]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/mdnsresponder.git/blob - mDNSCore/mDNS.c
[apple/mdnsresponder.git] / mDNSCore / mDNS.c
1 // ***************************************************************************
2 // mDNS.c
3 // This file defines all of mDNS, including
4 // mDNS Service Discovery, mDNS Responder, and mDNS Searcher.
5 //
6 // This code is completely 100% portable C. It does not depend on any external header files
7 // from outside the mDNS project -- all the types it expects to find are defined right here.
8 //
9 // The previous point is very important: This file does not depend on any external
10 // header files. It should complile on *any* platform that has a C compiler, without
11 // making *any* assumptions about availability of so-called "standard" C functions,
12 // routines, or types (which may or may not be present on any given platform).
13 // ***************************************************************************
15 /*
16 * Formatting notes:
17 * This code follows the "Whitesmiths style" C indentation rules. Plenty of discussion
18 * on C indentation can be found on the web, such as <http://www.kafejo.com/komp/1tbs.htm>,
19 * but for the sake of brevity here I will say just this: Curly braces are not syntactially
20 * part of an "if" statement; they are the beginning and ending markers of a compound statement;
21 * therefore common sense dictates that if they are part of a compound statement then they
22 * should be indented to the same level as everything else in that compound statement.
23 * Indenting curly braces at the same level as the "if" implies that curly braces are
24 * part of the "if", which is false. (This is as misleading as people who write "char* x,y;"
25 * thinking that variables x and y are both of type "char*" -- and anyone who doesn't
26 * understand why variable y is not of type "char*" just proves the point that poor code
27 * layout leads people to unfortunate misunderstandings about how the C language really works.)
28 */
30 #include "mDNSClientAPI.h" // Defines the interface provided to the client layer above
31 #include "mDNSPlatformFunctions.h" // Defines the interface required of the supporting layer below
32 #include "mDNSsprintf.h"
34 extern void LogErrorMessage(const char *format, ...);
36 #if(defined(_MSC_VER))
37 // Disable warnings about Microsoft Visual Studio/C++ not understanding "pragma unused"
38 #pragma warning( disable:4068 )
39 #endif
41 // ***************************************************************************
42 #if 0
43 #pragma mark - DNS Protocol Constants
44 #endif
46 typedef enum
47 {
48 kDNSFlag0_QR_Mask = 0x80, // Query or response?
49 kDNSFlag0_QR_Query = 0x00,
50 kDNSFlag0_QR_Response = 0x80,
52 kDNSFlag0_OP_Mask = 0x78, // Operation type
53 kDNSFlag0_OP_StdQuery = 0x00,
54 kDNSFlag0_OP_Iquery = 0x08,
55 kDNSFlag0_OP_Status = 0x10,
56 kDNSFlag0_OP_Unused3 = 0x18,
57 kDNSFlag0_OP_Notify = 0x20,
58 kDNSFlag0_OP_Update = 0x28,
60 kDNSFlag0_QROP_Mask = kDNSFlag0_QR_Mask | kDNSFlag0_OP_Mask,
62 kDNSFlag0_AA = 0x04, // Authoritative Answer?
63 kDNSFlag0_TC = 0x02, // Truncated?
64 kDNSFlag0_RD = 0x01, // Recursion Desired?
65 kDNSFlag1_RA = 0x80, // Recursion Available?
67 kDNSFlag1_Zero = 0x40, // Reserved; must be zero
68 kDNSFlag1_AD = 0x20, // Authentic Data [RFC 2535]
69 kDNSFlag1_CD = 0x10, // Checking Disabled [RFC 2535]
71 kDNSFlag1_RC = 0x0F, // Response code
72 kDNSFlag1_RC_NoErr = 0x00,
73 kDNSFlag1_RC_FmtErr = 0x01,
74 kDNSFlag1_RC_SrvErr = 0x02,
75 kDNSFlag1_RC_NXDomain = 0x03,
76 kDNSFlag1_RC_NotImpl = 0x04,
77 kDNSFlag1_RC_Refused = 0x05,
78 kDNSFlag1_RC_YXDomain = 0x06,
79 kDNSFlag1_RC_YXRRSet = 0x07,
80 kDNSFlag1_RC_NXRRSet = 0x08,
81 kDNSFlag1_RC_NotAuth = 0x09,
82 kDNSFlag1_RC_NotZone = 0x0A
83 } DNS_Flags;
85 // ***************************************************************************
86 #if 0
87 #pragma mark -
88 #pragma mark - Program Constants
89 #endif
91 mDNSexport const ResourceRecord zeroRR = { 0 };
92 mDNSexport const mDNSIPPort zeroIPPort = { { 0 } };
93 mDNSexport const mDNSIPAddr zeroIPAddr = { { 0 } };
94 mDNSexport const mDNSIPAddr onesIPAddr = { { 255, 255, 255, 255 } };
96 #define UnicastDNSPortAsNumber 53
97 #define MulticastDNSPortAsNumber 5353
98 mDNSexport const mDNSIPPort UnicastDNSPort = { { UnicastDNSPortAsNumber >> 8, UnicastDNSPortAsNumber & 0xFF } };
99 mDNSexport const mDNSIPPort MulticastDNSPort = { { MulticastDNSPortAsNumber >> 8, MulticastDNSPortAsNumber & 0xFF } };
100 mDNSexport const mDNSIPAddr AllDNSLinkGroup = { { 224, 0, 0, 251 } };
101 mDNSexport const mDNSIPAddr AllDNSAdminGroup = { { 239, 255, 255, 251 } };
103 static const mDNSOpaque16 zeroID = { { 0, 0 } };
104 static const mDNSOpaque16 QueryFlags = { { kDNSFlag0_QR_Query | kDNSFlag0_OP_StdQuery, 0 } };
105 static const mDNSOpaque16 ResponseFlags = { { kDNSFlag0_QR_Response | kDNSFlag0_OP_StdQuery | kDNSFlag0_AA, 0 } };
106 #define zeroDomainNamePtr ((domainname*)"")
108 static const char *const mDNS_DomainTypeNames[] =
109 {
110 "_browse._mdns._udp.local.",
111 "_default._browse._mdns._udp.local.",
112 "_register._mdns._udp.local.",
113 "_default._register._mdns._udp.local."
114 };
116 // ***************************************************************************
117 #if 0
118 #pragma mark -
119 #pragma mark - General Utility Functions
120 #endif
123 mDNSlocal char *DNSTypeName(mDNSu16 rrtype)
124 {
125 switch (rrtype)
126 {
127 case kDNSType_A: return("Address");
128 case kDNSType_CNAME:return("CNAME");
129 case kDNSType_PTR: return("PTR");
130 case kDNSType_TXT: return("TXT");
131 case kDNSType_SRV: return("SRV");
132 default: {
133 static char buffer[16];
134 mDNS_sprintf(buffer, "(%d)", rrtype);
135 return(buffer);
136 }
137 }
138 }
139 #endif
141 mDNSlocal mDNSu32 mDNSRandom(mDNSu32 max)
142 {
143 static mDNSu32 seed = 1;
144 mDNSu32 mask = 1;
145 while (mask < max) mask = (mask << 1) | 1;
146 do seed = seed * 21 + 1; while ((seed & mask) > max);
147 return (seed & mask);
148 }
150 // ***************************************************************************
151 #if 0
152 #pragma mark -
153 #pragma mark - Domain Name Utility Functions
154 #endif
156 // Returns length of a domain name INCLUDING the byte for the final null label
157 // i.e. for the root label "." it returns one
158 // For the FQDN "com." it returns 5 (length, three data bytes, final zero)
159 mDNSexport mDNSu32 DomainNameLength(const domainname *const name)
160 {
161 const mDNSu8 *src = name->c;
162 while (*src)
163 {
164 if (*src > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL) return(MAX_DOMAIN_NAME+1);
165 src += 1 + *src;
166 if (src - name->c >= MAX_DOMAIN_NAME) return(MAX_DOMAIN_NAME+1);
167 }
168 return((mDNSu32)(src - name->c + 1));
169 }
171 mDNSexport mDNSBool SameDomainLabel(const mDNSu8 *a, const mDNSu8 *b)
172 {
173 int i;
174 const int len = *a++;
176 if (len > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL)
177 { debugf("Malformed label (too long)"); return(mDNSfalse); }
179 if (len != *b++) return(mDNSfalse);
180 for (i=0; i<len; i++)
181 {
182 mDNSu8 ac = *a++;
183 mDNSu8 bc = *b++;
184 if (ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z') ac += 'a' - 'A';
185 if (bc >= 'A' && bc <= 'Z') bc += 'a' - 'A';
186 if (ac != bc) return(mDNSfalse);
187 }
188 return(mDNStrue);
189 }
191 mDNSexport mDNSBool SameDomainName(const domainname *const d1, const domainname *const d2)
192 {
193 const mDNSu8 * a = d1->c;
194 const mDNSu8 * b = d2->c;
195 const mDNSu8 *const max = d1->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME; // Maximum that's valid
197 while (*a || *b)
198 {
199 if (a + 1 + *a >= max)
200 { debugf("Malformed domain name (more than 255 characters)"); return(mDNSfalse); }
201 if (!SameDomainLabel(a, b)) return(mDNSfalse);
202 a += 1 + *a;
203 b += 1 + *b;
204 }
206 return(mDNStrue);
207 }
209 // CompressedDomainNameLength returns the length of a domain name INCLUDING the byte
210 // for the final null label i.e. for the root label "." it returns one.
211 // E.g. for the FQDN "foo.com." it returns 9
212 // (length, three data bytes, length, three more data bytes, final zero).
213 // In the case where a parent domain name is provided, and the given name is a child
214 // of that parent, CompressedDomainNameLength returns the length of the prefix portion
215 // of the child name, plus TWO bytes for the compression pointer.
216 // E.g. for the name "foo.com." with parent "com.", it returns 6
217 // (length, three data bytes, two-byte compression pointer).
218 mDNSlocal mDNSu32 CompressedDomainNameLength(const domainname *const name, const domainname *parent)
219 {
220 const mDNSu8 *src = name->c;
221 if (parent && parent->c[0] == 0) parent = mDNSNULL;
222 while (*src)
223 {
224 if (*src > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL) return(MAX_DOMAIN_NAME+1);
225 if (parent && SameDomainName((domainname *)src, parent)) return((mDNSu32)(src - name->c + 2));
226 src += 1 + *src;
227 if (src - name->c >= MAX_DOMAIN_NAME) return(MAX_DOMAIN_NAME+1);
228 }
229 return((mDNSu32)(src - name->c + 1));
230 }
232 mDNSexport void AppendDomainLabelToName(domainname *const name, const domainlabel *const label)
233 {
234 int i;
235 mDNSu8 *ptr = name->c + DomainNameLength(name) - 1;
236 const mDNSu8 *const lim = name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME;
237 if (ptr + 1 + label->c[0] + 1 >= lim) return;
238 for (i=0; i<=label->c[0]; i++) *ptr++ = label->c[i];
239 *ptr++ = 0; // Put the null root label on the end
240 }
242 // AppendStringLabelToName appends a single label to an existing (possibly empty) domainname.
243 // The C string contains the label as-is, with no escaping, etc.
244 // Any dots in the name are literal dots, not label separators
245 mDNSexport void AppendStringLabelToName(domainname *const name, const char *cstr)
246 {
247 mDNSu8 *lengthbyte;
248 mDNSu8 *ptr = name->c + DomainNameLength(name) - 1;
249 const mDNSu8 *lim = name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME - 1;
250 if (lim > ptr + MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL + 1)
251 lim = ptr + MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL + 1;
252 lengthbyte = ptr++;
253 while (*cstr && ptr < lim) *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)*cstr++;
254 *lengthbyte = (mDNSu8)(ptr - lengthbyte - 1);
255 *ptr++ = 0; // Put the null root label on the end
256 }
258 mDNSexport void AppendDomainNameToName(domainname *const name, const domainname *const append)
259 {
260 int i;
261 mDNSu8 *ptr = name->c + DomainNameLength(name) - 1;
262 const mDNSu8 *src = append->c;
263 const mDNSu8 *const lim = name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME;
264 while(src[0])
265 {
266 if (ptr + 1 + src[0] + 1 >= lim) return;
267 for (i=0; i<=src[0]; i++) *ptr++ = src[i];
268 *ptr = 0; // Put the null root label on the end
269 src += i;
270 }
271 }
273 // AppendStringNameToName appends zero or more labels to an existing (possibly empty) domainname.
274 // The C string contains the labels separated by dots, but otherwise as-is, with no escaping, etc.
275 mDNSexport void AppendStringNameToName(domainname *const name, const char *cstr)
276 {
277 mDNSu8 *ptr = name->c + DomainNameLength(name) - 1; // Find end of current name
278 const mDNSu8 *const lim = name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME - 1; // Find limit of how much we can add
279 while (*cstr)
280 {
281 mDNSu8 *const lengthbyte = ptr++;
282 const mDNSu8 *const lim2 = ptr + MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL;
283 const mDNSu8 *const lim3 = (lim < lim2) ? lim : lim2;
284 while (*cstr && *cstr != '.' && ptr < lim3) *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)*cstr++;
285 *lengthbyte = (mDNSu8)(ptr - lengthbyte - 1);
286 if (*cstr == '.') cstr++;
287 }
289 *ptr++ = 0; // Put the null root label on the end
290 }
292 //#define IsThreeDigit(X) (IsDigit((X)[1]) && IsDigit((X)[2]) && IsDigit((X)[3]))
293 //#define ValidEscape(X) (X)[0] == '\\' && ((X)[1] == '\\' || (X)[1] == '\\' || IsThreeDigit(X))
295 #define mdnsIsLetter(X) (((X) >= 'A' && (X) <= 'Z') || ((X) >= 'a' && (X) <= 'z'))
296 #define mdnsIsDigit(X) (((X) >= '0' && (X) <= '9'))
297 #define mdnsValidHostChar(X, notfirst, notlast) (mdnsIsLetter(X) || \
298 ((notfirst) && (mdnsIsDigit(X) || ((notlast) && (X) == '-'))) )
300 mDNSexport void ConvertCStringToDomainLabel(const char *src, domainlabel *label)
301 {
302 mDNSu8 * ptr = label->c + 1; // Where we're putting it
303 const mDNSu8 *const limit = ptr + MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL; // The maximum we can put
304 while (*src && ptr < limit) // While we have characters in the label...
305 {
306 mDNSu8 c = (mDNSu8)*src++; // Read the character
307 if (c == '\\') // If escape character, check next character
308 {
309 if (*src == '\\' || *src == '.') // If a second escape, or a dot,
310 c = (mDNSu8)*src++; // just use the second character
311 else if (mdnsIsDigit(src[0]) && mdnsIsDigit(src[1]) && mdnsIsDigit(src[2]))
312 { // else, if three decimal digits,
313 int v0 = src[0] - '0'; // then interpret as three-digit decimal
314 int v1 = src[1] - '0';
315 int v2 = src[2] - '0';
316 int val = v0 * 100 + v1 * 10 + v2;
317 if (val <= 255) { c = (mDNSu8)val; src += 3; } // If valid value, use it
318 }
319 }
320 *ptr++ = c; // Write the character
321 }
322 label->c[0] = (mDNSu8)(ptr - label->c - 1);
323 }
325 mDNSexport mDNSu8 *ConvertCStringToDomainName(const char *const cstr, domainname *name)
326 {
327 const mDNSu8 *src = (const mDNSu8 *)cstr; // C string we're reading
328 mDNSu8 *ptr = name->c; // Where we're putting it
329 const mDNSu8 *const limit = ptr + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME; // The maximum we can put
331 while (*src && ptr < limit) // While more characters, and space to put them...
332 {
333 mDNSu8 *lengthbyte = ptr++; // Record where the length is going to go
334 while (*src && *src != '.' && ptr < limit) // While we have characters in the label...
335 {
336 mDNSu8 c = *src++; // Read the character
337 if (c == '\\') // If escape character, check next character
338 {
339 if (*src == '\\' || *src == '.') // If a second escape, or a dot,
340 c = *src++; // just use the second character
341 else if (mdnsIsDigit(src[0]) && mdnsIsDigit(src[1]) && mdnsIsDigit(src[2]))
342 { // else, if three decimal digits,
343 int v0 = src[0] - '0'; // then interpret as three-digit decimal
344 int v1 = src[1] - '0';
345 int v2 = src[2] - '0';
346 int val = v0 * 100 + v1 * 10 + v2;
347 if (val <= 255) { c = (mDNSu8)val; src += 3; } // If valid value, use it
348 }
349 }
350 *ptr++ = c; // Write the character
351 }
352 if (*src) src++; // Skip over the trailing dot (if present)
353 if (ptr - lengthbyte - 1 > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL) return(mDNSNULL); // If illegal label, abort
354 *lengthbyte = (mDNSu8)(ptr - lengthbyte - 1);
355 }
357 if (ptr < limit) // If we didn't run out of space
358 {
359 *ptr++ = 0; // Put the final root label
360 return(ptr); // and return
361 }
363 return(mDNSNULL);
364 }
366 //#define convertCstringtodomainname(C,D) convertCstringtodomainname_withescape((C), (D), -1)
367 //#define convertescapedCstringtodomainname(C,D) convertCstringtodomainname_withescape((C), (D), '\\')
369 mDNSexport char *ConvertDomainLabelToCString_withescape(const domainlabel *const label, char *ptr, char esc)
370 {
371 const mDNSu8 * src = label->c; // Domain label we're reading
372 const mDNSu8 len = *src++; // Read length of this (non-null) label
373 const mDNSu8 *const end = src + len; // Work out where the label ends
374 if (len > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL) return(mDNSNULL); // If illegal label, abort
375 while (src < end) // While we have characters in the label
376 {
377 mDNSu8 c = *src++;
378 if (esc)
379 {
380 if (c == '.') // If character is a dot,
381 *ptr++ = esc; // Output escape character
382 else if (c <= ' ') // If non-printing ascii,
383 { // Output decimal escape sequence
384 *ptr++ = esc;
385 *ptr++ = (char) ('0' + (c / 100) );
386 *ptr++ = (char) ('0' + (c / 10) % 10);
387 c = (mDNSu8)('0' + (c ) % 10);
388 }
389 }
390 *ptr++ = (char)c; // Copy the character
391 }
392 *ptr = 0; // Null-terminate the string
393 return(ptr); // and return
394 }
396 // Note, to guarantee that there will be no possible overrun, cstr must be at least 1005 bytes
397 // The longest legal domain name is 255 bytes, in the form of three 64-byte labels, one 62-byte label,
398 // and the null root label.
399 // If every label character has to be escaped as a four-byte escape sequence, the maximum textual
400 // ascii display of this is 63*4 + 63*4 + 63*4 + 61*4 = 1000 label characters,
401 // plus four dots and the null at the end of the C string = 1005
402 mDNSexport char *ConvertDomainNameToCString_withescape(const domainname *const name, char *ptr, char esc)
403 {
404 const mDNSu8 *src = name->c; // Domain name we're reading
405 const mDNSu8 *const max = name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME; // Maximum that's valid
407 if (*src == 0) *ptr++ = '.'; // Special case: For root, just write a dot
409 while (*src) // While more characters in the domain name
410 {
411 if (src + 1 + *src >= max) return(mDNSNULL);
412 ptr = ConvertDomainLabelToCString_withescape((const domainlabel *)src, ptr, esc);
413 if (!ptr) return(mDNSNULL);
414 src += 1 + *src;
415 *ptr++ = '.'; // Write the dot after the label
416 }
418 *ptr++ = 0; // Null-terminate the string
419 return(ptr); // and return
420 }
422 // RFC 1034 rules:
423 // Host names must start with a letter, end with a letter or digit,
424 // and have as interior characters only letters, digits, and hyphen.
