]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/mdnsresponder.git/blob - ServiceRegistration/verify-mbedtls.c
[apple/mdnsresponder.git] / ServiceRegistration / verify-mbedtls.c
1 /* verify_mbedtls.c
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * DNS SIG(0) signature verification for DNSSD SRP using mbedtls.
18 *
19 * Provides functions for generating a public key validating context based on SIG(0) KEY RR data, and
20 * validating a signature using a context generated with that public key. Currently only ECDSASHA256 is
21 * supported.
22 */
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <arpa/inet.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include "srp.h"
31 #include "dns-msg.h"
32 #include "srp-crypto.h"
35 // Given a DNS message, a signature, and a public key, validate the message
36 bool
37 srp_sig0_verify(dns_wire_t *message, dns_rr_t *key, dns_rr_t *signature)
38 {
39 mbedtls_ecp_point pubkey;
40 mbedtls_ecp_group group;
41 mbedtls_sha256_context sha;
42 int status;
43 char errbuf[128];
44 uint8_t hash[ECDSA_SHA256_HASH_SIZE];
45 mbedtls_mpi r, s;
46 uint8_t *rdata;
47 size_t rdlen;
49 // The key algorithm and the signature algorithm have to match or we can't validate the signature.
50 if (key->data.key.algorithm != signature->data.sig.algorithm) {
51 return false;
52 }
54 // Key must be the right length (DNS ECDSA KEY isn't compressed).
55 if (key->data.key.len != ECDSA_KEY_SIZE) {
56 return false;
57 }
59 // Currently only support ecdsa
60 if (signature->data.sig.algorithm != dnssec_keytype_ecdsa) {
61 return false;
62 }
64 // Make sure the signature is the right size.
65 if (signature->data.sig.len != ECDSA_SHA256_SIG_SIZE) {
66 return false;
67 }
69 // Take the KEY RR and turn it into a public key we can use to check the signature.
70 // Initialize the ECP group (SECP256).
71 mbedtls_ecp_point_init(&pubkey);
72 mbedtls_ecp_group_init(&group);
73 mbedtls_ecp_group_load(&group, MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256R1);
74 mbedtls_mpi_init(&r);
75 mbedtls_mpi_init(&s);
76 mbedtls_sha256_init(&sha);
77 memset(hash, 0, sizeof hash);
79 if ((status = mbedtls_mpi_read_binary(&pubkey.X, key->data.key.key, ECDSA_KEY_PART_SIZE)) != 0 ||
80 (status = mbedtls_mpi_read_binary(&pubkey.Y, key->data.key.key + ECDSA_KEY_PART_SIZE, ECDSA_KEY_PART_SIZE)) != 0) {
81 mbedtls_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
82 ERROR("mbedtls_mpi_read_binary: reading key: " PUB_S_SRP, errbuf);
83 }
84 mbedtls_mpi_lset(&pubkey.Z, 1);
86 if ((status = mbedtls_mpi_read_binary(&r, signature->data.sig.signature, ECDSA_SHA256_SIG_PART_SIZE)) != 0 ||
87 (status = mbedtls_mpi_read_binary(&s, signature->data.sig.signature + ECDSA_SHA256_SIG_PART_SIZE,
88 ECDSA_SHA256_SIG_PART_SIZE)) != 0) {
89 mbedtls_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
90 ERROR("mbedtls_mpi_read_binary: reading signature: " PUB_S_SRP, errbuf);
91 }
93 // The hash is across the message _before_ the SIG RR is added, so we have to decrement arcount before
94 // computing it.
95 message->arcount = htons(ntohs(message->arcount) - 1);
97 // And the SIG RRDATA that we hash includes the canonical version of the name, not whatever bits
98 // are in the actual wire format message, so we have to just make a copy of it.
99 rdlen = SIG_STATIC_RDLEN + dns_name_wire_length(signature->data.sig.signer);
100 rdata = malloc(rdlen);
101 if (rdata == NULL) {
102 ERROR("no memory for SIG RR canonicalization");
103 return 0;
104 }
105 memcpy(rdata, &message->data[signature->data.sig.start + SIG_HEADERLEN], SIG_STATIC_RDLEN);
106 if (!dns_name_to_wire_canonical(rdata + SIG_STATIC_RDLEN, rdlen - SIG_STATIC_RDLEN,
107 signature->data.sig.signer)) {
108 // Should never happen.
109 ERROR("dns_name_wire_length and dns_name_to_wire_canonical got different lengths!");
110 return 0;
111 }
113 // First compute the hash across the SIG RR, then hash the message up to the SIG RR
114 if ((status = mbedtls_sha256_starts_ret(&sha, 0)) != 0 ||
115 (status = srp_mbedtls_sha256_update_ret("rdata", &sha, rdata, rdlen)) != 0 ||
116 (status = srp_mbedtls_sha256_update_ret("message", &sha, (uint8_t *)message,
117 signature->data.sig.start +
118 (sizeof *message) - DNS_DATA_SIZE)) != 0 ||
119 (status = srp_mbedtls_sha256_finish_ret(&sha, hash)) != 0) {
120 // Put it back
121 message->arcount = htons(ntohs(message->arcount) + 1);
122 mbedtls_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
123 ERROR("mbedtls_sha_256 hash failed: " PUB_S_SRP, errbuf);
124 return 0;
125 }
126 message->arcount = htons(ntohs(message->arcount) + 1);
127 free(rdata);
129 // Now check the signature against the hash
130 status = mbedtls_ecdsa_verify(&group, hash, sizeof hash, &pubkey, &r, &s);
131 if (status != 0) {
132 mbedtls_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
133 ERROR("mbedtls_ecdsa_verify failed: " PUB_S_SRP, errbuf);
134 return 0;
135 }
136 return 1;
137 }
139 // Function to copy out the public key as binary data
140 void
141 srp_print_key(srp_key_t *key)
142 {
143 mbedtls_ecp_keypair *ecp = mbedtls_pk_ec(key->key);
144 char errbuf[64];
145 uint8_t buf[ECDSA_KEY_SIZE];
146 uint8_t b64buf[((ECDSA_KEY_SIZE * 4) / 3) + 6];
147 size_t b64len;
148 int status;
150 // Currently ECP only.
151 if ((status = mbedtls_mpi_write_binary(&ecp->Q.X, buf, ECDSA_KEY_PART_SIZE)) != 0 ||
152 (status = mbedtls_mpi_write_binary(&ecp->Q.Y, buf + ECDSA_KEY_PART_SIZE, ECDSA_KEY_PART_SIZE)) != 0) {
153 mbedtls_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
154 ERROR("mbedtls_mpi_write_binary: " PUB_S_SRP, errbuf);
155 return;
156 }
158 status = mbedtls_base64_encode(b64buf, sizeof b64buf, &b64len, buf, ECDSA_KEY_SIZE);
159 if (status != 0) {
160 mbedtls_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
161 ERROR("mbedtls_mpi_write_binary: " PUB_S_SRP, errbuf);
162 return;
163 }
164 fputs("thread-demo.default.service.arpa. IN KEY 513 3 13 ", stdout);
165 fwrite(b64buf, b64len, 1, stdout);
166 putc('\n', stdout);
167 }
169 // Local Variables:
170 // mode: C
171 // tab-width: 4
172 // c-file-style: "bsd"
173 // c-basic-offset: 4
174 // fill-column: 108
175 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
176 // End: