]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/mdnsresponder.git/blob - mDNSMacOSX/Private/advertising_proxy_services.h
[apple/mdnsresponder.git] / mDNSMacOSX / Private / advertising_proxy_services.h
1 /* advertising_proxy_services.h
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2020 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * This file contains definitions for the SRP Advertising Proxy management
18 * API on MacOS, which is private API used to control and manage the advertising
19 * proxy.
20 */
25 #if defined(TARGET_OS_TV)
27 #include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
28 #include <xpc/xpc.h>
30 #if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4))
31 #define DNS_SERVICES_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
32 #else
34 #endif
36 // advertising_proxy_conn_ref: Opaque internal data type
37 typedef struct _advertising_proxy_conn_ref_t *advertising_proxy_conn_ref;
39 typedef enum
40 {
41 kDNSSDAdvertisingProxyStatus_NoError = 0,
42 kDNSSDAdvertisingProxyStatus_UnknownErr = -65537, /* 0xFFFE FFFF */
43 kDNSSDAdvertisingProxyStatus_NoMemory = -65539, /* No Memory */
44 kDNSSDAdvertisingProxyStatus_BadParam = -65540, /* Client passed invalid arg */
45 kDNSSDAdvertisingProxyStatus_DaemonNotRunning = -65563, /* Daemon not running */
46 kDNSSDAdvertisingProxyStatus_Disconnected = -65569 /* Daemon disconnected */
47 } advertising_proxy_error_type;
49 /*********************************************************************************************
50 *
51 * DNSSD Advertising Proxy control/management library functions
52 *
53 *********************************************************************************************/
55 /* advertising_proxy_reply: Callback from all DNSSD Advertising proxy library functions
56 *
57 * advertising_proxy_reply() parameters:
58 *
59 * conn_ref: The advertising_proxy_conn_ref initialized by the library function. Call advertising_proxy_
60 *
61 * response: Any data returned by the advertising proxy in response to the request.
62 *
63 * errCode: Will be kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError on success, otherwise will indicate the
64 * failure that occurred.
65 *
66 */
68 typedef void (*advertising_proxy_reply)
69 (
70 advertising_proxy_conn_ref conn_ref,
71 xpc_object_t response,
72 advertising_proxy_error_type errCode
73 );
75 /* advertising_proxy_enable
76 *
77 * enables the DNSSD Advertising Proxy functionality which will remain ON until the client explicitly turns it OFF
78 * by passing the returned advertising_proxy_conn_ref to advertising_proxy_ref_dealloc(), or the client exits or crashes.
79 *
80 * advertising_proxy_enable() Parameters:
81 *
82 * conn_ref: A pointer to advertising_proxy_conn_ref that is initialized to NULL.
83 * If the call succeeds it will be initialized to a non-NULL value.
84 * Client terminates the DNSSD Advertising Proxy by passing this advertising_proxy_conn_ref to advertising_proxy_ref_dealloc().
85 *
86 * clientq: Queue the client wants to schedule the callback on (Note: Must not be NULL)
87 *
88 * callback: CallBack function for the client that indicates success or failure.
89 * Note: callback may be invoked more than once, For e.g. if enabling DNSSD Advertising Proxy
90 * first succeeds and the daemon possibly crashes sometime later.
91 *
92 * return value: Returns kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError when no error otherwise returns an error code indicating
93 * the error that occurred. Note: A return value of kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError does not mean
94 * that DNSSD Advertising Proxy was successfully enabled. The callback may asynchronously
95 * return an error (such as kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_DaemonNotRunning)
96 *
97 */
100 advertising_proxy_error_type advertising_proxy_enable
101 (
102 advertising_proxy_conn_ref *conn_ref,
103 dispatch_queue_t clientq,
104 advertising_proxy_reply callback
105 );
107 /* advertising_proxy_flush_entries
108 *
109 * Flushes any host entries that have been registered with the advertising proxy. For testing only:
110 * this is never the right thing to do in production.
111 *
112 * advertising_proxy_flush_entries() Parameters:
113 *
114 * conn_ref: A pointer to advertising_proxy_conn_ref that is initialized to NULL.
115 * If the call succeeds it will be initialized to a non-NULL value.
116 * The same conn_ref can be used for more than one call.
117 *
118 * clientq: Queue the client wants to schedule the callback on (Note: Must not be NULL)
119 *
120 * callback: CallBack function for the client that indicates success or failure.
121 * Callback is not called until either the command has failed, or has completed.
122 *
123 * return value: Returns kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError when no error otherwise returns an
124 * error code indicating the error that occurred. Note: A return value of
125 * kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError does not mean that DNSSD Advertising Proxy host
126 * table was successfully flushed. The callback may asynchronously return an
127 * error (such as kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_DaemonNotRunning)
128 *
129 */
132 advertising_proxy_error_type advertising_proxy_flush_entries
133 (
134 advertising_proxy_conn_ref *conn_ref,
135 dispatch_queue_t clientq,
136 advertising_proxy_reply callback
137 );
139 /* advertising_proxy_get_service_list
140 *
141 * Returns a list of registered services on the advertising proxy.
142 *
143 * advertising_proxy_get_service_list() Parameters:
144 *
145 * conn_ref: A pointer to advertising_proxy_conn_ref that is initialized to NULL.
