]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/security.git/blob - SecuritySNACCRuntime/tcl-asn/beredit
[apple/security.git] / SecuritySNACCRuntime / tcl-asn / beredit
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # the next line restarts using wish \
3 exec asnwish "$0" "$@"
5 proc err {msg} {
6 tk_dialog .err Error $msg {} 0 Damn
7 }
9 proc ref {desc} {
10 set res [lindex $desc 0]
11 if {$res==""} {
12 set res [lindex $desc 1]
13 if {$res=="TYPEREF"} {
14 set res [lindex [lindex $desc 4] 1]
15 }
16 }
17 return $res
18 }
20 proc complete {ntp} {
21 global pdu
22 upvar $ntp tp
23 set tp [string trimright "$pdu $tp"]
24 }
26 proc newenc {tp r toggle} {
27 global asnenc
28 set idx $tp
29 if {$toggle} {
30 set cur [lindex [array get asnenc $idx] 1]
31 set pr [lsearch -exact $cur $r]
32 if {$pr==-1} {
33 lappend cur $r
34 } else {
35 set cur [lreplace $cur $pr $pr]
36 }
37 set asnenc($idx) $cur
38 } else {
39 set asnenc($idx) $r
40 }
41 fillcomposer
42 }
44 proc selpress {y} {
45 global tag
46 set i [.selector.l nearest $y]
47 if {$i==0} return
48 set tpval [.selector.l get $i]
49 if {$tag(selector)=="CHOICE"} {
50 newenc [lindex $tpval 0] [lindex $tpval 1] 0
51 } else {
52 newenc [lindex $tpval 0] [lindex $tpval 1] 1
53 }
54 }
56 proc comppress {y} {
57 global table tag
58 set i [.composer.l nearest $y]
59 set tpval [.composer.l get $i]
60 set tp [lindex $tpval 0]
61 set val [lindex $tpval 1]
62 set typetoask $tp
63 set td [$table type -followref $typetoask]
64 set t [lindex $td 1]
65 switch $t {
67 set tag(selector) $t
68 .selector.l delete 0 end
69 .selector.l insert end "$tp is a CHOICE of:"
70 foreach {subtypedesc req} [lindex $td 4] {
71 set r [ref $subtypedesc]
72 .selector.l insert end [list $tp $r]
73 }
74 wm withdraw .insertor
75 wm deiconify .selector
76 raise .selector
77 }
79 set tag(selector) $t
80 .selector.l delete 0 end
81 .selector.l insert end "In SEQUENCE $tp, the following are OPTIONAL:"
82 foreach {subtypedesc req} [lindex $td 4] {
83 if {!$req} {
84 set r [ref $subtypedesc]
85 .selector.l insert end [list $tp $r]
86 }
87 }
88 wm withdraw .insertor
89 wm deiconify .selector
90 raise .selector
91 }
92 default {
93 if {$t=="SEQUENCE OF"} {
94 set text "Size of SEQUENCE OF $tp:"
95 } else {
96 set text "New value of $tp:"
97 }
98 set tag(insertor) $tp
99 .insertor.l configure -text $text
100 .insertor.e delete 0 end
101 .insertor.e insert 0 $val
102 wm withdraw .selector
103 wm deiconify .insertor
104 raise .insertor
105 }
106 }
107 }
109 proc inspress {} {
110 global tag
111 newenc $tag(insertor) [.insertor.e get] 0
112 }
114 proc fillcomposer {} {
115 global table pdu
116 set fraction 0.0
117 if [winfo exists .composer.l] {
118 set fraction [lindex [.composer.l yview] 0]
119 .composer.l delete 0 end
120 } else {
121 frame .composer
122 pack .composer -fill both -expand 1
123 listbox .composer.l -yscrollcommand ".composer.v set"
124 scrollbar .composer.v -orient vertical -command ".composer.l yview"
125 pack .composer.v -fill y -side right
126 pack .composer.l -expand yes -fill both
127 bind .composer.l <ButtonPress-1> {comppress %y}
128 toplevel .selector
129 listbox .selector.l -yscrollcommand ".selector.v set"
130 scrollbar .selector.v -orient vertical -command ".selector.l yview"
131 pack .selector.v -fill y -side right
132 pack .selector.l -expand yes -fill both
133 bind .selector.l <ButtonPress-1> {selpress %y}
134 wm protocol .selector WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .selector}
135 wm title .selector "Snacc ASN.1 data item selection"
136 toplevel .insertor
137 label .insertor.l
138 entry .insertor.e
139 pack .insertor.l -fill x -expand yes -side top
140 pack .insertor.e -fill x -expand yes -side bottom
141 bind .insertor.e <KeyPress-Return> {inspress}
142 wm protocol .insertor WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .insertor}
143 wm title .insertor "Snacc ASN.1 data item modification"
144 }
145 wm withdraw .selector
146 wm withdraw .insertor
147 set null [open "/dev/null" w]
148 $table encode $null $pdu "encodevalcompose $null"
149 close $null
150 .composer.l yview moveto $fraction
151 wm deiconify .