426 mDNSexport void ConvertUTF8PstringToRFC1034HostLabel(const mDNSu8 UTF8Name[], domainlabel *const hostlabel)
427 {
428 const mDNSu8 * src = &UTF8Name[1];
429 const mDNSu8 *const end = &UTF8Name[1] + UTF8Name[0];
430 mDNSu8 * ptr = &hostlabel->c[1];
431 const mDNSu8 *const lim = &hostlabel->c[1] + MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL;
432 while (src < end)
433 {
434 // Delete apostrophes from source name
435 if (src[0] == '\'') { src++; continue; } // Standard straight single quote
436 if (src + 2 < end && src[0] == 0xE2 && src[1] == 0x80 && src[2] == 0x99)
437 { src += 3; continue; } // Unicode curly apostrophe
438 if (ptr < lim)
439 {
440 if (mdnsValidHostChar(*src, (ptr > &hostlabel->c[1]), (src < end-1))) *ptr++ = *src;
441 else if (ptr > &hostlabel->c[1] && ptr[-1] != '-') *ptr++ = '-';
442 }
443 src++;
444 }
445 while (ptr > &hostlabel->c[1] && ptr[-1] == '-') ptr--; // Truncate trailing '-' marks
446 hostlabel->c[0] = (mDNSu8)(ptr - &hostlabel->c[1]);
447 }
449 mDNSexport mDNSu8 *ConstructServiceName(domainname *const fqdn,
450 const domainlabel *const name, const domainname *const type, const domainname *const domain)
451 {
452 int i, len;
453 mDNSu8 *dst = fqdn->c;
454 mDNSu8 *max = fqdn->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME;
455 const mDNSu8 *src;
457 if (name)
458 {
459 src = name->c; // Put the service name into the domain name
460 len = *src;
461 if (len >= 0x40) { debugf("ConstructServiceName: service name too long"); return(0); }
462 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
463 }
465 src = type->c; // Put the service type into the domain name
466 len = *src;
467 if (len == 0 || len >= 0x40) { debugf("ConstructServiceName: Invalid service name"); return(0); }
468 if (dst + 1 + len + 1 >= max) { debugf("ConstructServiceName: service type too long"); return(0); }
469 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
471 len = *src;
472 if (len == 0 || len >= 0x40) { debugf("ConstructServiceName: Invalid service name"); return(0); }
473 if (dst + 1 + len + 1 >= max) { debugf("ConstructServiceName: service type too long"); return(0); }
474 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
476 if (*src) { debugf("ConstructServiceName: Service type must have only two labels"); return(0); }
478 src = domain->c; // Put the service domain into the domain name
479 while (*src)
480 {
481 len = *src;
482 if (dst + 1 + len + 1 >= max)
483 { debugf("ConstructServiceName: service domain too long"); return(0); }
484 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
485 }
487 *dst++ = 0; // Put the null root label on the end
488 return(dst);
489 }
491 mDNSexport mDNSBool DeconstructServiceName(const domainname *const fqdn,
492 domainlabel *const name, domainname *const type, domainname *const domain)
493 {
494 int i, len;
495 const mDNSu8 *src = fqdn->c;
496 const mDNSu8 *max = fqdn->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME;
497 mDNSu8 *dst;
499 dst = name->c; // Extract the service name from the domain name
500 len = *src;
501 if (len >= 0x40) { debugf("DeconstructServiceName: service name too long"); return(mDNSfalse); }
502 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
504 dst = type->c; // Extract the service type from the domain name
505 len = *src;
506 if (len >= 0x40) { debugf("DeconstructServiceName: service type too long"); return(mDNSfalse); }
507 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
509 len = *src;
510 if (len >= 0x40) { debugf("DeconstructServiceName: service type too long"); return(mDNSfalse); }
511 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
512 *dst++ = 0; // Put the null root label on the end of the service type
514 dst = domain->c; // Extract the service domain from the domain name
515 while (*src)
516 {
517 len = *src;
518 if (len >= 0x40)
519 { debugf("DeconstructServiceName: service domain label too long"); return(mDNSfalse); }
520 if (src + 1 + len + 1 >= max)
521 { debugf("DeconstructServiceName: service domain too long"); return(mDNSfalse); }
522 for (i=0; i<=len; i++) *dst++ = *src++;
523 }
524 *dst++ = 0; // Put the null root label on the end
526 return(mDNStrue);
527 }
529 mDNSlocal void IncrementLabelSuffix(domainlabel *name, mDNSBool RichText)
530 {
531 long val = 0, multiplier = 1, divisor = 1, digits = 1;
533 // Get any existing numerical suffix off the name
534 while (mdnsIsDigit(name->c[name->c[0]]))
535 { val += (name->c[name->c[0]] - '0') * multiplier; multiplier *= 10; name->c[0]--; }
537 // If existing suffix, increment it, else start by renaming "Foo" as "Foo2"
538 if (multiplier > 1 && val < 999999) val++; else val = 2;
540 // Can only add spaces to rich text names, not RFC 1034 names
541 if (RichText && name->c[name->c[0]] != ' ' && name->c[0] < MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL)
542 name->c[++name->c[0]] = ' ';
544 while (val >= divisor * 10)
545 { divisor *= 10; digits++; }
547 if (name->c[0] > (mDNSu8)(MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL - digits))
548 name->c[0] = (mDNSu8)(MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL - digits);
550 while (divisor)
551 {
552 name->c[++name->c[0]] = (mDNSu8)('0' + val / divisor);
553 val %= divisor;
554 divisor /= 10;
555 }
556 }
558 // ***************************************************************************
559 #if 0
560 #pragma mark -
561 #pragma mark - Resource Record Utility Functions
562 #endif
564 #define ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(RR) ( ((RR)-> RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeActiveMask) && \
565 ((RR)->Additional1 == mDNSNULL || ((RR)->Additional1->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeActiveMask)) && \
566 ((RR)->Additional2 == mDNSNULL || ((RR)->Additional2->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeActiveMask)) && \
567 ((RR)->DependentOn == mDNSNULL || ((RR)->DependentOn->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeActiveMask)) )
569 #define ResourceRecordIsValidInterfaceAnswer(RR, I) \
570 (ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(RR) && \
571 ((RR)->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == 0 || (RR)->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == (I).NotAnInteger))
573 #define DefaultProbeCountForTypeUnique ((mDNSu8)3)
574 #define DefaultProbeCountForRecordType(X) ((X) == kDNSRecordTypeUnique ? DefaultProbeCountForTypeUnique : (mDNSu8)0)
576 #define DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeShared ((mDNSu8)10)
577 #define DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeUnique ((mDNSu8)2)
579 #define DefaultAnnounceCountForRecordType(X) ((X) == kDNSRecordTypeShared ? DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeShared : \
580 (X) == kDNSRecordTypeUnique ? DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeUnique : \
581 (X) == kDNSRecordTypeVerified ? DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeUnique : \
582 (X) == kDNSRecordTypeKnownUnique ? DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeUnique : (mDNSu8)0)
584 #define DefaultSendIntervalForRecordType(X) ((X) == kDNSRecordTypeShared ? mDNSPlatformOneSecond : \
585 (X) == kDNSRecordTypeUnique ? mDNSPlatformOneSecond/4 : \
586 (X) == kDNSRecordTypeVerified ? mDNSPlatformOneSecond/4 : 0)
588 #define TimeToAnnounceThisRecord(RR,time) ((RR)->AnnounceCount && time - (RR)->NextSendTime >= 0)
589 #define TimeToSendThisRecord(RR,time) \
590 ((TimeToAnnounceThisRecord(RR,time) || (RR)->SendPriority) && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(RR))
592 mDNSlocal mDNSBool SameRData(const mDNSu16 rrtype, const RData *const r1, const RData *const r2)
593 {
594 if (r1->RDLength != r2->RDLength) return(mDNSfalse);
595 switch(rrtype)
596 {
597 case kDNSType_CNAME:// Same as PTR
598 case kDNSType_PTR: return(SameDomainName(&r1->u.name, &r2->u.name));
600 case kDNSType_SRV: return( r1->u.srv.priority == r2->u.srv.priority &&
601 r1->u.srv.weight == r2->u.srv.weight &&
602 r1->u.srv.port.NotAnInteger == r2->u.srv.port.NotAnInteger &&
603 SameDomainName(&r1->u.srv.target, &r2->u.srv.target));
605 default: return(mDNSPlatformMemSame(r1->u.data, r2->u.data, r1->RDLength));
606 }
607 }
609 mDNSlocal mDNSBool ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(const ResourceRecord *const rr, const DNSQuestion *const q)
610 {
611 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
612 q ->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
613 rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger != q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger) return(mDNSfalse);
615 // RR type CNAME matches any query type. QTYPE ANY matches any RR type. QCLASS ANY matches any RR class.
616 if (rr->rrtype != kDNSType_CNAME && rr->rrtype != q->rrtype && q->rrtype != kDNSQType_ANY ) return(mDNSfalse);
617 if ( rr->rrclass != q->rrclass && q->rrclass != kDNSQClass_ANY) return(mDNSfalse);
618 return(SameDomainName(&rr->name, &q->name));
619 }
621 // SameResourceRecordSignature returns true if two resources records have the same interface, name, type, and class.
622 // -- i.e. if they would both be given in response to the same question.
623 // (TTL and rdata may differ)
624 mDNSlocal mDNSBool SameResourceRecordSignature(const ResourceRecord *const r1, const ResourceRecord *const r2)
625 {
626 if (!r1) { debugf("SameResourceRecordSignature ERROR: r1 is NULL"); return(mDNSfalse); }
627 if (!r2) { debugf("SameResourceRecordSignature ERROR: r2 is NULL"); return(mDNSfalse); }
628 if (r1->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
629 r2->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
630 r1->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger != r2->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger) return(mDNSfalse);
631 return (r1->rrtype == r2->rrtype && r1->rrclass == r2->rrclass && SameDomainName(&r1->name, &r2->name));
632 }
634 // SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface returns true if two resources records have the same name, type, and class.
635 // (InterfaceAddr, TTL and rdata may differ)
636 mDNSlocal mDNSBool SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface(const ResourceRecord *const r1, const ResourceRecord *const r2)
637 {
638 if (!r1) { debugf("SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface ERROR: r1 is NULL"); return(mDNSfalse); }
639 if (!r2) { debugf("SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface ERROR: r2 is NULL"); return(mDNSfalse); }
640 return (r1->rrtype == r2->rrtype && r1->rrclass == r2->rrclass && SameDomainName(&r1->name, &r2->name));
641 }
643 // IdenticalResourceRecord returns true if two resources records have
644 // the same interface, name, type, class, and identical rdata (TTL may differ)
645 mDNSlocal mDNSBool IdenticalResourceRecord(const ResourceRecord *const r1, const ResourceRecord *const r2)
646 {
647 if (!SameResourceRecordSignature(r1, r2)) return(mDNSfalse);
648 return(SameRData(r1->rrtype, r1->rdata, r2->rdata));
649 }
651 // IdenticalResourceRecordAnyInterface returns true if two resources records have
652 // the same name, type, class, and identical rdata (InterfaceAddr and TTL may differ)
653 mDNSlocal mDNSBool IdenticalResourceRecordAnyInterface(const ResourceRecord *const r1, const ResourceRecord *const r2)
654 {
655 if (!SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface(r1, r2)) return(mDNSfalse);
656 return(SameRData(r1->rrtype, r1->rdata, r2->rdata));
657 }
659 // ResourceRecord *ds is the ResourceRecord from the duplicate suppression section of the query
660 // This is the information that the requester believes to be correct
661 // ResourceRecord *rr is the answer we are proposing to give, if not suppressed
662 // This is the information that we believe to be correct
663 mDNSlocal mDNSBool SuppressDuplicate(const ResourceRecord *const ds, const ResourceRecord *const rr)
664 {
665 // If RR signature is different, or data is different, then don't suppress
666 if (!IdenticalResourceRecord(ds,rr)) return(mDNSfalse);
668 // If the requester's indicated TTL is less than half the real TTL,
669 // we need to give our answer before the requester's copy expires.
670 // If the requester's indicated TTL is at least half the real TTL,
671 // then we can suppress our answer this time.
672 // If the requester's indicated TTL is greater than the TTL we believe,
673 // then that's okay, and we don't need to do anything about it.
674 // (If two responders on the network are offering the same information,
675 // that's okay, and if they are offering the information with different TTLs,
676 // the one offering the lower TTL should defer to the one offering the higher TTL.)
677 return(ds->rroriginalttl >= rr->rroriginalttl / 2);
678 }
680 mDNSlocal mDNSu32 GetRDLength(const ResourceRecord *const rr, mDNSBool estimate)
681 {
682 const domainname *const name = estimate ? &rr->name : mDNSNULL;
683 switch (rr->rrtype)
684 {
685 case kDNSType_A: return(sizeof(rr->rdata->u.ip)); break;
686 case kDNSType_CNAME:// Same as PTR
687 case kDNSType_PTR: return(CompressedDomainNameLength(&rr->rdata->u.name, name));
688 case kDNSType_TXT: return(rr->rdata->RDLength); // TXT is not self-describing, so have to just trust rdlength
689 case kDNSType_AAAA: return(16); break;
690 case kDNSType_SRV: return(6 + CompressedDomainNameLength(&rr->rdata->u.srv.target, name));
691 default: debugf("Warning! Don't know how to get length of resource type %d", rr->rrtype);
692 return(rr->rdata->RDLength);
693 }
694 }
696 // rr is a ResourceRecord in our cache
697 // (kDNSRecordTypePacketAnswer/kDNSRecordTypePacketAdditional/kDNSRecordTypePacketUniqueAns/kDNSRecordTypePacketUniqueAdd)
698 mDNSlocal DNSQuestion *CacheRRActive(const mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *rr)
699 {
700 DNSQuestion *q;
701 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next) // Scan our list of questions
702 if (q->ThisQInterval > 0 && !q->DuplicateOf && ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(rr, q))
703 return(q);
704 return(mDNSNULL);
705 }
707 mDNSlocal void SetTargetToHostName(const mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr)
708 {
709 switch (rr->rrtype)
710 {
711 case kDNSType_CNAME:// Same as PTR
712 case kDNSType_PTR: rr->rdata->u.name = m->hostname1; break;
713 case kDNSType_SRV: rr->rdata->u.srv.target = m->hostname1; break;
714 default: debugf("SetTargetToHostName: Dont' know how to set the target of rrtype %d", rr->rrtype); break;
715 }
716 rr->rdata->RDLength = GetRDLength(rr, mDNSfalse);
717 rr->rdestimate = GetRDLength(rr, mDNStrue);
719 // If we're in the middle of probing this record, we need to start again,
720 // because changing its rdata may change the outcome of the tie-breaker.
721 rr->ProbeCount = DefaultProbeCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
722 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
723 rr->NextSendTime = mDNSPlatformTimeNow();
724 rr->NextSendInterval = DefaultSendIntervalForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
725 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique && m->SuppressProbes) rr->NextSendTime = m->SuppressProbes;
726 }
728 mDNSlocal void UpdateHostNameTargets(const mDNS *const m)
729 {
730 ResourceRecord *rr;
731 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
732 if (rr->HostTarget)
733 SetTargetToHostName(m, rr);
734 }
736 mDNSlocal mStatus mDNS_Register_internal(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
737 {
738 ResourceRecord **p = &m->ResourceRecords;
739 while (*p && *p != rr) p=&(*p)->next;
740 if (*p)
741 {
742 debugf("Error! Tried to register a ResourceRecord that's already in the list");
743 return(mStatus_AlreadyRegistered);
744 }
746 if (rr->DependentOn)
747 {
748 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique)
749 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeVerified;
750 else
751 {
752 debugf("mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR! %##s: rr->DependentOn && RecordType != kDNSRecordTypeUnique",
753 rr->name.c);
754 return(mStatus_Invalid);
755 }
756 if (rr->DependentOn->RecordType != kDNSRecordTypeUnique && rr->DependentOn->RecordType != kDNSRecordTypeVerified)
757 {
758 debugf("mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR! %##s: rr->DependentOn->RecordType bad type %X",
759 rr->name.c, rr->DependentOn->RecordType);
760 return(mStatus_Invalid);
761 }
762 }
764 rr->next = mDNSNULL;
766 // Field Group 1: Persistent metadata for Authoritative Records
767 // rr->Additional1 = set to mDNSNULL in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord; may be overridden by client
768 // rr->Additional2 = set to mDNSNULL in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord; may be overridden by client
769 // rr->DependentOn = set to mDNSNULL in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord; may be overridden by client
770 // rr->RRSet = set to mDNSNULL in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord; may be overridden by client
771 // rr->Callback = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
772 // rr->Context = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
773 // rr->RecordType = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
774 // rr->HostTarget = set to mDNSNULL in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord; may be overridden by client
776 // Field Group 2: Transient state for Authoritative Records
777 rr->Acknowledged = mDNSfalse;
778 rr->ProbeCount = DefaultProbeCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
779 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
780 rr->IncludeInProbe = mDNSfalse;
781 rr->SendPriority = 0;
782 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
783 rr->NextResponse = mDNSNULL;
784 rr->NR_AnswerTo = mDNSNULL;
785 rr->NR_AdditionalTo = mDNSNULL;
786 rr->LastSendTime = timenow - mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
787 rr->NextSendTime = timenow;
788 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique && m->SuppressProbes) rr->NextSendTime = m->SuppressProbes;
789 rr->NextSendInterval = DefaultSendIntervalForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
790 rr->NewRData = mDNSNULL;
791 rr->UpdateCallback = mDNSNULL;
793 // Field Group 3: Transient state for Cache Records
794 rr->NextDupSuppress = mDNSNULL; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
795 rr->TimeRcvd = 0; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
796 rr->LastUsed = 0; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
797 rr->UseCount = 0; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
798 rr->UnansweredQueries = 0; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
799 rr->Active = mDNSfalse; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
800 rr->NewData = mDNSfalse; // Not strictly relevant for a local record
802 // Field Group 4: The actual information pertaining to this resource record
803 // rr->interface = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
804 // rr->name.c = MUST be set by client
805 // rr->rrtype = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
806 // rr->rrclass = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
807 // rr->rroriginalttl = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
808 // rr->rrremainingttl = already set in mDNS_SetupResourceRecord
810 if (rr->HostTarget)
811 SetTargetToHostName(m, rr); // This also sets rdlength and rdestimate for us
812 else
813 {
814 rr->rdata->RDLength = GetRDLength(rr, mDNSfalse);
815 rr->rdestimate = GetRDLength(rr, mDNStrue);
816 }
817 // rr->rdata = MUST be set by client
819 *p = rr;
820 return(mStatus_NoError);
821 }
823 // mDNS_Dereg_normal is used for most calls to mDNS_Deregister_internal
824 // mDNS_Dereg_conflict is used to indicate that this record is being forcibly deregistered because of a conflict
825 // mDNS_Dereg_repeat is used when cleaning up, for records that may have already been forcibly deregistered
826 typedef enum { mDNS_Dereg_normal, mDNS_Dereg_conflict, mDNS_Dereg_repeat } mDNS_Dereg_type;
828 // NOTE: mDNS_Deregister_internal can call a user callback, which may change the record list and/or question list.
829 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
830 mDNSlocal void mDNS_Deregister_internal(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr, const mDNSs32 timenow, mDNS_Dereg_type drt)
831 {
832 mDNSu8 RecordType = rr->RecordType;
833 // If this is a shared record and we've announced it at least once,
834 // we need to retract that announcement before we delete the record
835 if (RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared && rr->AnnounceCount <= DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeShared)
836 {
837 debugf("mDNS_Deregister_internal: Sending deregister for %##s (%s)", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
838 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering;
839 rr->rroriginalttl = 0;
840 rr->rrremainingttl = 0;
841 }
842 else
843 {
844 // Find this record in our list of active records
845 ResourceRecord **p = &m->ResourceRecords;
846 while (*p && *p != rr) p=&(*p)->next;
848 if (*p) *p = rr->next;
849 else
850 {
851 // No need to give an error message if we already know this is a potentially repeated deregistration
852 if (drt != mDNS_Dereg_repeat)
853 debugf("mDNS_Deregister_internal: Record %##s (%s) not found in list", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
854 return;
855 }
856 // If someone is about to look at this, bump the pointer forward
857 if (m->CurrentRecord == rr) m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
858 rr->next = mDNSNULL;
860 if (RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnregistered)
861 debugf("mDNS_Deregister_internal: Record %##s (%s) already marked kDNSRecordTypeUnregistered", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
862 else if (RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering)
863 debugf("mDNS_Deregister_internal: Record %##s (%s) already marked kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
864 else
865 {
866 debugf("mDNS_Deregister_internal: Deleting record for %##s (%s)", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
867 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeUnregistered;
868 }
870 if ((drt == mDNS_Dereg_conflict || drt == mDNS_Dereg_repeat) && RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared)
871 debugf("mDNS_Deregister_internal: Cannot have a conflict on a shared record! %##s (%s)", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
873 // If we have an update queued up which never executed, give the client a chance to free that memory
874 if (rr->NewRData)
875 {
876 RData *OldRData = rr->rdata;
877 rr->rdata = rr->NewRData; // Update our rdata
878 rr->NewRData = mDNSNULL; // Clear the NewRData pointer ...
879 if (rr->UpdateCallback) rr->UpdateCallback(m, rr, OldRData); // ... and let the client know
880 }
882 if (RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared && rr->Callback)
883 rr->Callback(m, rr, mStatus_MemFree);
884 else if (drt == mDNS_Dereg_conflict)
885 {
886 m->ProbeFailTime = timenow;
887 // If we've had ten probe failures, rate-limit to one every five seconds
888 // The result is ORed with 1 to make sure SuppressProbes is not accidentally set to zero
889 if (m->NumFailedProbes < 10) m->NumFailedProbes++;
890 else m->SuppressProbes = (timenow + mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 5) | 1;
891 if (rr->Callback) rr->Callback(m, rr, mStatus_NameConflict);
892 }
893 }
894 }
896 // ***************************************************************************
897 #if 0
898 #pragma mark -
899 #pragma mark -
900 #pragma mark - DNS Message Creation Functions
901 #endif
903 mDNSlocal void InitializeDNSMessage(DNSMessageHeader *h, mDNSOpaque16 id, mDNSOpaque16 flags)
904 {
905 h->id = id;
906 h->flags = flags;
907 h->numQuestions = 0;
908 h->numAnswers = 0;
909 h->numAuthorities = 0;
910 h->numAdditionals = 0;
911 }
913 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *FindCompressionPointer(const mDNSu8 *const base, const mDNSu8 *const end, const mDNSu8 *const domname)
914 {
915 const mDNSu8 *result = end - *domname - 1;
917 if (*domname == 0) return(mDNSNULL); // There's no point trying to match just the root label
919 // This loop examines each possible starting position in packet, starting end of the packet and working backwards
920 while (result >= base)
921 {
922 // If the length byte and first character of the label match, then check further to see
923 // if this location in the packet will yield a useful name compression pointer.
924 if (result[0] == domname[0] && result[1] == domname[1])
925 {
926 const mDNSu8 *name = domname;
927 const mDNSu8 *targ = result;
928 while (targ + *name < end)
929 {
930 // First see if this label matches
931 int i;
932 const mDNSu8 *pointertarget;
933 for (i=0; i <= *name; i++) if (targ[i] != name[i]) break;
934 if (i <= *name) break; // If label did not match, bail out
935 targ += 1 + *name; // Else, did match, so advance target pointer
936 name += 1 + *name; // and proceed to check next label
937 if (*name == 0 && *targ == 0) return(result); // If no more labels, we found a match!
938 if (*name == 0) break; // If no more labels to match, we failed, so bail out
940 // The label matched, so now follow the pointer (if appropriate) and then see if the next label matches
941 if (targ[0] < 0x40) continue; // If length value, continue to check next label
942 if (targ[0] < 0xC0) break; // If 40-BF, not valid
943 if (targ+1 >= end) break; // Second byte not present!
944 pointertarget = base + (((mDNSu16)(targ[0] & 0x3F)) << 8) + targ[1];
945 if (targ < pointertarget) break; // Pointertarget must point *backwards* in the packet
946 if (pointertarget[0] >= 0x40) break; // Pointertarget must point to a valid length byte
947 targ = pointertarget;
948 }
949 }
950 result--; // We failed to match at this search position, so back up the tentative result pointer and try again
951 }
952 return(mDNSNULL);
953 }
955 // Put a string of dot-separated labels as length-prefixed labels
956 // domainname is a fully-qualified name (i.e. assumed to be ending in a dot, even if it doesn't)
957 // msg points to the message we're building (pass mDNSNULL if we don't want to use compression pointers)
958 // end points to the end of the message so far
959 // ptr points to where we want to put the name
960 // limit points to one byte past the end of the buffer that we must not overrun
961 // domainname is the name to put
962 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *putDomainNameAsLabels(const DNSMessage *const msg,
963 mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *const limit, const domainname *const name)
964 {
965 const mDNSu8 *const base = (const mDNSu8 *const)msg;
966 const mDNSu8 * np = name->c;
967 const mDNSu8 *const max = name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME; // Maximum that's valid
968 const mDNSu8 * pointer = mDNSNULL;
969 const mDNSu8 *const searchlimit = ptr;
971 while (*np && ptr < limit-1) // While we've got characters in the name, and space to write them in the message...
