one credential to be selected)
116 CFIndex credentialCount = CFArrayGetCount(credentials);
117 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed
118 if (credentialCount == 0 && notFound) { credentialCount = 1; }
119 is(credentialCount == 1, true, "returned credentials == 1");
120 requesting = false;
121 });
122 WAIT_WHILE(requesting);
124 // pass NULL to delete our credentials
125 deleting = true;
126 SecAddSharedWebCredential(fqdn, acct1, NULL, ^void (CFErrorRef error) {
127 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
128 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect auth failure
129 if (status == errSecAuthFailed || expected_failure(status)) { status = errSecSuccess; }
130 ok_status(status);
131 deleting = false;
132 });
133 WAIT_WHILE(deleting);
135 deleting = true;
136 SecAddSharedWebCredential(fqdn, acct2, NULL, ^void (CFErrorRef error) {
137 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
138 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect auth failure
139 if (status == errSecAuthFailed || expected_failure(status)) { status = errSecSuccess; }
140 ok_status(status);
141 deleting = false;
142 });
143 WAIT_WHILE(deleting);
145 // look up credentials again; should find nothing this time
146 requesting = true;
147 SecRequestSharedWebCredential(fqdn, NULL, ^void (CFArrayRef credentials, CFErrorRef error) {
148 OSStatus status = (OSStatus)((error) ? CFErrorGetCode(error) : errSecSuccess);
149 // TODO: need a proper teamID-enabled application identifier to succeed; expect auth failure
150 if (status == errSecAuthFailed || expected_failure(status)) { status = errSecItemNotFound; }
151 is_status(status, errSecItemNotFound);
152 is(CFArrayGetCount(credentials) > 0, false, "returned credential array == 0");
153 requesting = false;
154 });
155 WAIT_WHILE(requesting);
157 CFRelease(cred);
158 }
160 #endif // !TARGET_OS_WATCH
162 int si_76_shared_credentials(int argc, char *const *argv)
163 {
165 plan_tests(12);
166 tests();
167 #else
168 plan_tests(1);
169 ok_status(0);
170 #endif
171 return 0;
172 }