146 * If the call succeeds it will be initialized to a non-NULL value.
147 * The same conn_ref can be used for more than one call.
148 *
149 * clientq: Queue the client wants to schedule the callback on (Note: Must not be NULL)
150 *
151 * callback: CallBack function for the client that indicates success or failure.
152 * Callback is not called until either the command has failed, or has completed.
153 *
154 * return value: Returns kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError when no error otherwise returns an
155 * error code indicating the error that occurred. Note: A return value of
156 * kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError does not mean that DNSSD Advertising Proxy host
157 * table was successfully flushed. The callback may asynchronously return an
158 * error (such as kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_DaemonNotRunning)
159 *
160 */
163 advertising_proxy_error_type advertising_proxy_get_service_list
164 (
165 advertising_proxy_conn_ref *conn_ref,
166 dispatch_queue_t clientq,
167 advertising_proxy_reply callback
168 );
170 /* advertising_proxy_block_service
171 *
172 * For testing, block advertisement of SRP service on the thread network.
173 *
174 * advertising_proxy_block_service() Parameters:
175 *
176 * conn_ref: A pointer to advertising_proxy_conn_ref that is initialized to NULL.
177 * If the call succeeds it will be initialized to a non-NULL value.
178 * The same conn_ref can be used for more than one call.
179 *
180 * clientq: Queue the client wants to schedule the callback on (Note: Must not be NULL)
181 *
182 * callback: CallBack function for the client that indicates success or failure.
183 * Callback is not called until either the command has failed, or has completed.
184 *
185 * return value: Returns kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError when no error otherwise returns an
186 * error code indicating the error that occurred. Note: A return value of
187 * kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError does not mean that DNSSD Advertising Proxy host
188 * table was successfully flushed. The callback may asynchronously return an
189 * error (such as kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_DaemonNotRunning)
190 *
191 */
194 advertising_proxy_error_type advertising_proxy_block_service
195 (
196 advertising_proxy_conn_ref *conn_ref,
197 dispatch_queue_t clientq,
198 advertising_proxy_reply callback
199 );
201 /* advertising_proxy_unblock_service
202 *
203 * For testing, unblock advertisement of SRP service on the thread network.
204 *
205 * advertising_proxy_unblock_service() Parameters:
206 *
207 * conn_ref: A pointer to advertising_proxy_conn_ref that is initialized to NULL.
208 * If the call succeeds it will be initialized to a non-NULL value.
209 * The same conn_ref can be used for more than one call.
210 *
211 * clientq: Queue the client wants to schedule the callback on (Note: Must not be NULL)
212 *
213 * callback: CallBack function for the client that indicates success or failure.
214 * Callback is not called until either the command has failed, or has completed.
215 *
216 * return value: Returns kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError when no error otherwise returns an
217 * error code indicating the error that occurred. Note: A return value of
218 * kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError does not mean that DNSSD Advertising Proxy host
219 * table was successfully flushed. The callback may asynchronously return an
220 * error (such as kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_DaemonNotRunning)
221 *
222 */
225 advertising_proxy_error_type advertising_proxy_unblock_service
226 (
227 advertising_proxy_conn_ref *conn_ref,
228 dispatch_queue_t clientq,
229 advertising_proxy_reply callback
230 );
232 /* advertising_proxy_regenerate_ula
233 *
234 * For testing, generate a new ULA prefix
235 *
236 * advertising_proxy_regenerate_ula() Parameters:
237 *
238 * conn_ref: A pointer to advertising_proxy_conn_ref that is initialized to NULL.
239 * If the call succeeds it will be initialized to a non-NULL value.
240 * The same conn_ref can be used for more than one call.
241 *
242 * clientq: Queue the client wants to schedule the callback on (Note: Must not be NULL)
243 *
244 * callback: CallBack function for the client that indicates success or failure.
245 * Callback is not called until either the command has failed, or has completed.
246 *
247 * return value: Returns kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError when no error otherwise returns an
248 * error code indicating the error that occurred. Note: A return value of
249 * kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_NoError does not mean that DNSSD Advertising Proxy host
250 * table was successfully flushed. The callback may asynchronously return an
251 * error (such as kDNSSDAdvertisingProxy_DaemonNotRunning)
252 *
253 */
256 advertising_proxy_error_type advertising_proxy_regenerate_ula
257 (
258 advertising_proxy_conn_ref *conn_ref,
259 dispatch_queue_t clientq,
260 advertising_proxy_reply callback
261 );
263 /* advertising_proxy_ref_dealloc()
264 *
265 * Terminate a connection with the daemon and free memory associated with the advertising_proxy_conn_ref.
266 * When used on a advertising_proxy_conn_ref returned by advertising_proxy_enable, terminates the advertising
267 * proxy. When used on a call that subscribes to notifications about objects managed by the advertising proxy,
268 * discontinues those notifications.
269 *
270 * conn_ref: A advertising_proxy_conn_ref initialized by any of the advertising_proxy_*() calls.
271 *
272 */
274 void advertising_proxy_ref_dealloc(advertising_proxy_conn_ref conn_ref);
275 #endif /* DNSSD_PROXY_SERVICES_H */
276 #endif // defined(TARGET_OS_TV)
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280 // mode: C
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