972 {
973 if (np + 1 + *np >= max)
974 { debugf("Malformed domain name (more than 255 characters)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
976 if (base) pointer = FindCompressionPointer(base, searchlimit, np);
977 if (pointer) // Use a compression pointer if we can
978 {
979 mDNSu16 offset = (mDNSu16)(pointer - base);
980 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(0xC0 | (offset >> 8));
981 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)( offset );
982 return(ptr);
983 }
984 else // Else copy one label and try again
985 {
986 int i;
987 mDNSu8 len = *np++;
988 if (ptr + 1 + len >= limit) return(mDNSNULL);
989 *ptr++ = len;
990 for (i=0; i<len; i++) *ptr++ = *np++;
991 }
992 }
994 if (ptr < limit) // If we didn't run out of space
995 {
996 *ptr++ = 0; // Put the final root label
997 return(ptr); // and return
998 }
1000 return(mDNSNULL);
1001 }
1003 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *putRData(const DNSMessage *const msg, mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *const limit,
1004 const mDNSu16 rrtype, const RData *const rdata)
1005 {
1006 switch (rrtype)
1007 {
1008 case kDNSType_A: if (rdata->RDLength != 4)
1009 {
1010 debugf("putRData: Illegal length %d for kDNSType_A", rdata->RDLength);
1011 return(mDNSNULL);
1012 }
1013 if (ptr + 4 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
1014 *ptr++ = rdata->u.ip.b[0];
1015 *ptr++ = rdata->u.ip.b[1];
1016 *ptr++ = rdata->u.ip.b[2];
1017 *ptr++ = rdata->u.ip.b[3];
1018 return(ptr);
1020 case kDNSType_CNAME:// Same as PTR
1021 case kDNSType_PTR: return(putDomainNameAsLabels(msg, ptr, limit, &rdata->u.name));
1023 case kDNSType_TXT: if (ptr + rdata->RDLength > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
1024 mDNSPlatformMemCopy(rdata->u.data, ptr, rdata->RDLength);
1025 return(ptr + rdata->RDLength);
1027 case kDNSType_SRV: if (ptr + 6 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
1028 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(rdata->u.srv.priority >> 8);
1029 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(rdata->u.srv.priority );
1030 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(rdata->u.srv.weight >> 8);
1031 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(rdata->u.srv.weight );
1032 *ptr++ = rdata->u.srv.port.b[0];
1033 *ptr++ = rdata->u.srv.port.b[1];
1034 return(putDomainNameAsLabels(msg, ptr, limit, &rdata->u.srv.target));
1036 default: if (ptr + rdata->RDLength > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
1037 debugf("putRData: Warning! Writing resource type %d as raw data", rrtype);
1038 mDNSPlatformMemCopy(rdata->u.data, ptr, rdata->RDLength);
1039 return(ptr + rdata->RDLength);
1040 }
1041 }
1043 // Put a domain name, type, class, ttl, length, and type-specific data
1044 // domainname is a fully-qualified name
1045 // Only pass the "m" and "timenow" parameters in cases where the LastSendTime is to be updated,
1046 // and the kDNSClass_UniqueRRSet bit set
1047 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *putResourceRecord(DNSMessage *const msg, mDNSu8 *ptr,
1048 mDNSu16 *count, ResourceRecord *rr, mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1049 {
1050 mDNSu8 *endofrdata;
1051 mDNSu32 actualLength;
1052 const mDNSu8 *limit = msg->data + AbsoluteMaxDNSMessageData;
1054 // If we have a single large record to put in the packet, then we allow the packet to be up to 9K bytes,
1055 // but in the normal case we try to keep the packets below 1500 to avoid IP fragmentation on standard Ethernet
1056 if (msg->h.numAnswers || msg->h.numAuthorities || msg->h.numAdditionals)
1057 limit = msg->data + NormalMaxDNSMessageData;
1059 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnregistered)
1060 {
1061 debugf("putResourceRecord ERROR! Attempt to put kDNSRecordTypeUnregistered");
1062 return(ptr);
1063 }
1065 ptr = putDomainNameAsLabels(msg, ptr, limit, &rr->name);
1066 if (!ptr || ptr + 10 >= limit) return(mDNSNULL); // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
1067 ptr[0] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrtype >> 8);
1068 ptr[1] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrtype );
1069 ptr[2] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrclass >> 8);
1070 ptr[3] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrclass );
1071 ptr[4] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrremainingttl >> 24);
1072 ptr[5] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrremainingttl >> 16);
1073 ptr[6] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrremainingttl >> 8);
1074 ptr[7] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrremainingttl );
1075 endofrdata = putRData(msg, ptr+10, limit, rr->rrtype, rr->rdata);
1076 if (!endofrdata) { debugf("Ran out of space in putResourceRecord!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1078 // Go back and fill in the actual number of data bytes we wrote
1079 // (actualLength can be less than rdlength when domain name compression is used)
1080 actualLength = (mDNSu32)(endofrdata - ptr - 10);
1081 ptr[8] = (mDNSu8)(actualLength >> 8);
1082 ptr[9] = (mDNSu8)(actualLength );
1084 if (m) // If the 'm' parameter was passed in...
1085 {
1086 rr->LastSendTime = timenow; // ... then update LastSendTime
1087 if (rr->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask) // If it is supposed to be unique
1088 {
1089 const ResourceRecord *a = mDNSNULL;
1090 // If we find a member of the same RRSet (same name/type/class)
1091 // that hasn't been updated within the last quarter second, don't set the bit
1092 for (a = m->ResourceRecords; a; a=a->next)
1093 if (SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface(rr, a))
1094 if (timenow - a->LastSendTime > mDNSPlatformOneSecond/4)
1095 break;
1096 if (a == mDNSNULL)
1097 ptr[2] |= kDNSClass_UniqueRRSet >> 8;
1098 }
1099 }
1101 (*count)++;
1102 return(endofrdata);
1103 }
1105 #if 0
1106 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *putEmptyResourceRecord(DNSMessage *const msg, mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *const limit,
1107 mDNSu16 *count, const ResourceRecord *rr)
1108 {
1109 ptr = putDomainNameAsLabels(msg, ptr, limit, &rr->name);
1110 if (!ptr || ptr + 10 > limit) return(mDNSNULL); // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
1111 ptr[0] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrtype >> 8); // Put type
1112 ptr[1] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrtype );
1113 ptr[2] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrclass >> 8); // Put class
1114 ptr[3] = (mDNSu8)(rr->rrclass );
1115 ptr[4] = ptr[5] = ptr[6] = ptr[7] = 0; // TTL is zero
1116 ptr[8] = ptr[9] = 0; // RDATA length is zero
1117 (*count)++;
1118 return(ptr + 10);
1119 }
1120 #endif
1122 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *putQuestion(DNSMessage *const msg, mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *const limit,
1123 const domainname *const name, mDNSu16 rrtype, mDNSu16 rrclass)
1124 {
1125 ptr = putDomainNameAsLabels(msg, ptr, limit, name);
1126 if (!ptr || ptr+4 >= limit) return(mDNSNULL); // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
1127 ptr[0] = (mDNSu8)(rrtype >> 8);
1128 ptr[1] = (mDNSu8)(rrtype );
1129 ptr[2] = (mDNSu8)(rrclass >> 8);
1130 ptr[3] = (mDNSu8)(rrclass );
1131 msg->h.numQuestions++;
1132 return(ptr+4);
1133 }
1135 // ***************************************************************************
1136 #if 0
1137 #pragma mark -
1138 #pragma mark - DNS Message Parsing Functions
1139 #endif
1141 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *skipDomainName(const DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *const end)
1142 {
1143 mDNSu32 total = 0;
1145 if (ptr < (mDNSu8*)msg || ptr >= end)
1146 { debugf("skipDomainName: Illegal ptr not within packet boundaries"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1148 while (1) // Read sequence of labels
1149 {
1150 const mDNSu8 len = *ptr++; // Read length of this label
1151 if (len == 0) return(ptr); // If length is zero, that means this name is complete
1152 switch (len & 0xC0)
1153 {
1154 case 0x00: if (ptr + len >= end) // Remember: expect at least one more byte for the root label
1155 { debugf("skipDomainName: Malformed domain name (overruns packet end)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1156 if (total + 1 + len >= MAX_DOMAIN_NAME) // Remember: expect at least one more byte for the root label
1157 { debugf("skipDomainName: Malformed domain name (more than 255 characters)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1158 ptr += len;
1159 total += 1 + len;
1160 break;
1162 case 0x40: debugf("skipDomainName: Extended EDNS0 label types 0x%X not supported", len); return(mDNSNULL);
1163 case 0x80: debugf("skipDomainName: Illegal label length 0x%X", len); return(mDNSNULL);
1164 case 0xC0: return(ptr+1);
1165 }
1166 }
1167 }
1169 // Routine to fetch an FQDN from the DNS message, following compression pointers if necessary.
1170 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *getDomainName(const DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *const end,
1171 domainname *const name)
1172 {
1173 const mDNSu8 *nextbyte = mDNSNULL; // Record where we got to before we started following pointers
1174 mDNSu8 *np = name->c; // Name pointer
1175 const mDNSu8 *const limit = np + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME; // Limit so we don't overrun buffer
1177 if (ptr < (mDNSu8*)msg || ptr >= end)
1178 { debugf("getDomainName: Illegal ptr not within packet boundaries"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1180 *np = 0; // Tentatively place the root label here (may be overwritten if we have more labels)
1182 while (1) // Read sequence of labels
1183 {
1184 const mDNSu8 len = *ptr++; // Read length of this label
1185 if (len == 0) break; // If length is zero, that means this name is complete
1186 switch (len & 0xC0)
1187 {
1188 int i;
1189 mDNSu16 offset;
1191 case 0x00: if (ptr + len >= end) // Remember: expect at least one more byte for the root label
1192 { debugf("getDomainName: Malformed domain name (overruns packet end)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1193 if (np + 1 + len >= limit) // Remember: expect at least one more byte for the root label
1194 { debugf("getDomainName: Malformed domain name (more than 255 characters)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1195 *np++ = len;
1196 for (i=0; i<len; i++) *np++ = *ptr++;
1197 *np = 0; // Tentatively place the root label here (may be overwritten if we have more labels)
1198 break;
1200 case 0x40: debugf("getDomainName: Extended EDNS0 label types 0x%X not supported in name %##s", len, name->c);
1201 return(mDNSNULL);
1203 case 0x80: debugf("getDomainName: Illegal label length 0x%X in domain name %##s", len, name->c); return(mDNSNULL);
1205 case 0xC0: offset = (mDNSu16)((((mDNSu16)(len & 0x3F)) << 8) | *ptr++);
1206 if (!nextbyte) nextbyte = ptr; // Record where we got to before we started following pointers
1207 ptr = (mDNSu8 *)msg + offset;
1208 if (ptr < (mDNSu8*)msg || ptr >= end)
1209 { debugf("getDomainName: Illegal compression pointer not within packet boundaries"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1210 if (*ptr & 0xC0)
1211 { debugf("getDomainName: Compression pointer must point to real label"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1212 break;
1213 }
1214 }
1216 if (nextbyte) return(nextbyte);
1217 else return(ptr);
1218 }
1220 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *skipResourceRecord(const DNSMessage *msg, const mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *end)
1221 {
1222 mDNSu16 pktrdlength;
1224 ptr = skipDomainName(msg, ptr, end);
1225 if (!ptr) { debugf("skipResourceRecord: Malformed RR name"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1227 if (ptr + 10 > end) { debugf("skipResourceRecord: Malformed RR -- no type/class/ttl/len!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1228 pktrdlength = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[8] << 8 | ptr[9]);
1229 ptr += 10;
1230 if (ptr + pktrdlength > end) { debugf("skipResourceRecord: RDATA exceeds end of packet"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1232 return(ptr + pktrdlength);
1233 }
1235 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *getResourceRecord(const DNSMessage *msg, const mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *end,
1236 const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, const mDNSs32 timenow, mDNSu8 RecordType, ResourceRecord *rr, RData *RDataStorage)
1237 {
1238 mDNSu16 pktrdlength;
1240 rr->next = mDNSNULL;
1242 // Field Group 1: Persistent metadata for Authoritative Records
1243 rr->Additional1 = mDNSNULL;
1244 rr->Additional2 = mDNSNULL;
1245 rr->DependentOn = mDNSNULL;
1246 rr->RRSet = mDNSNULL;
1247 rr->Callback = mDNSNULL;
1248 rr->Context = mDNSNULL;
1249 rr->RecordType = RecordType;
1250 rr->HostTarget = mDNSfalse;
1252 // Field Group 2: Transient state for Authoritative Records
1253 rr->Acknowledged = mDNSfalse;
1254 rr->ProbeCount = 0;
1255 rr->AnnounceCount = 0;
1256 rr->IncludeInProbe = mDNSfalse;
1257 rr->SendPriority = 0;
1258 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
1259 rr->NextResponse = mDNSNULL;
1260 rr->NR_AnswerTo = mDNSNULL;
1261 rr->NR_AdditionalTo = mDNSNULL;
1262 rr->LastSendTime = 0;
1263 rr->NextSendTime = 0;
1264 rr->NextSendInterval = 0;
1265 rr->NewRData = mDNSNULL;
1266 rr->UpdateCallback = mDNSNULL;
1268 // Field Group 3: Transient state for Cache Records
1269 rr->NextDupSuppress = mDNSNULL;
1270 rr->TimeRcvd = timenow;
1271 rr->LastUsed = timenow;
1272 rr->UseCount = 0;
1273 rr->UnansweredQueries = 0;
1274 rr->Active = mDNSfalse;
1275 rr->NewData = mDNStrue;
1277 // Field Group 4: The actual information pertaining to this resource record
1278 rr->InterfaceAddr = InterfaceAddr;
1279 ptr = getDomainName(msg, ptr, end, &rr->name);
1280 if (!ptr) { debugf("getResourceRecord: Malformed RR name"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1282 if (ptr + 10 > end) { debugf("getResourceRecord: Malformed RR -- no type/class/ttl/len!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1284 rr->rrtype = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[0] << 8 | ptr[1]);
1285 rr->rrclass = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[2] << 8 | ptr[3]) & kDNSQClass_Mask;
1286 rr->rroriginalttl = (mDNSu32)((mDNSu32)ptr[4] << 24 | (mDNSu32)ptr[5] << 16 | (mDNSu32)ptr[6] << 8 | ptr[7]);
1287 if (rr->rroriginalttl > 0x70000000UL / mDNSPlatformOneSecond)
1288 rr->rroriginalttl = 0x70000000UL / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
1289 rr->rrremainingttl = 0;
1290 pktrdlength = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[8] << 8 | ptr[9]);
1291 if (ptr[2] & (kDNSClass_UniqueRRSet >> 8))
1292 rr->RecordType |= kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask;
1293 ptr += 10;
1294 if (ptr + pktrdlength > end) { debugf("getResourceRecord: RDATA exceeds end of packet"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1296 if (RDataStorage)
1297 rr->rdata = RDataStorage;
1298 else
1299 {
1300 rr->rdata = &rr->rdatastorage;
1301 rr->rdata->MaxRDLength = sizeof(RDataBody);
1302 }
1304 switch (rr->rrtype)
1305 {
1306 case kDNSType_A: rr->rdata->u.ip.b[0] = ptr[0];
1307 rr->rdata->u.ip.b[1] = ptr[1];
1308 rr->rdata->u.ip.b[2] = ptr[2];
1309 rr->rdata->u.ip.b[3] = ptr[3];
1310 break;
1312 case kDNSType_CNAME:// CNAME is same as PTR
1313 case kDNSType_PTR: if (!getDomainName(msg, ptr, end, &rr->rdata->u.name))
1314 { debugf("getResourceRecord: Malformed CNAME/PTR RDATA name"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1315 //debugf("%##s PTR %##s rdlen %d", rr->name.c, rr->rdata->u.name.c, pktrdlength);
1316 break;
1318 case kDNSType_TXT: if (pktrdlength > rr->rdata->MaxRDLength)
1319 {
1320 debugf("getResourceRecord: TXT rdata size (%d) exceeds storage (%d)",
1321 pktrdlength, rr->rdata->MaxRDLength);
1322 return(mDNSNULL);
1323 }
1324 rr->rdata->RDLength = pktrdlength;
1325 mDNSPlatformMemCopy(ptr, rr->rdata->u.data, pktrdlength);
1326 break;
1328 case kDNSType_SRV: rr->rdata->u.srv.priority = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[0] << 8 | ptr[1]);
1329 rr->rdata->u.srv.weight = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[2] << 8 | ptr[3]);
1330 rr->rdata->u.srv.port.b[0] = ptr[4];
1331 rr->rdata->u.srv.port.b[1] = ptr[5];
1332 if (!getDomainName(msg, ptr+6, end, &rr->rdata->u.srv.target))
1333 { debugf("getResourceRecord: Malformed SRV RDATA name"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1334 //debugf("%##s SRV %##s rdlen %d", rr->name.c, rr->rdata->u.srv.target.c, pktrdlength);
1335 break;
1337 default: if (pktrdlength > rr->rdata->MaxRDLength)
1338 {
1339 debugf("getResourceRecord: rdata %d size (%d) exceeds storage (%d)",
1340 rr->rrtype, pktrdlength, rr->rdata->MaxRDLength);
1341 return(mDNSNULL);
1342 }
1343 if (rr->rrtype != kDNSType_AAAA)
1344 debugf("getResourceRecord: Warning! Reading resource type %d as opaque data", rr->rrtype);
1345 // Note: Just because we don't understand the record type, that doesn't
1346 // mean we fail. The DNS protocol specifies rdlength, so we can
1347 // safely skip over unknown records and ignore them.
1348 // We also grab a binary copy of the rdata anyway, since the caller
1349 // might know how to interpret it even if we don't.
1350 rr->rdata->RDLength = pktrdlength;
1351 mDNSPlatformMemCopy(ptr, rr->rdata->u.data, pktrdlength);
1352 break;
1353 }
1355 rr->rdata->RDLength = GetRDLength(rr, mDNSfalse);
1356 rr->rdestimate = GetRDLength(rr, mDNStrue);
1357 return(ptr + pktrdlength);
1358 }
1360 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *skipQuestion(const DNSMessage *msg, const mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *end)
1361 {
1362 ptr = skipDomainName(msg, ptr, end);
1363 if (!ptr) { debugf("skipQuestion: Malformed domain name in DNS question section"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1364 if (ptr+4 > end) { debugf("skipQuestion: Malformed DNS question section -- no query type and class!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1365 return(ptr+4);
1366 }
1368 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *getQuestion(const DNSMessage *msg, const mDNSu8 *ptr, const mDNSu8 *end, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr,
1369 DNSQuestion *question)
1370 {
1371 question->InterfaceAddr = InterfaceAddr;
1372 ptr = getDomainName(msg, ptr, end, &question->name);
1373 if (!ptr) { debugf("Malformed domain name in DNS question section"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1374 if (ptr+4 > end) { debugf("Malformed DNS question section -- no query type and class!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
1376 question->rrtype = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[0] << 8 | ptr[1]); // Get type
1377 question->rrclass = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[2] << 8 | ptr[3]); // and class
1378 return(ptr+4);
1379 }
1381 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *LocateAnswers(const DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end)
1382 {
1383 int i;
1384 const mDNSu8 *ptr = msg->data;
1385 for (i = 0; i < msg->h.numQuestions && ptr; i++) ptr = skipQuestion(msg, ptr, end);
1386 return(ptr);
1387 }
1389 mDNSlocal const mDNSu8 *LocateAuthorities(const DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end)
1390 {
1391 int i;
1392 const mDNSu8 *ptr = LocateAnswers(msg, end);
1393 for (i = 0; i < msg->h.numAnswers && ptr; i++) ptr = skipResourceRecord(msg, ptr, end);
1394 return(ptr);
1395 }
1397 // ***************************************************************************
1398 #if 0
1399 #pragma mark -
1400 #pragma mark -
1401 #pragma mark - Packet Sending Functions
1402 #endif
1404 mDNSlocal mStatus mDNSSendDNSMessage(const mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end,
1405 mDNSIPAddr src, mDNSIPPort srcport, mDNSIPAddr dst, mDNSIPPort dstport)
1406 {
1407 mStatus status;
1408 mDNSu16 numQuestions = msg->h.numQuestions;
1409 mDNSu16 numAnswers = msg->h.numAnswers;
1410 mDNSu16 numAuthorities = msg->h.numAuthorities;
1411 mDNSu16 numAdditionals = msg->h.numAdditionals;
1413 // Put all the integer values in IETF byte-order (MSB first, LSB second)
1414 mDNSu8 *ptr = (mDNSu8 *)&msg->h.numQuestions;
1415 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numQuestions >> 8);
1416 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numQuestions );
1417 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numAnswers >> 8);
1418 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numAnswers );
1419 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numAuthorities >> 8);
1420 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numAuthorities );
1421 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numAdditionals >> 8);
1422 *ptr++ = (mDNSu8)(numAdditionals );
1424 // Send the packet on the wire
1425 status = mDNSPlatformSendUDP(m, msg, end, src, srcport, dst, dstport);
1427 // Put all the integer values back the way they were before we return
1428 msg->h.numQuestions = numQuestions;
1429 msg->h.numAnswers = numAnswers;
1430 msg->h.numAuthorities = numAuthorities;
1431 msg->h.numAdditionals = numAdditionals;
1433 return(status);
1434 }
1436 mDNSlocal mDNSBool HaveResponses(const mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1437 {
1438 ResourceRecord *rr;
1439 if (m->SleepState)
1440 {
1441 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1442 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared && rr->rrremainingttl == 0)
1443 return(mDNStrue);
1444 }
1445 else
1446 {
1447 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1448 {
1449 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering)
1450 return(mDNStrue);
1452 if (rr->AnnounceCount && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr) && timenow - rr->NextSendTime >= 0)
1453 return(mDNStrue);
1455 if (rr->SendPriority >= kDNSSendPriorityAnswer && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr))
1456 return(mDNStrue);
1457 }
1458 }
1459 return(mDNSfalse);
1460 }
1462 // NOTE: DiscardDeregistrations calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback, which may change
1463 // the record list and/or question list.
1464 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
1465 mDNSlocal void DiscardDeregistrations(mDNS *const m, mDNSs32 timenow)
1466 {
1467 if (m->CurrentRecord) debugf("DiscardDeregistrations ERROR m->CurrentRecord already set");
1468 m->CurrentRecord = m->ResourceRecords;
1470 while (m->CurrentRecord)
1471 {
1472 ResourceRecord *rr = m->CurrentRecord;
1473 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
1474 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering)
1475 {
1476 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeShared;
1477 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeShared+1;
1478 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, rr, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
1479 }
1480 }
1481 }
1483 // This routine sends as many records as it can fit in a single DNS Response Message, in order of priority.
1484 // If there are any deregistrations, announcements, or answers that don't fit, they are left in the work list for next time.
1485 // If there are any additionals that don't fit, they are discarded -- they were optional anyway.
1486 // NOTE: BuildResponse calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback, which may change
1487 // the record list and/or question list.
1488 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
1489 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *BuildResponse(mDNS *const m,
1490 DNSMessage *const response, mDNSu8 *responseptr, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1491 {
1492 ResourceRecord *rr;
1493 mDNSu8 *newptr;
1494 int numDereg = 0;
1495 int numAnnounce = 0;
1496 int numAnswer = 0;
1497 mDNSs32 minExistingAnnounceInterval = 0;
1499 if (m->CurrentRecord) debugf("BuildResponse ERROR m->CurrentRecord already set");
1500 m->CurrentRecord = m->ResourceRecords;
1502 // If we're sleeping, only send deregistrations
1503 if (m->SleepState)
1504 {
1505 while (m->CurrentRecord)
1506 {
1507 ResourceRecord *rr = m->CurrentRecord;
1508 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
1509 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1510 rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared && rr->rrremainingttl == 0 &&
1511 (newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAnswers, rr, mDNSNULL, 0)))
1512 {
1513 numDereg++;
1514 responseptr = newptr;
1515 rr->rrremainingttl = rr->rroriginalttl;
1516 }
1517 }
1518 }
1519 else
1520 {
1521 // 1. Look for deregistrations we need to send
1522 while (m->CurrentRecord)
1523 {
1524 ResourceRecord *rr = m->CurrentRecord;
1525 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
1526 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger)
1527 {
1528 if (rr->NewRData) // If we have new data for this record
1529 {
1530 RData *OldRData = rr->rdata;
1531 if (ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr)) // First see if we have to de-register the old data
1532 {
1533 rr->rrremainingttl = 0; // Clear rroriginalttl before putting record
1534 newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAnswers, rr, mDNSNULL, 0);
1535 if (newptr)
1536 {
1537 numDereg++;
1538 responseptr = newptr;
1539 }
1540 rr->rrremainingttl = rr->rroriginalttl; // Now restore rroriginalttl
1541 }
1542 rr->rdata = rr->NewRData; // Update our rdata
1543 rr->NewRData = mDNSNULL; // Clear the NewRData pointer ...
1544 if (rr->UpdateCallback) rr->UpdateCallback(m, rr, OldRData); // ... and let the client know
1545 }
1546 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering &&
1547 (newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAnswers, rr, mDNSNULL, 0)))
1548 {
1549 numDereg++;
1550 responseptr = newptr;
1551 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeShared;
1552 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeShared+1;
1553 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, rr, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
1554 }
1555 }
1556 }
1558 // 2. Look for announcements we are due to send in the next second
1559 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1560 {
1561 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1562 rr->AnnounceCount && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr) &&
1563 timenow + mDNSPlatformOneSecond - rr->NextSendTime >= 0)
1564 {
1565 newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAnswers, rr, m, timenow);
1566 if (newptr)
1567 {
1568 numAnnounce++;
1569 responseptr = newptr;
1570 }
1571 // If we were able to put the record, then update the state variables
1572 // If we were unable to put the record because it is too large to fit, even though
1573 // there are no other answers in the packet, then pretend we succeeded anyway,
1574 // or we'll end up in an infinite loop trying to send a record that will never fit
1575 if (response->h.numAnswers == 0) debugf("BuildResponse announcements failed");
1576 if (newptr || response->h.numAnswers == 0)
1577 {
1578 if (minExistingAnnounceInterval < rr->NextSendInterval)
1579 minExistingAnnounceInterval = rr->NextSendInterval;
1580 rr->SendPriority = 0;
1581 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
1582 rr->AnnounceCount--;
1583 rr->NextSendTime += rr->NextSendInterval;
1584 if (rr->NextSendTime - (timenow + rr->NextSendInterval/2) < 0)
1585 rr->NextSendTime = (timenow + rr->NextSendInterval/2);
1586 rr->NextSendInterval *= 2;
1587 }
1588 }
1589 }
1591 // 2a. Look for additional announcements that are worth accelerating
1592 // They must be (a) at least half-way to their next announcement and
1593 // (b) at an interval equal or less than any of the ones we've already put in
1594 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1595 {
1596 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1597 rr->AnnounceCount && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr) &&
1598 timenow - (rr->LastSendTime + rr->NextSendInterval/4) >= 0 &&
1599 rr->NextSendInterval <= minExistingAnnounceInterval)
1600 {
1601 newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAnswers, rr, m, timenow);
1602 if (newptr)
1603 {
1604 numAnnounce++;
1605 responseptr = newptr;
1606 }
1607 // If we were able to put the record, then update the state variables
1608 // If we were unable to put the record because it is too large to fit, even though
1609 // there are no other answers in the packet, then pretend we succeeded anyway,
1610 // or we'll end up in an infinite loop trying to send a record that will never fit
1611 if (response->h.numAnswers == 0) debugf("BuildResponse announcements failed");
1612 if (newptr || response->h.numAnswers == 0)
1613 {
1614 rr->SendPriority = 0;
1615 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
1616 rr->AnnounceCount--;
1617 rr->NextSendTime = timenow + rr->NextSendInterval;
1618 rr->NextSendInterval *= 2;
1619 }
1620 }
1621 }
1623 // 3. Look for answers we need to send
1624 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1625 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1626 rr->SendPriority >= kDNSSendPriorityAnswer && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr))
1627 {
1628 newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAnswers, rr, m, timenow);
1629 if (newptr)
1630 {
1631 numAnswer++;
1632 responseptr = newptr;
1633 }
1634 // If we were able to put the record, then update the state variables
1635 // If we were unable to put the record because it is too large to fit, even though
1636 // there are no other answers in the packet then pretend we succeeded anyway,
1637 // or we'll end up in an infinite loop trying to send a record that will never fit
1638 if (response->h.numAnswers == 0) debugf("BuildResponse answers failed");
1639 if (newptr || response->h.numAnswers == 0)
1640 {
1641 rr->SendPriority = 0;
1642 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
1643 }
1644 }
1646 // 4. Add additionals, if there's space
1647 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1648 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1649 rr->SendPriority == kDNSSendPriorityAdditional)
1650 {
1651 if (ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr) &&
1652 (newptr = putResourceRecord(response, responseptr, &response->h.numAdditionals, rr, m, timenow)))
1653 responseptr = newptr;
1654 rr->SendPriority = 0; // Clear SendPriority anyway, even if we didn't put the additional in the packet
1655 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
1656 }
1657 }
1659 if (numDereg || numAnnounce || numAnswer || response->h.numAdditionals)
1660 verbosedebugf("BuildResponse Built %d Deregistration%s, %d Announcement%s, %d Answer%s, %d Additional%s",
1661 numDereg, numDereg == 1 ? "" : "s",
1662 numAnnounce, numAnnounce == 1 ? "" : "s",
1663 numAnswer, numAnswer == 1 ? "" : "s",
1664 response->h.numAdditionals, response->h.numAdditionals == 1 ? "" : "s");
1666 return(responseptr);
1667 }
1669 mDNSlocal void SendResponses(mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1670 {
1671 DNSMessage response;
1672 DNSMessageHeader baseheader;
1673 mDNSu8 *baselimit, *responseptr;
1674 NetworkInterfaceInfo *intf;
1675 ResourceRecord *rr, *r2;
1677 // Run through our list of records,
1678 // and if there's a record which is supposed to be unique that we're proposing to give as an answer,
1679 // then make sure that the whole RRSet with that name/type/class is also marked for answering.
1680 // Otherwise, if we set the kDNSClass_UniqueRRSet bit on a record, then other RRSet members
1681 // that have not been sent recently will get flushed out of client caches.
1682 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1683 if (rr->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask)
1684 if (TimeToSendThisRecord(rr,timenow))
1685 for (r2 = m->ResourceRecords; r2; r2=r2->next)
1686 if (r2 != rr && timenow - r2->LastSendTime > mDNSPlatformOneSecond/4)
1687 if (SameResourceRecordSignatureAnyInterface(rr, r2))
1688 r2->SendPriority = kDNSSendPriorityAnswer;
1690 // First build the generic part of the message
1691 InitializeDNSMessage(&response.h, zeroID, ResponseFlags);
1692 baselimit = BuildResponse(m, &response, response.data, zeroIPAddr, timenow);
1693 baseheader = response.h;
1695 for (intf = m->HostInterfaces; intf; intf = intf->next)
1696 {
1697 // Restore the header to the counts for the generic records
1698 response.h = baseheader;
1699 // Now add any records specific to this interface
1700 responseptr = BuildResponse(m, &response, baselimit, intf->ip, timenow);
1701 if (response.h.numAnswers > 0) // We *never* send a packet with only additionals in it
1702 {
1703 mDNSSendDNSMessage(m, &response, responseptr, intf->ip, MulticastDNSPort, AllDNSLinkGroup, MulticastDNSPort);
1704 debugf("SendResponses Sent %d Answer%s, %d Additional%s on %.4a",
1705 response.h.numAnswers, response.h.numAnswers == 1 ? "" : "s",
1706 response.h.numAdditionals, response.h.numAdditionals == 1 ? "" : "s", &intf->ip);
1707 }
1708 }
1709 }
1711 #define TimeToSendThisQuestion(Q,time) ((Q)->ThisQInterval > 0 && !(Q)->DuplicateOf && (time) - (Q)->NextQTime >= 0)
1713 mDNSlocal mDNSBool HaveQueries(const mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1714 {
1715 ResourceRecord *rr;
1716 DNSQuestion *q;
1718 // 1. See if we've got any cache records in danger of expiring
1719 for (rr = m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next)
1720 if (rr->UnansweredQueries < 2)
1721 {
1722 mDNSs32 onetenth = ((mDNSs32)rr->rroriginalttl * mDNSPlatformOneSecond) / 10;
1723 mDNSs32 t0 = rr->TimeRcvd + (mDNSs32)rr->rroriginalttl * mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
1724 mDNSs32 t1 = t0 - onetenth;
1725 mDNSs32 t2 = t1 - onetenth;
1727 if (timenow - t1 >= 0 || (rr->UnansweredQueries < 1 && timenow - t2 >= 0))
1728 {
1729 DNSQuestion *q = CacheRRActive(m, rr);
1730 if (q) q->NextQTime = timenow;
1731 }
1732 }
1734 // 2. Scan our list of questions to see if it's time to send any of them
1735 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next)
1736 if (TimeToSendThisQuestion(q, timenow))
1737 return(mDNStrue);
1739 // 3. Scan our list of Resource Records to see if we need to send any probe questions
1740 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next) // Scan our list of records
1741 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique && timenow - rr->NextSendTime >= 0)
1742 return(mDNStrue);
1744 return(mDNSfalse);
1745 }
1747 // BuildProbe puts a probe question into a DNS Query packet and if successful, updates the value of queryptr.
1748 // It also sets the record's IncludeInProbe flag so that we know to add an Update Record too
1749 // and updates the forcast for the size of the duplicate suppression (answer) section.
1750 // NOTE: BuildProbe can call a user callback, which may change the record list and/or question list.
1751 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
1752 mDNSlocal void BuildProbe(mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *query, mDNSu8 **queryptr,
1753 ResourceRecord *rr, mDNSu32 *answerforecast, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1754 {
1755 if (rr->ProbeCount == 0)
1756 {
1757 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeVerified;
1758 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
1759 debugf("Probing for %##s (%s) complete", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
1760 if (!rr->Acknowledged && rr->Callback)
1761 { rr->Acknowledged = mDNStrue; rr->Callback(m, rr, mStatus_NoError); }
1762 }
1763 else
1764 {
1765 const mDNSu8 *const limit = query->data + ((query->h.numQuestions) ? NormalMaxDNSMessageData : AbsoluteMaxDNSMessageData);
1766 mDNSu8 *newptr = putQuestion(query, *queryptr, limit, &rr->name, kDNSQType_ANY, rr->rrclass);
1767 // We forecast: compressed name (2) type (2) class (2) TTL (4) rdlength (2) rdata (n)
1768 mDNSu32 forecast = *answerforecast + 12 + rr->rdestimate;
1769 if (newptr && newptr + forecast < limit)
1770 {
1771 *queryptr = newptr;
1772 *answerforecast = forecast;
1773 rr->ProbeCount--; // Only decrement ProbeCount if we successfully added the record to the packet
1774 rr->IncludeInProbe = mDNStrue;
1775 rr->NextSendTime = timenow + rr->NextSendInterval;
1776 }
1777 else
1778 {
1779 debugf("BuildProbe retracting Question %##s (%s)", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
1780 query->h.numQuestions--;
1781 }
1782 }
1783 }
1785 #define MaxQuestionInterval (3600 * mDNSPlatformOneSecond)
1786 #define GetNextQInterval(X) (((X)*2) <= MaxQuestionInterval ? ((X)*2) : MaxQuestionInterval)
1787 #define GetNextSendTime(T,EARLIEST) (((T) - (EARLIEST) >= 0) ? (T) : (EARLIEST) )
1789 // BuildQuestion puts a question into a DNS Query packet and if successful, updates the value of queryptr.
1790 // It also appends to the list of duplicate suppression records that need to be included,
1791 // and updates the forcast for the size of the duplicate suppression (answer) section.
1792 mDNSlocal void BuildQuestion(mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *query, mDNSu8 **queryptr, DNSQuestion *q,
1793 ResourceRecord ***dups_ptr, mDNSu32 *answerforecast, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1794 {
1795 const mDNSu8 *const limit = query->data + (query->h.numQuestions ? NormalMaxDNSMessageData : AbsoluteMaxDNSMessageData);
1796 mDNSu8 *newptr = putQuestion(query, *queryptr, limit, &q->name, q->rrtype, q->rrclass);
1797 if (!newptr)
1798 debugf("BuildQuestion: No more space for queries");
1799 else
1800 {
1801 mDNSu32 forecast = *answerforecast;
1802 ResourceRecord *rr;
1803 ResourceRecord **d = *dups_ptr;
1804 mDNSs32 nst = timenow + q->NextQInterval;
1806 // If we have a resource record in our cache,
1807 // which is not already in the duplicate suppression list
1808 // which answers our question,
1809 // then add it to the duplicate suppression list
1810 for (rr=m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next)
1811 if (rr->NextDupSuppress == mDNSNULL && d != &rr->NextDupSuppress &&
1812 ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(rr, q))
1813 {
1814 // Work out the latest time we should ask about this record to refresh it before it expires
1815 mDNSs32 onetenth = ((mDNSs32)rr->rroriginalttl * mDNSPlatformOneSecond) / 10;
1816 mDNSs32 t0 = rr->TimeRcvd + (mDNSs32)rr->rroriginalttl * mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
1817 mDNSs32 t3 = t0 - onetenth*3;
1819 // If we'll ask again at least twice before it expires, okay to suppress it this time
1820 if (t3 - nst >= 0)
1821 {
1822 *d = rr; // Link this record into our duplicate suppression chain
1823 d = &rr->NextDupSuppress;
1824 // We forecast: compressed name (2) type (2) class (2) TTL (4) rdlength (2) rdata (n)
1825 forecast += 12 + rr->rdestimate;
1826 }
1827 else
1828 rr->UnansweredQueries++;
1829 }
1831 // If we're trying to put more than one question in this packet, and it doesn't fit
1832 // then undo that last question and try again next time
1833 if (query->h.numQuestions > 1 && newptr + forecast >= limit)
1834 {
1835 debugf("BuildQuestion retracting question %##s answerforecast %d", q->name.c, *answerforecast);
1836 query->h.numQuestions--;
1837 d = *dups_ptr; // Go back to where we started and retract these answer records
1838 while (*d) { ResourceRecord *rr = *d; *d = mDNSNULL; d = &rr->NextDupSuppress; }
1839 }
1840 else
1841 {
1842 *queryptr = newptr; // Update the packet pointer
1843 *answerforecast = forecast; // Update the forecast
1844 *dups_ptr = d; // Update the dup suppression pointer
1845 q->NextQTime = nst;
1846 q->ThisQInterval = q->NextQInterval;
1847 q->NextQInterval = GetNextQInterval(q->ThisQInterval);
1848 }
1849 }
1850 }
1852 // How Standard Queries are generated:
1853 // 1. The Question Section contains the question
1854 // 2. The Additional Section contains answers we already know, to suppress duplicate replies
1856 // How Probe Queries are generated:
1857 // 1. The Question Section contains queries for the name we intend to use, with QType=ANY because
1858 // if some other host is already using *any* records with this name, we want to know about it.
1859 // 2. The Authority Section contains the proposed values we intend to use for one or more
1860 // of our records with that name (analogous to the Update section of DNS Update packets)
1861 // because if some other host is probing at the same time, we each want to know what the other is
1862 // planning, in order to apply the tie-breaking rule to see who gets to use the name and who doesn't.
1864 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *BuildQueryPacketQuestions(mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *query, mDNSu8 *queryptr,
1865 ResourceRecord ***dups_ptr, mDNSu32 *answerforecast,
1866 const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1867 {
1868 DNSQuestion *q;
1870 // See which questions need to go out right now
1871 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next)
1872 if (q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1873 TimeToSendThisQuestion(q, timenow))
1874 BuildQuestion(m, query, &queryptr, q, dups_ptr, answerforecast, timenow);
1876 // See which questions are more than half way to their NextSendTime, and send them too, if we have space
1877 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next)
1878 if (q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1879 TimeToSendThisQuestion(q, timenow + q->ThisQInterval/2))
1880 BuildQuestion(m, query, &queryptr, q, dups_ptr, answerforecast, timenow);
1882 return(queryptr);
1883 }
1885 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *BuildQueryPacketAnswers(DNSMessage *query, mDNSu8 *queryptr,
1886 ResourceRecord **dups_ptr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1887 {
1888 while (*dups_ptr)
1889 {
1890 ResourceRecord *rr = *dups_ptr;
1891 mDNSu32 timesincercvd = (mDNSu32)(timenow - rr->TimeRcvd);
1892 mDNSu8 *newptr;
1893 // Need to update rrremainingttl correctly before we put this cache record in the packet
1894 rr->rrremainingttl = rr->rroriginalttl - timesincercvd / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
1895 newptr = putResourceRecord(query, queryptr, &query->h.numAnswers, rr, mDNSNULL, 0);
1896 if (newptr)
1897 {
1898 *dups_ptr = rr->NextDupSuppress;
1899 rr->NextDupSuppress = mDNSNULL;
1900 queryptr = newptr;
1901 }
1902 else
1903 {
1904 debugf("BuildQueryPacketAnswers: Put %d answers; No more space for duplicate suppression",
1905 query->h.numAnswers);
1906 query->h.flags.b[0] |= kDNSFlag0_TC;
1907 break;
1908 }
1909 }
1910 return(queryptr);
1911 }
1913 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *BuildQueryPacketProbes(mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *query, mDNSu8 *queryptr,
1914 mDNSu32 *answerforecast, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1915 {
1916 if (m->CurrentRecord) debugf("BuildQueryPacketProbes ERROR m->CurrentRecord already set");
1917 m->CurrentRecord = m->ResourceRecords;
1918 while (m->CurrentRecord)
1919 {
1920 ResourceRecord *rr = m->CurrentRecord;
1921 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
1922 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger &&
1923 rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique && timenow - rr->NextSendTime >= 0)
1924 BuildProbe(m, query, &queryptr, rr, answerforecast, timenow);
1925 }
1926 return(queryptr);
1927 }
1929 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *BuildQueryPacketUpdates(mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *query, mDNSu8 *queryptr)
1930 {
1931 ResourceRecord *rr;
1932 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
1933 if (rr->IncludeInProbe)
1934 {
1935 mDNSu8 *newptr = putResourceRecord(query, queryptr, &query->h.numAuthorities, rr, mDNSNULL, 0);
1936 rr->IncludeInProbe = mDNSfalse;
1937 if (newptr)
1938 queryptr = newptr;
1939 else
1940 {
1941 debugf("BuildQueryPacketUpdates: How did we fail to have space for the Update record %##s (%s)?",
1942 rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
1943 break;
1944 }
1945 }
1946 return(queryptr);
1947 }
1949 mDNSlocal void SendQueries(mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
1950 {
1951 ResourceRecord *NextDupSuppress = mDNSNULL;
1952 do
1953 {
1954 DNSMessage query;
1955 DNSMessageHeader baseheader;
1956 mDNSu8 *baselimit = query.data;
1957 NetworkInterfaceInfo *intf;
1959 // First build the generic part of the message
1960 InitializeDNSMessage(&query.h, zeroID, QueryFlags);
1961 if (!NextDupSuppress)
1962 {
1963 ResourceRecord **dups = &NextDupSuppress;
1964 mDNSu32 answerforecast = 0;
1965 baselimit = BuildQueryPacketQuestions(m, &query, baselimit, &dups, &answerforecast, zeroIPAddr, timenow);
1966 baselimit = BuildQueryPacketProbes(m, &query, baselimit, &answerforecast, zeroIPAddr, timenow);
1967 }
1968 baselimit = BuildQueryPacketAnswers(&query, baselimit, &NextDupSuppress, timenow);
1969 baselimit = BuildQueryPacketUpdates(m, &query, baselimit);
1970 baseheader = query.h;
1972 if (NextDupSuppress) debugf("SendQueries: NextDupSuppress still set... Will continue in next packet");
1974 for (intf = m->HostInterfaces; intf; intf = intf->next)
1975 {
1976 ResourceRecord *NextDupSuppress2 = mDNSNULL;
1977 do
1978 {
1979 // Restore the header to the counts for the generic records
1980 mDNSu8 *queryptr = baselimit;
1981 query.h = baseheader;
1982 // Now add any records specific to this interface, if we can
1983 if (query.h.numAnswers == 0 && query.h.numAuthorities == 0 && !NextDupSuppress)
1984 {
1985 if (!NextDupSuppress2)
1986 {
1987 ResourceRecord **dups2 = &NextDupSuppress2;
1988 mDNSu32 answerforecast2 = 0;
1989 queryptr = BuildQueryPacketQuestions(m, &query, queryptr, &dups2, &answerforecast2, intf->ip, timenow);
1990 queryptr = BuildQueryPacketProbes(m, &query, queryptr, &answerforecast2, intf->ip, timenow);
1991 }
1992 queryptr = BuildQueryPacketAnswers(&query, queryptr, &NextDupSuppress2, timenow);
1993 queryptr = BuildQueryPacketUpdates(m, &query, queryptr);
1994 }
1996 if (queryptr > query.data)
1997 {
1998 mDNSSendDNSMessage(m, &query, queryptr, intf->ip, MulticastDNSPort, AllDNSLinkGroup, MulticastDNSPort);
1999 debugf("SendQueries Sent %d Question%s %d Answer%s %d Update%s on %.4a",
2000 query.h.numQuestions, query.h.numQuestions == 1 ? "" : "s",
2001 query.h.numAnswers, query.h.numAnswers == 1 ? "" : "s",
2002 query.h.numAuthorities, query.h.numAuthorities == 1 ? "" : "s", &intf->ip);
2003 }
2004 } while (NextDupSuppress2);
2005 }
2006 } while (NextDupSuppress);
2007 }
2009 // ***************************************************************************
2010 #if 0
2011 #pragma mark -
2012 #pragma mark - RR List Management & Task Management
2013 #endif
2015 // rr is a new ResourceRecord just received into our cache
2016 // (kDNSRecordTypePacketAnswer/kDNSRecordTypePacketAdditional/kDNSRecordTypePacketUniqueAns/kDNSRecordTypePacketUniqueAdd)
2017 mDNSlocal void TriggerImmediateQuestions(mDNS *const m, const ResourceRecord *const rr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2018 {
2019 // If we just received a new record off the wire that we've never seen before, we want to ask our question again
2020 // soon, and keep doing that repeatedly (with duplicate suppression) until we stop getting any more responses
2021 mDNSs32 needquery = timenow + mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
2022 DNSQuestion *q;
2023 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next) // Scan our list of questions
2024 if (q->ThisQInterval > 0 && !q->DuplicateOf && q->NextQTime - needquery > 0 && ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(rr, q))
2025 {
2026 q->NextQTime = needquery;
2027 // As long as responses are still coming in, don't do the exponential backoff
2028 q->NextQInterval = q->ThisQInterval;
2029 }
2030 }
2032 // NOTE: AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord can call a user callback, which may change the record list and/or question list.