152 raise .
153 }
155 proc decodetype {tp val} {
156 complete tp
157 if {$val==-1} {
158 set l [expr [llength $tp]-1]
159 set final [lindex $tp $l]
160 set addto [lrange $tp 0 [expr $l-1]]
161 global table asnenc
162 set td [$table type -followref $addto]
163 if {[lindex $td 1]=="SEQUENCE"} {
164 if [catch {set asnenc($addto)}] {
165 set asnenc($addto) ""
166 }
167 foreach {elem req} [lindex $td 4] {
168 if {[lindex $elem 0]==$final} {
169 if {!$req} {
170 lappend asnenc($addto) $final
171 }
172 break
173 }
174 }
175 } else {
176 set asnenc($addto) $final
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 proc decodeval {chan tp val} {
182 decodetype $tp -1
183 global asnenc table
184 complete tp
185 set typ [$table type -followref $tp]
186 if {[lindex $typ 1]=="BIT STRING"} {
187 set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
188 set bitno 0
189 foreach bit [split $val ""] {
190 set idx [lsearch $namespecs "$bitno *"]
191 if {$idx>=0 && $bit} {
192 lappend val "[lindex {! {}} $bit][lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 1]($bitno)"
193 }
194 incr bitno
195 }
196 } elseif {[lindex $typ 1]=="ENUMERATED"} {
197 set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
198 set idx [lsearch $namespecs "$val *"]
199 if {$idx>=0} {
200 lappend val "[lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 1]"
201 }
202 }
203 set asnenc($tp) $val
204 }
206 proc encodevalcompose {chan tp} {
207 global asnenc
208 complete tp
209 if [catch {set val $asnenc($tp)}] {
210 set val {}
211 }
212 .composer.l insert end [list $tp $val]
213 return $val
214 }
216 proc encodeval {chan tp val} {
217 global table
218 set prefix -
219 set val [subst -nobackslashes $val]
220 set typ [$table type -followref $tp]
221 if {[lindex $typ 1]=="OCTET STRING"} {
222 set fromto [lindex $typ 2]
223 set from [lindex $fromto 0]
224 set to [lindex $fromto 1]
225 if {$to==""} {
226 set to $from
227 }
228 regsub -all {[^\\]} $val {} slashes
229 set len [expr [string length $val] - [string length $slashes] * 3]
230 if {$from!={} && $from>$len} {
231 set val [format "%$prefix[expr $from]s" $val]
232 } elseif {$to!={} && $to<$len} {
233 err [list encodeval: value $val for $tp >$to]
234 while {$to<$len} {
235 set last [string last \\ $val]
236 if {$last==-1 || $last<[string length $val]-4} {
237 set val [string range $val 0 [expr [string length $val] - 2]]
238 } else {
239 set val [string range $val 0 [expr $last - 1]]
240 }
241 regsub -all {[^\\]} $val {} slashes
242 set len [expr [string length $val] - [string length $slashes] * 3]
243 }
244 }
245 } elseif {[lindex $typ 1]=="BIT STRING"} {
246 set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
247 if {[regexp {^[01]+$} [lindex $val 0]]} {
248 set val [split [lindex $val 0] ""]
249 } else {
250 set names $val
251 set val {}
252 foreach name $names {
253 if {[regsub {([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?\(([0-9]+)\)} $name {\2} bitno]!=1} {
254 set idx [lsearch -regexp $namespecs "^\[0-9\]+ $name$"]
255 if {$idx<0} {
256 err "Bit $name of $tp not in $namespecs"
257 continue
258 }
259 set bitno [lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 0]
260 }
261 while {[llength $val]<=$bitno} {