2033 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
2034 mDNSlocal void AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *q, ResourceRecord *rr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2035 {
2036 mDNSu32 timesincercvd = (mDNSu32)(timenow - rr->TimeRcvd);
2037 if (rr->rroriginalttl <= timesincercvd / mDNSPlatformOneSecond) rr->rrremainingttl = 0;
2038 else rr->rrremainingttl = rr->rroriginalttl - timesincercvd / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
2041 if (rr->rrremainingttl)
2042 {
2043 if (rr->rrtype == kDNSType_TXT)
2044 debugf("AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord Add %##s TXT %#.20s remaining ttl %d",
2045 rr->name.c, rr->rdata->u.txt.c, rr->rrremainingttl);
2046 else
2047 debugf("AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord Add %##s (%s) remaining ttl %d",
2048 rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype), rr->rrremainingttl);
2049 }
2050 else
2051 {
2052 if (rr->rrtype == kDNSType_TXT)
2053 debugf("AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord Del %##s TXT %#.20s UnansweredQueries %d",
2054 rr->name.c, rr->rdata->u.txt.c, rr->UnansweredQueries);
2055 else
2056 debugf("AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord Del %##s (%s) UnansweredQueries %d",
2057 rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype), rr->UnansweredQueries);
2058 }
2059 #endif
2061 rr->LastUsed = timenow;
2062 rr->UseCount++;
2063 if (q->Callback) q->Callback(m, q, rr);
2064 }
2066 // AnswerLocalQuestions is called from mDNSCoreReceiveResponse,
2067 // and from TidyRRCache, which is called from mDNSCoreTask and from mDNSCoreReceiveResponse
2068 // AnswerLocalQuestions is *never* called directly as a result of a client API call
2069 // If new questions are created as a result of invoking client callbacks, they will be added to
2070 // the end of the question list, and m->NewQuestions will be set to indicate the first new question.
2071 // rr is a ResourceRecord in our cache
2072 // (kDNSRecordTypePacketAnswer/kDNSRecordTypePacketAdditional/kDNSRecordTypePacketUniqueAns/kDNSRecordTypePacketUniqueAdd)
2073 // NOTE: AnswerLocalQuestions calls AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord which can call a user callback, which may change
2074 // the record list and/or question list.
2075 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
2076 mDNSlocal void AnswerLocalQuestions(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *rr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2077 {
2078 if (m->CurrentQuestion) debugf("AnswerLocalQuestions ERROR m->CurrentQuestion already set");
2079 m->CurrentQuestion = m->ActiveQuestions;
2080 while (m->CurrentQuestion && m->CurrentQuestion != m->NewQuestions)
2081 {
2082 DNSQuestion *q = m->CurrentQuestion;
2083 m->CurrentQuestion = q->next;
2084 if (ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(rr, q))
2085 AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord(m, q, rr, timenow);
2086 }
2087 m->CurrentQuestion = mDNSNULL;
2088 }
2090 mDNSlocal void AnswerNewQuestion(mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2091 {
2092 ResourceRecord *rr;
2093 DNSQuestion *q = m->NewQuestions; // Grab the question we're going to answer
2094 m->NewQuestions = q->next; // Advance NewQuestions to the next (if any)
2096 if (m->lock_rrcache) debugf("AnswerNewQuestion ERROR! Cache already locked!");
2097 // This should be safe, because calling the client's question callback may cause the
2098 // question list to be modified, but should not ever cause the rrcache list to be modified.
2099 // If the client's question callback deletes the question, then m->CurrentQuestion will
2100 // be advanced, and we'll exit out of the loop
2101 m->lock_rrcache = 1;
2102 if (m->CurrentQuestion) debugf("AnswerNewQuestion ERROR m->CurrentQuestion already set");
2103 m->CurrentQuestion = q; // Indicate which question we're answering, so we'll know if it gets deleted
2104 for (rr=m->rrcache; rr && m->CurrentQuestion == q; rr=rr->next)
2105 if (ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(rr, q))
2106 {
2107 mDNSu32 SecsSinceRcvd = ((mDNSu32)(timenow - rr->TimeRcvd)) / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
2108 if (rr->rroriginalttl <= SecsSinceRcvd) rr->rrremainingttl = 0;
2109 else rr->rrremainingttl = rr->rroriginalttl - SecsSinceRcvd;
2111 // We only give positive responses to new questions.
2112 // Since this question is new, it has not received any answers yet, so there's no point
2113 // telling it about records that are going away that it never heard about in the first place.
2114 if (rr->rrremainingttl > 0)
2115 AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord(m, q, rr, timenow);
2116 // MUST NOT touch q again after calling AnswerQuestionWithResourceRecord()
2117 }
2118 m->CurrentQuestion = mDNSNULL;
2119 m->lock_rrcache = 0;
2120 }
2122 mDNSlocal void FlushCacheRecords(mDNS *const m, mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2123 {
2124 mDNSu32 count = 0;
2125 ResourceRecord *rr;
2126 for (rr = m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next)
2127 {
2128 if (rr->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger)
2129 {
2130 // If the record's interface matches the one we're flushing,
2131 // then pretend we just received a 'goodbye' packet for this record.
2132 rr->TimeRcvd = timenow - mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 60;
2133 rr->UnansweredQueries = 2;
2134 rr->rroriginalttl = 0;
2135 count++;
2136 }
2137 }
2139 if (count) debugf("FlushCacheRecords Flushing %d Cache Entries on interface %.4a", count, &InterfaceAddr);
2140 }
2142 // TidyRRCache
2143 // Throw away any cache records that have passed their TTL
2144 // First we prepare a list of records to delete, and pull them off the rrcache list
2145 // Then we go through the list of records to delete, calling the user's question callbacks if necessary
2146 // We do it in two phases like this to guard against the user's question callbacks modifying
2147 // the rrcache list while we're walking it.
2148 mDNSlocal void TidyRRCache(mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2149 {
2150 mDNSu32 count = 0;
2151 ResourceRecord **rr = &m->rrcache;
2152 ResourceRecord *deletelist = mDNSNULL;
2154 if (m->lock_rrcache) { debugf("TidyRRCache ERROR! Cache already locked!"); return; }
2155 m->lock_rrcache = 1;
2157 while (*rr)
2158 {
2159 mDNSu32 timesincercvd = (mDNSu32)(timenow - (*rr)->TimeRcvd);
2160 if ((*rr)->rroriginalttl > timesincercvd / mDNSPlatformOneSecond)
2161 rr=&(*rr)->next; // If TTL is greater than time elapsed, save this record
2162 else
2163 {
2164 ResourceRecord *r = *rr; // Else,
2165 *rr = r->next; // detatch this record from the cache list
2166 r->next = deletelist; // and move it onto the list of things to delete
2167 deletelist = r;
2168 count++;
2169 }
2170 }
2172 if (count) verbosedebugf("TidyRRCache Deleting %d Expired Cache Entries", count);
2174 m->lock_rrcache = 0;
2176 while (deletelist)
2177 {
2178 ResourceRecord *r = deletelist;
2179 verbosedebugf("TidyRRCache: Deleted %##s (%s)", r->name.c, DNSTypeName(r->rrtype));
2180 deletelist = deletelist->next;
2181 AnswerLocalQuestions(m, r, timenow);
2182 r->next = m->rrcache_free; // and move it back to the free list
2183 m->rrcache_free = r;
2184 m->rrcache_used--;
2185 }
2186 }
2188 mDNSlocal ResourceRecord *GetFreeCacheRR(mDNS *const m, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2189 {
2190 ResourceRecord *r = m->rrcache_free;
2192 if (m->lock_rrcache) { debugf("GetFreeCacheRR ERROR! Cache already locked!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2193 m->lock_rrcache = 1;
2195 if (r) // If there are records in the free list, take one
2196 {
2197 m->rrcache_free = r->next;
2198 m->rrcache_used++;
2199 if (m->rrcache_used >= m->rrcache_report)
2200 {
2201 debugf("RR Cache now using %d records", m->rrcache_used);
2202 m->rrcache_report *= 2;
2203 }
2204 }
2205 else // Else search for a candidate to recycle
2206 {
2207 ResourceRecord **rr = &m->rrcache;
2208 ResourceRecord **best = mDNSNULL;
2209 mDNSs32 bestage = -1;
2211 while (*rr)
2212 {
2213 mDNSs32 timesincercvd = timenow - (*rr)->TimeRcvd;
2215 // Records we've only just received are not candidates for deletion
2216 if (timesincercvd > 0)
2217 {
2218 // Work out a weighted age, which is the number of seconds since this record was last used,
2219 // divided by the number of times it has been used (we want to keep frequently used records longer).
2220 mDNSs32 count = (*rr)->UseCount < 100 ? 1 + (mDNSs32)(*rr)->UseCount : 100;
2221 mDNSs32 age = (timenow - (*rr)->LastUsed) / count;
2222 mDNSu8 rtype = ((*rr)->RecordType) & ~kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask;
2223 if (rtype == kDNSRecordTypePacketAnswer) age /= 2; // Keep answer records longer than additionals
2225 // Records that answer still-active questions are not candidates for deletion
2226 if (bestage < age && !CacheRRActive(m, *rr)) { best = rr; bestage = age; }
2227 }
2229 rr=&(*rr)->next;
2230 }
2232 if (best)
2233 {
2234 r = *best; // Remember the record we chose
2235 *best = r->next; // And detatch it from the free list
2236 }
2237 }
2239 m->lock_rrcache = 0;
2241 if (r) mDNSPlatformMemZero(r, sizeof(*r));
2242 return(r);
2243 }
2245 mDNSlocal void ScheduleNextTask(const mDNS *const m)
2246 {
2247 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNSPlatformTimeNow();
2248 mDNSs32 nextevent = timenow + 0x78000000;
2249 const char *msg = "No Event", *sign="";
2250 mDNSs32 interval, fraction;
2252 DNSQuestion *q;
2253 ResourceRecord *rr;
2255 if (m->mDNSPlatformStatus != mStatus_NoError)
2256 return;
2258 // 1. If sleeping, do nothing
2259 if (m->SleepState)
2260 {
2261 debugf("ScheduleNextTask: Sleeping");
2262 return;
2263 }
2265 // 2. If we have new questions added to the list, we need to answer them from cache ASAP
2266 if (m->NewQuestions)
2267 {
2268 nextevent = timenow;
2269 msg = "New Questions";
2270 }
2271 else
2272 {
2273 // 3. Scan cache to see if any resource records are going to expire
2274 for (rr = m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next)
2275 {
2276 mDNSs32 onetenth = ((mDNSs32)rr->rroriginalttl * mDNSPlatformOneSecond) / 10;
2277 mDNSs32 t0 = rr->TimeRcvd + (mDNSs32)rr->rroriginalttl * mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
2278 mDNSs32 t1 = t0 - onetenth;
2279 mDNSs32 t2 = t1 - onetenth;
2280 if (rr->UnansweredQueries < 1 && nextevent - t2 > 0 && CacheRRActive(m, rr))
2281 {
2282 nextevent = t2;
2283 msg = "Penultimate Query";
2284 }
2285 else if (rr->UnansweredQueries < 2 && nextevent - t1 > 0 && CacheRRActive(m, rr))
2286 {
2287 nextevent = t1;
2288 msg = "Final Expiration Query";
2289 }
2290 else if (nextevent - t0 > 0)
2291 {
2292 nextevent = t0;
2293 msg = "Cache Tidying";
2294 }
2295 }
2297 // 4. If we're suppressing sending right now, don't bother searching for packet generation events --
2298 // but do make sure we come back at the end of the suppression time to check again
2299 if (m->SuppressSending)
2300 {
2301 if (nextevent - m->SuppressSending > 0)
2302 {
2303 nextevent = m->SuppressSending;
2304 msg = "Send Suppressed Packets";
2305 }
2306 }
2307 else
2308 {
2309 // 5. Scan list of active questions to see if we need to send any queries
2310 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next)
2311 if (TimeToSendThisQuestion(q, nextevent))
2312 {
2313 nextevent = q->NextQTime;
2314 msg = "Send Questions";
2315 }
2317 // 6. Scan list of local resource records to see if we have any
2318 // deregistrations, probes, announcements, or replies to send
2319 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
2320 {
2321 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering)
2322 {
2323 nextevent = timenow;
2324 msg = "Send Deregistrations";
2325 }
2326 else if (rr->SendPriority >= kDNSSendPriorityAnswer && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr))
2327 {
2328 nextevent = timenow;
2329 msg = "Send Answers";
2330 }
2331 else if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique && nextevent - rr->NextSendTime > 0)
2332 {
2333 nextevent = rr->NextSendTime;
2334 msg = "Send Probes";
2335 }
2336 else if (rr->AnnounceCount && nextevent - rr->NextSendTime > 0 && ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr))
2337 {
2338 nextevent = rr->NextSendTime;
2339 msg = "Send Announcements";
2340 }
2341 }
2342 }
2343 }
2345 interval = nextevent - timenow;
2346 if (interval < 0) { interval = -interval; sign = "-"; }
2347 fraction = interval % mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
2348 verbosedebugf("ScheduleNextTask: Next event: <%s> in %s%d.%03d seconds", msg, sign,
2349 interval / mDNSPlatformOneSecond, fraction * 1000 / mDNSPlatformOneSecond);
2351 mDNSPlatformScheduleTask(m, nextevent);
2352 }
2354 mDNSlocal mDNSs32 mDNS_Lock(mDNS *const m)
2355 {
2356 mDNSPlatformLock(m);
2357 ++m->mDNS_busy;
2358 return(mDNSPlatformTimeNow());
2359 }
2361 mDNSlocal void mDNS_Unlock(mDNS *const m)
2362 {
2363 // Upon unlocking, we've usually added some new work to the task list.
2364 // If we don't decrement mDNS_busy to zero, then we don't have to worry about calling
2365 // ScheduleNextTask(), because the last lock holder will do it for us on the way out.
2366 if (--m->mDNS_busy == 0) ScheduleNextTask(m);
2367 mDNSPlatformUnlock(m);
2368 }
2370 mDNSexport void mDNSCoreTask(mDNS *const m)
2371 {
2372 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
2374 verbosedebugf("mDNSCoreTask");
2375 if (m->mDNS_busy > 1) debugf("mDNSCoreTask: Locking failure! mDNS already busy");
2376 if (m->CurrentQuestion) debugf("mDNSCoreTask: ERROR! m->CurrentQuestion already set");
2378 if (m->SuppressProbes && timenow - m->SuppressProbes >= 0)
2379 m->SuppressProbes = 0;
2381 if (m->NumFailedProbes && timenow - m->ProbeFailTime >= mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 10)
2382 m->NumFailedProbes = 0;
2384 // 1. See if we can answer any of our new local questions from the cache
2385 while (m->NewQuestions) AnswerNewQuestion(m, timenow);
2387 // 2. See what packets we need to send
2388 if (m->mDNSPlatformStatus != mStatus_NoError || m->SleepState)
2389 {
2390 // If the platform code is currently non-operational,
2391 // then we'll just complete deregistrations immediately,
2392 // without waiting for the goodbye packet to be sent
2393 DiscardDeregistrations(m, timenow);
2394 }
2395 else if (m->SuppressSending == 0 || timenow - m->SuppressSending >= 0)
2396 {
2397 int i;
2398 // If the platform code is ready,
2399 // and we're not suppressing packet generation right now
2400 // send our responses, probes, and questions
2401 m->SuppressSending = 0;
2402 for (i=0; i<100 && HaveResponses(m, timenow); i++) SendResponses(m, timenow);
2403 if (i >= 100) LogErrorMessage("mDNSCoreTask: HaveResponses returned true %d times", i);
2404 for (i=0; i<100 && HaveQueries (m, timenow); i++) SendQueries (m, timenow);
2405 if (i >= 100) LogErrorMessage("mDNSCoreTask: HaveQueries returned true %d times", i);
2406 }
2408 if (m->rrcache_size) TidyRRCache(m, timenow);
2410 mDNS_Unlock(m);
2411 }
2413 mDNSexport void mDNSCoreSleep(mDNS *const m, mDNSBool sleepstate)
2414 {
2415 ResourceRecord *rr;
2416 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
2418 m->SleepState = sleepstate;
2419 debugf("mDNSCoreSleep: %d", sleepstate);
2421 if (sleepstate)
2422 {
2423 // First mark all the records we need to deregister
2424 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
2425 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared && rr->AnnounceCount <= DefaultAnnounceCountForTypeShared)
2426 rr->rrremainingttl = 0;
2427 while (HaveResponses(m, timenow)) SendResponses(m, timenow);
2428 }
2429 else
2430 {
2431 DNSQuestion *q;
2433 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
2434 {
2435 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeVerified) rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeUnique;
2436 rr->ProbeCount = DefaultProbeCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
2437 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
2438 rr->NextSendTime = timenow;
2439 rr->NextSendInterval = DefaultSendIntervalForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
2440 }
2441 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next) // Scan our list of questions
2442 if (q->ThisQInterval > 0 && !q->DuplicateOf)
2443 {
2444 q->NextQTime = timenow;
2445 q->ThisQInterval = mDNSPlatformOneSecond; // MUST NOT be zero for an active question
2446 q->NextQInterval = mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
2447 }
2448 }
2450 mDNS_Unlock(m);
2451 }
2453 // ***************************************************************************
2454 #if 0
2455 #pragma mark -
2456 #pragma mark - Packet Reception Functions
2457 #endif
2459 mDNSlocal mDNSBool AddRecordToResponseList(ResourceRecord **nrp,
2460 ResourceRecord *rr, const mDNSu8 *answerto, ResourceRecord *additionalto)
2461 {
2462 if (rr->NextResponse == mDNSNULL && nrp != &rr->NextResponse)
2463 {
2464 *nrp = rr;
2465 rr->NR_AnswerTo = answerto;
2466 rr->NR_AdditionalTo = additionalto;
2467 return(mDNStrue);
2468 }
2469 else debugf("AddRecordToResponseList: %##s (%s) already in list", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
2470 return(mDNSfalse);
2471 }
2473 #define MustSendRecord(RR) ((RR)->NR_AnswerTo || (RR)->NR_AdditionalTo)
2475 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *GenerateUnicastResponse(const DNSMessage *const query, const mDNSu8 *const end,
2476 const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, DNSMessage *const reply, ResourceRecord *ResponseRecords)
2477 {
2478 const mDNSu8 *const limit = reply->data + sizeof(reply->data);
2479 const mDNSu8 *ptr = query->data;
2480 mDNSu8 *responseptr = reply->data;
2481 ResourceRecord *rr;
2482 int i;
2484 // Initialize the response fields so we can answer the questions
2485 InitializeDNSMessage(&reply->h, query->h.id, ResponseFlags);
2487 // ***
2488 // *** 1. Write out the list of questions we are actually going to answer with this packet
2489 // ***
2490 for (i=0; i<query->h.numQuestions; i++) // For each question...
2491 {
2492 DNSQuestion q;
2493 ptr = getQuestion(query, ptr, end, InterfaceAddr, &q); // get the question...
2494 if (!ptr) return(mDNSNULL);
2496 for (rr=ResponseRecords; rr; rr=rr->NextResponse) // and search our list of proposed answers
2497 {
2498 if (rr->NR_AnswerTo == ptr) // If we're going to generate a record answering this question
2499 { // then put the question in the question section
2500 responseptr = putQuestion(reply, responseptr, limit, &q.name, q.rrtype, q.rrclass);
2501 if (!responseptr) { debugf("GenerateUnicastResponse: Ran out of space for questions!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2502 break; // break out of the ResponseRecords loop, and go on to the next question
2503 }
2504 }
2505 }
2507 if (reply->h.numQuestions == 0) { debugf("GenerateUnicastResponse: ERROR! Why no questions?"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2509 // ***
2510 // *** 2. Write answers and additionals
2511 // ***
2512 for (rr=ResponseRecords; rr; rr=rr->NextResponse)
2513 {
2514 if (MustSendRecord(rr))
2515 {
2516 if (rr->NR_AnswerTo)
2517 {
2518 mDNSu8 *p = putResourceRecord(reply, responseptr, &reply->h.numAnswers, rr, mDNSNULL, 0);
2519 if (p) responseptr = p;
2520 else { debugf("GenerateUnicastResponse: Ran out of space for answers!"); reply->h.flags.b[0] |= kDNSFlag0_TC; }
2521 }
2522 else
2523 {
2524 mDNSu8 *p = putResourceRecord(reply, responseptr, &reply->h.numAdditionals, rr, mDNSNULL, 0);
2525 if (p) responseptr = p;
2526 else debugf("GenerateUnicastResponse: No more space for additionals");
2527 }
2528 }
2529 }
2530 return(responseptr);
2531 }
2533 // ResourceRecord *pktrr is the ResourceRecord from the response packet we've witnessed on the network
2534 // ResourceRecord *rr is our ResourceRecord
2535 // Returns 0 if there is no conflict
2536 // Returns +1 if there was a conflict and we won
2537 // Returns -1 if there was a conflict and we lost and have to rename
2538 mDNSlocal int CompareRData(ResourceRecord *pkt, ResourceRecord *our)
2539 {
2540 mDNSu8 pktdata[256], *pktptr = pktdata, *pktend;
2541 mDNSu8 ourdata[256], *ourptr = ourdata, *ourend;
2542 if (!pkt) { debugf("CompareRData ERROR: pkt is NULL"); return(+1); }
2543 if (!our) { debugf("CompareRData ERROR: our is NULL"); return(+1); }
2545 pktend = putRData(mDNSNULL, pktdata, pktdata + sizeof(pktdata), pkt->rrtype, pkt->rdata);
2546 ourend = putRData(mDNSNULL, ourdata, ourdata + sizeof(ourdata), our->rrtype, our->rdata);
2547 while (pktptr < pktend && ourptr < ourend && *pktptr == *ourptr) { pktptr++; ourptr++; }
2548 if (pktptr >= pktend && ourptr >= ourend) return(0); // If data identical, not a conflict
2550 if (pktptr >= pktend) return(-1); // Packet data is substring; We lost
2551 if (ourptr >= ourend) return(+1); // Our data is substring; We won
2552 if (*pktptr < *ourptr) return(-1); // Packet data is numerically lower; We lost
2553 if (*pktptr > *ourptr) return(+1); // Our data is numerically lower; We won
2555 debugf("CompareRData: How did we get here?");
2556 return(-1);
2557 }
2559 // Find the canonical DependentOn record for this RR received in a packet.
2560 // The DependentOn pointer is typically used for the TXT record of service registrations
2561 // It indicates that there is no inherent conflict detection for the TXT record
2562 // -- it depends on the SRV record to resolve name conflicts
2563 // If we find any identical ResourceRecord in our authoritative list, then follow its DependentOn
2564 // pointers (if any) to make sure we return the canonical DependentOn record
2565 // If the record has no DependentOn, then just return that record's pointer
2566 // Returns NULL if we don't have any local RRs that are identical to the one from the packet
2567 mDNSlocal const ResourceRecord *FindDependentOn(const mDNS *const m, const ResourceRecord *const pktrr)
2568 {
2569 const ResourceRecord *rr;
2570 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
2571 {
2572 if (IdenticalResourceRecordAnyInterface(rr, pktrr))
2573 {
2574 while (rr->DependentOn) rr = rr->DependentOn;
2575 return(rr);
2576 }
2577 }
2578 return(mDNSNULL);
2579 }
2581 // Find the canonical RRSet pointer for this RR received in a packet.
2582 // If we find any identical ResourceRecord in our authoritative list, then follow its RRSet
2583 // pointers (if any) to make sure we return the canonical member of this name/type/class
2584 // Returns NULL if we don't have any local RRs that are identical to the one from the packet
2585 mDNSlocal const ResourceRecord *FindRRSet(const mDNS *const m, const ResourceRecord *const pktrr)
2586 {
2587 const ResourceRecord *rr;
2588 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
2589 {
2590 if (IdenticalResourceRecordAnyInterface(rr, pktrr))
2591 {
2592 while (rr->RRSet && rr != rr->RRSet) rr = rr->RRSet;
2593 return(rr);
2594 }
2595 }
2596 return(mDNSNULL);
2597 }
2599 // PacketRRConflict is called when we've received an RR (pktrr) which has the same name
2600 // as one of our records (our) but different rdata.
2601 // 1. If our record is not a type that's supposed to be unique, we don't care.
2602 // 2a. If our record is marked as dependent on some other record for conflict detection, ignore this one.
2603 // 2b. If the packet rr exactly matches one of our other RRs, and *that* record's DependentOn pointer
2604 // points to our record, ignore this conflict (e.g. the packet record matches one of our
2605 // TXT records, and that record is marked as dependent on 'our', its SRV record).
2606 // 3. If we have some *other* RR that exactly matches the one from the packet, and that record and our record
2607 // are members of the same RRSet, then this is not a conflict.
2608 mDNSlocal mDNSBool PacketRRConflict(const mDNS *const m, const ResourceRecord *const our, const ResourceRecord *const pktrr)
2609 {
2610 const ResourceRecord *ourset = our->RRSet ? our->RRSet : our;
2612 // If not supposed to be unique, not a conflict
2613 if (!(our->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask)) return(mDNSfalse);
2615 // If a dependent record, not a conflict
2616 if (our->DependentOn || FindDependentOn(m, pktrr) == our) return(mDNSfalse);
2618 // If the pktrr matches a member of ourset, not a conflict
2619 if (FindRRSet(m, pktrr) == ourset) return(mDNSfalse);
2621 // Okay, this is a conflict
2622 return(mDNStrue);
2623 }
2625 // NOTE: ResolveSimultaneousProbe calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback, which may change
2626 // the record list and/or question list.
2627 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
2628 mDNSlocal void ResolveSimultaneousProbe(mDNS *const m, const DNSMessage *const query, const mDNSu8 *const end,
2629 DNSQuestion *q, ResourceRecord *our, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2630 {
2631 int i;
2632 const mDNSu8 *ptr = LocateAuthorities(query, end);
2633 mDNSBool FoundUpdate = mDNSfalse;
2635 for (i = 0; i < query->h.numAuthorities; i++)
2636 {
2637 ResourceRecord pktrr;
2638 ptr = getResourceRecord(query, ptr, end, q->InterfaceAddr, 0, 0, &pktrr, mDNSNULL);
2639 if (!ptr) break;
2640 if (ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(&pktrr, q))
2641 {
2642 FoundUpdate = mDNStrue;
2643 if (PacketRRConflict(m, our, &pktrr))
2644 {
2645 int result = (int)pktrr.rrclass - (int)our->rrclass;
2646 if (!result) result = (int)pktrr.rrtype - (int)our->rrtype;
2647 if (!result) result = CompareRData(&pktrr, our);
2648 switch (result)
2649 {
2650 case -1: debugf("ResolveSimultaneousProbe: %##s (%s): We won", our->name.c, DNSTypeName(our->rrtype));
2651 break;
2652 case 0: break;
2653 case 1: debugf("ResolveSimultaneousProbe: %##s (%s): We lost", our->name.c, DNSTypeName(our->rrtype));
2654 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, our, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_conflict);
2655 return;
2656 }
2657 }
2658 }
2659 }
2660 if (!FoundUpdate)
2661 debugf("ResolveSimultaneousProbe: %##s (%s): No Update Record found", our->name.c, DNSTypeName(our->rrtype));
2662 }
2664 // ProcessQuery examines a received query to see if we have any answers to give
2665 mDNSlocal mDNSu8 *ProcessQuery(mDNS *const m, const DNSMessage *const query, const mDNSu8 *const end,
2666 const mDNSIPAddr srcaddr, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr,
2667 DNSMessage *const replyunicast, mDNSBool replymulticast, const mDNSs32 timenow)
2668 {
2669 ResourceRecord *ResponseRecords = mDNSNULL;
2670 ResourceRecord **nrp = &ResponseRecords;
2671 mDNSBool delayresponse = mDNSfalse;
2672 mDNSBool answers = mDNSfalse;
2673 const mDNSu8 *ptr = query->data;
2674 mDNSu8 *responseptr = mDNSNULL;
2675 ResourceRecord *rr, *rr2;
2676 int i;
2678 // If TC flag is set, it means we should expect additional duplicate suppression info may be coming in another packet.
2679 if (query->h.flags.b[0] & kDNSFlag0_TC) delayresponse = mDNStrue;
2681 // ***
2682 // *** 1. Parse Question Section and mark potential answers
2683 // ***
2684 for (i=0; i<query->h.numQuestions; i++) // For each question...
2685 {
2686 int NumAnswersForThisQuestion = 0;
2687 DNSQuestion q;
2688 ptr = getQuestion(query, ptr, end, InterfaceAddr, &q); // get the question...
2689 if (!ptr) goto exit;
2691 // Note: We use the m->CurrentRecord mechanism here because calling ResolveSimultaneousProbe
2692 // can result in user callbacks which may change the record list and/or question list.
2693 // Also note: we just mark potential answer records here, without trying to build the
2694 // "ResponseRecords" list, because we don't want to risk user callbacks deleting records
2695 // from that list while we're in the middle of trying to build it.
2696 if (m->CurrentRecord) debugf("ProcessQuery ERROR m->CurrentRecord already set");
2697 m->CurrentRecord = m->ResourceRecords;
2698 while (m->CurrentRecord)
2699 {
2700 rr = m->CurrentRecord;
2701 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
2702 if (ResourceRecordAnswersQuestion(rr, &q))
2703 {
2704 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique)
2705 ResolveSimultaneousProbe(m, query, end, &q, rr, timenow);
2706 else if (ResourceRecordIsValidAnswer(rr))
2707 {
2708 NumAnswersForThisQuestion++;
2709 if (!rr->NR_AnswerTo) rr->NR_AnswerTo = ptr; // Mark as potential answer
2710 }
2711 }
2712 }
2713 // If we couldn't answer this question, someone else might be able to,
2714 // so use random delay on response to reduce collisions
2715 if (NumAnswersForThisQuestion == 0) delayresponse = mDNStrue;
2716 }
2718 // ***
2719 // *** 2. Now we can safely build the list of marked answers
2720 // ***
2721 for (rr = m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next) // Now build our list of potential answers
2722 if (rr->NR_AnswerTo) // If we marked the record...
2723 if (AddRecordToResponseList(nrp, rr, rr->NR_AnswerTo, mDNSNULL)) // ... add it to the list
2724 {
2725 nrp = &rr->NextResponse;
2726 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeShared) delayresponse = mDNStrue;
2727 }
2729 // ***
2730 // *** 3. Add additional records
2731 // ***
2732 for (rr=ResponseRecords; rr; rr=rr->NextResponse) // For each record we plan to put
2733 {
2734 // (Note: This is an "if", not a "while". If we add a record, we'll find it again
2735 // later in the "for" loop, and we will follow further "additional" links then.)
2736 if (rr->Additional1 && ResourceRecordIsValidInterfaceAnswer(rr->Additional1, InterfaceAddr) &&
2737 AddRecordToResponseList(nrp, rr->Additional1, mDNSNULL, rr))
2738 nrp = &rr->Additional1->NextResponse;
2740 if (rr->Additional2 && ResourceRecordIsValidInterfaceAnswer(rr->Additional2, InterfaceAddr) &&
2741 AddRecordToResponseList(nrp, rr->Additional2, mDNSNULL, rr))
2742 nrp = &rr->Additional2->NextResponse;
2744 // For SRV records, automatically add the Address record(s) for the target host
2745 if (rr->rrtype == kDNSType_SRV)
2746 for (rr2=m->ResourceRecords; rr2; rr2=rr2->next) // Scan list of resource records
2747 if (rr2->rrtype == kDNSType_A && // For all records type "A" ...
2748 ResourceRecordIsValidInterfaceAnswer(rr2, InterfaceAddr) && // ... which are valid for answer ...
2749 SameDomainName(&rr->rdata->u.srv.target, &rr2->name) && // ... whose name is the name of the SRV target
2750 AddRecordToResponseList(nrp, rr2, mDNSNULL, rr))
2751 nrp = &rr2->NextResponse;
2752 }
2754 // ***
2755 // *** 4. Parse Answer Section and cancel any records disallowed by duplicate suppression
2756 // ***
2757 for (i=0; i<query->h.numAnswers; i++) // For each record in the query's answer section...
2758 {
2759 // Get the record...
2760 ResourceRecord pktrr, *rr;
2761 ptr = getResourceRecord(query, ptr, end, InterfaceAddr, timenow, kDNSRecordTypePacketAnswer, &pktrr, mDNSNULL);
2762 if (!ptr) goto exit;
2764 // See if it suppresses any of our planned answers
2765 for (rr=ResponseRecords; rr; rr=rr->NextResponse)
2766 if (MustSendRecord(rr) && SuppressDuplicate(&pktrr, rr))
2767 { rr->NR_AnswerTo = mDNSNULL; rr->NR_AdditionalTo = mDNSNULL; }
2769 // And see if it suppresses any previously scheduled answers
2770 for (rr=m->ResourceRecords; rr; rr=rr->next)
2771 {
2772 // If this record has been requested by exactly one client, and that client is
2773 // the same one sending this query, then allow inter-packet duplicate suppression
2774 if (rr->Requester.NotAnInteger && rr->Requester.NotAnInteger == srcaddr.NotAnInteger)
2775 if (SuppressDuplicate(&pktrr, rr))
2776 {
2777 rr->SendPriority = 0;
2778 rr->Requester = zeroIPAddr;
2779 }
2780 }
2781 }
2783 // ***
2784 // *** 5. Cancel any additionals that were added because of now-deleted records
2785 // ***
2786 for (rr=ResponseRecords; rr; rr=rr->NextResponse)
2787 if (rr->NR_AdditionalTo && !MustSendRecord(rr->NR_AdditionalTo))
2788 { rr->NR_AnswerTo = mDNSNULL; rr->NR_AdditionalTo = mDNSNULL; }
2790 // ***
2791 // *** 6. Mark the send flags on the records we plan to send
2792 // ***
2793 for (rr=ResponseRecords; rr; rr=rr->NextResponse)
2794 {
2795 if (MustSendRecord(rr))
2796 {
2797 // For oversized records which we are going to send back to the requester via unicast
2798 // anyway, don't waste network bandwidth by also sending them via multicast.
2799 // This means we lose passive conflict detection for these oversized records, but
2800 // that is a reasonable tradeoff -- these large records usually have an associated
2801 // SRV record with the same name which will catch conflicts for us anyway.
2802 mDNSBool LargeRecordWithUnicastReply = (rr->rdestimate > 1024 && replyunicast);
2804 if (rr->NR_AnswerTo)
2805 answers = mDNStrue;
2807 if (replymulticast && !LargeRecordWithUnicastReply)
2808 {
2809 // If this query has additional duplicate suppression info
2810 // coming in another packet, then remember the requesting IP address
2811 if (query->h.flags.b[0] & kDNSFlag0_TC)
2812 {
2813 // We can only store one IP address at a time per record, so if we've already
2814 // stored one address, set it to some special distinguished value instead
2815 if (rr->Requester.NotAnInteger == zeroIPAddr.NotAnInteger) rr->Requester = srcaddr;
2816 else rr->Requester = onesIPAddr;
2817 }
2818 if (rr->NR_AnswerTo)
2819 {
2820 // This is a direct answer in response to one of the questions
2821 rr->SendPriority = kDNSSendPriorityAnswer;
2822 }
2823 else
2824 {
2825 // This is an additional record supporting one of our answers
2826 if (rr->SendPriority < kDNSSendPriorityAdditional)
2827 rr->SendPriority = kDNSSendPriorityAdditional;
2828 }
2829 }
2830 }
2831 }
2833 // ***
2834 // *** 7. If we think other machines are likely to answer these questions, set our packet suppression timer
2835 // ***
2836 if (delayresponse && !m->SuppressSending)
2837 {
2838 // Pick a random delay between 20ms and 120ms.
2839 m->SuppressSending = timenow + (mDNSPlatformOneSecond*2 + (mDNSs32)mDNSRandom((mDNSu32)mDNSPlatformOneSecond*10)) / 100;
2840 if (m->SuppressSending == 0) m->SuppressSending = 1;
2841 }
2843 // ***
2844 // *** 8. If query is from a legacy client, generate a unicast reply too
2845 // ***
2846 if (answers && replyunicast)
2847 responseptr = GenerateUnicastResponse(query, end, InterfaceAddr, replyunicast, ResponseRecords);
2849 exit:
2850 // ***
2851 // *** 9. Finally, clear our NextResponse link chain ready for use next time
2852 // ***
2853 while (ResponseRecords)
2854 {
2855 rr = ResponseRecords;
2856 ResponseRecords = rr->NextResponse;
2857 rr->NextResponse = mDNSNULL;
2858 rr->NR_AnswerTo = mDNSNULL;
2859 rr->NR_AdditionalTo = mDNSNULL;
2860 }
2862 return(responseptr);
2863 }
2865 mDNSlocal void mDNSCoreReceiveQuery(mDNS *const m, const DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end,
2866 const mDNSIPAddr srcaddr, const mDNSIPPort srcport, const mDNSIPAddr dstaddr, mDNSIPPort dstport, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr)
2867 {
2868 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNSPlatformTimeNow();
2869 DNSMessage response;
2870 const mDNSu8 *responseend = mDNSNULL;
2871 DNSMessage *replyunicast = mDNSNULL;
2872 mDNSBool replymulticast = mDNSfalse;
2874 verbosedebugf("Received Query from %.4a:%d to %.4a:%d on %.4a with %d Question%s, %d Answer%s, %d Authorit%s, %d Additional%s",
2875 &srcaddr, (mDNSu16)srcport.b[0]<<8 | srcport.b[1],
2876 &dstaddr, (mDNSu16)dstport.b[0]<<8 | dstport.b[1],
2877 &InterfaceAddr,
2878 msg->h.numQuestions, msg->h.numQuestions == 1 ? "" : "s",
2879 msg->h.numAnswers, msg->h.numAnswers == 1 ? "" : "s",
2880 msg->h.numAuthorities, msg->h.numAuthorities == 1 ? "y" : "ies",
2881 msg->h.numAdditionals, msg->h.numAdditionals == 1 ? "" : "s");
2883 // If this was a unicast query, or it was from an old (non-port-5353) client, then send a unicast response
2884 if (dstaddr.NotAnInteger != AllDNSLinkGroup.NotAnInteger || srcport.NotAnInteger != MulticastDNSPort.NotAnInteger)
2885 replyunicast = &response;
2887 // If this was a multicast query, then we need to send a multicast response
2888 if (dstaddr.NotAnInteger == AllDNSLinkGroup.NotAnInteger) replymulticast = mDNStrue;
2890 responseend = ProcessQuery(m, msg, end, srcaddr, InterfaceAddr, replyunicast, replymulticast, timenow);
2891 if (replyunicast && responseend)
2892 {
2893 mDNSSendDNSMessage(m, replyunicast, responseend, InterfaceAddr, dstport, srcaddr, srcport);
2894 verbosedebugf("Unicast Response: %d Answer%s, %d Additional%s on %.4a",
2895 replyunicast->h.numAnswers, replyunicast->h.numAnswers == 1 ? "" : "s",
2896 replyunicast->h.numAdditionals, replyunicast->h.numAdditionals == 1 ? "" : "s", &InterfaceAddr);
2897 }
2898 }
2900 // NOTE: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback, which may change
2901 // the record list and/or question list.
2902 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
2903 mDNSlocal void mDNSCoreReceiveResponse(mDNS *const m,
2904 const DNSMessage *const response, const mDNSu8 *end, const mDNSIPAddr dstaddr, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr)
2905 {
2906 int i;
2907 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNSPlatformTimeNow();
2909 // We ignore questions (if any) in a DNS response packet
2910 const mDNSu8 *ptr = LocateAnswers(response, end);
2912 // All records in a DNS response packet are treated as equally valid statements of truth. If we want
2913 // to guard against spoof replies, then the only credible protection against that is cryptographic
2914 // security, e.g. DNSSEC., not worring about which section in the spoof packet contained the record
2915 int totalrecords = response->h.numAnswers + response->h.numAuthorities + response->h.numAdditionals;
2917 verbosedebugf("Received Response addressed to %.4a on %.4a with %d Question%s, %d Answer%s, %d Authorit%s, %d Additional%s",
2918 &dstaddr, &InterfaceAddr,
2919 response->h.numQuestions, response->h.numQuestions == 1 ? "" : "s",
2920 response->h.numAnswers, response->h.numAnswers == 1 ? "" : "s",
2921 response->h.numAuthorities, response->h.numAuthorities == 1 ? "y" : "ies",
2922 response->h.numAdditionals, response->h.numAdditionals == 1 ? "" : "s");
2924 // Other mDNS devices may issue unicast queries (which we correctly answer),
2925 // but we never *issue* unicast queries, so if we ever receive a unicast
2926 // response then it is someone trying to spoof us, so ignore it!
2927 if (dstaddr.NotAnInteger != AllDNSLinkGroup.NotAnInteger)
2928 { debugf("** Ignored attempted spoof unicast mDNS response packet **"); return; }
2930 for (i = 0; i < totalrecords && ptr && ptr < end; i++)
2931 {
2932 ResourceRecord pktrr;
2933 mDNSu8 RecordType = (i < response->h.numAnswers) ? kDNSRecordTypePacketAnswer : kDNSRecordTypePacketAdditional;
2934 ptr = getResourceRecord(response, ptr, end, InterfaceAddr, timenow, RecordType, &pktrr, mDNSNULL);
2935 if (!ptr) return;
2937 // 1. Check that this packet resource record does not conflict with any of ours
2938 if (m->CurrentRecord) debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse ERROR m->CurrentRecord already set");
2939 m->CurrentRecord = m->ResourceRecords;
2940 while (m->CurrentRecord)
2941 {
2942 ResourceRecord *rr = m->CurrentRecord;
2943 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
2944 if (SameResourceRecordSignature(&pktrr, rr)) // If interface, name, type and class match...