262 lappend val 0
263 }
264 set val [lreplace $val $bitno $bitno 1]
265 }
266 }
267 proc namespeccmp {a b} {return [expr [lindex $a 0] - [lindex $b 0]]}
268 set sorted [lsort -command namespeccmp -decreasing $namespecs]
269 set bitno [lindex [lindex $sorted 0] 0]
270 while {[llength $val]<=$bitno} {
271 lappend val 0
272 }
273 set val [join $val ""]
274 } elseif {[lindex $typ 1]=="ENUMERATED"} {
275 set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
276 if {![regexp {^[0-9]*$} [lindex $val 0]]} {
277 set idx [lsearch -regexp $namespecs "^\[0-9\]+ $val$"]
278 if {$idx<0} {
279 err "Named value $val of $tp not in $namespecs"
280 } else {
281 set val [lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 0]
282 }
283 }
284 }
285 return $val
286 }
288 proc encodeasnenc {chan tp} {
289 global asnenc pdu
290 complete tp
291 if [catch {set val $asnenc($tp)}] {
292 set val {}
293 }
294 return [encodeval $chan $tp $val]
295 }
297 wm title . "Snacc ASN.1 message editor"
298 wm geometry . 400x300
299 frame .mbar -relief raised
300 pack .mbar -side top -fill x
302 menubutton .mbar.file -text Message -menu .mbar.file.menu
303 pack .mbar.file -side left
305 menu .mbar.file.menu
306 .mbar.file.menu add command -label "Open ..." -command {openfile}
307 .mbar.file.menu add command -label "Save As ..." -command {savefile}
308 .mbar.file.menu add command -label "Quit" -command {quit}
309 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {quit}
311 proc readfile {fn} {
312 if {$fn==""} return
313 global table pdu asnenc
314 catch {unset asnenc}
315 set chan [open $fn r]
316 fconfigure $chan -translation binary
317 set bytes [$table decode $chan $pdu "decodeval $chan" decodetype]
318 close $chan
319 fillcomposer
320 }
322 proc openfile {} {
323 readfile [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .ber -filetypes {{{ASN.1 data} {.ber .bin .out .tt}} {{All files} {.*}}}]
324 }
326 proc savefile {} {
327 set fn [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .ber -filetypes {{{ASN.1 data} {.ber .bin .out .tt}} {{All files} {.*}}}]
328 if {$fn==""} return
329 global table pdu
330 set chan [open $fn w]
331 $table encode $chan $pdu "encodeasnenc $chan"
332 close $chan
333 }
335 proc quit {} {
336 global done
337 set done 1
338 }
340 set asnfile [lindex $argv 0]
341 if {$asnfile==""} {
342 puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 <table-file> ?<ber-file>?"
343 puts stderr ""
344 puts stderr "This program is a simple editor for ASN.1 messages"
345 puts stderr "encoded using the Basic Encoding Rules (BER). It requires"
346 puts stderr "the grammar specification, in binary format as generated"
347 puts stderr "by \"snacc -T\", as the initial argument on the command line."
348 puts stderr ""
349 puts stderr "The purpose of this program is to demonstrate the usage of"
350 puts stderr "the new Tcl/Tk command \"asn\". Have a look at the Tcl/Tk"
351 puts stderr "script \"$argv0\"!"
352 exit 0
353 }
355 set table [asn $asnfile]
357 foreach type [$table types] {
358 if {[lindex [$table type $type] 0]=="$type pdu"} {
359 set pdu $type
360 break
361 }
362 }
364 readfile [lindex $argv 1]
365 fillcomposer
367 update idletasks
368 vwait done
370 $table close
371 exit