2945 { // ... check to see if rdata is identical
2946 if (SameRData(pktrr.rrtype, pktrr.rdata, rr->rdata))
2947 {
2948 // If the RR in the packet is identical to ours, just check they're not trying to lower the TTL on us
2949 if (pktrr.rroriginalttl >= rr->rroriginalttl || m->SleepState)
2950 rr->SendPriority = kDNSSendPriorityNone;
2951 else
2952 rr->SendPriority = kDNSSendPriorityAnswer;
2953 }
2954 else
2955 {
2956 // else, the packet RR has different rdata -- check to see if this is a conflict
2957 if (pktrr.rroriginalttl > 0 && PacketRRConflict(m, rr, &pktrr))
2958 {
2959 if (rr->rrtype == kDNSType_SRV)
2960 {
2961 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Our Data %d %##s", rr->rdata->RDLength, rr->rdata->u.srv.target.c);
2962 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Pkt Data %d %##s", pktrr.rdata->RDLength, pktrr.rdata->u.srv.target.c);
2963 }
2964 else if (rr->rrtype == kDNSType_TXT)
2965 {
2966 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Our Data %d %#s", rr->rdata->RDLength, rr->rdata->u.txt.c);
2967 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Pkt Data %d %#s", pktrr.rdata->RDLength, pktrr.rdata->u.txt.c);
2968 }
2969 else if (rr->rrtype == kDNSType_A)
2970 {
2971 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Our Data %.4a", &rr->rdata->u.ip);
2972 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Pkt Data %.4a", &pktrr.rdata->u.ip);
2973 }
2974 // If we've just whacked this record's ProbeCount, don't need to do it again
2975 if (rr->ProbeCount <= DefaultProbeCountForTypeUnique)
2976 {
2977 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeVerified)
2978 {
2979 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Reseting to Probing: %##s (%s)", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
2980 // If we'd previously verified this record, put it back to probing state and try again
2981 rr->RecordType = kDNSRecordTypeUnique;
2982 rr->ProbeCount = DefaultProbeCountForTypeUnique + 1;
2983 rr->NextSendTime = timenow;
2984 rr->NextSendInterval = DefaultSendIntervalForRecordType(kDNSRecordTypeUnique);
2985 m->ProbeFailTime = timenow;
2986 // If we've had ten probe failures, rate-limit to one every five seconds
2987 // The result is ORed with 1 to make sure SuppressProbes is not accidentally set to zero
2988 if (m->NumFailedProbes < 10) m->NumFailedProbes++;
2989 else m->SuppressProbes = (timenow + mDNSPlatformOneSecond * 5) | 1;
2990 }
2991 else
2992 {
2993 debugf("mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Will rename %##s (%s)", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
2994 // If we're probing for this record (or we assumed it must be unique) we just failed
2995 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, rr, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_conflict);
2996 }
2997 }
2998 }
2999 }
3000 }
3001 }
3003 // 2. See if we want to add this packet resource record to our cache
3004 if (m->rrcache_size) // Only try to cache answers if we have a cache to put them in
3005 {
3006 ResourceRecord *rr;
3007 // 2a. Check if this packet resource record is already in our cache
3008 for (rr = m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next)
3009 {
3010 // If we found this exact resource record, refresh its TTL
3011 if (IdenticalResourceRecord(&pktrr, rr))
3012 {
3013 //debugf("Found RR %##s size %d already in cache", pktrr.name.c, pktrr.rdata->RDLength);
3014 rr->TimeRcvd = timenow;
3015 rr->UnansweredQueries = 0;
3016 rr->NewData = mDNStrue;
3017 // If we're deleting a record, push it out one second into the future
3018 // to give other hosts on the network a chance to protest
3019 if (pktrr.rroriginalttl == 0) rr->rroriginalttl = 1;
3020 else rr->rroriginalttl = pktrr.rroriginalttl;
3021 break;
3022 }
3023 }
3025 // If packet resource record not in our cache, add it now
3026 // (unless it is just a deletion of a record we never had, in which case we don't care)
3027 if (!rr && pktrr.rroriginalttl > 0)
3028 {
3029 rr = GetFreeCacheRR(m, timenow);
3030 if (!rr) debugf("No cache space to add record for %#s", pktrr.name.c);
3031 else
3032 {
3033 *rr = pktrr;
3034 rr->rdata = &rr->rdatastorage; // For now, all cache records use local storage
3035 rr->next = m->rrcache;
3036 m->rrcache = rr;
3037 if ((rr->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask) == 0)
3038 TriggerImmediateQuestions(m, rr, timenow);
3039 //debugf("Adding RR %##s to cache (%d)", pktrr.name.c, m->rrcache_used);
3040 AnswerLocalQuestions(m, rr, timenow);
3041 }
3042 }
3043 }
3044 }
3046 // If we have a cache, then run through all the new records that we've just added,
3047 // clear their 'NewData' flags, and if they were marked as unique in the packet,
3048 // then search our cache for any records with the same name/type/class,
3049 // and purge them if they are more than one second old.
3050 if (m->rrcache_size)
3051 {
3052 ResourceRecord *rr;
3053 for (rr = m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next)
3054 {
3055 if (rr->NewData)
3056 {
3057 rr->NewData = mDNSfalse;
3058 if (rr->RecordType & kDNSRecordTypeUniqueMask)
3059 {
3060 ResourceRecord *r;
3061 for (r = m->rrcache; r; r=r->next)
3062 if (SameResourceRecordSignature(rr, r) && timenow - r->TimeRcvd > mDNSPlatformOneSecond)
3063 r->rroriginalttl = 0;
3064 }
3065 }
3066 }
3067 TidyRRCache(m, timenow);
3068 }
3069 }
3071 mDNSexport void mDNSCoreReceive(mDNS *const m, DNSMessage *const msg, const mDNSu8 *const end,
3072 mDNSIPAddr srcaddr, mDNSIPPort srcport, mDNSIPAddr dstaddr, mDNSIPPort dstport, mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr)
3073 {
3074 const mDNSu8 StdQ = kDNSFlag0_QR_Query | kDNSFlag0_OP_StdQuery;
3075 const mDNSu8 StdR = kDNSFlag0_QR_Response | kDNSFlag0_OP_StdQuery;
3076 mDNSu8 QR_OP = (mDNSu8)(msg->h.flags.b[0] & kDNSFlag0_QROP_Mask);
3078 // Read the integer parts which are in IETF byte-order (MSB first, LSB second)
3079 mDNSu8 *ptr = (mDNSu8 *)&msg->h.numQuestions;
3080 msg->h.numQuestions = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[0] << 8 | ptr[1]);
3081 msg->h.numAnswers = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[2] << 8 | ptr[3]);
3082 msg->h.numAuthorities = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[4] << 8 | ptr[5]);
3083 msg->h.numAdditionals = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu16)ptr[6] << 8 | ptr[7]);
3085 if (!m) { debugf("mDNSCoreReceive ERROR m is NULL"); return; }
3087 mDNS_Lock(m);
3088 if (m->mDNS_busy > 1) debugf("mDNSCoreReceive: Locking failure! mDNS already busy");
3090 if (QR_OP == StdQ) mDNSCoreReceiveQuery (m, msg, end, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, InterfaceAddr);
3091 else if (QR_OP == StdR) mDNSCoreReceiveResponse(m, msg, end, dstaddr, InterfaceAddr);
3092 else debugf("Unknown DNS packet type %02X%02X (ignored)", msg->h.flags.b[0], msg->h.flags.b[1]);
3094 // Packet reception often causes a change to the task list:
3095 // 1. Inbound queries can cause us to need to send responses
3096 // 2. Conflicing response packets received from other hosts can cause us to need to send defensive responses
3097 // 3. Other hosts announcing deletion of shared records can cause us to need to re-assert those records
3098 // 4. Response packets that answer questions may cause our client to issue new questions
3099 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3100 }
3102 // ***************************************************************************
3103 #if 0
3104 #pragma mark -
3105 #pragma mark -
3106 #pragma mark - Searcher Functions
3107 #endif
3109 mDNSlocal DNSQuestion *FindDuplicateQuestion(const mDNS *const m, const DNSQuestion *const question)
3110 {
3111 DNSQuestion *q;
3112 // Note: A question can only be marked as a duplicate of one that occurs *earlier* in the list.
3113 // This prevents circular references, where two questions are each marked as a duplicate of the other.
3114 // Accordingly, we break out of the loop when we get to 'question', because there's no point searching
3115 // further in the list.
3116 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q && q != question; q=q->next) // Scan our list of questions
3117 if (q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == question->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger && // for another question with the same InterfaceID,
3118 q->rrtype == question->rrtype && // type,
3119 q->rrclass == question->rrclass && // class,
3120 SameDomainName(&q->name, &question->name)) // and name
3121 return(q);
3122 return(mDNSNULL);
3123 }
3125 // This is called after a question is deleted, in case other identical questions were being
3126 // suppressed as duplicates
3127 mDNSlocal void UpdateQuestionDuplicates(const mDNS *const m, const DNSQuestion *const question)
3128 {
3129 DNSQuestion *q;
3130 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next) // Scan our list of questions
3131 if (q->DuplicateOf == question) // To see if any questions were referencing this as their duplicate
3132 {
3133 q->NextQTime = question->NextQTime;
3134 q->ThisQInterval = question->ThisQInterval;
3135 q->NextQInterval = question->NextQInterval;
3136 q->DuplicateOf = FindDuplicateQuestion(m, q);
3137 }
3138 }
3140 mDNSlocal mStatus mDNS_StartQuery_internal(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question, const mDNSs32 timenow)
3141 {
3142 if (m->rrcache_size == 0) // Can't do queries if we have no cache space allocated
3143 return(mStatus_NoCache);
3144 else
3145 {
3146 DNSQuestion **q = &m->ActiveQuestions;
3147 while (*q && *q != question) q=&(*q)->next;
3149 if (*q)
3150 {
3151 debugf("Error! Tried to add a question that's already in the active list");
3152 return(mStatus_AlreadyRegistered);
3153 }
3155 if (question->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger)
3156 {
3157 NetworkInterfaceInfo *p = m->HostInterfaces;
3158 while (p && p->ip.NotAnInteger != question->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger) p=p->next;
3159 if (!p)
3160 {
3161 LogErrorMessage("mDNS_StartQuery_internal: question->InterfaceAddr %.4a not found in interface list", &question->InterfaceAddr);
3162 question->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger = 0;
3163 }
3164 }
3166 question->next = mDNSNULL;
3167 question->NextQTime = timenow;
3168 question->ThisQInterval = mDNSPlatformOneSecond; // MUST NOT be zero for an active question
3169 question->NextQInterval = mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
3170 question->DuplicateOf = FindDuplicateQuestion(m, question);
3171 *q = question;
3173 if (!m->NewQuestions) m->NewQuestions = question;
3175 return(mStatus_NoError);
3176 }
3177 }
3179 mDNSlocal void mDNS_StopQuery_internal(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question)
3180 {
3181 DNSQuestion **q = &m->ActiveQuestions;
3182 while (*q && *q != question) q=&(*q)->next;
3183 if (*q) *q = (*q)->next;
3184 else debugf("mDNS_StopQuery_internal: Question %##s (%s) not found in active list",
3185 question->name.c, DNSTypeName(question->rrtype));
3187 UpdateQuestionDuplicates(m, question);
3189 question->ThisQInterval = -1;
3190 question->NextQInterval = -1;
3192 // If we just deleted the question that AnswerLocalQuestions() is about to look at,
3193 // bump its pointer forward one question.
3194 if (m->CurrentQuestion == question)
3195 {
3196 debugf("mDNS_StopQuery_internal: Just deleted the currently active question.");
3197 m->CurrentQuestion = m->CurrentQuestion->next;
3198 }
3200 if (m->NewQuestions == question)
3201 {
3202 debugf("mDNS_StopQuery_internal: Just deleted a new question that wasn't even answered yet.");
3203 m->NewQuestions = m->NewQuestions->next;
3204 }
3206 // Take care not to trash question->next until *after* we've updated m->CurrentQuestion and m->NewQuestions
3207 question->next = mDNSNULL;
3208 }
3210 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_StartQuery(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question)
3211 {
3212 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3213 mStatus status = mDNS_StartQuery_internal(m, question, timenow);
3214 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3215 return(status);
3216 }
3218 mDNSexport void mDNS_StopQuery(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question)
3219 {
3220 mDNS_Lock(m);
3221 mDNS_StopQuery_internal(m, question);
3222 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3223 }
3225 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_StartBrowse(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question,
3226 const domainname *const srv, const domainname *const domain,
3227 const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, mDNSQuestionCallback *Callback, void *Context)
3228 {
3229 question->InterfaceAddr = InterfaceAddr;
3230 question->name = *srv;
3231 AppendDomainNameToName(&question->name, domain);
3232 question->rrtype = kDNSType_PTR;
3233 question->rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
3234 question->Callback = Callback;
3235 question->Context = Context;
3236 return(mDNS_StartQuery(m, question));
3237 }
3239 mDNSlocal void FoundServiceInfoSRV(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *question, const ResourceRecord *const answer)
3240 {
3241 ServiceInfoQuery *query = (ServiceInfoQuery *)question->Context;
3242 if (answer->rrremainingttl == 0) return;
3243 if (answer->rrtype != kDNSType_SRV) return;
3245 query->info->port = answer->rdata->u.srv.port;
3247 // If this is our first answer, then set the GotSRV flag and start the address query
3248 if (!query->GotSRV)
3249 {
3250 query->GotSRV = mDNStrue;
3251 query->qADD.InterfaceAddr = answer->InterfaceAddr;
3252 query->qADD.name = answer->rdata->u.srv.target;
3253 mDNS_StartQuery_internal(m, &query->qADD, mDNSPlatformTimeNow());
3254 }
3255 // If this is not our first answer, only re-issue the address query if the target host name has changed
3256 else if (query->qADD.InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger != answer->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger ||
3257 !SameDomainName(&query->qADD.name, &answer->rdata->u.srv.target))
3258 {
3259 mDNS_StopQuery_internal(m, &query->qADD);
3260 query->qADD.InterfaceAddr = answer->InterfaceAddr;
3261 query->qADD.name = answer->rdata->u.srv.target;
3262 mDNS_StartQuery_internal(m, &query->qADD, mDNSPlatformTimeNow());
3263 }
3265 // Don't need to do ScheduleNextTask because this callback can only ever happen
3266 // (a) as a result of an immediate result from the mDNS_StartQuery call, or
3267 // (b) as a result of receiving a packet on the wire
3268 // both of which will result in a subsequent ScheduleNextTask call of their own
3269 }
3271 mDNSlocal void FoundServiceInfoTXT(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *question, const ResourceRecord *const answer)
3272 {
3273 ServiceInfoQuery *query = (ServiceInfoQuery *)question->Context;
3274 if (answer->rrremainingttl == 0) return;
3275 if (answer->rrtype != kDNSType_TXT) return;
3276 if (answer->rdata->RDLength > sizeof(query->info->TXTinfo)) return;
3278 query->GotTXT = 1 + (query->GotTXT || query->GotADD);
3279 query->info->TXTlen = answer->rdata->RDLength;
3280 mDNSPlatformMemCopy(answer->rdata->u.txt.c, query->info->TXTinfo, answer->rdata->RDLength);
3282 debugf("FoundServiceInfoTXT: %##s GotADD=%d", &query->info->name, query->GotADD);
3284 if (query->Callback && query->GotADD)
3285 query->Callback(m, query);
3286 }
3288 mDNSlocal void FoundServiceInfoADD(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *question, const ResourceRecord *const answer)
3289 {
3290 ServiceInfoQuery *query = (ServiceInfoQuery *)question->Context;
3291 if (answer->rrremainingttl == 0) return;
3292 if (answer->rrtype != kDNSType_A) return;
3293 query->GotADD = mDNStrue;
3294 query->info->InterfaceAddr = answer->InterfaceAddr;
3295 query->info->ip = answer->rdata->u.ip;
3297 debugf("FoundServiceInfoADD: %##s GotTXT=%d", &query->info->name, query->GotTXT);
3299 // If query->GotTXT is 1 that means we already got a single TXT answer but didn't
3300 // deliver it to the client at that time, so no further action is required.
3301 // If query->GotTXT is 2 that means we either got more than one TXT answer,
3302 // or we got a TXT answer and delivered it to the client at that time, so in either
3303 // of these cases we may have lost information, so we should re-issue the TXT question.
3304 if (query->GotTXT > 1)
3305 {
3306 mDNS_StopQuery_internal(m, &query->qTXT);
3307 mDNS_StartQuery_internal(m, &query->qTXT, mDNSPlatformTimeNow());
3308 }
3310 if (query->Callback && query->GotTXT)
3311 query->Callback(m, query);
3312 }
3314 // On entry, the client must have set the name and InterfaceAddr fields of the ServiceInfo structure
3315 // If the query is not interface-specific, then InterfaceAddr may be zero
3316 // Each time the Callback is invoked, the remainder of the fields will have been filled in
3317 // In addition, InterfaceAddr will be updated to give the interface address corresponding to that reply
3318 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_StartResolveService(mDNS *const m,
3319 ServiceInfoQuery *query, ServiceInfo *info, ServiceInfoQueryCallback *Callback, void *Context)
3320 {
3321 mStatus status;
3322 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3324 query->qSRV.InterfaceAddr = info->InterfaceAddr;
3325 query->qSRV.name = info->name;
3326 query->qSRV.rrtype = kDNSType_SRV;
3327 query->qSRV.rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
3328 query->qSRV.Callback = FoundServiceInfoSRV;
3329 query->qSRV.Context = query;
3331 query->qTXT.InterfaceAddr = info->InterfaceAddr;
3332 query->qTXT.name = info->name;
3333 query->qTXT.rrtype = kDNSType_TXT;
3334 query->qTXT.rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
3335 query->qTXT.Callback = FoundServiceInfoTXT;
3336 query->qTXT.Context = query;
3338 query->qADD.InterfaceAddr = info->InterfaceAddr;
3339 query->qADD.name.c[0] = 0;
3340 query->qADD.rrtype = kDNSType_A;
3341 query->qADD.rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
3342 query->qADD.Callback = FoundServiceInfoADD;
3343 query->qADD.Context = query;
3345 query->GotSRV = mDNSfalse;
3346 query->GotTXT = mDNSfalse;
3347 query->GotADD = mDNSfalse;
3349 query->info = info;
3350 query->Callback = Callback;
3351 query->Context = Context;
3353 // info->name = Must already be set up by client
3354 // info->interface = Must already be set up by client
3355 info->ip = zeroIPAddr;
3356 info->port = zeroIPPort;
3357 info->TXTlen = 0;
3359 status = mDNS_StartQuery_internal(m, &query->qSRV, timenow);
3360 if (status == mStatus_NoError) status = mDNS_StartQuery_internal(m, &query->qTXT, timenow);
3361 if (status != mStatus_NoError) mDNS_StopResolveService(m, query);
3363 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3364 return(status);
3365 }
3367 mDNSexport void mDNS_StopResolveService (mDNS *const m, ServiceInfoQuery *query)
3368 {
3369 mDNS_Lock(m);
3370 if (query->qSRV.ThisQInterval >= 0) mDNS_StopQuery_internal(m, &query->qSRV);
3371 if (query->qTXT.ThisQInterval >= 0) mDNS_StopQuery_internal(m, &query->qTXT);
3372 if (query->qADD.ThisQInterval >= 0) mDNS_StopQuery_internal(m, &query->qADD);
3373 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3374 }
3376 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_GetDomains(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question, mDNSu8 DomainType,
3377 const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, mDNSQuestionCallback *Callback, void *Context)
3378 {
3379 question->InterfaceAddr = InterfaceAddr;
3380 ConvertCStringToDomainName(mDNS_DomainTypeNames[DomainType], &question->name);
3381 question->rrtype = kDNSType_PTR;
3382 question->rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
3383 question->Callback = Callback;
3384 question->Context = Context;
3385 return(mDNS_StartQuery(m, question));
3386 }
3388 // ***************************************************************************
3389 #if 0
3390 #pragma mark -
3391 #pragma mark - Responder Functions
3392 #endif
3394 // Set up a ResourceRecord with sensible default values.
3395 // These defaults may be overwritten with new values before mDNS_Register is called
3396 mDNSexport void mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(ResourceRecord *rr, RData *RDataStorage, mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr,
3397 mDNSu16 rrtype, mDNSu32 ttl, mDNSu8 RecordType, mDNSRecordCallback Callback, void *Context)
3398 {
3399 // Don't try to store a TTL bigger than we can represent in platform time units
3400 if (ttl > 0x7FFFFFFFUL / mDNSPlatformOneSecond)
3401 ttl = 0x7FFFFFFFUL / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
3402 else if (ttl == 0) // And Zero TTL is illegal
3403 ttl = 1;
3405 // Field Group 1: Persistent metadata for Authoritative Records
3406 rr->Additional1 = mDNSNULL;
3407 rr->Additional2 = mDNSNULL;
3408 rr->DependentOn = mDNSNULL;
3409 rr->RRSet = mDNSNULL;
3410 rr->Callback = Callback;
3411 rr->Context = Context;
3413 rr->RecordType = RecordType;
3414 rr->HostTarget = mDNSfalse;
3416 // Field Group 2: Transient state for Authoritative Records (set in mDNS_Register_internal)
3417 // Field Group 3: Transient state for Cache Records (set in mDNS_Register_internal)
3419 // Field Group 4: The actual information pertaining to this resource record
3420 rr->InterfaceAddr = InterfaceAddr;
3421 rr->name.c[0] = 0; // MUST be set by client
3422 rr->rrtype = rrtype;
3423 rr->rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
3424 rr->rroriginalttl = ttl;
3425 rr->rrremainingttl = ttl;
3426 // rr->rdlength = MUST set by client and/or in mDNS_Register_internal
3427 // rr->rdestimate = set in mDNS_Register_internal
3428 // rr->rdata = MUST be set by client
3430 if (RDataStorage)
3431 rr->rdata = RDataStorage;
3432 else
3433 {
3434 rr->rdata = &rr->rdatastorage;
3435 rr->rdata->MaxRDLength = sizeof(RDataBody);
3436 }
3437 }
3439 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_Register(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr)
3440 {
3441 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3442 mStatus status = mDNS_Register_internal(m, rr, timenow);
3443 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3444 return(status);
3445 }
3447 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_Update(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr, mDNSu32 newttl,
3448 RData *const newrdata, mDNSRecordUpdateCallback *Callback)
3449 {
3450 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3452 // If we already have an update queued up which has not gone through yet,
3453 // give the client a chance to free that memory
3454 if (rr->NewRData)
3455 {
3456 RData *n = rr->NewRData;
3457 rr->NewRData = mDNSNULL; // Clear the NewRData pointer ...
3458 if (rr->UpdateCallback) rr->UpdateCallback(m, rr, n); // ...and let the client free this memory, if necessary
3459 }
3461 rr->AnnounceCount = DefaultAnnounceCountForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
3462 rr->NextSendTime = timenow;
3463 if (rr->RecordType == kDNSRecordTypeUnique && m->SuppressProbes) rr->NextSendTime = m->SuppressProbes;
3464 rr->NextSendInterval = DefaultSendIntervalForRecordType(rr->RecordType);
3465 rr->NewRData = newrdata;
3466 rr->UpdateCallback = Callback;
3467 rr->rroriginalttl = newttl;
3468 rr->rrremainingttl = newttl;
3469 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3470 return(mStatus_NoError);
3471 }
3473 // NOTE: mDNS_Deregister calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback, which may change
3474 // the record list and/or question list.
3475 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
3476 mDNSexport void mDNS_Deregister(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr)
3477 {
3478 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3479 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, rr, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
3480 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3481 }
3483 mDNSexport void mDNS_GenerateFQDN(mDNS *const m)
3484 {
3485 // Set up the Primary mDNS FQDN
3486 m->hostname1.c[0] = 0;
3487 AppendDomainLabelToName(&m->hostname1, &m->hostlabel);
3488 AppendStringLabelToName(&m->hostname1, "local");
3490 // Set up the Secondary mDNS FQDN
3491 m->hostname2.c[0] = 0;
3492 AppendDomainLabelToName(&m->hostname2, &m->hostlabel);
3493 AppendStringLabelToName(&m->hostname2, "local");
3494 AppendStringLabelToName(&m->hostname2, "arpa");
3496 // Make sure that any SRV records (and the like) that reference our
3497 // host name in their rdata get updated to reference this new host name
3498 UpdateHostNameTargets(m);
3499 }
3501 mDNSlocal void HostNameCallback(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr, mStatus result)
3502 {
3503 #pragma unused(rr)
3504 switch (result)
3505 {
3506 case mStatus_NoError:
3507 debugf("HostNameCallback: %##s (%s) Name registered", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
3508 break;
3509 case mStatus_NameConflict:
3510 debugf("HostNameCallback: %##s (%s) Name conflict", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
3511 break;
3512 default:
3513 debugf("HostNameCallback: %##s (%s) Unknown result %d", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype), result);
3514 break;
3515 }
3517 if (result == mStatus_NameConflict)
3518 {
3519 NetworkInterfaceInfo *hr = mDNSNULL;
3520 NetworkInterfaceInfo **p = &hr;
3521 domainlabel oldlabel = m->hostlabel;
3523 // 1. Deregister all our host sets
3524 while (m->HostInterfaces)
3525 {
3526 NetworkInterfaceInfo *set = m->HostInterfaces;
3527 mDNS_DeregisterInterface(m, set);
3528 *p = set;
3529 p = &set->next;
3530 }
3532 // 2. Pick a new name
3533 // First give the client callback a chance to pick a new name
3534 if (m->Callback) m->Callback(m, mStatus_NameConflict);
3535 // If the client callback didn't do it, add (or increment) an index ourselves
3536 if (SameDomainLabel(m->hostlabel.c, oldlabel.c))
3537 IncrementLabelSuffix(&m->hostlabel, mDNSfalse);
3538 mDNS_GenerateFQDN(m);
3540 // 3. Re-register all our host sets
3541 while (hr)
3542 {
3543 NetworkInterfaceInfo *set = hr;
3544 hr = hr->next;
3545 mDNS_RegisterInterface(m, set);
3546 }
3547 }
3548 }
3550 mDNSlocal NetworkInterfaceInfo *FindFirstAdvertisedInterface(mDNS *const m)
3551 {
3552 NetworkInterfaceInfo *i;
3553 for (i=m->HostInterfaces; i; i=i->next) if (i->Advertise) break;
3554 return(i);
3555 }
3557 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_RegisterInterface(mDNS *const m, NetworkInterfaceInfo *set)
3558 {
3559 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3560 NetworkInterfaceInfo **p = &m->HostInterfaces;
3562 while (*p && *p != set) p=&(*p)->next;
3563 if (*p)
3564 {
3565 debugf("Error! Tried to register a NetworkInterfaceInfo that's already in the list");
3566 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3567 return(mStatus_AlreadyRegistered);
3568 }
3570 if (set->Advertise)
3571 {
3572 char buffer[256];
3573 NetworkInterfaceInfo *primary = FindFirstAdvertisedInterface(m);
3574 if (!primary) primary = set; // If no existing advertised interface, this new NetworkInterfaceInfo becomes our new primary
3576 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&set->RR_A1, mDNSNULL, set->ip, kDNSType_A, 60, kDNSRecordTypeUnique, HostNameCallback, set);
3577 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&set->RR_A2, mDNSNULL, set->ip, kDNSType_A, 60, kDNSRecordTypeUnique, HostNameCallback, set);
3578 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&set->RR_PTR, mDNSNULL, set->ip, kDNSType_PTR, 60, kDNSRecordTypeKnownUnique, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
3580 // 1. Set up primary Address record to map from primary host name ("foo.local.") to IP address
3581 set->RR_A1.name = m->hostname1;
3582 set->RR_A1.rdata->u.ip = set->ip;
3584 // 2. Set up secondary Address record to map from secondary host name ("foo.local.arpa.") to IP address
3585 set->RR_A2.name = m->hostname2;
3586 set->RR_A2.rdata->u.ip = set->ip;
3588 // 3. Set up reverse-lookup PTR record to map from our address back to our primary host name
3589 // Setting HostTarget tells DNS that the target of this PTR is to be automatically kept in sync if our host name changes
3590 // Note: This is reverse order compared to a normal dotted-decimal IP address
3591 mDNS_sprintf(buffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d.in-addr.arpa.", set->ip.b[3], set->ip.b[2], set->ip.b[1], set->ip.b[0]);
3592 ConvertCStringToDomainName(buffer, &set->RR_PTR.name);
3593 set->RR_PTR.HostTarget = mDNStrue; // Tell mDNS that the target of this PTR is to be kept in sync with our host name
3595 set->RR_A1.RRSet = &primary->RR_A1; // May refer to self
3596 set->RR_A2.RRSet = &primary->RR_A2; // May refer to self
3598 mDNS_Register_internal(m, &set->RR_A1, timenow);
3599 mDNS_Register_internal(m, &set->RR_A2, timenow);
3600 mDNS_Register_internal(m, &set->RR_PTR, timenow);
3602 // ... Add an HINFO record, etc.?
3603 }
3605 { // Reactivate Interface Questions
3606 DNSQuestion *q;
3607 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next) // Scan our list of questions
3608 if (!q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger || q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == set->ip.NotAnInteger)
3609 {
3610 q->NextQTime = timenow;
3611 q->ThisQInterval = mDNSPlatformOneSecond; // MUST be > zero for an active question
3612 q->NextQInterval = mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
3613 }
3614 }
3616 set->next = mDNSNULL;
3617 *p = set;
3618 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3619 return(mStatus_NoError);
3620 }
3622 mDNSlocal void mDNS_DeadvertiseInterface(mDNS *const m, NetworkInterfaceInfo *set, const mDNSs32 timenow)
3623 {
3624 NetworkInterfaceInfo *i;
3625 // If we still have address records referring to this one, update them
3626 NetworkInterfaceInfo *primary = FindFirstAdvertisedInterface(m);
3627 ResourceRecord *A1 = primary ? &primary->RR_A1 : mDNSNULL;
3628 ResourceRecord *A2 = primary ? &primary->RR_A2 : mDNSNULL;
3629 for (i=m->HostInterfaces; i; i=i->next)
3630 {
3631 if (i->RR_A1.RRSet == &set->RR_A1) i->RR_A1.RRSet = A1;
3632 if (i->RR_A2.RRSet == &set->RR_A2) i->RR_A2.RRSet = A2;
3633 }
3635 // Unregister these records
3636 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &set->RR_A1, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
3637 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &set->RR_A2, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
3638 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &set->RR_PTR, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
3639 }
3641 // NOTE: mDNS_DeregisterInterface calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback, which may change
3642 // the record list and/or question list.
3643 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
3644 mDNSexport void mDNS_DeregisterInterface(mDNS *const m, NetworkInterfaceInfo *set)
3645 {
3646 NetworkInterfaceInfo **p = &m->HostInterfaces;
3647 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3649 // Find this record in our list
3650 while (*p && *p != set) p=&(*p)->next;
3651 if (!*p) { debugf("mDNS_DeregisterInterface: NetworkInterfaceInfo not found in list"); return; }
3653 // Unlink this record from our list
3654 *p = (*p)->next;
3655 set->next = mDNSNULL;
3657 // Flush any cache entries we received on this interface
3658 FlushCacheRecords(m, set->ip, timenow);
3660 { // Deactivate Interface Questions
3661 DNSQuestion *q;
3662 for (q = m->ActiveQuestions; q; q=q->next)
3663 if (q->InterfaceAddr.NotAnInteger == set->ip.NotAnInteger)
3664 q->ThisQInterval = 0;
3665 }
3667 // If we were advertising on this interface, deregister now
3668 // When doing the mDNS_Close processing, we first call mDNS_DeadvertiseInterface for each interface
3669 // so by the time the platform support layer gets to call mDNS_DeregisterInterface,
3670 // the address and PTR records have already been deregistered for it
3671 if (set->Advertise && set->RR_A1.RecordType) mDNS_DeadvertiseInterface(m, set, timenow);
3673 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3674 }
3676 mDNSlocal void ServiceCallback(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *const rr, mStatus result)
3677 {
3678 #pragma unused(m)
3679 ServiceRecordSet *sr = (ServiceRecordSet *)rr->Context;
3680 switch (result)
3681 {
3682 case mStatus_NoError:
3683 if (rr == &sr->RR_SRV)
3684 debugf("ServiceCallback: Service RR_SRV %##s Registered", rr->name.c);
3685 else
3686 debugf("ServiceCallback: %##s (%s) ERROR Should only get mStatus_NoError callback for RR_SRV",
3687 rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
3688 break;
3690 case mStatus_NameConflict:
3691 debugf("ServiceCallback: %##s (%s) Name Conflict", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
3692 break;
3694 case mStatus_MemFree:
3695 if (rr == &sr->RR_PTR)
3696 debugf("ServiceCallback: Service RR_PTR %##s Memory Free", rr->name.c);
3697 else
3698 debugf("ServiceCallback: %##s (%s) ERROR Should only get mStatus_MemFree callback for RR_PTR",
3699 rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype));
3700 break;
3702 default:
3703 debugf("ServiceCallback: %##s (%s) Unknown Result %d", rr->name.c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype), result);
3704 break;
3705 }
3707 // If we got a name conflict on either SRV or TXT, forcibly deregister this service, and record that we did that
3708 if (result == mStatus_NameConflict) { sr->Conflict = mDNStrue; mDNS_DeregisterService(m, sr); return; }
3710 // If this ServiceRecordSet was forcibly deregistered, and now it's memory is ready for reuse,
3711 // then we can now report the NameConflict to the client
3712 if (result == mStatus_MemFree && sr->Conflict) result = mStatus_NameConflict;
3714 if (sr->Callback) sr->Callback(m, sr, result);
3715 }
3717 // Note:
3718 // Name is first label of domain name (any dots in the name are actual dots, not label separators)
3719 // Type is service type (e.g. "_printer._tcp.")
3720 // Domain is fully qualified domain name (i.e. ending with a null label)
3721 // We always register a TXT, even if it is empty (so that clients are not
3722 // left waiting forever looking for a nonexistent record.)
3723 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_RegisterService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *sr,
3724 const domainlabel *const name, const domainname *const type, const domainname *const domain,
3725 const domainname *const host, mDNSIPPort port, const mDNSu8 txtinfo[], mDNSu16 txtlen,
3726 mDNSServiceCallback Callback, void *Context)
3727 {
3728 mDNSs32 timenow;
3730 sr->Callback = Callback;
3731 sr->Context = Context;
3732 sr->Conflict = mDNSfalse;
3733 if (host && host->c[0]) sr->Host = *host;
3734 else sr->Host.c[0] = 0;
3736 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&sr->RR_PTR, mDNSNULL, zeroIPAddr, kDNSType_PTR, 2*3600, kDNSRecordTypeShared, ServiceCallback, sr);
3737 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&sr->RR_SRV, mDNSNULL, zeroIPAddr, kDNSType_SRV, 60, kDNSRecordTypeUnique, ServiceCallback, sr);
3738 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&sr->RR_TXT, mDNSNULL, zeroIPAddr, kDNSType_TXT, 60, kDNSRecordTypeUnique, ServiceCallback, sr);
3740 // If the client is registering an oversized TXT record,
3741 // it is the client's responsibility to alloate a ServiceRecordSet structure that is large enough for it
3742 if (sr->RR_TXT.rdata->MaxRDLength < txtlen)
3743 sr->RR_TXT.rdata->MaxRDLength = txtlen;
3745 if (ConstructServiceName(&sr->RR_PTR.name, mDNSNULL, type, domain) == mDNSNULL) return(mStatus_BadParamErr);
3746 if (ConstructServiceName(&sr->RR_SRV.name, name, type, domain) == mDNSNULL) return(mStatus_BadParamErr);
3747 sr->RR_TXT.name = sr->RR_SRV.name;
3749 // 1. Set up the PTR record rdata to point to our service name
3750 // We set up two additionals, so when a client asks for this PTR we automatically send the SRV and the TXT too
3751 sr->RR_PTR.rdata->u.name = sr->RR_SRV.name;
3752 sr->RR_PTR.Additional1 = &sr->RR_SRV;
3753 sr->RR_PTR.Additional2 = &sr->RR_TXT;
3755 // 2. Set up the SRV record rdata.
3756 sr->RR_SRV.rdata->u.srv.priority = 0;
3757 sr->RR_SRV.rdata->u.srv.weight = 0;
3758 sr->RR_SRV.rdata->u.srv.port = port;
3760 // Setting HostTarget tells DNS that the target of this SRV is to be automatically kept in sync with our host name
3761 if (sr->Host.c[0]) sr->RR_SRV.rdata->u.srv.target = sr->Host;
3762 else sr->RR_SRV.HostTarget = mDNStrue;
3764 // 3. Set up the TXT record rdata,
3765 // and set DependentOn because we're depending on the SRV record to find and resolve conflicts for us
3766 if (txtinfo == mDNSNULL) sr->RR_TXT.rdata->RDLength = 0;
3767 else if (txtinfo != sr->RR_TXT.rdata->u.txt.c)
3768 {
3769 sr->RR_TXT.rdata->RDLength = txtlen;
3770 if (sr->RR_TXT.rdata->RDLength > sr->RR_TXT.rdata->MaxRDLength) return(mStatus_BadParamErr);
3771 mDNSPlatformMemCopy(txtinfo, sr->RR_TXT.rdata->u.txt.c, txtlen);
3772 }
3773 sr->RR_TXT.DependentOn = &sr->RR_SRV;
3775 // 4. We have no Extras yet
3776 sr->Extras = mDNSNULL;
3778 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3779 mDNS_Register_internal(m, &sr->RR_SRV, timenow);
3780 mDNS_Register_internal(m, &sr->RR_TXT, timenow);
3781 // We register the RR_PTR last, because we want to be sure that in the event of a forced call to
3782 // mDNS_Close, the RR_PTR will be the last one to be forcibly deregistered, since that is what triggers
3783 // the mStatus_MemFree callback to ServiceCallback, which in turn passes on the mStatus_MemFree back to
3784 // the client callback, which is then at liberty to free the ServiceRecordSet memory at will. We need to
3785 // make sure we've deregistered all our records and done any other necessary cleanup before that happens.
3786 mDNS_Register_internal(m, &sr->RR_PTR, timenow);
3787 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3789 return(mStatus_NoError);
3790 }
3792 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_AddRecordToService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *sr, ExtraResourceRecord *extra, RData *rdata, mDNSu32 ttl)
3793 {
3794 ExtraResourceRecord **e = &sr->Extras;
3795 while (*e) e = &(*e)->next;
3797 // If TTL is unspecified, make it 60 seconds, the same as the service's TXT and SRV default
3798 if (ttl == 0) ttl = 60;
3800 extra->next = mDNSNULL;
3801 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&extra->r, rdata, zeroIPAddr, extra->r.rrtype, ttl, kDNSRecordTypeUnique, ServiceCallback, sr);
3802 extra->r.name = sr->RR_SRV.name;
3803 extra->r.DependentOn = &sr->RR_SRV;
3805 debugf("mDNS_AddRecordToService adding record to %##s", extra->r.name.c);
3807 *e = extra;
3808 return(mDNS_Register(m, &extra->r));
3809 }
3811 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_RemoveRecordFromService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *sr, ExtraResourceRecord *extra)
3812 {
3813 ExtraResourceRecord **e = &sr->Extras;
3814 while (*e && *e != extra) e = &(*e)->next;
3815 if (!*e)
3816 {
3817 debugf("mDNS_RemoveRecordFromService failed to remove record from %##s", extra->r.name.c);
3818 return(mStatus_BadReferenceErr);
3819 }
3821 debugf("mDNS_RemoveRecordFromService removing record from %##s", extra->r.name.c);
3823 *e = (*e)->next;
3824 mDNS_Deregister(m, &extra->r);
3825 return(mStatus_NoError);
3826 }
3828 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_RenameAndReregisterService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *const sr, const domainlabel *newname)
3829 {
3830 domainlabel name;
3831 domainname type, domain;
3832 domainname *host = mDNSNULL;
3833 ExtraResourceRecord *extras = sr->Extras;
3834 mStatus err;
3836 DeconstructServiceName(&sr->RR_SRV.name, &name, &type, &domain);
3837 if (!newname)
3838 {
3839 IncrementLabelSuffix(&name, mDNStrue);
3840 newname = &name;
3841 }
3842 debugf("Reregistering as %#s", newname->c);
3843 if (sr->RR_SRV.HostTarget == mDNSfalse && sr->Host.c[0]) host = &sr->Host;
3845 err = mDNS_RegisterService(m, sr, newname, &type, &domain,
3846 host, sr->RR_SRV.rdata->u.srv.port, sr->RR_TXT.rdata->u.txt.c, sr->RR_TXT.rdata->RDLength,
3847 sr->Callback, sr->Context);
3849 while (!err && extras)
3850 {
3851 ExtraResourceRecord *e = extras;
3852 extras = extras->next;
3853 err = mDNS_AddRecordToService(m, sr, e, e->r.rdata, e->r.rroriginalttl);
3854 }
3856 return(err);
3857 }
3859 // NOTE: mDNS_DeregisterService calls mDNS_Deregister_internal which can call a user callback,
3860 // which may change the record list and/or question list.
3861 // Any code walking either list must use the CurrentQuestion and/or CurrentRecord mechanism to protect against this.
3862 mDNSexport void mDNS_DeregisterService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *sr)
3863 {
3864 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3865 ExtraResourceRecord *e = sr->Extras;
3867 // We use mDNS_Dereg_repeat because, in the event of a collision, some or all of
3868 // these records could have already been automatically deregistered, and that's okay
3869 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &sr->RR_SRV, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_repeat);
3870 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &sr->RR_TXT, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_repeat);
3871 while (e)
3872 {
3873 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &e->r, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_repeat);
3874 e=e->next;
3875 }
3877 // Be sure to deregister the PTR last!
3878 // Deregistering this record is what triggers the mStatus_MemFree callback to ServiceCallback,
3879 // which in turn passes on the mStatus_MemFree (or mStatus_NameConflict) back to the client callback,
3880 // which is then at liberty to free the ServiceRecordSet memory at will. We need to make sure
3881 // we've deregistered all our records and done any other necessary cleanup before that happens.
3882 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, &sr->RR_PTR, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
3884 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3885 }
3887 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_AdvertiseDomains(mDNS *const m, ResourceRecord *rr,
3888 mDNSu8 DomainType, const mDNSIPAddr InterfaceAddr, char *domname)
3889 {
3890 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(rr, mDNSNULL, InterfaceAddr, kDNSType_PTR, 2*3600, kDNSRecordTypeShared, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
3891 ConvertCStringToDomainName(mDNS_DomainTypeNames[DomainType], &rr->name);
3892 ConvertCStringToDomainName(domname, &rr->rdata->u.name);
3893 return(mDNS_Register(m, rr));
3894 }
3896 // ***************************************************************************
3897 #if 0
3898 #pragma mark -
3899 #pragma mark -
3900 #pragma mark - Startup and Shutdown
3901 #endif
3903 mDNSexport mStatus mDNS_Init(mDNS *const m, mDNS_PlatformSupport *const p,
3904 ResourceRecord *rrcachestorage, mDNSu32 rrcachesize, mDNSCallback *Callback, void *Context)
3905 {
3906 mStatus result;
3907 mDNSu32 i;
3909 if (!rrcachestorage) rrcachesize = 0;
3911 m->p = p;
3912 m->mDNSPlatformStatus = mStatus_Waiting;
3913 m->Callback = Callback;
3914 m->Context = Context;
3916 m->mDNS_busy = 0;
3918 m->lock_rrcache = 0;
3919 m->lock_Questions = 0;
3920 m->lock_Records = 0;
3922 m->ActiveQuestions = mDNSNULL;
3923 m->NewQuestions = mDNSNULL;
3924 m->CurrentQuestion = mDNSNULL;
3925 m->rrcache_size = rrcachesize;
3926 m->rrcache_used = 0;
3927 m->rrcache_report = 10;
3928 m->rrcache_free = rrcachestorage;
3929 if (rrcachesize)
3930 {
3931 for (i=0; i<rrcachesize; i++) rrcachestorage[i].next = &rrcachestorage[i+1];
3932 rrcachestorage[rrcachesize-1].next = mDNSNULL;
3933 }
3934 m->rrcache = mDNSNULL;
3936 m->hostlabel.c[0] = 0;
3937 m->nicelabel.c[0] = 0;
3938 m->ResourceRecords = mDNSNULL;
3939 m->CurrentRecord = mDNSNULL;
3940 m->HostInterfaces = mDNSNULL;
3941 m->SuppressSending = 0;
3942 m->ProbeFailTime = 0;
3943 m->NumFailedProbes = 0;
3944 m->SuppressProbes = 0;
3945 m->SleepState = mDNSfalse;
3946 m->NetChanged = mDNSfalse;
3948 result = mDNSPlatformInit(m);
3950 return(result);
3951 }
3953 extern void mDNSCoreInitComplete(mDNS *const m, mStatus result)
3954 {
3955 m->mDNSPlatformStatus = result;
3956 if (m->Callback) m->Callback(m, mStatus_NoError);
3957 mDNS_Lock(m); // This lock/unlock causes a ScheduleNextTask(m) to get things started
3958 mDNS_Unlock(m);
3959 }
3961 extern void mDNS_Close(mDNS *const m)
3962 {
3963 NetworkInterfaceInfo *i;
3964 const mDNSs32 timenow = mDNS_Lock(m);
3967 ResourceRecord *rr;
3968 int rrcache_active = 0;
3969 for (rr = m->rrcache; rr; rr=rr->next) if (CacheRRActive(m, rr)) rrcache_active++;
3970 debugf("mDNS_Close: RR Cache now using %d records, %d active", m->rrcache_used, rrcache_active);
3971 #endif
3973 m->ActiveQuestions = mDNSNULL; // We won't be answering any more questions!
3975 for (i=m->HostInterfaces; i; i=i->next)
3976 if (i->Advertise)
3977 mDNS_DeadvertiseInterface(m, i, timenow);
3979 // Make sure there are nothing but deregistering records remaining in the list
3980 if (m->CurrentRecord) debugf("DiscardDeregistrations ERROR m->CurrentRecord already set");
3981 m->CurrentRecord = m->ResourceRecords;
3982 while (m->CurrentRecord)
3983 {
3984 ResourceRecord *rr = m->CurrentRecord;
3985 m->CurrentRecord = rr->next;
3986 if (rr->RecordType != kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering)
3987 {
3988 debugf("mDNS_Close: Record type %X still in ResourceRecords list %##s", rr->RecordType, rr->name.c);
3989 mDNS_Deregister_internal(m, rr, timenow, mDNS_Dereg_normal);
3990 }
3991 }
3993 if (m->ResourceRecords) debugf("mDNS_Close: Sending final packets for deregistering records");
3994 else debugf("mDNS_Close: No deregistering records remain");
3996 // If any deregistering records remain, send their deregistration announcements before we exit
3997 if (m->mDNSPlatformStatus != mStatus_NoError)
3998 DiscardDeregistrations(m, timenow);
3999 else
4000 while (m->ResourceRecords)
4001 SendResponses(m, timenow);
4003 mDNS_Unlock(m);
4004 debugf("mDNS_Close: mDNSPlatformClose");
4005 mDNSPlatformClose(m);
4006 debugf("mDNS_Close: done");
4007 }